What We Are About...
NOTE: I wrote the following as a comment on the previous posting.
As I wrote, I realized it is past time for "Concerned Citizens for Democracy" to make a clear statement about our objectives. The things we are advocating for are the same things that most other folks say they want for New Albany as well. We want a growing, prosperous, city where the quality of life is good for the majority of its citizens. Fairness, truthfulness, honesty, and integrity, are the traits we are expecting from the City administration. These are things we advocate FOR.
We are not going to waste our time and energy in senseless battles over differenences of opinions. Everyone has an opinion and everyone is entitled to theirs. We are not going to endorse or partake in any boycott's of businesses. Such negative behavior is adverse to our goal. If small business owners are making it in New Albany, ya gotta give them credit. That can't be an easy task in This city.
Read on with the knowledge that our purpose is to make things better, to work towards progress, to get our financial feet on the ground, and to ferret out corruption and inpropriety.
Let me state again what I feel our position is, or ought to be.
First, we are NOT against progress. We want progress in our city as much as anyone else.
We are not AGAINST anything but corruption.
What we are doing here is advcating FOR, accountability, truth, cutting unessential "perks" from the budget before we shut down city services, an accurate audit, a capable leadership, good decision making, and a political body that actually cares about what's best for the common citizen of New Albany.
I will not support any boycott's or otherwise bring hardship on any other citizens of New Albany. We are all having quite a time of it already.
In fact I think I will use this as the beginning of the next posting.The last thing we need is to polarize the populous of the City. I believe that the majority of folks all want the same thing in the end. A good City.
Surely no one wants wasteful spending ($700+ for car mats?), or more bad decisions (David White, Eddie Hancock, etc.), or fund shuffeling (sanitation & sewage), or back room deals (ID), and unanswered questions.
Concerned Citizens for Democracy is a group of people who want to protect the future progress of our city. We are not an adversarial group of political wanna-be's. Nothing could be further from the truth. But, we will insist that our political representatives be honorable, respectable, and trustworthy. And above all else, be true stewards for the public that elected them.
Progress and growth are indeed accessible for New Albany and its citizens.
AMEN! Tell it like it is Laura.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM, September 14, 2005
I assume that means this wont be a Valla for mayor Group then since you said it wasnt an adversarial group of political wanna be's
Anonymous, at 9:42 PM, September 14, 2005
This is not a campaign forum, and we will not discriminate due to party affiliation, race, age, or anything else that makes people different.
East Ender, at 11:50 PM, September 14, 2005
I hope your group can do what you say.
Anonymous, at 8:18 AM, September 15, 2005
Thank you Laura for putting that anonymous poster in his/her place.
If people want to bash Valla Ann or anyone else they can find another blog.
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, September 15, 2005
It's so funny to hear people speak of these "perks" as if they are so evil....we are not talking about a Swiss chalet and private jet service ....what is so unreasonable about providing your employee a vehicle to drive....or a cell phone....how do you expect the public sector to compete with the private sector paying employees $15-$25,000 less on average and not providing the fringe benefits that todays intelligent, motivated and mobile professionals seek?......local government is working at such a disadvantage and you people complain about the discrepancy...you don't like the redevelopment director, try to find someone elese as competent with the same lever of experience for that salary....and with not perks....I promise you he could make a lot more working for a private development company....
Finally, the constant complaining about people on multiple boards....step up and serve!!!.....they're there because it's a thankless, stressful task.....taking time away from work, family and friends....for what...to have you little people second guess every decision....you go spend hours listening to property owners complain....knowing whatever decision you make, half the audience will be angry.....it's awfully easy to sit at home on your computer and whine about everything that's wrong....
Anonymous, at 9:07 AM, September 15, 2005
Wait tell Roger get's back.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM, September 15, 2005
quite funny....I do work in the private sector and do volunteer for multiple boards.....I've seen most of your faces, and I know who you are....I also know there are an abundance of vacancies on boards today!.....why is that?....because people don't want to volunteer their valuable time to help out the city, only to become the newest whipping boy on some half baked blog by people more interested in arguing about the problem than helping create a solution....
By the way, the 26 jobs in jeopardy are not a product of gas prices and cell phones....they are product of politics and department mismanagement...ask yourself who has been directly involved with sewers for the last few years....probably see some familiar names....but no one wants to point fingers in that direction!....
Anonymous, at 3:48 PM, September 15, 2005
Preach on anonymous, your so right. I'm mad as hell that people are disrespecting the leaders of NA. It's so easy to sit on the sidelines and point out all of the so-called "crooked" and "mismanage" happenings.
It's about time for some truth on this silly pink blog.
Anonymous, at 10:08 PM, September 15, 2005
There has been truth a plenty on this blog, and there is more to come. Obviously, its things people will try to deny, or defend, or justify.
I am sick if hearing people say "If you didn't pay them that much and offer those perks, you wouldn't get anyone worth a crap."
Well, guess what, we got somebody who's not worth a crap, and I'll be darned if I'm going to support any more perks or RAISES!
Everyone needs to contact your Council Memeber and tell them you don't want to see raises on this new Budget they are working on.
We must put our foot down and insist there will be no more wastefulness.
Furthermore, we won't tolerate the audacity laying 26 men off their jobs, then giving raises in other departments.
East Ender, at 2:01 AM, September 16, 2005
Vacancies on what boards? How does one find out and have a chance to serve?
Anonymous, at 7:36 AM, September 16, 2005
So let's take away the cars and the cell phones, not give raises to city employees and keep everything just like it is...don't lay off the sanitation workers, or restructure the department....now you have city workers paying for city business trips with their personal vehicles, paying more for gas, and either using their personal cell phones for communication, or not being available, all the while inflation and the cost of living makes sure they actually make less money each year.....which one of you would work in those conditions????....sounds like an ingenious way to get the biggest and brightest minds into the city....
Anonymous, at 8:55 AM, September 16, 2005
I think all you are about is a lot of hot air, all words no actions. What is your plan?
At least the progressives have a plan, where are you valla ann where is your plan, seems to me the little just cant comprehend.
If the glove dont fit you must quit, I know this post will give you a fit, now the question will you quit?
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM, September 16, 2005
I agree Anon, I have been reading these blogs and they are hilarious. Seriously, the progressives do have a plan
1. Start with Code Enforcement, makes sense. Roger is right on target on that one.
2. Flush out all the facts and figures used by the mayor and adversarial Gang of Four.
3. Support Scribner Place to serve as a catalyst for development
4. Privatize sanitation and possibly other entities to streamline government and SAVE MONEY.
Roger Baylor for Mayor
Anonymous, at 5:06 PM, September 16, 2005
I think the Council should do an audit.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM, September 16, 2005
There have been some spiteful and hateful commentors at work here.
It seems I remember you all clearly stating that you believe anonymous commentors are cowards, something less than a true citizen of New Albany, and somehow genetically questionable.
Yet, look at the weapon you pick up and hurl at us. Hateful words from hidden perches.
You sit there as if you are above all the little people of New Albany, and your arrogance is disturbing.
You refuse to understand that we are all after the same thing for our city. We just have differing opinions of how that should be accomplished.
There has been too many bad decisions, and too many Lonngggg term contracts and obligations, all while creating ways to give themselves more money.
This scenario is not acceptable for many of us who refuse to lay down and let local government run right over us. Not anymore.
Garner has gotten himself caught up the mire in a pretty bad way.
Please, stay on your blogs where people like you think alike and leave us alone. This is senseless hostility.
East Ender, at 12:27 AM, September 17, 2005
I totally agree east ender!
Concerned Citizens for Democracy should represent all the people of NA. I want my voice heard. I like many people with work can not attend City Council meetings. But I also want my Voice to be heard. I feel this Adminstration is asking for blind faith in their decisions. And so far all the decisions being made is going to cost me! And all of us....What can we do. And where can we turn?
Anonymous, at 6:17 AM, September 17, 2005
They won't stay on their blogs because nobody reads them. Where you have 50 to 100 comments, they have 5 to 10.
Just goes to show there are a lot of us little people and we DO have a voice.
Anonymous, at 1:11 PM, September 17, 2005
I read this blog for the first time today and laughed my ass off. I don't see anyone from NA Confidential posting here, unless they do it anonymously.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM, September 17, 2005
Little People, if you can prove corruption, let's see it. Lay it out on the table. Quit beating around the bush and show us the facts. We progressives are moving forward and our plan is succeeding: Scribner Place, Code Enforcement, Cleaning Up New Albany, Dynamic Neighborhood Assns, Downtown businesses like Destination Booksellers, Town Hall Meetings and the like. Don't fight with us. Join us and make New Albany great.
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM, September 17, 2005
As concern taxpayer said, you have people who have something to lose on one hand, then you have the people who have something to gain on the other hand and you have the wanna be's in the middle playing both sides against the other. And then you have the little people who are professional, educated, middle class, people who play by the rules and respect the law. And we're fed up, and we're pissed off, and we're not going to take it anymore because we stand behind facts, truth, and hard work.
The progressives and the wanna be's are the ones who have the problem and place the labels on many people and concern taxpayer.
We are getting ready to make a stand with the concerned citizens of democracy and Laura Oates. And we will see who is standing when the smoke clears.
The many little people of New Albany.
(footnote: With the guidance of Laura Oates, Concern Taxpayer, and all of the little people you're about to see something you could never imagine happen in New Albany. We anxiously await the return of Mr. Roger Baylor and the progressive gang of four. Never underestimate the power of the little people of New Albany)
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM, September 17, 2005
Yell and when Valla Ann is Mayor. She'll clean this town up. Fix the sewers, streets, generate new business. Clean up the corruption . And bring back dignity to our town.
Anonymous, at 9:38 PM, September 17, 2005
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, New Albany’s own Mr. Common Sense.
Mr. Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was since his records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such value lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm and that life isn't always fair. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you take in).
His health began to rapidly deteriorate when no could balance their checkbooks.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason. He is survived by his stepsister--Ima Whiner.
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone. If you still remember him, raise your glass or beverage; if not, join those who do nothing.
Adapted from an internet email posting.
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM, September 18, 2005
Bring Baylor on! Were ready....
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 9:38 PM, September 18, 2005
I'll put my money on Concern Taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, September 18, 2005
Sounds like a child saying:
"I'm gonna tell my Daddy".
Would you like a little cheese to go with that whine?
East Ender, at 2:54 AM, September 19, 2005
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