Pondering the Inevitable
Well, I believe we have pretty much exhausted the discussions regarding the YMCA – Scribner Place project, and hopefully everyone has had an opportunity to make their feelings and opinions known.
It is indeed a project that will undoubtedly reach fruition regardless of public sentiment about the financing. We will know a lot more after Thursday night’s Council meeting. Whatever the outcome, let’s hope it truly is what’s best for the city, not just what’s best for those who have a vested interest.
I think most people would agree that having a YMCA in New Albany is certainly not a bad thing. The reputation of the “Y” and the respect they garner will be an asset to our city, and to the county if it is able to attract adequate membership.
What I would like to see happen is a public meeting outlining the membership options and costs to users. Despite what another commenter said, I was at a workshop meeting when the Mayor said the water-plex usage would be a cost not included in a YMCA membership. I’m also curious how they came up with the estimated 6000 memberships.
Is that just for the “Y”? Or is it for both facilities?
I don’t have a great deal of faith in the “Build it and they will come” theory of economic growth, but I do have faith that the “Y” has a chance to be a long-term entity due to its past history of success. Still, Mr. LaRocca, Director of the “Y”, stated that it is a rarity these days for a YMCA facility to operate in a downtown district. I’m curious to know about the success rates of such facilities.
I’m also curious to know how many city administrations have become so intricately involved in the financing, development and extra amenities, such as the water-plex, as New Albany has.
If the “Y” agrees to unify the facilities and manage the entire project, it would be much easier to anticipate a good outcome than it would be if the city were to take on the management and operations of the pools. Yes, investing in economic development is a function of EDIT funds use, but that doesn't mean the city needs to actually run the businesses it helps create.
I would like to see a public meeting take place that would outline the costs of a membership and if the water-plex will be included in that membership.
Given the fact that almost 20% of all family households in the city with children under 18 are living in poverty, I am hopeful there is a way for everyone to be able to participate. It was very distressing to me to learn that the poverty level jumps to more than 45% for single mothers with children under 18 in the city. Will this development be accessable to everyone?
Comparatively, only a little more than 11% of families in the county with children under 18 are living in poverty. Who seems more likely to benefit from this development?
Additionally, as I looked over the differences between city dwellers and county dwellers I found that the median family income level is more than $10K greater in the county than in the city. That’s a pretty wide gap.
These circumstances brought back to mind the desperate need for a Code Enforcement Officer to help improve the quality of life and living in the inner city. With rentals being more than 40% of housing city-wide, and given the poverty levels, it is imperative that housing is inspected for safe conditions and clean surroundings. This, of course, is only a small portion of the work that needs to be done on ordinances.
The council passed approval of the position and set the salary back in September of 2004 by signing ordinance A-04-56. Why are we still waiting for the position to be filled?
After spending several hours talking to most of Our City Council Members yesterday. I realze that some of them are not in touch with Reality. Several of them don't seem to know or realize the depth of our Financial Diaster this City is in. But then again several Council Members say the City is almost Bankrupted. I am not against building Scribner Place. What I am against is how it is going to be financed. Like many other taxpayers concerns. Again some of The Council Members are banking on this making downtown come alive. It is not being negative to say how I feel or how others feel. Is this going to be the final nail in the Coffin for New Albany? I ask who is going to pay the interest on this Bond money? How can they bank on the County for at least $200,000.00 a Year. When the County has not even voted? There is alot of hard questions need to be answered. Tonight they are voting on giving them $400,000.00 out of Edit Money To put all of our eggs in "One Basket" is asking for a Diaster to happen.
Anonymous, at 6:54 AM, July 07, 2005
Councilman Bill Schmidt has been a driving force behind "Code Enforcement." He did not "TABLE CODE ENFORCEMENT." He has been a strong supporter of this position from the word get go. Again other blogs have again only told part truth on this subject. If you have anyone to blame it will be Our Current Adminstration. James Garner lied about it. But tonight it will be a Victory for all of us on Code Enforcement! And let's just see how long it takes to hire one?
One voice, at 7:43 AM, July 07, 2005
REMONSTRANCE: might be an option for the people of New Albany. Let's give the people of New Albany a "VOICE" In This..
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM, July 07, 2005
Excuse me, but what do you base your opinion on? Your explaination of why you feel the way you do, is vague and has many holes. Opinions are easy to put in pen, but you being a employee at a higher education facility would have a different spin on how this area should devolop.
Anonymous, at 8:18 AM, July 07, 2005
For those troubled by 3-syllable words:
Pronunciation Key (r-mnstrns)
1. The act of remonstrating.
2. An expression of protest, complaint, or reproof, especially a formal statement of grievances.
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM, July 07, 2005
Welcome back, concern taxpayer - things had gotten almost rational here in your absence.
So, certain council members are out of touch with reality? I agree. Most prominently, Coffey, Schmidt, Price, sometimes joined by Kochert, have displayed a strong sense of rubber roominess.
Speaking of reality, which variety is yours? Now, this is not an attack, it's a question: How can you tell that certain council members are out of touch with reality?
What are your standards of reference?
How do you "know" this to be true?
Anonymous, at 8:32 AM, July 07, 2005
ri man'strens = grievances
Anonymous, at 8:37 AM, July 07, 2005
One more time.
Ask him yourself. He'll tell you he did, although he's dancing away from responsibility, saying the "mayor" "asked" him to do so.
Who was it? Mayor McCheese? Who's lying? Not the mayor. It's Anna's Boy.
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM, July 07, 2005
Laura will you please address the Nazi statements on this blog,it is a little disturbing and frightening that this may be the way a lot of residents in NA feel.
Thanks Laura!
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM, July 07, 2005
For those who really want to read about the issues, I’ve put together this reading list:
From Volunteer Hoosier:
Scribner Place Talking Points.
From the Tribune:
July 6 Tribune editorial: Future of downtown in Council’s hands.
From NA Confidential:
Memo to City Council: Sweep aside the mistakes of the past and approve Option #1 of Scribner Place (Phase I) financing.
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM, July 07, 2005
New Albany Resident: It is a fact that Mr. Schmidt tabled the ordinance, although he may or may not have had a good reason for doing it, and that's open to reasonable discussion by people who aren't yelling at each other.
Mr. Kochert thinks that ordinance enforcement loses votes. If you live in his district, so much the worse for your efforts to clean up.
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM, July 07, 2005
It is important that all of the people
pushing for the big buck spending on Scribner Place be there to bring ideas
on how to bail out the dismal outlook for the City of New Albany 2006 Budget. City Administration has drained all of the pots to spend for the 2005 Budget. If you don't live
within your means, then--- you have to tighten your belt sometime. It looks like the 2006 Budget will be the belt tightening time.
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM, July 07, 2005
Anonymous, you have linked spending on Scribner Place with the 2006 budget.
Can you explain in greater detail how they are linked, or is your opinion sufficient without proof?
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM, July 07, 2005
That's a good point. Scribner is taking money from a fund already earmarked for economic development.
It won't affect the general fund at all in 2006. I don't see the relationship.
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM, July 07, 2005
No attacks are permissable here, especially ones that refer to race or ethnicity. I'm sorry anyone got offended.
Anyone who has visited here regularly knows I do not tolerate nasty remarks.
Unfortunately, when I was cleaning out all the nasty comments at 3AM, that one got by me.
I promptly deleted it the next day.
I did not write it, I will not allow it, and whoever put it out there in the first place is the kind of person we don't need here.
I have asked Roger Baylor to stay off this blog, yet he persists under the guise of ridiculous names, and antagonizes everyone in an attempt to make this blog look bad because he is trolling for a larger audience on his blog.
This is obvious as he keeps bringing it up after it the remark was removed, and then puts up a link to his blog saying "there is too much bickering here".
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the remark came from him in the first place.
Either way it was an unfortunate and ugly remark that has no place in this forum, or any other.
East Ender, at 5:18 PM, July 07, 2005
Bill Schmidt has done more work on getting a code enforcement officer than any other member of the administration. He has traveled around the state to find out how other communities have set up enforcement in an attempt to discern what type of administrative set-up would be the most effective.
I don't know of anyone else doing research on how to implement code enforcement.
Wasn't the ordinance tabled due to the budget cuts? Nothing could be done until the budget issues were resolved.
I also have a copy of a document that Mr. Schmidt passed out at a council meeting regarding the code enforcement ordinance.
Refer to minutes of meeting on Sept. 23, 2004, and ordinance
East Ender, at 5:31 PM, July 07, 2005
2006 City Budget is going to take a miracle to be able to stay at the same
budget level as the year 2005.
No-- this is not intended to be scare tactics as some people would like to use.
The EDIT Funds can be used to fund
necessary projects in the City. The
new State Law says that EDIT can be used for any legal expenditure.
Why are some people saying " I want
Scribner Place and the rest of the town can go jump in the river" ?
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, July 07, 2005
Indiana State Tax Commissioners approve a percentage amount of growth for the tax levy to support the City Budget. In the past we were allowed a
5 % growth in tax levy each year.
Then -- it dropped to 4.8 %
Then--- it dropped to 4.5 %
Let's have a contest to see what the
percentage of growth of our tax levy will be to support the 2006 City budget.
OK-What do you think it will be for 2006?
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM, July 07, 2005
To Anonymous regarding the tax levy:
I will be brave and say it will jump up to 5.5% for 2006.
I think the state will look at little
old New Albany and feel sorry for us.
Where and when do we find out what that approved state tax levy rate will be?
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, July 07, 2005
You repeatedly refer to the YMCA as a business. That is misleading. The YMCA is a non-profit organization run by volunteers.
One part of their mission is to encourage health and fitness. The other is to provide various social services which they target to the needs of the individual community.
For instance, they run camps, daycare, partner with other children's organization to provide programming. All of this is at low cost and on top of that they provide assistance for those that cannot afford it.
They are not a business. Their mission is not to make a profit. User fees are used to maintain facilites and provide programs.
You also refer to a public pool as a business. The reason the city provides recreational facilities is so that they will be affordable. You might not be old enough to remember but when I was growing up in New Albany there was a private swimming pool--Colonial Club and there was the public pool--Oasis (now Camille Wright). A family membership at the public pool cost less than a single membership at Colonial Club. And at the public pool there were also daily rates for those who didn't want to buy a membership.
A public swimming pool is not a business.
Anonymous, at 7:57 PM, July 07, 2005
At the council meeting tonight I kept hearing something over and over that I don't understand.
The need for the city to repair streets amd sidewalks. As far as I can remember the city does not take care of sidewalks, I remember growing up in the West End (two blocks from CM Coffey's house) that my parents and grandmothers house had red brick sidewalks. These bricks were over a hundred years old, some were broken, even some missing, and to this day I remember a fellow from the city coming down and telling my parents that they had to fix or repair the sidewalks, that if someone fell from the missing bricks, that my Mom and Dad would be sued! This man stated that the city is not in the business of fixing or replacing sidewalks. That was back in 1963, and just recently one of the CM that sits in arms reach of CM Coffey made a the same coment, "The city doesn't do sidewalks!" I asked what about all the new sidewalks on Vinennes from the High School to Main Street? "Those were done with Redevelopment Money" he replied.
I realize it is a silly little thing, but why doesn't all the councilmembers know that the city "Doesn't Do Sidewalks!" and why do they keep throwing it out that they think it does!
And, as far as the streets, when a utility digs up a street to repair a gas main, or water main, are they not responsabile to repair the street, are they not the ones that should be made to repave the repair area? I understand if it is the sewer that is being repaired that should be the city, but again, most of the photographs recently submitted to the public were utiilty repair sites, I am sure a few were sewer, but again, if you dig it up, shouldn't you be the one to repair it?
Just thought it was time to discuss something else besides Scribner Place!
Rick Carmickle, at 10:23 PM, July 07, 2005
Laura: This statement is false.
This is obvious as he keeps bringing it up after it the remark was removed, and then puts up a link to his blog saying "there is too much bickering here".
And, I appreciate your acting against the "Nazi" posting. That was the right thing to do.
I don't understand why you blame me for putting the remark up in the first place. But, just to set the record straight, I did not.
If you have a question to ask, just ask me. Otherwise, it's unwise to jump to conclusions.
The New Albanian, at 10:47 PM, July 07, 2005
Sorry, I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I wanted to clear up that accusation of Laura's, and also comment to Shirley Baird:
There's no reason for me to apologize, so I won't. Also, you asked who I am - I was sitting right behind you.
Randy Smith was sitting at the window end of my row.
By the way, you're welcome to post comments on NAC, because I know who you are.
Thanks. Back to lurking and laughing.
The New Albanian, at 10:52 PM, July 07, 2005
you lost the Sribner Place battle because you allowed the messiah Valla Ann to be your leader, what a failure she was and is.
Her comical ineptness continued at the council meeting this evening by passing out Ebay bought Roberts Rules of Order.
Time to depose the Queen of Main and find a new voice, she isnt the answer
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM, July 07, 2005
More than likely mr. new albanian put that on the blog himself. he does alot of posting here. and gets off many attacks on people. why he does nor go away. ban baylor from the kingdom! maybe he will build his new pub by scribner.
Anonymous, at 7:09 AM, July 08, 2005
I Back Valla Ann. What a Real Leader she is! What have some of you all done for New Albany? She has style,class,and brains.
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM, July 08, 2005
1 support Valla Ann as Mayor. And she is a Great Leader for New Albany. Maybe between her and concern taxpayer. We might get something done! Would love to actually meet and talk to both of them!
Anonymous, at 7:39 AM, July 08, 2005
At least Valla Ann tells the truth!
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM, July 08, 2005
Valla Ann is The Future for New Albany.
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM, July 08, 2005
sorry- 1 know 1'm not suppose to be here? Write your own comments on your own Blog. Do you know what Ban from this blog means! If I was Laura 1 would delete every possiable comment made by Baylor.
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM, July 08, 2005
Some people cannot see the forrest for the trees. After what happened in London, our ittle troubles in New Albany seem so minuute.
Anonymous, at 8:26 AM, July 08, 2005
re: Shirley Baird comments. You sure got alot of attention when you spoke. Great to know someone has guts to say in public what you said. I was very impressed with your statement and comments. You was so in control of the room. And had our attention. Everyone left discussing your comments. Great Job!
Anonymous, at 8:31 AM, July 08, 2005
Great job Mrs. Baird. Loved every word spoken! Always enjoy reading your comments on the Blog. Thank You for having the courage to say the truth.
Anonymous, at 8:37 AM, July 08, 2005
Shirley... you really caught them off guard. What an impact. It is true the pen has taken down the strongest of people. Excellent job. At least some people have manors. Those people should Thank You foe standing up and telling the truth. Go-girl.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM, July 08, 2005
Mrs. Shirley Baird Baylor wants to know if your the Concern Taxpayer? I think you called it like you see it. Thanks
Anonymous, at 8:45 AM, July 08, 2005
Shame on you Ms. Baird for wasting my tax dollars with such insignificant drivel at last evenings meeting concerning Mr. Baylor and Mr. Smith. I have not posted on here since asking Laura to remove me from her list, but have been reading the comedy of errors that have transpired over the last few weeks on this blog. To air your grievances about what has come about here on the open information highway is one thing but to do it on the taxpayers nickel is another. If it wasn't for Roger, Randy and others, most people would be turning a blind eye to what usually transpires down at city hall. Roger and Randy, as always thanks for what you guys are doing to better our small city. If you wish to chat about this further, send me an e-mail to namur97@yahoo.com.
edward parish, at 11:01 AM, July 08, 2005
Valla Ann has supported Destinations
Booksellers, having visited it on more than one occasion to spend her dollars there in support of local business.
Same with Richo's, where she, her family and extended family have met for pizza many times.
Their support of her business? ZERO
Definition of a hypocrite: somebody who gives a false appearance of having admirable principles, beliefs or feelings.
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, July 08, 2005
It's not likely that anybody who lives within a few blocks of a hotel would pay to rent rooms there. I do find it ironic, though, that many of the same people who claim that the Y is only for the rich and won't attract people downtown turn around and say that a B&B that charges between $79 and $199 for a single night is a boon to the community.
Destinations graciously volunteered to particpate in the Main Street Garden Stroll even though VA and others in her faction of the neighborhood association were afraid to ask in person and sent a surrogate. That's class, even for the undeserving.
If any of you were paying attention, you would have noticed that both the other blogs have paid compliments to VA at various times. It's only when she makes a spectacle of herself at council meetings that she's occasionally ridiculed.
I suppose you've got to gripe about something else now, though, since you could only get two council members to portray your fear on a larger stage.
Anonymous, at 3:09 PM, July 08, 2005
To correct you regarding Destinations Booksellers' invitation to participate in the Garden Stroll:
At our April or May 2005 monthly MSPA board meeting, when discussing possible vendors for the Garden Stroll, MSPA board member Al Goodman volunteered to ask Randy Smith if he would like to participate in the Stroll, either by means of a donation or something else.
When Mr. Smith expressed a desire to participate, I contacted him by a personal visit to his store and then through email as we worked out the details of his participation.
Ann Streckfus, Vice Chairman
Main Street Preservation Association
Ann, at 3:46 PM, July 08, 2005
I'm a regular customer at NABc and Rich O's and just so you know, he's recommended her inn many times to out of towners. he also put nice mentions of it a couple of times in the news letter he e-mails to us. I'm with Edward on this one.
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, July 08, 2005
After witnessing Valla Annie's antics last night, (e-bay books!), I believe she is low and dirty and I have little respect for her or those that support her. Regardless of differing opinions, not supporting local businesses is a detriment to our community, and definitely not qualities of a leader. She has no class nor brains, in my book, (forgive the pun).
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM, July 08, 2005
Scribner Place? I left New Albany a long time ago. I've been reading the squabbles on this and other "blogs" for some time now, and it seems that my old home town is going to the dogs. Yet, when I visit the fair city, it brings back pleasant memories.
Just yesterday, I had a wonderful pizza at Arni's, and dessert at Mom & Pop's. Drove by the old Oasis (now Camille Wright) pool and remembered some ugly incidents from my teen years. New Albany is a great city. Too bad the feudal fighting is dragging it down. Good luck to you in your struggle.
Anonymous, at 7:53 PM, July 08, 2005
I read on Ann Strectfus' blog that Valla Ann raised nearly half million
dollars for the City to implement a quiet zone. I also read that she sits on a Board of a State Organization for Historic Preservation. I noticed the Admiral Bicknell Inn appears to be rather busy. I have noticed that she pays somebody to professionally tape the Council meetings and has gotten them aired on Station WNAS.
Thank you, Valla Ann. When her camera man can not be there, it appears she takes the matter into her own hands and tapes them herself.
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM, July 08, 2005
VALLA ANN is good for New Albany.
I saw in the newspaper that Valla Ann was the Chairwoman for the Main Street Mansion Row Garden Stroll and helped to raise thousands of dollars for their neighborhood organization
and apparently must then serve on the Board for their Neighborhood Organization.
There was an article in the paper that said she hosted a tea and poetry reading for the Republican Women.
Valla Ann also hosted a Meet and Greet Session for the Lt. Governor of the State of Indiana.
These are just a few of the points that cause me to admire Valla Ann
as an outstanding New Albany citizen.
Anonymous, at 8:45 PM, July 08, 2005
Jack Messer.
He explained it in simple, easy language for all residents to understand.
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM, July 08, 2005
Valla Ann is no leader or New Albany supporter see this from her overpriced B&B description:
Limited handicap access.
Spa Services On-Site Spa Services: Body scrubs, body wraps, cosmetics, facials, hair care, manicures/pedicures, massages and waxing.
Nearby Recommended Spas:
Z Salon
so she recommends a Louisville salon and may not be in compliance with the Americans for Disabilities Act. Good choice for Mayor.
Wake up little people she is selling you a false bill of goods
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, July 08, 2005
The City Council approved Scribner Place with the condition of the County coming on board with some share of the money needed.
I half expected the issue to be tabled until the county had made an official commitment to the project, but it was passed as is. I hope the county does indeed help with some investment on behalf of county residents.
As I've said before, I hope the project evolves into the cornerstone of downtown that will attract more development as it has been portrayed. I suppose we'll be finding out.
Personally, I think it's going to take a lot more to attract businesses to downtown.
Where has our new Economic Development Director kid been through all this? What are his plans to help attract new business? What has he been working on so far? How much is he getting paid?
Time to step up to the plate. You have the Scribner Place...the rest should be easy now, right?
Does anyone have the information on what the assessments of available downtown buildings was when the downtwon merchants did their walk-around?
East Ender, at 1:49 AM, July 09, 2005
Just so I'm clear on this...
Rick, you say the City does NOT do sidewalks, never has. Still we've seen many sidewalks replaced and/or repaired over the past few years. You say the CM's answer was that it was Redevlopment that did the sidewalks.
Wasn't there just a huge discussion here that the Redevelopment Commission IS the City?
I'm not pointing fingers at you, I'm just a little confused about what the real difference is between the Redevelopment Comm. and the City.
East Ender, at 2:23 AM, July 09, 2005
Too bad Laura didn't come in the room to watch the city council meeting Thursday.
Does anyojne know why Bill Schmidt abstained?
Anonymous, at 6:39 AM, July 09, 2005
Excuse me. Has anyone ever stopped and heard the good things Valla Ann has done for New Albany? And have any of you ever sat with her and had a conversation with her? Talk about revitilization of downtown. Look at the business she has generated. She is a very brillant women. And very down to earth. She is an excellent listener. And believes strongly in many causes. She is not the "GLORY HOUND OR SEEKER SHE IS ACCUSED OF". She does put her money where her mouth is. She backs and supports many causes. What the Hell have some of you done for New Albany. She does and can make a difference for all of us. She carry's the weight of many problems on her shoulder's. And mostly for other people. So yes you are entitled to your opioion. But come on. Let's play fair. She is what New Albany needs. Believe me she doesn't and will not kiss nobody's ass. And this women can not be bought. She has impeckable standards. And the guts to clean this City up. And anyone who has been blessed to really knows her. Will agree. Jealousy is a disease. Many of us can attest to her help and hard work. So keep attacking. And 10 more of us will defend her. She is a person too. Because she is smart,beautiful,and has a heart, and truly cares about people doesn't make her a threat! So back off. And get a "LIFE".
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM, July 09, 2005
You get what you pay for! Her B&B is well worth every nickle. Been there? We have. Plan to send her all my Business. Class all the way. Highly recommend it too all families and Business people.
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM, July 09, 2005
Questions about Paul Wheatley are legitimate. But, as mentioned before, some people keep referring to him as kid and whiz kid. A lot of those same people complain about his entry level salary.
This is simple folks. If you pay an entry level salary, you get an entry level employee. Seasoned, well-connected economic development professionals wouldn't work for the small amount Wheatley is paid.
This goes back to the same old argument- refuse to pay for high level professional services and then complain about the lack of them.
If you're serious about wanting more from the Economic Development Director's office, do your best to encourage and support Wheatley and begin advocating for increased funds for the job.
Otherwise, you're not being realistic.
Anonymous, at 8:11 AM, July 09, 2005
Laura, I really don't have the answer to your question. That is kind of what I was questioning too!
I know that back in the 60's my parents were told that the city doesnt fix sidewalks, that it is the property owners responsability.
And when I asked CM Korchert about sidewalks and the nice park type benches on Vincennse he told me that was part of redevelopment. That the city doesnt do sidewalks.
I belive the redevelopment authority or commision is part of the government of the city. Some will say that the city cannot accept direct monies from a privite donor, so therefore the Redevelopment Commision is set up to recieve those moneis, then of course you ask the same question to the next individual and you get a total different answer.
Why do we have a redevelopment commision, and are they the redevelopment authority, and who do they work for? I ask this question not to start another pissing contest on Scribner Place, but to really understand the workings of our city!
On a side note, I know Baylor, I know Valla Ann, both are fine people in their own rights! Can't we move the talk on this blog away from them, can we quit making it about them and get it back on track about the city of New Albany!
There is so much to be done! Yes VAB did a fantastic thing for her neighborhood, Baylor and Randy Smith have done great and good things for theres as well. If we all start working together, we can make a difference in this city!
CM Blevins and CM Messer should be commended for the stance at the meeting the other night. The good ole boy system needs to die, not just in the City of New Albany, but in the county of Floyd as well the state of Indiana, as well as the United States of America! Lets quit letting these politians greasing each other palms and get down to the business of the people!
For you folks that were against Scribner Place, you did not loose!
My God! do you think every pilgrim in the late 1700's was for freedom, do you think there were not those that feared independency from King George! I am sure their were those that did not want independance, do you think they pulled up stakes and went back to England to avoid the fuss? No, they
stayed put, and most likely started working with their neighbor to defend their homes from the British troops! Sorry for the ramble, just getting tired of the BS over VAB and RB, why can't we all just get along!
Rick Carmickle, at 9:54 AM, July 09, 2005
Salary of Economic Development Director-----
If what I hear is correct, the salary
line in the budget for the position of
Economic Development Director is listed at $25,000 per year.
The salary being paid to Wheatly, the
Economic Director is $36,000 per year.
Why aren't the other City Employees
being treated equally and receive
pay that is above the amount in the
2005 Budget?
We would all appreciate fairness and an increase in pay.
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM, July 09, 2005
I am sure that VallaAnn's B&B is worth every penny she charges and it is an asset to the community.
However, I am a little confused at the people on this blog who are so poor they can't afford to pay their taxes but have the money to spend the night at any B&B.
Seems that I have read a lot here about paying for the basics first and not spending money on luxuries.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM, July 09, 2005
Dear Miss Valla Ann,
I am sorry that I don't know who you are, but, evidently, you are doing a great job because you sure have them "all shook up".
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM, July 09, 2005
Speak Out Loud NA
This blog was created as a format for the citizens of New Albany Indiana to exchange information, ideas, and openly express their views and opinions, about life in the city and the current state of our governmental administration that directly affects the quality of life here.
Laura, this is your baby, and if you really cared about your city you would delete this whole blog!
It serves no purpose now but to allow everyone a place to destroy others, slander others!
Everyone that post on this blog has the ability to create their own individual blogs, so let them!
Let us have 50 different blogs were each and every one of them can be as anonymous as they want, can call each and every citizen in the city an ass, a jerk, what ever names they want to use! Your blog has become a monster! Please do the right thing and kill it!
This blog has become a disgrace to you and to your city! You are an intelligent lady and unless this blog is truely one of your expeierments, time to bring it to a conclusion. It serves no one, it serves no purpose, or at least not the purpose you started out with.
How can you stand to even allow your name to be associated with it!
That's my two cents, take it or leave it, but for Godsakes do something to restore order.
Rick Carmickle, at 9:04 PM, July 09, 2005
New Albany Resident has a right to tell Baylor to go away. If you read back? Do you read? This has been said by Laura several times. The whole problem is "anonymous". There has been more people being informed. Going to meetings. And things being brought to lite. This blog belongs to the people. Baylor and others can continue to write what ever on his blog. He does attack anybody and everybody. So were suppose to shut up and take it. 1 stand by what 1 said. At least some one had the guts to say it in a public meeting.
One voice, at 10:16 PM, July 09, 2005
What a joke. Real Legal man. How about the Budget meeting on Saturday.
Anonymous, at 7:46 AM, July 10, 2005
Good question about the Mayor's budget session on Saturday morning at hospital. I am puzzled-- why did the Mayor have a city budget meeting at the hospital? Where does he find the money to pay these financial people when the city is broke and he says he may have to lay off people?
Has anyone heard of the outcome of that hospital meeting?
Why is this all so quiet and hush-hush? Nothing in the paper.
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM, July 10, 2005
That's a good question about the Sat. morning session.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, July 10, 2005
I think a way to resolve all the conflict is for Valla Ann to invite Garner over for a slumber party at the Admiral Bicknell and the Little People and Garners people can have a pillow fight.
Anonymous, at 12:21 AM, July 11, 2005
1 bet your not invited to the slumber party!
Anonymous, at 7:14 AM, July 11, 2005
I wonder why Crump-Blevins-Messer was not present at sat. meeting? I agree something is wrong with this picture. What's Garner up too now?
Anonymous, at 7:28 AM, July 11, 2005
How do you know they weren't there?
What does their attendance have to do with the mayor being up to something?
Any facts, or just the usual innuendo?
Anonymous, at 8:25 AM, July 11, 2005
they were not present because they got a gold star from Thursday night.
Only the misbehaved councilmembers were required to stand in the corner!
Anonymous, at 8:28 AM, July 11, 2005
If that were true, a couple of them would have been expelled already.
Anonymous, at 8:49 AM, July 11, 2005
As Rick said; "can't we all just get along?" I couldn't agree more!
There are many issues facing our community and I still believe the good will outweigh the bad and that most folks are nice people. This blog is not going away.
It is unfortunate that I cannot leave the blog open for discussion for a couple of days if I am busy with one of my jobs without some people taking the opportunity to make things ugly.
Still, those of us who are here to discuss the issues will press on despite those people.
I will be bringing on an assistant to watch things at the times I have to be away.
Remember the #1 rule;
Be nice or be gone.
East Ender, at 1:33 AM, July 12, 2005
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