Happy (the) Holidays (are over)!
For now, at least, we have a short break before the New Year rings in. Oh, what a year we expect it to be. A Grand starting bell will sound at First Council Session of the New Year. Should be very interesting.
Everyone should re-read the previous posting a second time, if they haven't already had to remind themselves of what the REAL issues started out to be, and give it some more thought time.
The Attorney General's report, in the "Dual Office Holding Guide", is very enlightening when it comes to re-assessing who holds what positions, and how many City salaries are legally allowed. The key term seems to be "lucrative offices".
I'm just sure the Attorney General's office also holds opinions on contracts entered into between Legal Counsel and the City. Especially when same Legal Counsel contracts with the opposing party. Hmmmmmmmmm
Re-read the Courier articles again too. If your Christmas was as exhusting as mine, your brain will require a refreasher "view" of the issues that currently face New Albany, and the circumstances that will soon lead to a "worse" life, fiscally and socio-economically, in New Albany than we have endured in quite some time.
Anyone who can say, with a straight face, that James Garner has had a successful first half as Mayor, better have some answers for "oldernewalbanian", at least!
I don't think she will mind identifying herself, for those who don't already know (and shame on you if you don't), and providing whatever documentation and evidence any reasonable person would consider adequate, if it would mean getting some answers and a little justice. THIS WOMAN LOST HER HOME OF 30+ YEARS, IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, "LOST". I think you can e-mail her directly thru her profile.
C'mon All4Word, isn't this what you asked for? Specifics? I think your exact words were, "...see if we can get to the bottom of it." Well, here 'ya go. Get this Lady some answers, and some justice, and some compensation, for the conditions she was being forced to live with while living in the inner-city of New Albany.
Then try to make the rest of us believe that we don't have to be afraid of living in the same conditions, in certain parts of this Inner-City, as she did.
When you can explain what happened to her, and why, then "get to the bottom of it".
Also, give us some real answers about where the money went.
Where are the State Audits, and why do Council members have to ASK for a monthly report that they should be recieving automatically (Hint:make sure they match)?
Then convince us, and the EPA, that the sewers aren't going to implode, and the EPA is happy with us again. Make us believe we don't need the Potty Police anymore.
Then you can point to that "Ground Zero" hole in the Earth Downtown, tell me that Scribner Place is a "good investment", when every other building Downtown is sitting empty and neglected due to extreme costs, and I might agree with you.
Just three little questions there that I would like answered. That's all.
I just don't believe there are any good answers to those questions.
I don't believe for a minute they can be explained away.
Three little questions.
Nah, not in this little town, full of "little people", and even our own "little Timmy". Our "little" minds couldn't possibly wrap around those "little" problems.
If the mayor had alittle sense he would resign. Could we all be so lucky.
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM, December 27, 2005
I just saw the garbage men picking up mounds and mounds of the garbage put out after the holiday gatherings.
They were working so hard doing a good job.
So guys, do you know how the Mayor and Board of Works is going to reward you? They are going to dump you.
Anonymous, at 10:45 AM, December 27, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM, December 27, 2005
This blog is becoming more and more of a JOKE! It is in a downward spiral. Sad day in New Albany, because the administration is saving $$$ by outsourcing trash pickup? No one is losing a job, because they are being hired by the newly contracted company. Get a grip people. The editor of this blog should be label the Queen of Hate. Because that is all she spews.
Anonymous, at 1:39 PM, December 27, 2005
hey Timmy,you get a grip,should be nothing to you. Go back and look at all your cheap shots, to many to count I'm sure. What does the editor have to do with any of the comments put on here so far? Gosh what jerks! You guys just can't stand the truth.
Anonymous, at 1:58 PM, December 27, 2005
The sanitation workers now are working for a private company. They are going through all kinds of changes with healthcare (pre-existing conditions 1 yr out), with their retirement benefits, and with their senority levels.
I don't know how they handled accrued vacation time, and sick time, or how close the pay scale came to what they were earning with the City, but I do know it was a bad move to Privatize.
Not only for the sanitation workers, but for those of us who pay a sanitation bill.
Garner just sold us all out.
So, answer me this...
If Garner agreed in the contract to allow annual increases in the fees for the next 5 years, then why is he asking the Council to approve a Garbage fee increase for 2007 now?
If he needs their approval, then he had no authority to agree to annual fee increases all by himself in that contract.
Which way is it?
East Ender, at 2:10 PM, December 27, 2005
What I want to know is just how is it that some people in this town are held to certain laws and ordinances, while others are not?
How can a street sweeper police go around 3 cars without ticketing, then ticket the rest of the street?
And, why are some property owners going to have to pay a Stormwater fee while others do not?
How do they get away with this stuff?
Finally, why on earth did the council approve all that EDIT money to go to Scribner when we need it to shore up sanitation and sewers? Can they recind that money?
Seems like all this mayor wants is all our money in his back pocket.
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, December 27, 2005
not made of money. It's going to be hard to convince people of what you talk about re the street sweeper. Have you ever video taped this? Then it would be hard for people to prove you you are lying.
I think that's what people are asking for is some kind of proof of the "misdeeds" of the city.
Anonymous, at 2:41 PM, December 27, 2005
uh.... we have video tape.
Anonymous, at 2:55 PM, December 27, 2005
Tis a sad week for NA, with sanitation guys "losing" their jobs. I personally spoke with a sanitation worker last Friday, and he hadn't been employed by the new company yet. Seems there are some problems with Page what, 38? Employee Accountability? Dress codes, hair codes, mustache/beard codes, etc. Sort of like how Fletcher told the State Parks Department in KY how no employees could have tatoos, etc., and work in their forests, ya know? As this guy said, "All I am is a garbage truck driver and all I want to do is work and bring home my pay check." Doesn't sound alright to me.
What truly troubles me is the attitude some people have "these people aren't our neighbors, our friends, our family, or even part of our community" -- that part really bothers me, the lack of concern on the administration's part, and other parties.
Don't worry about it. Why should you care? I didn't get the warm fuzzies about sanitation workers being "okay" after speaking with one I barely know, much less the ones I do know, so I don't consider anyone being "over-dramatic".
Who are the three people left in sanitation, anyone know for sure? I've been told Blevin's brother is still there, someone named Charles, and Mickey Thompson. Am I right?
Our Opinions.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, December 27, 2005
Another issue the Potty Police have is with the "make-up" of the Sewer Board. We have always maintained this Board is "illegal".
The premise for our argument would be based on the following:
1. If you have a "Sewer Board" made up using part of Indiana Code (IC) 23 and part of IC 25, how do you file the liens with the County? Under IC 23, or IC 25? How do the attorneys representing past due customers, whether sewer or trash, fight the liens? Under IC 23, or IC 25? This is a big rub with the Potty Police.
2. Does the average citizen know there were over $600,000.00 in delinquent sewer bills before the Council outsourced it to Indiana-American Water Co? How possibly could bringing billing back in-house, hiring 8 people, etc., save us money? We haven't collected delinquents in, gee, check with the County Treasurer for that date.
When it was brought up at the Sewer Board meeting "liens" had to be filed by a certain time of year with the County, the "Sewer Board Attorney Fifer" told everyone the "IN law had changed we were looking at, and that wasn't true anymore". We have a bridge we would like to sell you, if you believe that.
3. The dual office holdings has been brought up for years, as has ethic rules. Council truly needs to adopt some ethic rules, like Indianapolis did, and either Clark or Jeff did (can't remember which). Taxpayers nor citizens in NA would not know how to act if this actually occurred.
Take care NA, a lot of rain moving our way tomorrow evening. Let us see what happens then, though I wish it wasn't at night time so we could get a group of people to witness what goes on in this town with our sewers.
And for "whomever" would like for the "Potty Police" to come up with a plan, we did that a long time ago. Ask around, you are not moving in the right circles. It is documented in a Federal Court file downtown. It will just cost you a few bucks to get it -- say $21.75.
Our opinions, only.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM, December 27, 2005
I personally spoke with a sanitatin worker and the new company has a dress code. Well golly gee, maybe that is a good thing, ever think of that. Senority, accured vacation. The hell with using a private company, just charge me $100 more per year as long as nothing ever changes in Mayberry.
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM, December 27, 2005
if you have the video then send it to the news, send it to the council play it wherever. just get the word out. Don't just sit on it
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM, December 27, 2005
tim deatrick,
No,I have your Christmas present Mr. Deatrick. A case of "Emergency White Chili Neurtalizer!" Where do you want it delivered? You are truly a worthless human being!
What have you done for New Albany?
And how much business have you brought into our City Limits?
You and others will have to eat alot of C.R.A.P. when Valla Ann is Mayor. You mind as well start packin because it is going to happen!
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, December 27, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM, December 27, 2005
anonymous at 3:25. ahh there is that sweet disposition that has attracted to many flies to this site.
oh and you "mind as well" learn to type.
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, December 27, 2005
Talk to me about the past dues on the trash and the lack of the Housing Authority paying its' share on the trash, and maybe you wouldn't have to raise the rates. Go look at the numbers, we're tired of looking at them. Educate yourselves, please!!!!! You'll find the money, I swear you will.
Our opinions.
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM, December 27, 2005
Now we hear this is the rest of the story on the Housing Authority. Each year they would buy NA a new packer in exchange for their garbage pickup.
Once Mr. Lane took office, the HA said they couldn't do that anymore. And, we hear, NA hasn't sent them a bill since. Can ANYONE verify this? Thanks.
Our opinions...
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, December 27, 2005
east ender,
It is not one way or the other. He has the legal authority to enter a contract that obligates the city to pay. He does not have the legal authority to raise the rates on trash p/u without the council's approval.
In other words, the city is obligated to pay a set amount plus whatever increases were negotiated each year of the contract. How the city raises the money to pay that amount is totally seperate. Granted it should be through sanitation bills but it would not have to be.
I am not agreeing or disagreeing the idea of outsourcing in this remark. Just the fact that the mayor did have the authority.
Iamhoosier, at 5:19 PM, December 27, 2005
Ladies, Gentlemen, and whatever an anonymous is,
GROW UP! The issues are not what the garbage & sewer rates are going to be next year, nor who is working for whom, nor what their benefits are or aren't, nor dress codes, nor parked cars. Hell,in the northeast if a car is parked on a snow route during a storm it gets plowed along with the snow be it a bums car or the mayors limo!
The important issue is what are we going to leave our kids with to enjoy, prosper from, and most of all pay for!
Now let's wrap our little and BIG minds around that and get our elected officials to wrap theirs around it and see what we come up with!
Highwayman, at 7:05 PM, December 27, 2005
Dear Iamhoosier,
Are you saying that the Mayor has the authority to enter contracts which will cause the Sanitation Dept to operate in the red? Then the City Council has to come up with the money?
Sounds like he's writing checks and the Council has to come up with the cash to cover them.
Where is the money to pay for all of this? Why can't the Administration stick to a budget?
Anonymous, at 7:18 PM, December 27, 2005
Why don't we drink the tea and throw Dan Coffey in the river?
The New Albanian, at 7:51 PM, December 27, 2005
For those of you who think you can make a statement of fact that is untrue and defamatory and protect yourself with "just my opinion" do your research. Statements made in the context of an internet bulletin board or chat room are highly likely to be opinions, but the courts will look at the remark in context to see if it's likely to be seen as a true, even if controversial, opinion ("I don't think the mayor does a good job.") rather than an assertion of fact dressed up as an opinion ("So and so has stolen money etc..."). Also, the court can authorize a subpoena to reveal the names of "anonymous." Do your research.
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, December 27, 2005
and your point is.....
Anonymous, at 9:31 PM, December 27, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, December 27, 2005
From my information the Union is getting ready to sue the City?
Anonymous, at 11:28 PM, December 27, 2005
The EDIT monies laws have been loosened up and unrestricted and can now be used for whatever. Don't believe us, call your COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, December 27, 2005
The issues with the sanitation workers, and some of their beards, mustaches, and other appearances (though ours always had a uniform on, and if they had long hair they kept it up under their hat), but it reminds me of that old familiar song.
Thanks to my friend, I can state the Five Man Electrical Band sang this song in 1970, and the first verse goes like this:
And the sign said longhaired freaky people need not apply
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and went in to ask him why
He said you look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do
So I took off my hat I said imagine that, huh, me working for you
Guess we haven't moved forward any in our thinking habits if the song SIGNS is running through my head over the comments about sanitation.
Sue us, whoever is threatening it. We welcome the opportunity to be heard in a Court of LAW.
Anonymous, at 12:07 AM, December 28, 2005
Has anyone seen anybody state that anyone has "stolen any money"? I've seen statements about money being "misappropriated" and have City Officials on records stating so, so how is that "stealing", compared with the words on here.
It's that reading comprehension problem again, or else we are really hitting that nail on the head. All I can say is SPEAK OUT LOUDER, NA. We must be getting someplace.
OUR OPINIONS - Now, chew on that one for awhile.
Anonymous, at 12:18 AM, December 28, 2005
If they want to bring the Courts in on this, then bring 'em on! I'd like to see these things get verified by the Courts and get the problem out of there. We must set things set right again.
Maybe then we can start over.
They can't even follow the written rules on the specified order of business at Council Meetings.
They are violating Dual "lucrative" Office holding, according to the Attorney Generals report I have in hand.
Our Sewer Board make-up is questionable, probably not legal, and the Stormwater board is nothing but a waste of our money so the Mayor can get another salary.
By the way, the 8 salaries, some drainage, that were being paid out of Sewers, that were to be saved by enacting the Mayors plan on Stormwater, are now history!
They are all unemployed as of Jan 1.
This guy just doesn't quit when it comes to taking peoples jobs.
East Ender, at 12:29 AM, December 28, 2005
I think you were given bad information regarding the use of EDIT dollars. If your sewage infrastructure cannot support new economic development (read sewer article), then what would they presume to be developing with our EDIT money?
New development is at a standstill in New Albany because they have not satisfied the requirements of the EPA agreement.
We must submit to a years worth of oversight with no unprovoked sewage overflows (unusual amounts of rain would be provoked) before we can resume new development hookups.
East Ender, at 12:59 AM, December 28, 2005
Boy, can't put anything past you. My comment had nothing to do with budgets or anything other than the misconception that had been stated previously by east ender.
Right or wrong that is how it works.
Now a question for you. It appears that none of the last 3 mayors(E,O,G) could effectively run the sanitation department as a city run service. What is wrong with trying something different? Many times the most effecient way to do something is to outsource to companies that specialize. It appears to me that it would have cost much more to keep. Is not that the basic idea of attempting to stick to a budget?
Iamhoosier, at 8:15 AM, December 28, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM, December 28, 2005
Att: Laura
Thank you, Laura, for providing this
forum of questions and information.
Att: 9:18 AM
Will the Mayor be giving himself the
"up to 2 1/2 percent salary increase"
along with his staff salary increases
for 2006 ?
Anonymous, at 9:35 AM, December 28, 2005
anon at 9:18, can you tell me where you found the info about the drainage guys losing their jobs. I am trying to make a "scrapbook" of all the wrong doings to present later on.
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM, December 28, 2005
Let's see if we can wrap our "minds" around these issues, drainage and sanitation.
To IAMHOOSIER, you scare me talking like that about the past three E,O,G, and let's "TRY" something else. Those are the exact words used when they bought those big red monsters. We are going to "TRY" something new. How about figuring out if it will work before we "TRY", or do we blindly follow them off of a cliff. Nah, been there, done that.
After talking with NUMEROUS members of the City Council, the issue with the sanitation department is still WIDE OPEN. Yes, the Mayor can enter into a contract; what he COULD NOT DO was to guarantee that company a $1.00 raise per year, only Council can. And, as a Council member told me this morning, who is going to pick up my trash next week? The vote on the $1.00 raise isn't until the 9th with Council, so as I was asked by a Council member, WHO IS GOING TO PICK UP OUR GARBAGE NEXT WEEK? This is called the "cart before the horse" again.
As far as the drainage people, their salaries were budgeted to come from the new stormwater fees. Unfortunately, the fees can't be collected right now. So, how are they going to be paid?
As a taxpayer activist, that's how I put my hands around it. Please tell me how you would handle these issues as a citizen? It's been a bad day as far as the answers I have gotten from government today.
The Tribune is out today with "The Maverick" James Garner wrote up. Amani Ali must have gotten that one from "O", cos she always called him Hollywood Garner, for the TV show "The Maverick".
If this wasn't so messed up with everything, I could almost laugh. I only feel ill for a lot of people today, so ill I couldn't wish some people a Happy New Year. Guess I must worry too much about this fair City of ours.
The trick is not to take it personally, but gosh darn it, it's hard when you think you pulled those "drainage" people out of sewers to "save" their jobs, and then find out they aren't going to be able to pay them now.
The only way I see is if they transfer or reappropriate monies. Do you see that happening? Do we have any monies to move around to cover these issues? If so, please, please, let someone know.
Thanks. Our opinions, and last time we checked, we are allowed those opinions.
Our family sits with Laura. Who ever threatened court action, we agree, bring it on. There is nothing we as taxpayers would like better than to get some of these issues into a Court of Law.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, December 28, 2005
Just how do you ALWAYS "figure" it out correctly beforehand?
Just curious.
Iamhoosier, at 12:37 PM, December 28, 2005
With analytical skills, correct numbers, and taking the advice of the sub-committee on Sanitation.
Mayor Garner (then Councilman Garner) stated at that specific Council meeting, HE DID NOT BELIEVE THE NUMBERS about those big red trucks and sanitation, in general. He was right at that time, because, as we have all discovered, we don't have any numbers to look at. Simply a five month financial statement.
How do you do the analysis and the calculations without the correct info? No offense was intended, and I hope you didn't take it that way. Me thinks it may be called "frustration" on my part. Please forgive. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, December 28, 2005
Really, Tim? And whom are you getting your information from? If I were you, I wouldn't be so eager to put my name on something you may not know the answers to, if you know what I mean.
So, the SWAC has all of the answers? Interesting. We'll be sure and bring that up to ALL the COUNCIL MEMBERS we have talked to about this issue. Oh, that's right, I forgot. YOU were the one that got the residential fee lowered to $2.00 from $3.00, not Kochert...I forgot you had posted that misnomer (though Mr. Kochert hasn't).
Our opinions, one more time. Thanks, and yes, we are getting testy.
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM, December 28, 2005
Now I know why we are in Iraq. We did the numbers and applied analytical skills to them but we did not listen to the sub comittee on Sanitation. Darn.
Sorry about that, but there is no way to absolutely analyze every possible choice and still have time to implement anything. It is easy with hindsight to say "they" did not study enough.
Iamhoosier, at 1:13 PM, December 28, 2005
Using some common sense might go a long way with some of the decisions that have been made, or tried to be made, and turned into huge fiascos.
The $400K question is still, who's going to finish paying for those Big Red monster trucks and those freakin' cans that cost this City way too much money.
We've seen what happens when a bad idea gets pushed through the Council, and we still haven't learned our lesson?
If Garner's "goons" on the Council would only have the resolve to step up and say "NO" to another bad idea, we might be able to get this mess resolved.
The Sanitation Union had a workable plan, and should have been given at least a 1 year opportunity to see if it would solve the problems. Instead of "trying" to see if privatization would work.
How is a 5 year contract "trying" something out? Sounds to me like a pretty solid committment.
P.S. to anonymous at 9:35AM.
Don't see as anyone has answered your question, but NO. Finally, the Council resolution for raises for the Mayor and Staff died for a lack of a second motion.
(Thank God for small miracles)
East Ender, at 4:26 PM, December 28, 2005
Why is a city job, any city job, so sacred? I have never seen an answer to this question.
As for as common sense, we all see that differently. I did not see where the union plan would have solved hardly any of the problems and would have cost more. That does not seem like common sense to me. We just disagree.
We do agree on the trucks and cans but they are here and need to be paid. I think that it is what the mayor's proposed increase is for.
If I remember correctly the contract price is actually a little under what we now pay. Using that difference and an increase is supposed to pay off the remaining obligations.
Iamhoosier, at 5:00 PM, December 28, 2005
The remaining obligations should be paid off as they were authorized by Council when they were purchased!
Trucks are paid from Riverboat funds and Cans are paid from EDIT.
We want those EDIT dollars back from the Scribner bomb-out, and into the City budget to pay for things that us, as citizens, should NOT be paying for.
If these measures are no longer available, then the Mayor should be forced to find the money from his budget by cutting perks, multiple salaries (dual office holding), and making better "small" contracts for City services.
We deserve to be provided with a report of how many City paid vehicles are out there, what the Gas costs are, where the logs are being kept(?), and how many cell phone bills we're paying for.
East Ender, at 5:41 PM, December 28, 2005
ATTENTION ALL4WORD: The following is the explanation you are looking for regarding RUMPKEGATE.
In the minutes of the Board of Public Works and Safety, May 17,2005, you can read the following statement:
Mr. Toran reported that we have bids to open for disposal of solid waste. He stated that they would only be announcing the rate for transfer of solid waste.
Mr. LaDuke announced the following bids:
Wastemanagement $45.00 per ton
Rumpke of Indiana $25.21 per ton
Clark-Floyd Landfill LLC $28.75 per ton
Republic Service of KY LLC
(dba Industral Disposal $39.99 per ton.
This is probably the answer to Rumpkegate. As can be seen, Rumpke of Indiana was the lowest bid and it was probably assumed they would get the bid to pick up the city garbage.
Mystery solved!!!
Anonymous, at 6:51 PM, December 28, 2005
give me a break, you want us to believe that bids on May 17 led to laura and a city councilman saying that Rumpke had the sanitation contract in December?
What drugs are you on? Bids that were to be submitted in December were already decided in may?
I didnt think it was possible but this blog has now reached the lowest poit of credibility, did you also work for nixon and tell him to say what tapes?
Anonymous, at 8:05 PM, December 28, 2005
Councilman Seabrook told me come Monday we have no sanitation pick up! That Garner has not signed the deal..Isn't this SOME more of Garners "TACKY DEAL MAKING."
More of Garners C.R.A.P.
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM, December 28, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM, December 28, 2005
anonymous 8:05PM -
First of all, why not come out of hiding and tell us who you are so we can have an open discussion since you claim to know it all?
I'd bet you're one who fusses about the anonymity thing, huh?
Yeah, I think probably you are.
Second, when did you become the authority on credibility?
These blogs, no matter which you agree with, or disagree, have brought more information to more people, than our newspapers or City administration ever thought we could, or would.
That's a good thing.
Hashing out the issues among the people who are forced to pay for the Mayor's mistakes deserves some credit. We are entitled to our opinions about the sad state of affairs in New Albany.
Garner has made too many mistakes, too many bad decisions, too many political favors, and too many selfish acts to excuse.
How many lawsuits have been filed against the City since he took office? How many more do you think might be coming? Who's gonna pay?
How many "fees" can be put on the backs of the citizens?
The only thing that has lost credibility, is the Mayor's office.
Let's just wait and see who, if anyone, picks up the garbage next week.
That will be a good telling of what kind of a job he's been doing.
A leader? I think NOT!
East Ender, at 9:57 PM, December 28, 2005
First of all, why not come out of hiding and tell us who you are so we can have an open discussion since you claim to know it all?
Someone using the screen name "East Ender" just stole my line.
Probably looked at the wrong teleprompter ... but hey, I agree; to all you anonymous posters, c'mon out so we can have an "open discussion."
Just remember, Laura said it -- not me.
The New Albanian, at 10:09 PM, December 28, 2005
To IAMHOOSIER: You will probably read in Thursday or Friday's CJ what that $1.00 increase is for. Hang on, okay?
All the other issues mentioned today, wait until Jan. 1 hits, and then let's ALL talk. The proof will be in the pudding, so to say.
Anonymous, at 12:32 AM, December 29, 2005
my point was the hypocrisy of the anonymous commentor. Probably one who chastises the anonymous use, but makes use of it him/her self.
Thanks for letting us know you're still a loyal reader, and we appreciate your tenacity.
East Ender, at 1:30 AM, December 29, 2005
It is impossible to distinquish from a taxpayers point of view, whether that Mayor Garner is simply sitting on his hands or frantically trying to cover his ass.
Happy New Year
eastender and concern taxpayer
Anonymous, at 5:47 AM, December 29, 2005
new albanian
You say this blog has no credibility?
8:07 anonymous 12/28/2005
read the CJ-12/29/2005
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM, December 29, 2005
east ender,
I agree with the need for reporting on cars, cell phones, etc. If these are not available they should be.
It appears that much of the problems in sanitation stems from years of neglect and abuse. Government leaders afraid to raise rates, patronage and such. Being somewhat of newcomer to all this, I am a little confused about the lack of outrage about how the trucks were to be paid for. It seems to me that I read much on this blog about money being taken from other accounts to pay for sevices in unrelated areas. Sanitation is a rate based service and should generate enough revenue to cover the cost of providing that service. Same with sewers. Fixing and sweeping streets would be a different case. EDIT and riverboat funds should not be used for rate based services except in the case of extreme emergency.
Perhaps there was outrage at the time but this particular use of funds must stop. Now is as good as time as any. We may pay more for trash pickup but it seems that we at least have somewhat of a handle on the costs of sanitation for the next few years. Maybe it was not the best choice but it sure appears to beat what choices have been in the past.
Iamhoosier, at 8:03 AM, December 29, 2005
new albanian
You say this blog has no credibility?
8:07 anonymous 12/28/2005
read the CJ-12/29/2005
Do you mean 8:05? No, I didn't say it at 8:05, because I don't post anonymously.
Does that clear it up?
The New Albanian, at 10:52 AM, December 29, 2005
ceece, go back to work and does you bos no you are blogging on company time? Just wonderin
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM, December 29, 2005
To All Concerned Citizens and Taxpayers:
The Drainage Department has received their lay off notices, effective January 1.
Stormwater fees are not being billed until after the 1st of January. There was/is no monies to pay these people.
No, we will not reveal our sources, and you can scream to the high heavens about that issue.
Hang in there New Albany. The Council still does not have their budget in front of them for the '06 year. The STATE has not approved OURS yet. The Council controls our monies. This particular issue is their claim to fame. Would you not think the Council and citizens need this information?
Ceece, you have Republicans and Democrats BOTH saying there is an issue with garbage pickup starting next Tuesday. We feel the CJ did a good job in explaining why.
Today's Tribune states Sheriff Hubbard may run for Mayor. What an outstanding person the Republicans have picked, if that scenario happens to be true.
Thanks for listening. Our opinions only though.
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM, December 29, 2005
Well, what I would like to see in print is, exactly what "details" haven't been worked out yet, and WHY was the contract not signed?
This is exactly the kind of "manuvering" the Mayor has been doing with our City since he took office. It is another MESS that will need to be cleaned up, and he will be forcing agreements that are not within the Mayor's prerogative to make!
What about those trucks?
No, they shouldn't be paid by the rate payers because that's not the way Council agreed for them to be purchased. Or the cans either.
Why is Eco-Tech leasing 5 new trucks instead of using ours?
What does the sentence in the paper mean when it says; "...service will improve with little additional cost to residents."? Are the auto-increases Garner agreed to, his decision to make?
We now pay $13.75 per month for garbage pick-up, and Eco-Tech is going to charge the City $12.90. That sounds like a surplus in fees right there. Garner cannot put the cost of this decision on the backs of the citizens.
Council Members, listen up, save your own reputation even if Garner wants to trash his own.
JUST SAY NO!!! (to rate increase)
Now the City owes the sanitation workers 2 more weeks of severance pay, because he didn't provide proper notice!
Remember what I said earlier about more lawsuits?
Yeah, he's a Maverick alright.
Definition: "One who resists adherence to a group".
Garner refuses to adhere to the methods of Governing which is not an autonomous position.
East Ender, at 2:38 PM, December 29, 2005
It's entertaining as hell watching East Ender flip flop like a rag doll in her desperate struggle to negatively spin everything the mayor says or does.
Even Kochert could learn a thing or two.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:49 PM, December 29, 2005
We feel Mayor Garner should stop listening to the voices in his head. He is not doing a good job. Our family feels this way. Are we allowed to speak it?
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM, December 29, 2005
tim deatrick
Where do you want your "Emergency White Chile Neurtalizer" delivered?
Boy you would argue with the devil! How many personalities do you have?
1. Skeeter peter mind
2. Know it all mind
3. Stalker mind
4. B/S mind
Were waiting for your head to start spinin......
Stop tellin people Valla Ann is going after Steve Price council position!!!!!..You heard it right little timmy she is gonna be Mayor..
Give it a rest future sorry mind!
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM, December 29, 2005
so funny..
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM, December 29, 2005
Laura's blog is "used to criticize everything the Mayor says and does", and your point is? The Mayor has not done anything for 2 yrs, so Laura's blog is criticizing "nothing"? Now, that is funnie.
Anonymous, at 3:48 PM, December 29, 2005
once is happenstance,
twice is coincidence,
three times.. it's time
for garner to resign.
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM, December 29, 2005
east ender,
I do see your point about the trucks and cans. Were you against paying for them that way when it came up originally? Would you not agree that as general principle, rate paid services should fund themselves? Am I wrong about the impression that I have gotten from this blog about the ills of robbing peter to pay paul?
One last question, what is the COST in "cost of this decision" on the backs of the taxpayers? I honestly don't know what you talking about.
Iamhoosier, at 4:27 PM, December 29, 2005
tim deatrick
You can dish it out but you sure don't want to eat it.
slide back under your rock.
and just admit your jealous....
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, December 29, 2005
You have no right to ask Laura for nothing after the way You Bad Mouth Her. Do us all a favor and go play with the progressives.
And get the hell off of SPOLNA.
Send him home Laura....
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM, December 29, 2005
tim deatrick
you have no taste
and you said that right!
Don't be humble...
you reak of jealous of Ms. white chili.
nemo ne impune lacessit
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM, December 29, 2005
Timmy, What part of GET OFF THIS BLOG don't you understand? Go do what you do best, NOTHING!
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM, December 29, 2005
FYI We now have randy dandy smith weighing in for... yell you guessed it "The Mayor."
Was that some type of way in stroking the mayor. (Chief of Staff) Or his ego?
I personally think his BA is just flat out nothing but BS.
Mayors comments: I think I can win.
Wanna bet?
Happy New Years
NA Folks
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM, December 29, 2005
Meanwhile, while the anonymous rock throwers here at Venom Central (you too, $$$$$$$) take delight in pelting Tim, there turns out to be (a) nothing to the rumors about drainage layoffs, (b) nothing to rumors about the sanitation contract issue, and (c) nothing to the notion that anything constructive might come from spreading such gossip.
In short, another day at the office, eh guys?
Now, go ahead and aim at me for a while -- I don't wear a mask.
The New Albanian, at 8:23 PM, December 29, 2005
new albanian
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM, December 29, 2005
new albanian
a. blah...blah...blah.......
b. blah.blah..blah...blah....
c. b-l-a-h..b-l-a-h...b-l-a-h.....
Anonymous, at 9:50 PM, December 29, 2005
The New Albanian: (b) read your news paper.
Anonymous, at 9:55 PM, December 29, 2005
It's called ground clutter. A need to stick to the issues, and gosh do we have issues. And we are all in it together. And
Anonymous, at 11:42 PM, December 29, 2005
Did anyone catch Fox 10:00 news about sanitation? The Mayor is assuring us he is going ahead, without the contract, and with the use of our equipment, and our family assumes EcoTech's people Tuesday. How do you legally do that? Inquiring minds want to know. The rules governing those BIG RED MONSTERS are just so strenuous, is that covered under that there surplus property law. Darn it we use to know that Indiana Law Have to look it up again.
Good Luck. Heck of a way to run a City. don't even know whatta say.
Nite New Albany.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM, December 29, 2005
"I don't wear a mask" Ever thought you might need to? Now, that's funny.
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM, December 30, 2005
Read? You have got to be kiddin.
He knows it all.
What about Randy dandy and his nifty thrifty press pass.
Mayors mouth piece.
God save New Albany!
Happy New Years
This Bud's for You
Anonymous, at 6:18 AM, December 30, 2005
Anonymous, at 7:01 AM, December 30, 2005
One to go.
The New Albanian, at 9:30 AM, December 30, 2005
100 comments - the gold standard for SOLNA.
Happy to have helped out.
The New Albanian, at 9:31 AM, December 30, 2005
We are just glad you can still count. Thanks for letting us know!
Anonymous, at 1:09 PM, December 30, 2005
Who handles insurance on those big red trucks? Are they issuing a certificate of memorandum for the insurance in case something, God forbid, happens to a truck, another car, or an individual?
Don't worry. We don't expect any answers. Keep on saying how great thou art, maybe someone will believe it. We don't. But, that's the rumours we hear...
That is a heck of a way to run the City. What liabilities are we open to now? How many lawsuits does our fair city have going for it now. Let me count the ways. Sorry for not following some of you off the edge of that cliff. We have decided to let you go ahead and walk off, and maybe you will take this Administration with you. Our family's feelings, if they are allowed. We know that is debateable at this point in time.
My husband said the Mayor and the Assistant Mayor would be picking up the garbage Tuesday, but I assured him I bet at the Mayor's house, his wife takes the garbage out. I guess most men wouldn't have liked that statement.
Go ahead and take your pot shots. I eagerly await an answer.........
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM, December 30, 2005
Laura needs to run for Mayor!
Anonymous, at 2:58 PM, December 30, 2005
she didnt even make it as a city council candidate so now she should run for mayor, now that would be a hoot
Anonymous, at 3:02 PM, December 30, 2005
I pulled out of the Council race on purpose, didn't want it, because I decided I didn't want to be on that end of the UGLY politics that were at work in this City.
I wanted to be on this end of the "games" because I thought I could do more good from here.
I do not envy the people who have had to sit on that Council these past 2 years, and deal with a "Maverick" Mayor who repeatedly makes bad decisions, and refuses to communicate properly.
The Council members have had a hard time of it.
I'm glad I'm not one of them.
East Ender, at 4:29 PM, December 30, 2005
Take the high road Laura!
They're all jealous..
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM, December 30, 2005
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