A Call to Action!!!
I am working on pulling some things together before I publish the next posting. I'm double checking the facts as I understand them to be.
The Concerned Citizens for Democracy will be notified of a meeting via personal e-mail. So, if you're not on the list and want to be, be sure to e-mail me personally so I can include you.
I've been down at the City-County building all afternoon, so the upcoming post will be for this evening when I have time to gather my thoughts.
Just think about this for now...
We all want positive changes, so let's all think in positive terms.
Most adults who participate here should be capable of reasonable discourse.
For those who cannot do anything but attack others, and other viewpoints, and others writing skills, please refrain from even reading this blog. We have no time, or energy, to deal with bullshit angry outbursts or personal pot shots. Go argue someplace else.
Furthermore, let it be known that I hereby, on this date and time, declare that all written contents of this blog site are considered the private property of Blog Administrator Laura Oates, and I forbid any copying, reproduction, or transferring all or parts of this blogsite, to other blogsites, without my written consent.
We don't need to launch into attack mode, we need to shift into action mode. This means we need to be cognizant of our rights and responsibilities, and our purpose for existence. We must do these things in such a way as to benefit the integrity of our city and the citizens who reside here. There have been too many bad decisions made to simply sit back and expect new decisions to suddenly become good decisions. I, for one, have lost my faith in the "system".
Remember, it's all about concerns that we, as citizens, have about our opportunities for the future revitalization of the inner-city of New Albany.
We should at least be able to have confidence that the decisions being made now, that will follow us for the long term, are indeed in our best interests.
We have reason to believe this is not the case, and we intend to get answers for many questions that have arisen out of our discussions here.
Stay around and stay informed, and talk to your friends and family who have no idea what is going one, and tell them they ought to start paying attention.
It is indeed the time to step up and protect the best interests of the majority of people in New Albany, and not just a select few who are privileged cogs in the wheels of local government around here.
It is time we assemble a list of the perks that we taxpayers provide for some city employees, and get a yearly tally on those perks for 2000 VS. 2004.
We have been made aware (thank you CM Schmidt) that the picture painted of sanitation by our Mayor was a complete lie, or else somebody is really, really ignorant of financial management. It may well be ignorance, given the awareness of other business failings associated with some top City officials, but either way...it's not good.
Fact is, the sanitation Department has only been about $34K short, not the $900K that Mayor Garner has ben quoted as saying.
Everybody name a "perk" or 2, and we'll start a list of expenditures that may well have opportunities for cutbacks to create more efficient financial operations. We should object to the proposed raises, and ask for a list of the city employees who were to recieve the raises.
We should also petition for city vehicles to remain parked except when conducting city business. Nobody's ever paid for my gasoline when times get tight. Why should we pay for theirs now while times are tight. Gasoline is almost $3.00 per gallon.
C'mon, we have to use our common sense. Enough is enough.
Tell a lie often enough and it's still a lie.
Anonymous, at 6:49 PM, September 12, 2005
Tell the truth just once, and what's true will be known.
East Ender, at 2:54 AM, September 13, 2005
1. Cell Phone Bills
2. Traveling expenses
3. Comp time
4. educational classes
5. list of actual cars and to whom?
6. Who gets free gas were paying for? Who has gas cards?
7. Long distance calls
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM, September 13, 2005
ACTUALLY--"IF"-- there was a lie--that means the liars club would include not only garner, but past mayors, overton and england and the financial managers during their tenure---It also would include all of the current members of the sewer board- and those members of that board during the past two administrations-----THAT IS A LOT OF PEOPLE ON ONE SIDE OF THE FENCE TO BE CALLING LIARS---THERE NEEDS TO BE A LOT MORE RESEARCH BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS TO CONCLUSIONS---I FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE THAT ALL OF THESE PEOPLE, FROM DIFFERENT JOBS AND DIFFERENT PARTIES CONSPIRED TO MISREPRESENT THE FACTS OVER 12 YEARS OR MORE.--I am not saying they didn't--but it seems a little far fetched.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM, September 13, 2005
laura you call the mayor a liar about sanitation but dont have the financials, you are relying on info from Bill Schmidt, I would recommend that you get the real #'s before making that charge.
This does nothing but destroys your credibility and what about your request to refrain from attacks?
Get the facts then determine if the mayor is a liar
Anonymous, at 6:14 PM, September 13, 2005
I have facts enough to support my contention that we, as citizens of New Albany, have been lied to and misled by the current administration.
I have seen financial reports that show where the money goes and where it came from.
Unfortunately, we do not have an accurate audit for the sewer and sanitation departments, evidently because they began to operate out of the same money pot for a while.
We want the truth and we want to find solutions to the problems we face now. But, we should not dump sanitation and jump into an 8 year contract without knowing the real facts and the real numbers.
That's why we are calling for an investigation into the money shuffle game that has been standard operating procedure for New Albany City Government.
East Ender, at 7:39 PM, September 13, 2005
What makes you think Bill Schmidt is a liar? He has the facts and would not make up something just to stir things up. You better get YOUR facts straight before you start on other people
Anonymous, at 11:16 AM, September 14, 2005
I think everybody had better get their facts straight before they start pointing fingers
Anonymous, at 1:05 PM, September 14, 2005
Let me state again what I feel our position is, or ought to be.
First, we are NOT against progress. We want progress in our city as much as anyone else.
We are not AGAINST anything but corruption.
What we are doing here is advcating FOR, accountability, truth, cutting unessential "perks" from the budget before we shut down city services, an accurate audit, a capable leadership, good decision making, and a political body that actually cares about what's best for the common citizen of New Albany.
I will not support any boycott's or otherwise bring hardship on any other citizens of New Albany. We are all having quite a time of it already.
In fact I think I will use this as the beginning of the next posting.
The last thing we need is to polarize the populous of the City.
I believe that the majority of folks all want the same thing in the end. A good City.
East Ender, at 2:29 PM, September 14, 2005
I would like to respond to several of you Anonymous attacks on Laura and Councilman Bill Schmidt calling them liars over Sanitation and the current Adminstration. (Mayor Jimmy)
So how about some real truth!
First of all I am calling Our Mayor of New Albany a Down right "Damn Liar" about the Sanitation Department.
(So grab a beer, or a tall glass of wine) And let's just see who is lying or telling the truth!
Annual Shortage of Funds
New Albany Sanitation Department
True Fact: State Board of Accounts 2003 Audit shows shortfall
for Sanitation: To Be $-34,333.00
LIE: Mayor Garner says in the 2003 New Albany Year in Report. Sanitation Dept. shortfall to be:
True Fact: Mrs. Garry list shortfall for 2004 Sanitation Department $-37,677.00
LIE: Mayor Garner says Sanitation shortfall for 2004 is $-929,902.00
See Newspaper Articles:
10-29-04 "Mayor Garner" said he expects City Sanitation to lose $600,000 this year.
7-23-05 "New Albany Mayor Garner" Announced plans yesterday to Privatize most City Garbage Collection by Oct. 1 to Eliminate a $900,000.00 Annual Deficit.
8-05-05 "The City Sanitation Department" will end 2005 WITH A LOSS OF $785,100.00
I have copies in hand from the:
302 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2765
Contact them yourself and pay like I did to obtain this Information.
Now more facts:
facts: Councilman Bill Schmidt checked his facts with comtroller Mrs. Kay Garry. And she told Mr. Schmidt she agreed with him on these numbers.
But at City Council Meeting dated Sept.8,2005 Mrs. Garry didn't seem to know nothing about those figures and would have to check with the STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS.
(she could have ask me I was sitting there with State Board of Accounts papers in my own hands)
When Councilman Schmidt confronted the Mayor about Misinforming the taxpayers and Citizens of New Albany. All that Mayor Jimmy could say was "I DON'T KNOW"...
Mr. Schmidt you are truly trying to save the Sanitation Dept. from being "privatized". And you are trying to save 26 Employees from loosing there jobs, benfits and Insurance.
You Mr. Schmidt have truly stood up to this Mayor. And hit him RIGHT between the Eyes with the truth and to let "Jimmy" know that the people and taxayers of New Albany need to HEAR the "REAL TRUTH."
And not this Bull-Shit Garner is trying to feed us all!
So all of you Progressive Anonymous People need to do your homework. And continue to try to be the "New Wanna Be's" of New Albany...
to east ender: You said it all when you wrote:
Tell the truth once,
and what's true will be known.
So I ask all the Little People of New Albany who is the "Real Liar" about Sanitation?
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM, September 14, 2005
C/T What a bunch of crap this Mayor is trying to feed us ALL.
We need an Investigation! Had 2 glasses of wine on this article.
Thanks for another lesson on Mayor Garner.
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM, September 14, 2005
Concern Taxpayer-- Great Great Post and comments. You truly write with strength and conviction.
I Just returned from Italy. With a case of Chateau Margaux 1990. I'll save you a Bottle Concern Taxpayer. From what I understand I missed a exciting Council meeting. Glad to be back home.
Keep standing up for all of us..
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, September 14, 2005
Public Office is suppose to be a Public Trust. There is a clear sign of rampant corruption in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, September 14, 2005
Our Mayor has a duty to taxpayers to make us informed as well as to make informed decisions. Stop lying Mr. Mayor!
One voice, at 10:03 PM, September 14, 2005
Our Mayor must stop Gambling with Taxpayers money and get the City back on a path of Fiscal Sanity!
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM, September 14, 2005
We will keep saying we need to look at things from the perspective of working people and taxpayers, not from the perspective of Mayor Garner.
Great job Concern Taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM, September 14, 2005
We need a Mayor who puts the interest of our taxpayers ahead of his Big Money Friends.
Anonymous, at 11:03 PM, September 14, 2005
Concern Taxpayer needs to shed the true light of corruption, Injustice, Ineptitude and Abuse of Power by Mayor James Garner.
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, September 14, 2005
The Voice of Concern Taxpayer is the true voice of common sense. Which is shared by many in N/A.
Give'm Hell Concern Taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 11:42 PM, September 14, 2005
Thanks Councilman Schmidt for telling us the truth.
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, September 14, 2005
What happen to people expecting Public Servants to have Ethical Conduct?
Not in this town.
Anonymous, at 12:38 AM, September 15, 2005
The Mayor should resign. He's is not fit fo run this City. Great information Concern Taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 8:29 AM, September 15, 2005
It shocks me to see how unaware we are in what is really happening in our City.
Mayor Garner excuses is worse and more terrible than his lies, his excuse is a lie guarded.
Rember the buck stops here!
Anonymous, at 8:52 AM, September 15, 2005
east ender- Our only hope today lies in our ability to take back our City. And fight this corruption. God Bless you in forming the Concerned Citizens Group.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM, September 15, 2005
You got Vision and Guts Concern Taxpayer. Hope you keep on, Keppin' on informing the people. We all need to be involved.
Garner's all bought and paid for anyway. You truly inspire us all.
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM, September 15, 2005
We need people with moral courage to speak and write their real thoughts, and to stand by their true convictions like concern taxpayer.
Thank You
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM, September 15, 2005
Anonymous, at 10:33 AM, September 15, 2005
We all like to hear concern taxpayer speak out on his Convictions and Principles.
Keep Writing.
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM, September 15, 2005
Are you married Concern Taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 10:48 AM, September 15, 2005
Concern Taxpayer-- You have true character, and integrity and a straightforward attitude. You write with the ability to say what were all thinking. Thank you
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM, September 15, 2005
Thanks for giving us a voice.
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM, September 15, 2005
Thanks Bill
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM, September 15, 2005
We support the Sanitation Workers
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM, September 15, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM, September 15, 2005
Your a liar concern taxpayer. Wait til Roger gets back.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM, September 15, 2005
When Roger gets back, Concern Taxpayer will put him in his place, as always.
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM, September 15, 2005
A lot of people care what Concern Taxpayer thinks.
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM, September 15, 2005
Damn your good Concern Taxpayer!
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, September 15, 2005
It is a blessed thing concern taxpayer. That you have the Individuality enough and courage enough to stand for your true convictions.
Anonymous, at 10:40 PM, September 15, 2005
Jimmy you might have a degree. But you sure in the hell don't know how to add.
Shame on you Mayor Jimmy...
Anonymous, at 11:04 PM, September 15, 2005
Anonymous: So your calling me "Concern Taxpayer" a liar?
So what did I lie about!
1. Jimmy the Mayor
2. Sanitation Department
3. My figures (numbers)
4. Progressive Wanna Be's
First of all I have contacted Ms. Valla Ann Bolovschak Owner of Admiral Bicknell Inn Bed & Breakfast. (I highly recommend Admiral Bicknell Inn to all Citizens of New Albany. Truly a 5 Star ***** Bed & Breakfast)
And she has informed me she does have the Sept.8 2005 City Council meeting on tape. And she has also assured me all that I have said is all factual "Valla Ann" has all of this on TAPE!
As she so graciously explained to me that this is her "High Season" and she is very "SWAMPED" with several Booked Overnite Quest and Several Weddings.
Valla Ann says any Citizen of New Albany is welcome to see any Council Meeting tape she has. She is trying to get Council Meetings put back on WNAS for all to see.
So Anonymous this is my reply:
"Jimmy" the Mayor of New Albany is still a "DAMN LIAR". He has lied to the people of New Albany to get himself elected. He has made promises he has not kept.
1. Full Audit if elected
2. Cut spending
3. Against Building Scribner Place
(He spoke and stated we could not afford this project)
4. No Chief of Staff- Tony Torran
Do you want me to continue ?
No he did not completely cause all the problems of New Albany. But when he was elected he knew the mess Overton made. He sat his Ass on the City Council for several years and knew the City was in trouble then and has done nothing now!
He drives a $35,000.00 Suv. (And our Tax Dollars is paying for this)He spent $750.00 for floor mats for the SUV! (And this is our Tax dollars at work).. Excuse me "Jimmy" There are plenty of auto places in New Albany to have bought cheaper floor mats. Give me a break!
I could buy a complete set of Goodyear steel belted tires and floor mats and oil change and a tank of gas, at($3.00 gallon) my car washed and handed waxed and still had change left over.
He seems to be spending our Tax Dollars like it is his money? (I Guess this is the real reason he's had to close some of his own stores)
I think it is called mismanagement!
Then in July 2005- After Jimmy had caused the people/Citizens to be divided. Over the issue of Scribner Place.(Which we are still divided over) Was the true beginning of the people and Taxpayers really realizing something was really wrong.
Then all of a sudden there was a "Progressive Group Formed" The so called defenders of Jimmy the Mayor. Waving protest signs for Scribner Place and singing "HAIL TO THE CHIEF." Which attacks any person who speaks out against "JIMMY". Because it is more important to sell the Citizens and Taxpayers of New Albany down the sewer and save face over Scribner Place.
So now that "Jimmy" has divided the people of New Albany. The Little People VS Progressive Idiots. The "HAIL TO THE CHIEF GROUP" And Jimmy has now divided our City Council.
1. Jack Messer: City Councilman Police Officer-Union FOP Employee
2. Bev Crump: Council Member- Real Estate- Husband Retired Police Officer.
3. Donnie Blevins: City Councilman-Sanitation Employee
So Taxpayers isn't this interesting to look at these 3 people? Make your own decision in what is really going on here!
Then the latest "BIG BOMB" is dropped the very next day after the vote on Scribner Place. Mayor Jimmy calls a press conference and announced July 22,2005 He's "Privatizing Sanitation Dept"
Jimmy is now sitting us taxpayers up to be sued. From all directions.
He's using 26 peoples jobs to get his way with Scribner Place. And there is no commitment from Jimmy that he will not sign an 8 Year Contract!
Valla Ann went before City Council month's ago and called for an Investigation!
Jimmy: If even one Employee of the Sanitation Dept. lose their job. It is still one person that should have not lost their job. Because of your decision to cut a deal and show your going to do what ever the "Hell" you want to do!
Mr. Mayor if you have nothing to hide you should welcome an Investigation!
Jimmy you have failed the people of New Albany.
And if you truly think we are going to lay down and allow you to ruin this town you are mistaken.
Laura you owe it to yourself and every family in New Albany to get the Concerned Citizens for Democracy up and going. The truth needs to come out!
Ms. Bolovschak you are truly an inspiration and champion for all the Little People of New Albany. I was sitting their at the Council meeting the night you spoke those words. "Jimmy you work for me and the Taxpayers" of New Albany. It truly made me stop and think! You have Inspired me to stand up for what is right. No matter what the cost is!
To The Little People: One person can make a difference. It is easier to walk away. Then to stand up for what you believe in. If you don't agree with me I accept that. But if you agree with me that our voice needs to be heard. Do something about it. Every person matters. Every voice needs to be heard. If we all pull together we can make a difference and take our City back.
Every person in New Albany should be Mad as Hell and Fed Up like so many of "US" are!
And if we do not stand up to this Mayor and his Adminstration.
Then Shame On Every Damn One Of Us!
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 6:06 AM, September 16, 2005
Give em' hell Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM, September 16, 2005
Freedom of Speech and Justice for all. If you have these two, it covers everything. We must stick to those principles and have courage of our convictions.
Thank You
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM, September 16, 2005
I drive a BMW and my floor mats didn't cost $750.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM, September 16, 2005
Anyone who doesn't take the truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.
Shame on you James Garner
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM, September 16, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM, September 16, 2005
Wisdom is found only in truth. I am as fed up as much as the rest of you. When will this ever stop.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM, September 16, 2005
We need more than positive changes. We need action. This totally outrages me and my family.
Anonymous, at 5:37 PM, September 16, 2005
Concern Taxpayer-- You've given us energy to fight. And hope for a better City.
Anonymous, at 5:49 PM, September 16, 2005
If we turn our backs on the Sanitation workers. Who need to work for a living. We need to make sure they have jobs. These employee's deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM, September 16, 2005
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM, September 16, 2005
Garner needs to step down.
Anonymous, at 7:24 PM, September 16, 2005
Let's privatize Garner. And put him back to Private Citizen.
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM, September 16, 2005
Garner has zilt crediability.
Waste and spend.
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM, September 16, 2005
Mayor Garner you keep trying to manipulate the process.
Anonymous, at 8:08 PM, September 16, 2005
Great comments Concern Taxpayer.
This will upset the power's to be. But who really cares. This town is full of corruption. People do need to get involved. And speak the truth. I always enjoy your articles. And your total honesty. Go concern taxpayer. Keep preaching to the crowd.
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM, September 16, 2005
We must act before the new 2006 budget proposal goes to State for approval. That happens at the end of this month.
We MUST contact our Council Reps and insist that we will not tolerate raises or privatization of the sanitation department.
And the $3 wastewater cost they are about to slap us with is pure greed. It will be another substantial source of funds they will be able to pillage.
We must act NOW.
We have two plans in hand. If you want to be included send your private contact info ASAP before the planning strategy is complete.
We must roll up our sleaves and get dirty if we have to.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
East Ender, at 12:52 AM, September 17, 2005
This Mayor seems to have lost his mind! The people ought to question him over every decision he makes.
Our Mayor is incompetant and Insenitive to handling the business of the people of New Albany.
Mayor Garner seems to have his own agenda. And that does not take a PHD to see. What has this Mayor really done for any of us Taxpayers?
But waste our hard earned tax dollars!
Your right Concern Taxpayer. How can we trust him let alone give Blind faith in his decisions!
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM, September 17, 2005
Concern Taxpayer
Your comments you write is full of logic, reasoning, and common sense.
Thank you
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM, September 17, 2005
Your so cool Concern taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:39 AM, September 17, 2005
Concern Taxpayer is a thorn in a lot of asses.
Keep the faith and keep telling the truth.
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM, September 17, 2005
Concern Taxpayer, your comments are straight forward and hit the nail on the head. But it's not only our Mayor but also our City Council. They, also, need to listen to the citizens of New Albany and respond to their requests.
Anonymous, at 2:03 PM, September 17, 2005
The previous commentor is right. We need to keep the pressure on the current council members to make sure they know what we think about things.
The deals that are made in the hallways and before Council votes are upsetting. Garner may not be very good at decision making, but he is very good at bargaining with, "I'll do this for you if you vote this way".
Council votes should be the aggregate opinion of the citizens who that Council member was elected to represent.
Why did Donnie Blevins get a city vehicle? And why was it so difficult for him to vote for his
sanitation co-workers? He actually broke a sweat over that one I think. What's up?
East Ender, at 7:05 PM, September 17, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM, September 17, 2005
Anxiously awaiting Mayor's spin and need of all these take home cars? Part of our City Council Members are selling us taxpayers out with bad decision. And back door deals wth Garner.
Same old "Bull Shit" just a different day.. Yes Mr. Mayor: You take care of the Police Dept. and they will take Care of you.
It just so happens you have 2 Council Members connected to New Albany Police Dept. So that should help make your case alot easier.
So Mayor keep lookin out for us Taxpayers. And keep spending and wasteing our Tax Dollars.
Anonymous, at 7:36 AM, September 18, 2005
ANONYMOUS--See second comment under Laura's new article called, IMPORTANT ISSUES.
That comment tells about some of the
costs for the "take home cars" by city employees which include-----
Mayor Garner
Tony Toran
Police Dept.
Fire Dept.
Street Dept.
And others
Anonymous, at 8:51 AM, September 18, 2005
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