Sanitation Saga
We are coming very close to time for the decision to be made about what they are going to do with Sanitation. We are asserting our position that Sanitation be kept in-house, as a City service, with proper controls and oversight. We do hope the Mayor, along with the only voting members of the Board of Works members; Tony Toran, Steve LaDuke, and Chas Hunter, will make the proper decision, and allow the Sanitation Department at least one year to operate under the sub-committee recommendations.
The intent to privatize sanitation, sprung by Garner after campaign promises to correct the mismanagement and inefficiencies that caused the department to falter, is a huge disappointment that just adds to the accumulating list of disappointments our Mayor has developed for himself over the last two years. However, he still has an opportunity to redeem himself, if he will only give due credence to the findings and recommendations of the sub-committee selected to review the Sanitation Department’s fiscal condition, and to propose a plan for the department to recover, and even prosper, within a very short period of time. They have accomplished their task, and they are to be commended. Particular thanks goes out to Steve Price for his diligent examination of the numbers game.
More or less, they have done the job James Garner promised to do himself… if elected. Well, we (the voters) did out part, why hasn’t the Mayor done his part, and stood behind the promises he made in his campaign? Virtually all the rhetoric we heard concerning his aptitude for business has turned out to be nothing more than empty words of your typical Political bulls##t..
Indeed, it’s his lack of business savvy that led to the bumbled attempts to hand off a sanitation contract of privatization without following proper protocol.
We called his hand when a contract with Industrial Disposal (ID) was imminent, but was wrapped up in an illegal meeting. Suddenly, the ID contract “fell through”, according to official accounts. Although, I never heard exactly what the 'official' problems were that led to the fallout, I would venture a guess that there was a bit too much scrutiny of the processes that led up to the contract, and most likely the anticipation of scrutiny of its contents.
Suddenly, the privatization proposal then warranted the appointment of the aforementioned sub-committee, and a full out bidding contest was initiated and carried out. Hurray for small, sweet victories!
However, the problems, obviously, still didn’t stop there.
Due to the many mis-steps made thus far in Garner’s short tenure at the helm, it has been imperative for concerned citizens to keep close tabs on the business end of New Albany’s City operations. Especially given radical changes to city services, the financial irresponsibility, and the long-term ramifications, of Mayor Garner’s proposals, all atop his incredible knack for taking a bad situation in hand, and making things worse, we feel a compelling responsibility to closely monitor all activities.
Unfortunately, our eagerness to become involved and informed has not been met with enthusiasm or appreciation, but rather, with animosity and defiance.
Clearly, we have tread where previous citizens have dared not tread…into the realm of Governmental oversight. Something the ‘powers that be’ in New Albany are entirely unfamiliar with, and conspicuously uncomfortable with.
In return, we have been the recipient of much advise, and admonishment.
It never fails to amaze me who pops out of the woodwork, so-to-speak, when we have taken our inquests too close for comfort in examining the workings of the current administration. It also becomes very clear where the real power lies, and who the real decision makers are.
Obviously, they presumed that we had managed to blow a huge hole into some inner-sanctity of City operations when we produced our information concerning the Sanitation bids, FROM MULTIPLE SOURCES. The subsequent behavior of certain individuals, both from within and from without(proclaimed), the Garner administration has been deplorable.
Attempts to interrogate Council members, accusations of "felonious" behavior, pointing fingers at Council spouses, and proposing the intentional spreading of outright lies and unethical conduct, reasoning there must be some aim at personal aggrandizement, is all quite despicable.
We must have hit a very exposed nerve, as the entire Garner entourage simultaneously, blew a gasket. Stomping their feet, and insisting the information must be wrong, apparently because the Rumpke bid was the very last to arrive... within mere minutes of the deadline, it barely made it in!!! hmmmmmmmmm.
We applaud the cries for adoption of Ethical Behavior rules, but we strong suggest the fishing expedition be taken a little further upstream if you want to search for the slippery buggers. Without such codes to hold the entire administration, along with every Board member, and every Commission position, to some sort of code of ethical standars, many decisions and actions are apparently undertaken at free will.
To add a footnote to the posting, I feel it's imperative to note the red herring in all this Sanitation mess: The New Albany Housing Authority (NAHA).
It has been stated that the public housing properties are responsible for some of the largest losses in revenue the Sanitation Department has suffered.
They reportedly pay about $86K per year in fees, when it should be at least $128K, which was still noted to be a low ball figure.
This means the 'loss' on the NAHA pickups is about $42K per year.
It will be interesting to see if the Sanitation services for NAHA will be handed off to a private hauler as well, and if that "low ball" fee will change.
There is a posting Downtown on the 3rd floor bulliten board regarding a Special meeting for Council with the NAHA, at the NAHA site.
We will be following these developments very closely.
East Ender, at 2:21 PM, December 12, 2005
I've heard about the findings of the sanitation sub-committee and some sort of report they did, but I don't remember seeing where this report is available for us to look at, and who released it.
Can you tell us where we can read this?
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM, December 12, 2005
Call your Council Rep.
East Ender, at 2:46 PM, December 12, 2005
Attempts to interrogate Council members, accusations of "felonious" behavior, pointing fingers at Council spouses, and proposing the intentional spreading of outright lies and unethical conduct, reasoning there must be some aim at personal aggrandizement, is all quite despicable.
What exactly is despicable about holding public officials accountable for relaying faulty information to the public and questioning their motives for doing so? Isn't that what you're supposedly doing while making accusations of lies, unethical conduct, criminal behavior, and personal aggrandizement?
For the record, you're the only person to have publicly claimed that Rumpke was awarded the contract outside of the regular bid process and the only person who publicly claimed that it was a council member who relayed that misinformation. It's only now, after council members refused to take responsibility for what you publicly claimed at least one of them did, that you've changed your assertion to reflect that the misinformation should be attributed to multiple sources. If the supposed conspirators you make implications about are guilty of anything, it's believing your word over that of council members.
BTW, according to your "everybody who disagrees with me is obviously a part of some imaginary mayoral entourage" reasoning, which council member should I attribute your comments to? It'd only be fair to do so.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:10 PM, December 12, 2005
You got my support Laura. Keep preaching to the crowd. Cause the people of New Albany is reading your blog and talking about the many great articles..
People are listening!
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM, December 12, 2005
bluegill go back to your pond. Your out of your league.
Stick to the issues.
Anonymous, at 3:14 PM, December 12, 2005
as the late great Hunter S. Thompson said, " I have a theory that the truth is never told during the 9-5 hours."
In speakoutloud's case and her fellow conspirators, that would be "the truth is never told 24/7, particularly during private meetings with the masked councilman and or spouse."
smile youre on na's candid camera
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM, December 12, 2005
The Special meeting between Council and the NAHA has been indefinately postphoned.
We will try to kep you posted as to further developments.
East Ender, at 3:31 PM, December 12, 2005
Is anyone out there aware that the city police are now being paid overtime wages to provide security to shoppers in retail locations?
This will cost a huge amount of money, when we could have hired a private security firm for $8.00 per hour to do the same thing.
What do you figure overtime runs for an officer who's already making $49K-$50K a year?
Guess they will have a Merry Christmas.
Sorry Sanitation guys, your jobs just cost too much money.
You're on your own.
Happy Holidays from your city leaders.
(I think I'm gonna be sick)
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM, December 12, 2005
To read more about official accounts of sanitation discussions, and political manuvering, on the part of one of the Mayor's goon squad, Donnie Blevins, use the link on the front page and go to the City Clerks web site and look up Council minutes of Sept. 8th, 2005.
East Ender, at 3:43 PM, December 12, 2005
"Goon" -- sounds like an attack.
Wait, couldn't be. They're not permitted here.
Laura, how many times are you going to change your story?
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM, December 12, 2005
her rules only are in existence to fit her agenda
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM, December 12, 2005
Don't be a coward, herbie/anonymous. Stand by your words. Identify yourself. Set a better example instead of just complaining.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 5:05 PM, December 12, 2005
Anonymous, at 9:08 PM, December 12, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
The New Albanian, at 10:09 PM, December 12, 2005
who is your source on Tony Toran a city councilman or mrs. city councilman, after your embarassment with the Rumpke thing maybe you should tell your Main Street agent provacateur to stop spreading fiction
Anonymous, at 10:28 PM, December 12, 2005
Hey Rog, what in the hell are you talking about with all that mumble-jumble on your spitwad? You seem to forget that Laura is just one of MANY who speak out loud! Seems to me that you are the one that is paranoid and conspiring against people that have got your number. The citizens of New Albany don't have to use all those fancy words to get their point across. You seem to get soooo many comments at your rag because, of course, you are always right.(?)
Why can't you keep it civil instead of attacking all the time? What the hell is up with the "spitwad-blogyard" title anyway? For someone who professes to be so educated you sure do resort to a lot of elementary shool yard bullying.
Gimme a Break!
Why can't you just talk about the issues and respond with civil comments that pertain to the issues at hand. By the way I would be careful on who you are calling a liar. Just a bit of educated advice. Have a nice day.
p.s. BULLY- One who is habitually cruel.
Anonymous, at 11:09 PM, December 12, 2005
Alcoholism is a serious disease. The first ability or sense to leave your body would be your sense of judgment. Please, I would urge all of you to keep this mind when you read and hear the character assassinations here, and on the other blogs.
This person could not even, or even better, would not even answer $$$$$'s ?'s about his remarks about Sanitation and Mr. Mattingly and his "fiefdom", right?
Viewing his statement about Mr. Mattingly and then not explaining same, doesn't that leave him in the dark?
Keep in mind how sick alcoholics are, and that may help you understand the ramblings of what I call and read on here "an educated fool". What a waste of a human being. This is only my opinion, though.
Sorry Randy Hampton, about your job. Certain citizens tried to warn you your job was in jeopardy; certain citizens told you a deal had been cut -- now what do you think? It's simply another example of what is going on behind the scenes, and I am sorry it ensnared you. Citizens will find out soon that you have been reassigned to the garage. What I want to know is how much did Councilman Blevins deal he cut six weeks ago (which we told you about), played in to this new mess?
There can not be any consciences in some of the administration's heart's, nor mind's or else I don't see how they can sleep at night. And, that is my opinion, also.
Anonymous, at 12:50 AM, December 13, 2005
2nd comment; anonymous- Tell us where you got your info.
4th comment: bluegill- Why won't you/they fess up and tell us who?
8th comment: anonymous- Masked councilman or spouse?
12th comment; Herbie (anonymous)-'Goon' calling is an attack (whah).
13th comment; anonymous- her
'rules' aren't fair.
14th comment: bluegill- Identify yourself!
17th comment; Roger- thinks porno reference is funny. (removed)
18th comment; anonymous- Who's your source, councilman or spouse?
Does anyone NOT see the pattern here? It's so obvious, it's funny.
Good night folks.
East Ender, at 3:21 AM, December 13, 2005
all4words and randy smith is the same person. Don't let these other people try to fool us with all the attacks.
Keep throwing all the truth out here Laura and all the "Speak Out Loud NA" citizens..
People are getting awful nervous about alot of your comments.
Anonymous, at 6:35 AM, December 13, 2005
Does anybody think this hateful blogging (on all sides) is doing NA any good???
Signing off forever...
Anonymous, at 9:46 AM, December 13, 2005
My question now, to all taxpayers, is this: the Director of City Operations has now lost 1/3rd of his work force; does he now lose 1/3rd of his pay? One-third of his job has been eliminated. I feel one-third of his pay now needs to be cut from the budget. That would be our opinion.
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM, December 13, 2005
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