Let the Mayhem Begin....
Thanks for your patience while this blogster sorted through new information and talked with new people, concerning the present sad condition of New Albany, and any hopes for the future that things could change.
I was renewed with hope, and I do believe things are going to change for the better around here. It has been very exciting to find out who is reading the blogs, and at the same time, it has been a relief. Help is on the way folks!
Even though the City Government didn't get off to a good start by any stretch of the imagination:
The last (I wish) City Council meeting, the first of the New Year, was preconceived to be a very interesting foretelling of what the rest of the 2006 year would be bringing. Boy, did we get painted an ugly picture.
There were no surprises as more strange voting occurred, but newly adopted admonishments for the public to just “Shut Up” (sound familiar?) were handed out immediately, and with fervor. Just makes us wonder what directions he recieved from Mayor Garner in attempts to "control" the public speaking portion of the meetings.
CM Gahan received the nod for the Presidency of the Council for the second year, in what we all thought would be, at least, a compromise for the sparring factions of the Council and public that pledged outright protests had Council “Appointee” Donnie Blevins actually been seated at the head of the table (Council “Member” infers working with the group).
However, we soon saw a very callous stripe of character in President CM Gahan that was outrageous, disheartening, and objectionable.
No citizen should ever be subjected to such brutal, obnoxious questioning as Mr. David Huckleberry was on that night. This man, and his family, have been harassed and ambushed by public officials, and the least the Council can do is to allow him his 5 minutes to talk about ANYTHING he wants that is concerning him. Mr. Gahan committed a despicable act, and he should be reprimanded for it.
What they are trying to accomplish, is to prevent the public from speaking about anything other than what’s on the agenda for the evening.
This would reduce the bi-monthly Council Sessions to nothing more than banter about agenda topics, which votes have most likely been decided prior to the actual meeting.
Such a move would also snatch away the opportunity for Citizens to address the Legislative body of our government with our concerns, and reduce the meetings to a stoic controlled atmosphere. This is exactly what they want.
There’s only one small problem for them. Indiana Code states the order of the agenda shall consist of the City Officials speaking BEFORE the public.
Thus, we can speak to any issue that is brought up, if the Council is going to comply with Indiana Code.
Although it is hard to find instances of any body of the administration that is actually playing by the rules, codes, ordinances, and in some cases even the law, in their feeble attempts to run this little town of ours.
There has been too much money misappropriated, so there is no money to do the repairs that we are under Federal orders to do. There can be no new economic development until we fix the inner-city sewer lines.
Example: A new Thornton's has been built in the West end, but cannot open for business because they are not being allowed to tap into the sewer lines.
There are problems with finding out just what our financial predicament is, because we still have not recieved the 2004 City Audit from the State, nor does the Council have a new budget in hand as they began operations for 2006. SOMETHING STINKS!
They are about to start billing for the Stormwater fee (watch your water bill), which is supposed to be paying the 8 salaries that are still being paid out of the sewer funds inappropriately. Council passed a resolution that this switch in payments would occur at the first of the new year. Who's paying those 8 salaries?
This fee has yet to be billed, and the people who's salaries were to come out of sewers, remain as a drain on the utility's resources. Also,this fee is going to be assessed inequitably, as I've explained before, because it will only be collected from property owners who are recieving a water bill.
It remains to be seen if the Mayors attempts to form an entirely new Stormwater board, that pays him another salary (that makes 3), will actually survive the objections.
There is much much more to talk about, but this posting is going up hurriedly, and we will continue discussions in the comments.
Please forgive the rambling style of thought, but there was no re-write on this one. I wanted to get it out there qwickly.
In response to the complaints at VH and the ongoing attempts to get us to just "shut up", I am making note of the following:
In my posting I wrote that the Council had indeed passed a resolution for the 8 salaries to stop being paid out of the sewer fund, and to be paid from Stormwater proceeds. All we know is Stormwater fees have not been collected. So what are we to think? How many times have we brought this up and asked the question? No answers then.
Were you setting us up?
Again, I asked, "who's paying these salaries"?
I assumed they were still coming out of the sewer utility because no one has yet recieved an actual budget for 2006, so we don't know.
This is again telling of the inside 'priviledged' information that VH has with our City administration.
How can he know what fund they are being paid from without a budget in hand?
Or, did he get this document before Council members recieved theirs, again?
As for slanderous comments, calling someone a liar is a very strong statement. I have not lied about anything. I have brought up issues that, for the public, need answered. That's all.
All the name calling, and "satire" made in regards to me and this blog have most certainly been over the line in many instances.
Why do you all suppose these guys are so intent on shutting me up?
Am I stepping on too many toes too often? That's too bad.
I will not stop until we get more answers and accountability from our City administration.
I am well within my rights.
East Ender, at 5:25 PM, January 13, 2006
As a service to our readers, and due to the recent rains, we would like to make sure everyone got the information taht was listed on the last posting regarding overflow sites.
This is how they always act, Laura. They seem to know no better, nor do they care how they are perceived or seen. Ground clutter, again.
We truly enjoyed the comment on the VH blob about Mr. Smith checking on our precincts for SSO's. Precincts pretty much put the Potty Police rolling in the floor.
Volunteer Hoosier, they are located in "mini-basins". We have a listing for citizens the City HAS TO CHECK everytime it rains, what more than an inch?
Briefly, here goes...
Main Plant
Old Ford Rd Lift Station
charlestown Rd Lift Station
Grantline Rd Lift Station
Budd Rd
Broekers Lane
Parks Dept on Corydon Pike (they're locked up after hours, like to see ya get in there)
Six behind Hampton Inn
3 at Cherry Valley Golf Course
Alley off West St
4 in Anderson Park
4 others at Cherry Valley
2 at Watco (locked out there, too)
1 at VFW
1 at Binford Park
2 on the Country Club
Elmwood Ave
3 on Scott Dr
1 on Brook St
2 on Korb
1 on Sanderson
1 at McLean Lift Station
1 at Linda Dr
1 at Janie Lane
1 at Audubon Easement
1 at Roanoke
1 at Charleston Rd @ Roselawn
1 at Charlestown Rd by SocialSec.
Another 1 on Roselawn
1 at Charlestown Rd (27-90)
1 at Charlestown Rd at Colonial
1 at "Bottom Of Hill"? 28-2B
1 at Old Ford at StarHaven
1 at Old Ford at Miller
2 at Mt Tabor
4 at Prosser School
1 at Charlestown Rd @ 265
Did you look at all of those "precincts" for SSOs? Next time, holler, we'll help.
Help us keep an eye out NA. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM, January 13, 2006
Don't worry, east ender. He THINKS he knows. This is an even lower blow to the Council. How much lower can you go, Mayor? Four Council members I have talked to do not have their approved budgets in hand.
Tell us Randy, are Seabrook and Kochert now being paid out of Sewers, or storm fees, or not at all still? Can ya answer that one for us, Assistant Mayor? Thank you.
IAMHOOSIER has already admitted on here he doesn't know that much about budgets, but glad he is now twisting and turning the other way. Someone's got his # too.
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM, January 13, 2006
P.S. This is how WE know HE doesn't know what he's talking about. Simply spin.
The 2006 budget has not been approved, and if that budget is cut, there will be no monies to pay these people, no ifs, ands, or buts.
If he has a copy of an "approved State 2006 Budget" without Council having theirs, I'd say he's stepped in it this time.
This is how financing works.
Anonymous, at 6:53 PM, January 13, 2006
It has been the practice that the City Budgets are approved in the order that those annual budgets are received in Indianapolis at DLGF. (Department of Local Government Finance).
The local assessments for the taxing entity have to be submitted to the state in order for the state to base the annual budget requests on those
approved property tax assessments.
It is very interesting that the
Progressives now have such information on the 2006 Budget that has not been returned to New Albany from the State of Indiana.
We suggest that the Progressives take some time to study Indiana Code and the State Board of Accounts Manuals and DLGF Manuals.
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM, January 13, 2006
Thank you for the added info $$$$$.
I am very upset about being called a liar, and I believe it is being done on purpose and with malice.
Didn't bluegill throw around hints at getting a check and if I'd only keep my mouth shut, I'd be new car shopping like him? Hmmmmmm
East Ender, at 8:43 PM, January 13, 2006
No Problemo, East Ender. These very "Progressive" people had the audacity to ask two members of the Public and a newsreporter to leave a publicly scheduled Hearing on OUR MONIES.
Denny Stroud was going to speak, but he couldn't because the legal had been posted wrong and Denny, being the man of character he was for taxpayers, refused to violate that legal.
I'd take that suggestion up about the suggested reading material for Mr. Smith concerning governmental finances. He could probably make a fortune of it selling it at Desperations, oh I mean Desperadoes, aw, you know what I mean. Several people obviously need to read the durn things. Luckily, we've been through that curve the hard way.
Our opinions/facts/KNOWLEDGE
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, January 13, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 11:22 PM, January 13, 2006
Oops, sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud ...
The New Albanian, at 11:23 PM, January 13, 2006
Total Year of 2005 Over By
Rainfall # Evts Flows Passes
0.0 to 0.5 2 2 0
0.5 to 1.0" 24 65 4
1.1 to 1.5" 6 24 1
1.6 to 2.0" 0 0 0
2.1 to 3.0" 2 15 0
3.1 to 5.5" 1 15 0
Total 36 118 5
Watch that alley of West St. It was running over in DRY weather, which would be a REALLY BAD SIGN FOR ALL OF US, if we go all the way back to square one.
Hope not too much info overload. Remember, the clock stopped ticking in April for the City to have stopped this. Now what? Please don't tell us you want us to pay for it again! WE DON'T HAVE THE MONIES; AND NEITHER DO YOU. NOW WHAT?
No Events Overflows By Passes
Anonymous, at 11:24 PM, January 13, 2006
Slow Night, New Albanian? Gosh durn it. Tis the season for that kind of thing, isn't it?
Have fun.
Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, January 13, 2006
Our family agrees with $$$$$ because we have seen for ourselves just how arrogant and rude Mr. Randy Smith can be.
He must have his own chair in the Mayor's office or even his own desk to hold all those documents that he gets automatically.
The Council says they have to ask for anything from this Mayor but his friend Mr. Smith gets copies of everything from the Clerk's office, including phone calls about special meetings.
Come to think of it he's in on virtually every meeting these days. Who is he to tell people to leave? Just like he's trying to get Laura to shut-up? He's just mad because she asks questions about stuff they don't want to talk about. Sorry Randy but Free Speech will win out every time.
Hang in there Laura!
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, January 13, 2006
I thought that the earlier suggestion to tell the Progressives to do some
studying of the state laws and manuals was a very good suggestion.
OK- Boys, please tell us what state law or manual you are quoting when you
give out information. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 11:41 PM, January 13, 2006
Does Randy have a copy of the 2006 budget in hand when Council members do not?
We've been told it hasn't arrived from the State yet. Who's lie?
Or is he truly just the Mayor's mouthpiece and simply relays information?
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, January 13, 2006
He simply is the spin meister for the Mayor. It tis the Mayor's blog; and it is intended to deflect from our issues here.
He has a lot to learn, don't you think? Our opinions.
Anonymous, at 12:51 AM, January 14, 2006
I think you are correct.
His place in the inner circle is going to make him dizzy if he isn't careful.
East Ender, at 1:59 AM, January 14, 2006
He is not truly in the inner circle.(Randy Smith) They have alot to learn. He is being used and if you know anything about politics of NA at all.
VH is a sad misleading "WANNABE."
Talk about Ranting and acting
like "God" give us all a break!
Anonymous, at 4:58 AM, January 14, 2006
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