Things to consider for Thursday night...
What was written in the resolution approved by City Council for hiring the OEO?
What procedure was outlined, and who was designated as having the authority to appoint this position?
Is Mayor Garner going to circumvent the City Council by allowing Chief Harl to "assign" J. Messer to Ordinance enforcement in order to get his pick into the job? Why would such measures be taken to ensure a particular appointment?
If this is the plan, that means CM J. Messer will have the following positions:
Police officer, moonlight security, Redevelopment Commission, City Council member & Ordinance Enforcement.
This is too many hats for one person to wear. It is time to bring in a fresh body, and one with NO political aspirations. This would eliminate the tendency to be worried about re-elections, and thus favoritism for certain people in return for votes. This is not to accuse, but merely to point out a possible problem.
Also, considering the impropriety of the sanitation bid proposals, where might the public view the RFP's, bids, and contracts awarded to work on the Scribner Place project? Can we ask for an independent review of these processes?
Unfortunately, the Mayor has created an atmosphere of mistrust and incompetence. It is a shame that we cannot have faith that our Mayor is acting in the best interest of the City and its citizens. Too many mis-steps have already been made.
The proposal that has been put forth for the sanitation workers is that 7-10 persons will be retained as city employees for the strict purpose of cleaning alleyways and specific locations. What fund will these employees be paid out of? Will the taxpayers be asked to pay an additional fee for this new service?
This administration keeps insisting that money is tight, and there is no way for the sewer department to support the sanitation department. Just three months ago, after State mandated budget cuts, the Mayor insisted that a $500K “loan” from the sewer fund was a reasonable solution, and it wouldn’t hurt the sewage department’s ability to meet its financial obligations. What has changed?
Once the budget was patched up, Mayor Garner announced that all city services would remain intact. Yet, it was back in April that the RFP’s went out for bids to privatize sanitation. Why wasn’t this plan announced earlier?
If we are unable to support basic city services, then we have no business pouring available EDIT funds into unnecessary pet projects of recreational facilities.
Bringing the YMCA into New Albany, yes. But, an additional $20 million swimming complex has to fall lower on the list of priorities than sanitation services.
Furthermore, the big red trucks will be paid off in the fall of next year, and the cans will be paid off the following year. So, can we seriously look at current numbers and say that sanitation is never again going to be able to operate with self-sufficiently?
Something really stinks here, and it's not the garbage.
Again I say Jack Messer and Bev. Crump are big union supporters. But in this case. They do not support the sanitation department! And I ask my self why don't they? So which way will Blevins blow? I understand that his position is being threaten. And that he says there was other bids lower than Industrial Co.
After having a lengthly discussion with Councilman Price. He can save and cut at least 1.2 million Dollars of this budget. And I totally agree with him. That until this Mayor is willing to make the necessary cuts. He will not support this budget. And I also agree with Mr. Price it is time this Mayor puts the "Little People and the taxpayers first." Mr. Price says the needs of the people of New Albany should come first. And Mr. Price said he would not vote to raise no kind of additional fees to the people of New Albany.
We also discussed having a town hall meeting. So the people of New Albany can be allowed to speak and ask questions. And for us to hear the truth and be informed. This Mayor needs to level with the people of New Albany. I truly liked Mr. Prices ideas. And his total honesty. And I totally agree when Mr. Price said we should "Make the Cuts" starting right at the Top...
Mr. Price I truly look forward to your comments tonight at the City Council Meeting.
You have my total support Councilman Price! And I did appreciate your honest answer to every question I ask..
What I realized after hanging up the phone. Was Mr. Price is one of the Little People of New Albany... And he does represent the people of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 4:17 AM, August 18, 2005
time for Blevins to put up or shut up, tough one to decide isnt donnie boy
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM, August 18, 2005
Here's the ordinance:
BILL NO. G-05-02 ORDINANCE NO. G-05-01
WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City of New Albany is the legislative body
having the statutory authority to adopt ordinances to ensure the public health, safety, and
welfare; and
WHEREAS, The Council acknowledges that it is necessary to public health, safety, and
welfare that the City of New Albany have an ordinance established to insure that
ordinances are properly and timely enforced in an efficient manner.
WHEREAS, it is determined an Ordinance Enforcement Officer for the City of New
Albany is necessary to enforce the ordinances.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council, it hereby adopts the following:
The position of an Ordinance Enforcement Officer is established as a full time employee
to perform Code Enforcement of the ordinances in the City of New Albany. This
position will report to the City Attorney/Corporate Attorney.
(A) Duties and Responsibilities of Ordinance Enforcement Officer to inspect and cite
violations of any ordinance in effect for the City of New Albany including, but
not, limited to the following:
(1) Environmental violations, such as:
- uncollected trash and garbage, litter and debris
- fallen trees, stumps, dead trees and cut brush
(2) Demolition remains
(3) Appliances or furniture in yard or sidewalk
(4) Auto parts and scrap metal
(5) Grass and yards which violate city ordinance
(6) Portable signs
(7) Abandoned vehicles as defined by City Ordinance and IC Code
(8) Yard parking and illegal parking as per City Ordinance
(9) Other City Ordinances pertaining to cleanliness of property
(B) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall:
a. Have a visible photo identification worn and visible while
in performance of all duties
b. Handle complaints from citizens, businesses and city
officials in a timely manner.
c. Shall appear and testify in court on behalf of the City of
New Albany upon request and/or subpoena from the City
Attorney’s Office.
150.132 Hiring Process for Code Enforcement Officer
(A) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall be selected as follows. The Board
of Public Works and Safety shall nominate the candidates for Ordinance
Enforcement Officer. The Common Council shall approve the officer and
the Mayor shall appoint he/she after he/she has received Council approval.
(A) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall have:
a. High School Diploma or equivalent
b. Ability to operate a variety of automatic office machines including
computer, copier, fax machine and digital camera.
(B) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer should but is not required to have one to
two year relevant work experience.
150.134 Citation Process.
(A) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall refer any issues relating to unsafe
or unsuitable homes and/or buildings to the Building Commissioner for
further action.
(B) All written citations will be reviewed on a periodic basis by the City
Attorney and/or designee.
(C) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall note violations and issue citations.
a. Minor Violations shall be documented since they may lead to more serious
b. Citations shall be issued according to New Albany Code #150.101.
c. Appeals shall be made to the New Albany Board of Works and Safety
according to New Albany Code #150.101 (H) (Notice of appeal), and if
not resolved, then on to County Court.
(D) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall have full authority to issue
citations and to follow the procedures listed in the City’s Ordinances,
specifically but not limited to Section 150.101 (Steps to be Taken for
Enforcement) and any other applicable Section/Ordinance.
(E) The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall review each violations and send a
registered or certified letter to the property owner stating the following, (in
addition to any other requirements established by the City’s Ordinance):
a. A description of the property;
b. The condition which is violation and the corresponding violation section
of the City’s Ordinance;
c. Request the violation be corrected within a determined time frame as
dictated by Ordinance or policy of the City Attorney’s Office; and
d. Advising the owner if no action is taken then other avenues will be
pursued including possible fines, liens, and/or legal action;
(F) If the compliance of the violation is not achieved then complaint shall be
forwarded to the City Attorney’s office for enforcement.
150.135 RECORDS
(A) Enforcement records (such as citations and noted minor violations) shall be
maintained and recorded in a computer program and a back up shall be
performed on a regular basis.
a. The Ordinance Enforcement Officer shall make quarterly reports available
to the City Council upon request.
(A) Fines shall be according to the listed penalty in each corresponding section of
the Ordinance for the particular violation, and/or as listed in Section 150.999
of the City Ordinance, as may be amended for time to time.
(B) Fines shall be collected by the City Attorney’s Office.
(C) If the City of New Albany is required to expend resources and monies to
remedy a violation after notice and opportunity for the property owner to
remove or correct the violation then the Ordinance Enforcement Officer
and/or the City Attorney’s Officer should file liens upon the property for the
expenses as permitted by City Ordinances. See 150.101 (G) LIEN UPON
PROPERTY, and/or any other applicable Ordinance.
Jeff, Gahan, President
Common Council, City of New Albany
ATTEST: ________________________________
Marcey Wisman, City Clerk
PRESENTED by me to the Mayor of the City of New Albany this 20th day of January,
Marcey Wisman, City Clerk
Accepted and approved by me this 20th day of January, 2005.
James Garner, Mayor
City of New Albany, Indiana
ATTEST: __________________________________
Marcey Wisman, City Clerk
Anonymous, at 7:40 AM, August 18, 2005
I've been searching through the posts, but have any of you made a suggestion as an alternative to Mr. Messer as OEO?
Who do you have in mind?
Just curious.
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM, August 18, 2005
Maybe one of the Progressives like RAB or someone from Clean Up NA. Where do you start?? Just citing all the offenses would take about 10 years.
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM, August 18, 2005
This is when I hate the whole anonymous thing.
To the anonymous individual posting about the new community paper, please check out the following site:
New Albany Source
I've already built and launched such a site, the news engine is already built, I'm just looking for writers.
I would contact you, but you post as anonymous, so there is no contact information.
Check out New Albany Source and send me an email, I'd be interested to hear what exactly you are working on.
TSOLfan, at 8:44 AM, August 18, 2005
Addressing the original post--what changed??????????? DUH!! The audit of the sewer dept!!!!!!!!!
Also, I can't wait to hear price's million dollar cuts----remember they have to be legal-----I think he should have a list of line item cuts available at the meeting and be able to back them up----I'm sure he has thought them through and should make them available to the press, the public and other council members tonight---I can't wait!!!!!!!!----Our problems will be solved in about thirty minutes.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM, August 18, 2005
Long standing members of the council have collectively had decades to address the sanitation problem. They've refused to deal with it out of fear of losing votes via rate increases and/or loss of jobs, ie, putting their own well being ahead of the needs of the city. As a result, we're in the difficult position we're in now.
Not one of them can explain their long term lack of concern for the department and yet now they want to position themselves as heros to the union, expecting workers and ctizens alike to ignore their record of uncaring inaction.
Where were they 20 years ago? 10? Five?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 11:17 AM, August 18, 2005
No offense CT, but the last time I attended a community meeting with CM Price I didn't hear the truth.
He kept saying that we we're spending all of our EDIT money on Scribner Place. When questioned, though, he didn't know how much EDIT money we even had nor could he give an accurate percentage of how much was going to Scribner Place.
Had he not been questioned, he'd have just let everybody think that all of it was going to Scribner Place.
I asked him then, prior to the passage of this year's budget, what he would do to cut expenses. He mentioned cell phones and SUVs but quickly said that was a relatively small amount and wouldn't really make a difference.
When questioned about that, he didn't know how many SUVs or cell phones there were, who had them, or how much they cost. It didn't seem to make much sense to make that a big priority if he didn't think it would make much difference or even know how much money he was talking about.
If Mr.Price is the honest, upstanding guy you say he is, I'm sure Mr. Price will make his proposed cuts available line item by line item to the public with a rational explanation for each as was suggested.
He's mentioned three different amounts in a couple of weeks. It'll be interesting to see what he finally comes up with.
BTW, does saying he wouldn't vote to raise any fees include the sanitation fee?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 12:00 PM, August 18, 2005
Something sure stinks, and it's the ignorance of this blog and it's visitors!.........
Anonymous, at 12:41 PM, August 18, 2005
I'd rather have Jack on the job now instead of worrying about his time management skills. New Albany residents have waited long enough. His appointment has been approved by the Board of Works - the council needs to make this happen tonight.
I don't care if he's got 50 jobs with the city - start writing citations now and send a message to the ordinance violators - NOW.
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM, August 18, 2005
The people who favor this blog stay on it, and leave the progressives alone to do whatever it is they think they are doing.
But you notice the progressives just keep coming here. Must not be enough action on their blogs.
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM, August 18, 2005
How about this idea? We have a building commissioner NOW. Let's get him to start issuing citations right now like he is supposed to.
Or would you prefer to wait around for Jack and pay yet another person to do what several others are already supposed to be doing?
Anonymous, at 1:19 PM, August 18, 2005
It is my understanding that the state was unable to audit the sanitation department because it did not have a budget, was being supported by sewer funds, and the record keeping was impossible to decode.
I also know that Steve Price has been through the budget line item by line item, and most certainly will have specifics tonight.
Our previous Mayor had this great idea to purchase new trucks and cans to put the sanitation department on sound financial footing. Perhaps the CM's were convinced of the Mayor's plan.
Maybe they should know better this time around.
You're right I completely forgot about Messer's grass cutting business.
Right NOW the building commissioner and the police car that follows the street sweeper could be doing a lot to cite blatant, or called in, ordinance violations.
East Ender, at 1:44 PM, August 18, 2005
east ender,
The previous administration didn't cover the past twenty years as did some of the council members. The problems Overton was trying to solve, however poorly, outdate her.
Also, if they went along with Overton, shouldn't they be held accountable for the trucks just as she should? Would you look to Overton for a solution to the situation? Why then look to those who've facilitated the problems and poor solutions repeatedly in the past?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:04 PM, August 18, 2005
Is it reponsible or truthful for a CM to make statements of fact about city business when he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about it?
Regarding sanitation, the Mayor has clearly said that it was his decision to make and he made it. Period.
It would have been easy for him to blame the previous adminstration for the trucks or the council for refusing to raise rates over the years or to point to claims of corruption and favoritism in sanitation but he didn't. That doesn't seem to fit the "it's not my fault" theme.
Members of the council weren't surprised that there are serious financial problems in sanitation. They've known about them for years. The only thing that caught them off guard was that somebody was willing to take the heat for trying to fix it, when they themselves have never been willing to do that.
As usual, a willingness to stick your neck out and take on problems directly has been met with all sorts of hooping and hollering, mostly from folks who don't have any ideas of their own.
I don't particularly like the idea of privatization either but I don't have a better solution, particularly one that saves some jobs and creates additional labor for cleaning up the city. If anybody has a solution that does all that for the same or less amount of money, that'd be great.
I hope Price has done his budget homework and he does provide a line by line account of his reasoning. It would be a first.
During the last budget situation, the council had the proposed budget in front of them for over a month prior to the first reading and, although some of them made it clear they were against it from the beginning, not a single one of them suggested any alternatives.
It's a shame that council members don't often take the initiative to propose their own solutions. It would be a luxury to compare competing ideas and solutions. The only thing some of them do is oppose and criticize the ideas of others.
It's one of the oldest political tricks in the book. Don't propose anything yourself so you can't be held accountable for it. When someone else proposes something, wait for reaction, pick a side and say I told you so. That's not leadership. It's pandering.
More often than not, the choice isn't which plan of action is better but whether we should take action or not. It's obvious to most that action is needed in a lot of areas but we always get stuck with something or nothing instead of the best of several ideas.
Love him or hate him, Mayor Garner has upped the ante and raised expectations for action. If the council ever does the same with their own ideas for positive change, we can respond to them.
Until then, it's a simple choice between trying to move forward or accepting sitting still.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:07 PM, August 18, 2005
Can we read the other proposals? I heard one involved new trucks.
Anonymous, at 3:38 PM, August 18, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 4:51 PM, August 18, 2005
A Very sweet victory for the little people tonight. When Donnie Blevins stated his job had been threaten! Now do many of you understand why it's great being allowed to be anonymous! Until you have walked in their shoes you have know idea what goes on in our fair City! Proud to be the little people of New Albany. And most of all to thank Laura for the chance to speak....
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, August 18, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM, August 18, 2005
Where is Jimmy?
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM, August 18, 2005
Jimmy has betrayed everyone of us. His personal betrayal to all of us is a sin. We should have listen to many others. He will pay dearly for all the damage he has done to this City,,,,
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM, August 18, 2005
That would be a negative, Tim, as any simple GOOGLE search could tell you:
First of all, the Hatch Act covers the following local employees:
"The Hatch Act applies to executive branch state and local employees who are principally employed in connection with programs financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States or a federal agency."
Prohibited Activities
Covered state and local employees may not-
be candidates for public office in a partisan election
use official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the results of an election or nomination
directly or indirectly coerce contributions from subordinates in support of a political party or candidate
And, I wouldn't go around haphazardly accusing an attorney of violating the law in a public forum unless you know what you are talking about. Not a good way to stay out of a lawsuit.
Anonymous, at 10:42 PM, August 18, 2005
Still, a clear no. Even if he did what you said that wouldn't violate the law. Shane is an upstanding member of the legal community and has served both Republicans and shouldn't be so quick to raise such questions about him for political reasons.
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, August 18, 2005
Was City Attorney Shane Gibson's
concerns about the Scribner Place
funds possible to be rescinded because as City Attorney, he stands to earn a
prercentage on the Scribner Bonds sold.?
Is he protecting his share to be earned off those bonds?
How much will City attorney Shane Gibson get off the Scribner Bonds.?
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM, August 18, 2005
Yes--- Why isn't the Building Commissioner doing his job and enforcing the building codes and
condemming some of these trashy houses?
Why do we have to pay another person
in this Code Enforcement Officer position? Why isn't the Building Commissioner doing hisjob?
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, August 18, 2005
SHANE GIBSON?....$310,000.00 BOND MONEY.
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM, August 18, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, August 18, 2005
A very interesting night even though 10 of the 12 ordinances presented were "tabled".
I was surprised to hear Donnie Blevins announce he would indeed vote to rescind the Scribner funds if he was assured the dollars would be used to support sanitation.
Pending a decision from the County on if they will help, and if so, how much they will help fund the project, we are caught in limbo.
As for the Ordinance Enforcement.. the position should be filled by a non-elected person who will not be encumbered by re-election issues.
East Ender, at 2:00 AM, August 19, 2005
Finally, someone said something that makes sense. The progressives want an ordinance enforcer. This little person wants one too. Someone without strong party affiliation and perferably someone squeaky clean. Bailerite or Trog. I don't care. I lived on Market Street next to a pig sty. Much worse than any picture Baylor ever took. After 7 years of nonaction I gave up and moved. I wonder how many others have had a similar experience.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM, August 19, 2005
Caught in a limbo of your continuing insistence.
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM, August 19, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:09 AM, August 19, 2005
Just think of all the threats issued by the anonymous little people here.
No one has a problem with threatening the mayor anonymously, but suddenly are appalled if someone they can use is himself threatened.
Threats are bad all the time, or not. Period. Like everything else here, it's all selective, with no consistency.
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM, August 19, 2005
blue gill--
You talk about voting records? Sir you need to do your homework.
James Garner voted for the purchase of the sanitation trucks.
If you want a real education you need to look at "Jimmy's Voting Record" as City Councilman. 2000-2003
When Overton "TRIED TO PRIVATIZE SANITATION". Jimmy voted against it. He had the facts then and has the facts now.
The facts sir is Jimmy has been shifting funds from ...General Fund-Rainy day fund and River Boat funds. And any other fund he can get his greedy hands on to spend.
When Overton left office. Their was 1.2 Million dollars left in the rainy day fund. And it has been spent. "By THIS ADMINSTRATION."
So what did Garner promise if elected?
(1) Audit...never did
(2) No Chief Of Staff- or have a City Operation manager. Tony Torans position.
(3) He would hire management for his own business so he could focus on the peoples business and running the City.
(4) Cut out the perks, cut back on cars for officials. Promised us all kinds of Cuts....Becuase as City Council Member he knew all the spending Regina done was going to catch up with us and get us in the Butt!
(5) Voted against Scribner Place. Said then it was not in the best interest of the people.
(6)Garner totally supported all Unions. Police-Fireman and sanitation and other "UNIONS".
(7) Fix streets,sewers,much needed equipment for street dept.,sanitation, fire dept. and police dept. better service and etc.
(8) He sure made a Hell Of Alot Of Promises!
Do I need to say anymore because I can!
So let's look at what Garner has done to Benfit the People of New Albany since he has been in Office?
I'm still thinkin on that one!
Scribner Place: Was OVERTON'S grand idea....
Code Enforcement: Why do we need to hire one when you look at the certain job duties in the various departments, and people are not doing their jobs. Why should we pay two people to do the same job?
Your comments sir on Council?
This is not the same people on Council under Overton! Bliss, Niemier, Gibbons, Garner, Goldberg etc.
So all of our problems today is because of Dan Coffey, Bill Schmidt, Larry Kochert?
Again sir, you need to look at the individual voting recorders of these Councilman.
Cause you are doing nothing but blowing smoke......And you do not have your facts right, nor do you know what your talking about!
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, August 19, 2005
First, the pressure on Blevins was applied by the cc,cp,ck,cs---they were the ones upset---they thought they had blevins cornered and that he would never vote against sanitation--this was a calculated move to put the pressure on blevins-----blevins could have NOT told them of his plan to recuse himself---and the motion would have been voted down instead of tabled---he was a lot nicer than I would have been.
Also I was so disappointed that I did not hear of Price's million dollars worth of cuts!!!!!!!! (remember these are cuts--not additions, like edit funds)----when is he going to save the city??? I can't believe this man has the cure and is keeping it a secret!!! Can't he just post them here so we can all breathe a sigh of relief!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, August 19, 2005
concern taxpayer - is it now part of your master plan to have the council vandals rescind (note spelling) the ordinance enabling ordinance enforcement?
I wonder which of them will back away from their previous unanimous vote for it?
Are you so choked up with hatred for Jack Messer that you're now going to advocate against the wishes of most people in the city?
Gee, look who's out of touch, CT.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, August 19, 2005
August 16, 2005
New Albany
City Council Members
Dear Mr./Ms. Council Person:
It has come to my attention that a Resolution has been or is going to be presented for review by this body regarding previous Resolutions regarding Scribner Place pledge of EDIT monies. It is my understanding that it is being alleged that some errors may exist between the Resolution R-05-17 and R-05-21. From my review there are no errors or misunderstanding in the Resolutions, the Mayor's office understands that the most recent Resolution 9R-05-21) controls. The Mayor's Office is not under the impression that the Council has agreed to pledge any amount of EDIT monies in excess of $400,000.00. If the Council believes that some type of action is appropriate for clarification purposes then a Resolution rescinding R-05-17 due to the passage of R-05-21 would suffice, as opposed to rescinded both Resolutions.
The Council has examined this matter extensively in open meetyings and voted for passage of R-05-21. No other clarification needs to be presented or debated with respect to that Resolution.
I believe that a majority of the members of the Council have indicated that they believe the project is beneficial to the citizens of City od New Albany. Obviously, the Mayor's office believes Scribner Place is essential to the growth and welfare of this community.
Shane L. Gibson
City Attorney
footnote: History will repeat it's self again.
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM, August 19, 2005
Rose Mary, your point is what?
Tim, I doubt whether progressives will support the anti-Toran attack mob any time soon.
concern(ed) taxpayer, we're waiting patiently for you to answer the question.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM, August 19, 2005
I support Code-Enforcement. But why pay 2 people to do the same job?
Hatred for Jack Messer? I've drank beer with jack!
People in the City County Building should do the job that our tax dollars are being spent for their salaries. It is the Office Holders job to make sure each employee knows and does their job.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, August 19, 2005
Gee, look who's out of touch now!
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM, August 19, 2005
This is important.
Concern(ed) taxpayer breaks with every member of the council, even the ones he/she/it normally revere, and now insists that none of them know as much about code enforcement as he/she/it does?
Stunning, indeed.
Was that really you?
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM, August 19, 2005
Help - someone's posing as me!
Anonymous, at 12:22 PM, August 19, 2005
For that salary?
You'll be lucky to get anything remotely "professional" for it.
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM, August 19, 2005
That being the job you sought, and the basis for your ongoing vendetta.
Perhaps Tim should be the OEO.
Anonymous, at 12:39 PM, August 19, 2005
First, the EDD is a joke. Just another political favor from James. If the kid was doing his job, or was trying to learn what is going on with Economic Development he would be at some of these meetings to show folks he is here and he cares. As far as I can tell, there's $36K we can save right off the bat.
As for Code Enforcement, I have been one of the biggest supporters of hiring one, but only because no one who has the authority to do so is actually enforcing the codes. The neighborhoods need someone to turn to in our efforts to clean up and beautify our living spaces.
I have called the Health Dept. 3 times and the Building Comm. 2 times about 2 houses on Market Street. Still, not a thing has been done. Yet, the codes say the building commissioner is to be responsible for enforcement of housing codes.
We need 1 person dedicated to respond to code violations only because the people who already have the authority to do so aren't doing their jobs.
Why can't police officers be putting notices on untagged cars that are all over the city?
And there is so much more that could be done right now.
But, if we actually wind up hiring an OEO, I'll say it again... NO ONE WITH POLITICAL TIES OR AMBITIONS. Must be neutral.
East Ender, at 1:00 PM, August 19, 2005
The only thing the right side of the table talks about is how to spend economic development money on everything except economic development. As Mr. Messer pointed out last night, they've provided no support for other's ideas to generate income and no ideas of their own. Zero.
Dan Coffey thinks manufacturing is the answer to 21st century economic problems.
I hope the EDD never comes to any more council meetings if that's what there is to learn.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 1:12 PM, August 19, 2005
IF it IS true that Donnie B. was given an ultimatum regarding his vote on rescinding the Scribner funds, I can't imagine that such a tactic is not violating the rules.
It's beginning to look like we need a Citizens Watch Group to keep a closer eye on exactly what is going on up on the 3rd floor. What a shame.
East Ender, at 1:49 PM, August 19, 2005
What Mr. Blevin's expressed was that it wasn't proper for him to vote one way or the other on the issue because, as a sanitation employee, his job would be directly affected.
I sat through the whole meeting and he never said anybody threatened him with taking his job for voting a particular way.
Knowing that Blevins supports Scribner Place, Coffey/Kochert/Schmidt/Price tried to pressure him to vote with them against Scribner Place by tying it together with sanitation- an association that makes no sense at all.
That most definitely did happen. Their motion wasn't seconded, however.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:18 PM, August 19, 2005
Blevins said to a small group of us outside the city council meeting that he wants to vote to rescind the scribner place EDIT funds if the EDIT funds will be put in sanitation but wanted to talk to his own attorney before voting on it because he didnt know if the city attny. or the council attny. could give him the correct counsel
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, August 19, 2005
Some of you would profit from picking up the phone, calling Paul Wheatley, and chatting with him.
On numerous occasions since his appointment, he has spoken with potential investors, who say one of two things: We're waiting for Scribner Place, or, we're frightened to death of the loonies on the council who'd send $20 million packing just for the hell of it.
Each time Coffey or Price speaks at a council meeting, it probably loses us a potential investor.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM, August 19, 2005
east ender--
If I rember correctly, reading a few articles ago didn't concern taxpayer suggest forming a Citizens group? Watch Dog type group?
Anonymous, at 9:40 PM, August 19, 2005
Paul Wheatley has done more to bring jobs to New Albany than anyone on here.
If you'd call him, and talk to him, you'd find out about the meetings he's attended, the merchants he's visited, and the opportunities he's chasing with no help from the people on here, or their friends.
But, then, if you called him, you'd actually know something about him. And that would kill your tirade, wouldn't it east?
Anonymous, at 9:48 PM, August 19, 2005
Paul Wheatley went to the premiere public administration school in this country. Shouldn't we open the door to people with the education and smarts to help us out? Or, should we make sure they feel unwelcome.
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM, August 19, 2005
Past and present employees have been threaten. I know someone who just had their life threaten over corruption in this town.
So dont ever think it doesn't happen.
Anonymous, at 10:18 PM, August 19, 2005
how many jobs has Paul Wheatley created since he has been here? answer 0, yet Jeffersonville and Charlestown seem to be making things happen economically.
Sorry but just because he has a degree in Public Admin. from IU and he served on Baron Hill's campaign staff doesnt automatically translate into an E.D. specialist.
What we got in this kid is a pig in a poke, or should I say joke
Anonymous, at 9:37 AM, August 20, 2005
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