Life & Times of New Albany
Life in New Albany is becoming a crash course in Political Power structures, and how easily people can be morally corrupted if the Deal is right. It is not only ugly, it's downright scary. What a better time of the year than Halloween to take a closer look at the ghouls that inhabit the Politics at practice in this little town.
First, there's the ghosts of Political favoritism that hides among "Appointments" to City offices. Is Garner only following suit? Or, is it just the hauntings of past administrations? When we look back at the messes he made with people like E. Hancock, D. White, C. Earl, are we supposed to believe he was doing "what is in the best interest of the City of New Albany"?
When we question other positions like Building Commissioner, Economic Development, Redevelopment, "Director of City Operations" (isn't that a new one?), City Attorney, and others, are we supposed to think the "Devil Made Him Do It"?
Then let's think about the PAID Board appointments. Oh, my, my, surely something evil lurks when the same names keep popping up over and over again.
Show me any sane person out there who truly believes this administration is not a train wreck, and I'll show you a person with a vested interest.
I don't think I need name names, because this group of characters has pretty much identified themselves already. They have even made their "evil plan" explicitly clear.
Of course, I'm the obligatory Witch in all this. Yes, "I'll get you my pretty", and you can put a B on the front of that if you want, because I won't deny, I can be a Bitch on Wheels!
Let this be known as well, I am the most stubborn person you will ever meet. Just ask around of people who know me. But, don't dare assume you know me. I will NOT stand still for this, and I will NOT go away.
Is it just "Bats in the belfry" that are to blame for decisions like dismantling our Drug Task Force and leaving just ONE guy? What's one guy gonna do? Oh, the ghost of favoritism rares its ugly head again. Bet the fishin' is great in Washington County. Glad we're paying for the gas, can you at least bring back some fish?
And what kind of "Tricks" is Jimmy playing when he stalls an OEO position for two years, then completely ignores the adopted legal process. Bless you Pam Badger, this is not about you. My point is, all the rental owners who contribute quite generously to Political campaigns got a two year "heads up" from their buddy. If the process was so simple to accomplish, why wasn't it accomplished sooner?
So, who's got their head buried in the sand when it comes to what is best for New Albany? If we could ever get a Mayor who truly had that vision, we just might save this place be fore it's too late. Meanwhile, all it is, is what's best for the Powers That Be, and everyone else be damned.
Go ahead and hook your carts to the wrong horse boys, where will you be then?
Good posting, Laura. Frank is asking me to show him one thing the Mayor has done for New Albany and its citizens. For the life of me, I can't find it. He refuses to enforce variances, help the Preservation Commission with our historical issues, etc.
Glad to see Corey Earl posted under a couple of articles previusly posted by you. He listed cell and e-mail. Here's to the getting to bottom of things.
Thank you for your time and efforts, Laura. It can't be easy -- we all know. Getting the house painted tomorrow, better get some shut-eye. Been playing Canasta this evening, and you get lost in time!
Anonymous, at 3:22 AM, October 12, 2005
the terms Jimmy and train wreck sound like a valley annie posting, is she your ghost writer Easte ender? Oh I forgot you can write you have a degree
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM, October 12, 2005
Posting at 3:22 am in the morning. Go to sleep people, or do you not have jobs.
Anonymous, at 11:39 AM, October 12, 2005
Let's see. 3:22 am in the morn - hey that was my posting. Why do you care why or when I was on my computer -- must be "BIG BROTHER". Personally, I can't understand minds that think that way and put stupid stuff out here about why I was on my computer at that time; it's certainly none of their business and just another attempt to detract from the real issues. We will not be deterred -- maybe you ought to check your computer out at that time of morn.
Two, why would Laura answer anything on the Mayor's blogs? Maybe they are desperate for someone to answer their ramblings? Hope you tell them to take a flying leap, Laura.
And to those Anonymous snipes, take care of yourselves, and please stop worrying about us. You have never worried about US before, so please don't start now. Charity begins at home. Me thinks you may be needed there.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM, October 12, 2005
Yeah, I just made it all up. Nothing like this would ever happen in good 'ol New Albany, and our Mayor is only appointing people who are actually qualified for the jobs.
East Ender, at 1:04 PM, October 12, 2005
Laura, Maury has posted something on his new web about stormwater, going back to 1992. Talking about how Bob Real even knew about it. Makes for interesting reading, even though I can't respond to it because I have no blog site. Take care.
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM, October 12, 2005
Maybe the Y and Scribner place?
Anonymous, at 1:19 PM, October 12, 2005
I agree that this administration has it share of problems and as I have stated on other sites, it is the good-ol-boy network that continues to stifle progress.
The Mayors mother was appointed to a paid Board position at the hospital. I think that is a prime example of what is wrong with the system.
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM, October 12, 2005
Anyone worrried about storm drainage should check the above information.
31 mosquito pools with West Nile virus for Floyd County. This is the 2nd highest in the state for the 2nd year in a row.
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM, October 12, 2005
Dear Anonymous: We pay taxes, too, and have no vested interest in this Mayor, except to say we cannot see anything he has done for citizens or taxpayers. All we see is him wanting the hardworking people of NA's $$$$$$$.
How is this blog impacting his ability to DO his job? Fascinating. He's a one-termer, so get over it. $$$
You did notice that Tim's speech and then his anonymous harangue were within 1 minute apart. He's also on Maury's blog espousing his wonderful self Talk about a vested interest in and for the Mayor, Tim. Go for it. (Be careful what you might catch, though!)
Heat is on Laura. Hang in there, we love you (all of us "*** ### !!!!" people. We appreciate you. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM, October 12, 2005
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, October 12, 2005
It amazes me that anyone can be cognizant of this administration's actions/inactions, and still say they believe there is competency
or credibility in the city's government.
How many screw-ups does it take? How many political appointments gone awry will make it clear?
Is it denial, or just plain ignorance? For some, it is both.
However, if one contends it's neither, then it stands to reason that something may be in the offering in return for blind faith and loyal support.
Small business owners could really stand to benefit from favorable, supportive relationships with the administration.
But, that's just my own opinion. Everyone can draw their own conclusions as to why the other blog writers find it necessary to continuously slander myself and this blog.
East Ender, at 8:28 PM, October 12, 2005
Laura, do you remember anyone saying they hate the Mayor, except the New Albanian here?
Our family agrees with your reasoning and don't feel you are tiptoeing through the tulips (oh, excuse me Tiny Tim).
And is this the same person who barred Tim out of his bar because of? Our family is glad to be thought of as stupid by you. That is an old game practiced in New Albany. We have grown quite adept at the "stupidity/name calling" game. Been going on now about 30 years.
Laura, you made sense. And the proof is in the pudding, because they can't suck us out to their blog, so they "wanna play marbles, THEIR way" on yours. Laura, I've got a couple of "steelies" (big and small) for you to use! Take care.
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM, October 12, 2005
You must be really special. Maybe you donated to his campaign. All of the grunt people just gave their time. Maybe you have promised to re-elect him? Who knows? The point being is we feel he is in the mess he is in for hiring non-qualified, political patronage, and questionable ethical people. That's our opinion. Your's is certainly welcomed. Always good to hear from both sides.
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, October 12, 2005
Interesting headlines for tomorrow's CJ. Seems like that bulding comissioner fiasco hasn't quite gonnnnne away. Federal Court, at that. Why, I'll be a monkey's uncle, wait a minute, I'm still reading. Oh heck, you read it.
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM, October 12, 2005
Anonymous - They'rrrre Baaack!
You're absolutely right. The only ones who spout hate are the ones who profess to be the better, brighter, "future" of New Albany.
Why do you suppose they are in such a panic that they have to come here and start shoving us around, picking fights?
I've obviously struck a nerve.
Sorry boys, for getting you in such a tizzy. Now, I might as well go for it...
Vested interests? That's easy.
Destinations Booksellers, Sponsor: James the Cleaner (bankrupt).
Roger Dodger/Rich O's, Expansion:
Prime Downtown Location.
Tim: wannabee anything.
bluegill, Will you be running for City Council?
Greg, Roger's already working the crowd for your run at office. There's a price on Steve Price's head. He KNOWS there's no money.
ekin, T.Toran takes real good care of you guys doesn't he?
We were promised, during campaign, we wouldn't be paying for an
'Assistant Mayor' (stop spliting hairs), and everyone knows this. How much in city salaries & perks does the 'Director of City Operations' cost us per year?
James, How many salaries do you need? Or should I ask how many you 'want'? Bet that Lincoln Navigator makes for a nice ride.
Wish you would pay for a tank of gas in my car for just one week.
Taxpayers pay for 64 tanks. Do I have the right number of total City vehicles, or is it higher?
East Ender, at 2:07 AM, October 13, 2005
AMEN SISTER -- Tell 'em like it is. We're behind ya all the way. (Nor do I think they have answered YOUR questions, if I'm not mistaken! I got steelies too, if you need 'em. My Daddy made them for me at the steel mill, so I could win at marbles. This ought to be interesting!
Keep up the goooood work. (And YOU KNOW we'll both be the talk of the town tomorrow because of how late our separate lives caused us to be up at the same time tonight, darn that BIG BROTHER.) Thanks, Laura
Anonymous, at 2:22 AM, October 13, 2005
Actually, heretic, Anonymous Tim doesn't collect mosquitoes at all. He did, but realized it was a conflict of interest to collect and publish articles about WNV.
Yes there is a positive site somewhere on Main Street, and yes the State fired its technician who reported a false positive, but several positives have been found at the same location. The Courier not the Tribune reported the positive and later retracted their story.
Therefore, don't imply that you have talked with the Health Department. Because I have.
I really don't believe that you talked with IU either. If so, publish a name and a number so I can check it out. I have talked to IU.
And you need to learn to distinguish spam from plagarism. Blogs are not considered "journalistic" quality. So plagarism doesn't apply here.
Anonymous, at 7:57 AM, October 13, 2005
In all seriousness, an issue that affects all of New Albany is the sewers. Are they fixed yet? Are we out of trouble with the EPA? AT the IDEM site there is a list of sewer overflows going back to January of this year. ( The New Albany plant does not look too good. Could the city end up getting fined?
Anonymous, at 10:37 AM, October 13, 2005
Sorry, the link was cut off! It is
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM, October 13, 2005
Laura, Could you give me some clue as to why "I" am under attack here? No Timmy D., I am not posting whatever you think I am - but keep your suppositions up, we're enjoying them.
Guessed the person we are about to expose might be getting nervous?!? Aahhh, shucky durn.
Too bad, so sad. Hopefully your attacks will solidify what we have been saying all along -- you have no place on this blog because you cannot stick to issues. You all have a fine day in blogsville. More to come - just hang in there. Have a good day. :)
Anonymous, at 4:01 PM, October 13, 2005
Sorry, meant to sign my name to that last comment - wait a minute...
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, October 13, 2005
To Anonymous about the sewer issue: We haven't heard from the EPA yet, whether we passed or failed. The clock "stopped ticking" in April; they made their inspection; Fifer has told the public and press any day now (that's been a couple of months). Yes, we are not out of the woods yet and I hope the EPA holds to their words that this time taxpayers WON'T be fined. When I told the Mayor the EPA said someone was going to jail this time, he told me he didn't sign up for that. The Mayor did Vote against the plan and stated it wouldn't work. So, you know as much as we do and we stay on top of it.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, October 13, 2005
Boy, what a bunch of ugly, nasty comments. I have removed the personal attacks, and am tempted to remove all comments from the "others" due to the angry, slanderous content.
I'll never be convinced they do not have something personal at stake here, or they wouldn't be so damn mad and confrontational.
Even more disturbing is Roger's take on the concerns people are expressing about the way Garner is running this City:
"...just don't cling to the pretense that there's some factual, rational reason for it."
I suppose he's implying that all the screw-ups are just figments of our imaginations.
Is the Brodous law-suit an illusion? Are Garner's multiple salaries and luxury vehicle only a rumor? How about that Fire station?
Can the sanitation Dept. be fairly evaluated without knowing the real numbers? How come the State Auditors could not make heads or tails of the books?
Why create a seperate Board to
"operate" Stormwater drainage giving Garner ANOTHER salary and costing taxpayers an additional $200K?
We couldn't make this shit up if we tried.
East Ender, at 8:36 PM, October 13, 2005
Go Laura! Keep hammering them with facts..
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM, October 13, 2005
Rite on Legal Beagle...Tell it like it is (isn't that from the Eagles)? :)
Anonymous, at 1:57 AM, October 14, 2005
Yvonne, please give us a report on last night's meeting.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM, October 14, 2005
Legal Beagle: Let me try, the best I can. The "interim" fee passed, but the time period (so if nothing got accomplished) was changed from an 18 month time period to at least 1/2 that. The Sewer Board agreed to keep this under their wing (Drainage), until this fee can be assessed on the tax rolls. The only equitable way, in order to capture "vacant" property, was to put it on the tax bill. To temporarily start the monies coming in, a tough consensus was reached to let it appear on your Indiana American Water Bill until the decision is reached as to where this new "Board" will be "assigned". It will not be the Sewer Board; it will not be a 3 member board with the Mayor chairing; the committee hasn't got that far. The monies are being put into a nonreverting fund so as to be used only for its purpose. The committee didn't think of it last night, nor probably the council members in attendance -- but that may need to be amended in Monday nite's meeting to say any expenditure over $5,000 has to come before the City Council.
Personally, I hope to see this go under the Planning Commission for administration; this is the way the County set it up to collect fees from developers/contractors. Being in total agreement with Melanie Hughes, one of the commitee members, we do not need to reinvent the wheel here.
The county's ordinance states they cannot impact any town, city, or municipality -- which I guess means New Albany, with stormwater. I rationalize that will cut down on our costs; but that's my logic.
I do wish the Council would not put the fee on Residents; I wish the Council had the $ to put our share in, ... Kevin Zurschmeide, another committee member, felt we should tell IDEM we are trying our best and need more time; the Mayor maintained that would never work - for various reasons which he outlined.
Knowing that Rule 13 has been known since Real's days in's tough to justify putting it on residents because of lack of planning, budgeting or whatever you want to call it. That's my take. (And, it was funny at one moment in time, but I think you may have had to been there!) Maybe some Council members WILL find the $185,000 we need to get started and get it off of "residential". We'll see. Thanks for asking.
Anonymous, at 8:19 PM, October 14, 2005
It won't be a board with the mayor chairing?
Another of Laura's conspiracy theories has been shot down.
Anonymous, at 9:18 PM, October 14, 2005
Please don't use me to get at Laura. I tried to report the facts of the meeting , as I saw them. In one of the ordinances, the one the City Council had last meeting, it did state it would be a stand alone board which by law would require the Mayor to chair. That was removed and that was the confusion with council because of all the different ordinances in 1 week. Thank you.
Anonymous, at 9:59 PM, October 14, 2005
that's funny
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, October 14, 2005
Thank you Yvonne for keeping us informed about the Committee meetings and what direction the processes are taking.
Sounds like you guys are doing a good job, and your work is making a difference. Much appreciated.
If more citizens had more oportunities to get involved in policy making decisions like this, we might just come to an understanding with the administration.
It's just a matter of allowing information to get out to the public, and listening to the constituency they were elected to represent.
Stay strong!
East Ender, at 10:25 PM, October 14, 2005
But why, Laura, the Boschian temper of a Kangaroo Court? I don't know you personally. I harbor only low-grade opinons about local politics at best: why aren't you concerned about Mensch Mitch and his pillaging of local services? Where do black helocopters er SUVS driven by Mayor Garner supercede something palpable, for instance the pruning of social services, the bloddletting of our public schools? Roger has been among my best friends for over a decade. i disagree with him, or especially, his language quite often. that said, this convulsive knee jerk of apparently a half dozen folks on this blog, well, it makes very little sense. Don't you agree?
jon faith, at 10:54 PM, October 14, 2005
I must disagree with your comments.
Again, the committee did not reach a consensus. A consensus is a decision-making method that results
in a collective agreement; all per-sons involved are willing to support and implement the decision.
As you know that was not the case last night. The committee had a simple majority, and before that was decided two of the committee members had left.
As far as the make up of whatever the board will be called, read IC 36-9-23. This Indiana Code is mentioned both in the resolution for the Ordinance and in Section 1 of the Ordinance, Definitions. I quote "A. Board - Stormwater Board
charged with administering the storm sewer/stormwater program pursuant to IC 36-9-23 and 36-9-1-8." You have gotten that far if this ordinance is passed as written. This IC language was not in the first four drafts of the Ordinance under Board definitions and was only included in the 5th draft that has passed 1st reading without the Committee being aware of it being added. The Garner/McCormick dog and pony show at work.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, October 14, 2005
Jon Faith -
I can't agree with your assesment of the situation, because the people who utilize this blog forum are truly people who care about the future and well-being of our City.
The larger issues you mention are certainly cause for concern on a much larger platform.
However, there are others who are better equipped than I to take up the struggles that might induce changes on the State level.
If you read about the real ISSUES discussed here, you would understand that our goals are the same: To save taxpayers $$ and not allow services to be sacrificed.
East Ender, at 12:45 AM, October 15, 2005
Maurice, I agree with most of your statements. Boy, was that a tough meeting. And, people did leave because of the length. And yes, it was by majority, not really a consensus. To me I felt I was the "swing". For me, I know for a fact that the "sewer board" members do not want that three member board; I know for a fact that neither does the Council. We still have the opportunity to put this under the Planning Commission and use their ordinances, which are already in place. Gosh, I felt bad when I left that room last night. When Councilman Messer told us he "really appreciated the work we were doing", you heard me (I guess) say "yeah, right". He assured me he did appreciate our work, but I told him I wasn't speaking to him and he looked and saw I directed the comment at the MAN standing beside him. With Garner's sewer board being a "hybrid" between IC23 & IC25, I have always felt even that board was illegal, ask Susan. Jeff Roudenbush feels it's illegal in another way; but what difference does that make, you ask? Got me, Maurice, damn if you do and damn if you don't. I feel you know me well enough to know my loyalty is to the taxpayer, not this, what I feel, is a runaway train wreck. But, you are right, it was a "bad" meeting, and so was the last one. And boy, did you and I take the heat on some blogs -- the Kersey/King show. Let's have faith in certain Councilmen, which I won't name here, but possibly you have talked with one who feels they can come up with the $185,000 needed to get us started and get the durn thing off of the taxpayer. We both adamantly agree on that. Certain Council members have assured me they will let us have the resolution, with our "changes" reflected, so we can make sure of same. I feel bad, too, Maurice, and frustrated. Frustrated because Susan and I have brought Rule 13 up for years now, and they have looked at us like we were lunatics; which may not have changed alot over the years! Hope you are okay, and that we do make sure it goes under the Planning Commission. If you would like, I obtained all copies of the County's resolutions and ordinances for ALL of our review; justlet me know...the pre- and post- construction ordinance may be the biggest (73) pages. I think the illicit discharge one wasn't too bad. I like their fee and the way it flows, the monies. Planning Commission may have to make alot of changes; not that they aren't needed. Take care.
Anonymous, at 2:51 AM, October 15, 2005
to Maurice king: According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the definition of consensus is:
a : general agreement b : the judgment arrived at by most or all of those concerned
Didnt you say a majority supported the ordinance/ Sounds like it fits the definition of a consensus
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM, October 15, 2005
Maurice, Can you tell who is firing at you? Think about it...that was the funny part of the meeting I referred to earlier in my first posting. Take care.
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, October 15, 2005
The Kersey/King dog and pony show at work.
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM, October 15, 2005
Me thinks I was right! :)
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, October 15, 2005
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM, October 17, 2005
We have decided that if there is such a thing as a "Kersey/King Pony show", we're going to take it on the road and SELL it. We need the monies.
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, October 22, 2005
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