Wednesday Night's "Special Meeting"
We have confirmed that the Special Council meeting the Mayor has called for Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, at 6:00PM will be for the 2nd & 3rd reading of the proposed Stormwater fee's that are unfair and inequitable for the taxpayers and small business owners of New Albany.
Under the proposed resolution, as it applies to the general population, only homeowners will be paying this fee, while vacant property owners will pay no fee. The "INTERIM" fee will be $3.00 per month for a specific number of months, then the fee will increase.
For businesses, the fee is $15.oo per month. Small businesses, such as hair salons, will pay the same fee as a business as large as Wal-Mart. Does that sound fair?
We have also learned, as I surmised in an earlier comment, they will NOT allow comments from the public, although it IS a public meeting. Why?
At the last Council meeting this resolution was defeated due to discrepencies such as these, and more.
Furthermore, the Mayor is attempting to raise $800,000 when the actual dollars needed by May of 2006 is $200,000. Why do they want so much money?
This proposed resolution will also form a new 3 member board to manage the Stormwater, with the Mayor presiding and thus earning a third salary from the City.
Folks, there is more wrong here than I have time to explain. The bottom line is this... it is wrong, and it is unfair, and there is another way to get this done. The Stormwater Advisory Committe has a plan that will put us in compliance with the Federal mandates, without draining huge amounts of money from the citizenry.
Everyone who wants to see this thing done right should call CM's Larry Kochert, Donnie Bleavins, and Jack Messer and voice your opposition.
Any council members who would vote to accept this resolution are not working in the best interest of the constituancy that got them elected.
Let them know you are watching, and listening.
More later, have to go to work.
Kochert: 945-7652
Blevins: 944-4856 after 3:00PM
Seabrook: 949-9638 or 727-6809
(3) Any motion or resolution which in effect contemplates a violation of law or is in conflict with any ordinance, shall be out of order.
award for most asinine public comment today goes to Dan Coffey for stating that this program should be just like all services from the general fund: street dept, police/fire and sanitation.
last time I checked sanitation has a monthly fee assessed, so will this utility
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM, October 31, 2005
See Tribune: October 30,2005
Official Bond Sale Notice
Sealed proposals will be recieved by the Controller of the City of New Albany, Indiana, acting by and through its Redevelopment Commission (issurer) at the office of the issuer financial advisor Crowe Chizek for the purchase of bonds of the issuer designated: Redevelopment District Tax Increment Revenue Bonds of 2005" in the aggregate principal amount of $2,200,000.00
1. Is a coincidence that these TIF Bonds are being issued for other projects after Councilman Schmidt asked the City to consider using TIF Funds for the interim funding for the Stormwater Plan and not place the monthly fee on our Sewer Bill?
2. My question as a Taxpayer is what projects are the Bonds being issued for?
a. Scribner Place
b. Scribner Place
c. Scribner Place
d. other (?)
Will mature annually on Feburary 1 in the years and in the amounts as follows:
2006 $180,000
2007 185,000
2008 195,000
2009 200,000
2010 210,000
2011 220,000
2012 235,000
2013 245,000
2014 260,000
2015 270,000
Question to:
Councilman Jack Messer
also Redevelopment Board Member.
Councilman Dan Coffey
also Redevelopment Board Member.
How are we going to pay this Bond Money Back?
Many taxpayers including myself. Have a real problem with Council Members sitting on other Boards. When we truly feel this is a "Conflict of Interest" for us the Taxpayers.
this is my opinion
Concern Taxpayer
One voice, at 4:39 PM, October 31, 2005
CT that one slipped right passed us.
More money taken away from TIF.
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM, October 31, 2005
I think we ought to quit paying our sewer bills?
Let's see how the Mayor likes that.
The hell with him.
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM, October 31, 2005
Can we Baker Act the mayor?
Have him committed due to over worked and job related stress .
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM, October 31, 2005
Valla Ann wouldn't hang us out to dry like Mayor Garner.
She would nip it in the butt real quick.
Anonymous, at 5:53 PM, October 31, 2005
Can anyone explain why the folks can't speak at the Council meeting on wed. That baylor guy needs to stop attack that valla ann women. Everybody needs to give her a shot at this town.
Anonymous, at 5:59 PM, October 31, 2005
"Plan to cap property-tax credit"
A lawmaker said "The state could then give cities and counties a" new smorgasbord" of yet-to-be- detailed options for raising revenue through "Other Taxes.
Note: Editorial in Tribune on Sunday by Mayor Garner announcing that he is serving on a committee reviewing property taxes.
Is Mayor Garner looking at the "New Smorgasborg of options for New Taxes"?
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, October 31, 2005
You lose
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM, October 31, 2005
This Mayor had forgotten that the most important Political Office is that of a Private Citizen,
Do you pay your property taxes Mr. Mayor>
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM, October 31, 2005
To anonymous "you lose" Have you heard the phrase "It's not over till the fat lady sings"? Well we will see who's singing Wednesday night.
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM, October 31, 2005
Got an Idea!
Since the Mayor has called his "special meeting" for Wednesday, and the public will not be allowed to speak, we need a way for our voices to be heard.
The sewer board meets at 3:30PM on Tuesday. We should attend that meeting, which will include CM's Kochert and Messer, who abstained and voted nay (respectively), and ask them why they think this is a good idea.
I, for one, would like to hear one reasonable explination as to why this inequitable plan is being pushed through Council.
East Ender, at 6:46 PM, October 31, 2005
I hear the 2.2 million is for charlestown road crossing? And I also understand there is almost 3 million dollars left in TIF that could be use for Stormwater fee's?
Lord don't let James find out their is TIF money somewhere!!!!!
Calling: Mayor Valla Ann "HELP US TAXPAYERS"
Anonymous, at 8:29 PM, October 31, 2005
If you wade into Maury Goldberg's blog, NEWALBANYTODAY, look under a previous posting of his entitled I have a Question. See if you can answer any of those questions Old Mrs. Smith asks! If you are like me, you will have more questions and sort of maybe understand there is a serious issue here. Thanks. My opinion.
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM, October 31, 2005
Not Messer, Seabrook. Seabrook and Kochert are on sewer board. Great idea Laura. Keep up the good work. Just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM, October 31, 2005
The legal for those bonds are sure confusing. Almost looks like they would be County bonds. Think they are for Scribner, backed by our property taxes. The legal doesn't mention Charlestown Road. SOUNDS like Scribner, but we wouldn't swear to it.
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM, October 31, 2005
To this very first "anonymous" commentor - this one's for you. IF the Executive Branch had not circumvented the General Fund and stuck eight (8) people's salaries into the sewer "slush" fund; we wouldn't even be having this conversation. So, when Mr. Coffee states maybe we need to take it out of the General Fund, MAYBE WE DO. Maybe they would figure out how government's budget numbers work; but then again maybe they did figure it out or obviously they wouldn't have done it in the first place.
Please; and you want to talk about anonymous comments, ranting, raving, lunatics; please, please stay in your own "world". Where ever that may be. My opinion is you defy logic. Just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, October 31, 2005
You're right anonymous, I still have the Redevelopment thing on my mind.
That's Coffey & Messer.
East Ender, at 11:00 PM, October 31, 2005
They're cracking me up talking to Maury the way they are, praising the Mayor for his grandiose idea of "privitizing" sanitation.
Really wonder where these people were when the Mayor was a City Council member who voted for these big red monster trucks, that doubled the route times and couldn't handle recyling and kept breaking down requiring extremely exclusive parts?
Where were they when then City Councilman Garner threw the numbers presented to Council back to Bohnlein and told him he didn't believe them? Now you want to say he has come up with a solution? Okay, whatever you say...
As far as keeping jobs, these people are members of this community, with families, who worked their butts off to get this Mayor elected, based on the Democratic principle of supporting Unions. (He sure did use them to get elected.)
Even with that aside, don't you want to keep the personal service SOME OF US have with our sanitation workers that come EVERY week and that we know by name. Or, are you taking an elitist attitude?
And you all claim to support Garner as a representative of the Democrat party. There is no way you have listened to a speech by your State Senator and her feelings about Unions to even utter such things. Tells me alot.
But, don't worry, I've known for a while now. Just my opinion, since they're reading this in order to bash us some more. Take care NA -- it's coming from ALL sides.
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, October 31, 2005
We are busy little bees, aren't we!?!?
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, October 31, 2005
My family agrees with $$$$$$... go crawl back under the rock you're living under.
That's why you can't see what's really going on, you're blinded by the light. Or are you one of those progressive who let the mayor pull the wool over your eyes?
We can't get our garbage picked up, and the sewers don't work, but we're building a muti million $$$$ pool???
If you are really ok with that then I don't think you're very smart.
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM, October 31, 2005
As I was making my daily journey to the post office the other day. I patiently waited for a car to vacate a parking space near the door. As the rear of the vehicle came toward me.
I noticed a bumper sticker that read In Big Bold letters.. JIMMY G. YOU WORK FOR ME!
Of course, the next bumper sticker was printed in response in red, white, blue.. Valla Ann for a Better New Albany. Pondering the messages of the brave soul in the car ahead of me.
I considered all the things I could be thankful for as a result of the Garner regime. Indeed, I discovered the list was long and varied. So it is to the folks who has not yet discovered, but drives with their proud bumper stickers. I offer a hearty "Thank You" and yes, Thank you so much James Garner.
Thank you for showing our Citizens what the true meaning of "I Don't Know means".
Thank you for teaching us all about: The lack of EPA Compliance, Delinquent Garbage Bills, Annual Shortage of Funds, Accumulated Shortage, Expenditures, Revenue, Audits, Federal and State Compliance Requirements.
Thank you for teaching us taxpayers about Stormwater Fees,Privatizing Sanitation,Sewer Credits, Scribner Bonds, TIF'S, General Funds.
Thank you Mr. Mayor for driving my Tax Dollars down the street. And filling your gas tank up with the money you take away from my family.
Thank you for not making everyone pay there fair share.
Thank you Mayor for showing me what real Government is.
Thank you Mayor for teaching us all about credibility, mismanagement, incompetence, Conflict of Interest, wasteful spending, Bad Leadership, and violating the law.
Thank you Mayor for telling us all the $$$$$$ Stops There!
And Thank you Mayor for revealing your real agenda.
Thank You for allowing us to come to the realization that being the Mayor of New Albany is not clearly defined after all.
Thank You for showing us all of those good old Boys are still around.
Yes, Mayor Garner it's been an interesting 2 years for "The most unethical Adminstration" in the History of New Albany.
This is my opinion
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM, November 01, 2005
Still got to ask how you sell bonds without backup supporting financials using my property taxes, creating a second mortgage on my home in order to build a building/pool you do not even know if you can build yet, because of EPA restrictions and ongoing litigation?
Just can't get an answer, Laura. Guess becos there ain't one, what do ya think? That's the only possible answer left after days of asking.
I think we ought to write some letters to the IN State Bond Bank and various other consumer protection agencies real quick. But, that's just my opinion.
(Remember, they couldn't get an audit of the sewers, only five months worth of financial data, recently.) (Remember, they haven't received back the 2004 audit, that we know of.) Where are the supporting financial documents for THIS one. That might be worth good $$ to get ahold of.
How much is the Attorney's cut? The last time this happened with the sewer bonds, we, the taxpayers were assured, because it was such a "dire" situation, the sewer board attorney wouldn't make any monies; but; shucks, he decided he had to for malpractice insurance. Our family is just wondering what your percentage is going to be. Really might be worth the $$ to get a copy of your bond proposal. We could all go in together (pool our monies) and get a copy -- what do you say? Thanks, because that's my opinion.
Anonymous, at 12:31 AM, November 01, 2005
LAUGHING OUT LOUD at that 12:25 anon posting. That is absolutely brilliant. Literally, I am falling out of my chair laughing. More C.R.A.P., huh? What a great job of surmising it all up. Boy has he educated us; shame he didn't become so, huh? LOL :)
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM, November 01, 2005
You taxpayers are great..Alot of great information on this blog.
What's that bond money for?
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM, November 01, 2005
Robert, our new SCRIBNER PLACE AND SWIMMING POOL downtown to revitalize the area. Glad you're interested.
Anonymous, at 12:59 AM, November 01, 2005
$$$$$$$$$$ Were do you all get all your information. All these millions of dollars just keep blowing my mind. I worry about my families check book. Can't imagine wasting this kind of money.
Thanks for informing us all.
Anonymous, at 1:02 AM, November 01, 2005
Why won't the Council call for an audit. Who really knows what's really going on downtown?
Anonymous, at 1:06 AM, November 01, 2005
This family wants to know what kind of work they are taking bids on for $2.2 million $$$.
This should be public record, right? Is it for that Scribner thing?
Think we'll go down to the City County building tomorrow and ask for a copy of the RFP.
The more I read this blog the more I want answers from the local government.
Anonymous, at 1:20 AM, November 01, 2005
Anonymous, at 1:21 AM, November 01, 2005
Thank you, Brenda. Working hard with other taxpayer advocates and knowing where to go to get the info needed. Our family helped the Hoosier State Press Assoc. (probably got that 1 wrong) & testified before a House subcommittee to get our records open to the public & THE MEETINGS. Gotta stop, I'll get carried away. And, our family is sure watching ours, but that money downtown, it's OURS, TOO. And we do need to be more responsible. How does that Trace Atkins song go, "We're trying.."
Anonymous, at 1:28 AM, November 01, 2005
They may charge you money for that document. Don't be surprised. You may want to call 948-5333 and ask for the Controller's office and ask them how much it may cost. Just a word of caution from someone who use to work with RFP's (Requests for Proposals). Take care, my friend.
Anonymous, at 1:32 AM, November 01, 2005
anybody know where/how I can get some of them bumper stickers.
Anonymous, at 7:24 AM, November 01, 2005
12:25 Anonymous
These comments will be faxed and emailed to everyone I know.
Highly recommend to all readers that you pass these comments on.
Great comments
***** Star Rating
Anonymous, at 7:42 AM, November 01, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:39 AM, November 01, 2005
Why would Gahan do that for the public at this point in time. Can't see it happening. Can see them promising it to keep you away from that sewer board meeting at 3:30 today.
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM, November 01, 2005
Because it will be the final two readings.
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM, November 01, 2005
Having read this blog for a week now I have concluded that it is populated primarily by naive and petty people who haven't the least understanding what it takes to move a city forward. It's a federal mandate, for crying out loud! Complain to the Federales. And while you're at it, ask them to raise the minimum wage so you won't have to worry about a trifling $3/month. You're worried about ethics? Write to your Republican representatives in the House and Senate. See if they plan to give Tom DeLay a "Get-out-of-Jail" pass. You are busy fretting about pennies when the federal government is literally starving the states to death, imposing unfunded mandates and forcing local governments to raise taxes to pay for services. Try looking at the bigger picture. Spend some time reading about national issues and you'll gain some perspective.
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM, November 01, 2005
You sir, are entitled to your opinion, 'YELLOW DOG'; we won't give any response to the rest of the rhetoric. Our family is sorry you feel that way; our family is sorry you weren't there when we tried to get it equitably on the tax rolls so all properties were covered and the Controller misled Council and said it would impact her "General Fund"; our family is sorry you don't care; and last, but not least, our family does not care about your opinion. We are voicing ours. But, thank you. Maybe you'll stay with the other blogs and we can stick to our issues. Must be stepping on those toes again, Laura.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM, November 01, 2005
Pius, it's because this isn't about the external, reality-based world -- it's about internalized frustration made all the more preventable by it being self-imposed.
Envy goes a long way, eh?
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM, November 01, 2005
As far as "Little Timmy", I do wish you had a male role model to teach you how to act and to respect others, ratherly than simply lash out. It's called the "LITTLE MAN SYNDROME", in our family. But, that's just our opinion. Your words mean nothing to us, because they aren't words. They're BS. Go ahead and beat up on the women. That speaks louder than words will ever, and if you don't think there are people who are aware of your past with certain people and what you continue to do, you are sadly mistaken. You may be played at your own little game. Be careful. But, that's our opinion. And Please Leave Your Feathers On Garners' Doorsteps and Walks, he needs them more than ours do.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, November 01, 2005
Hey, that's a good name for him, Daffy! My opinion.
Found out that bond item is for Charlestown Road Crossing and Gary McCartin's project out there. It looks like a BAN Bond Anticipation Notice.
It's other bonds. The docket associated with this is listed alongside under the legals where the bond issue was, under Planning Commission.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, November 01, 2005
Hey, Laura, what the hey are we jealous or who do we envy? Me thinks you are on the wrong blog. We wish someone could have walked in our footsteps for the past 20 years to see how bad we are trying to move forward; the other Progressives are regressing becos they can't spout their facts. OUR OPINION. Proudly signed in as ANONYMOUS.
Anonymous, at 4:47 PM, November 01, 2005
Because, Shirley, doesn't it seem hypocritical to demand one standard of behavior for the "administration" while tolerating the same thing on your own blog, and saying it's okay to behave in a certain way so long as it's directed against the people in office, but it's not okay if it's direced against you?
You're fairly reasonable most of the time, but a while back, you claimed to have never seen anyone called an "idiot" here, and I supplied you with a list of times it happened. My post lasted very briefly and was deleted, so perhaps you didn't see it. The anger expressed here - don't you see how impressionable, maybe a bit less discerning members in the community could see that as a reason to do things that of course you'd never do?
Anonymous, at 10:45 AM, November 02, 2005
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM, November 02, 2005
you got my vote
Anonymous, at 6:56 PM, November 03, 2005
Hubbard will clean her clock
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM, November 03, 2005
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