What a Move!!!
Seems the Mayor has managed to get all his ducks to fall into line, and he's staring straight down the pipe of dreams. He got the City Council to go ahead and push through the approval for Scribner Place, despite not knowing if the County Council will move to dedicate any funds for the mutually beneficial project. Score: Garner= 1, Common Sense= 0. Nice move.
Still, wasn't there a stipulation in the first passing...that it was contingent on the County allocating dollars to the costs? Why and how did the approval go through without waiting to see what the County was, or was not, going to do?
Does anybody still think there were no ulterior motives on this one? Why was it pushed through without adhering to the stipulation? Is this allowable?
Because, Garner knew that once this cut was made public, nobody would approve of spending the EDIT dollars on a bunch of swimming pools. That money should be supporting the Sanitation Department. Did anybody see this coming?
Still think there's "no way" any of our tax dollars will ever be needed for the bonds? Every Mayor has a pet Project, and you can bet there is a sacrificail lamb during every administration.
Overton's was getting rid of the sewage office downtown by privatizing the sewage billing.
Wasn't it just a few months ago, while scurrying around to save the budget, that we were ultimately assured no city services were left in jeopardy? Thanks "progressive thinkers" of the Council for approving 17 more years of this.
Pulling the rug out from under many city employees, and turning it into a campaign saying that it "just makes sense" to stop the bleeding of money from a revenue-losing city service, is downright bullshit! It has been payable out of one of the Sewage funds for some time now.
On paper it will look like a cash cow, in reality it just didn't have its own fund. So it shows as a loss on paper if you want it to. Sometimes you really can't believe your eyes.
Does anybody ever watch Penn & Tellers "Bullshit!" show on HBO? Boy, I'd love to hear what they would have to say about this sequence of events. Think I'll write.
After all, how stupid does Garner think we are?
This is outright railroading. How comfortable does everybody feel now? Still think they're looking out for our best interests? Where's our Code Enforcement person? Or are we back to "we have no money for __________ " (insert need), like it was before?.
Moving hundreds of thousands of dollars around to different funds, and making the books so confusing that even the State cannot make sense of them, is an obvious sign of mis-use.
I think we need to call for an audit, payable from the General fund, and pass an ordinance that states any Mayor is only allowed to earn 1 City Salary while in office.
Possibly we should ask that restrictions be placed on use, or dedication, of funds beyond a "reasonable" amount of time after one is out of City office (17 Year's?!!!)
I also think they should make the costs of ALL City paid expenditures, such as vehicles, cell phones, and other "miscellaneous" City costs, available as Public Record. Let the people ask some questions. Bring some answers. We need a Town Hall meeting.
It should be a meeting that is Governed by a mutually agreeable entity. Perhaps IUS? Perhaps a favorable professional mediator. It's time to put all cards on the table.
I was already about to jump up and down about the new "wastewater fee" we'll be getting soon. What a mess.
It is maddening and sad at the same time. A mixture of emotions if you, like me, thought home would always be in New Albany. No wonder so many For Sale signs are up.
And, we're seeing new construction going up around town, but no one investing in a downtown building. And I'm supposed to be happy about that?
Sorry, I'm not happy about the new building going up on the corner of Jay and Spring Street. I would guess the people living in the blue rental house right there aren't really too happy about it either. Looks like they went as close to that property line as they were allowed to. Isn't there an Ordinance about Buffers being placed between Residential and Commercial Properties that infringe on quality of life issues, such as noise, hours of operation, and lights, and traffic congestion as well? There's no room for buffers to be placed.
Oh well, I guess we're just expected to sit back and watch it happen. And it keeps happening.
A $3 million dollar Fire Station that was evidently awarded to an inept private developer.
As Donnie Blevins spoke at one Council meeting not so long ago..."we voted him in and he deserves our trust and support", like we should let the man do his job and run this town the way he wants to.
Sorry Donnie, I can't roll over and play dead, and I'll be damned if I'll sit back and play Stupid!
This administration will get my support and respect as soon as they earn it. So far, it's all been about one bad decision after another.
What do you folks want?
What do you think should happen now?
In the interest of fair play, everyone ought to go over to www.volunteerhoosier.blogspot.com for all the reasoning being made to support Garner's move on the sanitation workers.
Some of the things said were almost comical if they had not been so real in thier attempt to provide justification.
Read the comments also, there is an interesting debate going on.
East Ender, at 7:59 PM, July 24, 2005
sorry for the mis-spelled
East Ender, at 8:00 PM, July 24, 2005
East ender this is all being played with political puppets who wish to aspire themselves in this community where it will benefit them financially. Nothing more, just plain and simple hardball by people that think they are able to manipulate the Mayor with their own wish list. Small time power brokers, we know who you are.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM, July 24, 2005
Well east ender (Laura). What have several of us been trying to tell everyone for month's. We complained about lease vehicles! We complained about the New City Operations Manager! Cell phone Bills! Sewer Liens not filed! etc. (Do I need to continue to add to the list?) We screamed kicked and Pleaded and Called for an audit? Several have been Calling for an Investigation? Rember!.. Hello People of New Albany. Most of you ought to be outraged! We are "SCREWED" unless we do something. Why don't we just Privatize New Albany! And just say the "Hell With it". Yes I was contacted to read the garbage on Volunteer Hoosier! And if there was ever total Bull-shit wrote I read it their. (Please excuse my little minded words) So Laura can I now make the Statement "WE TOLD YOU ALL" SO!!!!!! We can remonstrade the YMCA? We can Protest? We can all line up at the August 1 City Council Meeting and Demand to be heard. (PLEASE REMBER WE ARE ONLY ENTITLED TO 5 MINUTES) Isn't it amazing the so called "4" Councilman had it right! Schmidt-Coffey-Price-Kochert! The other "Blogs" and other worthless people continue attacking these Councilman and their wives! And the 4 Councilman mention found out the truth and the other Council Members Bought his B/S- And said give Mayor Garner a Chance! Laura do you really think all the people especially "GARNER" is going to want a Town Hall meeting and face us? Not in this lifetime! He does not even have the guts to make this simple Statement: I LIED! The City of New Albany is Broke! Why is this so hard to say? If I was Mayor I would call all the TV Stations and Tell The Truth! Some one needs to tell the truth! Why is it only a few of us have seen the figures? In 2002-2003 We saw the same figures this Adminstration refuses to show everybody! Several of us figured out real quick what was going on. It's called "This City is Bankrupt! But this is what he's really saying to each and everyone of us: I just made promises for you all to make me Mayor! Talk about Do I really care about any employees in this City? No! As your Mayor I am King James! I will do what I want. Who cares the Sewer Bills are going up! He is now working on a drainage fee? The water bills going up! And top it off he has put up each and everyone's Property Taxes to secure Bond Money for Scribner Place! If Common People can figure this out. Why hasn't this Adminstration? Why do they not want and Audit? Why do they not want an Investigation? What do they have to hide! Bring it on Residents and Taxpayers of New Albany! Demand it! What do we really have to lose now? Hell Yes We Saw It Coming!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM, July 24, 2005
No The Concrete Plaque should Say: Overton Poured the Concrete for Scribner Place. And James Garner Jr. Destroyed The City Of New Albany. Signed: The Little People of New Albany 2005
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, July 24, 2005
This is a comment printed from an earlier article, but, it seems worth repeating.
FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, July 24, 2005
Sanitation Workers Support the Concern Taxpayers Comments! Give them Hell Concern Taxpayer. We stand beside you. James Garner Jr. needs to Resign.
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, July 24, 2005
The $400,000 in EDIT money pledged to Scribner Place could be used to fund
City projects and free up city money to help pay for Sanitation Department.
Is it true that the Mayor, who, is
President of the Sewer Board has never put together a Sanitation Budget for Sanitation to follow?
If that is true, then, no wonder the
Sanitation was runing in the hole.
Where could we find the Sanitation Budget if there is one?
Is that a good way to run any business?
Anonymous, at 12:03 AM, July 25, 2005
And why does the sewage fund need all its money all of a sudden? Didn't he just try to sell us a deal to borrow a 1/2 million from the sewage fund, and it wouldn't hurt it a bit? He said he had a plan to pay it back. Where is that money?
Everybody's saying $900K (high), well, $500K from the sewage fund and $400K from EDIT funds equals $900K. How interesting.
East Ender, at 12:36 AM, July 25, 2005
East Ender--- You are sharp as a tack.
and you can add figures.
The Mayor DID go to the Council for
approval to borrow $500,000 for his City Budget from Sewer Fund.
Then, he pushed through the $400,000 Scribner Place money from EDIT with the help of his 2 City Employees,
Councilman Messer and Councilman Blevins making speeches for Scribner.
$500,000 + $400,000. = $900,000.
That $900,000 could fund Sanitation.
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM, July 25, 2005
We support the Sanitation workers!
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM, July 25, 2005
Mayor Garner you are not Indispensable.
Anonymous, at 10:20 AM, July 25, 2005
knightrain --- That is our point. This was a done deal before this so called Mayor rushed and wanted passage of the $400,000.00 dollars for Scribner Place. Garner knew As well as certain people in his close circle of friends. What was about to happen the next day. Don't you think things would have been dealt with differently if the Council would have known what was about to go down? Why would you or anyone else believe the Council would have been told or would have knew what Garner was going to do? How damn Stupid do you believe people are! And don't think this was planned. This was not an impulse on Garners part! This was a set up on the Council And the People of New Albany!
One voice, at 11:22 AM, July 25, 2005
Garner will not deal with a open forum about Sanitstion or anything else. He will send his so called mouth pieces! Garner is a Coward to face the People of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 1:01 PM, July 25, 2005
Go to www.diggindirt.blogspot.com
You will see a great article by a
New Albany citizen showing appreciation to our hard working
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM, July 25, 2005
Everyone take note. The issue of the Sanitation workers will not be heard by the City Council. They have no authority over this matter.
It will require a "Special" meeting for discussion, or going to the next Sewer Board Meeting.
East Ender, at 1:56 PM, July 25, 2005
east ender- We sure can tell them when-the public speaks: How we feel! Of cource the Sewer Board Meeting. When people can not attend! We have a right to ask the City Council to recend the $400,000.00 dollars. The City Council was not told the truth. Everyone contact each Council Member. Voice how you feel.. And be there Aug.1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING!
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM, July 25, 2005
its a tough break for the sanitation workers but when they dont physically pick up the recycling bins and separate trash from recycling kind of hard to feel sorry for them, they played a role in thier outsourcing
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, July 25, 2005
The previous Anonymous poster is another person who cannot be satisfied by the workers with the filthist job in the city.
Go to www.diggindirt.blogspot.com
You will see a great article by a
New Albany citizen showing appreciation to our hard working
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM, July 25, 2005
Complain about sewer money paying for garbage. Complain about sanitation workers not recycling. Complain to tv stations about sanitation workers not doing their jobs. Complain about moving money from one fund to another. Complain about taxes. Complain about fees. We're too poor. We can't afford it. We have to shop at Wal-Mart. Complain about code enforcement. Complain about city workers not doing enough work. Clean up New Albany. Why can't the city workers we have do more? Complain about the problem. Now complain about the solution. Be careful what you ask for. Complain about everything. You don't get anything.
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM, July 25, 2005
My husband and I were going out to dinner and went down Country Club Drive. We saw many signs on garbage cans saying "We support the Sanitation Workers".
We slowed down to read the signs and so did a lot of other drivers. What a neighborhood effort!
I think it was great of these people to do this. Everyone should have a sign on their garbage can. The sanitation workers need all the support they can get. I am going to make one for our garbage can and I encourage everyone to do the same.
Anonymous, at 8:17 PM, July 25, 2005
Anonymous 8:14PM -
Yeah, ain't it a bitch that there's so much to complain about in this city.
But, I don't remember anyone "complaining" about the Sewer Fund paying for Sanitation. Indeed, I wonder how few people were even aware of it.
Complaining about paying for something that's not happening is kinda a gimme, don't you think?
Not recycling was never blamed on poor workmanship by the Sanitation workers. We know the new trucks are a big part of the problem, and that was another Great Decision by another Administration, that started out as some kind of "good thing" for the City.
It was going to save us money, and thus save jobs. Good Job Mayor Overton. That was HER mistake.
Do you get why we are so upset at this point when some kind of "good thing" for the City turns out to be NOT a great thing for the people that live here. AFTER we've been sold on the "project".
AND, we ususally wind up paying paying more because of it.
It's not right.
So, yeah, we do a lot of "complaining".
"Solutions" are seldom in line with the sentiments of the community, unless maybe it's one over another, is THAT good?
Depends on who you ask I suppose.
East Ender, at 9:04 PM, July 25, 2005
wonder if the Mayor's boy Donnie Blevins will be a casualty, bet he gets a nice little paper pushing job while his union brothers go down
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM, July 25, 2005
So you were fooled by Regina Overton? Why didn't you listen to the sanitation workers when they were protesting buying the new trucks? Why didn't you support them then? Guess you were more interested in how much money it would save you. Maybe your concern is just too little, too late.
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, July 25, 2005
maybe paul wheatley should pick up the garbage he needs something to do, oh i forgot he's the job creator whiz kid. I think all the saniation workers should camp out at his office until he finds them a job
Anonymous, at 11:08 PM, July 25, 2005
public meeting wed at 7--at city co. building--lay off blevins--his job is on the line and it is not that great of a job and your new enforcement officer is____________ a city council member.BTW--I don't think edit funds can be used for general fund expenses
Anonymous, at 1:42 AM, July 26, 2005
Why doesn't Floyd County contract out the inspection process for building and electricial?
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM, July 26, 2005
Yeah, I get it now. And I smell it too. The stink of hypocrisy. Smells worse than garbage.
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM, July 26, 2005
Mayor - you lied to us!
You promise that you would resign before you privatize sanitation. When you are voted out would you please take Messer and Blevins with you.
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM, July 26, 2005
Blevins - what did the Mayor promise you to sell out your union brothers? It's good not to be Donnie Blevins.
Messer - I can't leave you out. Way to go!! You know how to play politics better than anybody. Your support of the Scribner place got you a good political job - but keep one thing in mind. Election time is around the corner, and I predict the city will remember your good move.
Anonymous, at 5:51 PM, July 26, 2005
I understand Messer cuts grass on the side. Maybe he can write tickets then cut over grown yards and the citu can reimburse him. Smart thinking Jack
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, July 26, 2005
It is amazing that everyone is so high on the sanitation dept. How come the same day that they learned their fate there were several piles of garbage left on my street that had fallen out of cans???? I am sure it can't be because one of my neighbors is a relative of a member of the admistration.
Anonymous, at 9:49 PM, July 26, 2005
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