Citizens of New Albany! Let's Keep Each Other Informed
First, thank everyone for the thoughtful messages sent. Nana is getting better, and will go to re-hab by tommorow or Saturday. (see comment at end of previous post for more info)
Meanwhile, I can't stop my brain from thinking of things I want to say on the blog, and I really wish I had a laptop more than ever. But, for now I am inconvenienced with only a desktop, so while I am distracted to other things, the blog lays dormant.
I don't want the blog to suffer in my absences when other business is calling and I cannot be at my desk. So, I want you guys to go ahead and debate and talk about the issues, and continue to bang away at the problems that plague New Albany and its "...bombed out" downtown district. (Did anybody catch the Editorial in the Wednesday Tribune, "Visitor Unhappy Following Visit to New Albany"?) PRICELESS.
Boy, that Scribner Place is sure gonna make a difference among the "bombed out ghetto" of buildings that is our downtown. Plunk a $40 million dollar duplex at the bottom of the hill, and all will be well for the future of the citizens of New Albany.
I have a better bet... all will be well in Mr. Garner's future ( and a few others).
Everyone should take a look at and realize that we have a Mayor that most likely is losing, or throwing away, his own dry cleaning business, and is getting himself sued over it in the process. Nice job James.
Since he doesn't have to pay property taxes, I guess he thinks he doesn't have to pay anyone he doesn't want to. It can't be a matter of not having the resources. He's not only double dippin' out of City Departments, he's setting up his future because he knows he can never run for public office again.
We need to press for the full review of the audits, and learn what is in the 2006 budget.
Meanwhile the progressives insist we're supposed to have faith in his abilities to manage our City and, by association, a certain percentage of our lives. I, for one, ain't buyin' it.
The Sanitation Department takes the fall immediately following the fast tracked YMCA-Scribner Place deal approval, even before the county vote took place. What IS up with that? Oh yeah, the Mayor and other staff need their raises.
Why don't they start allowing salary increases for elected officials decided only by the results of a public vote of confidence and competence perceptions? Isn't the budget supposedly squeezed too tight already? They sure can come up with it when there isn't supposed to be any. How can they do this after saying there is no money to support sanitation?
Didn't Garner want to borrow 1/2 a million $$$ out of the Sewer fund to shore up the budget just a couple of months ago? He sure made it seem as though it wouldn't hurt the sewer utility fund a bit. Now, it can't subsidize the sanitation department anymore, even though the truck leases will be over next year saving more than $500K off the budget right there.
Yet, we will now be adding a few more dollars to our household budget to pay for stormwater drainage. I'm really getting confusing and conflicting indications of where the city really stands in terms of dollars available. An investigation of City proceedures, city funds, hiring practices and departmental appointments is desperately needed.
Please Folks, let's keep each other informed by sharing info about the pressing issues of:
Sanitation privatization, Stormwater fee plan, administrative raises, the 2006 budget, and the sewer review results from the EPA.
Anything else you find interesting, please bring it up and continue to discuss. You folks handled things real well on the recent comments I've just read. Only the progressives are behaving like spoiled children.
Hopefully I will return to daily duty by the weekend.
I stand by my earlier assertion that the signing of the ID 8 year Sanitation contract by Mayor Garner could be an illegal move and bring lawsuits upon the City.
I recieved the following e-mail:
"The courier journal article doesn't say that the process wasn't adhered to but that other sanitation companies thought that it wasn't and that the Mayor's lawyer thought that it was. That is a big difference. I read the entire thread and I noticed someone else has also posted about this (which wasn't me, since I only post under my own name, if ever).
I'm not siding with either Rumpke et al. or the Mayor on this...just pointing out a major inaccuracy in what you posted. I think you should retract that statement."
I responded:
I have a public document copy of the letter sent to Garner from Rumpke.
The Mayor's procedure for procuring bids violated Indiana Code IC 36-1-12-4 mandated for City bidding processes.
The City put out an RFP (Request for Proposals) for a 3 year contract for disposal services only. Collection services were not in the RFP. Amazingly, only Industrial Disposal had the pre-cognition to bid for collection as well as disposal, and for 8 years. Thus won(?) the controversial contract.
Also, the RFP went out in early April, so he's been planning this since spring.
East Ender, at 3:14 PM, August 11, 2005
It wasn't an "editorial" in the Tribune from the annoyed visitor, it was a "letter to the editor."
An editorial is somethinfg representative of the newspaper's official position. A commentary is a staff writer's opinion, and a letter to the editor is from the public.
Anonymous, at 4:32 PM, August 11, 2005
We know you're having a tough time, but there's a lot of hate in this statement.
Is that all you people can do, express hatred?
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM, August 11, 2005
Laura said:
"Everyone should take a look at and realize that we have a Mayor that most likely is losing, or throwing away, his own dry cleaning business, and is getting himself sued over it in the process. Nice job James."
Can Laura explain how a lawsuit record on-line can lead to the conclusion that Garner's business is being lost or thrown away?
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, August 11, 2005
Laura said:
"Meanwhile the progressives insist we're supposed to have faith in his abilities to manage our City and, by association, a certain percentage of our lives. I, for one, ain't buyin' it."
Can Laura explain exactly what she means by "by association" and "a certain percentage of our lives"?
And is it just the mayor, or the others in the mayors administration that Laura is advising we lynch?
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM, August 11, 2005
we need a new community newspaper, its obvious The Tribune and its gutless reporters and new Senior Editor wont allow the real news to come out
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM, August 11, 2005
James Garner $56,700.28 Salary
$ 7,500.00 Sewer Board
Perks: New SUV
Free Gasoline
Free Cell Phone
City Credit Card
Tony Toran $40,500.20 Salary
$ 1,200.00 F/Control
$ 0.00 B.O.Works
Perks: City car
Free Gasoline
Free Cell Phone
Sally Mastrolia (Mayor's Sect.)
$28,499.90 Salary
$ 8,750.00 F/Control
Shane Gibson- P/Time City Atty.
$27,709.50 Salary
$13,035.00 Planning Comm.
$ 1,200.00 Flood Control
City is Contracting out other Legal Services.
John Rosenbarger- D/P/Comm.
$56,966.00 Salary
$ 5,200.00 Redevelopment
Kay Garry -- Comtroller
$35,951.50 Salary
$14,549.60 Pd. Sewer Office
Marcey Wiseman -- City Clerk
$29,096.86 Salary
$ 6,268.20 Sewer Board
Ron Toran -- Chief Fire Dept.
$68,784.48 Salary
$ 1,200.00 F/Control
Perks: Car
Free Cell Phone
Free Gas
Jack Messer-- Police/Councilman
$50,653.82 Salary P/Dept.
$ 9,500.04 City Council
$ 0.00 Redevelopment
Perks: Take Home Car
Free Cell Phone
Free Gas
Donald Blevins-- Sanitation/Council
$25,147.20 Salary
$ 9,500.04 City Council
Perks: Take Home Car
Free Gasoline
Free Cell Phone
Doesn't this Information totally discuss you. Look at the Boards these people are on? Can you imagine how much is spent on gas,and cell phone bills etc..?
This is our Tax Dollars being used!
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM, August 11, 2005
The State Board of Accounts could not
perform a 2002 Sewer/Sanitation Audit and now can not do a complete 2003
City Audit.
So--- these Sanitation figures that
Garner must be plucking out of thin air to get rid of Sanitation Staff----- Do you think that is the amount that he is being sued for?????
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM, August 11, 2005
So sorry I erred in my terminology in pointing out the "Letter to the Editor". The point, however, was in the content of the letter.
You can be certain that I know more than you think, and I stand by comments.
Furthermore, by making and changing certain city policies and arrangements for services, he is effectively determining my budget, because I am an inner city home owner. This, in turn, affects a portion of my life in terms of economic stability.
I haven't advised lynching anyone.
East Ender, at 6:12 PM, August 11, 2005
You are SO right. We do need a new
newspaper in this city that will print the truth.
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM, August 11, 2005
Every person who is Appointed to the Police Department shall become a Resident of the County within which the Department is located, and must reside within "15 Miles" of the City's Corporate Boundaries within "30 Days" of his appointment.
Our Police Chief Harl Lives in Washington County. That is more than 15 miles outside of New Albany.
And how long has he been Chief? Very interesting!
A Chief of Police who Violates NA CODE..This is really interesting!
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM, August 11, 2005
They were in such a hurry to get a
resolution passed that would use our property taxes to backup the millions of dollars in bonds for Scribner Place.
NOW--- we know what the rush was----
the article in the Courier today tells
that lenders might consider New Albany
Bonds riskier. That could result in higher rates and more to fall on the taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM, August 11, 2005
To Concern TAxpayer V
You just quoted a law on the NA Code
book about residency of Police Officers and that they must be a resident of the County.
Now--- I am wondering---- is that why the Mayor is pushing for a Police Officer Messer to be the Code Enforcement Officer. Is that Officer going to enforce the laws on City Law Book?
Anonymous, at 6:41 PM, August 11, 2005
Sounds like we have a bunch of crooks and deadbeats running this town.
The asst. mayor has an interesting history pertaining to the courts, especially prior to the time he changed his last name from Brown to Toran.
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM, August 11, 2005
Let's look at the tally today:
Attacks on the mayor, his assistant, the chief of police and Jack Messer.
This coming from the "no attack" blog, unless, of course, you can attack a public figure anonymously -- and then it's okay.
Lots and lots of gutlessness on this blog, starting at the top and spiraling down from there.
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM, August 11, 2005
The Indiana Supreme Court nullified the city ordinance requiring police officers, or any city employees who aren't elected, to live in the city or the county. Get your facts straight. It's a restraint that doesn't pass muster, and so it is null and void.
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, August 11, 2005
Attacks? Sounds more like skeletons are coming out of the closet.
Of course, the progressives will attack a councilman if they don't like his point of view, but they'll defend a mayor who has to be hauled into court before he'll pay his bills.
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM, August 11, 2005
Just giving the facts!
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, August 11, 2005
Alot of white collar crime in this town.
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM, August 11, 2005
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM, August 11, 2005
Is it possible for this town to move forward with growth when we have such corruption in the polical offices?
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, August 11, 2005
Let's investigate all the offices. bound to be alot of shady dealings down there.
Anonymous, at 10:19 PM, August 11, 2005
Claims for spending are approved by the Board Of Works. Cell phone bills,supplies,services,gasoline,etc. Tony Toran President- Board Of Works. This is a 3 member Board. Appointed by the Mayor.
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM, August 11, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, August 11, 2005
The "little people" should all stand together. The "little people" should have all the facts.
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, August 11, 2005
The little people don't have all the facts. So, the little people shouldn't make accusations without the facts. So, don't lie about the mayor's business. It doesn't do one bit of good. But, it does make you look silly.
Anonymous, at 11:36 PM, August 11, 2005
Let's all pray for Baylor's soul. He's drunk and does not know what he's saying. Were the little people. And we are United. He does not know how to play nice. so continue with the issues. GOD BLESS BAYLOR. PRAY ONE DAY HE WILL CHANGE HIS WAYS.
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM, August 11, 2005
Council Approves Annual Budget. They set limits of spending for each City Dept. If additional funds are needed. The Dept. heads must go back before the Council for approval. If there is any money left to spend?
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM, August 11, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
One voice, at 12:09 AM, August 12, 2005
Leave Valla Ann alone. She's a very honest hard working women.
Anonymous, at 12:26 AM, August 12, 2005
The little people do not need to be distract over this garbage. Stick to the issues.
Anonymous, at 12:34 AM, August 12, 2005
Isn't it amazing to see the childish antics Baylor et al will go to just to interfere with our blog?
They can play foolish games, but they will only wind up making themselves look foolish.
We will continue, undeterred by these asinine assults.
East Ender, at 3:21 AM, August 12, 2005
Headlines the Tribune missed today:
Garner sued over Rent
Council and Mayor spar over Budget
its time for a new community paper
Anonymous, at 7:13 AM, August 12, 2005
"Can Laura explain how a lawsuit record on-line can lead to the conclusion that Garner's business is being lost or thrown away?"
Well, uh, read the Courier today.
Anonymous, at 7:20 AM, August 12, 2005
James, you need to call Bellarmine and get your money back. Tell them your MBA isn't working.
Anonymous, at 7:59 AM, August 12, 2005
I am not usually sarcastic, but, let us all chip in and buy the Progressives a copy of the Courier today.
Note: I said Courier not Tribune.
Don't know where the Tribune is today, but, we hope in the future that the Tribune will come back to life and
reality and publish the truth.
Anonymous, at 8:02 AM, August 12, 2005
OK--Progressives, Let's see you all step up to the plate and pay the Mayor's Rent.
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM, August 12, 2005
Is that the way you run your business!
Now we see why you all stick together with the Mayor.
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM, August 12, 2005
the little people are too stupid to be business owners.....they still don't understand....
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM, August 12, 2005
Roger Dodger-- You ought to feel ashamed drinkin those $8 Pints last night. Those awful attacks on Laura and Valla Ann..30 COMMENTS WERE DELETED!!!!
The little People don't have to go up on the flood wall to drink beer. Let alone(Bud Light).
Seems like to me your on the wrong side.
Yes it seems this Adminstration is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Like Valla Ann said month's ago where their is smoke there is fire! And there is layers of smoke around this town.
Were going to be informed. Were going to stay focused. And we are going to hold people Accountiable. And the facts will come out. The little people will be heard! "And Were Mad As Hell and Were Not Going To Take It Anymore!"...If the Mayor can't run his own business how in the hell can he run or business.........
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM, August 12, 2005
This is Our Town and were taken it back. Tell'em concern taxpayer.
Anonymous, at 10:50 AM, August 12, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM, August 12, 2005
I was responsible for some of the comments last night. I am not Roger. I don't even know Roger. I am not a "progressive." I just know that the people who are slamming Garner are the same people who have been irritated at every mayor since time began. They can't run and win themselves, so they sit on here and stir, and stir. No real solutions, just real hysteria. They deserve as much credibility as they have: exactly none.
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM, August 12, 2005
New Laws for New Albany
(1)When bringing in the 60 Minutes, FBI, 20/20, Dateline, Jerry Springer or COPS flim crews, please provide this City prior written notice so that certain citizens, elected officials,residents may be forewarned.
(2) No cars up on blocks for longer than three weeks.
(3) No changing your oil in the street.
(4) Drunkenness will not be tolerated in the streets prior to 10 am.
(5) No Political Signs allowed in any yards. Make our politicians come to the door.
(6)Empty wine bottles, beer cans should not be discarded on your front lawn.
However,they remain there until you are sober enough to collect them with the understanding you will collect them within 7 days whether sober or not.
City Council Vote 5-4 Laws passed and encouraged to be enforced. Much discussion on first law. But who has anything to hide.
Anonymous, at 1:22 PM, August 12, 2005
Sounds like we will be getting visitors in our fair City soon.
Hollywood could give us a whirl.
Out of all this.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM, August 12, 2005
I see a house of cards falling down around this administration and the money shuffle games it plays.
Perhaps it is no different than previous administrations, but this has gone far enough. The people of this town are simply not going to turn a blind eye anymore.
It has nothing to do with anyone wanting to be involved in politics in New Albany, one would have to be absolutely crazy to want that mess. It's about expectations of elected officials to protect the interests of the citizens.
I'm having bumper stickers made that say...
If You're Not Outraged... Then You're NOT paying Attention!
East Ender, at 2:50 PM, August 12, 2005
We should all call our City Councilman
and ask that they hold the 2006 Budget
requests down as much as possible.
And--- That they have some feelings for the Sanitation Workers that the
Mayor wants to lay off in his new contract deal with the Louisville company.
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM, August 12, 2005
But then, if you're the Republican landlord of a Democratic officeholder, what's to stop you from filing suit immediately.
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, August 12, 2005
News Flash:
Baylor and Garner form new business:
a combo micro brewery and dry cleaning business, at least when they cant pay their rent they can get drunk on their own brew
Anonymous, at 5:52 PM, August 12, 2005
This Adminstration will sell these Sanitation employees down the tubes. These are hard working family people. Because of the determination of this Mayor to make this deal at any cost. These employees are the little People who deserve better. Many will lose their jobs. Not only a paycheck, but insurance benfits etc. While others get a 2.5% raise!
There is something wrong with this picture here. Every Little Person shoul contact their area Councilman
and give then there point of view.It's time to be heard and to have a voice in this City mess....Were not going to take it anymore!
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM, August 12, 2005
My sources tell me. A big Investigation is about to hit New Albany.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, August 12, 2005
These so called Progressives that they call themself. The so called Creative class is nothing but "LIBERALS". Your house of cards are ready to fall..
Anonymous, at 9:54 PM, August 12, 2005
Let's pull the plug on Tony Toran. Cut all the waste of New Albany. It's time they earn their Paycheck.
City Council Members do it for all of the little people of New Albany.
And make the hard decisions for each and everyone of us.
Anonymous, at 10:00 PM, August 12, 2005
Anonymous you can dish it out. But you sure don't want to listen to no one else say how they feel. This is the difference from being a liberal and being one of the little people.
We have a VOICE and by GOD were going to speak regardless of what you think. We are strong and UNITED!
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, August 12, 2005
Odd . . . the progressives see nothing wrong with insinuations about Councilman Price's rental properties. But when the truth hits home with their Messiah, "Gentleman" Jim Garner's business dealings, suddenly it's "private business".
Sorta hypocritical, eh?
But he's an entrepreneur, so it's okay to cheat someone out of $20k in rent!
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM, August 13, 2005
Well, Anna, I didn't know today was your Birthday. I hope you had a great day and that the coming year will bring you joy and blessings. You are a special lady!
On another note, I agree the budget can and should be trimmed of excess expenses. With gas at an all time high, we really need to reconsider taking the police cars outside of the city.
It's time for everyone to tighten their belts and suck it up a little. We are always asked to do just that with every extra fee we pay, like recycling and now stormwater drainage... and the sanitation workers were asked, make that TOLD, to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up their paychecks entirely.
Nobody up there has a right to any raises at this time! That's just pouring salt in the wound.
How much do they think they can get away with?
East Ender, at 12:14 AM, August 13, 2005
Garner needs to cry in his beer, but it better be bud light, I dont think with a $20,000 rent payment due he can afford Baylor's $8 a pint delicacy
Anonymous, at 1:03 AM, August 13, 2005
City of New Albany Sanitation Operating Expense Report
2003 $8,796.03
2004 $3,377.34
2005 $
Recording Secretary $8,351.27 Yearly Salary
Who is the Sanitation Recording Secretary?
This question has been put to many people in this Dept. and to others. And no one seems to know who this person is.
This Question was also asked at the last Council Meeting. No answer was given.
Anonymous, at 7:07 AM, August 13, 2005
Sanitation would not be in the "RED" If this Adminstration would stop buying items like cars out of their Budget. And borrowing from the Sanitation Dept. We need to ask for a Full Investigation.
Anonymous, at 8:14 AM, August 13, 2005
To n/a taxpayer:
In your comment on Sanitation Recording Secretary and the fact that no one knows who this person is and
a salary out of Sanitation Funds is being paid $ 8,351 in 2005.
I don't mean to be rude, but, come on now,----- when you write a check,
it has to have someone's name on it.
What is going on??????????
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM, August 13, 2005
$8796. AND $3377. ???
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM, August 13, 2005
Going back to the hospital today to sit with Nana. We are still taking shifts 24 hours.
Had a bit of a setback last couple of days, but is getting better now.
Did everybody catch the Letter to the Editor in todays Courier?
Click on the link from main page and select "Indiana".
Perfectly said!
East Ender, at 12:40 PM, August 13, 2005
maybe the Mayor needs to step down, he has 0 credibility
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM, August 13, 2005
Be sure to check out the cockeyed defense of Garner's deadbeat business tactics over at Volunteer Hoosier.
What about the entrepreneurs whose business happens to be providing commercial rental property? I guess Garner's not only unconcerned about paying his rent, but he's not interested in "creating an environment" for those entrepreneurs--at least not by setting a responsible example and respecting legal contracts.
Maybe that environment is only for bookstore operators.
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM, August 13, 2005
I got two good laughs this morning--first the CJ's editorial, then Volunteer Hoosier's lame letter of indignation.
Let's all go over to Destinations, buy a bunch of books on credit, and then not pay. When he asks for his money, tell him we're all working really hard at "creating an environment."
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM, August 13, 2005
Right on ANONYMOUS. These Progressive guys are so INTELLIGENT &
But, please notice that they lack any
CONCERN FOR HUMAN BEINGS who work each day for a paycheck to support their family.
They continue to priase their own little circle which now includes the
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM, August 13, 2005
As a citizen of New Albany, I don't think that Laura's personal business
has any connection to the discussions that we citizens are having about the current City Problems.
Laura does this blog site as a volunteer project to give citizens a voice.
We owe a vote of THANKS to Laura for the time and effort she puts in to give everyone a chance to speak.
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, August 13, 2005
Why don't you let her answer the question.
Does CHODO ring any bells?
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM, August 13, 2005
Besides that, you seem to think that Baylor's and Smith's jobs are relevant to pick apart here, so why not your own administrator?
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, August 13, 2005
Who is on the city's payroll, and who is not?
Sounds like a reasonable question to me.
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, August 13, 2005
The CHDO is a private Non-Profit organization. Has nothing to do with the City.
East Ender, at 8:58 PM, August 13, 2005
Isn't CHODO the group that's ramming Linden Meadows down the throats of their neighbors, with the active support of the city?
We "little people" are against that, right?
So, if someone works for CHODO, doesn't that mean they're doing Garner's dirty work?
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, August 13, 2005
Laura take the "High Road". They are trying to make you mad. By attacking you.
This is your blog. And the hell with those idiots. Take what I have had to learn the hard way. The different types of people we are now dealing with:
(1) The people in New Albany who have something to gain!
(2) The people in New Albany who have something to loose!
(3) The other people in New Albany who play both sides against the middle. (The Wanna Be's)
(4) Then their is us. The Little People of New Albany. Who or totally fed up-Pisted off and Madder than Hell. If we let them continue to try to side track us.
Then they have "WON". You need to continue giving the facts. Stating your thought and opioions. And keep preaching to the choir! The choir is getting bigger and the singing louder. Because we are listening. We are talking to our neighbors. Speaking out. And demanding to have a Voice! And demanding to be Heard! Stay Focus Laura.
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, August 13, 2005
Injustice anywhere is a threat,
To Justice Everywhere
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, August 13, 2005
Boy Concern Taxpayer you hit the nail right on the head.
People of New Albany need to be making a stand. In order to take this City Back. We need to keep talking and demand to be heard.
Let's demand this City Council make the hard choices, And also demand a full Investigation.
One voice, at 11:46 PM, August 13, 2005
Thank you, concern taxpayer, for the words of encouragement, and thanks to everyone else for the courage to stand in there with me and take the hits.
We will prevail, as the facts and figures continue to pour out, and expose the ones who only care about themselves, and not what's best for for the City.
The nerve of suggesting raises at a time like this is repulsive.
We can do better, and we deserve better!
There will be a new posting tomorrow.
East Ender, at 2:01 AM, August 14, 2005
You are so right concern taxpayer. You have sure took your share of "cheap shots". But your still standing for what you believe in!
And that to me is true conviction!Your last posting should make us all stop and think.
Are we the cowards the Progressive liberals say we are.
Or like you said:
Pisted Off-Fed up-Mad as hell!
People are standing up to the plate and exposing this Adminstration. Double dipping, political favors, broken promises, and double standards. And nothing but flat out lies from this adminstration.
It's truly time to face these issues head on before The City Council. This is not the time to sit on the sidelines. It is time to call for Action not typical lip service given by this Mayor.
Anonymous, at 7:55 AM, August 14, 2005
Baylor's got a new Camera. Maybe he can sell his work to help raise money for his buddy the Mayor to pay his back rent.
It seems like his new camera is the only thing he has to play with.
Cause nobody wants Progressive bully ass on this blog. Bring it on Baylor and Smith. Your out of your league against Concern Taxpayer.
Besides Concern Taxpayer has forgotten more than you progressive guys can ever come up with.
Liberal Baylor ....... 0
(Score keeps climbing)
You progressive idiots! are so dumb! You can't even give progressive beer away. Talk about cowards.
No wonder your blog is History. And the booksellers is going outta business. Bring it on New Albany WANNA BE'S!
We support you Laura ....
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM, August 14, 2005
Luke Clippinger was Senator Baron Hill's Rep. in our area.
Luke also help manage Baron Hill election?
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, August 14, 2005
Some one made a comment about CHDO Board? Is that the Board where Mr. John Gonder is President?
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, August 14, 2005
I happen to read concern taxpayers comments.
And I totally agree. You have my Support Concern Taxpayer. The little people of New Albany are fed up-pist off and mad as hell.
Your childish attacks on Laura is beyond reasoning Roger. And who are you to judge anyone. You and Randy are total Wanna Be's! The Little People of New Albany are not going to back down from any of you so called progressives.
Don't Like My Attitude Roger/Randy??
Send me an email at:
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM, August 14, 2005
Someone made a comment and said that
Luke Clippinger, Baron Hill's former
aide, was given a Progressive Beer.
How does Luke Clippinger fit into the
Progressive picture?
I heard that Baron Hill is going to run against Mike Sodrell for congress
again. Is Baron Hill a Progressive?
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, August 14, 2005
Keep Preaching to the Choir Laura!
Were listening!
And were fed up!.. This Mayor can't run his own Damn business. So how does he think he can run City Business?
Expose these crooked politicians!
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, August 14, 2005
Something to gain,
Something to lose,
WANNA BE'S........
Yep, that's Jimmy G to gain...
Tony T to lose...
Roger-Randy the WANNA BE's...
Anonymous, at 11:57 PM, August 14, 2005
That's my Concern Taxpayer,
Always takes the HIGH ROAD!
Roger you only wish you were The Concern Taxpayer!
There you go again Roger trying out for the Wanna Be's......
One voice, at 12:18 AM, August 15, 2005
OK folks, let's not get worked up into a frenzy and start provoking the progressives into arguments or debates. It's not worth it and will only serve to distract from the real issues and developing a plan.
We just need to continue digging up the facts and let the truth come out.
As Concern Taxpayer said; "Take the high road. If we let them continue to side track us, then they have won."
Good advise.
East Ender, at 12:20 AM, August 15, 2005
Atta girl, you really don't want to get into something as disturbing as a "debate" when mere screaming will do.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, August 15, 2005
A mayor with an MBA that doesn't work and a Police Chief with a GED.... Who makes more money? I'd like to know how much he makes.... Probably more than the mayor.... Does education really pay?
Anonymous, at 4:58 AM, August 16, 2005
FYI: A new web based community newspaper coming soon: Lead Article, The Great Sanitation Debate, Garner's Defining moment of Achilles Tendon?
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM, August 16, 2005
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