Downtown Business Opportunities!!!
Finally, a much welcomed, and needed, event will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 26, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. A guided tour with informational leaders on how to obtain a business location downtown with special incentives to help with costs.
Jane Alcorn of Develop New Albany has announced an opportunity for folks to visit a few historic buildings downtown that are viable for new business ventures.If you are interested in taking advantage of this, contact Jane at 812-941-0018 to reserve a spot in the tour.
This is a long awaited start in attracting small business start-ups downtown by making the prospect an more affordable option.
Tax Credits and other Incentives for Locating in the New Albany Downtown National Register Historic District will be discussed.
Three historic buildings will be toured and information about ways that National Register properties can earn you tax credits through rehabilitation will be explained.
Those who will lead this adventure include:
David Duvall, a historic architect with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archeology, and a specialist in tax credits for the State of Indiana.
Paul Wheatley, New Albany's Economic Development Director will discuss other incentives, including tax abatements and the Urban Enterprise Zone.
Everyone will meet at the White House Center, 222 Pearl St. to start the day.
Buildings that will be included in the tour include:
Shrader Stable (c. 1875), The Reisz Building (c. 1850) on Main Street, and the Baptist Tabernacle (c. 1879) on East Fourth Street.
Lunch from Ermin’s French Bakery and Café will be $6.00.
This event is sponsored by:
Develop New Albany, an Indiana Main Street program
Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, Southern Regional Office
City of New Albany Historic Preservation Commission
You should return a registration request to Develop New Albany, 222 Pearl St.
New Albany, IN 47150 by Oct. 24th if you want to attend.
This is a terrific opportunity, and I would like to thank Mr. Cordallilo and Jane Alcorn for their work in making this event happen.
The Schmitt furniture family should be cpommended for making a tour available at their property (Reisz building). Perhaps they're now cool with the idea of doing somehting with it.
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM, October 15, 2005
Oh dear oh dear oh dear. A city employee doing something productive? Whatever shall we rant about now?
Good for DNA, Paul Wheatley and everyone involved with this event.
Anonymous, at 6:59 PM, October 15, 2005
Being softly admonished without serious qualification has only spawned another attempt at the breach. If SUVS are not the problem, then what exactly is? How "little" are the alleged legions? Is anyone participating here (this blog) that is actually poor by any criteria? Has a person of color ever particpated? Do disability issues ever matter on this, except when Mrs TP speaks of personal experience? Employing the cloak of the downtrodden might be integral to Trotsky but these aren't proletarean issues, evidently not the REAL issues.
What, then, is my vested interest?
Morally and politically I endorse and (vainly and with a fair shake of sloth) uphold the presence and the participation of all those marginalized -- in contrat to all "majorities" silent or diminutive. - jon faith
jon faith, at 7:22 PM, October 15, 2005
I'm a female person of color, and I've participated, not for the little people, but for the progressives.
Bravo Jane Alcorn. Please make sure that underrepresented minorities are included. See you there.
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM, October 16, 2005
better make sure the main street drunks dont show up
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM, October 16, 2005
its another tequila sunrise
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM, October 16, 2005
you sure this isnt a conspiracy to justify thier jobs ole purveyor of truth and deliverer of the little people?
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM, October 16, 2005
Justification of their jobs? Conspiracy? Did you see the new conspiracy theory about Sam Giaconni of Chicago supposedly assassinating JFK? The media debunked that one right off the bat.
Can I conspire to say their jobs aren't justified? Why not? Let's start with whomever, and go down the line. There will be some left out; there's so many, it's hard to keep track!
1. Shane Gibson, our City Attorney, worked for ex-prosecutor Mr. Stan Faith. You would think he handled mostly crminal matters; not civil matters -- which to me has proven to be true. But, that's just my opinion.
2. Tony Toran, our City Operations Director, worked for ex-prosecutor Mr. Stan Faith. You would think he mainly handled criminal issues, also; with no managerial experience, period. To me, it is my humble opinion he is not qualified nor justified for his campaign work to have his position. But, that's my opinion.
3. Steve LaDuke, Head of Building Commission, and sits on various other boards. Do you feel he is as qualified as the last Head of the Building Commission was? And, what are his qualifications? We, taxpayers, wonder what he does do during the day when he's not sitting on his boards. The Board Meetings don't last that long.
But, again, this is my opinion.
4. Greg Fifer, Sewer Board Attorney. Let's see, he represents the Developers AND the Sewer Board and is smack in the middle of the litigation with the EPA and involved with that condo affair over in Jeff. Been alot of promises made to both sides of the fence by him. We'll all just have to wait and see how this plays out. But, that's my opinion.
5. Bill Utz and Todd Solomon, Sewer Board members, have nothing but utmost respect. But, that's my opinion.
6. Kaye Geary, Controller, use to really stand her ground against a former Mayor. Our confidence levels have dwindled with defensive posturing taken and
insinuations of people questioning her credibility. Not sure why she would feel that way when people ask what they feel are innocent questions about their tax dollars. Jury's still out. But, again, that's my opinion.
7. Adam Dickey, City Zoning Officer? (not sure of his title)Seems to care and TRIES to do his job, but not able to because of powers to be over him. Not sure what his qualifications are.
You would think with the demise of David White as Controller and then head of Redevelopment; Corey Earl, who still wasn't an Engineer yet; Greams, from the fire department who was a big lead in Garner's campaign and rumors of illegal credit card spending; Toran's involvement with the ex-prosecutor Stan Faith and the Camm/Bonet case and the useless spending of almost $1 million of taxpayer dollars with who knows how much for this next trial; the Building Commissioner fiasco alongwith the Broadus issue; gee, I have to stop. How many more inepts do we suffer? How do we justify? To me, there is no justification. Maybe You Can Tell Me, Please, I Beg Of You. Can we be nice about it, though? No reason not to have a civil discussion about the issues raised, unless of course your TOES easily get stepped on by one person's opinion. It's not election time yet.
Don't think I am who you may be addressing, but our family wants to know what the hey has happened with this administration. It's truly funny when they think they are "Peyton Place" and it's really just a "Harper Valley PTA" act.
And, one more thing which would be a question. If you do not know the finances of the City of New Albany, with the State of Indiana unable to do ANY audits, with Millhauser not able to do an audit, simply a financial statement - how do you sell bonds backed by my property taxes without any financial data? On top of that, how do you sell bonds for a building you do not know if you can build because the EPA hasn't given you permission, yet? How do you do this? Simple minds want to know. It is our money and our property taxes and has nothing to do with whether you are for or against Scribner Place. Just logical, business and financial questions. Any Attorneys, Bond Specialists, or CPA's wanting to join this conversation? Sure would like your spin on the matter (if you live here), cos it's your money, too.$$$$
Anonymous, at 12:59 AM, October 17, 2005
How can the taxpayers get someone to
see that seniors and young working families can not pay any more taxes or
The Mayor pulls the strings of his
puppets on the City Council and they
keep dumping more costs on the taxpayers.
How can we tell the City Council that we can not afford new taxes or
Anonymous, at 7:23 AM, October 17, 2005
Baylorites? Gee, Shirley, you've usually been classier than that.
Go shopping at Wal-Mart -- you'll feel better.
Anonymous, at 7:36 AM, October 17, 2005
Dear Anon - I don't feel all of the Council members are puppets of the Mayor. Maybe even some have become educated lately. Your only recourse is to call your councilman/councilwoman and voice your opinions. Come to Council and SPEAK OUT LOUD with your concerns. There's not that many of them who's lives won't be affected/effected by the rates, taxes and fees. Surely they have elderly relatives on fixed incomes. Maybe they don't. Just keep talking WITH them. They don't tolerate talking TO them. You always get more bees with honey than vinegar.
Sure am glad the Volunteer Hoosier doesn't cover my City Council meetings instead of Ben Hershberg. After all of the character assassinations on the "what I term the Mayor's blogs", this latest one on Ben Hershberg is hateful; spiteful; disingenious; and whatever else you want to "label" it with. Guess Ben stepped on Spring Street's groups with the article on Tom C. Truth hurts, don't it?
A reality check is due for some people, and I don't know if it's going to be pleasant or not. I like how they actually allowed an "anonymous" comment on there, after all the b******* here about anonymous comments. But I'm sure it was simply a lapse of judgement; or else they are responding to theirselves? Whatever.
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM, October 17, 2005
More hate from an anonymous blowhard, who sure is speaking out loud -- rather like a fart, actually.
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM, October 17, 2005
You're on the wrong blog for the "hate" label, and your other derogatory comment. Or, maybe you don't understand what is going on. Who cares about your labels? If you can't discuss the issues, and realize the wheels are falling off the train, sounds personal to me. And I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll BLOW your house down, said the little piggy. As they say in a movie "Show me the money"!
Yep, must be too personal and too close to home for you to entertain a true discussion of the issues facing this city. Of course you're allowed your opinion; but the way in which you express your opinion shows your character. Have a nice day.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM, October 17, 2005
Thanks for YOUR opinion, Shirley! Appreciate it that someone else can see the lights, when they are on. When you turn those lights on these GIANT COCKROACHES just start scurrying. Hope you have your exterminator handy! This town badly needs spraying. Just ask all those BIG people screaming about code enforcement. Little do they know which "little people" have been screaming about the same for years. They have no recognition or appreciation for anyone's elses' effort or services expended over YEARS about this very issue; nor about the issue of opening up E Spring St to both directions (lordy, how many times have we tried to open Spring St up and even INDOT agrees they want to because it was designed for that). It's called a lack of history of this city; a lack of caring about history (which is sort of ironic, if you ask me); a lack of knowledge and the unwillingness to acquire it; and apathy has played a huge part in how we have arrived at this point in our City's history. Hopefully, apathy will now take a back seat and taxpayers can prevail.
Hopefully some good somewhere will come out of all of this. Keep your faith.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, October 17, 2005
"As they say in a movie "Show me the money"!"
The Wal-Mart movie?
Anonymous, at 2:55 PM, October 17, 2005
No, that would be "Jerry McGuire"
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM, October 17, 2005
Actually, it was the movie "Jerry Maguire"
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM, October 17, 2005
The "little people" might have moaned about code enforcement for "all these years" but it took "big people" to get the job done. I guess the only difference between "big" and "little" is working for positive change rather than bitching about the status quo and never doing anything about it.
You're only stay "little" if you allow yourself to.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, October 17, 2005
"You" instead of "you're" above.
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM, October 17, 2005
I personally feel their has been to many tax credits given. And this is a big part of the problems in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, October 17, 2005
Who are you to tell me I never tried to do anything about the so called "status quo" and just bitched rather than actually put myself out there. You still have alot to learn my friend. Take care.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, October 17, 2005
Speaking as someone with no horse in this race, the very fact that the "little" people have been working for years, but just lately something finally gets done -- thanks perhaps to the marketing savvy of the newly interested ones who you're so quick to dismiss -- indicates that if everyone worked together, even more progress could be made.
Instead, we get this eternal shoving match between citizens.
$$$-Man, you wanna get Spring Street changed back to two-way? You've been fighting for years? How about sharing your tactics with the world, getting together, and coming up with new plans? Lots of people want that, and what's the best way to get it?
Ah, yes, the continued upgrading of the Spring Street corridor, the residents of which you've identified as cockroaches, thus nipping in the bud any chance or working together.
Lose the chip on your shoulder and look around. There are social dynamics to get things done (gentrification, downtown revival) and ones to fail (slumlords, carving up homes into apartments).
Meet in the middle, and make progress for everyone.
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, October 17, 2005
Drunks on parade
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM, October 17, 2005
Having worked with all neighborhood groups in NA and some civic clubs; having worked inside a political party for change; having worked on the State level for change; having worked on the Federal level for change; having to deal with political people saying one thing and doing the other forever; having helped served on various community boards; having various friends on Spring St long before the new batch moved in; having gone to meetings and endured "whatever" for YEARS; having networked with the County folks, something that seems to be a problem here locally -- what other factual or work with strategy would you like to engage in?
If I sounded like I have a "chip" on the shoulder, maybe I do. Maybe it's frustration, the same the others feel. Sorry if I made you feel bad.
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM, October 17, 2005
I think you're proving his or her point, $$$$.
Why not just say who you are, what you've done, and what you've learned from it?
What worked and what didn't?
Why do you think it happened that way?
BTW, before berating others for their lack of knowledge, you got some of your facts wrong re: Toran, LaDuke, and Fifer.
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM, October 17, 2005
so because we haven't lived within the ESSNA boundaries for long enough we don't deserve the right to see change or to want it bad enough.
SOunds like someones mad they aren't getting glory
Anonymous, at 7:10 PM, October 17, 2005
A dedication to the Little People, from the music of Kenny loggins:
Time, time and again i see you staring down at me
now, then and again i wonder what it is that you see
with those angry eyes
well, i bet you wish you could cut me down
with those angry eyes
You want to believe that i am not the same as you
and now i can't conceive, oh lord, of what it is you're trying to do
with those angry eyes
well, i bet you wish you could cut me down
with those angry eyes
what a shot you could be if you could shoot at me
with those angry eyes
You and i must start to realize
blindness binds us in a false disguise
can you see me through those angry eyes?
You try to defend that you are not the one to blame
but i'm finding it hard, my friend, when i 'm in the deadly aim
of those angry eyes
well, i bet you wish you could cut me down
with those angry eyes
what a shot you could be if you could shoot at me
with those angry eyes
Anonymous, at 8:48 PM, October 17, 2005
Don't need to tell you why, what, where, and when. People that are educated in this town about "local" politics have learned their lessons well. We would hope everyone would and could work together. It is amazing how many common goals we share. Our family does civic service for the community for the better of all. Perhaps we share that goal, also.
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM, October 17, 2005
So, $$$$$$$, e-mail me privately. I'd love to know about your experience in the arena.
The New Albanian, at 9:25 PM, October 17, 2005
If I were so inclined to e-mail you with my "experiences" in the arena, that would certainly be one heck of an e-mail. You should know, though, I have no hidden agenda. My family simply wants to know some of the answers to our questions. And, I've noticed no one has touched them, just my opinions about goings on at city hall. Let's stick to this forum of speech. We don't want the worry, nor the glory. Just our simple questions answered.
P.S. By the way, the Cockroach comment was directed at certain employees at City Hall on the third floor, not East Spring St residents. We have many friends on E Spring St, and hope to keep it that way. We're ALL IN IT TOGETHER; don't ya know? Take care, New Albanian; maybe one day we can sit down and communicate. The climate in NA is kind of shaky right now; too many balls up in the air, with really no one sure where or when they are going to come down. I mean, how would you run a business if you did not know how much monies you have had for the past umpteen years and can only get a five-month financial statement? You're a businessman, any ideas? How do you guarantee bonds with my property taxes to build a building they don't now if they CAN build. Can you help me answer those questions? Sounds like we have similar concerns, share with me your thoughts on my questions, without me having to identify myself to you. We don't feel we need to do that, hope you understand. Thanks for your interest. Let's make peace (at least for awhile)? By the way, you use to make a heck of a BBQ! My husband and I miss eating those sandwiches and drinking your beer. You may not know this, but YOU helped inspire him in his interest in being a brewmeister himself; he just doesn't sell it!
Take care. Peace, everyone.
P.S. I stand by "my opinions" on city employees I posted on earlier. Matter of fact, on one they say I am wrong about I could write a book on. "Dream, Dream, Dream, Dream...." - who sang that one?
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM, October 17, 2005
Response about Steve LaDuke
I only know Steve through a few other people, but I can make this statement with ease...
Steve runs a absolutely successful business. He has sat on the Building Commission for sometime now. While he might not be as experienced as the former president, unlike others, he is extremely capable of communicating and handling the limited role the commission plays.
It's no secret that Steve is a Republic. But he sees the need for improvement in various areas of New Albany, and he has stepped to the play regardless of what party holds the Mayor's office.
Instead of questioning Steve and others qualifications online, how about contacting them personally?
I am not defending everyone you have listed, you are entitles to your opinon. But do some investigating and discover the real facts.
If our city council and others held the same professionalism, communicating skills and tact as Steve Laduke, New Albany would truly be a lot better off.
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM, October 17, 2005
Well, $$$$$, actually I can't participate in this forum, and only dropped in to respond to your intriguing posts.
People shouldn't be frightened by too many balls in the air, because this city has a window, and I don't think it'll stay open for long. We drag ourselves kicking and screaming through it, or we give up the ghost and replant the hardwood forest.
I'm not going to kid you; I look at the financial statements at work, and they might as well be written in Arabic. There are a dozen reasons why we shouldn't be investing in the business right now, perhaps instead holding back, waiting to see what will happen with energy prices and the like, but we're investing just the same.
That's because I go with the gut, and my (ample) gut tells me that this city has a chance. Too bad that so many of us have gotten off on the wrong foot when it comes to the roadmap. Maybe we should be in the same room; I'd love to see it.
Regrets that you choose to remain anonymous. I simply don't know how you can have a forum if half the people wear bags on their heads -- whatever.
The New Albanian, at 11:57 PM, October 17, 2005
To $$$$$$$$$$ @ 12:59AM Sunday night...
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Brovo!
There it is, all in a nutshell.
You laid the cards on the table, and that's the ultimate goal of this blog. Speak OUT LOUD!
You have done us all a great deed by taking the time, and the fortitude, to finally just let it all fly. Say it like it is, and there is no one who can truthfully deny Garner's ineptness. All they can do is to hurl insults, and slander us with ugly names, false links, and the stunt about CP, which is about as assinine as one can get. Mind you, I didn't say get AWAY WITH.
Then Baylor saunters in and tries to behave as if he can be a civil person. Anyone in their right mind would'nt want to get to know him on a "name" basis. Sorry guy, but you need professional help.
But, that's just my opinion.
Face it Balorites, it's mostly you that hides behind the anonymous
'cloak of darkness'. Not another word about this subject will remain on this blog from this point forward. We will not waste time playing 'tag' with insults and character assasinations, so drop it.
Why can't you people discuss the ISSUES, and lay off the pitifull attempts to intimidate? This blog allows for an even playing field for ALL New Albany residents. Something I'm sure you're not too used to having to deal with. Sorry you are so frustrated. We are too, but about different things.
Let me leave you with something to think about... we are now a united group of folks, small or large, rich or poor, we are here and we are paying attention, and we are not pleased. You can run your business without understanding a financial statement, but nobody's going to manage MY money, and MY town, with 'gut feelings' and a superiority complex.
Finally, Baylor, you owe people here some apologies, and more...
Remember, it's not always about what you give, but sometimes it's about what you take away.
$$$$$$$$$$ - Perfect!
East Ender, at 3:00 AM, October 18, 2005
Do you think anyone will ever answer the questions, Laura? Thanks for giving our family the luxury of asking these questions. And, thanks for your support. It's OUR MONEY - ALL OF OURS, and I just can't go by that "gut" instinct, either. Sorry you feel you can't participate, Mr. Baylor. Take care.
Anonymous, at 3:26 AM, October 18, 2005
I think the only way we're going to get answers is to dig them up ourselves, as some of us are already doing.
But, I think we could get a little help with directions from some of the current Council Members.
Either way, we wull ge ti the b23ottom og thid
East Ender, at 4:17 AM, October 18, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:12 AM, October 18, 2005
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-just another blowhard touting his own horn........sounds like Timmy D....."I've done this, "I've worked here", "I know so and so".....well, if you're so important, and so knowledgable, then how come you can't get anything done? come you can't meet with people on this blog and in the community to help make change.....cause you're a fraud.....and a fake.....and a waste of time!!!......
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM, October 18, 2005
Laura and her followers?
Time for the kool-aid, eh Rev. Jones -er, Oates?
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM, October 18, 2005
Let's send the devil back to where he belongs.
This is a CHRISTIAN caring Community.
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM, October 18, 2005
Hey, I wrote yesterday (no horse in this race). Sometimes, you just need to reboot. There've been plenty of anonymous slurs coming from all sides of these issues.
Ms. Baird, how is it that when someone here calls the mayor an idiot, that's okay, but if someone questions the person who used the word idiot, then the moderator goes nuclear?
If it's okay for "concerned taxpayer" to make slurs, why isn't it okay to slur concerned taxpayer?
Reboot -- and get consistent. Someone said you get further with honey than vinegar, but it has to come equally from all, doesn't it?
Anonymous, at 1:04 PM, October 18, 2005
The Christians are watching the antics being displayed on this public forum.
We can not believe that this type of
movement is going on in New Albany.
Yes, New Albany has always been a
Christian caring town. Please use your time and your efforts to help others who may be in need.
From: Brother John
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, October 18, 2005
how about hindus and buddhists are they welcome, also what if jesus christ were walking around in new albany today would he approve of this blog
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM, October 18, 2005
If Jesus Christ were walking around New Albany today would he approve of any of us? Or anyone's blog?
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, October 18, 2005
Boards & Commissions
Seabrook - City Council Member
Crump - City Council Member
Messer - City Council Member
Do these Commission Members vote on items on these boards?
And then Vote again on the same items as Council Members?
Is this not a "CONFLICT" of Interest?
I Love Politics
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, October 18, 2005
But, again, that's just my opinion
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM, October 18, 2005
Geez, Louise! Didn't mean to cause such an uproar by asking someone to answer my family's questions. City Hall certainly couldn't care about my comments; as I said, it's not election time yet.
But, again, howcome those two questions can not be answered by anyone, other than Mr. Baylor?
How do you sell bonds backed by MY property taxes, when you have no financial records; no audits can be performed by the State of IN; Millhauser,Andres & Tucker could only compilate a five month financial statement? How do you sell bonds on a building you do not know if you are going to be able to build yet, because this City has still not heard from the EPA? Do I have to beg for an answer or does anyone out there know a retired professional that can try and answer, or is there no answer? Is the Indiana State Bond Bank our last resort? This family will do all we can to get the answers to our questions, Laura. We will keep on diggin'. Thanks for your help. And those insults? We've been called alot worse. Their only problem is they can not figure out who we are. Again, that's a personal problem with them and shows their character. And to whomever thinks this sounds like, let's see, oh, someone named Tim Dietrick -- any postings I have seen from him he would gladly tell you what, when, where and why and how good he is. Barking up the wrong tree, so to speak, on that one. Tim, whoever you are, you should be proud someone thought you wrote that. Have a good day, New Albany. We are.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, October 18, 2005
Interesting info on the Council members who sit on multiple boards. The conflicts of interests are inevitable. These Boards and Commissions have issues & relations
with other Government entities which wind up coming before the Council for action.
This is where 'deals' get struck on compromises, and voting powers get used and abused.
There is too much power in the hands of too few people, and the public is catching on. This cannot be condoned nor ignored. It must stop. It's time to clean house.
As for the harassment and name calling; Anyone who has made even semi-frequent visits to this blog knows the truth about where the ugliness comes from. We don't go to the other blogs and thrash them with nasty remarks as they do to us. We leave them to their own opinions and simply don't participate. That's called MATURE.
We have a right to question the Government of our City and express our concerns about it. Indeed, it is our civic responsibility.
However, the viscous personal attacks on citizens, that are coming from anonymous Baylorites, are nothing less than malicious and amount to nothing more than malfeasance.
East Ender, at 4:47 PM, October 18, 2005
What you've failed to show, East Ender, is whom is actually responsible for the personal attacks.
You continue to attribute the "attacks" to certain individuals while not offering any evidence whatsoever as to where they actually come from.
Anyone could just as easily attibute them to you with the same lack of evidence.
I've stopped trying to engage you on any issue as you don't seem interested in discussing them. I've gone out of my way in the past to point out that I'm not attacking you and to say that I occasionally agree with a point you've made.
Your response to that thus far has been to ignore my comments and/or delete them.
When I do bother to read what's posted here, I find an accusation made against me that is patently untrue. When I simply ask what the basis for that accusation is, my comment is deleted.
From these experiences, I'm led to believe that you're more interested in continuing the conflict than you are in actually working to resolve it and collectively solve problems.
If that's not correct, please explain why.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 5:29 PM, October 18, 2005
well said
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM, October 18, 2005
For the Speak Out Loud NA readers:
To those who value knowledge, truth, freedom, and the sanctity of life as their guiding ideas I hope I can help each of us decipher through the lying, deceit, and struggle that is New Albany politics.
I hope I can inform you about the biggest problems facing our city and my solutions to solve them.
First of all I doubt that Randy has yet to write a single column that has not been manipulated in some detail in order to help Mayor Garner communicate his message.
And you would think that by now the Baylor crowd would have learned some lessons about twisting facts to suit his ideology and punishing those who seek answers and to tell the truth. But he continues to behave like Cinderella's evil stepsisters who cut their feet in order to fit them into the glass slipper, while he is butchering reality to make the fairy tale come out his way.
I come from a very political family so I would like to start with Politics 101.
Why would a successful business person with a Masters Degree raise over $100,000.00 to campaign and get elected to a job that only pays $50,000.00 per year? Does this person have a hidden agenda? I question the additional amount of money
that a politician can earn in a four year term.
It seems that the first rule of thumb in politics is this. You say and do whatever it takes to get elected. You make campaign promises that are impossible to keep and you promise political favors and jobs to those who help you attain your goal.
For example, Shane Gibson, he was his treasurer and now is the City Attorney and stands to make several thousands of dollars connected to the Scribner bonds. Tony Toran worked on the campaign and is now the City Operations Manager, this position was one that Mayor Garner promised to eliminate in as one of his campaign promises, even though Mr. Toran lacks the education, experience, and knowledge for such a position.
I am sure there are many others that we could all name.
The first rule of Politics 101 is this. You need an "inner circle" of friends. These are the people who work behind the scenes and their identities are protected.
Secondly, you have your "money people". These are the bankers, attorneys, realtors and developers.
This is one of the more serious problems that I see.
For example:
Greg Fifer, New Albany Sewer Board Attorney who is also the attorney for the rural developers. And he also represents:
David Ruckman
Robert Lynn
David Blankenbaker
Kent Witten
Now my question is this. Which other developers does Mr. Fifer represent? Second question. Is this not a conflict of interest for us? Why should Mr. Fifer have it both ways?
My solution to the problem would be this. He should be the Sewer Board Attorney and not represent the developers. Or quit the Sewer Board, choose one.
I also want to raise awareness about these other issues, and give solutions.
I totally agree with what $$$$$$$$ said. But let's go a one step further. As I have always been taught, you start at the beginning. In my opinion this is the first thing that needs to be done. Have all accounts frozen. There should be no raises or additional spending. There should be a complete audit in order to discover exactly what we have to work with. We should demand a full investigation into the previous audits. We should focus in ensuring the police and fire department have all their necessities, everything we need to keep our city safe. No police cars should not be allowed to be taken home outside of the City of New Albany. To help cut costs, the fire dept. should not go on ambulance runs. There should be no new hiring. All cellphones should be left in the offices after 4:00PM. All personal calls should be charged back to each employee. All city elected officials who are furnished vehicles and gas should park their cars at 4:00PM, including the Mayor. We need to start at the top with each department to sacrifice for all of us.
In my opinion, Scribner Place should be between the YMCA and Caesars. I agree that Scribner Place should be built but the city and the taxpayers should be left out of it. Look at how the $400,000.00 could benefit the city as a whole. So both sides win.
In my opinion, the Stormwater fee should be put, (even though it has been mandated), on the backs of the developers, and not the taxpayers of New Albany. i support the county plan. My question is this. If the Stormwater Project is so urgent, where has the Mayor and the Sewer Board been in the past two years?
In my opinion, each account should be used for it's designated purpose. The sewer account funds should not be used to cover sanitation or used as an emergency fund.
In my opinion, Mayor Garner has already made up his mind to privatize Sanitation. I do not agree with him. I would much rather see my water and sewer bill raised to keep these employees on the city payroll. Without the proper equipment it is impossible for anyone to do their job properly. This is a costly mistake made by the previous administration.
In my opinion, one of the major issues of which I have a serious problem, like many citizens of New Albany, is the same people sitting on the Council who are paid to be on other boards of which their votes can affect the decisions of the City Council.
Solution, an Ordinance stating that a City Council Member cannot sit on any board which could cause a conflict of interest.
In my opinion, one of the biggest problems I see is everyone not paying their fair share of sewer bills with over $170.000.00 of uncollected sewer bills that also means, even if collected, sanitation and recycling are not recovered.
I personally have been told that the Mayor's intention is to bring the billing and collection of sewer bills back in house. I think this is a waste of taxpayers dollars to spend at least $40,000.00 for software, not counting the additional expense to the taxpayer. The Administration should be honest and tell the taxpayers what the $800,000.00 is to be used for. What do they have to hide?
I am only one person with one opinion but I think that I have given the taxpayers a solution to some of our problems. The Administration needs to show a need for all of these expenditures.
We need to stop being so divided, no more labels. No more "haves and have not's", or progressives and little people, etc. We all have a stake in the future of our city.
I read this on this blog a few months ago, "Common sense is seeing things as they are and doing things as they ought to be".
Mr. Mayor, listen to voice of reason.
Come on, hit me with your best shot.
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM, October 18, 2005
ONEVOICE, Where have you been? What a fantastic article, Politics 101.
This was very educating.
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM, October 18, 2005
Excellent Article...Really makes you stop and think.
Anonymous, at 9:45 PM, October 18, 2005
Mr. Baylor- Are you lost? Your on the wrong Blog. Have a great evening.
Anonymous, at 10:23 PM, October 18, 2005
Get ready for the onslaught Laura. It's coming. Take care. We'll try and not read the nasty ones. :)
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM, October 18, 2005
Ms. Baird, while we’re at it, please explain how these comments, and the moderator’s response, fit into to your view of things.
Is it true that City Operations Director for Mayor Garner, "Tony Toran," is a Christian Minister?
Wow! How can he agree with Garner's actions that hurt so many people, and at the same time stand up on the alter and say he is leading people to Jesus Christ???
I am really puzzled as to how Tony Toran, the so-called, preacher, can work so well with the Progressives who are self-proclaimed aethiests.
We in New Albany, should all be shouting, "LORD, HELP US ALL".
Anonymous, 10:13 AM, August 31, 2005
Are you that Toran is a minister?
Is that really true?
Anonymous, 8:40 PM, August 31, 2005
Blevins is a minister too and look at his ethics, what a joke.
Anonymous, 6:53 PM, September 01, 2005
Bleavins and Toran both claim to be preachers and Christians. Yet all that seems Holy to them is the Almighty dollar.
It's just a tactic to get people to trust them. Otherwise, they could not stomach the shame and pain that this administration carries.
East Ender, 6:59 PM, September 01, 2005
As East Ender herself said on 12:17 AM, September 29, 2005:
There is a seriously unstable element that runs through whoever is posting all these hateful words.
Anonymous, at 10:59 PM, October 18, 2005
Whomever anonymous is writing about the "so-called Christian" element is so correct. Our family would be "labeled" Methodists; with my brother having been an ordained Minister for over 30 years now. We truly don't understand how they can profess and then their actions speak so much louder. As Baron Hill so eloquently put it at the Democrat picnic this year, God did not leave our party; and religion has no place in perpetrating your style of politics. If they were truly men of God, as they proclaim to be, this couldn't and wouldn't be happening. Thanks for writing about that. Good things will happen; just keep the faith. With the feeling that God put us all here for a reason and that we are doing his work, they stand no chance. But, then again, they don't understand. There is none so blind as those who will not see.
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, October 18, 2005
§ 151.13 PAINT COLORS.
(A) The Historic Preservation Commission shall require a Certificate of Appropriateness for changes in exterior colors of buildings, sites, structures and objects in the historic districts.
(B) Owners of structures in certain historic districts of New Albany shall seek the guidance and assistance of the Historic Preservation Commission prior to painting or coating buildings in certain historic districts of the city. However, the Preservation Commission shall not prohibit the use of any color or coating with the exception of the use of black on the body of any building in the historic districts.
(Ord. G-99-334, passed 6-28-99)
You would think someone serious about preservation would know about and support the historic preservation ordinance instead of whining about getting caught violating it. Don't you have some neighbors getting busted for putting in vinyl windows? Looks like the commission is doing its job.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM, October 18, 2005
I mean Herbert...sorry.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM, October 18, 2005
We were not caught "violating" it. Wouldn't sell us short, if I were you. We have worked too hard to take any more of your harrassment, Frank and I. As we told Shane, send the letter so we can go ahead and prove our case of the intentional use of not enforcing the laws. Me thinks I now remember where I said that statement. How about on a phone conversation to the City Attorney? Maybe... Then again, maybe you are jealous because Frank has so much experience in renovating and working on historical homes. Maybe? Who knows, and who cares. WE DO NOT NEED A PERMIT TO PAINT THE FRONT AND BACK SIDES OF OUR HOUSE AS LONG AS WE DON'T CHANGE THE COLORS. Send that letter Mr. Gibson, please. It'll be the cover letter for my 2" file. Too much work done helping set up the historical laws and commission; too much walking; and too many meetings hammering it out with Council to take ANY KIND of bull from the likes of whomever chooses to hide behind their "little" cloak.
By the way, people are still waiting on the answers to the questions about the bonds and the sewer credits. And......... Like Laura said, anything but the issues. East Spring St covers the historical sides of things quite well. This blog is sort of more political in sense, can you understand that? Done with me now? Gee, thanks.
P.S. Be glad I'm not updating you on what happened today downtown with taxpayers monies. We'll save that for later, ok? Smile.
Anonymous, at 12:04 AM, October 19, 2005
We're always glad when you're not updating us, Yvonne.
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM, October 19, 2005
I am not going to waste my time to go back through all 3600+ comments and find the hundreds of insults and degrading remarks that have been so arrogantly fired upon the participants of this blog.
You have just made your own uselessness very obvious by digging up comments that you think will make folks look bad, but have no point in the discussion of issues at hand here.
This is indicative of having your panic button pushed.
There is no reasonable defense for the antics of this administration,
so you can only continue to attack the citizens for their frustration.
We owe you no explinations for our words.
The administration, however, does owe the citizens explinations for their mis-management of the City and our tax dollars.
East Ender, at 12:51 AM, October 19, 2005
Well put, Laura, and how easily they forget.
Anonymous, at 1:09 AM, October 19, 2005
Proof yet again that although she can dish it, she can't take it.
Case closed.
Anonymous, at 6:45 AM, October 19, 2005
I know that this is not intended as a
Christian forum. I do think that the Christains in New Albany should be
made aware of the devilish antics that some groups are using.
The devilish picture of a taxpayer
showing the devil with horns is scary.
Christains should unite and stand up for the Christian principals we
believe in.
How unreal---- that someone said that the Mayor's appointed person,
Toran, is also claiming to be a
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM, October 19, 2005
any of you idiots actually ever checked to see how people get appointed to boards??????.....of course not....that wouldn't support your feeble arguements.....the boards of all cities, not just New Albany, have members appointed by different levels of goverment.....a city council member is required to sit of certain boards....just like a member from the parks board.....just like a member from the sewer board....just like there has to be equal representation from the political parties.....these people you bash or a regular basis are fufilling a requirement....
In reality, I would love to see you people get your way....freeze all spending....hell, why you're at it, just send everyone at city hall home....I'd love to see them all walk off the job....police and fire too.....then what will you little people be left with???? think your neighbors tall grass is a problem......wait until anarchy breaks out....and you people are crying for your city officials to help.....bunch of ungrateful, uneducated, unreasonable, uninformed hypocrites!!!.....
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM, October 19, 2005
Ms. Baird, to answer your question, last night I posted. I'm not Baylor, but it's true that I know him.
Yesterday you'd said that no one had called anyone an idiot here, and I merely cited five examples of someone doing it during the month of September.
Then I showed that the moderator had warned people not to use obscentities, then did it herself.
She erased my comments.
That's a commitment to fee speech? All I did was reprint words that were already here. Nothing more at all.
I just wanted you to know that's what you missed.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM, October 19, 2005
Dear Mr. Smith:
We are anxiously awaiting the letter from the Historic Preservation Commission, once again. And yes, Frank is a "professional" painter -- that's what he does for a living. And because you interpret the laws one way, and not the way that was intended, that is your option. We still disagree, and if that makes whomever mad, so be it. Shame no one else can get any code enforcements done; And no, I was told the City read it on the "blog" and that's why they telephoned me. Interesting, isn't it? They READ IT ON the BLOG.
Our family, again, looks forward to hearing from you.
Your diversion from the issues and attacking my family instead won't deter any of us.
And, Mr. Smith, seeing that the Council submitted my husband's name to the Mayor, alongwith his resume, and he chose you instead -- I don't recall us "crying" about it. He was glad the Mayor didn't appoint him, because we have LIVES to live, busy lives. Just hope you can justify your actions when the time comes; especially when you can't enforce any of the other rulings you have made on that Board.
Ceece, appreciate your comments, and you have the right to say whatever you want and I'll defend it to * and back; but until you have walked in my family's shoes, please don't think we are mad because we won't follow rules. We are in a tussle with the City. We've got a list down here of various houses in all the historical areas that are in violation, and you want to make sure my husband, who is a professional painter, come before you and show his "scraping" methods.
These are Frank's words, not mine, "the other people must have too much money or political allies for you to tackle and make them follow the laws". We are not breaking any historical laws, but that's our opinion. Be careful, because we were provided with copies of the infractions from the state and the city that my "neighbors" are violating. Guess you would rather see our house burn down rather than make my neighbors do the right thing concerning electrical issues and make me get a COA instead. Frank and I are really enjoying this...too much history here.
Now, let's get back to the issues of the Bonds backed by my property taxes and the Bonds for a building you don't know if you can build yet.
And, please, Mr. Smith, send that letter. We were expecting it Tuesday. I am glad you are telling me when it will be there. Our Attorney is anxiously awaiting. As I said, it will be the cover page of that 2" file we have going between the City and us.
Thanks for ALL OF YOUR CONCERNS for me and mine; Thank you for all of your derogatory comments; and Thank you Laura, for allowing me to post what is going on. Take care and let's get them back to the real issues raised here that affect taxpayers, not my house on Main Street. As I said last nite, Geez, Louise! You all have a real fine day in New Albany. Gotta go, got that life to live. And try not to take it too seriously; none of us get out of it alive.
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM, October 19, 2005
RFP's (Requests for Proposals) have been issued again for privitizing sanitation. Get ready for the battle again. Wonder how many people know that happened at the sewer board. Does anyone know how much monies we will spend to outsource this? Guess citizens better get ready...a real march may be needed this time, but of course with a permit. Sorry, sanitation, I would have hoped you heard it somewhere else, but this administration is not going to give you any time/notice about what's going on. We're there for you...hang in there.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM, October 19, 2005
OK people, we have one last chance to stop the privatization of the Sanitation Dept. We must utilize that opportunity to show that the administration cannot just bowl us over and do whatever the h** they want to (feel better bluegill?).
How can they justify privatization when there are no REAL numbers to examine. Are we just supposed to take their word on it? I don't think so. Not after the other stunts they have pulled in making "political" decisions and doing political favors.
Sanitation workers: This is a call out to you... are you OK with the Department getting shut down? Or, do you want to fight for your jobs?
Let me know, and we will stratigize.
East Ender, at 2:11 PM, October 19, 2005
We need to have City leaders who will respect the Laws & Rules the City Council have passed.
And we also need City leaders who are able to respond to it's Citizens and is worthy of their trust.
There is an obvious Conflict of Interest that exist when City Council Members & Atty's represent both Taxpayers and Developers.
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM, October 19, 2005
Legal Beagle-
You are absolutely correct. We are craving an administration that will actually "serve" the public.
Do what they were elected to do... represent their constituency.
Why do they fight the airing of the City Council meeting tapes? Do they not want they people who elected them to actually see them at work on their behalf?
I know some CM's who are fine with it, and others who are mortified that their actions will be broadcast.
What's wrong with this picture?
East Ender, at 3:40 PM, October 19, 2005
I think the council meetings should be aired, too.
Who's who? Which council members object and how do you know? What have they done to "fight" it?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:53 PM, October 19, 2005
What is the reasoning behind stopping the City Counsil meetings on WNAS? Can anyone explain?
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM, October 19, 2005
Just a suggestion. Go to the School Board, and ask them to allow the airing of these meetings, for the good of the public and for the help in educating their students interested in civic, etc. These are elected members and a relatively new board. Extremely approachable.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, October 19, 2005
It shore is good to see you back, Legal Beagle! Isn't it troublesome that the very people trying to do the right thing are so viciously attacked; or do we just expect that to come with the territory?
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM, October 19, 2005
You're right, Brandon. You're definitely not the confused one.
I thought it strange, too, when East Ender directed her "Feel better" comment at me after ignoring my comment.
The only thing I can figure is that East Ender got confused as to whom she was talking.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 6:48 PM, October 19, 2005
Mr. Smith:
Sorry you don't understand what I mean by my family being under attack -- and not necessariy by you, personally. Maybe I didn't word things right. There are too many violations from the Historical Preservation Commission sitting on houses down here that your Attorney won't enforce, or can't enforce. The last thing this City needs to worry about is when we pick up a paint brush to do maintenance. The Planning Dept at the City knows there is no lead paint on this house; they didn't say anything when we changed our colors last time because they "trusted" Frank's judgment; other neighbors have completely changed the colors of their houses and they have not heard a peep. This City hears it on a "blog", and has an Indiana State Board call my house personally because I'm doing touch-up -- not even the City -- the STATE. Yeah, I consider it an affront to my family. Check our records; we are preservationists to the core. And, we look forward to defending that reputation, whenever and wherever. To those of you who are going to insist I'm ranting and raving...sorry. Just OUR opinion of "selective enforcement". There is a 2" file that exists of houses the City has cited and refuses to enforce, but I'm breaking the law? Someone told me to bring a scraper down with a razor blade in it, so you could see how I am scraping (prepping) my house. Frank is squeezing this maintenance in between his other jobs, and he nor I have the time to play footsies with some people because they can't get the ones that do break ALL the laws you so proudly defend; that we so proudly helped draft. Thank you for your interest.
Count our family in, Sanitation. We want this City to retain this service for our citizens. Just our opinion. Have a good evening, tomorrow is Council meeting - 7:30 sharp. See you there.
Anonymous, at 6:52 PM, October 19, 2005
Does that mean you're refusing to meet with the HPC?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 6:56 PM, October 19, 2005
Vendettas are more fulfilling than discussion any day.
Ms. Kersey, at one point does your annoyance with this vast conspiracy directed against you start taking the form of harassing your neighbors, who simply aren't living up to your view of the way they should be?
Anonymous, at 7:21 PM, October 19, 2005
According to your rationale, educated candidates could only have avarice as an ambition for public office, am I correct in that assessment?
This shouldn't be regarded as a defence of the mayor, but a recoil from the handy danger of jingoism. - jon faith
jon faith, at 7:33 PM, October 19, 2005
Mrs. Kersey
I do support your comments 110%.
You have rights.
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM, October 19, 2005
hope sanitation workers & families will attend tomorrow nights meeting. word has already passed.
Anonymous, at 8:15 PM, October 19, 2005
No one is confused about anything. Everything is perfectly clear as to the lengths some people will go to in order to harass someone.
I am re-entering the earlier comments on a matter that was raised earlier today.
I do not have the time, nor the inclination to respond to you and your accusations.
I have no faith that you could ever engage in a useful dialogue about the issues, and I have no time for stupid exchanges about who said what. Insults are useless.
If you really wanted to contribute to solving issues, your comments would be ABOUT the issues. GET IT?
East Ender, at 8:25 PM, October 19, 2005
[Speak Out Loud NA] 10/18/2005 09:18:33 PM
On 11:08 AM, September 21, 2005, Yvonne Kersey wrote:
"We have a building on Main St which is in violation of State and City laws. We have waited on this City to enforce the variances granted since September of last year. We have jumped through all of the hoops, met with the Mayor, etc. We have now received a letter from the City Attorney's office they are not going to enforce the laws, because they are waiting on the State to finish their investigation. The owners of the property in question told the City they may have to add on to their back porch to meet ADA requirements and that might ruin any landscaping they do and hurt any paving they do -- but, they installed a three-tiered fountain in the back yard, right after they told the City they can't do what is required by law. We maintain the State violations have nothing to do with the City's violations and the City's Historic Preservation Commission's violations. So, if we went jumped through all the hoops and minded our p's and q's for months, only to be told (by letter) the City Attorney has decided not to enforce the laws -- what good is that Code Enforcement Officer going to do? Will they have more authority than the City Attorney? People really need history lessons about what, when, where, and why these things are happening. For those of us who have attended mind-numbing meetings for over ten years, we have learned the hard way to keep things public and to take our lumps for trying to do the right thing."
Ms. Kersey, why do you hate your neighbors?
Posted by Anonymous to Speak Out Loud NA at 10/18/2005 09:18:33 PM
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM, October 19, 2005
[Speak Out Loud NA] 10/18/2005 10:48:06 PM
Wow! Was that a paraphrase by me at one time with my frustration with code enforcements in this lovely City?
Strange someone would bring that "little" issue up, what with what has happened with my husband and myself since last Thursday, which we feel is because of the very house mentioned.
In 1999, a group of preservations helped draw up the laws of the Historic Preservation Commission, passed by the City Council. No siding; anything seen from the street or public viewing that is to be changed HAS to go before the Comission; zoning changed so no more butchering up of old houses into apartments, etc... We decided it would be un-American to tell someone what color they should paint their house, as long as it wasn't black; you can use black trim -- but not black. Like John M. sings "Little Pink Houses for you & me"...
Thursday, the INDIANA HISTORIC LANDMARKS COMMISSION telephoned me and told me I needed a permit to touch up the paint on the front and back of my house (my husband is a professional painter and serves on MSPA's Board of Directors). Kind of hit me between the eyes, all of the code enforcement and preservationist work we've tried to do for years, and they want me to take a permit in order for Frank to take his paint brush out.
Hey, have you ever opened your newspaper up and your Mayor is telling everyone on the front page of the Tribune you are destructive to society and detrimental to your neighbors because you were (at that time) working WITH government to help clean up one of NA's oldest, but one of the most unkempt buildings, on Mansion Row? Nah, you wouldn't know how that felt, huh?
You wouldn't know how it feels to be harrassed & told you need a permit just to touch up the paint on your house. Supposedly now, they say I need it for the prep work. Because of their selective enforcement action that is going around right now, I WILL make this public, and let you know that I spoke with Shane Gibson, Scott Woods, Laura Renwick, the Mayor, and the Chief of Police (all in 1 little room) Thursday. Just wanted the City to know my husband is looking forward to a letter from the City saying we need a permit; that we are in violation of the Historical Preservation Commission. WHAT A JOKE! And if you don't call that selective enforcement, I don't know what is.
Now, this building referred to is cited by the Historic Preservation Commission as being out of compliance; this building is cited as being out of compliance with New Albany's zoning variance laws; and this building had their agreement with the state revoked and are back with electrical, American Disability Act problems, etc. They are also out of compliance at the Culbertson's Widows' Mansion. Haven't you noticed the piece of coat hanger (wire) holding up the wrought iron out front? Haven't you noticed they only painted the front, not the sides that face their neighbors; haven't you noticed they have built a spite fence between my neighbor and them? Now, Laura Renwick tells us they are in violation down at Culbertson West. Shucky durn. Ermine's (building owned by them) door is also in violation of the ADA. They rented a building to a friend of mine on E Main (where the Black Iris was), and it had a really bad roof. Property damage and things like that. Real Preservations, huh? Got mad and kept MSPA's records; even though they maintain they turned them over to the Library. I don't HATE my neighbors. I really try not to HATE ANYONE. Useless negative energy.
My opinion is they are violating every essence of historical preservation (they claim they stand for) that my family and alot of other families in this town have strived for -- to keep the integrity of the Mother part of the City (Historical Mansion Row) for the residents of this town. Putting ourselves under these strict provisions AIN'T cheap, but it's also putting money into local contractors' pockets, too.
Glad to give you an update, just waiting on the Historic Preservation Commission's letter so we CAN get something done. NEXT? Attitude, hey, got it. Get your facts right, but that's right, you don't have to LOOK at it. It's not in your neighborhood or should I say "nimby". Sleep tight. And please, never say that I HATE anyone. Anyone that knows me knows I even use TOLERANCE as my motto in life. Try it out, you might like it. And another thing, this thing will be more public later than it is here tonight, trust me. Thanks for putting that out there, whoever. You have just updated everyone in town about the lack of enforcement and lack of trust in our local laws.
Posted by Yvonne Kersey to Speak Out Loud NA at 10/18/2005 10:48:06 PM
Anonymous, at 9:21 PM, October 19, 2005
Thanks for the contact info. I think this is a very important issue that we all should voice our opinions about. There is no justifiable reason to stop airing the City Council tapes.
If every person in this town could see what goes on at those meetings, we could agree that the public is being adequately informed. Or at least has the opportunity.
There are many folks who want to know but are limited in mobility or means of travel to get there. Let alone the fact that the meeting room only holds about what... 80 people? I'm guessing.
East Ender, at 9:42 PM, October 19, 2005
Okay, since Ms. Kersey's thoughts get reposted, I'll say it again:
Her dispute with the neighbor isn't about the code or the preservation people, it's about homophobia.
Anonymous, at 10:25 PM, October 19, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 10:41 PM, October 19, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 11:41 PM, October 19, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 11:43 PM, October 19, 2005
how would you like to own a large corporation and be looking to move into New Albany and happen to see our City Council meetings on TV?
Can you imagine what they'd think about the appearance and professionalism of all our council reps?
Anonymous, at 12:02 AM, October 20, 2005
or worse yet the Speakoutloud crowd and their band of lunatics
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM, October 20, 2005
For inquiring minds that want to know... the deleted comments were nothing more than a continuance of the satirical assults on our intelligence. Thus, they were removed. You will note, by the times, they were all from the same ANONYMOUS person. Take your pick.
I have left the comment at 10:25PM on because it is directed towards someone in particular.
That person has the right to know what is being said, and an opportunity to respond.
As for the 'other' ANONYMOUS at 12:06AM, all I have to say is... this "raving lunatic" feels quite sorry for you. It must be awful going thru life with a hateful heart. I hope you can find a place in this world that will accept you
and your anger management needs.
I sincerely suggest you stop subjecting yourself to blog sites that ignite your anger towards people you don't even know.
Try to resist the voices in your head telling you to be evil, and pray that it's not too late to change.
People who are working hard to promote change for the betterment in New Albany, but have a different idea than you of how to accomplish that, don't deserve to be thrashed with personal insults.
East Ender, at 1:25 AM, October 20, 2005
Thank you, Laura, for giving me the chance to respond to a really personal attack on my character and my reputation. Thank you, thank you.
Knowing where that attack is coming from is important. Anyone who really knows me knows what I am, and my ACTIONS always speak louder than my words.
We have many different life styles down Main Street, to say the least, and it's none of my business what goes on behind closed doors. Remember, I preach "TOLERANCE", and don't believe in the word "HATE" (said before it's nothing but negative energy). Thank you Laura, for keeping that post for me to respond to, but, anyone who knows me, or anyone who may CARE, knows who I am, what I stand for, and most importantly -- my morals. Let 'em yell...they still can't answer anyone's questions about the finances of this City and about using OUR property taxes for this bond without financial info.
But, thank you again Laura, that you went out of your way in the name of -- what is that they call it -- oh, yeah, "freedom of speech". Take care -- all of you in blog land. Here's to a BETTER NA!
Anonymous, at 2:28 AM, October 20, 2005
Sorry about that "Anonymous" last posting, meant for it to say "YVONNE KERSEY", and proud of it. Regrets.
Anonymous, at 2:30 AM, October 20, 2005
Mr. Faith,
No sir, you are not correct in your assessment. I did not say that educated political candidates have avarice as their ambition for running for office. I said that some politicians run for office with monetary gain as their primary goal.
I still stand by my belief that we need people who want to actually serve the people and not line their pockets.
If you disagree with me, that is your right. You can post your beliefs and I will post mine and will not deliberately misinterpret your statements to influence others.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM, October 20, 2005
Duh--I am sure floyd central would be interested in airing CITY council meetings.
wnas is not a public access channel--before you know it every public meeting city and county would want to be aired--that is not possible and in the past there has been some bias as to which meetings were taped and given to be on the air.
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM, October 20, 2005
WNAS tapes all political candidates and their speeches and runs them what - for a week or two?
NAHS students are involved in every election. They come to the polls and are given the poll results, alot of times before the Precinct Committeepersons' get them. They do an excellent job in reporting results of the elections.
WNAS WAS showing the Council meetings that are taped by an official camera person employed by a local TV station, in his off time. You may need to know taxpayers are footing the bill, not WNAS. Not sure if they would even have the resources to do so.
To suggest in any way these tapes have been selectively used, or whatever, is just nonsense. There are alot of citizens who do shift work, are physically impaired; whatever the case may be and they can't attend. Hey, I can watch Louisville's council meetings; pretty much so in any city - so why not in New Albany? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm........Let me think about that one.
We have made our phone calls, to no avail. If the City signed their rights to a public access channel for citizens over to the school system, what was the return for the community and citizens' investment? To train students in TV/Radio? Personally, I feel WNAS would be doing a tremendous public service by airing our Council meetings, but again, maybe we need to approach the school board. Some people have already talked with Mr. Kelly. Just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 2:47 PM, October 20, 2005
oh but according to the great conspiracy theorists, Valla and her robotic followers, WNAS under Lee Kelly and on orders from Garner and Gahan will alter the tapes to fit their hidden agenda of corruption.
better not have WNAS tape these council mtgs they are part of the great Garner cover-up .
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM, October 20, 2005
Have to admit, I don't even understand what you are saying. I said I don't know if WNAS has the resources to tape the meetings; where are you going with your conspiracy theory?
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, October 20, 2005
Well Mr. Anonymous keep your digs to yourself. Don't see any of you shelling out any of your hard earned $$$$$. WNAS get's enough of my tax dollars. I have contacted Patricia Badger-Byrd new School Board Member and voiced my concerns. She has informed me she is in Support of Council Meetings being viewed on WNAS...
Again what does The Mayor have to hide?
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM, October 20, 2005
Digs? We're on the same page. Then again, maybe not. Patricia Badger-Byrd is a good person; all of our new school board members are as far as I know. We sure did work hard to get them elected, instead of appointed. Hang in there...things are getting to you. We also tried to fight that school bond of I don't know how many millions, to no avail. I really think we are on the same page on this issue. No offense intended, at all. And knowing who pays for them is not a secret and I feel is done for the betterment of New Albany, to show people what citizens are going through at City Council meetings, literally. A lot of people do not come to Council for fear of attacks on their speech. It does get old after awhile! I say shine the light on them - as in the Sunshine Laws of the great state of Indiana. Just have to have a place to let the "sun" shine through and make those darn "clouds" go away or get with the program. We should be so lucky, huh?
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM, October 20, 2005
well here's a little rain to dampen your sunshine: Council buries their head in the sand and fails to pass an interim user fee to meet a federal mandate for stormwater management and quality.
Good job obstructionists now we can look forward to $25,000 per day fines soon.
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, October 20, 2005
No rain on my sunshine! If the City Council found the funds to get the Storm Water program going from the TIF areas, and simply need to ask Redevelopment for them, I personally feel good for the taxpayers. You may have plenty of moolah, but some of us are looking at others not as fortunate as you; like the elderly on fixed incomes and the single parent/child families, etc.
There does not need to be a stand-alone Stormwater Board, that would be required to have the Mayor chair it. As the County ordinances state, and what they did, was put it under the Planning Commission for execution. We have copies of their ordinances and they are beautiful. The one thing I question is it mentions they are concluding working on an inter-local agreement. Is that with the City; and is that more money that will be available? Sorry, haven't had time to explore that terminology with the county yet to see what's up. Didn't you love the article in the Tribune how they have kept to a ten year old budget; that if it isn't in your budget you don't get it unless it's an emergency. Office supplies, forget it. To the County Commissioners and my County Council, salute! I've always loved my County government.
Keep smiling. I see sunshine; I'm sorry it's raining on you. Just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 12:33 AM, October 21, 2005
After seeing Randy Smith's actions at the City Council tonight; and watching him make a beeline to the Mayor's office after the meeting only convinces me more who his blog is for. Outrageous behavior; and that is what we mean when citizens and taxpayers speak - ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK. He was out of order and I am glad Gahan gaveled him down. And you want to talk about the law -- did YOU sign up to speak? I don't think so, but they won't then let Laura come up. John Gonder was asked to come up, but Tim Dietrick wasn't -- yet he still HAD TO COME UP. Why not Laura? Wished I had know she might be late. We would have signed her up ourselves! Sure wanted to hear what she had to say. And Randy, from the Council's faces, I don't think they appreciated your outburst. We all know Dave and he has nothing but good intentions and he has every right to question this Council about OUR MONIES. As I have asked of you before, who do you really work for? You leave no doubt in my mind, based upon your actions (AND WORDS). Sure don't know how your business stays afloat with all of that anomosity to people you don't even know. Sorry you want to be the reporter for NA; rather than Ben. Sure don't want to listen to your assassinations. The people I know in NA are kind, gentle in nature, caring -- or we wouldn't spend so much time at meetings. So, your audacity at tonight's meeting, to me, was completely idiotic. Glad it was taped by the students and our other methods. Have you ever heard of the word TOLERANCE? Doesn't Mr. Toran tell you about it or practice it? Makes people wonder, you know? What did you think you were accomplishing tonight? Discrediting Huckleberry -- won't ever happen. His family - well, you don't even know. I'll be quiet now, because I know I am really talking to a brick wall when it comes to Mr. Smith. But that's just my opinion. TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE, TOLERANCE...
Anonymous, at 12:47 AM, October 21, 2005
Wrong! The clouds have finally parted and the sun shines fully on a day when it was just too obvious that the Council was being asked again to hurriedly pass a complex resolution that wasn't ready for passage.
Thanks to Yvonne and Maurice especially, for standing up and explaining why it wasn't ready.
The Council's confusion, and the bluster of ammendments, became so comical that passing this resolution would have been a joke.
Our special thanks go out to CM Schmidt and CM Price for seeing through the haze of Political posturing and standing up for the little people.
Appreciation also to the CM's who understood that the Committee's recommendations were overlooked and that there are still other options available. We only need $182K by May of 2006 to fulfill mandates, there is no need for a hurried fee to be assessed without knowing any REAL numbers.
There are certain issues the Steering Committee has made recommendations of that were being ignored in the version of the resolution they had in front of them.
East Ender, at 12:48 AM, October 21, 2005
Well said, East Ender. All Rule 13 dictates (the EPA) is we map and test our water effluent quality. We can make this project as BIG or as LITTLE as WE want, according to the law (what law, rite)?
We understand the drainage problems; the sewer problems, the sanitation problems, etc. We know there are severe drainage issues. But, that was not this Committee's mandate. When we questioned the $800,000 amount -- there was no budget for that money; there were no administrative costs included, so who knows how much was really at stake here tonight?
And wasn't it interesting WHO WASN'T at the meeting? Spoke volumes. Thank you East Ender. Spoken like a true educated lady.
Anonymous, at 1:09 AM, October 21, 2005
East Ender, do you think all of the kids from NAHS were there taping and recording because of the comments here today on the blog. And they were good, too. At one point, I overheard them say they didn't understand what was going on. I turned to them and said "hey, the Council nor the Public knows what's going on, because it's too convoluted". They got a tickle out of that. Good to see them there. From what I overheard, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Hope it inspires our younger generation in some way to help out this mess we have gotten in. It was bad a couple of Mayors ago; it got really bad under the last Mayor; and I feel the bottom has fallen out with this Mayor. And, I think they are wearing their poker faces, well. Todd Solomon was trying to tell everyone how BAD it really is, and I support his assertions 100%. He may now realize though, it's the way the process was handled that has held this thing up. We tried to reassure him we will do what they need; we just feel there are other options available. We feel he understood. Thanks for your reporting, Laura.
Anonymous, at 1:22 AM, October 21, 2005
Anonymous, where it's raining on your parade -- Baylor wants an account of tonite's meeting; I think he's talking to you. Spin it there, please. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 1:54 AM, October 21, 2005
Never mind, Anonymous. The Mayor's man took care of it on his blog. Absolutely amazing. But, that's just my opinion.... We just don't know how powerful we are until you read this one. This article actually emboldens me. At least he admits to his "anarchic" outbreak, but claims it was justified. Funny how he chose to leave out Yvonne's comments about whether shall should be changed to would and asked that the Council Attorney advise them on that. The Storm Water Committee wanted no wiggle room for anyone to not pay this fee, like, i.e., their sewer bills, their garbage bills. For a citizen to ask that question and a mockery is made out of it truly shows this man has no respect for any of the Council, or he too might care whether things are right. She asked the Council to ask their Attorney, and he informed them. Why are you selectively editing people's comments? Because you are wrong! But, as they say in the funny papers, that's just my opinion.
Anonymous, at 2:10 AM, October 21, 2005
I agree with anonymous #746: You shouldn't bother trying to discredit Huckelberry when he does such a good job of it himself.
That's unnecessary repetition, and it costs the taxpayers dearly.
Have a nice day, vandals.
Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, October 21, 2005
City Council President Gayhan
Unequal treatment of person or persons, for a reason which has nothing to do with legal rights or abilities. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in employment,availability of housing,rates of pay,educational opportunity,civil rights,and use of facilities based on race,nationality,color,age,sex or sexual orientation. The rights to protest discrimination or enforce one's rights and treatments are provided in various federal and state laws, which allow for private lawsuits with damages.
There are also federal and state commissions to investigate and enforce equal rights.
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM, October 21, 2005
the brick thru Jimmy's window? who knows . . . maybe he cheated somebody else out of money.
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM, October 21, 2005
Thank you, to the City Council members who had the courage to stand up and vote NO on the new monthly fee that the Mayor and his bunch are trying to place on the citizens.
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM, October 21, 2005
City Council Meeting Oct. 20,2005
Outstanding taxpayer's
Dave Huckleberry, Mr. King, Mrs. Yvonne Kersey. Mr. Stewert
Outstanding Councilman
Bill Schmidt
Steve Price
Larry Kochert
Irate Council Members
Jeff Gayhan
Mark Seabrook
Know it all list for New Albany
Randy Smith
Dan Coffey
Jack Messer
Experts for the evening
Timmy Boy
Randy the Mayors Boy
Jack the Mayors Boy
Dumbest comment of the evening
President Gayhan I got a question? I don't understand!
a. Bev Crump
b. Bev Crump
c. Bev Crump
Knock out blow moment
Bill Schmidt: State says use TIF MONEY
Thank You Mr. Schmidt from all the many Taxpayers of New Albany.
Taxpayer's Hero's of the evening
Speak Out Loud NA - Laura Oates
Bill Schmidt
Steve Price
Proudest Moment-Sweet Victory
Little People's confrontation with Randy dandy mayor's boy in the hallway...Give the Mayor $20.00 Randy since he needs the money! Did anyone else notice not only his face was red but his whole head.. I truly don't think he likes us little people of New Albany!
Outstanding Party in the elevator going down...
By the way where was the Mayor last night? Oh yell that's right he is on call 24-7 NOW!
And that's my opinion
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM, October 21, 2005
Great post anon. lol
Sorry I missed the Randy episode.
Anonymous, at 11:33 AM, October 21, 2005
Thank you Anonymous, for your high praise, though my actions certainly weren't done for high praise or anything else except to protect taxpayers.
After 3 1/2 to 4 hour meetings each time this Committee has met, with no pay I might add, (and still alot of work to do), I feel taxpayers nor this committee ever "wanted", had a "consensus", or whatever you want to "call" it, that we need another layer of government by setting up a 3 member stormwater board with the Mayor chairing it. We were adamantly opposed to that issue. But, it was still in the ordinance before the Council. Also, we did agree to lower the interim period, but that 18 month interim period was still in there. All of Council voted at the last meeting to lower that interim time frame, and we had no problem with it.
None of the Committee members that I know of received a copy of that ordinance before it came to the table last night. Because I asked, I was provided with a copy and able to go through it before the Council meeting to see if the committee's suggestions were reflected. Knowing I was asked to attend the Council meeting by Council members to speak about the new ordinance (since I was the only one to get a copy) helps me deal with the bad publicity put out about me. When you do have a life and have given hours of your time freely to this City, and then asked to appear one more time about the 7th ordinance created (with no voice, prior plans to take my daughter to the IUS job fair and babysit my two year old grandbaby while momma was there), it helps that citizens & taxpayers appreciated and understood this issue. I can only speak for myself when I say I appreciate your support of the Storm Water Advisory Committee, and the Council members who stood with us. Glad the money was found in the TIF areas; now we have a hurdle to jump with Redevelopment who controls these millions. My thanks to the Council, also. And everyone else who may care.
For those of you who do what I call "spitting out your poisonous venom", save it for someone else, because alot of us just don't care what you think (personally, I feel your actions are irresponsible), and I know I'm not going to be responding to the "hate" mail my comments here will now evoke (sorry Laura). But, that's just MY opinion.
Have a great day, New Albany.
Anonymous, at 1:11 PM, October 21, 2005
Thank you kindly, Shirley. Your efforts are appreciated also. From ours to yours, only the best..:)
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM, October 21, 2005
hey bubba ya pickin on women now..I heard they took you on last night.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, October 21, 2005
Thank you, Yvonne Kersey for having the courage to stand up at council and
speak for what you feel is right for the citizens of New Albany.
New Albany is in a sad shape right now
with the Mayor and the Progressives ready to attack and tear down any one
who dares to speak out.
Who do they plan to attack and harrass
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, October 21, 2005
Why did the bookstore guy feel it was
necessary to race up to the podium and
make a scene?
What is his problem?
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM, October 21, 2005
Yvonne & Maurice -
Your work, and the summary you gave at Council of the concerns, has been the saving factor of this attempt to place another finincial burden on the taxpayers. You two managed to make the Council understand that the ordinance in front of them was NOT the recommendation of the Committee. Thank goodness they listened.
If we could get them to adopt one rule: "If they don't understand it, don't pass it", we could get a lot less of the "tax then tweak" syndrom that has affected this council.
Very proud of you, and I absolutely agree... there is no sense in even engaging the insult throwers in any kind of dialogue. It is better to just ignore. Their motives are clearer every day.
East Ender, at 6:33 PM, October 21, 2005
Here is the solution, down and dirty, that Council came up with for funding the stormwater issue. It involves TIF areas. Most towns have only 1 or 2; we (of course) have 7 or 8.
TIF stands for Tax Incremental Financing, which allows ALL property taxes in those areas to remain in those areas for capital improvement projects. Take the City of New Albany map, place 8 quarters on it, draw circles around them. This shows the amount of monies now NOT going into the General Fund. That is one big reason the General Fund is having so many problems; that and tax abatements. The County has issued only one tax abatement and that is to SHOTS in Georgetown. This City has about 17 pages worth of them; you can obtain a copy of same by going to the County Auditor's office and asking for a report of tax abatements broken by townships. Tax Advocates tried to warn Council members of this the impact to the General Fund, if you can step out of the box and look at the big picture. So when Council says there is no money in the General Fund, please remind them of their TIFS and ALL those tax abatements.
The SWAC has until May, 2006 to start collecting monies for this project, without collecting the $25,000 fines you have read in your local Tribune today. You would think the SWAC can accomplish what they need to do in that timeframe, seeing they understand the process and some know things about the finances of this city.
The bond monies owed are available in these TIF areas, alongwith millions more. The State St TIF doesn't have a bond anymore, just monies.
The County has finished their Stormwater Ordinances and have started implementing them. They flow through the County Planning Commission. The hope would be that is the way this project will go, through the City's Planning Commission. This City really does not need another layer of government by forming a new 3 member Sanitary Board, chaired by the Mayor (what an additional expense).
The ordinances created by a consulting firm for the county are now in the public domain and taxpayers own them outright. You would hope the SWAC simply duplicates them; with pertinent changes that would be applicable.
The Council helped simplify things by coming up with the TIF monies being used, because now there are no problems with collections; just start writing the checks as needed. The Drainage and Stormwater projects are capital improvements and that is what the TIFs were designed for. If this City has to have them, let them use them to improve those areas without using more fees. Sidewalks and paving shouldn't cost millions, but maybe in this City they do.
You can't be too sure with people saying the fight is still on, fun is just beginning, etc.. After the information you have read about how the financing and flow would work, do you find their remarks as irresponsible as, say, I may? TIF knowledge and understanding a major solution was found for all home and business owners was totally lost on some audience members; and maybe some Council members, who don't have the knowledge or history, either.
Council, you can repeal some of those TIFS if your General Fund is in that bad of shape. And, Stormwater Funding can be used out of the TIFS. That's the moolah on that one. But let me stretch and say, "that's my opinion".
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, October 21, 2005
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