Coming, To a Town Near You (real near)
The dinners are over, the families have all returned to their respective homes, belly's are full, and naps have been taken, so that must mean it's time to return to the reality of life and living in the City of New Albany.
Suddenly, my belly is churning, the comfort of my couch is calling, and the feelings of safety when surrounded by family, is tugging at my mind.
I wish we could just continue the Holiday, and go about our mundane little lives, without having to worry about what's coming down the pike next to collide with our collective well being.
Many activities have taken place over the last few days, while we've been stuffing our turkeys, and our stomachs, with good food and good cheer.
We've had a New Albany Police Captain arrested for drunk driving (Fox 41 TV News), the sanitation privatization contract has been selected (published in the Tribune), and we've gotten word of the impending sewer rate increase (Courier Journal).
Boy, the Garner administration sure knows how to mess up a perfectly good Holiday.
It's interesting that these contentious issues just happened to come into the spotlight over the days when most folks are busy with family and friends.
Even so, you can trust us when we say that every topic will recieve the attention it deserves in the coming days.
Indeed, we even have some more news to talk about that hasn't managed to make the media (yet). You'll understand why when you read the next posting.
It's been an interesting weekend, and there will be some lively discussions, I'm sure. So, rest up a little more, then put on your s*** waders, and rejoin us Sunday evening for full updates on the latest round of ineptness and mismanagement.
It's a viscious cycle that must be interrupted.
Remember the next City Council Meeting is December 5th. Mark your calanders. You won't want to miss this one.
Meanwhile, contact me personally if you have something you wish to discuss, or if you would like more information about things that will not be posted on the blog.
I hope everyone and their families have returned safely to their homes, and that your time together was special.
Anonymous, at 9:23 AM, November 27, 2005
You are so right, and why are we
paying a Building Commissioner and his
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, November 27, 2005
Council Meeting December 5, 2005
There have been rumors that the City Council will vote on giving the elected officials a 2 1/2 percent raise in their salaries for 2006.
That means the Mayor, Council, and
City Clerk will get a raise !
Holy Cow--- how could they sit there and face the public and give themselves and the MAYOR a raise ??
1. The city is a trashy mess!
2. Sanitation workers losing jobs !
4. SEWER RATES may go up !
5. High gas costs-- take home cars!
6. City SEWERS not repaired.
7. City credit cards mis-used.
9. Police Officer charged with DWI.
10 SANITATION DEPT fund in the hole
because no one was overseeing.
Anonymous, at 9:48 AM, November 27, 2005
Garbage Department...............
Is it true that the Garbage Dept is under the Sewer Board? Is it true that Mayor Garner is president of the
Sewer Board for 2004 and 2005?
Then---- where has he been for the past two years ? Why hasn't he been looking at this problem and tried to find some solutions to save our Garbage Department and the jobs for the local people?
I get so sick of hearing that the
Economic Director is working so hard to bring in new businesses and bring in jobs. WHAT ABOUT SOME EFFORT TO SAVE THE SANIATION JOBS HERE IN NEW ALBANY?
Anonymous, at 10:02 AM, November 27, 2005
Someone mentioned the City Officials giving themselves a two and one-half percent salary raise for 2006.
How many of us have received a two and
one-half salary increase in our jobs ?
I haven't---- how about you ???
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM, November 27, 2005
the sanitation contract has not been awarded, once again your information is flawed
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM, November 27, 2005
and how is Garner responsible for a police captain who was off-duty being DUI? your rhetoric continues to provide the intelligent crowd with good laughs, keep up the great ill-informed comedy
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM, November 27, 2005
To Ceece :
Please give us some examples and locations where the Code Enforcement Officer has done this GREAT JOB we are paying her for.
So far--- I see no results. Clue us in if you have all the locations and
examples of her good work.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM, November 27, 2005
Salary increase for the Mayor ?
Most businesses would rely on and evaluation of performance before allowing a salary increase.
GOOD MANAGEMENT_____________________
HUMAN CONCERN_______________________
COMMUNITY CONCERN__________________
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM, November 27, 2005
Well, according to the rules of debate, anonymous has made various statements of fact, and must provide support for these statements:
(This does not fall within the OEO's powers)
(None? None at all? Evidence, please.)
(Is this a fact? Is there a sign that says this? Or is this satire? Cool, but if it's satire, it's something different from factual assertions, now isn't it?)
But I forget so quickly that the "rules" being "played by" here are very selective in nature. Whatever can be twisted into meaninglessness to target political enemies -- well, those become "facts."
Evidence to the contrary doesn't count.
And it's all dispensed by people wearing hoods.
Happy Thanksgiving, little ones.
The New Albanian, at 3:45 PM, November 27, 2005
cecee is correct in the fact that the OEO has no powers to condemn unsafe buildings. That is the job of the new Building Commissioner, Paul Roberts.
As for the job he is doing, I can only speak of my own experiences.
Myself, and several others in this neighborhood have called multiple times about 3 rental houses on Rear Market that are unsafe, rodent ridden, and 2 are occupied. To date, nothing has been done.
As for the other issues the OEO does have authority over, I hear she is doing good work, but so far, it's been primarily in the East Spring St. Neighborhood.
If you live elsewhere, you most likely have not seen much progress in terms of Ordinance enforcement.
Regarding sanitation, it indeed has been under the financial management of the Sewer Board, which is Chaired by Mayor Garner as a paid position.
In my opinion (and others), the fiscal failure is due in most part to the misappropriation of funds to pay for the trucks and cans.
Council had mandated that the trucks were to be paid for out of Riverboat funds, and the cans from EDIT dollars. However, all of the costs were inappropriately paid out of the sewer fund, thus creating two problems and ruining two departments.
For a better understanding of this, read the relevant posts at
Go to the October archives, and you will find the complete story.
Despite accusations of "flawed information", the contract for privatizing sanitation services has been awarded to Rumpke. This was posted in the Legals of the Friday Tribune.
Finally, the proposed raises are nothing less than a slap in the face to city workers who have lost their jobs due to fiscal hardships and selective choice citizens who are being forced to pay for Stormwater.
We won't even go into the proposed rate hikes due to administrative mis-management of the sewer funds.
Raises? How about we propose pay CUTS due to poor performace of job duties? Of course, that would be only until they can produce an accurate audit. Wouldn't that be fair?
Lastly, nobody said the Mayor was responsible for the DUI arrest of the Police Captain. However, the Mayor is responsible for APPOINTING the Captains of the Police department, and I would think that position calls for some standard of character example.
East Ender, at 4:03 PM, November 27, 2005
Laura, Are you stepping on toes today? Shame on you.
May I ask you where all of the answers to all of our questions are? At meetings, do you ever see any citizen's questions answered, or deferred?
On here, does anyone wade in to answer citizen's questions? They are honest questions, just too tough to handle, I guess.
Someone is stepping on toes, though. The last comment about "political enemies", who might be our political enemies? Those must be the people that have been part of the problem so long, now I get it. Okay.
You hang in there. Ours will too. We'll be trying to take the high road, also. We've got our faith. Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 4:16 PM, November 27, 2005
We enjoyed the Council Meeting where the East Spring Street "thanked" the City for providing dumpsters so citizens could do the CITY'S job. That was hilarious, but that is the way some people think. Riverfront cleanup day is one thing, but this was a joke. Lack of enforcement of laws, and "we" are thanking them. My mind doesn't work that way. Just an opinion.
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM, November 27, 2005
Who made the decision to direct the new Code Enforcement Officer to concentrate only on the East Spring Street Area?
Is that because the Director of City Operations is so involved with the East Spring Street Organization, and then, the rest of the town can continue to look like a dump.?
The Code Enforcement Officer was approved by the City Council to
work on the entire city, not just selective neighborhoods.
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM, November 27, 2005
City employees salary raises for 2006.
Has the City Controller received an
approval report from the Indiana State Board of Accounnts on the requested 2006 Budget for the City of New Albany?
How do they know that they will have the money to give the two & one-half
percent salary increases for 2006?
Anonymous, at 7:05 PM, November 27, 2005
response to newalbanian------
Junk yard and dump trucks----
Go to SAV- A- LOT GROCERY AT 624 STATE STREET. Stand on the sidewalk and look across the street to see the dump
trucks, and junk. Then, drive down behind that same property to see the
dumping there near the old Farmer's Market.
We are considering a sign there:
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM, November 27, 2005
Suggestion on Clean Up New Albany.
The Tribune used to publish pictures of "Eyesores of New Albany" weekly.
Why don't they do that now?
Maybe a contest--- Can you identify this Eyesore in New Albany?
Then-- give a prize to the person who
identifies the picture.
Anonymous, at 7:20 PM, November 27, 2005
anonymous 2:28PM,
You need to let Concern Taxpayer fill this form out!
Bet Concern Taxpayer is working on something interesting right now?
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM, November 27, 2005
One of those pictures are still on my refridgerator (think it's permanently attached after this long of time). We feel they never cleaned them up so the Trib never did a follow-up. That scrutiny didn't help anyone out one bit, tht I know of. Good thought, though. And, a good effort on their part at that time to expose some of the worse rental housing in this city. That was good.
Anonymous, at 8:47 PM, November 27, 2005
eyesore of the year, the little people at city council meetings
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM, November 27, 2005
Real Progressive Thinking, There Boys and Girls. Keep Up The Good Work.
Anonymous, at 11:05 PM, November 27, 2005
stick your head in a manhole
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM, November 28, 2005
Doesn't anyone remember the meeting where the Code Enforcement Officer was explained and Mr. Hancock was given his tags to hand out in order to carry out the enforcement? And what did it entail? Abandoned cars and high grass. Are you aware neighborhood groups have been encouraged to turn neighbor against neighbor and hand out these stickers themselves?
Talk about "big brother".
If you don't have a Building Commissioner and a City Attorney to enforce the laws already on the books (which are so obsolete, it ain't even funny); you ain't got nothing more than wasting of more of OUR monies.
We've seen cars being towed. We know the COE is trying. It's all a crying shame, in our opinion.
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM, November 28, 2005
stick your head in a weed patch
Anonymous, at 12:16 AM, November 28, 2005
anonymous 9:34
herbie..anonymous..H.L.Mencken..etc...aka--Roger Baylor.
The many faces of another "SYBIL"
my opinion
Anonymous, at 4:59 AM, November 28, 2005
Concern Taxpayer 32
Roger Baylor 0
Concern Taxpayer must be doing something right. Baylor sure is in a frenzy. (see NAC)
Anonymous, at 8:05 AM, November 28, 2005
Shucks, he's upset because someone has taken him to task on a blog sight. Allow me to give that one to you: Of Thee I Singh: Run Your Own Life
Enjoy. We sure did. Have a great day New Albany, and watch out for that weather that's brewing in New Albany today.
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM, November 28, 2005
Response to Nov 28, 9:28
You are so funny. NA Confidential
has tried to brainwash us in the field of "brewing" and now he has people saying that the weather is "brewing" in New Albany today.
Have a nice day.
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, November 28, 2005
It is now 9:30 on Monday morning. Did anyone take pictures of NA Confidential entering Mayor Garner's office at 8 AM this morning as he had
Can't wait to see the wonderful plans that NA Confidential and the Mayor have for New Albany.
I guess that is one way to get attention--- just walk through the door at the Mayor's Office.
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM, November 28, 2005
Yes, it's true; Mr. Singh disagreed with me rather forcefully.
Note, however, the full scope of the Libertarian platform before you decide to hitch your wagons to that one.
As always, I have enjoyed your comments. Later, wee ones.
The New Albanian, at 10:20 AM, November 28, 2005
East Ender, at 4:24 PM, November 28, 2005
I'm confused. East Ender and others on this blog say that the contract has already been awarded according to the legal notices in the 'Bune from Friday.
Another blog states that this is not true and is offering a "reward" for proof, ie a copy of the legal notice from Friday's 'Bune.
Both cannot be true. One has to be in error. Which one? I sincerely don't know but someone out there does.
Iamhoosier, at 5:10 PM, November 28, 2005
Cecee –
Perhaps you had not yet arrived in New Albany, or were not yet involved with your Neighborhood Association, but when Eddie Hancock was named as Building Commissioner, they indeed handed out big orange signs to the neighborhood associations for us to post on properties with overgrown grass.
When you’re running a neighborhood association, and trying to get more neighbors involved, the last thing you want to do is to be the one that hammers a stake, with a bright orange VIOLATION notice on it, into the yards of those you are trying to help!
Calling the OEO with a complaint would not require anonymity, unless she is in the habit of announcing to the violator who it was that complained to her. I don’t think she is conducting herself in such a manner.
As for how the problems are solved once she issues the violation notice, this was an integral part of the discussions concerning how enforcement would be handled. Absentee landlords should not be a problem, as the owners of every property are easily identified via records maintained downtown.
Violation notices should go to the property owners, not the persons occupying rental units. This was a very contentious point. Holding the property owners accountable for the conditions of their property regardless of occupancy status.
As for the rodent infested houses, the Health Department was contacted on three different occasions. We were told the protocol for dealing with such an issue is that the property owner has 2 weeks to submit a receipt from an exterminator, thus proving the problem has been addressed.
For some reason, the Health Department decided to forgo this requirement, deciding instead to take the word of the property owner that such action would be taken.
After 4 weeks, neighbors of the property contacted me again, reporting that nothing had changed. I called the Health Department again, and was told they would contact the owner again.
After another 3 weeks, I called the Health Department AGAIN, and this time I was told the inspector had visited the property and concluded that a substantial cleanup had been done, the problem was solved, and no further action was necessary (still no exterminator). The next day, I visited the property, and NOTHING had been cleaned, no repairs were made to the holes in the exterior walls where the rodents were entering/exiting, garbage and debris still littered the back yard, and a dangerous, dilapidated out-building was still standing. At this point, I gave up on the Health Department and contacted the Building Commissioner, giving him the entire history of the problem.
I have called twice since then, and we are now approaching 5 months of no action. Is THAT how I’m supposed to “get things done”? Tell me Cecee, what else could I have done? What else should I HAVE to do? Why does the Rear Market neighborhood consistently get ignored while the East Spring Street area is responded to promptly? How far down the East Spring Street list has Ordinance Enforcement gotten?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad something is getting done, but I am very upset that things are NOT getting done in other areas of the city, particularly areas of low-income, minority housing.
East Ender, at 5:53 PM, November 28, 2005
Dear Readers,
I must make a correction regarding information that I posted here about Rumpke and the Sanitation privatization contract.
This info was actually disseminated verbally by Council members.
The legal ad in the Tribune was a request for gasoline credit for the City.
Since I knew that Thornton's had just denied the City credit cards to refuel the sanitation trucks, this news was confusing.
Both issues were relayed to me in the same conversation, and in my astonishment about both situations, I mixed up the sources. My mistake.
However, the real news here is the fact that drivers of 2 sanitation trucks were told, in Thorntons, that the fuel credit card was denied.
According to CM Kochert, the Police use the same fuel cards as Sanitation. Where does this leave us? What are they doing for gas?
East Ender, at 7:01 PM, November 28, 2005
If we have fuel credit cards, which vehicles are we bidding for gasoline for? Think the legal was in Friday's or Saturday's Tribune, a bid for gasoline.
That customer sure was interested in why the City's credit card was denied. Sure peaked our interest either. People must not realize how people talk. Small town. In one ear and back in the other five minutes later, with a slightly different twist. Somewhere in the middle may be the truth, who knows? Interesting, though. Just another issue with the money though. And how do we know sanitation hasn't been paying for the police fuel? We'd have to do some serious digging. Thanks for the correction, Laura. Sensory overload. We are human, our family will allow you to be wrong. Take care.
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM, November 28, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
One voice, at 7:47 PM, November 28, 2005
Laura--- We appreciate you and your efforts to keep us informed. No one should get bent out of shape if you were given the wrong information.
If anyone looks at the entire scene here in New Albany, they know that we
have many, many problems with our
City government right now.
Financials are questioned everyday.
Secret deals behind closed doors.
Good people losing jobs.
No consideration for human beings.
Anonymous, at 8:15 PM, November 28, 2005
On November 28, 2005 4:21 PM, Laura wrote to Kirk Singh:
I invite you to visit the Speak Out Loud NA blog, and we welcome your views as a valuable insight into the perception of New Albany by non-residents.
However, at 2:08 AM, September 23, 2005, she wrote this in response to a comment on Speak Out Loud:
Since you are from Jeff. and have no idea who we are referring to, I suggest you educate yourself a bit before you start critizizing my take on the situation.
Gee, a bit contradictory, eh? Kirk is from Jeff, too, isn't he?
The New Albanian, at 8:24 PM, November 28, 2005
Roger Dodger Baylor,
I would highly recommend Kay Garry's cookies and desserts!
She's an excellent cook!
Roger did you finally get your Tax Abatement from Mr. Mayor yet? heeheehee!
I hope you got your group photo taken in the Mayors Office.
Walgreens has a special 2/$4.99 8X10's just in case you need more copies.
Again Roger Dodger: Thanks for turning "Concern Taxpayer" into such a hero to the Little People of New Albany.
I never thought "Concerned Taxpayer" could be so admired by so many in NA!
And of course my "Crayola Stocks" have increased thanks to you.
carpe diem-
Seize the day
Concerned Taxpayer
One voice, at 9:06 PM, November 28, 2005
Laura, If Council is the body authorized to raise sewer and sanitation rates, do they loose their powers and the out sourced company will have complete discretion? Looks to me this contract will land squarely into Council's laps and they will have to make the determination as to the power they want to give up over their monies and utility. It is sure going to cost a lot of money to privitize. Nobody mentions that part, though.
Remember, Sanitation no longer (I guess it's now, and not Jan 1 since they're outsourcing), is no longer under sewers, it is under the Board of Works.
Looks like Council's baby now. Don't see how they can circumvent the Council's power to regulate rates. Maybe we do still have a prayer -- we'll see, hey?
Thanks, take care. Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM, November 28, 2005
CT, you mean I possess the power to turn you into a superhero?
How do you avoid flying smack dab into buildings with that bag over your withered head?
You and Laura need to get your stories straight. Either no one cares what I say, or they do. If the former, then I can't turn you from a sow's ear into a hero any more than you can tell the truth.
If the latter, then I'm a better writer than all of you combined.
Think of it as blind Vick's bluff.
The New Albanian, at 10:28 PM, November 28, 2005
You just don't get it. You have no power. And that was the whole point.
What an "EGO". People with so called brains do alot of talking.
But never say nothing.
And you fit in very nicely.
Looks like CT got you again!
concern taxpayer - 33
Baylor - 0
live and learn...EGO MAN...
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM, November 29, 2005
Oh, Roger, Roger...,
Whatever shall we do with you and your maniacal ego?
Why do you work so hard to discredit little 'ol me, when I am, according to you, so surely without merit to begin with?
How is it that I warrant so much of your time and energy?
I mean, going back 3 months to purge some sentence, out of context, so as to preempt a possible comradery with a like-minded individual...well, that's just sad.
The words, found to be so useful, were culled from an article of Sept. 22nd.
I invite everyone to visit the archives and read the article, along with all the comments, in its entirety.
East Ender, at 12:32 AM, November 29, 2005
red rover,
red rover,
come on over,
new albanian,
let's have a bud lite!
We got you both covered Laura and CT.
Anonymous, at 12:39 AM, November 29, 2005
Ceece - (correction noted)
As you stated, the OEO is being more responsive to problems that are reported most often.
Do you think this is a fair way to conduct enforcement? Those who call more often, get more response.
Perhaps, instead, the problems should be dealt with according to the order of reporting. Thus:
If problem A is reported on 11/07, and problem B is reported on 11/08, then A is responded to first. Fair?
However, your logic dictates that if problem B recieves 10 calls and problem A only recieves 2 calls, then problem B gets responded to first. Fair?
Who do you suppose is going to make the most calls? Those who live in nicer areas and are sick of looking at that "nasty house", or those who live in not so nice areas of mostly rentals, whose owners do as little upkeep as possible? BECAUSE THERE'S NO ONE ENFORCING THE RULES!!!
But, those couple of home owners, who are trying to hold onto their property values, have called for help that doesn't come because more people have complained about the other house in the "nice" neighborhood.
Does my frustration make more sense now?
Which neighborhood do you think NEEDS more action from the OEO?
I never meant to insinuate that the more "affluent" get more attention. Mansion Row has few problems that are within the scope of Ms. Badger's enforcement.
My point is, the most distressed areas of the City are not being aggressively addressed as I had hoped would happen with an OEO.
Do multiple complaints need to be logged before dangerous, unsightly conditions are dealt with? Or, could the areas already targeted as blighted neighborhoods be afforded the opportunity of inspections as the normal course of regular OEO duties?
East Ender, at 1:24 AM, November 29, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 7:09 AM, November 29, 2005
I admire your talent and your courage to help inform the people in New Albany.
I would like to make a suggestion. Your blog site is most helpful when you stick to the goal of information.
I would not give any time or space on your blog site to reply to the critics from another blog site (which I will not even name).
I think that they want to play a childish game to take up valuable space and time on your blog site.
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM, November 29, 2005
East Ender
Thanks for clearing up the confusion.
Iamhoosier, at 8:53 AM, November 29, 2005
There is a rumor that some people are making copies of your blog site, and the following comments, and then,
giving those copies to friends and neighbors.
So Laura------
When you see a score of:
Speak Out Loud..... 33
Other Blog......... 0
You can correct that score to:
Speak Out Loud...... 66
Other Blog.......... 0
Hang in there Laura--- let's keep them laughing.
Anonymous, at 9:17 AM, November 29, 2005
speaking of laughing, again Laura is a laughing stock. According to Kay Garry at the Board of Works meeting, the reason the sanitation gas card was denied was due to the bill not being paid, which the city had not received. Kay said as soon as the bill was recieved via fax the bill was paid and sanitation should have no issues for gas purchases so once again your conspiracy theory is a joke
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, November 29, 2005
Mr. Donnie Blevins here we go again. Now you got the union mad. Seems like to us the Mayor jumped the gun again. Seems like other people were passed over in favor of Councilman Blevins going to the Street Dept. Is your vote worth screwing your brothers and sister on the Sanitation Dept. Mr. Blevins you would sale your soul for the Mayor.
And you did!
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM, November 29, 2005
And, according to my reports on the Board of Works meeting this morning, they didn't even have an AGENDA, as required by law. All they did was open the bids, which we maintain has already been awarded to RUMPKE; due to one of the councilmembers running their mouth to the public. News gets around this town fast.
So, the only other order of business was Steve LaDuke being congratulated on his engagement. Did I miss anything?
At least anon admitted we were right about the non-payment of the credit cards for the garbage trucks.
Sure didn't hear about Ms. Geary giving that report, but I'll double check, ok? Have a good day NA!
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM, November 29, 2005
Any of you citizens ever NOT received your CREDIT CARD to be paid? Daggone, which planet does the City live on they didn't even get a bill... Sounds good and not even logical, to who? Not me....
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM, November 29, 2005
To Anon at 12:04:
U are right. Kaye did give a report about sanitation's credit cards. She did say they hadn't received their bill; and had to ask for a fax copy and paid it immediately.
But U are wrong, if you think that hurt Laura's creditibility. Hell, it wouldn't have even been brought up if it wasn't for this BLOG.
And, no, the credit card company has NEVER FAILED to bill our family. Wonder how much the interest is on those cards, if we are late in payment?
More money questions we will never get an answer to anytime soon, but I still want to thank the ANON 12:04 posting, just to let us know you CARE. How sweet it is.
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM, November 29, 2005
Well, all I can say is even the Sanitation workers were told at Bi-Co it was a done deal. And, the citizens can't help it if 1 of the Councilmembers have a big mouth and went so far as to say who was going to get it.
Something tells me Keith Henderson, he'll love his name being out here, will declare it hearsay.
To hear the rest of the story of what happened about the garbage truck, the $600 to $700 worth of fuel they pumped, before they found out they couldn't pay for it, stay tuned...we know the rest of the story, too.
Don't deflect us. All of us have credit cards and we all know how they work. This has more to do with Sanitation's monies, than the City trying to get a better deal on "gasoline". For the non-payment of what had to be such a large amount, filling those big red machines up, how much do you think the interest is now? And, they think we are stupid.
Let them think it. Act like you are and it is amazing how much you will find out. Right?
Right. Our opinions.
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM, November 29, 2005
My goodness boys and girls,
Seems like every time I go off to work, I miss all the good stuff!
Let's see if I can go in order of comment here...
Roger, I have no use for you and owe you no explinations.
Shirley, thank you so much for the encouragement.
Anonymous 8:50AM, you're right.
iamhoosier, you're welcome & thanks
Anonymous 9:17, Why keep scores?
Anonymous 12:04PM, Really? Since the BOW had NO AGENDA, the only way Kay could have known to speak about the credit card denial was by someone reading this blog.
Credit card bills are ALWAYS sent. Sometimes they just aren't paid. The fuel was already in the tanks, and the trucks were not ALLOWED to leave the lot until someone was brought from the Street Dept. to pay the tab. Who's the real laughing stock? The CITY.
Just admit the bill wasn't paid.
East Ender, at 4:01 PM, November 29, 2005
au contraire, the BOW had an agenda and it was posted
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, November 29, 2005
And now I hear there has been a "grievance" filed with the Union on Mr. Blevins. Here goes another lawsuit. But, hey, it's JUST OUR MONEY!
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, November 29, 2005
Anon at 4:07 - Did the public receive any copies for their use, or were they told there weren't any?
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, November 29, 2005
I don't know what happened with the credit card bill either but for those who seem to think that it is impossible or at least highly improbable that the city did not get the credit bill, let me assure you that it can and does happen.
The post office does a wonderful job with the volume of mail that it handles but mail does get lost or misplaced and delivered late, sometimes weeks late. It is not a high percentage but far from unheard of.
Iamhoosier, at 4:35 PM, November 29, 2005
Thank you Steve, for your civil response and input into the situation.
East Ender, at 5:21 PM, November 29, 2005
just cant put it to rest can you shirley? why dont you call the credit card company and ask them your questions instead of implying that something is suspect here with kay and and the mayor, oh i forgot you people dont like to seek the truth you just like to cry wrongdoing and scandal dont you
Anonymous, at 10:03 PM, November 29, 2005
What part of this can you not understand? This is not a personal attack upon Kaye or Garner. This is simply a community wanting to know why this happened, and wondering if it does have something to do with sanitation's "debt".
Why the inflection it has to be more sinister than that? That's right. We're not allowed to ask questions of any kind of anyone ABOUT OUR MONEY. Got it. Don't agree with it, though.
You have every right to ask Shirley, and you may even have the right to call that credit card company up and ask; I think taxpayers can even call Banks if they have the account number. Tell the citizens what is and what isn't public info. Talk about a can of worms you are opening.
I thought Steve's grandfather owned the company and Steve worked for him. Sorry for thinking that Steve. That was our opinion.
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, November 29, 2005
An Attack? That isn't an attack. That's someone admitting they truly thought that was the circumstances, and apologizing for it, I might add.
Maybe it's true after all. Something tells me that could be verified in a heartbeat. Now, we have to do some more checking.
Who cares...we got bigger fish to fry. Steve, I'm sure, can take care of himself.
Steve is not the Controller, nor does he control the BOW, Toran does. He's simply a member. We want answers about Sanitation's numbers, and we will keep working on it.
Our Opinions.
Anonymous, at 10:52 PM, November 29, 2005
Give it a rest? You've Got to be kidding!
Let me tell you, let me ASSURE you, there will be no rest until the political messes that have been created by the Garner administration are cleaned up. Truth is EXACTLY what we are after, only the truth seems to be the hardest thing to come by in this town.
East Ender, at 10:55 PM, November 29, 2005
east ender,
You have my total support. The real truth will come out. And take some advice "Take the high road."
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM, November 29, 2005
you mean the real sham, continue taking the low road cave dwellers
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM, November 30, 2005
east ender,
Well today Nov. 30th is the due date when Georgetown is suppose to pay New Albany the $2 Million dollars on the sewers.
Let's see what the excuse is now when they don't pay?
So when will you all start defending the sanitation workers... folks?
I truly can't believe we are not standing up and fighting for them!!!!
EPA will take care of the sewers.
Let's move on and help the sanitation workers out!
Let's do something....
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, November 30, 2005
We surely hope all of us, including Baylor and Smith's "Gang of Four" can ignore the slander and viciousness being posted on their blogs.
We have it from a good source that Mr. Toran got the ball running about the rumours on sanitation. Wonder what "they" will think of that? It must be why they are so concerned how citizens get their information. It's such a smallll town.
Did you notice how much ID's bid went up?
The union made a good presentation yesterday, and they spoke with one of the bidders afterwards, (whom I won't name). We'll all see, hey?
Personally, our family hopes sanitation remains with the City, and as we said, outsource that recycling. There are people willing to pay us good money for recyclables. God help us if we mentioned that volume based trash issue!
To Messrs. Schmidt, Coffee, Price, and Kochert, hang in there. The people who matter know which way the wind blows. Please know also, you are appreciated by an awful lot of people, and try and take DEEP breaths when you see all the C.R.A.P. on the other blogs.
Our family hopes the Mayor's four goons learn soon what is really going on here. We still have hope a couple of them have been catching on, from our observations.
Hopefully, the other council member will do the right thing by the citizens of NA. The right thing, we feel, is not to create more unemployment in this fair city of ours, and to not hold sanitation responsible for errors beyond their control.
And Mr. LaDuke, your grandfather, Frank Monroe, does own the business you claim to own. Please do not misinform the readers on this blog. It doesn't look good on you. It's such a smalllll town.
The EPA will take care of the sewers' mess; sanitation bids are in and citizens are in a wait mode; we've lost a valuable civil servant in Denny Stroud from the State concerning our budget information -- the City needs all the help they can get when it comes to that matter. We, as taxpayers, have full plates, all of us.
No time for name calling now. Let's roll those sleeves up and get to work. We now have a listing of expenditures; people ready to look at claims; meetings and aggressive plans being made, yeeeaaah! SPEAK OUT LOUD NA. Proud to be a part of it. So refreshing to speak out loud.
Just take deep breaths, and keep your heart and your feet on the right path, which is the high road. Good always triumphs, sooner or later. And what goes around, surely ALWAYS comes back around.
Have a great day NA, and don't sweat the small stuff. The other blogs's called "trying to distract our efforts". But, then again, if I was them, I might be sweating a little bit, too.
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM, November 30, 2005
Thanks $$$$$$$ for writing words I could not come up with because my anger at their bully tactics has gotten the best of me today.
The Council members you mention, Schmidt, Kochert, Price & Coffey, are all doing what their constituents want: They are asking the hard questions, and not simply rolling over to the Mayors demands. They have courage and they have my deep appreciation for fighting for what is right.
The problems facing the administration have been brought on by their own doing. They have no reason to try to blame others for their bumbling.
I think we probably spoiled the "deal" for them, and they are just "mad as hell" about it.
Sorry guys, but we gotta call 'em like we see 'em.
The truth hurts sometimes. However, honesty will never let you down.
Panic is easy to spot. Don't make things worse on yourself by throwing around ugly accusations and PERSONAL attacks.
Stick to the issues, or keep your mouth shut.
East Ender, at 2:59 PM, November 30, 2005
East Ender,
Are you going to tell us who gave you the bum Rumpke information? In the interest of accountability and transparent governmental activity, it would seem to make sense to do so.
The person(s) involved have obviously done a disservice to you, us, and the sanitation employees.
There's nothing "bullyish" about saying so.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:03 PM, November 30, 2005
Steve, I may have really messed up. Did California something or the other buy that business, and now you do own it? If so, please accept my apologies. No dispersions (or slander) meant. Thanks, our opinion.
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM, November 30, 2005
And so, from an anonymous poster comes "a good source" about a public figure.
$$$$, you're just a plain hoot.
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM, November 30, 2005
Thanks for not taking it personally, Steve. Appreciate it. As to the California "thang", someone mentioned I may be wrong, and something was bought, and you perhaps did own your own business, thus the apology. Thanks for being a gentleman. Just our opinion.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, November 30, 2005
east ender,
Watch your words very carefully.
They are trying to set you up for a lawsuit.
Take the high road. And make no-comments.
Anonymous, at 5:41 PM, November 30, 2005
You're a hoot. Nobody is setting East Ender up for a lawsuit.
It just makes sense for someone who makes it a part of her mission to seek accountability amongst government officials to tell us who lied to her.
Not telling us amounts to not holding that/those person(s) publicly accountable when given a clear opportunity to do so and can hardly be described as taking the high road.
I think you may be worried about someone else other than East Ender. What harm could come to her from revealing her source?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 6:15 PM, November 30, 2005
bluegill -
I cannot, and will not, name persons whom I have talked with, as there are many, and I would never put a persons safety/job/well-being in jeopardy just because they care enough about our community to speak up.
There should not be fear about discussing the possibilities of city decisions, but unfortunately, that is obviously the case.
It is the sad state of affairs in New Albany.
East Ender, at 7:27 PM, November 30, 2005
Take Legal Beagle's advice, Laura. Ignore. We are doing the best we can, and it is our opinions. Take care.
Anonymous, at 7:28 PM, November 30, 2005
You've already attributed the bad Rumpke information to a city council member(s). It's obvious that the council member(s) was being less than truthful.
Are you saying that protecting the person(s) who lied to you is more important than the truth? If so, it seeems like political maneuvering may have gotten the better of you.
Discussing possibilities is one thing. Stating as fact that someone has been illicitly awarded a contract is something else entirely. How does lying about a Rumpke contract qualify as caring about our community?
Is it possible that you're afraid of the liar?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 7:41 PM, November 30, 2005
People have heard a councilman say it; Bi-Co told the sanitation workers; and another person was told Tony Toran told them. How's that for names...Let's start at the top and not down at the Council level up...
Thank you Laura, for not revealing your sources. They haven't been in town long enough nor experienced the retaliation that is possible if you don't agree with some of the "good 'ol boys".
Sorry Bluegill, we hope you can try to understand. We know we only have fear itself to fear; thus no fear. We just don't want to expose people for ALL kinds of reasons; employment, families, etc.
And Bluegill, why do you care so much? Time will tell, won't it?
Have a good one. Our opinion and 2 cents worth.
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM, November 30, 2005
Afraid? No. Not at all.
I have nothing to be afraid of.
Now, the dubious duo of R&R, they should be afraid.
I've taken all the name calling, character assasinations, threats, and slanderous story-telling I'm going to take.
East Ender, at 8:19 PM, November 30, 2005
Maybe Yvonne or Skeeter man told!
Who cares..
Let's stick to the issues. We have alot of problems in this city.
It's time to stop the bull-shit attacks.
29 Sanitation workers might not have a job!
So let's deal with some facts:
10/2/2003- James Garner said: "We need to give the sanitation department the tools" it needs to get the job done. He goes on to say we are not recycling as much as we should be, and that is not fair to the taxpayers and is not ecologically sound."
The trucks was a no-brainer to fail when overton got them. If you had lived here during Overton you would know all about this.
Like the rest of us folks.
You can't expect the Sanitation worker to "DIG A TRENCH WITH A SPOON." Instead of having all the right proper equipment.
We all need to be part of the solution instead of the problem..
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM, November 30, 2005
You are welcome to use Frank and I as perfect examples of harrassment and attacks, i.e., when we touched up the paint on our house and the City (using the State's resources) tried to make us take a permit to put a ladder up. Some neighbors now feel they may have to paint their doors in the middle of the night. Now, one of the City's boards are saying we may have to prove how Frank (my husband, who is a professional painter) did our "prep" work for our measley touch-ups.
There is a back-log of cases involving the Historic Preservation Commission, where properties have been cited, and the Board hasn't been getting any "enforcement" actions taken on their behalf by the City Attorney. We would be an example of the "selective enforcement" type of what ever they thought / think they are accomplishing.
Bluegill, maybe you can understand that it could be the least little thing, and they will bast****** it. You take care. Take it from someone who's experienced, over and over and over.
Thanks Laura, for your blog. We get on every now and then to keep our fingers on the pulse of New Albany. Everyone is talking about what a great new tool taxpayers have at their disposal, and how information is out that blogs are impacting elections.
Only when it happens to them, only when they walk in a persons' shoes. Thanks, and not sure why my name is mentioned on here again, but I bet it's on to something!!! Smile, you're on NA's candid camera. Frank and Yvonne's opinions.
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, November 30, 2005
Thank you Yvonne & Frank,
I had heard about the harassment over the touch-up painting. What a joke. Don't they know how transparent such antics are?
If they would only put that much energy into going after the real problem areas and properties, we might start seeing some actual improvements in the neighborhoods.
Instead, they use their "powers" to try to intimidate.
Such a waste of resources, used to punish those who get involved.
East Ender, at 1:12 AM, December 01, 2005
Hey, Laura, didn't we elect Garner as our leader? Why don't anonymous go talk to them about things rather than rambling on your blog?
I guess they get tired of talking with theirselves, the four of them. I guess they are tired of only getting 0 to 9 postings. Gee, I wonder why? And why do they keep insisting on not allowing you the opportunity to run your blog the way you see fit? I feel it's that darn elitist attitude, again.
Hope this blog speaks LOUDER and LOUDER.
Have a good one from one of your readers. Just our opinion.
Anonymous, at 6:01 PM, December 01, 2005
I wanted to take this time and thank Jimmy for the wonderful Christmas present he has given all of us New Albany residents.
As we approach Christmas we are looking at a drainage fee, possible sewer rate increase, sanitation workers will lose their jobs {except Blevins who is above his fellow workers}. I hear they are talking about another bond issue for the Budd Road Park. The list of "accomplishment" just keeps getting longer and my bills keep getting bigger.
But, I guess I am just selfish, after all Scribner Place is a top priorioty and the clean up cost keep mounting. One thing I have learned from Jimmy is... it's ok not to have it, just keep spending it.
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM, December 01, 2005
I agree 100% with both of you.
East Ender, at 9:07 PM, December 01, 2005
East Ender: Thank you so much for all the information about this city of New Albany. My family and I came here for a holiday visit,to see family members that reside here, and have for over 60 yrs. I lived here as a child but moved to California as a young adult.Been here periodically since. I never understood exactly why my family continously complains about living here until now. I have read your archive stories and man have I been enlightened. I actually considered moving my family back here to look after my parents since they are up in age and need family near by. Now, not only will I be on a jet plane back to California just as fast as I can get there, I'M TAKING MOM AND DAD WITH ME! WHY! This is no longer my home town, my parents or the TAXPAYERS, It belongs to Mr. Garner and his clan of goons. Just wanted to thank them also for convincing my parents to get the hell out of here before it finally collapse to the money hungry,don't give a C.R.A.P., crooked politicians in this town! 2 years is way to long for us to see if things will finally shape up before it's to late. Sorry good little people of New Albany, I mean no disrespect to you. KEEP FIGHTING! Hopefully for all your sakes,what Laura and the rest of them are doing will save this town. DON"T GIVE UP! Do something and do it NOW! Take care and Good luck! Remember, "What goes around comes around." MY OPINION P.S. Not even in my "little" rural town in we have this kind of criminalistic,getting away with it C.R.A.P. going on.
Anonymous, at 9:30 PM, December 01, 2005
I'm glad you took the time to catch up on the condition of New Albany. We all like to have fond memories of the towns we grew up in, and I am regretful that your fondness for this small town has been spoiled. It has been spoiled for a lot of us, and in the short span of just 2 years.
There was always a small ray of positive thinking that Downtown would come back to life as an Arts & Crafts community, and we would be able to be proud of home again.
These days, when you tell someone you live in New Albany, they just tell you how much they pity our situation. Sad, huh?
Do us a favor, SPEAK OUT LOUD while you're here.
Have a Merry Christmas!
East Ender, at 9:40 PM, December 01, 2005
do us a favor take trogsham with you back to california
Anonymous, at 10:00 PM, December 01, 2005
Better yet, take us with you! We've never seen a more corrupt scene as we've seen in this town, also.
Hope you will SPEAK OUT LOUD before you go, too.
Take care of Mom and Dad and be safe.
That has to be one of the best entries I've read on here for a while. Still laughing out loud.
Thanks, Laura. Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 10:08 PM, December 01, 2005
nice to see that the people who are so "concerned" with the town will sell her out for Fake-ass California in a heart-beat!
Anonymous, at 10:05 AM, December 02, 2005
Yep, if all they can do is hide behind screen names and complain, then why don't they all leave, along with the obviously fabricated anonymous poster who started it all.
You do that one, $$$$$$$?
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM, December 02, 2005
Not me, Herbie. You gotta admit it is funny, and great satire as you like it, hey? Your remodeling looks great out there. Take care! Thanks for the thought, though.
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM, December 02, 2005
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