Sewer Fund Under Poor Management
Let's take a closer look at some of the other "business" decisions made by Mayor Garner as Director of the Sewer Board. The $39,000 bill for Christian Academy is just a minor issue, although it does deserve to have some light shed on the reasoning behind the non payment.
But, let's consider a bill of $2 million that was due to New Albany from Georgetown on September 1st of this year. WOW!
In a Courier Journal article dated the same day, Ben Hershberg wrote that the City had given Georgetown an extension of time to pay this debt, which is their part of the $40 million sewer expansion. The article suggests that Georgetown will be instituting a rate hike to help cover this cost.
My question is, how did they know that they were not really going to have to pay the debt on its due date? What kind of deal was made?
Furthermore, all we've been hearing for the last few months is how much money the Sewer fund doesn't have, thus its inability to continue the previous practice of shoring up other departments, such as Sanitation.
Consider this, if Georgetown had paid the $2 million on time, the sewer fund would have a lot more money, and perhaps Garner's arguments for killing the Sanitation Department would have no merit. He specifically said the Sewer fund did not have the money to continue funding Sanitation. Hmmmmmmm.
In another interesting twist to this very twisted tale of bumbling management, the City is being sued for $750,000 by three lawyers who claim they worked out the settlement with Georgetown (Courier Journal, Sept. 13, 2005). Boy, what a mess. Or does Garner just enjoy getting sued? Could he be thinking he's got the home court advantage, so-to-speak? We'll see.
Finally, make note of the number that the City is being sued for ($750K) and compare it to what Garner is saying we need for this "Stormwater Drainage" fund ($800K).
If this administration was doing a good job, the $2 million should have gone into the Sewage Fund on time, making the Sewer fund solvent enough to keep Sanitation from crashing, and avoiding $750K in legal fees, which is enough to finance the Stormwater mandate.
However, if it was done that way, then Mr. Mayor would not have the argument he is using to make all these changes; "The Sewer Fund doesn't have any money "
Let's do a little reality check Taxpayers of New Albany.
LIST OF FUNDS............ Balance
Rainy Day .................. ?
General Fund................ ?
River Boat Fund ............ ?
Sewer Fund.................. ?
(If my memory has not failed me totally I Rember Kay Garry mentioning 30-32 Accounts or more for the Sewer Dept.)
Would someone PLEASE explain to US the TAXPAYERS. WHY we need this many accounts for the Sewer Dept.?
And does anyone know what the Balances are on the above funds?
At the City Council Meetings all we ever seem to hear is "We Don't have No Money."
But then the Mayor stands up and ask for $$$$$ and "Poof" it Appears for the Mayor's needs and wants as well as for his little Perks.
So the questions taxpayers want to know is this:
1. Is the City really broke or not?
2. Are we going to have the monies to pay the Current Bond payments owed,and coming due?
3. If each Department is only allowed X amount of dollars. (Example Fire Dept.) Then does that not make that Dept. short when the Mayor goes and purchases a $35,000.00 truck out of the Fire Dept. monies?
4.Also:(Example Board of Works)Same sisution with SUV bought out of Board of Works monies? Again does this not make the Board of Works funds short?
Which leads into Laura's comments.
1. Collect what is owed to New Albany.
2. Make everyone pay their fair share.
3.And Keep "Politics" out of it when Bills are coming due.
4. Collect what is due and do not let certain people or business owners slide and not pay what they rightfully owe.
Jimmy "STOP CUTTING DEALS" and putting all the expense on all of us taxpayers.
This Adminstration owes all of us Taxpayers answers to these questions.
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM, October 07, 2005
Great minds think alike.. Concern Taxpayer...And you have just wrote what me and my husband have been talking about for weeks. Having gone to the last several Council Meetings it is now really making alot of sense. We totally agree with your comments.
Thank You
Anonymous, at 10:16 PM, October 07, 2005
Laura you have shown just how effective your hard effords have been to turn the tide of public opinion against Mayor James Garner.
Great Job Laura
Anonymous, at 10:42 PM, October 07, 2005
ok, now you are really stretching for some creative accusations;
1.Giving Georgetown an extension on the sewer bill debt is not unheard of in other lengthly legal disputes, a dispute that took seven years to settle. Give the Sewer Board some credit at least they got it settled and the city will collect, so what deal could have been made? The debt hasnt been forgiven, the city has won a legal remedy
2.Regarding the sewer fund continuing to pay to keep sanitation solvent, that is not a solution and according to statute that is not allowed.
3. Regarding the lawsuit against the city for the suit filed against Georgetown, that contract between the City and Richard Fox is subject to intrepetation, are you qualified to rule on the merits of the case , Laura? Where did you go to law school?
4. Regarding the stormwater mandate, check around most cities have user fees because a city's general fund is not adequate to fund this program, which by the way is in the ballpark with other cities in thier cost and since property contributes to run-off dont you think property owners have an obligation to pay for pollution free streams, drinking water etc. or should we stop paying for garbage too?
Do yourself a favor find another hobby besides making stupid arguements to support your with hunt
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM, October 07, 2005
My personal opinion is this. Being of sound mind, with logical reasoning. I think it will take a Strong Women Mayor to:
1. Fire
2. Hire
3. Clean up this mess in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 11:22 PM, October 07, 2005
Concerned Taxpayer(s):
The sewer board monies are in a mess. Citizens thought we were going to get an Audit from Millhauser, Andres & Tucker (? hope I got that one rite), and they could only collect 5 months worth of data; couldn't perform an audit; all we got was a five month financial statement, based upon what -- I have no clue. That's why certain taxpayers can't understand that if we can't get an audit for the past two to three years from the State of IN; where were those sanitation figures coming from? Nor can we figure out why we need that maney bank accounts; the Controller did say that, CP.
City should be hearing back from the State about their General Fund and whether it will be kept intact or not, any day. The Mayor did admit he was "shoring" up the General Fund with the CAGIT monies. My question is what part of the General Fund is being shored up with CAGIT. I know CAGIT replaced the Inventory tax, but still can't get my hands on the amounts and what they were used for before and what they are "shoring" up now. I have asked all of Council to answer that question for taxpayers. Took me to the public meeting at Green Valley just to find out somewhat where CAGIT was and "why" we couldn't use it. My question to Council was "who or what in the General Fund am I "shoring" (Mayor's words, not mine) with the CAGIT taxes. Salaries can be paid out of these monies; not as many restrictions on this tax was use to be on EDIT's uses.
Good q's Laura & CT.
Also, if we gave Georgetown an extension to pay that money; yet, Tuesday Fifer mentioned suing them for a 4% late fee; yet if they pay us and we don't have credits for them yet, because we haven't heard from the EPA, will they turn around and sue us? On, and on, and on...
Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, October 07, 2005
Our son checked on those sewer laws, he is what he calls himself a computer geek. After hearing there is $60,000 in outstanding garbage bills alone, he says the laws state we CAN collect those. Our family can't figure out why we pay and some don't. How can some people pay and some dont? How do we tell our son, who is in college, what we should know, but don't. If you find out Laura, I will email it to him. Thank you for your forum. This helps keeps him in touch with home and us. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM, October 07, 2005
Garner is an a$$.
Hey Garner is going down and that's that..
Maybe if he would had kept his arrogant mouth shut.
James thinks he's going to beat this political, polarized plot against him.
Perhaps, he has only himself to blame.
2007 can not come fast enough for alot of us.
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM, October 07, 2005
I think a Photo of Jimmy handcuffed and doing the perpwalk would be something that's a surprisingly soft-on-crime stance for a guy whose long list of abuses of power.
Book him..
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM, October 08, 2005
Becareful the progressives are screaming Witch Hunt..
Hell fire we need to lock a few of them fellow's up too with Garner.
Then they would all be crying in Baylor's home brewed beer. And reading one of Randy Smith's Booksellers. Top Bestseller's Books. "How I failed as Mayor without even trying" and THE TOP SELLER-10 Million copies sold..."How my MBA Failed Me."
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM, October 08, 2005
too funny
Anonymous, at 12:58 AM, October 08, 2005
hello Bloggers!
Nice to see alot of positive energy here tonight.
I will No longer support Garner. We got screwed 2 years ago.
And no more.
legal beagle- Your Right! Let's get a real women leader to clean up this mess. A woman with a real vision.
Anonymous, at 1:04 AM, October 08, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 1:22 AM, October 08, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 1:44 AM, October 08, 2005
giggle, giggle. CT, you can't possibly have an agenda for 2007, like any of here do. Could even be one this blog agrees on. now they want to know your party line. Do you wonder why?
Anonymous, at 1:47 AM, October 08, 2005
too funny.
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM, October 08, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 2:32 AM, October 08, 2005
No betting or wagering of any type is permitted on this blog.
It is a forbidden activity.
Beside, anonymous, how would anyone know who to collect their winnings from?
That invitation to identify yourself is still open.
Meanwhile, take your illegal activities eleswhere.
East Ender, at 3:36 AM, October 08, 2005
To the previous anonymous of 10:57 PM. (SG?)
I haven't had to "stretch" for anything. I only need to pay attention. This administration has been one bumble-f### after another.
I merely reminded folks of a couple of recent newspaper articles. They are relevent to the current discussion.
1.What other "lenghtly" legal disputes? Do tell please.
2.Why, out of nowhere, does the Mayor have an ephiphany, with 3 months left in the year? Why the sudden rush? And, fudging RFP's?
Show me last years sanitation budget and perhaps you might comvince me that it's losing so much money.
3.You're right, a lot of things are a matter of interpretation.
4.I don't care about, "most other cities", I care about New Albany.
Finally, my "with" hunt (lisp?), is a figment of your imagination.
Suggestion: Take slow, deep, breaths, and try to relax.
East Ender, at 4:30 AM, October 08, 2005
Sure sounds like a few had to many beers at the beer tent last night?
Wondering what all was deleted.
Should be interesting what will come out on this blog today.
Seems like alot of comments here are starting to hit some raw nerves in this town..
One voice, at 8:37 AM, October 08, 2005
Great job CT. You never cease to amaze me. I don't know where you get your info but you are always right on the mark with what the rest of us are thinking.
Anonymous, at 9:24 AM, October 08, 2005
Laura's not taking her medicine again.
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM, October 08, 2005
To all who are curious, the deleted comments were someone trying to make wagers. I cannot allow any sort of gambling here.
As to the issue of our discussion, we really should be getting more info on the CAGIT funds: How much?
What are we shoring up in the General Fund?
I know that Gen. Fund pays Tony Toran's salary, and paid for his SUV. How much are these expenses compared to how much we have in CAGIT dollars? Anyone?
Finally, anonymous 9:48AM, what's with the cheap shots?
Obviously, you cannot contribute to the dialouge, all you have are insults. That's too bad.
Hope everyone is enjoying the Harvest Homecoming!
East Ender, at 3:27 PM, October 08, 2005
Anonymous 8:42AM -
I doubt the people who live here are laughing.
As for out-of-towners, I'm glad we can provide some entertainment, seeing as the City has very little to offer.
Perhaps they will be inspired to get involved in their own communities.
East Ender, at 3:54 PM, October 08, 2005
Laura, Maybe when 48 hours comes back and covers the Camm trial again, we can catch their ear. Some of us have always said unless we bring the big power hitters in (investigative journalism, i.e., Sixty Minutes) we may never know. But it sure would put some pressure on to answers taxpayers questions. Officials, how do you arrive at figures with no state audits, no in-house audits, nothing. And you wonder in people's doubting the process. My family followed this city's "process" and it got no where, except to us hiring an attorney. The Good Lord knows we could find enough people to sign a statement asking for a "looky-into" "thangs" in NA. They are counting the CJ and Tribune will never expend the time and energy even some citizens have expended to get to the bottom line.
Happy Harvest Homecoming to you and yours, Laura. Twas sick, got better; took 2 daughters and 3 grandbabies downtown; now, back to bed for me. My eldest grandchild, who always comes for Harvest (11 now) says this was his BEST one yet! That's amazing for an eleven year old. Figured he'd be bored after all these years. And, by the way, my favorite ride was missing -- the Ferris Wheel, so I could see out at all of New Albany. Maybe next year.
And, anyone from out of town, we welcome you to our humble town and offer you our hospitality while you are here.
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM, October 08, 2005
And it will remain humble so long as the "answers" come from the little folks.
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM, October 08, 2005
Don't sweat it, James--these things usually blow over.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, October 08, 2005
Rules, after all,
are for the little people
Not for the rest of us.
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM, October 08, 2005
A taxpayer searches for truth in thr "good ole boy" network of New Albany City Government. And were suppose to sit here and take this?
Anonymous, at 8:06 PM, October 08, 2005
Let's eschew questions of propriety to Claude Rains: (there is a measure of irony in all of this wagering queries, people). Did everyone enjoy themselves amidst the gaggle that was/is the Homecoming?
jon faith, at 11:34 PM, October 08, 2005
To Anonymous,
First of all I would like to thank Legal Beagle. You have always been very supportave of me and my comments and views. Also for not stooping to their level and responding to their challange.
Secondly, thank you for the case of crayons. I put them to good use by donating them to the children of victims of the hurricanes.
I especially want to thank you for your kind email updating me on the situation on the blog.
I guess I am supposed to be flattered that so many anonymous people are inquiring about my identity and political affiliation. To me it is worth a lot more than the amount mentioned.
I am a registered Democrat but a "Closet Republican". I vote strictly based on the best qualified person regardless if they are Republican, Democrat, or Independent. But my question to you, Anonymous is this: How can I accuse others of having an agenda. I cannot have an agenda of my own. If I did that would be hypocritical. I am not, repeat, not, a closet conservative. For your information, I AM a consertative.
What I stand for is this: It may not always be easy, convenient, or politcally correct to stand for truth and right, but it is the right thing to do, always.
I will not have this discussion again, with you or anyone else. Because the people who matter know who I am and what Ibelieve in and what I stand for.
Finally, I want to thank Laura for having the class and dignity for not allowing anyone to abuse her blog. We have bigger battles to fight and bigger issues to deal with. We cannot be distracted from our mission. In the future I will continue to take the high road.
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 11:40 PM, October 08, 2005
Concern Taxpayer
Your Welcome!
You gave what I feel was an excellent response to Anonymous. Myself and many others on this Blog. Respect you for your convictions,guts,courage,truth and deep passion for Injustice.
As well as the many issues you believe in. As it has been stated before "You do say" what most of us are thinking.
Like you and many others " I Hate Labels." Who cares what your political preference is? I am also a strong Conserative. How many other Democrats in this town feel just as you do? You just had the guts to say it.
But because of the many attacks on my own comments and views on this blog.
Their is one label I am proud to wear. I am also one of the "Educated Little People" you have defended and written about.
Thank You Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, October 09, 2005
I totally agree with you Legal Beagle. I'm a Democrat and feel just like concern taxpayer.
No wonder so many people are upset with Mayor Garner. Especially the many Democrats in New Albany who voted him in office.
Believe me their are alot of closet Republicans in this town. I am also one.
We voted Doug England out and Overton in.
And we will damn well do it again!
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM, October 09, 2005
I am trying to understand this CAGIT TAX.(County Adjusted Gross Income Tax) From what I understand the state distributes the money twice a year? May and November? What is that actual amount? And what is the money used for?
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM, October 09, 2005
Storm Water Drainage Fee
If the County has a workable plan which passes the fee on to the developers instead of the Taxpayers.
Why is the City working on a seperate plan? Which will place the fee on the taxpayers of New Albany. Seems like to me the County Plan would be a "No Brainer" for the right solution.
My families concerns is also the winter heating bills. Going up 65% this winter. Fuel cost to drive to work. And I am also hearing a hike in our sewer bills?
How much more can we take.
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM, October 09, 2005
I alway enjoy your common sense approach on the problems of New Albany CT. Face it-solve it-fix it. And be accountiable for your actions.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM, October 09, 2005
It's ashame Mayor Garner isn't up for ReElection next year.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, October 09, 2005
The Storm Water Advisory Committee (alias SWAC) will meet this Thursday night at 6:15 pm on the third floor in the City Council room. All members were notified, alongwith council members.
Should be a good debate, and we hope the public can and will attend.
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM, October 09, 2005
Yo, Yvonne, did you catch the article about homophobia?
Whaddya think about that, huh?
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM, October 09, 2005
We have another Mayor's Blog on line now. It's is called New Albany Today. It just seems they just keep popping up everyday. Mr. Maury Goldberg and Former Council Member is the newest Blogger....
Mr. Steve Price is now the Great Councilman in his place. I think one of the first articles on New Albany Today. Was an attack on Councilman Price.
Well it just seems the more the New Blogs coming out. Maybe between them all the Mayor will have enough people to speak for him?
Of course Mr. Randy Smith is being seen coming and going to the Mayor's Office quite often. I guess THE MAYOR HAS ANOTHER "PITCH BOY" FOR HIS PLEASURE.
Maybe Baylor can teach them all to have a few buddies and just talk amoung them self. Seems like with Roger Dodger having his new Digital Camera he just loves shooting pictures. Especially when he tries to attack someone. Maybe a bunch of us needs to meet and go have a Bud Light Beer and a chat with Roger Dodger.Maybe we could get him doing something right on film.
Maybe even a Group Picture with The Little People and Roger Dodger to hang in his Cheer's Bar?
I sure hope their business does better than their Blogs. Like us little people say....Progressive guy's don't any of you all give up your day jobs. Cause you sure don't have much business on your blogs. And welcome Mr. Goldberg. I never really thought you and James Garner got along? But would you and the other's stop knocking Mr. Price. Now you are more than welcome to go after Dan Coffey!!!! He's more your guy's style and class....
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM, October 09, 2005
After reading thru those sewer board records for 2004, the following seems to have happened -
April 20, 2004 FMSM's estimated cost for 2004 was $155,035 for Rule 13. The new City Engineer, Corey Earl will do the work in-house and his goal was to reduce the cost of Part B & C to $55,000.00. The sewer board questioned what amount was in the "permit" fund. on May 3, 2004, Corey Earl, City Engineer, presented a Digital copy of Rule 13, Park B and asked the Sewer Board if money was available for Part C. Mayor Garner replied they are still looking.
On July 20, 2004, Mr. Earl stated he was back to the sewer board regarding the $55,000 he needed for the Rule 13 program. The sewer board questioned again about the amounts collected in the "roof top" tax. The sewer board approved the requested for $55,000.00. On August 3, 2004 Mr. Earl stated that in regards to the bi-weekly reports on Rule 13 costs, he has spent nothing because he does not have an account number. He said he would like to give a prsentation at the next meeting regarding Rule 13. On August 17, 2004 Mr. Earl made a Rule 13 presentation to the sewer board.
Our son is still working on the 2005 sewer records about this fee. We are happy with our son's interest in this matter because it shows he likes research!! We'll tell you what the 2005 sewer records tell us when we know.
Laura, thank you for your tools.
Anonymous, at 8:36 PM, October 09, 2005
This anonymous comment is golden!
I am happy for you folks, and congratulate the pride you must feel. Your son must be very inquisitive.
We appreciate everything he has done, and look forward to learning some more as it becomes available.
Can someone tell me what the heck a "rooftop tax" is?
And where is Corey Earl's 2004 presentation?
Please, Mr. Mayor, show me something that will make me believe what you say is true.
What are the real numbers?
What's wrong with the County's plan? Don't tell me...
You went and made another
"business decision" didn't you?
Just a few questions I believe any of your cohorts could answer:
Are there funds requested for sanitation in the next budget we're waiting word on? How much?
How many City owned vehicles are there, not counting Police Duty?
Why isn't there actual money in funds that were appropriated and not used, or only partially used, like Building Inspectors and 9 months without a Code Enforcement Officer? By the way, is she paid out of Police funds, or the leagally adopted OEO fund?
East Ender, at 3:13 AM, October 10, 2005
Shirley, why do you think it was directed at you or the people here?
Do you think there isn't such prejudice in town?
Ask some of the gay people.
Anonymous, at 7:44 AM, October 10, 2005
There seems to be a master plan in motion to try to get certain people elected.
Rumor is Greg Roberts is planning to make a bid to run against Councilman Price.
Seems like a certain group is in the planning stage to oust certain elected officials. Even though they truly seem to be the little fish in this big ocean of political garbage. It seems to be they would be trying to go after the big catch.
But since these groups are in the back pockets of this Mayor they will not attempt but only to go and protect the Mayor.
Mr. Toran and Mayor James was over heard with the new announcement of running again in 2007..."Isn't that truly funny!."
No wonder most of "The big Democrats were spotted getting drunk" in the Beer Gardens and all were spotted going into one of the local VFW's.
Well Sir: It is a fact you will be lucky to make it thru this term. So make your big plans to "Try to get Re-Elected"
Your gravy train is about to run out. Cause when your own Democrat Party and the Democrat Money Machine Backers won't Support you.. Your done politically in this town.
Jimmy you do not have a chance in Hell to get Re-elected!
And that is a Democrat Party Promise....
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM, October 10, 2005
Somewhere I saw you reference the city of Atlanta while referring to the Stormwater Committee. Please note that New Albany is not in Atlanta's EPA region that we are in. We are in the Great Lakes region and we have to meet those hoops set up for that region. Our regional office is in Chicago. We always figured what with the movie they show at the Falls of the Ohio about the ice that came down and covered Indiana twice and part of Kentucky the second time--that's why we are in a different region. Kentucky is not even in our region. Hope you're okay with us relaying this info to you. Alot of people don't know the country is divided into different EPA "regions", based upon our past, soil, etc. See you
Thursday nite!
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM, October 10, 2005
Rooftop Tax
Calculate square footage of dwelling. To determine what to charge Taxpayers.
Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, October 10, 2005
Anonymous, so you are saying we are already collecting fees for square footage of rooftops from developers before they build? If so, how do we justify a double tax? They are looking at all impervious surfaces, including rooftops. Is there also in place already a drainage fee on developers before they build? These may be serious questions to be answered as no one wants double taxation, and this thing is to be fair to each and every one, including vacant property. If you can provide some answers, we thank you.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM, October 10, 2005
Sorry, Tim. Truly, really thought that was your posting on SPEAKOUTLOUDNA on 10/04/05, 8:20 am, under "The Next Turn of Events". Topography; hydrologists -- so sorry. My bad. You're rite. It was someone who published anonymously, using terminology you had mentioned earlier.
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM, October 10, 2005
Have hopefully finished with the 2005 sewer board records about that storm water fee. Real proud of the work my son is doing for all of us.
March 1, 2005 "Mr. Solomon asked about the storm drainage plan and who should be working on it since Mr. Earl left."
Mr. Lahanis stated he has taken it upon himself to contact Fuller-Mossberg (FMSM) about finishing this project.
March 15, 2005 Sam Lahanis introdued Mr. McCormick. He stated that the city had an original agreement with Mr. McCormick's firm to prepare Rule 13 for $49,667.00.
April 15, 2005 Chad McCormick of FMSM and Corey Earl discussed the Rule 13 requirements and progress made to date.
Mr. Utz asked when the contract was signed. Mayor Garner replied 2003.
May 17, 2005 Item #8 -- FMSM report "Chad McCormick informed the board that Part B & C of Rule 13 have been submitted on time and were delivered May 6, 2005.
He stated that we need to implement the program and decide how they plan to pay for the program.
Mr. McCormick stated that it could range from $95,000 to $150,000.00 and it would take them through the 2nd year.
July 29, 2005 Chad McCormick, FMSM Engineers, presented a storm water update which is on file in the Clerk's office.
He then asked that the sewer board and/or City Council act to their proposal to develop the interim and long-term fee policy.
Boy he's good, huh Laura? Hope he gets at least one atta boys. Thanks for letting us share the information.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, October 10, 2005
So wheres the 800,000 amount coming from and what is wrong with countys plan. What is this?
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM, October 10, 2005
Guess I wasn't the only one who saw the "Big Democrats" at the VFW.
Me & my husband were there & they asked us to have a drink with them.
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM, October 10, 2005
Very interesting information here.
I beleive I have figured out some of the motives and the madness that surrounds our current administration.
They have made promises to people, and dangled the metaphorical carrot in front of others to earn unquestioned support.
I know these people, and they know who I am talking about. I am very disappointed in them and regret they are so easily bought.
East Ender, at 4:07 PM, October 10, 2005
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM, October 10, 2005
Tim - get a grip. Not everything is about you.
Furthermore, if you think Garner is on the up & up on this one... you are worse off than I thought.
This thing has turned into a monster under his "management", and I am not convinced we need anything close to $800K.
And since you are so knowledgeable
answer this. True or not true?
We only need to present a PLAN by May of next year. Only a plan.
East Ender, at 9:22 PM, October 10, 2005
Tim,Tim,Tim.....Look at your pass preformance..You go side to side. Hop from blog to blog. And then you piss people off. You try to insult people. And belittle people.
And rant and rave about I done this and I can do that. And everyone is wrong and I am right. And then top it off you attack other well respect people who you did betrayed.
Your great at implying things. Well Tim either put up the facts are flat shut up...Who cares what you do and your thoughts on our crooked Mayor! Tim you truly don't think you are the only person who has gone to college in New Albany?
So Get a life "TIM". And then stop trying to impress people about your "skeeter" knowledge. And please continue your find support for Jimmy!!!!! Because it just shows us and others. That your just a follower..Your so called loyality flows like the wind. Your only loyality is to yourself.
Because if you really loved New Albany like alot of us do. You would take off the blinders your wearing and stand and fight for a Better New Albany. And what is truly right!!!!
So flip back to your other "Blog" buddies. And do some male bonding. Cause all the women of New Albany have got your number.....
Anonymous, at 10:54 PM, October 10, 2005
Amen. GOES DOUBLE FOR ME, TIM. G E T A L I F E . . . And care about someone, something, other than yourself. And boy, do the women of New Albany have your number. That might be the understatement of the year on this blog. And if i were you, I'd take these comments personally. In decency's name sake, I've said enough. And that was excellent about how Tim Dietriek operates (in the dark). All book sense and no common sense. But that's my opinion, and last time I checked i think i'm entitled to have one.
Anonymous, at 11:05 PM, October 10, 2005
Tim what have you ever done for this City?
Play with your skeeters and stalk women.....Gotcha...
One voice, at 11:12 PM, October 10, 2005
Tim, the SWAC offered to go out in the field and separate and do the immediate calculations on certain institutions;industrials; and commercials. After reading these sewer minutes and seeing how the cost has rose over a period of time; seeing how we are not behind; and all other information we have gathered from the IDEM coordinator. (Whom, by the way, told us we were getting bad info.) Twas hoping you could wait until the full committee meets and follows the agenda set by FMSM Thursday night, before we hash it out here. We are simply gathering facts and people are reporting facts daily; like the 2004 sewer board minutes and the 2005 sewer board minutes. Have you gotten a chance to read them? If so, I don't know how you cannot now question responsibly what is before you as a SWAC member. Citizens can examine the entire issue, without attacking and saying "you either support Garner's idea or not". THE PEOPLE are suppose to be the steering committee, not Garner. THE PEOPLE are suppose to be doing what's best for NEW ALBANY's CITIZENS. CITIZEN'S John Henry's go on this paperwork. And, I have yet to attend any type of meeting where this city doesn't need MY money; so please excuse us while we count our nickles and dimes. Thank you. :( See you Thursday.
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, October 10, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, October 10, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:34 PM, October 10, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:42 PM, October 10, 2005
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Anonymous, at 11:48 PM, October 10, 2005
A very Brilliant Idea Concern Taxpayer. A "Wall Of Shame"
Anonymous, at 12:14 AM, October 11, 2005
Let's make sure we get a permit, first CP. We don't wanna get into any trouble. Great idea. Maybe we can take donations and erect it downtown; donate inscriptions on Scribner walls, etc. My imagination is going wild.
Anonymous, at 12:34 AM, October 11, 2005
See comment on October 9, 2005--8:36 PM
The Board asked what amount is in the Permit Fund.
Mayor Garner said he is still looking.
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM, October 11, 2005
Tim, tough crowd, huh?
They just don't care about your education and experience. In fact, your qualifications frighten them, so an "anonymous poster whose's son did all of the research" carries more weight than you, with your identity and skills a matter of public record.
Think it may be politics, Tim?
They don't want facts in the way that you, as a scientist, regard facts. They want statements that fit pre-conceived political notions, and can be referred to as facts and believed by people without your educational background.
Scary, huh? And if they ever are in charge, guess who gets ourged first?
That'd be you.
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM, October 11, 2005
those "statements" are facts -- YOU pull the sewer records and read them yourself. Facts - not Tim's hypothesis -- should inform all of us. Maybe you are the "political" one.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM, October 11, 2005
they think they know Democrats and republicans in this town. Shucks, I use to think I did too, about six or seven years ago. This is 1 Democrat who feels sorry for the County Dems in their elections next year. That will speak louder than anything they are printing on the other blog"rags". To compare any Democrat with Carl Rove, well, you may have just bit off more than you can chew. Keep up all of that garbage. Garbage IN, Garbage OUT. Only time will tell, not you. You are selling out your own citizens and "your" support base. Keep splitting that party, the Republicans are loving it.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM, October 11, 2005
All of the "democrats" on here are "closet Republicans" anyway. Shouldn't they like being compared to Carl Rove?
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM, October 11, 2005
timmy, guess you culdn't answer Lauras ?'s, huh? So attack, attack, attack, blah blah blah.
Anonymous, at 12:29 PM, October 11, 2005
Last time I checked, God didn't make any mistakes. Maybe you need to listen a little harder to hear what you don't want to hear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the truth. Don't you know the truth shall set you free. Save your "idiots" slams for the Mayor's other blogs, okay? We're really tired of trying to look at official sewer records and keep running into a certain group's ramblings. Todolou.
Anonymous, at 4:56 PM, October 11, 2005
Which part is mis info on here? We were told at a meeting we were late in this storm water thing, yet the sewer information you got going on here says diferently. We'll wait on your reply, Laura. Help us out. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 6:04 PM, October 11, 2005
Justice delayed, is Justice denied!
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM, October 11, 2005
I have removed the stabs at Tim because I really didn't mean to start an insult throwing contest.
Let's try to stick to the issues-
Tim -
There was no need to attack me. I simply told you it was not about you, and asked you a question, which you still haven't answered.
It is ridiculous to think that This thing has grown from a $150K
to $800K, perhaps your blind faith is exactly why Garner threw you on the Committee after it was already formed and meeting.
Finally, I am doing exactly what a sociologist does, I am examining the social and power structures that make our community function, or in this case, malfunction.
I am working hard to set things right by getting information out there that the citizens have a right to know about.
East Ender, at 9:01 PM, October 11, 2005
I would like to know why CT comments were deleted on the Wall of Shame?
CT is the Democrats version of a stronger kick ass Republican Carl Rove. In fact even better...I'll take CT any day over Carl Rove.
CT is New Albany's Hero and Voice of all the people...
Anonymous, at 9:18 PM, October 11, 2005
Concern Taxpayer deserves Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Conscience, and entitled to Freedom of Thought.
For Concern Taxpayer you have earned many others "RESPECT" for truly standing up for what is truly right.
That's more than I can say for alot of people of New Albany.
Including some Democrats and Republicans.
Anonymous, at 10:17 PM, October 11, 2005
Boy, Laura ought to know about people who won't answer questions. She ducks 'em every time if they're not right down the middle of the plate.
And Gary Webb thinks the coward concern taxpayer ranks up with Karl Rove, who goes by his own name in public and doesn't take flak from no one?
CT can dish it out, but she can't take it, and that's a fact.
Anonymous, at 11:16 PM, October 11, 2005
Another one thrown to the curb. And a brand new biker girl spotted on Market at Huey's last Saturday Night
Anonymous, at 11:22 PM, October 11, 2005
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One voice, at 11:47 PM, October 11, 2005
East Ender, the only people who could possibly appreciate what you are doing as a sociologist are not represented on this blog. I think you've picked the wrong side.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, October 11, 2005
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One voice, at 11:47 PM, October 11, 2005
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One voice, at 11:47 PM, October 11, 2005
Karl Rove and Concern Taxpayer are both great leaders..
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM, October 12, 2005
There are a lot of questions that need to be answered before this Ordinance is passed by the City Council.
Apparently, no one read the last comment on a previous Post on this blog under the heading The Next Turn of Events by Mr. Cory Earl, our City Engineer when this BS first started. If you have time, look at his comments.
And for the benefit of Chad McCormick and D.Mark Seabrook, if you are interested, look at the Board of Works minutes for February 17, 2004 and you will find that the City of New Albany purchased a software program called ArcView for $2,050.00 to be used for the drainage problem in the West End and the STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN that we need to develop. The motion to buy was moved by Mr. Don Gibbons and 2nd by Mr.Toran, all voted in favor. It was purchased from Rock-
ware, Inc. and is registered with them in the City's name. What is ArcView? A brief overview: ArcView is a desktop GIS mapping software that provides geographic data vis-
ualization, mapping, management,and
analysis capabilities along with the ability to create and edit data. I believe what Mr. Earl told me before the last Council meeting, that with this software it could be done in house for a lot less money, and apparently others in the Administration agreed as exhibited by minutes of the following Sewer Board meetings:
4/20/04, 5/3/04, 7/20/04, 8/3/04, 8/17/04 and 1/18/2005. Until Mr. Earl fell out of favor of the Administration for whatever reasons. Regardless of this fact, we still own the software and have an acting Engineer, Mr. Hunter, what is the problem?
The special meeting of the SWAC to be held on 10/13/05 is for one purpose and one purpose only. So it can be said we had a meeting to discuss the CONCERNS OF THE COUNCIL
with the ordinance before their meeting, and it WILL be passed at the October 20th Council meeting with a 2nd & 3rd reading.
I don't understand the rush to force this uncomplete ordinance on the citizens of New Albany, other than Seabrook screaming who is going to pay for it, take a chill pill Mark and smell the roses. Don't pass an ordinance until you have all your ducks in a row, but at least you will then have an ordinance which is enforceable and is FAIR and EQUITABLE to all fee payers.
Welcome Tim, ole knowledgeable one,
to the Garner/McCormick dog and pony show.
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM, October 12, 2005
Maurice, Corey is responding under Laura's posting "Next Turn of Events". Listing his e-mail and phone number. He is agreeing with us about that plan. Hope he can show up Thursday night! Take care.
Anonymous, at 2:43 AM, October 12, 2005
Cory Earl
Guess some of you saw the posting on the other topic.
Funny. Got a couple calls and emails.
This is really me.
I've laid low for a while, but now I'm ready to give some input.
First there is some basics:
1)The Mayor isn't screwing you for 3$ a month
2)The total collected monies will pay for the following:
A)Drainage Department Operations
(Approx 200k/year)
B)IDEM Rule 13 Program and Management Fees
(Approx 250K per year my guess)
C)350K of projects to improve Stormwater Quality
I'm not sure if this jibes with the figures currently out, but its a real world estimate from my time with the City.
In the past Storm Drainage wasn't even a real Department. Chas Hunter would beg from Flood Control, Sewer Board, Redevelopment, and Public Works and Safety to get funding for projects. The 800K total fees will create a real department w/board, fund limited improvement projects, and provide for the Rule 13 regulated program funding. The 3$ fee came around about a year and half ago when I suggested it to the Mayor. BTW It's what Clarksville was charging for residential services. They were estimated for 1500sq ft of impervious surface area. The idea at the time is that Commercial and Industial facilities would then pay a ration based on their own impervious surface areas. (Roof tops and parking lots)
I encourage the SWAC members to closely examine the projected costs for the Rule 13 program. Do those costs include FMSM/JTL fees for "managing" the program. My guess is they don't. If so...add another 50-75-100k accordingly.
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM, October 12, 2005
Who is the "new hot couple" on Main Street?
Anonymous, at 11:45 AM, October 12, 2005
Who cares? This blog isn't supposed to be about personal issues.
Anonymous, at 11:51 AM, October 12, 2005
Anonymous said...
New hot couple on Main St. must of kissed and made up?
12:13 AM, October 12, 2005
jealous, no
curious, yes
You are right, this is supposed to be about issues. But when somebody enters a post like the one above naturally people are going to be curious.
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM, October 12, 2005
Very interesting, Anonymous. Especially when that excerpt about Main Street was put out under Anonymous. There was only ONE (1) person told on this blog who was where Saturday nite; and it sure is funny to us how this started popping up. Don't worry about it. I know it ain't curiosity. Only one thing explains it - jealousy. You want to dish it out, now you get to take it. What do we know about you? Let me think about that one. Gotta tell ya, a bunch of us are worried about you.
Rove's name is spelled Karl Rove (with a K, not a C).
Please put the personal assaults to bed. Your anonymous mullings are putting you way out of the playing field and somewhere else, as far as others are concerned. Too bad we can prove WHO this person is. Sometimes you have to set people up; just tell 1 person, and voila -- there it was on the web. Hope you enjoyed yourself with your snide insinuations. Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Now, it's your turn.
Back to stormwater and what's going on. Let's stick to the issues and study Corey Earl's comments closely.
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, October 12, 2005
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