Stand Up Proud!!!
I am so happy to see so many people defend themselves and explain that being called the "Little People" of New Albany is not a degradation of character, but a proud title that covers a lot of the people who care in this town.
The fact that you all have stood up and defended yourselves and embraced whatever "label" has been stamped on our opinions and our stance on the current condition of life in this city is a big step in organizing ourselves as a cohesive group.
I am sorry that my words offended anyone, or made anyone feel as though I didn't stand behind you. Rather, my point was, names or labels don't matter as much as words and actions and taking a firm stance on the issues. The "name-calling" was a useless battle. It doesn't matter what we call ourselves, or what others want to call us. It matters that we show solidarity.
Most everyone who commented on the last posting were standing proud as "little people" who give a damn about what happens in New Albany.
I believe the dialogue brought folks together and made the ties between us even stronger.
I will take the hit of saying things that incited such a dialogue, but I believe the result was worth it. I would rather let you fuss at me to get your point across, than to have another brawl with the so-called "progressives". It's time we get organized and show a strength with numbers.
I am with you, and I am proud to also be a "little people".
Thank you for making all the valid points about what was wrong with what I posted. Thank you for being out there and caring. Thank you for putting in your 2 cents worth.
I hope all the progressives out there have had a chance to read your words and think about them. I hope the administration has caught on to the fact that there are a whole lot of voters out here who don't agree with the way they are doing business with our money.
We are proud, we are strong, and we are NOT going away!
Shoot,like I said earlier. Just put Jack Messer's office in Destination Booksellers as it should be available soon. Since the Mayor announced last night Jack Messer will be the New Code Enforcement regardless what the City Council says. And again I say it's Destination BookSELLERS, NOT BookSTORE,although I'd agree that BookSTORE would be a more approprite name as there is not a lot of selling going on over there. From my information after last nights meeting. It will now be called Jimmy Garner Jr. PR Firm. Sad but true! Again I personally think he should have opened a Bed and Breakfast. Lot's of savvy people around that could have helped him. Again I say Probably too much self inflicted damage done for that now, Oh well....some people are their own worst enemy.
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM, August 03, 2005
Hey Laura the first entry is bashing, whatz up with that?
So glad my kids do not attend your classes at Grant Line High, they would be getting the wrong information.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM, August 03, 2005
We Are Very Proud...
We Are Even Stronger...
And We Are United...
I have no problem with the title "little people," Laura. I think what it means is that we all pay our taxes, we spend our time caring and doing the right things and taking care of our neighbors and friends in town and our families and we ALL get mowed down by the arrogance of the so called big people. Little means something good to me, not bad. If enough of us little people can come together, we can take this town back. Being little to me means being humble, being proud, and not being above or beneath anything. Us Little People: We seem to have more pride, guts and integrity than the other so called "big people." Big is full of hot air, arrogance and self righteousness. Being little to me is being grounded, polite and actually above the pettiness and slop so many "big people" dish out. It is not about what you have or don't have to me, be it money, possessions or power. It's about being one of the majority that aren't seeing justice served. I would much rather be one of the "little people" I am one. Just like you. And I am proud to associate myself with you and others that feel the same.
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM, August 03, 2005
short people association
First entry isn't bashing. Weren't you there at Destination last night? Don't you read the paper or go to the other blogs? They get all the exclusive comments right from the Mayors office. So calm down, take a breath and worry about solving World Hunger!
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, August 03, 2005
But why weren't the Trogs at Destinations last night?
It was published right here in this space yesterday. You might have come and asked all the questions you always claim go unanswered, but no, just like your pet councilmen, none of you had the guts to show up and get your answers.
That's because you really don't want answers, you want some one to cry over your poor fate and give you a handout.
Anonymous, at 6:56 PM, August 03, 2005
"again again" seems to have a fairly sizeable chip on his/her/its shoulder. Just for the sake of clarity lest anyone here really care about reality (I'm not holding my breath), here's what was said last night:
The Board of Public Works nominated Messer as interim OEO for a five-month term, the idea being to get the program started, then select the permanent officer then. The mayor now plans to talk to the council, and failing a pulse from the Gang of Four, could decide to appoint Messer for the five-month term only, and cross the next bridge when he comes to it.
Can anyone here -- anyone -- make a valid argument that Messer is not qualified for this position?
Hint: Saying "I hate his guts" is not a valid argument. Neither is fearing he will establish a lawn care monopoly, nor is blaming AIDS, the failures of IU basketball or Jack Messer on the evil Scribner Place.
Truth is, many of you are embarrassed and saddened, and your silence tells the story.
The New Albanian, at 7:41 PM, August 03, 2005
Better to write for yourself and have no public.
Than to write to the public and have no self.... Baylor!
Anonymous, at 7:55 PM, August 03, 2005
mr. whipple: You been squeezing to many charmin rolls. We are the little people! We have pride,determination, and are united!
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, August 03, 2005
Where's concern Taxpayer? Miss all those great comments. And all the support defending us "Little People." Thanks Concern Taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM, August 03, 2005
"All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it."
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, August 03, 2005
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM, August 03, 2005
Take back your town?
Okay, cool.
Now tell us, once you have it, what do you intend to do with it?
Here's your big chance, anonymous #485. Give us your platform. How are you going to make it better once you take it back?
We're listening.
The New Albanian, at 10:34 PM, August 03, 2005
The "little", "common" "caring"
people sure turned out tonight at the
City County building for the open meeting for the Sanitation families.
Room was packed, halls were packed and a crowd of caring New Albany citizens were every where.
Three cheers for the policeman in uniform who stood up and supported the
Sanitation workers. Some very intelligent, caring citizens spoke and were cheered by the audience.
Former Sanitation Manager Bryce Whitson came in his motorized wheel chair and had oxygen tubes to breath. He told them loud and clear
about the dedicated staff at the
Sanitaition Dept. He also told about the many unexplained expenditures out of Sanitation Dept.
The crowd cheered after his remarks.
The feeling of community support in the room was great.
Pres. Gahan was not very comfortable, but, he had to listen.
Question- where were the Progressives? Could they not bear to hear the words of common, caring people?
Anonymous, at 11:33 PM, August 03, 2005
To The Progressive Gang Of four:
What you Four have in Common is you all have written Anonymous on all the different BLOGS! And you have the nerve to call the "little people" moral cowardice! Shame on all 4 of you.
Anonymous, at 11:41 PM, August 03, 2005
Progressive Gang of Four, eh? Can I join and make it gang of Five? Wait a second, can my wife join too? Gang of Six. Can the people you've already mentioned, can their wives join as well? Gang of ten. As well as others that have stood up for making New Albany a better place to live (rather than a ghost town of empty buildings) and signing their names to letters of support?
So, what does that get us up to, a Gang of 50-100+?
TSOLfan, at 12:21 AM, August 04, 2005
newsflash: Donnie Blevins finds sudden change of heart and supports the sanitation workers despite his earler backing of the mayor's privatization plan.
Inside source says he already has job with I.D. now who was he pandering to tonight?
of course a minister wouldnt lie
Anonymous, at 12:58 AM, August 04, 2005
We, the Little People of New Albany will soon be standing together in full force to insist that the insanity in the city administration stop!
For all you BIG people who like to look down your big noses at us because we don't happen to agree with your big ideas of progress, I can assure you that your big egos will be your ultimate demise.
You are so arrogant that you can't dare admit now that you might be speeding down the wrong path towards turning this town around.
To Proud Little People-
You said it very well in your comment. I agree completely.
Where do you get the idea we have a poor fate and are looking for handouts? Totally WRONG!
As for the Mayor's grandstanding at Destinations...where he knew all his best supporters would be, well we are saying exactly what we think by not being there.
We don't care what he has to say.
At this point, his words are worthless.
East Ender, at 2:59 AM, August 04, 2005
Oh that is an intelleigent, well thought out post Ms. Oates. You sure you work at IUS?
Come on now, what about some logic to back up this grandstanding against the progressive thinkers in this community. With statements like "You are so arrogant that you can't dare admit now that you might be speeding down the wrong path towards turning this town around." I guess you are taking off the gloves.
Anonymous, at 5:40 AM, August 04, 2005
I listened to the sanitation side on Monday, then the administration side on Tusday.
The Wednesday meeting? I'd have like to attend, but couldn't.
Laura, looks like your set to lead the charge. I repeat my question to the earlier writer: What's the goal?
This will be comment #20, of whom 3 writers habe names: You, and 2 "progressives.
Is anonymous rock throwing one of the things you're "taking back?"
The New Albanian, at 7:03 AM, August 04, 2005
What exactly is a Trog? It makes me think of ogres, is that what you mean?
Mr. Baylor will not allow anonymous postings on his blog but he seems to feel free to post under many assumed names on this blog. Play fair, you can't have it both ways.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, August 04, 2005
Hey, Concern Taxpayer. Get back on here and help us out.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, August 04, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, August 04, 2005
It is becoming very obvious that this is the sore losers blog--these are people who have lost elections or haven't received the political favors and paybacks they think they deserve.
They would rather wait until the next election than see anything get done. And what if they lose again. Then they will wait another four years and another four years. You get the picture.
If you are one of the people who wants to see positive change in New Albany you need to stay away from this blog. That is what I plan to do.
Anonymous, at 10:04 AM, August 04, 2005
When I post here, you can tell it's me because of the link to the registration pages.
I welcome comments in NA Confidential, so long as I know who it is posting. I can be notified by this by e-mail.
It's no secret who I am, where I can be found, and what I believe. Truth be told, there's no dysfunction in being a known entity. I hope someday you'll understand that it is ignoble and unsportsmanlike to attack people whilst remaining anonymous. You wouldn't want it done to you, but you think it's okay to do it to others.
Laura said she would prefer people not interested in the issues to stay away from her blog. I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I pay taxes as an individual and as a business, and I've lived here my whole life, and I'm interested in the issues.
Hey, some of you will be filled with hate whether I post or not. If my doing so causes heartburn to the haters, then I'll not refrain from posting.
So, Laura, are you going to remove the first post, which violates your rules, or disappear for another five days while it remains on the board?
The New Albanian, at 10:13 AM, August 04, 2005
the new albanian.
You can't have it both ways. If you do not like what is written on this blog then your only other choice is to leave.
I feel it is very important for all the little people to share all opinions, ranging those we fully embrace to those we abhor. It is only by hearing and reflecting on the opinions of others that we can truly establish our own valid opinions.
Mr. Baylor when you hear or read an opinion contrary to your own, allow it to either change your opinion or further solidify your existing opinion. What is the real purpose in calling people "Cowards." You can not have proper communication by attacking people. You should be using words like "proper words" and be more concerned how your words do offend other people. If you have a point make it. Like Laura stated names or labels don't matter as much as words and actions and taking a firm stance. You are belittling yourself with your words and actions.
And Laura I applaud your willingness to allow freedom of expression and to openly expose your own thoughts to us. As humans, we crave acceptance by others, yet, we must resist the urge to establish acceptance at the cost of our heart felt beliefs. That takes no courage. So, stay real to yourself and in doing so you will stay real to us "the little people." I am very Proud to say I am one of the little people too.
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM, August 04, 2005
baylor you have violated every rule this blog has. So stop crying in your beer and get over it. Everytime you don't like what you read you complain. Go complain on your own blog. This is Laura's blog and she represents us.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM, August 04, 2005
We all live in the protection of certain cowardices which we call our principles.
Anonymous, at 12:08 PM, August 04, 2005
Careful, NA. You're about to get the "We don't owe you an explanation" speech.
It's usually followed shortly thereafter by anonymous rants about being owed an explanation from everyone else.
Sorry for interjecting myself in the "I'm so proud I won't even tell you my name" love fest, but my huge ego sometimes demands that I point out the obvious.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:00 PM, August 04, 2005
Instruction No. 1
One of the contentions of plaintiff is that defendant(s) tortiously interfered with plaintiff’s contractual relations with other potential purchasers of the assets and liabilities of plaintiff.
To establish tortious interference with contractual relations, plaintiff must show:
1. Existence of a contractual or business relationship or expectancy;
2. An intentional act of interference by a party outside that relationship or expectancy;
3. Proof that the interference caused the harm sustained; and,
4. Damages.
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM, August 04, 2005
I can hear the axe stone grinding.
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM, August 04, 2005
the new albanian.
We have our differences, and in my opinion is you are very closed minded. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion and believe me I am entitled to mine. You hear only what you want to hear. You use words like coward,urinate,hate,backwards people,regressive little people,hypocritical and etc. You are a so called "progressive". I am one of the so called "little people." This is just as much my town as it is your town. Their is no middle ground between you and us the "little people." You think you are right and that we are wrong. And again you have your opinion and I will stand for what I believe in.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA gives me these rights. Not you Mr. Baylor! "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE." Again I say: I feel it is very important that we all share all opinions,ranging those we fully embrace to those we abhor Mr. Baylor. Myself also being an educated "little people" the only word that comes to my mind as far as any other discussion with you is: "FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION"
You attack people because they believe in God, because of where they shop, for what they feel and think, and for their convictions. This is cruel and insentitive and will no longer be tolerated.
This is the last comment I will make on this subject. We need to stick to the issues, but I could not let you continue to disparrage others who choose to write on this blog without expressing my opinion.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, August 04, 2005
floccinaucinihilipilification What a very impressive article! And what a big big word! Talk about all the educated "Little People." We have in New Albany. Were all proud Little People.
Anonymous, at 5:05 PM, August 04, 2005
Should we assume that your response means that you won't answer the question?
The person who spoke to Shirley about Wal-Mart was me, by the way. There was no attack involved. I suggested that shopping at Wal-Mart was not an effective way to support local small business.
If you disagree, you're certainly welcome to explain how shopping at Wal-Mart is beneficial to those businesses.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 5:06 PM, August 04, 2005
If you really are educated, "speechless," then you know that the chief strength of English as a language is its amazing richness of vocabulary.
Why is it that the burden falls on me to simplify this wonderful language, and not on those reading what I write to learn what the words mean?
This is cruel and insentitive and will no longer be tolerated.
Faceless, anonymous and "speechless," will you be serving any sort of warning before you sucker-punch me and make good on this threat?
By the way, are you ever going to answer the question?
While you're (not) at it, try another one. Earlier, you said:
You can't have it both ways.
Okay, so if it is important to support the city's sanitation workers from the principle that we should keep garbage collection "local," then is there ever any excuse for shopping at Wal-Mart, a store that kills local business?
Or is it another "right" of the "little people" to be hypocritical?
Wait, I've got it: I'll snap a photo of Mayor Garner at Wal-Mart, then none of you will go there again. HAH! My plan for world domination will now commence ...
Like I wrote before, everyone knows who I am and where I am. If "speechless" ever conjures up enough nerve to come talk to me in person, perhaps we can have a discussion and make sense of things. That's what taverns are for, anyway.
Currently it's obvious that he/she/it has no intention of "tolerating" free speech. Too bad.
The New Albanian, at 5:29 PM, August 04, 2005
Of the people, by the people and for the people---I thought that was the Gettysburg address, not the Constitution. Oh, well.
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM, August 04, 2005
Very Impressed.
The action of judging something to be worthless. Seems like this word is very fitting.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, August 04, 2005
You know better than to assume! You know the little people just love you progressive boys.
Anonymous, at 9:55 PM, August 04, 2005
Little People of New Albany have alot of pride and a whole lot of character. We all love our town. And are fed up with this Adminstration. Everyone needs to sign all the Petitions to remove Garner. And get a real Mayor working for the good of all people. Not just a chosen few.
Real Proud to be one of the Little People. Thanks Concern Taxpayer you explained about all the different Little People.
Anonymous, at 10:03 PM, August 04, 2005
Jeff looks as though you have a secret admirer.
Anonymous, at 10:24 PM, August 04, 2005
When your united you work together. Something that you progressives can't seem to understand. We stand tall and proud. Were going to take this town back. We totally agree with proud little people. Hat's off to you. God Bless New Albany and all of her little people.
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, August 04, 2005
even with all of you standing together you still cant come up with a plan.
here's our plan move out and let us make NA the Randy Newman song I Love NA, dont need no short or little people round here
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM, August 04, 2005
It is amazing to me that once again Mr. Baylor & Co. are so interested in what's going on here that they just can't stand to stay away. Yet they continue to repeat their abhorance of this blog, our opinions, and our format.
Answer me this Mr. Baylor: Why do you persist in participating in a blog site that is so very irritating to you, and where you know you really aren't wanted?
It is apparent to me that you and your troops are troubled by the growing number of "little people" who may just upset the monopoly of power that is corrupting our town.
Do you actually feel a personal responsibility to try to keep us down with your demeaning remarks?
What are your real motives?
East Ender, at 12:35 AM, August 05, 2005
Why should I be the only one with an agenda?
As I asked of you before, Laura and others, can you tell us what happens once you'ree succeeded in taking back the city?
A platform, a program?
Or, do you (not you personally, Laura) continue to wear the masks and start metaphorically exacting revenge against your many oppressors?
I remain here because I take delight in asking these and other questions that few if any of you bother trying to answer, and exposing this culture of anonymity for the fraud it is, and making the point that as long as you persist in wearing bags over your heads, your visions of power are just whacked-out delusions.
My "agenda" and "motives" are exactly the same as yours: Making this a better [place for ALL of us to live, work and raise families. No more, no less, and if you'd take the time to read what I've written,you'd know this is true.
But it's easier to scream, and that's what most of the people here do, at least the half-dozen who generate all the various anonymous posts.
"Speechless": I'm waiting for you to answer any of the questions asked of you. Spin the wheel and write, or better yet, drop by and see me, sans bag over your head.
The New Albanian, at 7:38 AM, August 05, 2005
east ender,
It is time again for you to remove our favorite attack progressives.
They offer nothing to this blog. They continue to ignore the real issues. Take a stand Laura and Ban them from your blog. We are all working for the common goal. We need to expose the corruption of this Adminstration and this City. And lets all make a stand together!
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM, August 05, 2005
Boy watch Baylor dance. Talk about the Baylor shuffle. Laura it is time for you to put Baylor in his place. I'm still stuck on that big word! (meaning worthless) The only real words we need to hear from Baylor is Yada...Yada...Yada...Proud to be Anonymous, Proud of being with the little people.
Anonymous, at 8:12 AM, August 05, 2005
I first read Tartuffe about 15 years ago and, up until a short while ago, had always hoped I'd someday get the chance to participate in a performance.
Thank you, Laura, for facilitating that dream.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:18 AM, August 05, 2005
The Gettysburg Address has two more paragraphs.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:28 AM, August 05, 2005
Shirley--the of the people by the people and for the people quote is from the gettysburg address---not the Constitution---just thought you SHOULD know!
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM, August 05, 2005
You need to go back to jeffersonville. Your hangin with the wrong crowd. progressive is as bad as being a liberal. Were the little people generation.
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM, August 05, 2005
James Garner in St. Louis working on a deal with EMC. Wonder what other Dept. he wants to sell New Albany out for now?
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM, August 05, 2005
We the "little people" of NA just want everyone to have a good life and live in harmony. We want equal representation for everyone, and not have the same few people holding all of the powerful positions in our town.
Thank you, Shirley. You've offered the basis for a discussion. You'll notice that some of your brethren ignored your thoughtfulness and began clamoring yet again to restrict free speech.
You know better, and try to see that your earnestness could easily be cancelled out by the hatreds and intemperance of fellow travelers.
The New Albanian, at 9:25 AM, August 05, 2005
Shirley, can you calrify this point:
We want equal representation for everyone, and not have the same few people holding all of the powerful positions in our town.
Does this apply to all elected officials, for instance, CMs Coffey, Schmidt, Seabrook, Kochert, et al, who occupy multiple positions on boards and commissions?
Also, are you going to the county hearing next Tuesday?
The New Albanian, at 9:48 AM, August 05, 2005
Just curious about the meeting; no agenda intended. I'll go and take notes for the blog.
One thing that everyone agrees on, I think, is that more could have been done sooner when it comes to the downtown buildings in question. Whether inaction has come from greed, i.e., waiting for the price to get better, or simply from inertia and lack of creativity, is sonthing we unfortunately don't know for sure.
The New Albanian, at 10:50 AM, August 05, 2005
No worries, Shirley. Just poking a little fun since I thought that's what you were doing.
BTW, I'm not trying to be a smarta** when I write about Wal-Mart. I personally swore them off a couple of years ago.
I really do think there are alternatives that offer better quality and lower prices without as much collateral damage to local business. I also think attempting to support local workers by buying from Wal-Mart actually hurts those employees and other workers in the long run by driving down wages and benefits for everyone from retail to manufacturing.
Avoiding the big chain stores is admittedly difficult and I'm not always successful myself but I feel like it's worth the effort.
Contrary to what some folks would have you believe, my wife and I both work for non-profits and aren't out boutique shopping on a regular basis. My feelings about corporate America run much deeper than just Wal-Mart.
When I suggested shopping at thrift stores, I was speaking from years of personal experience. If you ever want to talk buying strategy that's cool with me.
The car argument is more complicated but it's not as if I've ever bought a new car anyway.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 10:54 AM, August 05, 2005
As I have stated before (with much detail), I believe, as do many others, that we are missing the boat (literally) by not being aggressive in filling the downtown buildings with businesses that will support a population of residents living in the upper floors.
I don't see hundreds of people flocking to New Albany just because we will have a YMCA & pools.
I have asked Garner directly many times if he had any plans for helping small businesses come to the downtown district with incentives such as those that are often offered to big corporations.
His answer was always NO.
Downtown will not live again until there are people living and shopping there.
We should be doing all we can to restore the old architecturally glorious buildings, and offer subsidies for new small business start ups. The prices that are on those buildings now are ridiculously high, let alone the repairs that they would require.
I honestly believe we could have recieved the same support from Caesars for a project such as this instead of the Scribner Place project.
I stand firm on my assertion that there are a select few who will be pocketing substantial amounts of money from that project.
There is much more good that could have come from $20 million if the true goal was to save New Albany.
East Ender, at 1:19 PM, August 05, 2005
I tell you how he pulled off 4th Street Live, he put it up for bids and sold out to big business instead of trying it from a unique approach like other successful cities have done with their downtowns. Now even "Keep Louisville Wierd" is being sponsored by Bud Select.
edward parish, at 2:20 PM, August 05, 2005
East ender,
I think everybody agrees that we need more residents and small businesses downtown. You've offered a couple of suggestions in the past but I really don't think you've offered much detail as to how they would work or why you think they'd work in the first place. Please do.
I think an agressive plan to make those residents and businesses a reality is a good idea. But, based on other philanthropic happenings, I'm not sure that Caesars would've supported anything other than a large scale project. Companies continuously give money for university football stadiums but don't seem to have much interest in buying library books.
That stinks, but why not take best advantage of what we can get and try to create a market for those businesses to sell to and serve? The Y and public pools have a proven history of attracting hundreds of people to wherever they are. Why not downtown NA?
It also seems as if a lot of the property owners downtown are, in fact, waiting for Scribner Place before renovating or sellling their property. They seem to think that Scribner Place will make downtown more attractive to small businesses and thus, their efforts worthwhile.
One of the discussions that's currently happening on NAC concerns the Historic Preservation Committee and it's role in protecting the architectural treasures of NA's downtown. It's clear that the committee doesn't have the enforcement support it needs to ensure success.
Suggested remedies have centered around not just the OEO but an extension of the city attorney's role and the establishment of a municipal court to better handle violations and to collect fines and/or remove property owners who's transgressions have caused much of the blight in the first place.
I don't think any of us would disagree that a better kept environment will help make downtown attractive to any number of people. Do you have specific ideas about how to better enforce historic guidelines?
As I mentioned, I'd generally support a plan that would help subsidize the renovation of downtown and small business start-ups. There are already some federal programs in place.
How do you think a local program should be set up? What would the criteria be for selecting loan or grant recipients? Who would ultimately decide who got help? What of other small businesses in the area who are now struggling along on their own?
Would this be a good use of EDIT funds? If so, how much should we spend each year?
I think we could take the money now being spent on the parking garage when it becomes available and use it as seed money for a more aggressive redevelopment plan, including the hiring of a grant writer.
Grants often require matching funds and showing we were willing to commit our own money each year would go a long way in helping the grant writer to secure enough funding to pay for themselves and still be of benefit to the city.
Perhaps most importantly, how do you intend to sell it to those people who cry foul everytime the government intends to spend money on anything?
You have to imagine that there will be a group to fight your plan just as you've fought Scribner Place. Regardless of the who the mayor is, there will be a group who set out to sabotage whatever he/she does.
It's probably going to take more than $400K per year to subsidize what will be a much larger project. Not trying to be a smart aleck, but a lot of people said we couldn't afford that. How are you going to justify spending more?
There's a lot of work to be done and a lot of questions to be answered but this could be a positive start.
PS: Ed makes a good point.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:24 PM, August 05, 2005
Anonymous, at 6:43 PM, August 05, 2005
I would like to know why President Jeff Gayhan does not call for an investigation on James Garner?
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM, August 05, 2005
Full council has to vote on it---I think price and coffey suggested an audit by the state---perhaps---the cost is about 20k
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM, August 05, 2005
Who is really our CITY ATTORNEY?
Funny line in article in morning Courier today about Sanitation contract.
"City Attorney Shane Gibson said the
process meets the law, according to
Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, August 05, 2005
they are calling for investigation and that would be done by Prosecutor Keith
Funny idea---- I think that the
Progressives would want Prosecutor
Henderson to hold the investigation at
the Book Store.
Get ready, New Albany, Hollywood is coming in and they are going to make a movie out of this comedy.
Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, August 05, 2005
Does anyone know if the Mayor can give our "big red trucks" away to ID? I hear that you can't dispose of capital equipment that way.
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, August 05, 2005
Good question about the legality of
giving away the big red trucks which are public property.
There must be some law that controls how public property is given away or even how is it sold to someone.
Anonymous, at 11:38 PM, August 05, 2005
Has anybody noticed that there are new buildings being built on Spring St., Charlestown Rd. at Beechwood, and Main St. near the old auction house (to name a few)?
Why have these investors not taken advantage of the many vacant buildings that are sitting empty and locked up Downtown?
Why is building brand new buildings better than utilizing the gorgeous ones we already have?
Again, I ask, what is the Economic Development Director doing to entice businesses downtown?
You say folks are sitting back and waiting for the "project" to be finished before selling their properties. Why? So they can boost the price tag even more?
Also, I think if you took a look at some of the projects that Caesars has donated money to, you will find they have vigorously invested in community development programs, social services, and many non-profit endeavors. Business development is happening in New Albany, but it is not happening in any way that is structured to revitalize downtown.
Instead, our neighborhoods are being turned into a mix of commercial and residential that is not conducive to bettering the quality of life and property values for inner-city residents.
As for the slew of other questions you have come up with, as soon as I finish my entire business plan proposal, I will happily make it available for your scrutiny.
Obviously, these things require a dedicated group of people willing to offer their individual expert advise and experiences.
This, folks, is where the "little people" can, and will, make a substantial difference in the way things are done around N.A. in the future in terms of revitalization for economic and residential areas alike.
I agree that much more than $400K is needed to make a substantial impact, but there are plenty of other resources of money available if you look closely at the city's line item budget and start trimming back the "perks" of a number of select city employees.
Also, as for citing code violations and collecting fines to shore up the coffers, please someone explain to me why the Officer who follows the Street Sweeper cannot tag blatant violations such as untagged cars that seem to be breeding uncontrollably throughout the city?
Finally, I still think the City could have done a better job in allocating EDIT funds.
East Ender, at 2:37 AM, August 06, 2005
One of the new buildings on Main Street is the new Redmen Club aka good ol' boy drinkers spot. They did give up a spot in Main St's Historical Sector.
ID could just pick up the lease agreement on the red trucks and then pay the city the balance at the end of the lease agreement.
Anonymous, at 6:23 AM, August 06, 2005
East Ender:
Good point on police tagging illegal parked cars. There is a law on NA Code Book that states Police are the
agency to ENFORCE this law. Will try to find it and let you know.
If Messer wants Ordinance Enforcement job so bad, then why isn't he doing that job already on the books as police are supposed to be enforcing?
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM, August 06, 2005
On giving away the red garbage trucks,
I think that is called disposal of
public property, but, I don't know where that law is.
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM, August 06, 2005
Anything purchased with City or County monies. Each Office Holder or Dept. Head is responsiable for: Computers,fax,machines,desk,chairs,tools,cars,cell phones,trucks,parts and etc. But that does not mean things don't disappear?
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, August 06, 2005
I feel that we are putting the horse before the cart again. Why is there not an outside audit being done? How much Edit money goes to what/where? What is it used for? How much is left in Edit? How much of our tax dollars are being used for litigation? Look what was spent on fight the DVD Store on Main ST.? Why is this Adminstration cutting fat instead of spending monies we don't seem to have? Their is to many unanswered questions. Were getting ready to be hit with higher sewer bills, higher sanitation fees etc. I am new at this and myself like other Citizens do not understand. Where is all the monies going to? It truly seems like to me things just don't add up! Wait tell they start working on the 2006 Budget. Then what? Revitalization? How can we afford spending money we don't seem to have?
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM, August 06, 2005
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM, August 06, 2005
Progressive Beer that could be a great brand the new albanian can learn to brew at his new brewery. Code Enforcement should be a Retired Police Officer. And not an active Police Officer. Or someone who could not be controlled by this Mayor. The total arrogance of This Adminstration. And Mayor James Garner pisses me off. He continues to lie to us. Some of his actions appears to be for gain for himself and others. Their is to much conflict of interest for many board members. I am totally against Council Members sitting on various other boards. What I feel we need in New Albany is a Citizens Group! Sorta like a watch dog group. It would take several of us to keep an eye on what I feel is all of this City's Corruption! Too many people have their hands in too many pieces of New Albany's pie.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, August 06, 2005
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people.
Anonymous, at 3:52 PM, August 06, 2005
You can just look to the attitudes of the people who post on your blog if you want to know why no one wants to invest in businesses in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM, August 06, 2005
When we get all the new fee's Jimmy is pushin on us. We all might have to move into the YMCA. Or just move in all those empty buildings downtown! Talk about
progressive B/S. That's all it is.
Be sure and sign all the recall petitions floating around. Little People of New Albany are totally fed up. IT'S TIME TO STAND UP AND HAVE A "VOICE"... AND DEMAND TO BE HEARD.
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM, August 06, 2005
I think a Citizens Watch Group is very much needed, but I have serious doubts that it will ever be allowed to come into fruition. We will have to be a little more stealth about our activities.
Did anyone catch this mornings headlines in the Courier?
"A Corrupt Political Machine"
Click on the Courier Journal link on the front page of this blog to get to it.
Obviously, giving jobs to political supporters is not going to be tolerated in Fletcher's administration, I don't see why it has to be allowed to continue in New Albany.
Furthermore, the Big Red garbage trucks leases will end next year saving the sanitation budget $314K a year. That's a pretty big chunk to go missing and still say we need to privatize.
The City Council will be discussing the matter at 5:30 on Tuesday. It should be an interesting meeting.
Finally, folks please don't fall victim to the dirty mud-slinging tactics that make me have to spend too much time with the delete button. There are better things to talk about.
East Ender, at 12:41 AM, August 07, 2005
East Ender wrote:
Your take on the Speak Out Loud NA blog Is almost laughable if it were not so mean spirited.
I have allowed you back to the SOL blog for discussions, and this is what comes of it.
You are simply incapable of exhibiting any measure of decorum, and you have shown this time and time again by thrashing those whose opinions differ from your own. You hold yourself above the rest only in your own mind.
Progress is in the eye of the beholder, and there are 2 schools of thought regarding progress for New Albany. Can't you show just a little respect for others?
Your remarks are cruel and your implications of low intelligence are nothing less than a slap in the face of your fellow citizenry.
Is this your idea of progress?
We have had enough Laura! Part of the mission of The New Albany Little People is to share the facts with all the people of New Albany on this Adminstration. And get the real truth out. And expose them on Corruption. And hold the people involved Accountiable. And show the waste of our Tax Dollars. People are talking. And reading Speak Out Loud NA.. Their is so many good people of New Albany are stepping up to the plate with facts,answers,questions and seeking answers. "MUDD SLINGIN" It's time for us to take off the gloves and expose this Adminstration for what it really is! So ban Baylor! And let's get the real truth out! We have alot of work to do Laura if we are going to take back our town!
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM, August 07, 2005
We The People---These comment are long over due. Their is alot of good honest people with information that needs to be told. It is time to step up and speak! And it is time Laura for all of us to take back our town.
Tuesday's meeting will tell us the truth if this City Council is really serious on calling for an Investigation.
It's a DAMN SHAME: Month's ago that this City Council did not listen to Valla Ann. Because the people of New Albany do listen to her! This City is a house of cards.
Anonymous, at 9:17 AM, August 07, 2005
Where is Concern Taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 10:05 AM, August 07, 2005
I purpose a debate of current NA City issues between 4 hand picked Speak Out Loud NA bloggers against 4 hand picked Progressives, with a judge and real debating format.
Possibly venue; Destinations Bookseller for one of the quarterly public awareness forums.
Anyone game?
edward parish, at 11:50 AM, August 07, 2005
You need to continue your Debates and Forums with this Garner Adminstration.
Ask us if we care what you all say or think. We don't need your Quarterly Public Awareness Forums. Trust me us Little People of New Albany are "VERY AWARE."
Why don't you Debate Dan Coffey, Bill Schmidt, Steve Price, Larry Kochert?
You have no problem writing what liars, cowards, idiots they are.
Have the guts to sit across from them and repeat to their face what you write on your Blogs!
As the Concern Taxpayer--I totally support Dan, Bill, Larry, And especially Steve Price.
Their is also not a finer experienced Voice and fairer Councilman than Bill Schmidt. He is one of the most "honorable men" in New Albany. And the many Little People of New Albany totally Support Mr. Schmidt!
And I truly believe they will all do the right thing on Tuesday. And vote for a Full Investigation.
We don't need to Debate you. We have the truth, facts on our side.
The Little People are Proud, Strong, fed-up and United.
Your game playing-taunting days with us on "SPEAK OUT LOUD NA" are about over..
We our focus and The Little Peoples Of New Albany's--Voices will be heard!
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM, August 07, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 1:52 PM, August 07, 2005
new albanian-
You will no longer be allowed to comment on this blog.
Everyone has had enough of your obnoxious remarks.
To all others on this blog, please direct your statements regarding Mr. Baylor's attitude to his blog.
He has wasted enough of our time and space here.
East Ender, at 2:01 PM, August 07, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 2:28 PM, August 07, 2005
There is about 15,000 CONCERN TAXPAYERS. I'm one too..I'm one of the little people too..WHAT'S MY NAME?
Anonymous, at 6:32 PM, August 07, 2005
I AM "THE CONCERN TAXPAYER" My name is James Baird. My wife goes to Council Meetings and takes notes for me. I do not go to the City Council Meetings because I would more than likely be ask to leave.I do not agree with Mr. Baylor's Comments or opioions.And his Progressive ideas. As far as knowning Ms. Ali I have never met her. And if you like any of you can call me and we can meet and have a beer. And also have a discussion about us little people and our City Of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 8:02 PM, August 07, 2005
Folks--- I do not know where you are
getting your information, but, you sure have not revealed the identity of the REAL "CONCERNED TAXPAYER."
I plan to continue my role of CONCERNED TAXPAYER to help the people of New Albany.I have good
contacts and these are very fine
involved citizens who work for the best interests of our citizens.
If other people want to share and use my title of CONCERNED TAXPAYER,
Anonymous, at 9:01 PM, August 07, 2005
It is I, Zorro, who am the real concern taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM, August 08, 2005
Ed, good idea. Sounds like concern taxpayer is scared.
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM, August 08, 2005
Concern Taxpayer fears no one! It is an "Honor" to know Concern Taxpayer. My wife and boys and I have known Concern Taxpayers for at least 40 Years. And is highly respected by those who know Concern Taxpayer. Concern Taxpayer stands for truth,honesty,loyality, and doing the right thing. REGARDLESS....
One voice, at 10:44 PM, August 08, 2005
If concern taxpayer fears no one, then why walk around with a bag over his head? In the real world, that means you don't want to be seen.
Anonymous, at 9:16 AM, August 09, 2005
Jack Messer as a code enforcement officer? Hummmmmm I thought they wanted a peson who would aggressively pursue violators who degrade or city by not taking care of their properties??? Is Officer Jack Messer that person? Ha... somebody should check and see how many criminals he has arrested and how many violators he has ticketed in the last 5 years.
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM, August 17, 2005
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