Posting Privileges (and more)
Anyone who would like to be able to "post" on this blog must send me a personal e-mail (my e-mail address is listed) with your e-mail address (which doesn't come thru on "comments") so I can list you as a member with posting ability.
I think I have it figured out, as I have 2 individuals I was able to invite by using their e-mail. We'll see how the process works. But, I assure you, it can be done, so we'll get it done. (something that hasn't quite clicked in the brains of our "leaders")
Anyway, there have been a lot of encouraging words, and I am sincerely grateful for the reception this blog is getting. I hope we all can use it wisely and to our advantage.
As for the Budd Road Soccer Complex I was asked about, I'm still working on my answer to that. Be patient with me as I try to get more information.
My gut response is, who are they trying to make happy here? Why did this project get to the top of the to-do list when so many other issues that would have a much greater impact on our community are left lying dormant? And where did the land come from???
I'll follow up on this at a later date.
I also want to thank NA Confidential for putting this blog up and advocating for the idea. This is called "teamwork", and I believe it's all coming together for us folks who really care about New Albany and its future.
The "Cleanupnewalbany" initiative is terrific! Tabitha, you and your husband have done a great job. Between your site and this one, I hope everyone who wants their voice and opinions heard will have an opportunity to do just that. This is PROGRESS!!!
I have only one regret. There are many people who have wonderful ideas and great opinions that are not going to be heard because they must stay out of the forums and avoid getting caught Speaking Out Loud because of their positions in the city. What a shame because we DO have allies out there.
It makes me consider allowing anonymous posts and/or comments. Everyone should be able to voice their opinions without fear of reprisal or repercussions. However, in New Albany, if you are within that "inner circle" you dare not stray outside the lines that have been drawn in the sand. The people of New Albany are on this side, and the leadership is on the other. God forbid the two shall communicate, or even have a civil "discussion" regarding the issues.
I hope our "elected" officials remember this when the time comes to once again ask for our vote and expect us to have confidence that they will be working in the interest of their constituents. They won't even talk to us, how can they be working on our concerns?
So, I am formally asking that one, any one, who is in a leadership position in this city to step up and speak up. Do you have any idea how loud your silence is?
Any idea who or how Jim Padgett gained the approval of his newest addition on to his fabricating shop located on Oak Street? If you have not seen this, ride or walk down by it and see how hideous it is. It looks like a temporary structure that will be permanent.
edward parish, at 12:29 PM, May 03, 2005
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