Thinking Stuff, Because I Can't Sleep...
O.K., I've fulfilled my end of the deal, I wonder if "anonymous- 12:20:04AM" has accomplished their end of the deal. I'm sure I'll never know.
I re-read a text-book I've actually been wanting to read for about a week now, but I kept getting distracted. It made its way around to every room in the house, and there it laid until I moved it on to the next, with never more than a few pages read.
I'm glad it waited until it felt a little more satisfying for having done it.
It not only satisfied a task completed, it's left me contemplative as well.
In a good way...
What are the larger issues and dynamics at work here with all the happenings of late? After all, it's vital that one fully understands something if one hopes to affect change on it.
For a sociologist, it's about taking into account every layer of what makes up a set of circumstances, that leads to a certain quality-of-life quotient, which must be identified and analyzed to be fully understood.
Then I caught this show.
It was all about reasoning, and a lot about the exact type of issues we have been dealing with on the blogs and in the community.
I'll tell you, I don't know how long it's been since I've caught an episode of 20/20, and I feel sure tonight was nothing short of 'divine intervention' (interpret that to whatever your beliefs mean to you). Therefore...
FYI, I have put up a link to the John Stossell, 20/20 Report: "Myths, Lies, and Nasty Behavior", which aired on 2/11/06 on the local CBS channel.
It came along at just the perfect time to help me put some things back into perspective, and to get back to the way I look at life and living it.
The article is certainly worth a qwick read, but a lot of consideration, of how and why things are the way they are in our society today (or at least as good a stab as I've seen taken at it in 3 or 4 pages lately anyway). The logic makes it easy to reduce some of the broader concepts down to the community level.
Actually, it could be more like a ton of rocks hitting you, depending on your particular stance and/or concepts of our community's current well-being.
Too bad this time the written version falls short in the depth of the televised version, but I'm sure what aired was way too much to throw on the Net in written words.
Still, take a look, and then think about what is happening behind the scenes of our everyday, busy-er (is that a word?) lives, that we are completely oblivious to.
It will make you stop and wonder if this community is ever going to truly succeed on any level that will be the most meaningful to the majority of the population of New Albany.
It might be worth purchasing this one.
It sure would start a very interesting and informative Town Hall meeting.
Let us know what it made you think about.
as a sociologist Laura perhaps you should focus your "research" on the social behavior of the solna mob mentality that permeates the city and the council meetings now, or is this blog your experiment and all these postings becoming your data?
Anonymous, at 1:41 PM, February 11, 2006
Can't you stick to at least ONE SUBJECT, AND CONVERSE? Those words you learned sure don't come easily to you, do they, in the manner of a civil discourse, hey?
Ground clutter, again. Go spit it out on the other two, they'll be more than happy to listen to your bs about others in this town. None is so mighty as that group, hey? Go away.....
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM, February 11, 2006
A certain professor that I always had great admiration of always said;
"You'll know you're a true sociologist when you can't help it that your mind just automatically works in analytical terms."
One must be able to recognize what variables add up to a particular outcome, and why.
That professor will always be my hero, and I hope he's reading.
East Ender, at 3:50 PM, February 11, 2006
I don't know about you guys, but my family is looking forward to the changes at the Tribune office.
We need a new City beat reporter, so we wish Amany Ali well in her new job, and we are anxious to have an uncompromised viewpoint of the current conditions of the community.
We have high hopes that the local media will report on the issues in a fair and responsible manner.
Welcome to New Albany new guys & gals of the Tribune!
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM, February 11, 2006
Our family is extremely satisified the Tribune is making the changes they are. We hope, too, for a new perspective on City Government, and their new role they will now play.
Be glad the comments on the other blogs read to the effect "they" want to have another town "forum" meeting, that we don't remember being invited to.
Hope the entire community will come together under the Trib's banner. Of course, you can't make everyone happy, ALL THE TIME.
Unbiased reporting and factual reporting is all we ask of the Tribune. We do not feel the State is "playing games" with our budget, and that is the reason they haven't approved it. We would like for the Tribune to be able to get to the bottom of the monies -- no one else seems to be able to.
Citizens are working on claims; retrieving audits (when was the last time we had an audit). Citizens carrying the balls on even the rules of conduct in meetings -- that would be Robert's Rules, i.e., the way the citizenry are treated by an unexperienced President at Council meetings.
The sanitation contract, which is still being "worked out", while the new company uses our equipment, utilities, etc.
Rumors are flying about the Street Dept., the sewers the the EPA and the Department of Justice...the Mayor wanting to make the infrastructure of our city, after 15 years of the City trying to fix it, a political football.
We, as a family, and as taxpayer activisits, are tired too. We probably are setting high standards for the changes at the Tribune, but we need them for the Trib to become the true hometown paper.
Thanks for the space EastEnder.
Anonymous, at 9:16 PM, February 11, 2006
I have to agree that this is no time for "political footballs" to be thrown around.
What we need to start with is a reality check.
I think only an uncompromised media oulet can help us do that.
Welcom to New Albany hell new Tribune people!
The people who think they're in charge around here have all been drinking, so, good luck with that.
Meanwhile, would you please accept our sincere welcome to the asylum, and our optimism of the possible changes with commnuity news.
East Ender, at 12:08 AM, February 12, 2006
Interesting stance Brandon W.,
Could you further explain which of the following tenents of other views of "smart growth", would you have a problem with?
Top Priorities for Smart Growth:
a. No non-conforming uses approved for our rural/residential community. This would imply no mining, no heavy industry, no big box retailers, no polluting industries, no businesses that would disrupt the quiet, clean and residential/rural nature of our town/village.
b. Manage the growth such that INFRASTRUCTURE needs are fully dealt with in any development that is permitted, such that existing taxpayers are not asked to pay for the costs associated with development.
c. Maintain open space, and a quality lifestyle in the community regardless of what development occurs.
d. Abide by the clearly expressed community development viewpoints of a majority of our residents as set forth in their survey responses. Any variance should have to go before the electorate at a major regularly scheduled election rather than determined by a Board acting on its own, possibly in contradiction to the will of the people. Since these are in many cases IRREVERSIBLE actions by the Boards, it is unfair to simply say that the people can “vote them out” if they don’t like what they did. If they want to do something other than the will of the community, they should let it occur in a manner and time and place where the community can understand the issue and have a real opportunity to vote on it. Otherwise the Boards should carry out the known mandate of the people as it exists. If there is confusion about that mandate, then it should go to binding referendum at a regularly scheduled major election before anything is changed or acted on or approved.
In our opinion, these are benefits that should be the outcomes of successful "smart growth" initiatives and strategies.
East Ender, at 12:51 AM, February 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:51 AM, February 12, 2006
Breaking the moratorium again Brandon?
Must be important stuff, or are you just ready to engage in civil discourse?
We hope it's the latter.
But, that's just my opinion.
(no, not because I worry about law-suits, but because I want to make it clear that everyone is entitled to their own, and this just happens to be mine)
Anonymous, at 2:03 AM, February 12, 2006
It just dawned on me the level of immaturity that exists in the inner city of New Albany. Between name calling, back biting, and down right lies, much energy is waste on what could be constructive, however, it is not.
As for Brandon, how could he possibly know what the residents from the inner city are talking about as he has no clue what it is like living in the inner city, certainly not like on Frederick Avenue. There is no comparison to even the quality of people or the things that residents have to endure. Frederick Avenue is a quiet little neighborhood where neighbors probably don't feel like they have to have a gun or a knife in their pocket to protect themselves to take a walk or get in their vehicle. They probably even help each other which is in far contrast to what the residents in the inner city live with every day. Do not, and I repeat do not move to the inner city, you will spend all or most of you time attempting to get the simpliest things accomplished; the same things, I might add, that are done automatically in your neighborhood without even a phone call to the city county building.
Therefore, although you probably have a good handle on the law, why don't you take your time to assist these people in getting help for their problems. Is that pro bono? These people need help! Don't just refer them to some stupid web site.
Just an interested observer with eyes that can see the difficulties they speak of. The city of New Albany looks like a dump. What would you tell them how to get it cleaned up other than what they have already tried?
First feed them, then preach. You may want to run for office someday with a law degree and all. Now is the time to lay the ground work. Think about it - just an idea and opinions.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, February 12, 2006
Kudos to the Tribune this fine Sunday, February 12! Drinking my coffee and reading the Tribune was a pleasant experience today, because I see a glimmer of hope for the citizens of the inner-city of New Albany.
Excellent questions posed by residents, about the monies, tax abatements, sub-standard housing, the sewers, audits, gee, answers some of us have been chasing for years! The Tribune now has an idea of what is important to the citizens, and how citizens are being treated at Council meetings. I am sincerely thankful I did not attend the last City Council meeting. If someone had handed me a piece of paper telling me, the public, how to comport myself at a public meeting, I would have had a fit right then and there, no ifs, ands, or buts... We have maintained Council has been out of order for awhile now and we are GLAD to see someone else recognize that issue.
Being an owner of rental properties in the City of Louisville, I will never understand how they handle infractions of building and safety issues with housing in New Albany, nor why we need a rental inspection program. Why is it that my family can be out of the country of these here United States, and the building inspector from Louisville can enter my rental properties (upon complaint) anytime they want to, and by gosh, we may have only seven days to deal with the problems, if any, they found (whether I am in town or not in town). The State of Kentucky knows we have a boiler for heat inside our rental buildings, and they even have someone come in on us every five years for their inspections. Why not in New Albany? I'll tell you what one reason may be -- and that is who owns the properties and the people who reside in them. We know of a rental right this moment, not on sewers, but residents of same do not want to call downtown because they are "afraid" they will have to relocate and they can not AFFORD to. People actually do live this way, and some renters actually may feel "you" may be against rental property in "your" neighborhood if "you" try and do something about it. Vicious.
Why are there so many tax abatements? Do we really have that much business in New Albany warranting the amount of taxes not going into the General Fund? And, there are no enforcement actions for non-compliance for getting a tax abatement, right Council? For a good story about tax abatements, check out the City of Ironton, Ohio, which is now in bankruptcy because of tax abatements. The only businesses operating in the downtown area of the City of Ironton right now are BARS. Hmmmmm.
And, my pet peeve, the lack of sewers (infrastructure) in our great City, mentioned too, by the Tribune. Mr. Tucker, you will be hard pressed to find anyone willing to take accountability for anything happening down at City Hall, least of all this issue. At this point in time, some citizens are now looking towards the State of Indiana and the Federal Government to FORCE THEM and TO PROTECT US, after 15 (FIFTEEN) years and who knows how MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SPENT, to simply go ahead and take the utility over and fix it for us.
It has become obvious to some, with all of the Bond monies available to the lawyers involved with the sewers, it is a win-win for them not to fix our sewers. They get a cut of the bond monies for working on the bonds, and then they get more of our monies to fight the Feds and the State in Courts to prevent us from following the dictates of the SECOND (Amended) CONSENT DECREE, much less the Agreed Order with the State of Indiana dating to 1997, which we are also in non-compliance.
$44 Million in the last four years, how many for 15 years??????
Thank you Tribune for your articles today. Citizens are talking about Council also, and how it doesn't seem to matter who or what party the Mayor is, nothing gets done and nothing changes -- so, we are looking at Council seats and trying to decide if we clean them up and out if any positive actions can happen.
The Council probably didn't appreciate the wide brush stroke used today to portray them, but if the shoe fits, you must wear it. And, sometimes too, it may just be guilt by association.
Why didn't the Council President keep the Council in order last meeting? Why did he let certain members rant and rave? It's a joke...glad someone else saw our leaders in action, put a description down on paper, and put a name (label) on their actions (or, mainly, lack of actions).
Let's see what path the City will paint for us to walk down this next time...looks like no spin for the City anymore, maybe citizens voices are being heard. Actions speak so much more louder than words. Then again, the pen is mightier than the sword!
Thanks for the space, EastEnder... and your hard work, too. Hopefully taxpayers activists' work will get a little easier. Some of us are SICK & TIRED...too many years of the same old BS, literally.
Anonymous, at 2:35 PM, February 12, 2006
no one handed anybody pieces of paper--and nobody charged the podium either-------another loser picked by the tribune-----print what happens---not what you think will sell
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM, February 12, 2006
eat my dust east ender
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM, February 12, 2006
Some people are in pure denial.
I have witnessed the Mayor charging the podium many times.
No reason to think it didn't happen again Monday night.
For the record, there was indeed a 'Code of Conduct' letter from CM President Gahan that was handed out to attendees of the last Council Session.
We will post a copy soon for those who are walking around oblivious.
The Council meetings have become a joke, and worthless as far as the citizen's participation goes.
There for a while, meetings were drawing throngs of people, overflowing into the hallways.
In their attempts to "reel it in", and control it, they have killed the concept of community participation.
A shame since these Council Members were elected by us, the public, to carry out our wishes and protect our best interests.
We won't go so far as to name names, and we appreciate that Mr. Tucker of the Tribune left out names as well, but to know how some representatives on the Council behave, our frustration with the process must be evident.
Nothing is going to get solved until people learn how to work cohesively for changes.
And folks, changes MUST take place.
East Ender, at 5:40 PM, February 12, 2006
Take a look over at Freedom of Speech blog for some important issues that will soon be bearing down on us and our little City.
Changes are coming alright.
It remains to be seen how these changes will affect the people of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM, February 12, 2006
you dont have a clue east end, the rights to speak do not include the right to slander and thats what you all do so play by the rules or dont play at all
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, February 12, 2006
Hey, you don't like what she and others have to say here, or on Freedom of Speech, we swear on our lives you have the freedom to exercise the use of your fingers to point that mouse another direction... If you don't like it, take your marbles and go home, waahhaahh...
We're ready for a change, too, and let them eat our dust as we turn this City around, for the better of "ALL", echo that "ALL".
Anonymous, at 6:51 PM, February 12, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 7:18 PM, February 12, 2006
To, It's just zeros000000000, 2:35 PM, Feb 12, 2006. I found it interesting in the part of your post that read, "We know of a rental right now, this minute, not on sewers, but residents of the same do not to call downtown because the are "afraid" they will have to re-locate and they cannot affort to."
This statement is absolutely correct which is probably unbelievable to many in New Albany, but I contend there are a lot of homes not on sewers, but are sending their sewage into the storm sewers which were created for run off only and not raw sewage. I personally know of several home exactly like that.
The city should begin to check every home to see where their sewage is going into the sewers or into the storm sewers. They did to check where the run off from the roof, etc, from your home was going and hopefully not into the sewer system, but they never checked where your sewage (i.e., toilet flushing) was going. It is almost as bad as several years ago when they found out the homes on Main Street were not hooked to the sewers. That was a hint, they should have continued to check all the homes in the inner city, but did not. I certainly have no clue how this could be accomplished, but for sure it needs to be taken care of. City of New Albany has far more problems with the sewer system then they are aware of today.
Anonymous, at 8:15 PM, February 12, 2006
Brandon -
I would very much like to continue our discussion about controlled "smart growth".
As I stated, the Web version of the program left out a lot of the reasoning and nuances of what actually aired.
Still, with so many views on this concept, and differing opinions on how successful and useful controlled growth can be for a community, I'm sure there are many other sources we can draw from.
Perhaps I did mis-understand your other comment, and I apologize for that. Do you think "smart growth" strategies are appropriate for New Albany's conditions?
East Ender, at 8:21 PM, February 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 8:22 PM, February 12, 2006
When certain people open there eyes and really look into what several of you seem to think? And look at the actual numbers everyone of you might have a real reality check! But since you want to debate and scream slander and that we are all nutz! You have ne sense of truth at all. Because several of you refuse to hear the truth. If the sky is blue several of you will scream it is gray no matter what. You continue to attack Laura and everyone who doesn't agree with you. Do you actually realize several of you look like real dumb asses! You right these articles in the tribune screaming about "GOD" and the Mayor is doing such a great job. "GIVE ALL OF US A BREAK!". How come the democrats are telling him to his face he is a one termer?How come the democrats are telling James to his face "THEY" will not support him again? And how come the democrats have told him to his face he is a disgrace to his family and to the City of New Albany? And how come the democrats have told james they "Will not...(are you still with me on this one?) Will not give no $$$$$ to help him to get RE-ELECTED!!! wHO WILL jAMES BLAME WHEN ALL THESE REPORTS COME OUT? He can not blame Overton! No more than the dog eatting my sons homework. If laura scanned pages and pages of facts alone on her blog none of you would believe it! He might be your damn Mayor but I can tell you he is not "My Mayor" and alot of folks are saying the same thing! Try to spin this folks. But if you know anything about the citizens and voters in New Albany. This man's days are numbered. So he better line his pockets because he has not got a prayer/chance in hell to win nothing! These are the facts many of you all refuse to face!
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM, February 12, 2006
AMEN anonymous! If he can't pay his rent how can the Mayor raise at least $125,000.00 to get re-elected?
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM, February 12, 2006
It's more like our "asses" are NUMB........$$$$$$$$$$......... got it? Great.
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, February 12, 2006
We just hope the "Emporer" does not take that "entitled" attitude up to Chicago with him... ya know what me mean?
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM, February 13, 2006
Anonymous 8:52PM sounds like someone had a really BAD day.
Maybe they work for the City????
Whoever it is, they are downright pissed, and using some foul language. Who among us doesn't?
However, since they don't attack anyone personally, and strike out only to some general "group" they percieve when they say "you all", I will allow it to stand.
Obviously the target of their ire is the Mayor and his dismal way of doing things.
Perhaps it is a family member of someone who's life has been mowed down in the slug-trail that was the term of...'Jimmy'.
Therefore, I can't blame them if they are pissed. There are a lot of pissed-off people in New Albany right now.
So, let 'em vent.
East Ender, at 1:36 AM, February 13, 2006
You remain a hypocrite, EE.
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM, February 13, 2006
Aw, shucks, don't you guys worry your heads about it. Maybe someone else will start a newspaper about what you want people to think is going on downtown, becos by gosh, we may actually find out now with good reporting for the citizens, not elected officials.
Good job Tribune, keep it up! We need you, desperately! Thanks.
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM, February 13, 2006
Check out the Diggin' in the Dirt blog. Ann has put forward a very good case for airing the council video tapes.
By the way, I find it outrageous that the videographer was asked to move his equipment at the last council session.
He is a professional and has never been intrusive or obstructive to the course of the meetings what-so-ever.
Gahan needs to get a grip and realize what kind of position he's allowing himself to be put into.
If it's of his own doing, I find that disturbing.
Ever heard of: Of the people, by the people, and for the people?
That's what government is supposed to be.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM, February 13, 2006
as council president Gahan can dictate any cameraman, news media or other parties where they can set up shop so to speak. You need to get a grip and respect the decorum and requests of the council president.
he has the authority how to run the meetings
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, February 13, 2006
Really? I'd like to see Councilman Gahan tell Fox 41, WHAS, WAVE, and WLKY where to set up when they all show up for the BIG meetings! What are you talking about? Never been an issue before when the cameras were there, why now?!? I wonder, gee whiz... Actions speak louder than words. And that's just how we feel, too. Good job Ann. Obviously, we must beg to disagree on this issue.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM, February 13, 2006
Then he ought to take a look at Indiana Code 30.22, because he's letting the agenda run out of specified sequence.
City Officials are supposed to speak BEFORE members of the public.
Furthermore.... "decorum"?! HA
When he starts following established State protocal and showing a little respect for the members of the public the council body represents, then maybe he will earn a little more respect from me and others.
But I'm not holding my breath.
Give us a good reason as to why he wanted to move the videographer to the back of the room where audio is almost non-existant and a power source is unavailable?
"Just to shake things up" (just because I can) is not an acceptable
Anonymous, at 6:07 PM, February 13, 2006
Both Valla Ann's guy and the NAHS students operated their cameras right up front at the last meeting as usual. Gahan didn't make a big deal of it. I have no problems with the meetings being taped. In fact, I think the city should pay to have them taped, encoded, and made available on the net.
Having operated cameras at public events numerous times myself, I know that it's highly unusual to be allowed to set up in front of everybody, blocking the view of attendees. I don't think it's at all unreasonable for Gahan to request that videographers find a spot that doesn't interfere with the public's view, particularly since the recordings are being made by a private individual and not being made public.
BTW, in the rare instances when TV news crew do shoot City Council meetings, they tend set up off to the side without having to be asked. It's accepted professional protocol.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 6:26 PM, February 13, 2006
Mr.Gayhan is not following procedure. Nor is he following Indiana Law. The main point is... None of these elected officials have a right to make up the rules and laws as we go! It is called a double standard boys! And were sick and tired of their BS......
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM, February 13, 2006
8:53 anonymous
How rude. You can dish it out but you sure can't take it. Do you folks not get it! "Were not going to let you all" get away with all of this. Can't you handle factual information? We are here to expose this Mayor and his Administration. Regardless of your "eat s**t" comment
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM, February 13, 2006
Obviously a very frustrated person out there who is not very good with original thinking. Is all you can come up with is a juvenile "eat s**t"?
Guess it's one of them young 'uns.
We keep trying to tell you about the sewers. It's everywhere!
It's OK tho if we just... DON'T DRINK THE WATER!
Watch where you step too.
We'll all be in hip-waders come spring rains.
Anonymous, at 10:11 PM, February 13, 2006
We've been telling you we are SWIMMING IN ****, literally. To quote the Tribune Sunday, the public was left with a bad feeling something is wrong with the sewers, but no one wants to step up to the plate.
We know how some prefer to walk with their noses up in the air, rather than looking down to make sure they're not stepping in it, but that would be a "freedom" of choice, wouldn't it. Have you noticed some people's noses you just can't get down out of the air?
More to come, we are sure. Only one of the NAPP's opinions. The last time we checked, we were allowed that right, too. Fix our infrastructure; account for those millions and millions and millions. As someone else stated earlier, that'll be the day.
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM, February 13, 2006
Has the videographer that's been taping the council meetings ever intruded on someone's view that you know of?
Since you seem to know everything about happenings in NA I would really like to know who has been inconvenienced by his presence or equipment.
His camera is well above eye level to those sitting so it doesn't pose a problem with them that I have ever seen or heard of.
Since the forward corners are generally used by the traditional local media I see his positioning to be as considerate to all concerned. As well as electrically equipped.
Unless of course there is a problem I am not aware of. Which is why I'm asking.
Appreciate the forum.
Anonymous, at 2:49 AM, February 14, 2006
A fellow late-night traveler.
Welcome to our 'laboratory'.
Good luck with your questions, but you should be warned that hardhats are recommended, for you own safety, in this area.
You'll find the insults *ping* right off of 'em so, don't worry.
You won't feel a thing.
East Ender, at 3:13 AM, February 14, 2006
I have noticed the NAHS students have been taping the council meetings lately. Are they not going to air them on TV? If not, they why are they taping the meetings?
Personally, I think Tim does a good job of taping and since he is a professional with the right camera equipment then they should air the "Valla Ann" tapes on TV as they did before.
Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, February 14, 2006
Traditional local media are rarely at Council Meetings shooting video at all. Print media reporters are sitting down like the rest if us.
I've seen several people, myself included, lean around the videographer's tripod in an effort to get an unobstructed view at times, particularly those who are sitting directly behind the equipment. A better set up would be to position the camera in the back of the room and run a wireless mic up front for better audio if necessary. That's very common for shooting events like the Council meetings and, if I'm not mistaken, the videographer in question has a camera with the necessary audio inputs to accomplish it fairly easily.
Is it a big deal in most cases? No. But, by the same token, it's not a big deal if Gahan or other city officials instruct videographers to move to a position that better accomodates the public in attendance.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:33 AM, February 14, 2006
NAHS students were at the Council, but only filmed whenever Garner went to the podium, which I hear was several times. Selectively filming only Garner... Interesting.
The other film person has been doing this for 1 1/2 years, and no one has complained. So, why the change? Just because he wants to... See what that got him with Mr. Schmidt and trying to remove him from that Solid Waste Board, just after Schmidt had been voted President of the board.
It's strictly BS, and ANYONE advocating any difficulties in recording these sessions, etc., will lose their legal battles. Indiana's Open Access Laws have guaranteed the TAXPAYERS' some rights. It is OUR meeting, not theirs. They should simply be taking care of the monies and passing legislation.
Without any communication from the Mayor, this Council has had a tough time, especially the newbies. That's when I'm thankful some of the Old Guard is there, though they aren't listening to them about their conduct.
As Mr. Tucker noticed, and as has so many other taxpayers, this is simply another tactic to keep taxpayers in the dark and to "mess" with the ones whomever really doesn't like.
We beg to disagree with your opinion, Bluegill. We have always sat right around the camera person, or behind them, and there is no obstruction. Council might hate looking out at it, but, we have never heard anyone complain. The proof would be in the pudding if there had been comlaints, hey?
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM, February 14, 2006
P.S. I take that back, the part "as Mr. Tucker also noticed". I lost my train of thought that I was going with, that that statement just ain't rite. Thanks for letting me correcto myself.
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM, February 14, 2006
To Brandon:
Citizens have told and have know how this agenda got changed illegally, simply because a former Mayor didn't want the public to know what the public officials were going to speak about it. There was never a vote; simply a dictate from the Mayor at the time.
Yea, it's not this Council's fault it happened, but when we bring it to the Council again and again they are not following their own laws, it is frustrating. We can understand all of that. Do you understand where we are coming from? Maybe some think it doesn't matter; but MOST OF US DO.
Truly amazing how Council nor other parts of government aren't following the law, but if we spit on the sidewalk, we'd go to jail, right? Gotta keep that attorney on retainer, I'm telling ya.
Amany Ali printed in the Tribune a while back this saying from Dame Judith: There are two things you should absolutely NOT DO as a politician; 1 -- You Do No Make The Press Made, and 2 -- You Do Not Make The Voters Mad.
2 for 2 -- not bad.
Thanks for the space.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM, February 14, 2006
Gee, Brandon, ya keep trying to talk sense here and the anonybites bag you every time.
Too bad they don't have the guts to use their names like you do.
Little people heepocreets.
THanks for the forum, our opinion, etc, etc etc.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM, February 14, 2006
Sorry, Bluegill, thought we were having a civil discourse and an agreement to disagree...obviously from a "little" tyrant, we aren't allowed to do such things. I tried. Thanks, anyway.
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM, February 14, 2006
Sorry, Brandon, not Bluegill. There go my fingers typing faster than my brain, sorry, I am human and do make mistakes. Please accept my apology.
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM, February 14, 2006
9:42 anonymous,
Totally agree on your thoughts on taping council meetings. My point of view was the Mayor was grandstanding! Seemed like everytime the Mayor shuffled up to the podium the NAHS camera was turned on! Many of us figure he is laying the ground work for re-election. The citizens of NA owe a debt of Thanks for Valla Ann paying for video taping our City Council meetings! I bet it is not cheap either! Even sitting closer up front you can not hear hardly what people are saying. Let alone some Councilmen speaking. Don't most of you feel they are getting some what petty about cameras? Or is it just because Valla Ann is paying for it? What about future historical aspects of our city? I am totally for taping. If you can't see or hear you need to move! Like they say never been a problem in the past? Gillenwater didn't Jeff. Council have their meetings taped? Are you not new in NA?
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM, February 14, 2006
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM, February 14, 2006
how can the little people love all they do is hate
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM, February 14, 2006
BITE ME 5:09!!
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM, February 14, 2006
To Brandon:
I disagree with you again. The community does not know what is on these "public official's minds" until they of now the public is unable to respond. That's why things were the way they were and the way they should be. Just so citizens have the right to cite their opinions over what they just heard their elected officials, or appointed, describe what "they" intend to do...
It is important to a taxpayer advocate; and if they don't want to follow the City law they created, then change the durn thing, rite? It's not the citizens' fault they aren't following their own laws. But, it still doesn't mean they are not doing it.
Enjoyed the conversation. Thanks
We can stand up there all night (the public) obliviating and not know what is actually coming down the pike to the citizens. This is my opinion, but, to me, this only makes sense since this is a meeting for the "CITIZENS", not the Administration. This is where OUR VOICES ARE HEARD.
Hate to disagree, but glad we can cordially. Thanks for that.
Anonymous, at 12:34 AM, February 15, 2006
Why did the NAHS only tape the mayor? I was not aware this was happening, I thought they're camera was on during the whole meeting.
I also want to thank Valla Ann for having the meetings taped. This is a real public service and everyone should be grateful. Maybe the people who attend the meetings should "pass the hat" and help pay for the photographer. I just wish WNAS would play the tapes on TV. A lot of people aren't able to attend due to work commitments or other obligations. This would give these people a chance to see our government "in action". It is more interesting than those Senate meetings broadcasted on the news channels.
As far as the order of the meetings, they should allow the public to speak after the city officials so we can comment on what was discussed. We are supposed to follow the agenda when we speak but that is impossible if you don't know the agenda until the day of the meeting. As for me, I cannot get to the clerk's office before it closes so I don't know the agenda until it's time for the meeting. Sort of makes me and others like me SOL.
I suggest that the public speak about what is on their minds and not try to follow the agenda for that meeting. After all is is our 5 minutes. Now, before everyone goes crazy I am not advocating ranting and raving for 5 min. but we should be able to express ourselves in a civil manner on whatever subject we feel is necessary. After all the city officials work for us. We sign their paychecks in a manner of speaking.
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM, February 15, 2006
I didn't think it was a malicious threat at all. I just questioned the reasoning for not taping the whole meeting. What you said does make sense.
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM, February 15, 2006
well Tim the ceo of the stormwater board...
Glad to see you got IUS involved! Is that legal? Do you really think that will make a difference with 22 IUS students? I guess they will also be makingdecisions for us taxpayers too.
Tim you are truly a piece of work!!!! Maybe "Your Mayor" will put you in charge of the "White House"....ooooooops I meant to say in charge of his city?
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, February 15, 2006
THEN DON'T COME HERE!!!! Understand? Go spin your BS somewhere else, we surely would appreciate. We don't even like seeing your name on here...when are u going to figure it out?
Sweet dreams, Timmy. One of your "admirers". (HAA HAA HEE HEE)
Mr. Grandiose himself....... Need we say anymore? Get lost -- get back to the other 2 blogs; we don't respect u here, what do we have to say to u?
It doesn't have anything to do with IUS and the students volunteering. It is strictly that U don't have ANY credibility on this BLOG.... NEXT?
Anonymous, at 1:56 AM, February 16, 2006
Can't sleep myself tonight; wondering how the Emporer did in Chicago, along with his sidekick Greg Fifer!!!! Maybe the Emporer will give us an update at Council tomorrow eve, maybe? Ought to be interesting, to say the least. And, Mr. Greg Fifer is to meet with Georgetown reporting in his EPA meeting today... get ready NA. Just don't know.
Watch for the "tell" tomorrow night. Only then will the taxpayers find out if their voice is being heard, or only the Emporer's.
Sewers, yucky...a necessary evil, hey Emporer? "The heat is on, it's on the Streets..." how does that song go?
We'll find out probably later, than sooner. We'll all will be as PUBLIC as you can get. Simple citizen speaking out here, trying to speak out loud; can you hear me? We hear your voice isn't being heard, Mr. Emporer; we disagree -- taxpayer's voices are NOT BEING HEARD...can YOU hear us?
Thanks for listening...! Only good thoughts; at least trying!
Anonymous, at 2:07 AM, February 16, 2006
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