Stormwater Monster Falls to "Little People" Knowledge
The Thursday night City Council meeting was a real hoot this time around. Thanks for the laughs, if we hadn't, I'm sure that tears would have flowed.
In a rare occurrance, the CM's apparently were listening when members of the Advisory Committee voiced their major concerns of the proposed resolution that they felt needed further modifications. Thus, we have avoided the "tax then tweak" method that is so commonly used with actions that get hurried through Council approval.
The young folks that were there to apparently try to learn something about the City's Government were absolutely shocked at the confusion and lack of professionalism that prevails over decorum and adequate knowledge of the issues by a majority of the Council Members.
There were too many "I don't know's" and angry outbursts, and they were coming from the left side of the room. It was the "gang of four" that saved the evening, with special thanks going out to CM Schmidt for working on alternatives.
Using TIF dollars to fund this mandate is a very reasonable and intelligent plan. If we had let the Mayor's version of this Stormwater management mandate go thru, there's no telling what they would be dipping into that money for.
Thanks to all who voted not to allow last night's version of the stormwater plan to be approved. It did not reflect all the work that the Steering Committee has done.
Finally, a note to CM President Gahan for selectively allowing speakers who were not signed up on the sheet, and denying me the right to address the council. Big mistake.
Still, it felt great to finally come out of there knowing that the right thing was accomplished. There is absolutely no need, and no justification for creating a new 3 member board just to deal with stormwater drainage. It should be put under the Planning Commission. The Mayor does not need another salary.
Furthermore, we will NOT be in jepordy of ever paying a $25,000 per day penalty. That would only happen if we don't submit a PLAN by May of 2006. We have a plan, and we have had a plan for some time, it's called the County Plan with a few adjustments.
The mandated plan will only cost $182K, yet the Mayor's plan called for $800K. An amount that is totally without merit.
We, the little people of New Albany, have won a battle in the war against mis-management. Don't sell us short, we're just getting started.
Let me take this opportunity to remind folks of other issues still unsolved:
Take Home Police Car Policy
Sanitation Privatization
EPA Inspection Results
Scribner Place - Pools/EPA Approval
Bringing Sewer Billing In-House
State Audit Results
And the Broadus issue; and another year of audit issues; and another year where they weren't sure of the monies (how many years is it going on now that they can't get their accounting practices in order after our great fiasco)? We still have an outstanding American Disabilitie Act Consent Decree, which we are still in violation of. There were only 3 people threatened with layoffs before and the list grew to six last night. I wonder whom they are referring to. We know the first three, but not the other three. If anyone knows, please let us know. Thanks
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM, October 21, 2005
Correction - Disabilities (sorry about that, fingers moving too fast).
Anonymous, at 9:36 PM, October 21, 2005
"Finally, a note to CM President Gahan for selectively allowing speakers who were not signed up on the sheet, and denying me the right to address the council. Big mistake."
Guess that means a brick is heading for Gahan's window.
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM, October 21, 2005
We truly made a real stand last night. And even though we can now laugh about it. We do work well together. You sure had my back covered last night. You really exposed the Discrimination against you. As well as the rudeness and lack of leadership by Council President Gayhan. It truly seems like your stepping on alot of toes downtown and hitting alot of raw nerves connected to your blog. A great victory for the taxpayers and of course us "Educated little people."
Mr. Stewert was awesome. And Mr. King really knew his stuff. Yvonne you really tried to educate the Council with your numbers and facts. Truly all of us little people knew what you were saying. Some of the Council just couldn't seem to get it. You done a great job! You Laura made us all very proud of you last night. Trust me folks on this other issue. We all did have a Budlight moment in the elevator!!!! If people only knew uh Laura?
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM, October 21, 2005
Or is it called "One Bud Wiser"? Great comments. I needed that one.
Anonymous, at 10:11 PM, October 21, 2005
First time in my life a saw a Torran with their mouth shut? Yell we need more "Jimmy you work for me" stickers. Looked great on the inside elevator door. Maybe that's why Jimmy didn't show up at last nights meeting. He was busy scrapping the sticker off the elevator door!
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM, October 21, 2005
That's funny. Seen them on there before, but missed last night's!
Anonymous, at 10:35 PM, October 21, 2005
We placed and order today for 10,000 more jim stickers....Glad the Mayor is working 24-7 now He'll have alot of scrapping to do! Were going to give them away free to all the unhappy Democrats!
Anonymous, at 10:41 PM, October 21, 2005
I agree with the great "HUCKLEBERRY" I hope he gets a load of money from this City!!!
Anonymous, at 10:47 PM, October 21, 2005
Anonymous at 9:41PM,
Again, we are subjected to outrageous slander from another "anonymous" Baylorite. It amazes me that they can even try to insinuate that we are the ones who "RANT" and are full of anger.
Their Malicious remarks are indications of the panic they experience with our successes.
Perhaps their plans aren't working out so well. Sorry for the trouble.
But, that's just my opinion.
East Ender, at 11:19 PM, October 21, 2005
Smoke screen, Laura. Vandalism all over this city. At least 14 cars on one street in our neighborhood has been broken into with windows shattered with bricks or whatever. We leave our vehicle doors unlocked, just so they won't break the windows to see there is nothing in there they want. His problem may be the location so near the bar in that location. There is still an unsolved murder from down there, if I remember correctly. Might be the neighborhood. None is safe. It's a smoke screen, Laura, nothing more, and nothing less.
Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, October 21, 2005
You're right. These neighborhoods sure aren't as safe as they should be. Especially since we have Police and the Mayor on duty 24/7. It's a shame that they can't live a month in our shoes, in our houses, in our neighborhoods. Bet it wouldn't be so easy to just turn their backs then.
I guess a $17 mil swimming pool complex is a higher priority than revitalization of our neighborhoods.
What's your opinion?
East Ender, at 11:35 PM, October 21, 2005
In total agreement. It may have something to do with privilege, etc. Some of us have had to start all over (or crawl out of that barrell) too many times; working to get what we want. I think sometimes I could crawl out of it greased. Sometimes life throws you a curve ball, you know? And you are right, that pool will help calm them allllll down. Gee, maybe it will have a jacuzzi section, too. That should really help their stress levels. Wish I could afford it, but with this talk of a second mortgage on my house to pay for the swimming; doubt I'll be able to afford anything, what with the gas & heat this winter; medicines; gasoline prices predicted at $5; don't know how some of us are going to make it. We didn't know some of these people had so much money, and need more money. My husband says it's all about greed. What do you think?
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, October 21, 2005
Your successes?
Grow up; you're being used. They co-opt King and Kersey for the advistory committee, and when the inevitable happens and the EPA comes to roost, their and your hands are on the increase.
Your council cronies are pandering, simple as that. You can be counted on to abuse the incumbent, no matter who it is. Then, your usefulness is over, especially when someone like Dougie gets to be mayor again and the fix really is in. Or Valla Ann -- it's funny imagining how much use that she-mo monied interest will have for you once she's finished with your support.
Crawl out from the hole and put you ear to the ground downtown. New Albany's being seen in an increasingly positive way in the metroplex. Housing here is cheap compared to L-ville, and the commute is short. Lots of retail talk downtown. It's exciting, and it has nothing do at all with conspiracy theories and your political posturing, which only deters investment because you're mad as hell -- and people with money to spend are scared as hell of you.
Or is that the purpose? Scare 'em off so that the mayor looks bad>
Fact is, and fact remains, that the so-called Baylorites are right about one thing: Your band of revolutionaries hasn't a clue when it comes to a plan for the future. It's all about settling scores, and by wrapping yourselves up in that, you're tying your horse to the wrong cart.
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM, October 22, 2005
that's funny
Anonymous, at 7:04 AM, October 22, 2005
Really? Is that why the EPA has called some of us for affidavits; because we don't know what is going on? Say all you want, but if you want to talk about the EPA and the "current" Mayor's problems with them, their number is 312-353-6121. Have a good day talking with them. Remember, the Federal Government works for the little people (and whatever you are), too, just like the State gov., and the local gov. Go spin it somewhere else. Too much work done on the second Consent Decree and the Current Plan. The Mayor certainly can't blame me -- he told several people at a meeting he wanted me to be his sewer "point" person. It's obvious he didn't, or he wouldn't be in this quandry now with the EPA. You have a good day in your miseries; you can tell by your writing you are in misery... But, that's my opinion.
P.S. How funny's that?
Anonymous, at 7:18 AM, October 22, 2005
Don't anyone worry...this is the little wannabe yacking away again about something he knows nothing about. There is a FEDERAL court file with the SECOND Consent Decree in there, that Overton signed, which Doug wouldn't sign, of which Garner had to abide by. He did not spend the $80 some dollars to do his homework; he is not ANY of the citizens that worked on the response to the EPA to protect taxpayers; even the Council has a special nickname for this person. Don't worry about it Laura. He's showing his ignorance again. And the bad thing is, he doesn't want to work WITH anyone; he wants to lead the show. At Council, when Crump ask Mr. Gonder to come up to the podium, she didn't ask little T, but he came running like he was somebody. When will you educate yourself and be able to look at the entire picture without trying to hurt someone; write false stories about people; quit your stalking; and personally, I'd like to know how you can ever claim anything to do with the Native Americans (like how much %), because you would have already been scalped in my "tribe". A Wan, Wan, Wannabe. A Wan, Wan, Wannabe. Shucky durn.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, October 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM, October 22, 2005
I think he's drunk and frustrated, because he was thrown out with the bath water. Smile, you are on NA's Candid Camera.
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM, October 22, 2005
That's our goal, too, Ceece. Unfortunately, we've been dealing with the dilapidation of this City going on 30 years now. Some of us have dug in our heels and are trying to make a better change in NA, but you have to have an administration down with change. We thought, once again, we had accomplished that feat. We haven't; we didn't; and some of us are really sorry that we didn't effect real change, but it certainly wasn't for lack of trying. Talk with your Council rep; they'll tell you. But, as we try to support our Council in it's entirety; others choose to pick and choose which ones aren't following "orders". Council takes care of the money, they are the legislative bunch; the Mayor is the Executive. To me, being a Council member must be one of the most frustrating things in the world. Darned if you do, an darned if you don't, right Council?
Anonymous, at 10:20 AM, October 22, 2005
Ceece, it's pearls before swine when you try to talk generational change with people who are mad as hell. Everything you just said about why you want to be here is why these people don't want you here.
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM, October 22, 2005
Last week I pointed this out to her, along with other gems from the archives here, and after bragging previously about how important this repository of slime is, she reversed course and dismissed the efforts of anyone who'd wade back through the sewage.
Hypocrisy? You be the judge.
Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, October 22, 2005
That's your opinion, and you are entitled to it.
No Ceece, we are looking for more people like you. Everyone else seems to have a life too. We were taught once you raised your children, you should give back to the community voluntarily what you took from it. You will never find another town like this, which can't let go of their status quo nor tighten their budgets so we can "progress". Without an infrastructure in place, you can't get very far.
We are working, trying to clean up one mess after the other. The most important one would be the restoration of the "financials"; probably 2nd is the "sewers & EPA"; 3rd would be Sanitation; 4th is the Stormwater; 5th I guess Scribner; have you run out of monies yet? Good, we have our income taxes of EDIT & CAGIT. The sewer plan didn't include some work that was necessary; I figure the threat about raising our rates is simply the warning shot over our heads becos I feel they have already decided to do that thing. There's alot on the table; alongwith ALL OF US helping to clean up our town. Strength in numbers, and hopefully, this time, knowledge will be the power and prevail, with someone who cares about it's residents -- no matter what. Wish you well.
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, October 22, 2005
Man, I left out the words "but that's just my opinion". Sorry.
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM, October 22, 2005
herbert streicher: AKA Rodger Dodger Baylor. Your still upset over what finger given at the parade? Get over it and accept it happen. Laura is not required to answer yours or anyone elses questions. She wants issues discussed like sewers,sanitation,Tif's, wasteful spending as well as the good things in New Albany! In my opinion we all need to worry about all the additional fees talked about. Get over the finger thing and lets face the real concerns and real problems of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM, October 22, 2005
Let me make something VERY clear...
I DID NOT give the Mayor any "finger". This is a false rumor. I am too old for childish pranks such as that. So, whoever you saw, it wasn't me. Wanna know why? Because I wasn't there!!!
Had spent all night the night before in the emergency room of Suburban Hospital with a good friend of mine who inexplicably lost consciousness.
I was up all night and didn't even make the Parade.
East Ender, at 3:42 PM, October 22, 2005
Ceece -
The real issues we are trying to address are the issues that will make a difference in which way this little City goes... up or down. Forwards or backwards.
We want to move things upwards and onwards, yet the decisions that are being made downtown are decisions that will bankrupt New Albany, while enriching a select few, and we are not willing to sit back and just watch that happen.
If Yvonne and Maurice had not been on the Stormwater Advisory Committee, the Mayor's request for $800K+ would have most likely made it thru council.
This is one train wreak that we managed to prevent. Isn't it better to prevent mistakes than to allow things to go bad and then try to go back and fix them? We have found that the latter is almost impossible once the deed is done.
Take for example the Broadus Law Suit filed last week against the city. This is the result of the Mayor making a Political favor appointment by putting Eddie Hancock in as the new Building Commissioner, even though he wasn't licensed to even do any inspections. NOT QUALIFIED!
Broadus was a 16 year employee who was licensed for all inspections, yet he was reprimanded for NOT removing a stop work order on... guess who? E. Hancock's brother's building. Sound suspicious yet? Eventually, he was wrongly terminated for "insubordination".
Now we have a Law Suit, and a valid one at that.
But, that's just my opinion.
Garner himself has 2 law suits pending against him for not paying rent on 2 of his Dry Cleaning businesses. His private businesses were mismanaged into bankruptcy. Is this who you want managing the affairs of the entire City?
We were under threat of 3 law suits that WOULD have been filed if Garner had signed the ID contract for sanitation privatization, because the RFP's (request for proposals) were questionable as appropriate.
I could go on, and on, but this should provide you with a little more perspective on why we are spending so much of our time and energy on the issues that will affect our city for many years to come. We want what is best for our collective survival and for the progress of revitalization through out the entire city.
East Ender, at 4:27 PM, October 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM, October 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM, October 22, 2005
Was you there? I think you do not have all of your facts correct. Randy Smith did not sign in. Tim Deatrick did not sign in. She stood there waiting to ask to speak. AS well as in the past Mr. Gayhan has ask is there anyone from the Public who did not sign in? Or would like to make a comment. So again you all seem to make excuses for the lack of knowledge on what laws and rights that are being violated against the Citizens of New Albany. I was there and could not believe what I was actually seeing with my own eyes.
But again,that's just my opinion
Anonymous, at 9:39 PM, October 22, 2005
Whaddya mean "ex" committee member? Did Mr. King quit?
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM, October 23, 2005
Maybe the mayor's crew brainwashed ol' Maurice into firing himself. Or maybe they used voodoo.
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM, October 23, 2005
From my point of view
I still feel it is not fair to us taxpayers. That were going to be getting hit left and right on these additional fees. If the state mandates it so be it. But let's be fair and make a fair fee for all. Not just hitting us hard working taxpayers. The county plan seems best to me and my family. Maybe my family deserves a tax abatement too. My budget can't handle much more. Were struggling just like the rest of you.
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM, October 23, 2005
Tim, why do you feel John Gonder was attacked? Everyone I know respects him -- it's you there's no respect for, period. There was a reason you were put on this Committee, and alot of people know why and it isn't because of you being an "ole environemental warrior". How long have you been trying to get a job with the City? Everyone knows you stance and your idiotic ways; if you just had the history, you might feel differently. But like I said before, he must have plenty of money because of his lack of concern for his peers in this community. He's not for the people; he is for himself and destructive to the process, but that's just my opinion. Maybe he's upset because people know more than he; if that's true, the old saying comes in "just a little man with a BIG ego". Don't you wish he could leave it at home when he comes out in public. I still say Bev Crump did not ask you to come up to that podium; she asked Mr. Gonder. And, Mr. Gonder did not have a copy of the new ordinance that was before council. He had a marked up one showing our changes, but there just wasn't time for her to compare because of the lack of communication that is putting this Council in the dark, until someone HAS to tell them what's going on. Again, that's just my opinion. I wish you would keep on Baylor's blog. But be aware, you really stepped on someone's toes already in the little group you are now running with...we're glad you are with them and not us. Only a matter of time until you isolate yourself entirely, because they will see through you too. God bless you, you need it. Only an opinion though, for what it's worth. Geez...and why do you feel the need to put any member of the Council down; again, you are spinning your wheels. But keep spinning, you'll go nowhere really quick. Just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM, October 23, 2005
Yes, Maurice King resigned from the Storm Water Committee, because he felt the Committee was simply being used to present the Mayor's plan, not the Committee's plan -- you know, that rubber stamp. "They" would love for me to quit too, but I am not going to.
We challenged the former Carl Malysz on tax abatements for homeowners, seeing every business in this city seems to have one; he said homeowners couldn't have tax abatements. After challenging him on the issue; he sent the form to our house. My husband just didn't want to play the game, so we declined. But, if you are going to do some major remodeling; hire local contractors; etc. Read the law about it. You may just get one. Shame all of us can't request one to show them how ridiculous the tax abatement situation is. ONE for the County and 17 pages of them for the City. And they wonder why "they" don't have any money in their general fund; make me cry. But, I agree that alot of people will pick up and leave because it's getting ridiculous how much citizens just keep paying for their elected officials mistakes. We're tired of it too. Take us with you, please... Have a good day.
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, October 23, 2005
After doing alot of catching up reading on the blog last evening. Since for the last couple weeks I have been informed of what was actually on here. Not really reading the comments myself.
I truly realize how divided this City is. One thing that really bothers me is when it truly comes down to the many issues in New Albany: Mistake after mistake is being made.
And people wonder "Why" were upset. This is not a Democrat or a Republican problem. It's all of our problems.
And it is my opinion 2007 is along way off. And I do have my choice for 2007 and If this person decides to run I will support him/her whole heartly as they do have a plan for a better New Albany for all of us.
And if the person I feel can clean up "this crap" chooses not to run I still support their decision.
Can someone honestly tell me what the Mayor has done for this city and the taxpayers? Generate jobs? Bring in new business? Made any type of cuts? Worked with the City Council?
New Albany City Government has failed each and everyone of us!
And it is truly up to us to deal with the issues that we face. And stand up for what we believe in. And not be distracted with these other comments.
I agree their are many issues: In house Billing problems, fees,sewers, sanitation, Political gain,lack of knowledge,lack of experience with this Adminstration.
And the best for last is total lack of Leadership!
Let's just stick to the issues... That's what is really making everybody nervous downtown.
footnote: No wonder the Mayor and some of the City Council Members don't want these meetings on WNAS...
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM, October 24, 2005
Oh by the way thanks to whom ever sat up the Concern Taxpayer blog. Your info was wrong! Great Picture you used! I'm still laughing!!!! Working on my own web page as we speak. It's called "Freedom of Speech" for all the little people of New Albany. This is going to be really exciting for several of you!
Have a great day!
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM, October 24, 2005
Great post CT--Glad your back! Been hearing thru the grape vine about Freedom of Speech...
It should shake a few people up!
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM, October 24, 2005
Valid points. There is a Stormwater Advisory Committee meeting tonight at 6:15 on the third floor of the City-County Bldg. Alot of information will be forthcoming at this meeting, along with some Council members in attendance. Hope some of the public can attend. There was no public at the last meeting; only 5 Council members. FYI
Anonymous, at 2:25 PM, October 24, 2005
Love it or hate it, it is how change is made in New Albany.
All the good intentions in the world don't mean a thing if we don't elect people who can and want to make a difference!
Look at the mess our City is in now...
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, October 24, 2005
C.R.A.P. ---- Of New Albany
Each member of C.R.A.P. of New Albany has a secret superpower that will help them in ridding the City of New Albany of all of our problems.
Mayorman: This caped crusader's special weapon is "I don't know" which can spout 3rd-wave cyber-goop empowerment nonsense so fast it will make a taxpayer die of either boredom or laughter. The source of his extraordinary powers are secret book slush fund. His weakness is exposure on the blog..too much of this and he will self-destruct.
Randy Ranch-Dude: With his lightning-fast keyboard and his trusty equine companion Roger "Hip-O-Krit" Ranch-Due saddles up and rides whenever Mayorman C.R.A.P. calls. Quick to fight against the "Gang of Four" from the Evil Federals even as he suckles up to their generous butts, Randy Ranch-Dude leads the way.
Roger Slayer of Trees: This mighty superhero can smite acres of old-growth forest with one stupid swoop. His secret powers are the results of being dropped on his head as a boy. His arch-nemesis is Commander Bluegill of the Progressive Forces.
Greg Greenback: This superhero was one of the founding members of C.R.A.P. and can destroy entire communities with one sweep of his mighty pen. His strength comes from "Conflict of Interest" and his only point of weakness is his back pocket. Only a well-timed grab in this spot by one Taxpayer can defeat the great Greg Greenback.
Tim Commander Stupor: Known to his closest friends as Mayor's Boy. Commander Stupor is known for being a bold lap dog. He wants to trade in his day job to be come a full-time member of Mayorman and Roger "Hip-O-Krit" C.R.A.P. out to fight the Taxpayers wherever they may be. His secret weapon is his Stupor-Skeeter Ray Gun, which makes us all laugh..
Minister-Boy: Minister-Kroger Boy is the spiritual advisor to Mayorman C.R.A.P. but he also packs a mighty wallop of his own. Using magic powers beyond the pale of any mortal, Minister-Kroger Boy can directly talk to God and solve all of our City problems. As a powerful sorcerer, Minister-Kroger Boy then can cast spells on his many enemies,forcing them to worship him and believe as he wants them to.
This is the C.R.A.P. In New Albany.
But again, that's my opinion...
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM, October 24, 2005
Bout says it all, hey? LOL! We needed that perspective; that called "calling it as you see it"! Just my opinion......:)
Anonymous, at 11:54 PM, October 24, 2005
I love it!! Want some more of it!!
Good job at breaking it all down.
Just my opinion, of course.
East Ender, at 12:16 AM, October 25, 2005
east ender
Great minds think alike!
Anonymous, at 1:13 AM, October 25, 2005
This is a totally awesome comments.
You truly made my day...
so funny....
Will take this to work for all to see. I laughed so hard "I CRIED"
This is outstanding writing.
C.R.A.P. says it all...
Go Anonymous...
Anonymous, at 7:45 AM, October 25, 2005
Anonymous: Your insight, and wit are a Breath of fresh air. Enlightening,entertaining, and hysterical C.R.A.P. Comments
Love your Blog
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM, October 25, 2005
Two thumbs up and a wink to Anonymous C.R.A.P.
Your super!
Were all still laughing....
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, October 25, 2005
Is this what Roger Slayer of Trees says:
It's not a vast right-wing conspiracy in New Albany?
Great C.R.A.P.
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, October 25, 2005
I loved the one on Tim Commander Stupor. With his Stupor-Skeeter Ray Gun....
Who ever wrote this is brilliant.
I wet my pants laughing.
Great C.R.A.P.
Just my opinion...:)
Anonymous, at 10:00 AM, October 25, 2005
I don't know about you. But I find C.R.A.P. absolutely hysterical.
Great Job
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM, October 25, 2005
This Blog has fallen to an all time stupid low, just like the people who take it so seriously.
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM, October 25, 2005
C.R.A.P. Knows no Bounds
Great Political Coincidence
Top Stuff Anonymous!
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM, October 25, 2005
Thanks R-o-g-eeeRRRR.. glad you liked it... You liked it enough to put it on your own blog. I'm truly honored... More to come...C.R.A.P.
that's my opinion...:>)
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM, October 25, 2005
so funny
Anonymous, at 1:45 PM, October 25, 2005
and it made the "other" blog.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, October 25, 2005
lol and rolling on the floor
Great blog!
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM, October 25, 2005
Excellent Post still laughing
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM, October 25, 2005
This is where the action is-- Your blog is useful,interesting and informative.
Who wrote C.R.A.P?
Outstanding job.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, October 25, 2005
Anonymous wrote crap.
Wow, that's actually happened often here.
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, October 25, 2005
And usually because of people like you, do we remain anonymous...I'm curious, too, but not enough to make comments...wonder who?
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM, October 25, 2005
Hey, C.R.A.P., Me thinks he's had trouble with his Stupor-Skeeter Ray Gun. Someone in our meeting last night is closely affilated with the County Board of Health, and didn't appreciate Mayor's lap dog. Guessed Stupor-Skeeter Ray Gun mis-fired. Better watch that thing. Seems to get you in trouble ALOT!!!! But, that's MY opinion. Great article, keep up the gooooood work. As they say, smile, your on NA Candid Camera...
Anonymous, at 7:44 PM, October 25, 2005
About Commander Stupor-You know I heard today that Stupor-Skeeters Ray Gun only shoots blanks. Did you hear the same thing?
I'm still laughing over C.R.A.P.
That's just my opinion
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM, October 25, 2005
East Ender--Speak Out Loud NA
Our minds can barely comprehend
The courage that they find-
A "Comment to the Blog"
Who always speaks his mind.
His keyboard is brave and daring
As he takes on all his foes.
His views provoke,incite,and prod;
He keeps us on our toes,
we marvel at his candor,
This keeper of the flame
"Anonymous" is his name!
Educated Little People
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM, October 25, 2005
LOVE IT. LOL... Great blog Laura. Keep it coming. :)
Anonymous, at 10:18 PM, October 25, 2005
What a great Blog. Total creative writing. Great stuff here.
What an amazing C.R.A.P. idea.
Thanks NA
Anonymous, at 11:13 PM, October 25, 2005
Special Stormwater Committee meeting called by the Mayor for 3:300 Friday in the Assembly Room.
All Council and public are invited. Most public will be working and almost ALL of the Stormwater Commitee members will be working. We need someone there!
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM, October 26, 2005
Can we challenge the time?
East Ender, at 2:26 PM, October 26, 2005
I dunno, evidently not. The Mayor has called the Tribune and I hear it's front page news; haven't got mine yet. No committee members notified; how many Council people will be able to attend; more importantly, how many TAXPAYERS can attend? Where was the Mayor when taxpayers were at Council meeting Thursday? Where was the Controller, as required by law? This is total BS.
Maybe that C.R.A.P. article pushed him over the edge...but just because they have 8 salaries coming out of our "sewer" slush fund that should not have been -- in order to circumvent the General Fund -- do I feel sorry for them? H*** no; do I feel taxpayers should get kicked because of it? H*** no; do I feel Garner should have known about this at LEAST last year; rather than almost 3 years into his term? H*** yes!
How many taxpayers do you think can attend this meeting? How many Commitee people do you think don't work and who haven't been notified? It's not like this issue wasn't called out at Budget Hearings. I AM TIRED OF THE BS. Wish Council had the guts to boycott this thing, and MAKE IT AVAILABLE TO THE TAXPAYERS/PUBLIC. IT'S OUR MONEY, what part of that do they NOT UNDERSTAND????? BS
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM, October 26, 2005
Guess we'll have to plead with all retirees to attend, don't know what else to say. $$$$$$$, you make alot of sense. Good work.
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM, October 26, 2005
Laura, the Tribune was notified personally. Courier Journal didn't and started working on it after I phoned, just so the public knows what the hey is going on here. The CJ is required to have been notified; not sure if it came in under Ben's name, who was out yesterday and today; and they just didn't see it. But; they know about it now and are contacting the city. Take care.
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM, October 26, 2005
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