How Low Will He Go??????
Garner’s latest stunt is outright slanderous and borders on the absurd. This is the second time that he has attempted to throw the Schmidt’s “under the bus”, so to speak, and this ugly tactic should be thrown right back in his face. Shame on you James!
If Garner thinks for a minute that there are no instances of impropriety in his repertoire that couldn’t be exposed with the greatest of ease, he should think again.
As for Bill and Anna Schmidt, they are the best advocates for proper procedural Government in our City, and have consistently been the best stewards of the public welfare and champions of our rights to information and proper processes.
I wouldn’t believe for a minute that Bill Schmidt would ever be so self-serving as to spend funds allotted for specific projects on a “favor” to a niece.
In fact, I personally listened to Anna 2 years ago pleading with the Redevelopment Commission for answers to flooding problems in that area, and help for the home owners who were being repeatedly flooded.
This has been a long sought after repair to help multiple families, and the fact that their niece’s home is there is pure happenstance. HER HOME DOESN’T FLOOD BECAUSE IT’S ON A HIGHER ELEVATION!!!
So, now lets back up about 2 paces and take a good look at what is going on in New Albany right now, and the precarious situation the Mayor has gotten himself into.
First, we have a Mayor who is running roughshod over most of the decisions and procedures set forth by the City Council. It makes one wonder if the processes, and time spent, making such decisions is really necessary, or even enforceable. After all, Garner completely ignored the protocol set forth in the resolution approved by the Council for hiring a Code Enforcement Officer. Technically, Pam Badger is NOT the Code Enforcement Officer. She is a person from the Police Department who has been given the directive to cite certain Ordinance infractions.
Neighborhood associations have been begging for Ordinance Enforcement for years. If it was really that simple, what is Garners excuse for not doing it sooner? Why was the first Council resolution for an OEO given a “pocket veto” if it holds no real authority over the process? Why all the waiting? Or was it stalling? Either way, it makes no sense to me.
Then, how about the surprise announcement that he intends to privatize the sanitation department? Did he consult with the Council, or anybody else for that matter? A decision he made, and negotiated, based on faulty bookkeeping and no real knowledge of what the actual numbers are because even State auditors, “can’t make heads or tails of the books”.
Is it only coincidence that Bill Schmidt is the Council Member that has the anwers for saving sanitation? I don't think so.
Now Garner has announced the "contract" with ID has "fallen through".
How do you suppose the timing worked on that one?
All of this smells of something quite foul, and I for one am not buying the media's turn on it.
We all have seen this administration juggling one thing after another, and the circus act has got to stop.
When is the CCD having a rally? I want to be there!
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, September 22, 2005
Dear Speak Out Editor,
I've been a new albany blog reader for only a few weeks now...but your stance is starting to get ridiculous.
If the tables were turned and this would have been your Mayor's niece's property, he would have been both a crook and thief.
Policial Observer from Jeffersonville
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, September 22, 2005
Jeff Observer..... what is even more ridiculous is the fact that this blog consists of like 10 bloggers who constantly post message from different anonymous names to imply they have a boatload of support from "concerned taxpayers" who are "mad as hell."
Anonymous, at 12:20 AM, September 23, 2005
East Ender
The attacks on Councilman Schmidt is totally uncalled for. This Mayor is not only an idiot. But a flat ass liar! Who in the Hell does this man think he is? He is no more a leader let alone fit to be Mayor. And not even fit to be New Albany's dog catcher! I'm so sick of him playing the blame game! He blames everyone else when he damn well knew the condition this City was in before he was ever elected Mayor. But he continues to blame Overaton for everything. He has made fools out of all of us. And he will continue to do what ever he please. At the expense of each and every person of New Albany!
There is not a more honorable man than Councilman Bill Schmidt.
Anonymous, at 12:42 AM, September 23, 2005
Dear Observer from Jeffersonville-
If you had any clue who Bill and Anna Schmidt are and what they do for this community you would realize that the attempts to make them look as if something improper had occured because of them, you would be outraged as well/
Since you are from Jeff. and have no idea who we are referring to, I suggest you educate yourself a bit before you start critizizing my take on the situation.
Our Mayor has pulled this stunt before. This time it came right on the heals of Mr. Schmidt calling the Mayor to task at a council meeting. It was pure "get-back" and it was wrong.
Nothing in this town is more ridiculous than our Mayor and his lack of good decisions.
East Ender, at 2:08 AM, September 23, 2005
Laura/Speak Out Loud,
I've known the Schmitt family long before you've known him, since the day's he served as our milkman.
Jeffersonville Observer
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM, September 23, 2005
He may be an honorable, nice man, but he lacks the skills needed to govern effectively!
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM, September 23, 2005
Schmitt is a furniture store. Schmidt is the councilman.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM, September 23, 2005
What schmidt did was a criminal offense----of course there won't be any charges. He used money for a project that he had no right to do---not in his district---no study---no contract---legally the city is not obligated to pay for the project---there are two on his side of the table that think he should resign----plus a few former members (one a 20 yr. member) think it is the worst abuse of power by a council member they have seen. Actually the mayor is being a nice guy--if he was really mean spirited--like me--he would just refuse to pay and schmidt would be left holding the bag.
Anonymous, at 10:44 AM, September 23, 2005
funny...I've not heard Schmidt produce any answers for saving sanitation.
You'd think he'd tell everybody if he had them.
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM, September 23, 2005
Dear Laura,
It seems it was okay when Sam Lahanis with EMC took care of more than one councilmember's drainage problems. Sam Lahanis isn't there anymore and Brian Dixon took his place. Therefore, Bill worked with Brian Dixon, who was out of town and couldn't comment for the CJ, but... My family is really tired of the games and the name calling, etc. The only thing that IS our saving grace are the Schmidt family with their knowledge, integrity and dedication. That's just our "little" opinion, and I am thankful for you letting us share that.
Bring that rally on!
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM, September 23, 2005
Information on the Rally will be coming soon. Stay tuned!
Uh, to the Jeffersonville person, Bill Schmidt was never a milkman.
I haven't called him a theif or a liar (although I believe the latter is true), I called him to task on his morals and his motives. This is very much in regards to his political character.
As far as "Let's see what he's got", I think we've done that for over 20 months now, and I have yet to see a good decision made.
I refuse to remain silent when a person of Bill Schmidt's integrity is attacked or slandered.
East Ender, at 2:04 PM, September 23, 2005
Isn't it odd that all the negative comments about Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are anonymous post. It speaks to the character of these individuals. They are like a venomous snake, spineless, treach-
erous,and lurking in the darkness waiting to inject their fangs and spout their venom.
I agree 100% with the positive comments about Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt. They are great individuals
and are an asset to protecting the residents in the city of New Albany from a run away admisistra-
Anna and Bill keep up the good work
as you have a lot of us in your corner, and we are not afraid to use our names.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM, September 23, 2005
I was referred to this site today as something I had to see. This will probably be the only time I will respond to it, due to its lack of truth and complete information. It is said that we are in the age of information. Reading only a part of what is in print here shows me that this site is truly brought us to a new age of Misinformation. This sight appears to be a propaganda tool for people who do not want to gain the knowledge of the whole story.
Laura, it is truly a shame that you feel it is important to demean me as well as others. Your judgment of others and your lack of follow through to find the truth is a disgrace to all whom you write about. I have and always will have an open door policy to answer the concerns of our citizens.
You have never called me to inquire about any of the subjects on these postings or any other subject. You should take the time to research the whole story and then you could actually provide a service to our community with this site. From what I have read, you and some others just want to stir the pot. There is so much more information available on each of the subjects you post here. You provide only what can be construed as enough information to incite people, not to make them inquire about “the rest of the story”.
Stop defending those people who want to provide you with misleading information and do everyone in our community a favor and find out all the facts before you write about an issue. Take the time to call and inquire about the truth or the whole story. The City Of New Albany provides information to all people about the affairs of the government. Take the time to get this information so everyone who reads this can be truly informed.
Information is the key to informed decisions.
Mayor James Garner
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, September 23, 2005
Now, you'd LIKE to think that the Mayor actually wrote that...but ANYONE could have written that.
Either way, I agree with anonymous Mayor Garner 100%.
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM, September 23, 2005
Well said, Maurice! By the way, have we or the public been informed where these public meetings are at Green Valley and Slate Run for this new Rule 13 (stormwater) fees?
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM, September 23, 2005
Mr. King, would you agree that all such anonymous comments fit your description? Even the ones attacking the mayor?
Even this one?
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM, September 23, 2005
Mr. Mayor this is not the "National ENQUIRER."
And you ought to be glad it's not!These are many voices of the people who voted for you. And now realize what a mistake we made putting you in Office!
Go visit your "Homeboy Buddies." Your not smart enough to write those kind of comments.
We totally support what Laura wrote.
One voice, at 10:55 PM, September 23, 2005
Yvonne, hopefully, we will get the info at the SWAC meeting Monday night. By the way to all reading this post, you all are welcome to attend this meeting also. It will be held at 6:15 PM on 9/26/05 in the 3rd floor assembly room in the City County Bldg. We will be discussing issues concerning the new storm water drainage fee you will soon be forced to pay!!
Anonymous, at 1:14 AM, September 24, 2005
To the commentor signed Mayor Garner-
What is written on this blog are the issues as seen by the public who put you into office. There has been a frustration about your runaway administration, and this is a forum where folks can say what they think and how they feel.
It is NOT a "propaganda tool" as this is not a political platform for anyone.
I will admit however, that I do not have all the facts about what the "good 'ol boy" deals are and the motives behind some of your your perplexing actions.
Still, you have no idea what I know, so don't insinuate that I don't have facts. You would be amazed at the information that comes my way.
However, I am not an investigative reporter, and I'm not going to try to write every person's version of what they think the truth is. For the most part, we are not dealing with definitive black or white answers here.
What I am doing is providing information about what the issues are, and a means of dialogue among the people who care, about what decisions are being made in New Albany that affect their lifes.
This is indeed the information age, and people want to know.
I respond to what is happening in my own way, with my own view of the situation. All others are allowed to do the same.
Opinions matter and opinions count when it comes to the percieved notion of the job you are doing.
But, what you are missing is the real point of all this.
What I am doing here is pointing out where we are, and questioning what direction we are going in.
We all want the same thing, a better New Albany. There are a vast number of opinions of how we should or should not go about getting there. That should be allowed, not attacked.
I am not a bit disgraced, or even a little bit sorry for what I'm doing.
East Ender, at 1:20 AM, September 24, 2005
Thanks Maurice, and I will provide some "facts" for folks about this new fee on the next posting.
East Ender, at 1:23 AM, September 24, 2005
I agree both with Deatrick and the Mayor. If you want information, call the mayor's office. If that information is not forthcoming, then you have a legitimate gripe. I think the mayor has been blasted enough by this bunch of thugs. Let's give him until January 2nd to sort things out personally and publically. Then if things are still perceived to be as bad as they are (it really isn't that bad), then we can hammer him. Until then, I'm on the mayor's side. Thanks mayor for your bog comment.
Anonymous, at 10:17 AM, September 25, 2005
Oh, give me a break.........
You might need a towel there pal.
East Ender, at 12:45 AM, September 27, 2005
Laura's fair and balanced - like FOX news.
Anonymous, at 9:21 PM, September 29, 2005
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