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Why We're Here (again)
I hate feeling as though we've lost ground on the purposes we had in mind in creating this blog. But, apparently, there are still some folks out there who just cannot find it within themselves to believe in, or respect, those purposes.
So, I suppose we'll spend some time reiterating our purpose, and restating our goals. We will also throw in a few topics that are of particular concern, and ask some questions for folks to consider as they go about their lives, and work, here in New Albany.
Foremost in our minds, as we tackle issue after issue, and defend ourselves from unrelenting sophmoric attacks, is the fact that EVERYONE in New Albany deserves to know what is going on in the business of the City, the spending of their tax dollars, and the representation they recieve by their Council member elect.
It is our intent to provide information on issues relevant to the citizens of this town, and to provide as much insight, detail, and background circumstances on these issues as we can. This will continue despite any intimidation tactics that may, or may not, be applied by certain political factions.
Everyone also has a right to Speak Out Loud, about the things that concern them, the issues that confuse them, the problems that worry them, and the information that burdens them. We will continue to provide the forum for these discussions, despite the ire it generates from 'intellectuals' who find it more entertaining to ridicule grammer and spelling skills than to engage in useful discourse. Too bad.
People have these rights by virture of the fact that they are a citizen of New Albany. These citizens are also allowed to have differing opinions and alternate viewpoints, than other citizens might have. We will not belittle, bash, insult or otherwise be disrespectful to these citizens viewpoints. Slinging mud serves no purpose, and I mean this in respect to EVERY commentor.
Everyone also has the right to NOT put themselves, their jobs, or their families, in any kind of harms way, due to their viewpoint or opinions on issues discussed.
We will continue to allow anonymity, with all its inherent difficulties, because we are dedicated to giving EVERYONE a voice. We have made this policy clear from the get-go, and we will maintain this policy despite the hostility and frustration it generates from other bloggers. Names don't matter, opinions do.
Our goal is to empower the people with knowledge about what is happening to their Town. They have the right to know. We hope to encourage more citizens to get involved, to pay attention, to be concerned. As it has become so very obvious that what we are told, and what actually happens, often turn out to be two distinctly different episodes. We must hold people accountable to the jobs they are supposed to be doing.
From Redevelopment to Code Enforcement, to the Building Commissioner, to the Planning Commission. The Board of Works, the Sewer Board, the Drainage Committee, the new Stormwater plan(?), Downtown revitalization efforts, zoning and enforcement.
Issues that concern us, and by all reasoning, concern everyone in New Albany.
The bleak financial situation of the City, and the fiscal decisions that are made, often in spite of these financial difficulties.
The infrastructure in the City is literally crumbling. Buildings, gone too many years without care, are beginning to topple and destroy one major assest of our community, our architecture.
The sidewalks, in some parts of town virtually non-existant, in others, brand new. Who chooses?
The sewers. They still don't work. After $41 million in "repairs"? No. After $41 million in "expansion". The inner city sewer lines are a disaster. We can only hope the Federal agencies will step in and help us. This has become a health issue.
The multi-million dollar Scribner place. Proposed to be paid for with borrowed bond money, backed by property taxes, of a citizenry who doesn't even want the damn thing, and the City Attorney will pocket a cool $300 thousand. It belongs on a ballot, just like the Boat, and boy, did we ever miss the boat on that one.
Losing City services like Sanitation. Privatization is a sure road to escalating costs, and loss of control.
Rate hikes and new fees that most folks won't even know about until it hits their bills. Once again hitting New Albanian's where they can least take it, in the wallet.
I could go on and on, but I'm afraid I'll get carried away and say something I shouldn't. So, let's leave this where it is, and let's all get back to the one biggest mission of all... A Better New Albany.
There's enough to talk about without dragging Politics into it. 'Nuf said?
Now, in the interest of others who may wish to approach things in a different way, there is a new blog in town. The link is up on this front page to Freedom of Speech.
Check it out, but I don't think they are allowing comments.
I welcome new bloggers, and wish them success. We may even discuss some of the issues here that are posted on Freedom of Speech.
However, I must submit a disclaimer that the content of the postings on other blogs are the sole sentiments of the administrators that created it, and are not necessarily representative of the Speak Out Loud NA blog, as we will continue to assert our distaste for political campaigning or politically motivated content.
Best wishes to you all, and we welcome you to the wonderful world of blogging!
How can the city attorney make 300 Million dollars on a 20 Million dollar project?
Is that this new FUZZY MATH?
Anonymous, at 7:56 AM, December 08, 2005
The sponsor of this blog page shows real talent in the blog page world.
Anonymous, at 8:03 AM, December 08, 2005
You are mentioning Freedom of Speech,
how do I find that page?
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, December 08, 2005
Great article Laura
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM, December 08, 2005
300 Million? Nice payday!
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM, December 08, 2005
Freedom of Speech
Great style
Real substance
A fresh voice
Thank You
Anonymous, at 11:14 AM, December 08, 2005
Love the flag!
Welcome back onevoice.
Thanks laura for the link.
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM, December 08, 2005
The bond sale for the Scribner Place project is expected to net the attorneys "up to" $300 thousand.
Sorry for the TYPO in the main article. I will correct it.
East Ender, at 12:16 PM, December 08, 2005
Check out Freedom of Speech, (link from this blog).
Beautiful artwork.
Great content.
Anonymous, at 1:46 PM, December 08, 2005
You keep doing what you're doing, and don't give a second thought to anyone who may not agree. Your points are well thought out and very valid.
Like I said...EVERYONE's opinion counts! That's why we're doing this.
East Ender, at 2:57 PM, December 08, 2005
Note To Readers:
I am compelled to make note of this day as the anniversary of a most unfortunate and sad event.
Twenty five years ago today, a musical genius, a man of peace, John Lennon, was struck down in violence by a deranged maniac.
Take a moment to remember his words, and his message, as we are graced with his voice once again in music of the season.
I still well up with tears every time I think of him, and hear his music. He is still very sorely missed. We lost a lot when we lost him. A man of peace.
Goodbye again John Lennon.
East Ender, at 3:19 PM, December 08, 2005
Three cheers for the red, white and blue, and "God Bless America".
How can we submit articles to Freedom of Speech?
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM, December 08, 2005
Laura, I share your sadness in recalling the day John Lennon died. As was the case for a previous generation with JFK's assassination, many of us remember where we were and what we were doing when the news came in.
I recall that in the days following Lennon's death, many letters were written to local newspapers, most overwhelmingly positive in discussing his life and artistic legacy, but a few that were plain hateful.
I hazily recall writing responses to two of these, one each in the Tribune and Courier, and rebutting them.
Anyway, it's good of you to remind us.
The New Albanian, at 3:41 PM, December 08, 2005
Oddly, perhaps owing to being a bit younger, I remember the national moment of silence for John as it was observed on local radio more than the actual news of the shooting.
That moment led to my older sister, who was my connection to a lot of music and other cultural matters in those days, and I sitting down and having a long talk about what it all meant. It was something that I clumsily tried to replicate with others at my school for several days. It wasn't until later that I realized how appropriate that response was and appreciated John even more.
Regardless of differences, it's surely not a coincidence that two people who share a passion for communication and the human condition have John in common.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 4:11 PM, December 08, 2005
anonymous 3:22
Go to freedom of speech
click on profile
click on email
Hell of an article onevoice
Anonymous, at 4:16 PM, December 08, 2005
First of all, to everyone who shares the feelings of loss and sadness remembering John Lennon, I appreciate the sentiments.
I have been surprised at myself as I have succumbed to tears several times today, feeling the same heavy heart I did then. I was 19 years old at the time, and felt as though the world changed that day.
Indeed it did.
Secondly, let me say this as gently as I can;
The new blog: Freedom of Speech, is a welcomed addition to the scene, as I posted this morning.
We truly wish you the best, and we're glad you're proud of your work. However, I think we've seen enough 'prompting' to get the message out.
Thanks Everyone!
East Ender, at 4:55 PM, December 08, 2005
"Imagine" says it all.
Anonymous, at 9:39 PM, December 08, 2005
Laura, I want to give you and your readers some interesting news about the sewer mess going on in the inner city.
There is talk among the legal community that the "Big Boys" are coming to town.
And no, they aren't talking about Santa. These big boys are the authorities of compliance.
There have been inaccurate reports of the condition of the system, and certain malfunctions that have occurred, while the city has been under EPA scrutiny.
Hopefully, this means the inner city will finally get the repairs that are needed and were promised to be done.
We should be reading about it in the near future. After that all the real information will come out.
Anonymous, at 3:04 PM, December 09, 2005
Gee, thanks for the info citizenspeak. I can only hope that your information is correct.
We desperately need SOMEONE to come down here and straighten out this mess. Oh, what a mess it is.
Especially since they are now insinuating that there will be another rate hike, that folks can't afford.
It would be a great Christmas gift if we could see someone being held accountable for bad decisions.
East Ender, at 3:20 PM, December 09, 2005
east ender,
It totally boggles my mind the City Council doesn't call for an audit?
How long can they continue to rob from peter to pay paul. Talk about checks and balances.
Has anyone drove over the Sherman Minton Bridge lately? And has anyone looked at the Scribner site?
How far down will they have to dig to get pass all the toxic dirt?
And how many more thousands of dollars will be spent?
Does anyone know what they do with the toxic dirt?
And Councilman Donnie Blevins ought to be ashamed of himself!
Hope he's enjoying his new job at the street dept.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM, December 09, 2005
You mean Donnie's OLD job at the street department, don't you?
Blevins was transferred OUT of streets by the Overton administration, and was asked to stay on with sanitation to try to find a solution to the problem. Now he gets his job back.
Anonymous, at 9:06 PM, December 09, 2005
Again, they refuse to ignore the other sources listed on Laura's blog, and insist upon going after Smith and Baylor's "Gang of Four", while ignoring the others, the rumours from Bi-Co to the Sanitation workers and the rumours from Tony Toran. I like how they "selectively" choose to say on what they read on the blog.
Maybe it is that reading comprehension problem again.
We heard from our lawyers that New Albany is the talk of the "Legal Community" and there are some serious rumblings going on with the sewers. 15 years and what do ya get; a City full of BULL****!
Hang Tough, Laura. Our opinions.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, December 09, 2005
What we are working on is finding out how much effort the Garner administration has, or has not, put into getting the best deals possible on city deals for services. Especially 'perks'.
Example: Did they get the best deal possible on all the city paid cell phones? How about showing us the bids? How many cell phones are we paying for?
Do they get itemized billing so any personal calls are not reimbursed by the city?
Same as the Police take home cars. Are they keeping mileage logs, as required by Law? They are supposed to report personal use of city property as income. Are they?
Show us.
Show us something that will make us believe this administration has done its part in trying to save the city money.
Show us something that will make us believe this administration hasn't been on a spending spree without regard to our precarious financial situation.
I resent paying "a few more dollars" in fees if this administration has not been fiscally responsible.
East Ender, at 11:26 PM, December 09, 2005
P.S. Got to make a correction, "they ignore the other sources listed on the blog". Sorry about that readers.
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM, December 09, 2005
Must have hit a real raw nerve with the sanitation Rumpke thing. They won't let it go.
Too close for comfort? Me thinks.
Why all the rancor?
Anonymous, at 11:48 PM, December 09, 2005
I think you're right. It all seems a bit too "overdone" if you ask me. Makes things somewhat obvious.
I suggest that if they are truly concerned about the integrity of people in the political arena of New Albany, they need to take their fishing expidition a little further up stream.
East Ender, at 2:09 AM, December 10, 2005
east ender,
Considering we have pages and pages of reports and paper work that backs up what we say!
"It's called facts boys"
What do they have?
They have nothing but attacks.
They talk about ethics.
Bring it on!
These guys are nothing but smoke and mirrors For the Mayor.
You got our support Laura!
People are listening..
Anonymous, at 9:24 AM, December 10, 2005
Anyone heard from Old Mrs. Smith?
Anonymous, at 12:37 PM, December 10, 2005
I think you're right. It all seems a bit too "overdone" if you ask me. Makes things somewhat obvious.
Obvious? Not to me. Exactly what are you referring to?
The New Albanian, at 6:33 PM, December 10, 2005
me thinks anon at 11:48 is good ole Yvonne.
who the heck else uses "me thinks" so damn much?
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM, December 10, 2005
Wrong on that one 'ol buddy.
That was me, and I sure ain't Yvonne Kersey.
Like to keep ya guessing tho.
You got 2 more trys,then your out.
Why are you so damn interested in trying to name names?
How about we talk about Randy Smith. Now there's a name for ya.
Mayor's new advisor(ha).
That must be why he's making so many stupid mistakes.
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, December 10, 2005
And, as I've noted previously, it's breathtakingly easy for soneone anonymous to criticize someone who has the simple integrity to stand by his or her name.
And, You'll see I didn't use the word coward at all.
Didn't have to.
It's implied.
Maybe some day you'll understand that very simple fact.
The New Albanian, at 10:12 PM, December 10, 2005
Oh, yes, it's also breathtakingly easy for the Mayor's Goon squad to make a life miserable.
You guys are always wanting names.
Whadda ya wanna do when ya get 'em?
You hardly ever discuss the topics that are here, you just attack.
There is a difference between disagreeing and attacking you know.
Well, maybe you don't know.
Notice I didn't use the word jack-ass.
Didn't have to.
It's implied.
Maybe someday you'll get it.
But I doubt it.
Anonymous, at 12:11 AM, December 11, 2005
Whomever is taking my name in vain, and whomever it defending my name, I appreciate. Having not responded on this blog for awhile, due to a family emergency, I find this simply amusing. Thanks to all who think I am anon, and thanks to the person who took credit and admitted it wasn't "me". Guess they need to try again..... And, why would it matter anyway? Are you ALL GOOFY? I thought just "little", never mind, no just in talking about someone who knows nothing, but proclaims to know it all. Right?
Thanks for letting me voice my opinion FOR MYSELF. Have a nice day, NA. Talk to ya later. MY OPINION.
Anonymous, at 4:30 AM, December 11, 2005
You speak constantly of honor and honesty and all the qualities that you expect out of elected officials.
Fair enough. We all agree.
My question all along has been this: Why don't these same qualities apply to your own behavior?
I seriously doubt that anyone reading this would appreciate getting an anonymous and obscene phone call.
All I'm asking is, why is it okay for you to make one, just because the person you're calling got elected to an office and you didn't?
The New Albanian, at 8:58 AM, December 11, 2005
new albanian,
I would like to respond to your so called cheap shot attacks.
These are the facts that you and others refuse to look at. But why should we even think you would.
What has Steve Price ever done to you? Now I understand you live in his area. And Mr. Price is your Council Member.
Have you ever went to your Councilman Mr.Price? So why do you continue to attack him? IS it the fact you don't like what he says? Or how he votes?
Do you not realize you are a minority and not a majority when it comes to our city of New Albany.
Or is it the fact you just don't agree with him?
Well Sir! I would say to you-Mr. Baylor you ought to run against him in the next election for City Council. And see if your neighbors in your district agrees with you.
What I am saying to you Sir you ought to put up or shut up about Councilman Steve Price!
Mr. Price is not a rubber stamp for Mayor Garner!
Our Questions to you Mr. Baylor?
Mr. Baylor do you look at budgets? Reports? Or figures? Why are you against an audit?
Do you know how much is left in the sewer fund? Do you believe Ordinances only apply to some of us or all of us? Do you know how much the cell phone bills were last month?
Do you agree or disagree the City does need to make certain cuts? Do you see or not see a Conflict of Interest in any part of New Albany City Government?
Do you agree with the way Rule 13 was handled? And what I am meaning is if Mayor Garner knew it had to be done because it was mandated why did he sit on it for almost 2 Years?
Do you ever ask yourself if it was so simple for Chief Harl to appoint a code enforcement officer how come it took two years?
Do you know how many take home cars their is? Police, fire dpet. elected officials?
And do you feel it is fair for Councilman Blevins to be moved over to the Street Dept. when there is other employees more or as qualified during the process of bidding on Sanitation?
Do you know what was left in the general fund when Overton took over from Mayor England?
Do you feel Tony Toran is qualified to be City Operation Manager and why? Give us your reasons?
Do you agree Mayor Garner has not kept his campaign promises to the Citizens of New Abany?
Do you Sir know James Garner's voting record when he sat on the City Council for 4 Years? Do you even understand tif?
How many Council Meetings have you been to during 2000-2005.
And my big question I would like for you to answer Mr. Baylor is how much money does the City of New Albany have in the bank from day 1 James Garner took office as Mayor until today?
Let's hear your opinions Mr. Baylor on these questions.
You do make us all aware when ever you don't agree with someone you attack them.
I will admit Concern Taxpayer does not have all the answers. But I am willing to admit it.
Can you Mr. Baylor?
These are some of the Issues Speak Out Loud NA has brought to light thanks to Laura. Like Laura says we all should be part of the solution and not the problem! Were all in this together...
I will give you credit Mr. Baylor your roof does look nice on your business. And you must know alot about beer.
And personally I can tell you Mr. Baylor I'm a "Coors Beer" drinker myself.
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM, December 11, 2005
In turn, I have three simple questions for you.
If you answer them, then I'll try and answer the avalanche of questions that you have asked me.
1) Are you in fact Vicki Denhart?
2) Are you responsible for the embarrassing "Erik" faked identity "free speech" blog?
3) Do you believe that columns of numbers add up to ultimate truth, or do you believe that there are intangibles in life -- human qualities that equate to achievement, will, resolve, leadership and the like?
As for your posting, while I'm waiting for your answers, I'll break down your argument into two parts, as it would seem that you want to know why I differ with CM Price, and also seek my answers to the questions.
Looking forward to your answers.
The New Albanian, at 1:57 PM, December 11, 2005
1. NO
2. NO
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM, December 11, 2005
I'm working on the answers.
The New Albanian, at 3:03 PM, December 11, 2005
This should be interesting.
CT, you asked a lot of good questions, and you made a lot of good points.
You managed to bring up many of the ISSUES we have attempted to deal with here.
Thank You!
As for Roger, it's not surprising that in his response, the first question out of him is an attempt to discern your identity.
Allow me to add a question that deserves an honest response.
Why, Roger, are you soooooo intent on getting names?
What is the purpose if it's not to have the ability to personally or professionally attack?
I'm not buying the "obscene phone call" bit. That's just ridiculous.
East Ender, at 3:11 PM, December 11, 2005
1-2-3 Baylors out
What a quick knockout!
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM, December 11, 2005
new albanian
Is your blog called Rogers Rag
you just can't handle the competition brew o boy
Budweiser time...
Anonymous, at 3:54 PM, December 11, 2005
east ender
Should we also attack his so called information credibility. Maybe it was leaked from the Mayor's office..
His information is 2-3-4 obsolete.
Let's all run to the prosecutor's office for a full investigation.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, December 11, 2005
1. No
2. No
3. Yes I do believe in checks and balances.
like I said before
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, December 11, 2005
East Ender, let's just say that I do it to entertain you.
You don't buy the obscene phone call analogy? Well, why not? Do you want to pick up the phone and hear someone you don't know on the other line curse you? Don't you wonder how it is that he or she knows you ... but you don't know who it is? Doesn't that give you the creeps? Why is anonymity in this context ethical? How funny is it that an anoymous poster screams at a public official, "what are you hiding?"
You're right -- it isn't funny.
It's sad. Some day you'll get it.
And now, straight to CT..
CT: new albanian, I would like to respond to your so called cheap shot attacks. WITH SEVERAL QUESTIONS?
NAC: Since when are they “so called”? Are you saying they’re not sufficiently cheap? SENTENCE FRAGMENT ALERT?
CT: These are the facts that you and others refuse to look at. But why should we even think you would.
NAC: You have just as much reason to think I might “look at” the goods you’re trying to sell, as I have to think you’ll apologize some day for lying about me in a previous rant – you remember, the mayor’s office lie? Yes, I’m being stubborn. Until you admit you lied, I’ll refuse to take seriously the hormonal utterances that you consistently confuse for “facts.”
(CT now commences a question and answer session with NAC)
Q. What has Steve Price ever done to you?
A. He has utterly failed to represent the interests of his district.
Q. Now I understand you live in his area. And Mr. Price is your Council Member. Have you ever went to your Councilman Mr.Price?
A. Went where? “Ah done went to hear him at that there meetin’ at the sellin’ Jones school over yonder,” and he was unable to answer a single question coherently without deferring to eager “fact” providers Anna Schmidt and Yvonne Kersey, who apparently were there to provide support because they knew he wouldn’t be able to go it alone.
Q. So why do you continue to attack him? IS it the fact you don't like what he says? Or how he votes?
A. You’re starting to catch on, CT. If I supported his positions, liked what he says and agreed with his votes, it’s unlikely that I would attack him, isn’t it? Bear in mind that it’s about his performance as councilman, not whether he's nice to his dog.
Q. Do you not realize you are a minority and not a majority when it comes to our city of New Albany.
A. White, middle-class males hardly can be considered a minority in New Albany. If you mean to imply that a sense of self, literacy and confidence are minority attributes in New Albany -- gee, you may be right.
Q. Or is it the fact you just don't agree with him?
A. Chronological sequence isn’t a strong point with you, is it? Yes, it's true. I don't agree with him.
(CT now cuts to the chase)
CT: Well Sir! I would say to you-Mr. Baylor you ought to run against him in the next election for City Council. And see if your neighbors in your district agrees with you.
NAC: More than half the 3rd District Democrats voting in the 2003 primary did not vote for Steve Price. Personally, I think Valla Ann stands an excellent chance of beating Price in the 2007 general election, but if she won’t run, then we’ll think of something. Perhaps we can sue to leave the seat vacant. I have the motto already: “An empty chair is better than an empty suit.”
Like it?
CT: What I am saying to you Sir you ought to put up or shut up about Councilman Steve Price!
NAC: My dear CT, exactly the same thing might be said of CM Price. I’ve written thousands of words explaining my position. Has he gotten through a paragraph in response? He may be a Luddite, but he has e-mail. Let him respond to the concerns in the language of the questioner. Is that too much to ask of an elected official?
CT: Mr. Price is not a rubber stamp for Mayor Garner!
NAC: Well, no councilman should be a “rubber stamp,” either for or against. What they should be is principled, ethical and able to explain their views without resorting to Andy Griffithisms.
(Now, "Our Questions to you Mr. Baylor?")
CT: Mr. Baylor do you look at budgets? Reports? Or figures? Why are you against an audit? Do you know how much is left in the sewer fund? Do you believe Ordinances only apply to some of us or all of us? Do you know how much the cell phone bills were last month? Do you agree or disagree the City does need to make certain cuts? Do you see or not see a Conflict of Interest in any part of New Albany City Government? Do you agree with the way Rule 13 was handled? And what I am meaning is if Mayor Garner knew it had to be done because it was mandated why did he sit on it for almost 2 Years? Do you ever ask yourself if it was so simple for Chief Harl to appoint a code enforcement officer how come it took two years? Do you know how many take home cars their is? Police, fire dpet. elected officials? And do you feel it is fair for Councilman Blevins to be moved over to the Street Dept. when there is other employees more or as qualified during the process of bidding on Sanitation? Do you know what was left in the general fund when Overton took over from Mayor England? Do you feel Tony Toran is qualified to be City Operation Manager and why? Give us your reasons? Do you agree Mayor Garner has not kept his campaign promises to the Citizens of New Abany? Do you Sir know James Garner's voting record when he sat on the City Council for 4 Years? Do you even understand tif? How many Council Meetings have you been to during 2000-2005. And my big question I would like for you to answer Mr. Baylor is how much money does the City of New Albany have in the bank from day 1 James Garner took office as Mayor until today?
Let's hear your opinions Mr. Baylor on these questions.
NAC: Here goes, in the same spirit as your most recent response to my three questions.
Never said I was against it
Which specific ones?
Which specific cuts?
You certainly can’t rule it out
I don’t know (ask him yourself)
No more often than I ask myself why previous administrations weren’t interested in enforcing ordinances
“There are”? Vehicles?
I do not know the total number of police, fire and elected officials.
Ask John Mattingly – he’s the one who knows all about fairness in his influential sanitation fiefdom.
Honest, works hard, cares about people.
I understand tax increment financing at least as well as Concern Taxpayer understands grammar and usage.
More than number of Coors beer I’ve had during the same period (0), but less than the number of times Steve Price has said “nickels and dimes add up to dollars” during the month of May, 2005.
See preceding - same answer.
There. I believe that's all of them. That took one whole beer.
CT: You do make us all aware when ever you don't agree with someone you attack them. I will admit Concern Taxpayer does not have all the answers. But I am willing to admit it. Can you Mr. Baylor?
NAC: Can I what? Admit that I don’t have all the answers? CT, no single person has all the answers. Neither you nor I. Neither East Ender nor Randy Smith. Humans are imperfect. I learn something each and every day, and pity anyone who stopped learning on the day they left school. Knowledge takes a lifetime.
CT: These are some of the Issues Speak Out Loud NA has brought to light thanks to Laura. Like Laura says we all should be part of the solution and not the problem! Were all in this together...
NAC: She’s right about the "all in it together" part, but I tend to disagree when it comes to her diagnoses and prescriptions.
CT: I will give you credit Mr. Baylor your roof does look nice on your business. And you must know alot about beer. And personally I can tell you Mr. Baylor I'm a "Coors Beer" drinker myself.
NAC: I’d pass along a similar compliment, but I can't. That's because I don't know who you are. I hope that you'll someday understand how the anonymous thing undermines your credibility.
The New Albanian, at 4:49 PM, December 11, 2005
East Ender said: "What is the purpose if it's not to have the ability to personally or professionally attack?"
Like the anonymous person does to me and other known people?
This is the single best example of your blaatant inconsistency.
Bye bye.
The New Albanian, at 4:51 PM, December 11, 2005
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM, December 11, 2005
New Albanian:
How do you equate "anonymous comments" to "SICK PEOPLE THAT MAKE PERSONAL, OBSCENE PHONE CALLS TO ANYONE", much less to someone who won office, and whom most posters on this blog helped in his election?
We feel this is definitely defamation, unfathomable, and moving us away from the issues once again.
This reminds me of the "sabotage" story at the sewer plant.
This reminds me of the "intentional" breaking of Mr. Bliss's window in his building by citizens angry with the Mayor.
THIS reminds me of a schizo, paranoid person, who hasn't taken their meds lately. Maybe a bad hangover? Give me a break.
You have now proven that people who attend public meetings in the community or at the council are nothing but fodder for your "agenda" in life.
It is becoming obvious that you do harrass or try to shame anyone that speaks out and asks the tough questions (as we all should of our elected officials), but to compare anyone trying to protect themselves from people like you... gee, tough to figure out Eastender's logic on letting someone be anonymous.
And THAT IS MY OPINION, KIND SIR, (even though it's not allowed in your world).
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM, December 11, 2005
Mayor James Garner needs to realize
he is the problem not the other way around.
It is time for him to step down.
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM, December 11, 2005
Hey, I answered every single question. Match 'em up and see. I didn't leave out one. Geez, what do you want?
Sorry that this upsets you, but for the life of me, I can't understand why. Here's what I said:
I seriously doubt that anyone reading this would appreciate getting an anonymous and obscene phone call.
Simple enough, and yet, you quoted me like this:
That's not what I said.
Then, Yvonne wrote:
"We feel this is definitely defamation, unfathomable, and moving us away from the issues once again."
Uh, no, this has little to do with the numerology that passes for logic hereabouts. I'm speaking of people who use their anonymity to attack. Straight up, and that's all. You, Yvonne, always use your real name, don't you?
Then, I'm not talking about you.
Or am I? Feeling guilty about something, eh?
The New Albanian, at 9:53 PM, December 11, 2005
No New Albanian, I am not feeling guilty. With all the wit and satire skills you possess, I have to admit I had to read your posting several times (and even made a telephone call) to even understand what you posted under me earlier.
If I offended you, please allow me to apologize -- here and now. But, I do feel I should be able to go out into the community to a public meeting (where ever it may be held) and/or to a public City Council meeting without being harrassed, paraphrased, used as a toy for your wit and satire, and used (my feelings) to attack a Councilmember. At least Steve is trying to learn his job; securing the paper work he can, and getting advice on how government budgets work. Ya got to admit that's a lot more than some of the other's have done.
But, we are strictly talking about our discourse. Hopefully, we can beg to disagree; but I think you may be surprised on how many issues we do agree upon.
It's a matter of opinion, on my part. Wit and that much sarcasm used to attack people remind me of the very people I thought we don't much care for...guess I was wrong.
Again, my opinion. Have a good evening, Roger. We got a long haul in front of all of us.
Anonymous, at 11:36 PM, December 11, 2005
To The New Albanian, can you explain, because of our curious minds, and if we may be bold enough, what you were speaking of when you stated here earlier "Ask John Mattingly -- he's the one who knows all about fairness in his influential sanitation fiefdom"?
This is one of our biggest issues (right now) -- sanitation. Do you mind sharing with citizens and taxpayers what you know we maybe ought to know? Thank you.
Anonymous, at 11:55 PM, December 11, 2005
Oh, so much to say, and so little time, as I am very tired. But, I will attempt to address a couple of things I've read here tonight.
new albanian-
Equating obscene phone calls and anonymous comments in a forum for discussing small town governmental actions and decisions where everyone knows everyone is purely preposterous.
It is even more disturbing to get obscene phone calls from someone you DO know, who is only doing it to antagonize and harass. Which is the course you choose to take, and obviously derive some kind of sick pleasure from.
Public officials put themselves out there with promises and requests for the public trust. They absolutely should be subjected to public scrutiny. They asked for it.
Saying the Mayor is doing a bad job, or is inept, in the opinions of some people, is a LOT different than the flat out character assasination you subject CM Price to. You may not like the job he's doing, and that's your opinion. You're entitled to it. But, you take it way too far in the name of 'wit' or 'satire'. Slander is not witty, or entertaining.
Furthermore, don't take it upon yourself to announce that CM Price is not representing the sentiments of his constituency. Indeed, for many, he is doing just that.
Read your own first 2 paragraphs, only replace councilman with Mayor, and Price with Garner. What do you get? Get it?
Roger's way may not be the best way, "but so what, he has that right"? No he doesn't.
These are individual citizens who have NOT chosen to put themselves up for public scrutiny.
He has a right to voice his opinions, and others do too. They have the right to do so without being ATTACKED!
Do we go over on his blog and harrass, or bring his postings here just to take them apart with as much vile, and sarcasm as we can muster? NO. We leave him to his way of blogging, and have asked that he leave us alone. Should be simple enough, but he just persists. Why?
If there is any jealousy....
I've got lot's more to say, but no more tonight.
We will continue this tomorrow.
East Ender, at 3:22 AM, December 12, 2005
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM, December 12, 2005
Our family is not "poor", nor the "underdogs". We'll try and look over and around those phrases. Ouch.
The election box is where you voice your dissatisfaction against your Council rep, or at the City Council.
Oh, yes, Roger, Randy, all of them are wonderful assets in their neighborhood and with their businesses.
If you had any history or knowledge of this fair city, I do not feel you would be writing what you are writing, but then again...what do I know, right?
Division, Division, Division ... distract from the issues...it's okay, though. I guess the poor people on this blog will muddle through somehow. I guess the poor people/underdogs will understand your logic, but I wouldn't count on it. Just our opinion.
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM, December 12, 2005
As stated at 7:22 AM, I agree that the dart tossers are playing a game with others on citizen comments.
Remember, don't give them the satisfaction of responding to their
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, December 12, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, December 12, 2005
I have been told that there is a place on the City Council Agenda for the public to sign up and speak to the Council.
As I observe the tactics being used under the COMMENT section of this blog, I have to wonder if these tactics are planned attacks to scare away any person who might have the courage to SPEAK OUT LOUD at a Council meeting.
In other words, if YOU DARE TO GET UP AND SPEAK AT A COUNCIL MEETING, we will throw darts at you on the blog.
As a parent and a teacher, I have to say, "OK kids, it is time for you to take some "TIME OUT" and go sit in the corner.
Anonymous, at 9:44 AM, December 12, 2005
damn ceece, who's side you on? Why don't you just stick w/baylor's boys. Handful of citizens, I don't think so! Maybe you should go back and check out just how many hits this blog has got. By the way I don't think Laura studders!
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM, December 12, 2005
Due to a lack of a counter and anonymity, it's not possible to check how many hits this blog has received.
When identifying citizens, rather than those who aren't willing to stand by their own words, a handful is accurate.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 1:07 PM, December 12, 2005
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