OK Folks -
Here's the skinny on tomorrow's 3:00 "SPECIAL" meeting. It is ILLEGAL on many fronts. The meeting was called for inappropriately according to Indiana Code 30.15 and the Mayor is circumventing approved protocal for the umpteenth time.
Another victory for the "little people". We really CAN make a difference in our City.
This blog, as a previous commentor stated, is becoming the tool that citizens can use to insist that proper procedures are followed.
The new "Gang of Four" on Speak Out Loud NA done there homework last night. Good job to all of us.
You damn right we can and we are making a difference. Rember we got alot more surprises in store for them!
They know were on to them. And were all going to start singin....
Great job Laura
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM, October 27, 2005
I guess were going to just have to make believer's out of some of these people Laura.
Great victory for all of us "little people"
Off to the Democrat Grand Party.
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM, October 27, 2005
30.15 is a New Albany code. Per Robert's Rules ... defeated motions may be renewed at any subsequent meeting unless a motion to prevent reconsideration has been adopted. Perhaps the meeting was called off due to lack of support in James' favor.
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, October 27, 2005
nope. any news on the party? had something else prior planned.
Anonymous, at 10:30 PM, October 27, 2005
Laura, alot of people have learned alot about their rights and their governing laws on this blog. It will become a powerful tool, because of its standalone credibility.
Could have been Garner didn't have the support; could've been alot of other things. Hats off to the all of NA taxpayers -- you won a big one this time. Hopefully, we've just BEGUN...
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM, October 27, 2005
Compliments to the people who had the intelligence to read the New Albany City Code and point out the facts about the Mayor's called meeting on Friday.
This is a step forward for the citizens of New Albany as we all begin
to read the law and demand that the
Mayor and the City Administration follow the law.
Anonymous, at 10:41 PM, October 27, 2005
How can we find the New Albany Code of Laws on the internet?
Can we get info on the financial reports of New Albany?
Floyd County runs a full page adv in the Tribune showing the claims that they have approved.
Why doesn't the City of New Albany have to do the same thing? Can we request that the Board of Works run an adv showing the claims they are paying?
Anonymous, at 10:56 PM, October 27, 2005
The other true diehard Democrats of New Albany showed Mayor James Garner Sr. Not to expect their Support for Re-Election. I was there and tempers flaired. Words were exchanged. You could totally cut the tension with a butter knife.
No Hail to the Chief songs sang tonight. No slaps on the back. Mayor trying to put a good face on tonight. But surely after tonight he has to know he is in big trouble with his fellow Democrats.
Mostly County Office Holders up for Re-Election 2006. New Albany Chief and Police seem to be out in force with the Support for Mayor Garner.
In fact alot of so called "Big Democrats" had previous commitments..."I wonder why?" It was more like who wasn't there VS who was actually there.
Anxious to see the spin Roger and Randy puts on this event. "I wonder after tonight if now Mayor James Garner Sr. is finally starting to get the message".
Mr. Tony Torran/Randy Stumler didn't seem to be too
But that's my opinion
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM, October 27, 2005
The codes are through the City of New (the Mayor's webpage), and hook up to the link AMLEGALS. Allows you to search various ways which law you want, and they also have various other states' laws.
Go to the Controller's office and ask to see the "Claims" for the particular office/board you would like to see. If you want to see "EDIT" expenditures, ask for that report. If you want the "Sewer" finances, they've been sought after since December, and only now seem to be coming forth in bits and pieces. May have something to do with the State's Audit.
Your idea about running the "Claims" are an excellent idea. Haven't heard of a law that requires our "class of city" to do so; that would take the Council's authority and monies. Personally, I don't think you could print them all, but that's just my opinion.
Hope that helps. :)
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, October 27, 2005
I will put the link up on the front page of this blog where you can go to read Indiana Codes.
As for financial disclosures, every council member recieves an end of month report, so contact your Council-Person for that information.
Be careful though, I've got it on good authority that the reports don't always match between all Council members.
We will be looking into this matter as well.
East Ender, at 11:26 PM, October 27, 2005
do "Diehard" Democrats support Republicans for Mayor? Just wondering anonymous.
Would that make you a Republicrat or an easily fooled follower of a wont happen wanna be
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, October 27, 2005
Did that last posting make any sense to anyone? People in NA are looking for a leader that cares about its' citizens, and who follow the very laws they put down for their citizens. We didn't write them -- but bet you a dime if I spit on the sidewalk, they'd have my tail. Just my opinion. Guess it didn't go well at the dinner. Too bad, so sad...
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, October 27, 2005
my gosh, we have athiests quoting Bible passages on another blog concerning the Democrat's "Roosevelt" dinner. Is there a conversion under way and someone forgot to tell me or did they do an awful lot of praying tonite? Can't believe it. The Democrats I care about in the County KNOW what is going on here. We're not going to let them hang ALL of you. We're still here, but have now grown silent.
But, smile, you're on NA candid camera! And that's my opinion.
Anonymous, at 12:11 AM, October 28, 2005
P.S. and that C.R.A.P. is really bad out there. Watch where you step!!!!! Revolution under way here. Read Ken Kesey's book (that guy from KY) about the 100th Monkey. Some taxpayer advocates have always said until we get the 100th monkey can we effect change. By gosh, success at last. Have a good 'un NA.
Anonymous, at 12:13 AM, October 28, 2005
Some of us will be sleeping very well tonight while others will be tossing and turing.
And we've only just begun.
East Ender, at 12:33 AM, October 28, 2005
east ender
Sweet-sweet victory today and tonight. You got alot of people interested in what's going on. Great job.....
Anonymous, at 1:26 AM, October 28, 2005
You have alot to learn about politics in this town. When you do what this mayor has done. Your party will turn on you in a heart beat. Their is a wrong way and a right way to do things being in the Democrat party of New Albany. Who do you think put Regina in office?..Duuuuhhhh.. Best advice I can give you is keep your dumb comments to yourself. And watch and learn....As so many of us can teach you. Is if your going to get into politics you first have to know the rules. And how to play the game...Right fellow Democrats!
You ask if a democrat would support a republican? Think about it!
That's my opinion
Anonymous, at 1:41 AM, October 28, 2005
Mrs. Smith
Yep they made me want to puke too....Educate them on Democrats 101 in New Albany.
I'm still trying to figure out one thing this Mayor has done for us taxpayers?
And that's my democrat opinion...
Anonymous, at 2:14 AM, October 28, 2005
there's a little thing called a republicn primary, that's one the republicans will settle, not anti-garner democrats
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM, October 28, 2005
drunken golf cart master:
You need to worry about the DWI causing you to have to ride your bicycle to work. ha!ha!
And sir you need to have your facts right. Before you go saying something you don't have all the information/facts on.
Like I said today.You people could be told to eat shit...And you all would say it is.... delicious!!!
That's how ignorant you people are!
But again, that's my strong opinion....
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM, October 28, 2005
Of course, the progs haven't taken into account that Doug England intends to run for mayor again against Jimmy in the primaries. lots of mudslinging bound to happen.
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM, October 28, 2005
How about we all unite on the position that the very last thing New Albany needs is another Doug England administration, with Guido Mattingly profiting behind the scenes and the corruption making the Garner years look like Boy Scouts.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM, October 28, 2005
Hey People...
This blog is not intended to be a Political Campaign Forum, and I won't allow it to be turned into one.
I know everyone is wound up from the dinners and gatherings of the parties, but let's leave that alone and get back to the issues. There is so much to be done, we have better things to talk about. No matter who becomes our next Mayor, the problems must be solved. Sanitation can still be saved, and I will be posting about that tomorrow.
Meanwhile, everybody take a deep breath and relax.
Thank You :)
East Ender, at 1:52 PM, October 28, 2005
old Mrs. Smith
Know how seniors are mistreated in NA. Since you have been around for awhile. And I bet you know all about City Poltics what's your spin on this County Election coming up? And the future of this Mayor?
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, October 28, 2005
Mrs. Smith
Since the city seems to be in so much turmoil. Sewer Bills going up,water going up,heating and gas going up, were did this Adminstration go wrong? Who is really the blame for all this? And what is a solution?
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, October 28, 2005
Doug England told me his self he has no intensions to run for Mayor. As well as others he told. I figure he has bigger expectiations like Cochrans job?
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM, October 28, 2005
I heard the real reason they cancelled the meeting today. Was because they read on this Blog they did not follow procedures?
From what I have seen by attending Council meetings they don't follow very many laws. They seem to make them up as they go?
That's my opinion
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM, October 28, 2005
Dear Old Mrs Smith: It is great to hear from your experience and wisdom.
Funny, how the Progressives are so bent on Historic Preservation and then, when someone like you, Mrs. Smith, who knows personally about our New Albany History, speaks out, they try to bash you and make fun of you.
Glad you had the courage to "speak out loud", Mrs. Smith.
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM, October 28, 2005
Yes--- Laura,, I agree with you. those guys are trying to distract us from the problems facing New Albany and us taxpayers. We must stick to the facts and the laws to be followed.
I'll bet they are completely surprised that some of your participants had the
knowledge and sense to read the New Albany Code of Laws to be followed.
Three cheers for Laura.
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM, October 28, 2005
Old Mrs. Smith, you are invited to join us INDEPENDENT TAXPAYERS anytime.
We want this City Administration to
operate by the law on the books.
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM, October 28, 2005
As a taxpayer we have to get the most bang for our bucks. I have been more informed by reading this blog then even the newspaper.
I feel several laws have been broken. And the rights of the taxpayer has been taken advantage of. And like many of you it truly sickens me to see what I consider wasteful spending.
Many families do not have the time to attend City Council meeting. And use to watch it on cable. And believe me after watching a few meetings on cable it was nothing at all like the news paper implied.
I have contacted my Council Member and I also want to know the why's and the how comes of the inter operation of this City works.
Why all the new fees and what is really going on?
Thank you Councilman Schmidt for answering my questions. And I did assure him I would be back with more.
Thank You Laura, for allowing me to put my comments on your blog.
Anonymous, at 6:07 PM, October 28, 2005
say old mrs smith have another miller lite
Anonymous, at 6:50 PM, October 28, 2005
To whichever Anonymous posted the "Democrats for Valla Ann for Mayor":
Those would not be Democrats. Those would be Republicans pretending to be Democrats. No true Democrat could support a Party whose ideology is one that gives tax breaks primarily to the richest 1% at the expense of the other 99%; that seeks to curtail civil liberties; that violates international law to make war on a soveriegn nation whose people did us no harm, and that has provoked worldwide hatred for us; and to tell us "Be afraid. . ." while pretending they are keeping us safe (as if anybody is now safer anywhere). No safer, but they have made our children and grandchildren indentured servants to pay for their greed and incompetence (assuming China, Japan et al will wait that long to collect on the massive debt we owe them). They are a Party that talks about "compassion" as it seeks to tear up the social safety net that protects the aged, disabled and indigent; that encourages business to send jobs overseas; that talks about an "ownership society", but refuses to raise the minimum wage from a disgraceful 5.15/hour while CEO's make over 430 times as much as the worker. Democrats know that under Republican governance, corporations get a lot more "democracy" than individual citizens.
No thank you. Their "values" will never attract true Democrats. Whether at the local, state or national level, we don't need one more Republican!
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM, October 28, 2005
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Anonymous, at 10:32 PM, October 28, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, October 28, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, October 28, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:56 PM, October 28, 2005
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Anonymous, at 12:14 AM, October 29, 2005
I respect the comments that are in support of Valla Ann. Goodness knows she has done more for this community than the Mayor has.
However, as I stated earlier, this blog cannot become a political campaign platform.
I will forward your comments to Valla Ann, and I'm sure she will be appreciative of the outpouring of confidence the citizens have in her, both as a successful business woman, and as a woman who knows how to get things done.
Still, we must move forward with discussion of the issues, and all else will prevail in time.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Our mission continues to be moving New Albany upwards and onward, towards a positive and respectable future.
East Ender, at 12:55 AM, October 29, 2005
In politics in New Albany. If you want anything said, ask a man, if you want anything done ask a women.
You got my SUPPORT Valla Ann.
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM, October 29, 2005
You are mistaken yellow dog--
True blue democrats will vote for Valla Ann. She would be a hands on Mayor. The inter circle of the democrat party has already started bailing ship on Mayor Garner.
Wake up and see the real truth.
A true blue democrat elected Office Holder: for Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 8:10 AM, October 29, 2005
Democrats are the only reason to vote Republican for Valla Ann.
Anonymous, at 8:19 AM, October 29, 2005
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One voice, at 8:26 AM, October 29, 2005
If you voted for James Garner
Who promised to give you something at someone else's expense, then you have no right to complain when he takes your money and gives it to someone else, including himself!
A closet Republican
Valla Ann Bolovschak
And that's my political opinion
One voice, at 8:48 AM, October 29, 2005
You sure hit the nail on the head with that one CT.
I am one of the many little people in New Albany. And can not believe the Democrat pricipals have been tossed right out the window.
This City has gone to hell in a hand basket. No one needs to ever question what the true Democrats will do in 2007.
No one needs to waste putting their money on James Garner for re-election in 2007.
You got My Support
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM, October 29, 2005
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One voice, at 11:38 AM, October 29, 2005
east ender
you folks need a real wake up call. This City has gone to hell in a hand basket.
greed corruption conspiracy
This is my opinion
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM, October 29, 2005
C/J Mayor Garner calls another meeting 6Pm. Maybe he now has the votes to pass the Storm Water fees on us?
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM, October 29, 2005
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, October 29, 2005
Mr. Mayor
Having trouble again getting on our blog.
Simple directions:
close eyes, move mouse, click "save" Button.
Voila.. you have it!
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM, October 29, 2005
Has anyone noticed there is a new fee on our SBC phone bills titled
"Billed for Floyd County Council"?
Anyone have any idea what this is for? We need to find out.
My thanks to the friend who pointed this out to me!
Furthermore, according to the Codes I've read recently, the City Council is conducting comments portion of the meetings out of order. City officials and the Mayor are supposed to speak BEFORE members of the public speak.
Think about why this would be advantageous for the administration.
East Ender, at 4:33 PM, October 29, 2005
Good Evening bloggers
Sounds like you got lots of problems in your little town.
Sounds like you got a crooked Mayor too.
Maybe you ought to throw him out of office.
just my opinion
Anonymous, at 11:21 PM, October 29, 2005
5-4 you lose
Anonymous, at 11:03 AM, October 30, 2005
Does someone has ESP, or a crystal ball? How do you know what the vote will be, and in who's favor, inless this vote is a farce?
Isn't it illegal to "fix" votes?
East Ender, at 3:56 PM, October 30, 2005
as Ronald Reagan would say now there you go again, claiming an illegal act, its called lobbying and educating and getting the #'s
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM, October 30, 2005
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