The People's Voices
Just a bit of information to help put this blog into perspective when it comes to how many people are concerned about what is happening in New Albany.
In this month alone, September 2005, there have been 372 comments posted here. Now, that's only the people who have actually taken the time to sit down and write about what they think.That doesn't include everyone who only reads it and doesn't comment. And September isn't even over yet. I expect that our numbers will continue to grow.
I think that number goes a long way in describing how serious the people are about tackling the issues facing our city. So, anybody who wants to try to trash this display of citizen involvement can just stew on that number for a while. It goes to show that New Albany citizens are hungry for information, and want a forum where their opinions can be heard and responded to.
Here's another number to ponder... since I began this blog in May, only 5 months ago, the total number of written comments is well over 2,000. That's an average of more than 400 comments per month. So, keep bringing it on folks, and know you are not alone. We are making a difference, and we do have their attention.
We are here to press for a better New Albany with more fiscally sound decision making.
There has been too much money spent on unnecessary "perks" ($4,700 for one month of city paid cell phones), and too much shuffling of funds between departments to cover shortfalls.
Thus, in 2005, the State mandated a $2.8 million budget cut. Cuts that were ordered by, "State financial officials [who] are making New Albany account for...repayment, along with other overspending in recent years".
This comes from an article in the Courier Journal dated April 29th, 2005, where City controller Kay Garry, "...said she doesn't expect the city to be able to give employee raises next year".
They are now telling us that in 2006 they intend to give 2.5% raises to City employees, as well as 1.5% raises to the Police, who are already the highest paid Police in the entire state.
Believe me, I respect the Police and the job they do, but at this crucial time in New Albany's existence, we must all sacrifice a little, and we must all tighten our collective belts. Especially if it means saving jobs and maintaining important city services.
It is this, and other important issues that drives the need for a citizens forum, where EVERYONE may SPEAK OUT LOUD with their viewpoints without being TOLD what they are supposed to think, CRITICIZED for imperfect grammar, or ASSAULTED for disagreeing with the administration's decisions. Let alone threatened with the possible loss of jobs.
So, even though we have scared some, and angered others, who like to suggest there are really only about 10 of us posting all these comments, and who keep trying to bash us with words of disrespect, I do think the numbers speak for themselves.
This is the people's blog, and it's not going away. We have arrived, we refuse to be intimidated, and we will stay the course. Concerned Citizens for Democracy is a force to be reckoned with.
By the time these comments are read. The key boards of New Albany will be smokin..As we say and also think let the "ATTACKS BEGIN". The many philosophers of New Albany ranging from Socrates to H.L. Mencken and others need to really sit back and rember one thing.
A real human philosopher once said:
Respect is earned not demanded!
Anonymous, at 8:14 AM, September 25, 2005
Thank you, Laura. Your hard work is
appreciated by many people. The people of New Albany have not had a
way to learn what is going on in City Government until you came along.
Three cheers for LAURA!
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM, September 25, 2005
come on it's Harvest Homecoming time ! Cant we all just get along for awhile and enjoy the chicken n dumplings and some suds under the big tent
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM, September 25, 2005
Laura, Hope we can get a copy of the speech that was given by the Controller at Council meeting.
The "Recording Secretary" position for sanitation was really a "line item" set up by the previous software people and that money was going for uniforms. There is already a line item for "uniforms". There was something about the accruals had accrued when in actuality they hadn't -- that's why the books/budget reflected the monies are there, but they aren't? We do hope we can get to the bottom, or to the top, of the money pyramid. There is more, but we will have to patiently wait until more financial statements are released. Now, not only does the public have to submit open records requests, but Council members are having to fill out open records requests just to get the info to do their jobs. If the Council's one job is to be the caretaker of the monies, why should they have to submit open records requests? Why does Flood Control records rest in Oldham County and open records requests have to go there in order to get info. Why do we pay salaries to these people, only to be told "they" take minutes on their OWN time, not on our time?
Thanks again Laura, and you are right -- some of us can not be intimidated. What's that old saying? The only thing to fear is fear itself. Take care.
Guess I'd better go, because as the two engineers that resigned under Overton told me -- the public asked all of the right questions, questions these engineers needed to know, but noone could ever answer them, and still haven't. Therefore, we could be asking questions all day long for weeks, and we still won't get any answers.
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM, September 25, 2005
I live for the day that Yvonne Kersey is able to articulate a vision, rather than attack those who actually can.
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM, September 25, 2005
The purpose of this way of communicating is to better educate all of us of the matters of local government. If you disagree with some
items stated, it should be easy to be
polite and offer the information you believe to be true.
Come on now, let us all work toward making New Albany a better place to live.
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM, September 25, 2005
Please be advised the Stormwater Advistory citizen hearings on are listed in the Tribune today on D6 (Spectrum, under legals). These are important meetings for all taxpayers. September 27th at Slate Run Elementary School from 7 - 9 and September 28th at Green Valley Elementary School from 7 - 9.
Please allow me to correct my earlier posting. I understand that the Flood Control Records are in City Hall; requests for the information by filling out public request forms still stand.
And to Anonymous, it's hard to articulate a vision when you don't know the W H O L E story (and take a beating trying to find out).
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM, September 25, 2005
Yvonne is correct in stating these meetings(stormwater advisory) are of great importance to all of the citizens of New Albany. The hear-
ing notification is another good example of this administrations lack of concern and/or desire for citizen involvement in a decision which will affect them for a possible lifetime!!! Oh sure, they have met their legal requirement by placing the add, but how many people read the Legals
and especially on Sunday in the Tribune. Why was't it on the front page of the Tribune and in the Indiana section of the Courier?
I'm waiting to see if it is in the Monday's edition of the Courier to inform those that do not take the Sunday Tribune.
Again, Monday night at 6:15PM in the assembly room on the 3rd floor of the City County Bldg. a storm water advisory meeting will be held and you are invited to attend and offer you ideas.
Anonymous, at 9:36 PM, September 25, 2005
Thanks for the info Yvonne, and I apologize for the hit aimed at you by some anonymous commentor who I'm sure is someone who slams me for allowing anonymous posts.
Interesting isn't it?
Furthermore, I didn't see your comments as "attacks", I saw questions.
It just goes to prove my point that some will harass and criticize before they will engage in usefull dialogue.
It's only because we have them so frustrated, they can only spew anger. It's pitifull really.
Keep up the good work by shining light on the issues.
East Ender, at 9:51 PM, September 25, 2005
Maurice, you are right on the money. And thanks, Laura, for allowing the questions to be asked. :)
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, September 25, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
One voice, at 10:56 PM, September 25, 2005
Maurice, you are so right on the "money" (so to say). This is a very important meeting(s), to say the least, and we need all the input we can get. Alot of people might get educated, too.
Thank you Laura for allowing me to post what I saw as questions; not attacks. Some anonymous eyes will open soon enough; I've seen it take a year or so... :)
Anonymous, at 10:58 PM, September 25, 2005
The Scribner Project bonds being considered to be sold have gone from $12 Million to $13 Million to now a proposed $15 Million.
The pressure for a council vote was that we have to sell the Scribner Bonds in August or September. At last meeting, Mayor was quoted that bonds would be sold by Feburary and now, the date listed in the newspaper is April 2006.
City Attorney, Shane Gibson, stands along side the Mayor pushing for the approval to proceed with the bond sale.
So my question is what percent will Shane Gibson, City Attorney will recieve from the Scribner Bonds?
And what is the estimated dollar amount that Shane Gibson City Attorney get?
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM, September 25, 2005
"So my question is what percent will Shane Gibson, City Attorney will recieve from the Scribner Bonds?"
That's a bold statement, CT, even for you! Good thing you're hiding!
Anonymous, at 1:02 AM, September 26, 2005
...and they ask why we allow anonymous comments.
East Ender, at 1:32 AM, September 26, 2005
In fact I like many taxpayers have a right to know who is getting pieces of the Scribner Pie?
What floors me certain people sit back and think the Taxpayer should keep quiet and not ask questions! And this is where alot of blogs and this Adminstration have made a drastic mistake.
Didn't we learn anything after dealing with Mayor Overton?
You can not ask people to have blind faith in projects when taxpayers have been lied too.
When people start asking questions. And when a group of Citizens start looking at the facts and numbers and things starting adding up differently then what they have been told. People start putting things together. And like Laura says their is a foul smell some where!
Sept 24 comments by James Garner:
His perception of a Mayor is someone who is highly skilled in the world of business that can make business deals, provide leadership qualities, be able to negotiate, plan out a budget. Have a personnel of highly trained and experience persons in their line of work, and be educated themselves.
Yell Jimmy Were having a great taste of your so called "Great Business Skills and deals."
Your skills and deals are breaking the backs of the Taxpayers.
I guess it took alot of Business skill to spend $750.00 for truck mats?
You sure negotiate well Mr. Mayor:
You give Sanitation Workers a raise and then in the next breathe
your trying to Privatize Sanitation with your back room deals!
And the sad part is this is not over with. Come Jan. 2006 "I'll bet the farm" on it. You will try again to Privatize Sanitation!
Wanna bet?
Leadership Qualities? What a joke!
Budget: Your words Mr. Mayor: I am not going to cut nothing in the Budget pertaining to the Mayors office. I won't park my "SUV BECAUSE I WORK 24/7"...Nor will the City Operation Manager park his SUV! You sure like them Perks Jimmy and Tony don't you.
I thought a leader is suppose lead by example?
I Truly had to save the "Best For Last"
Having personnel of highly trained and experience persons!
Cashier and bag boy at Krogers qualifies a person to be "City Operation Manager"? The future looks bright for all employees of Krogers...
If only we knew then what we know Now. And we wonder if there will still be a City called New Albany by next election?
If I could sit in front of you Mr. Mayor the one question I would ask you is? What have you truly done for the Taxpayers of New Albany! Just tell me one thing!
I have racked my brain trying to figure out like others why we even "VOTED FOR YOU" And now your upset because were not buying your so called crap and you don't seem to get it Jimmy!
Your a total idiot when it comes to business!
You will go down in New Albany History as the "I Don't Know Mayor".
Trust me you do need to hang onto at least one King James Cleaners cause you are strickly a "One Term" so called Mayor!
Anonymous, at 8:44 AM, September 26, 2005
Roger & Diane Baylor
1117 E. Spring Street
Has invited all the little people of New Albany to there 2nd Annual Harvest Homecoming party.
Baylor even furnishing 3 Kegs Beer (BELGIUM 30 lITERS) Popering Hommell and BBC & Oktoberfest (4/4 Barrel).
His only request is bring your own snacks?
I guess this is Rogers way of making peace with the little people. Or he's just trying to get us all drunk so we will tell him who the Real Concern Taxpayer is...
Anonymous, at 9:29 AM, September 26, 2005
Your Awesome Concern Taxpayer. On my way to Kroger's right now...
Anonymous, at 9:34 AM, September 26, 2005
You couldn'y pay me hard cold cash to drink free beer from Baylor.
One voice, at 9:47 AM, September 26, 2005
I think we need to find out what the Board of Works is approving when it comes to payments?
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM, September 26, 2005
We need to look at all department heads. And see where the waste is?
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM, September 26, 2005
I am concerned about the way a "free
beer party" might affect the image of our long time successful, HARVEST HOMECOMING.
very careful to confine the beer drinking to well controlled, protected
beer tents down on the riverfront.
HARVEST HOMECOMING has been a FAMILY EVENT for years, let us not destroy that respected image with a
Anonymous, at 9:57 AM, September 26, 2005
Great Job Concern Taxpayer. Thanks for informing us. I also wonder why the Bonds are being rushed?
And also who gets the Commission?
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM, September 26, 2005
Concerned Taxpayer,
Pay them no mind. To me, if "they" were really concerned, "they" would be interested in your knowledge and your history. It makes no difference to me who you are -- can't understand why it would matter to anyone else, either.
Keep up the good work, because I care about where the bond monies will go. We sat and listened the last time they sold bonds how the "attorney" would make NOTHING...for months we heard this. At the last meeting, the attorney decided they would "have" to make money in order to pay for their malpractice insurance.
It is always a percentage for the bond people and attorney involved. Another question to wonder about is whether we passed the EPA inspection and are going to get sewer credits to build the Y and Scribner. At the last sewer board meeting, the statement was made by the sewer board attorney "well, they agree with us in principle, but we are waiting on another letter." Agree with us in principle -- seems like familiar words to me (having been involved in the legal community before); and seems like that statement is always followed by a BUT .... CJ can't find out yet either what the EPA is going to rule, but they are one of the first that will be notified. Guess we'll wait and see.
So, keep on going know you've got the story right.
Anonymous, at 12:37 PM, September 26, 2005
CT is conniving trickster Vally annie
Anonymous, at 12:59 PM, September 26, 2005
Sure would like to think WE ARE ALL CONCERNED TAXPAYERS. What a low and cowardly remark about someone you know nothing about, or whether you are even correct about CP's identity.
Logic is starting to dictate who and why they are so concerned about your identity, CP. We all know the people who don't want to answer any questions -- take it from there.
Laura, I get a funny feeling that the very people who complain about people being anonymous are the very ones using that option. Seeing I am "little" (105 #'s soaking wet), and I guess I'm "flat", too, being from Flatwoods, KY., these comments almost flatter me. So, as Laura says, keep on attacking CP. It's an attack on all of us who care and who are trying to do the right thing.
Again, hang in there ALL CONCERNED TAXPAYERS! :)
Anonymous, at 1:56 PM, September 26, 2005
Concerned Taxpayer: I think that you are being used as a whipping stone to allow people to lash out at you to keep people from concentrating
on the real problems and mess in New Albany.
You are bringing a lot of this stuff to light and we appreciate you.
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM, September 26, 2005
CT--- Did anyone ever answer your question about the amount the City Attorney will get off the Scribner Bond of $15 million? Is that an automatic fee or percentage or does someone have to
approve it?
Anonymous, at 7:19 PM, September 26, 2005
Thank You Concern Taxpayer. You enlighten us all. You get alot of peoples attention when you write. You are truly an Inspiration
Thanks again
Anonymous, at 9:05 PM, September 26, 2005
Your speaking Loud and clear
Give'm ALL HELL concern taxpayer
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM, September 26, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 12:20 AM, September 27, 2005
These ridiculous comments are coming from a not only a small mind, but a closed one too.
I might start feeling sorry for you if you were not so obviously disturbed.
You are exactly what we need to rid this town of: The people who think they're "entitled" to all the power and all the money.
You will never have the best interests of anyone but yourself.
East Ender, at 12:38 AM, September 27, 2005
Concern Taxpayer--
If your words Inspire others to learn more,
Do more and become more, You are a natural leader.
Thank You Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 12:53 AM, September 27, 2005
In order to be walked on, you have to be lying down. And believe me Concern Taxpayer won't take this attack lying down.
Who in the Hell do you think you are attacking Concern Taxpayer!
Anonymous, at 1:44 AM, September 27, 2005
Whoever this anonymous attacker is... he/she is coming off like a complete idiot.
You must be one of Garner's boys.
You share that superiority complex that makes you people stupid.
I have yet to find a question out of your comments. They are all attacks.
Accept the fact that the citizens are watching, and people are talking.
Things WILL change.
East Ender, at 4:07 PM, September 27, 2005
CT Makes alot of sense. Some body in NA needs to have so guts.
Anonymous, at 7:26 AM, September 28, 2005
This is what is truly wrong with New Albany. You look at the last 3 Mayors. And they have all played a part in it. No one has been held accountiable for nothing.
What can we do? Back room deals, illegal meeting, Do as you want Mayor. And he has money for everything he wants. Your right concern taxpayers. People are mad and fed up.
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM, September 28, 2005
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