Interesting Facts From Ann
Everyone please take time to visit Ann's blogspot,
she has done a bit of research and has come up with some very interesting facts and figures.
Personally, I would like to thank Ann. Not only for exposing some of the history of problems in this City, but finding the good in it as well, when it is there to be found.
Ann, you have a very keen sense of right and wrong, and you never fail to look at things objectively.
You have my sincere appreciation and respect.
Thanks, Laura. I hope that some workable alternatives to privatization can be presented. This will depend upon our leaders setting aside personal differences to see if the department can be salvaged and managed efficiently, within a realistic budget.
We have a number of people working in Sanitation who have spent years in service to the city. It's a difficult job, and mostly a thankless one, so I certainly hope Mayor Garner looks at every possible solution before he signs that contract.
Ann, at 8:14 PM, August 28, 2005
The City of Edmond has a Council-Manager form of government in which the elected Mayor and City Council members establish policy. Those policies are then implemented by the City Manager who is appointed by, and reports to, the City Council. The City Manager operates much in the same way that a Chief Executive Officer of a corporation does.
The City Manager’s office is responsible for the efficient, day-to-day administration of Edmond’s city government, including managing the city’s budget, the city's departments and operations, and programs for communicating with residents and employees.
Anonymous, at 10:56 PM, August 28, 2005
You're welcome Ann.
You are a real asset to our community.
If only we had leaders with as much dedication and consideration, we might be able to pull ourselves up out of the mire we seem to be stuck in.
I would like to know more about this arrangement they have in Edmond. Is it in Indiana that you're speaking of?
East Ender, at 2:10 AM, August 29, 2005
Here is the definition of progressive as posted on Roger The Harasser's blog:
"To be progressive is to "promote or favor progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods."
If this is true, then we are all progressives.
Perhaps we should consider a new label of the "New Progressives".
We are calling for newer, better conditions in the city, new policies for accountability, new ideas for economic recovery, and new methods of political power distribution instead of all the same people running all the Boards & Commissions in the City.
Again, we are all after the same thing...a better New Albany.
It's just that some have a need to bash those who promote and favor different things than they do.
It's a shame that he can't embrace diversity of ideas as is also called for in his definition of progressive.
East Ender, at 2:34 AM, August 29, 2005
no its in in Oklahoma
Anonymous, at 7:20 AM, August 29, 2005
another big problem is the city editor of the tribune who doesnt seem to understand the concept of balanced journalism, take her column recently for example that trashed the Jewish settlers of the Gaza Strip.
Is it any wonder she cant report on this morally bankrupt garner administration accurately?
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM, August 29, 2005
Actually, that's me in the "FUCT" t-shirt ;-)
Ann, at 12:22 PM, August 29, 2005
for anyone who has been put down, offended by and ridiculed by Roger baylors blogspot, file a complaint with, lets take his blog down for good.
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM, August 29, 2005
e-mail me personally and I will give you some useful information.
Thank you.
East Ender, at 7:29 PM, August 29, 2005
newsflash: Maury Goldberg invites Baylor to lions Club to speak about beer, hope they didnt serve miller light Baylor would have led a protest like he did in Bloomington.
What are you thinking Goldberg? Baylor's elitists snobs will get you elected ?
Anonymous, at 11:04 PM, August 29, 2005
Re-Elect Steve Price '07
Goldberg and Baylor who would have thought it?
Anonymous, at 11:12 PM, August 29, 2005
Steve Price is a good councilman. He listens to the citizens and works hard to represent his district.
That is why the Progressives alway critize him, because he connects with the people.
The Progressives can have Maury Goldberg, that shows how community wise they are.
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, August 29, 2005
HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!!! Baylor has some competition now with Applebee's and I'll bet they have BUD LIGHT. See you there.
Anonymous, at 7:39 AM, August 30, 2005
I hear they may an Octoberfest to coincide with Harvest Homecoming, could Kelseys be far behind!
Lets encourage them to do so, maybe IUS discounts as well for staff, faculty and students.
God isnt captalism great
Anonymous, at 7:42 AM, August 30, 2005
Has anyone been there yet?? Understand that they may be having an Octoberfest.
Anonymous, at 12:15 PM, August 30, 2005
maybe jacks will have one too
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM, August 30, 2005
I hear that three depts. are running out of funds in their gas allowance, but we'll have Scribner Place, now thats progress!
Anonymous, at 9:56 PM, August 30, 2005
even more ridiculous is that progressives want development but it can't be walmart, applebees or any national business. so they'll praise scribner place and curse any business that doesn't fit their distorted views.
Anonymous, at 1:26 AM, August 31, 2005
We need to concentrate on what we're going to do about Garner's dictatorship and his tendencies to operate outside of procedural protocol, instead of worrying so much about the progressives.
They will finally see the truth when all is revealed.
East Ender, at 4:16 AM, August 31, 2005
yes but we need to continue to hold the progressives accountable because that is Garners core support, right Maury Goldberg?
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM, August 31, 2005
We see the truth already! It's you little people that have scales on your eyes!
If the mayor is operating outside the legal protocol, what about the city council, you think they haven't. There have been more backroom deals made by the city council over the past 40 years than you think or know about.
As far as the national chains? How many Mom & Pop shops do you see these days. The big box stores have eliminated the little corner grocery stores, back 25 years ago there was one in every neighborhood. Now you can count them on one hand. Same goes for the auto parts store, all of them gone but one!
How many of you can remember when the downtown was bustling with traffic and stores! It wasn't national chains downtown, it was the Mom & Pop shops. It is the national chains that killed the inner cities. There was a time the money you spent downtown was reinvested in your community, now it is collected and shipped off to New York, LA or Bentonville, AK.
And these big stores don't pay the taxes to the small community; they have legal teams and accountants to make sure they don't.
So can you really understand now we progressives are against the national chains! It doesn’t have a damn thing that since you’re for it we are against it!
This mayor has screwed up, every one of them back to Joel Scribner has! But you tout this city council as angles, sorry to say but, a few them have fell from grace! They have had years to fix these problems, problems that existed before Mayor James, but they always turned their head.
I will give you,individually they all maybe great guys, loving husbands and caring fathers. But when they assemble in the chambers to conduct the business of the city they take on a whole different look.
The little people piss and moan about the progressives, the progressives piss and moan about the so called little people. It almost sounds like the city council if you think about!
Kind of like the weather! Everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it!
Anonymous, at 7:42 AM, August 31, 2005
Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends.
new alb annie-- you are the link from them to us. valley annie .. who are you trying to play now?
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM, August 31, 2005
mom and pop stores in neighborhoods in 1980??-Not many--Yeah, no national chains in downtown new albany?----woolworth--sears--w.t. grant were all there at the same time and later--walgreens
Anonymous, at 10:44 AM, August 31, 2005
Clinton, IN
By Joanne Hammer/Tribune-Star
Clinton Mayor Ron Shepard issued a state of emergency for the city Tuesday after the council voted 3-2 against $1.03 million in appropriations that would fund, among other things, employee salaries.
On Tuesday, 24 city employees were temporarily laid off but 18 decided to work as volunteers without pay.
The state of emergency order allows Shepard to spend minimal public funds despite no appropriations. Shepard can pay the chief of police and other emergency expenses such as insurance, gasoline, storm cleanup and opening of graves through its utility funds, according to the executive order Shepard issued Tuesday.
Five of the city's six full-time police officers who decided to work were sworn in Tuesday by Shepard as reserve deputies so they could retain their full police powers.
They had to be resworn in for insurance purposes. The sixth is at the police academy, Shepard said.
Those who work part time for utilities will become full time and remain fully employed, he said.
At the end of April, city officials received notice from the Department of Local Government Finance that its 2005 budget was turned down and appropriations, or money the city was allowed to spend, was at zero. The budget was not approved because the previous budget was not approved and had faulty numbers, Shepard said.
Shepard said that for about a decade, previous clerk-treasurers for the city kept faulty records and balances were not correct.
The DLGF recommended in April that the City Council approve additional appropriations to operate the city, said city attorney Scott Craig.
Since April, the city had been following its 2003 budget and assumed additional appropriations would be granted since the state recommended the action, Shepard said.
But city officials feel an urgency in that each day the 2005 budget is delayed, the longer it will take for the budget to be re-approved by the DLGF. It also jeopardizes the city's 2006 budget, which has to be received by the DLGF by Sept. 20, Shepard said.
During the Monday meeting, councilman Martin Russell moved to pass the appropriations as presented. The motion was seconded by Quincy "Mike" Whiteman.
"We made a motion to go forward and they did not want to go forward," Russell said.
But some council members felt they needed more information and wanted to table the vote for a week until they talked with the State Board of Accounts. Others felt the $1 million appropriation was too much, although they did not want to lay off employees.
"We had no choice," said councilman Arthur Lindsay. "I have no objections to paying employees, but it's his decision if he wants to lay someone off. I can't vote for something I don't agree with."
He said Russell immediately made a motion to pass the appropriations as presented and it was seconded before the other council members had a chance to ask that the appropriations be tabled.
"We were forced to cast a vote," said councilman Rick Lindsey.
Council president Phil Kruger, who also cast a dissenting vote, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.
Clinton Police Chief Bruce Stewart said all the police officers chose to volunteer as reserves and the city will not have a disruption of services.
"We all agreed to do this on our own," said officer Todd Goldner, who has been on the department for two years.
"This shows the character of our police officers," Stewart said. "They are concerned about the public welfare."
Most of the city firefighters already work on a volunteer basis and three others, who do not, have said they would volunteer, said Clinton Fire Chief Timothy Cottrell I. "There will be no disruption of services and no delay in response," Cottrell said. "We've always been there 24-7 and always will be."
Shepard said in two weeks he will bring back the appropriations to the council and ask them for reimbursement for employees' work.
"This is the first step to get everything on track," Shepard said.
If the appropriations are approved, all employees will be reinstated and if not, the temporary lay-offs will continue, he said.
The next council meeting is 7:30 p.m. Sept. 9 in the City Council chambers.
Joanne Hammer can be reached at (812) 231-4214 or
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM, August 31, 2005
Richos vs. Applebees, Kelseys, Jacks, Rock Wall, etc.
Who will win? You decide, its called capitalism in its finest hour.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, August 31, 2005
As African-American livin in Nalbany on a Veterans's disability check, I'm havin a bad time makin it 'cause the gas done gone up to $3.09 a gallon. Could all youse folk write to somebody? Don't think can pay for Y.
Anonymous, at 6:32 PM, August 31, 2005
as a west ender, single momma I am having a hard time makin it too, who do these east end bunch think they are tryin to shove a damn Y down my throat that I cant afford either.
They hang out at their uppy beer place and put us down. callin us liitle people and stupid.
they need to walk mile in my shoes but cant because they are too busy walkin all over us.
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, August 31, 2005
Progressives are behind you. It's not us keeping you down; it's the ignorant councilmen representing you like the one we call Cappucino and Mr. Nickel and Dime. We promise you will be able to use Scribner Place and it may, in fact, bring jobs to some of you. Best Wishes and May the Future Bring You a Better Day.
Anonymous, at 6:54 PM, August 31, 2005
Anonymous, at 7:55 AM, September 01, 2005
This is an urgent plea for help!! I have two elderly aunts in their 70's and 80's in NO that have lost everything--but they are safe. My first cousin is still missing and presumed dead. I know we think that Bush is going to do everything, but in reality it's the little people that are going to do it. After you're on here, go to the and donate whatever you can or help in other ways. My wife dropped off diapers to the Salvation Army yesterday. Maybe even one of our councilmen can throw in a nickel or a dime. Or maybe the beer baron can put out a can. It all adds up.
Worried in New Albania
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM, September 01, 2005
Beat you to it Anon
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Anonymous, at 8:14 AM, September 01, 2005
paul Wheatley speaking tonight at silver grove neighborhood assoc. now its time to ask boy wonder what his economic game plan is
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, September 01, 2005
My heart goes out to everyone in New Orleans, and those who have family there. The pictures are devestating, and the tragedy is overwhelming.
I don't understand what is taking so long for our national resources to reach these people in their most desperate hours.
Anyone and everyone please, donate whatever you can. Every little bit helps, as there are thousands without food, water, or any sanitary conditions.
Death is in the air and I can't imagine the horror they must feel.
For those of us who pray, let us all pray for their safety.
East Ender, at 6:53 PM, September 01, 2005
it's all good-
You made some terrific points in your comments. And I agree about Scribner Place
East Ender, at 2:35 AM, September 04, 2005
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