In this mornings Board of Works meeting, the decision was reached to privatize Sanitation services with the Clark-Floyd Landfill. Their bid came in at $12.90 per unit, and $21 per ton for dumping.
Our Mayor, the new "Grinch" of the Holiday Season, did not attend the meeting, and instead, was sitting in his office (You're a mean one Mr. Grinch).
We will have more information soon.
As I just said under the last posting, my question would be this: If the Director of Operations lost 1/3rd of his workforce, then shouldn't he lose 1/3rd of his pay? If 1/3rd of his job has been eliminated, I would like to see his salary cut by 1/3rd. Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM, December 13, 2005
P.S. We already have a trash transfer station in NA, located on E 4th St, on top of an illegal dump.
It is a philosophical question, I guess, whether to privitize or not. I don't really see it in that light as much as I do the amazing numbers, history, paperwork, and BS that has occurred over the past 6 years concerning this subject.
The amount of monies spent on those big red trucks and garbage cans and lids and the ex-Mayor's husband being employed to put 'em together -- BS, I tell you, BS.
This Mayor was a Councilman at the time this all happened. Do you actually want us to ignore his understanding, as he said, of the problem when he took office, only to do what he has done today.
That would be my opinion, and it's hard to be rational about this issue because of the waste of taxpayers dollars by NA government, which CAUSED THIS MESS.
Thank you Bohnlein and Overton and any Councilmembers who voted for these trucks.
Like the now Mayor said at the very first Council meeting these trucks were brought up at, HE DIDN'T BELIEVE THE NUMBERS. WE didn't either. Now, you tell me why we can only talk about the philosophical view of privitizing, or the merits of the bids?
Taxpayers have a lot more to say than that, but I know I appreciate your posting, even if we may disagree. My opinion, again.
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM, December 13, 2005
A very good point was made by $$$$$$.
If the Director of Operations, Toran,
has now been relieved of one-third of his workforce to manage, then, why not reduce his hours and pay by one-third?
This city is in a financial mess and they need to be managing better.
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM, December 13, 2005
Could someone please explain why Tim
Deatrick continues his personal attacks by comments against Councilman Schmidt?
To my knowledge, Coucilman Schmidt has never discussed any public issues with
Tim Deatrick or with Laura Oates.
Tim Deatrick has been promoting better ethics and these false comment attacks do not appear to be honorable ethics.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM, December 13, 2005
What appears obvious to me is the fact that Mayor Garner has apparently abandoned the cornerstone philosophy of the Democratic party.
The argument for todays decision;
"privatization is supported by those who want less government, and less government oversight", is a very Republican statement.
Democrats are supposed to support the working class, Unions, and the general concept of governmental entities providing certain basic services as a duty to the citizens in return for collected taxes.
Another point that has been misunderstood is that citizens have denounced the probability that Sanitation workers would lose THEIR jobs.
We never spoke about unemployment, or not being employed by another company. We are aware that this issue was indeed a component of the bids.
However, losing THEIR jobs, as City sanitation workers will cause several changes in their job status. Particularly as it pertains to benefits associated with City employees, such as PERF retirement benefits, which is based on longevity of employment. Will they also be working without Union representation?
Has anyone addressed the 'Terms of Employment', such as changes in benefits, senority status, overtime, vacation/sick time, etc.?
These are the things we are concerned about when we speak out about Sanitation employees losing THEIR jobs. Get it?
East Ender, at 2:44 PM, December 13, 2005
Here's the TRUTH about allegations submitted on other blogs.
I want to officially confirm that I have not spoken with Councilman Schmidt in many months, and even back then, it was about other issues.
The repeated insinuations by lil' Timmy, that CM Schmidt is anything less than honorable and ethical, are complete abberations of the truth.
I would like to offer an apology to Mr. Schmidt for any distress he may have suffed due to these false allegations of some sort of collabortion with me.
Timmy's just trying to provoke so he can get some attention.
Better watch what you're saying Timmy. Didn't your Mommy ever teach you about RESPECT?
East Ender, at 3:05 PM, December 13, 2005
Garner promised in his campaign for Mayor that he would eliminate the position of "Assisant Mayor", "Director of City Operations", or whatever title you put on the position that Kevin B. held in Overton's administration.
"I will eliminate the Chief of Staff position .... I will stop the current practice of delegating important decisions to others that impact each of us." September 2003.
T. Toran holds a position that was promised to be eliminated. Why?
East Ender, at 3:14 PM, December 13, 2005
This can not be seen as a relief effort to me for the City Operations Director being "over-worked". If, by gosh, he was given one-third MORE WORK, he would expect MORE PAY.
Overworked, okay, however you want to view the Director of Operations, his qualifications, and now the loss of 1/3rd of his workforce, daggone, what a plum of a job. Reality check is in order for someone... Where can I sign up, Ceece? Help me out, please. Do they eliminate one-third of your position where you are employed, and you get to keep your pay? Oh, yes, I forgot. This is New Albany government talking here -- the only thing you forget is -- IT'S OUR MONEY THEY ARE WASTING AND HAVE BEEN WASTING FOR how many years now?????
Walk in a NA taxpayer advocate's footsteps for 15 years, and then, and only then, will you be able to convince me you know what you are talking about. MY OPINION.
Thanks, Laura, for mentioning the impact on these families concerning union protection, seniority, health insurance benefits, PERF, etc.
Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM, December 13, 2005
Concern Taxpayer told us all several weeks ago! Why are you all surprised......
It's time to expose all of them!
Shame on you X-MAYOR GARNER..
The Democrats are mad as hell! You don't bust "UNIONS."
Anonymous, at 3:34 PM, December 13, 2005
Sympathy to all Sanitation Workers and
to all local Democrats. It is very sad at this holiday time for everyone to be seeing the problems and actions that are being taken by the City Administration.
Anonymous, at 3:45 PM, December 13, 2005
Support the working class--Is not keeping rates low supporting ALL of the working class?
Providing basic services--How is the city abdicating their DUTY? We will have service provided. Where is it written that all city services have to be provided by persons on the city payroll?
I am sorry that some may lose some of their benefits or perhaps even their job. I have lost jobs. I have taken 20% pay cuts. I have had to start paying much more on health insurance. I'm also sure that many of you have also. Why does a city job seem to be more sacred than a private sector job?
Iamhoosier, at 3:54 PM, December 13, 2005
Does this mean that the Sanitation Department in the West End off Main Street will be shut down and closed?
To express our sympathy to the workers,should we place wreaths there and have a candle light service for them?
The Sanitation workers are real human beings with families to support.
It is sure strange that City Operations Director Tony Toran traveled to New Orleans after the
hurricane to save the animals, and,
now,is not courageous enough to stand up and help save the Sanitation Workers.
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM, December 13, 2005
As far as our Family is Concerned (and our VOTES), the entire Garner for Mayor campaign was based on nothing but lies.
He was not a "successful" businessman even at the point of time he ran for office, because you can't accumulate that much debt in the amount of time involved.
He has not kept any of his "promises", neither pubically nor personally to me and mine (and there are probably a lot more).
It is a sad day for New Albany and it's lack of government and ethics. But, then again, it's really nothing new, is it? This is exactly what we all want to change in NA with government, if you step outside the box.
Then again, it may only be a political beast in nature, which then becomes a sad day not only for the Sanitation workers and families, but for New Albany's Democrats, and all citizens who know the skinny on this "fiasco" ALL OF US HAVE NOW WITNESSED.
It's only money, and I am assuming all arguments against sanitation is "just keep throwing more good money out after the bad", right?
To the person who wanted to know about the Director of City Operations' sealed records, you may have to re-visit the ex-County Prosecutor -- ask him, or maybe Krogers.
Yes, we have come a long way, and as of today, there is no light shining at the end of the tunnel. If there is, it is an oncoming train.
Thank you for allowing OUR opinion.
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, December 13, 2005
Looks like everyone is mad as hell on this sight and thats a good thing. Congradulations to our Administration for making a solid business decision that should have been made during England years. Garner just had the guts to do it. Quit your complaining and go out and improve your status in life. Who in their right mind aspires to become and stay a sanitiation worker. This should not be a career job, but rather a stepping stone in life. There is much more out there if you just open your eyes and dream.
Anonymous, at 5:04 PM, December 13, 2005
That right Garner had the guts and leadership skills to solve this problem, where was your money saving solution speakoutloud and your city council puppets?
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM, December 13, 2005
How sad for New Albany. The comment that Sanitation jobs are only stepping stones is not only a joke, but, a sad example of the lack of knowledge and understanding of the low income citizens in New Albany.
The arrogance being displayed by the current City Administration is sure a sad picture.
Our ancestors who founded the City of New Albany would not believe how
people are being treated in this
city today.
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM, December 13, 2005
Yeah, just jump off the back of that truck, after 20+ years, and go get yourself a "real" job?
Is that really what I've read?
How arrogant can you people get?
Tell it to Donnie Bleavins.
A city job comes with good benefits, a decent paycheck, good retirement program, Union representation, and supposed security.
The Sanitation Department failed because of BAD decisions by the administrations of England, Overton, and now Garner, by mis-handling funds, co-mingling of departments, lack of oversight & lack of adequate record keeping.
Garner's campaign promise to "fix" the department has wound up like his own business venture... Just shut it down and walk away.
It will be the citizens of New Albany that will have to make up for the losses.
Watch and see.
East Ender, at 8:09 PM, December 13, 2005
Att: ceece:
How long have you been a resident of New Albany? I think that you would be very impressed with our ancestors who founded New Albany.
Many of us who are members of local Historical Organizations are proud of our ancestors and the dreams they had for New Albany and Floyd County.
Go to the History books on New ALbany and try to realize that those ancestors were caring people, not of the caliber that we see here today.
Yes, I like the image that our
ancestors taught us as they struggled to build New Albany. They
were caring and kind to each other.
The newcomers to New Albany could learn a lot from the History books of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM, December 13, 2005
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM, December 13, 2005
I don't think that the newcomers to New Albany have taken any classes in
New Albany History. Yes.... we are proud of our New Albany History!
It is plain to see that this group of newcomers to New Albany want to run over the New Albany citizens like a steam roller with their type of speech and language.
Let's ask them to study some New Albany History and try to learn and appreciate New Albany.
Sorry guys--- the Luddite language is not necessarily New Albany language.
Anonymous, at 11:52 PM, December 13, 2005
Whether it's New Albany or any other "small town" USA, the idea is RESPECT EVERYONE, and appreciate their contribution to the community regardless of their lot in life.
Someone has to pick up the trash, someone has to clean the sewers, someone has to sweap the streets.
Obviously, there is a certain "class" of people, or maybe some new "element" in our population, that looks down on ordinary folks who are doing the best they can do to get by in life. (shame on you)
I applaud their tenacity, and their resolve to keep showing up for work to do the jobs a lot of us other folks would not want to do.
THAT, ladies and gentelmen, earns my respect.
Walk a while in their shoes and then tell me they just haven't tried hard enough to do better.
They try harder every day than most of you arrogant idiots have in your entire lifetime.
I take exceptional issue with someone who looks down on others while still living with Mommy, or who have a Mommy who pays for everything... even their mistakes.
The biggest determination of where a person winds up in life, is the situation of the life one was born into. Our society is to blame for that, not the individual.
Didn't they teach ya'all that in them thar' fancy scool edyacations you got? (guess not)
Only, in New Albany, it seems that where you wind up, is mostly determined by WHO you know.
Political favors have repeatedly been given to unqualified, and underqualified, people in the form of awarding positions within the administration, and seats on paid boards, all to the detriment of the City's well-being.
Reasoning? Well, to stack the deck in their favor so their particular house of cards will stand.
That is, at least until enough people find out which way the wind blows, and decide its time for it to blow the other way.
Hearding the low level employees out the door, with the reasoning that the costs are out of control, while continuing the out of control spending on salaries and perks for those at the top level, is a travesty.
There are other positions that should be eliminated, perks should be re-evaluated (re-bid), proper procedures must be followed to separate personal use from professional use, and appropriate spending cuts should be made across the board to get this town back on sound financial footing.
A house of cards is a fragile thing. Sometimes just one more card added to the mix can bring the whole construct down.
East Ender, at 3:10 AM, December 14, 2005
Way to go Mayor Garner, you made a sound business decision. Thanks for your hard work. Run the City like a business, not a social service organization.
Anonymous, at 8:44 AM, December 14, 2005
Sound business decision ????????
Is the Mayor running the City like he is running his own business?
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM, December 14, 2005
The comment at 8:44 AM shows the
lack of sympathy and understanding for any lower paid or underpriviledged citizens in New Albany.
displays the arrogance and non-caring attitude of a group that we now have in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 9:32 AM, December 14, 2005
Response to ceese:
It is great that you have knowledge and respect for our History of New Albany. The participants of this blog site could help raise the level of conversation if they would concentrate on History appreciation.
A new fun game could be that we try to outdo each other by listing some dates and events in New Albany History.
I mean some respectful events and dates, not the disrespect that we now see in this city.
In response to the comment, " TAKE THE BAG OFF YOUR HEAD", isn't it a sad day in New Albany History that we as residents have to use the term "anonymous" to avoid the nasty retaliations that are going on in New Albany today ?
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM, December 14, 2005
At 8:44 AM today, someone called the Sanitation deal a GOOD BUSINESS DECISION.
The morning Courier says that 3 of the Sanitation Dept employees will be
retained by the city to provide service to businesses and to the Housing Authority.
It has been quoted that the Housing Authority should be paying $128,000 each year for this garbage service.
However, they are only paying the city $86,000 per year. It was rumored that the controller could not verify that the Housing Authority paid anything in 2004.
Are there any other answers now?
Privatize us citizens who are paying
and keep the Housing Autority if they are not paying the right amount. ??????
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM, December 14, 2005
laura doesnt show respect to everyone with her mean spirted comments that try to attack personally, give me a break she is the biggest hypocrite in town
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM, December 14, 2005
When Mr. Howard McClain was over the housing authority several years ago. Each year they would purchase a City Packer at the cost of $110,000.00. On top of the $128,000.00 they would pay the City for Service. Then when Mr. Bob Lane who is now over Housing stated they willnot and do not have the money for these packers. So one of my questions is who is paying for these packers now? Since this deal is a seperate agreement with the City. From my understanding They have only paid $86,000.00 of the $128,000.00. And that they have been notified by the Mayor. That the city wants to collect monies owed back to the city from March of 2004 to present, and expects payment in full by January of 2006....
I guess this is another deal like Georgetown oweing New Albany 2 Million dollars? Since City sewer Atty. Fifer has now given Georgetown another extension to pay til after Jan. 2006...
Mayor James Garner needs to resign. He is not fit to run this City.
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM, December 14, 2005
Mayor is having a meeting on Friday to discuss raising sewer bills?
Throw the bum out of office.
Anonymous, at 4:51 PM, December 14, 2005
I am so disgusted with the decisions made yesterday, and disappointed at the things I've read in this thread, that I cannot bring myself to write a statement that is not filled with all that angst.
Until I can offer some rational statements in regards to these situations, I am staying off the blog.
So, all the arrogant, and ignorant people who want to continue to thrash away at me, and the former city sanitation workers, have at it! Hope you have fun, because the games are about over.
The wheels are now turning that will gain momentum and run this administration, along with all its ineptness, right out of town.
Prepare for the ride of your life!
Merry Christmas All -
East Ender, at 5:14 PM, December 14, 2005
How do you not agree with the last posting of 4:46? We have read and re-read it, and agree with the final paragraph.
We knew the Housing Authority may owe us from 2004 on, but couldn't verify for sure. Haven't had the time. Thank you.
Didn't know Fifer extended, again, the repayment of our monies back to the Sewer Board until January. Who is Georgetown's Attorney now? Hmmmmmmmmm.
Here's a quick question for you.
Who is going to pick up the trash after Harvest Homecoming?
Another question: Why would we retain and buy packers and pick up the Housing Authority's garbage if they are a Federal entity?
A quick letter to HUD may be in order. HUD is very helpful when it comes to the Housing Authority in New Albany.
As a citizen of this town, I will not believe HUD does not or will not provide monies to pick up trash from OUR FEDERAL public housing units (sorry, boys, we are already paying for the service; can't help it if you are misspending it).
The house of cards will fall if we pull the right card out, just like adding one to it.
One more question, where was Randy Stumler, head of OUR Democrat Party yesterday? Why was he not in there battling for the Union? Or, even there previously at a meeting while this Sanitation issue was going on?
As a Floyd County Democrat, please allow me to apologize for the actions of this so called "Democratic" Mayor (and Central Committee) and offer my sympathies to Sanitation workers, especially at this time of year.
These would be our opinions. Take care NA. We luv ya.
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, December 14, 2005
Just curious. For those of you calling for the Mayor to resign or who want to "throw the bum out" just who would you replace him with? What would your pick do to better New Albany?
My questions are serious. I am not trying to set anyone up. Please, no answers of "Anyone could do better".
Iamhoosier, at 5:19 PM, December 14, 2005
To IAmHoosier:
There have been qualified candidates in the past that have run against the "good ole boys".
These candidates simply did not have the monies of approximately $120,000.00 to get a $50,000.00 a year job. Would you do that?
What would I expect them to do better? Do away with the political patronage system in this town. Hire qualified individuals to surround yourself with so you are successful, not flunkies that this Mayor has hired and fired and yet still has a few left. Ask Lee Hamilton why he was so successful -- it was because of the people he surrounded himself with.
We expect no more and no less.
Sure wish Jef Fifer lived in town -- wouldn't he be good? We have a lot of decent individuals; just try to watch out for the wolves in sheep clothing because they BITE.
Democrats need to clean the party up, and right now, as a Democrat, I see my party factioned in to at least what 3 or 4 factions? Let us see, we have the "Garner" faction; we have the "England" faction; rumours are floating there is a "Coffee" faction; and then you have people like me as a Democrat who can't handle none of the above.
Don't worry though, we are looking. And, don't worry, I would never say anyone would be better than what we have (learned that the hard way).
This City has gone straight downhill for the past, gee, I dunno how many years.
Thanks for asking our opinion.!
No setups allowed, though!
Anonymous, at 6:27 PM, December 14, 2005
This City has went to hell in a hand basket because of Mayor James Garner.
Shame on you Mr. Mayor
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, December 14, 2005
Steve Price for mayor. He doesn't cut any deals, he is fiscally conservative. And he wouldn't have a $3,000 a month cell phone bills or a $50,000 take home car. I worked for him at 24 hour food mart years ago, like it or not what you see is what you get.
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, December 14, 2005
Since the R&R boys are so against union workers in general including the trash workers why not boycott their own businesses or better yet go public against their businesses and see just how they would like that kind of treatment. Everyone is intitled to their opinions but this is all upside down progressive or not.
Anonymous, at 7:21 PM, December 14, 2005
Re: First comment on this article from 'pius aurelius' (aka Garner?).
"If we can still have the same level of service for the same fee amount while placing our employees with a company that will do the work, then I think we as citizens have found a win – win scenario."
Courier Journal 12-14-05:
"The contract...will stop the city's staggering losses...But, [Garner] doesn't know if it will prevent an increase in the city's monthly garbage & recycling fee".
Which statement is the truth?
Something we haven't gotten from the Mayor's office in a very long time. C'mon, just one please.
Back to 'pius aurelius':
"As I stated, my personal concern has always been with securing positions for the Sanitation workers and keeping the Sanitation collection fee low. Certainly the council members that voted against a state and federal mandatory drainage fee would object to a trash fee increase as well."
You bet'cha!
Courier Journal 12-15-05:
Garner said, "tough financial times require tough decisions."
Here's a financial decision that's not so tough:
Rescind the Scribner EDIT funds and use the money to pay off the debts for sanitation as was originally mandated by Council.
Either directly, or by replacing the money that inappropriately came out of sewer funds.
Back to the Courier Journal:
"Garner & others said...the sewer board...might need rate increases itself to make payments on sewer construction bonds."
Why was Georgetown given extentions on their $2 million bill they owe the Sewer Department?
Here's some more easy decisions about tough financial times:
Eliminate T. Toran's position, put Stormwater mandate compliance under Planning instead of creating additional costs with a new paid Board, cut perks and demand logs to dissect personal/job-related use of vehicles, re-bid cell phone costs, collect delinquent accounts, etc., etc., etc.
Here's another bit 'o help;
Listen to CM Steve Price's advice on budget issues. He can recite the thing from memory because he has spent so much time looking for way to save this city money.
That's more than we can say for you Mr. Mayor.
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM, December 14, 2005
east ender,
Would you please put the Mr. Mayor article back on your blog? I truly feel this is very fitting at this time! It was one of the best articles I have read and can not find it on you past articles.
Thank you
Anonymous, at 9:49 PM, December 14, 2005
Most Excellent! Thank you. Our opinions, also.
Anonymous, at 2:16 AM, December 15, 2005
Not Made Of Money:
He's not listening. He keeps saying the word "if". Where I'm from, "if" a bullfrog had wings, he wouldn't always bump his a**, ya know what I mean? Our opinion.
Anonymous, at 2:21 AM, December 15, 2005
Throw the bum out??? You've got to be kidding. Give the bum a raise. You dummies with this idiotic blogspot have virtually assured that the mayor will be re-elected.
Merry Christmas Little People,
Roland of Gilead
Anonymous, at 7:19 AM, December 15, 2005
If you have doubts about the way our city is run because the mayor is having financil trouble with his privite business!
Then let us have those same thoughts about the CEO's of Ford, General Motors, Chrysler Corporation, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, and American Airlines, you getting the picture.
Just because someone is having problems doesn’t mean a damn thing about their leadership abilities. If you think the mayors business is the only business in this city that is having difficulties with cash flow, you need to take a class in finance and accounting.
But they don’t teach that at the Luddite Bar and Gril! Do they?
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM, December 15, 2005
A Possibile (if satirical) History of New Albany:
"If You're so smart, why ain't you rich."
"Not with my daughter."
"We need a Starbucks."
jon faith, at 8:05 AM, December 15, 2005
To Anon's 6:27 & 6:37,
Thanks for responding to my questions. After living here for over 25 years, I am just now attempting to learn more about NA politics. Glad you both took my question seriously. I cannot comment on either suggestion as I am still learning.
Thanks again for helping to contribute to my education.
Iamhoosier, at 8:18 AM, December 15, 2005
Yeah, us dummies believe the only election, if any, Garner can win now is for dog catcher. NEXT?!
Our Opinions.
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM, December 15, 2005
There are no dummies here. It's common knowledge. He's burned all his bridges. Most importantly, the ones that got him elected to begin with. Bad, bad, decisions.
Inept, uncompassionate, arrogant, unqualified, unknowledgeable, ungrateful, greedy, incapable, underhanded, dishonest, and just plain stupid.
Everyone can rest assured that Garner has no prayer of ever winning elected office again.
He'll be lucky to finish the term he has now.
Just the opinions of the 'powers that be'.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM, December 15, 2005
Just a little trivia I thought might be interesting for all you bloggers.
So far this month NAC has accumulated a total of 44 comments on 15 postings.
While here at Speak Out Loud there have been 366 comments on 7 postings.
Looks to me like the real voice of the people of New Albany is right here where the opinions of the common man matter.
The R&R boys are nothing but a couple of political wanna B's.
Along with their mascot Little Timmy, they think they have some kind of team that's arrogant enough to think they can play this town and its people any way they want. I've got news for them.
I'm putting my money on home team New Albany and the Speak Out Loud bloggers.
Strength is in numbers, not in arrogance.
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM, December 15, 2005
Strength is in numbers, not in arrogance.
Could be, but what if numbers (the majority) believe the earth is flat? This used to be the case, although science disproved it.
Actually, strength is in truth, not in numbers. Ask Martin Luther King.
Another flaw with your argument is that owing to anonymous postings, there's simply no way of knowing how many different people posted the 366 comments to SOLNA.
My guess? Two dozen, tops.
It would be interesting to see the numbers if your moderator has been charting them.
That's why they only let you vote once during an election.
How many times in the history of SOLNA have their been four or five comments coming a minnute apart, and all of them anonymous or from one or the other "family." Extremely coincidental.
But just my 'pinion. I'm quite with the readership at NAC -- a couple hundred a day, a bit less on weekends, and the proper demographic.
The New Albanian, at 3:40 PM, December 15, 2005
The bloggers on this site are so blind that they can't see the forest for the trees. In addition, if something does not go their way, they resort to name calling. Garner is this, Garner is that, boo hoo boo hoo. I've looked at it also, the numbers New Albanian states are probably correct.
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM, December 15, 2005
To add to The New Albanian's comments: Long, long ago, the readers of NA Confidential learned it wasn't at all necessary to say "good job, Roger."
Blogging isn't voting. If you further discount all the SOLNA postings that say "good job...great article...hang in there, Laura," it further kills the credibility. Subtract out all the obvious fakes, and all the obvious lies, and all the obvious smears, and the numbers reduce dramatically.
Opinions, yelled over and over and over, don't become more compelling, and certainly don't become facts, simply by repetition. And that goes for ALL of us.
All4Word, at 5:30 PM, December 15, 2005
"Until I can offer some rational statements in regards to these situations, I am staying off the blog."
I guess that means you will be shutting this blog down, eh?
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM, December 15, 2005
turn out the lights your party's over
Anonymous, at 9:22 PM, December 15, 2005
Laura: You are doing a great public service as you allow people to speak out without the fear of retallation.
Thank you for your hard work and for
enduring all of the pressure that they
evidently want to place on you.
Let us be old fashioned and say,
These progressive guys don't want us old seniors to get in their way of
Anonymous, at 12:04 AM, December 16, 2005
We will continue to Speak Out Loud here in New Albany, and we will stand firm in our resolve to put an end to this "buddy system" of politicing that has brought the City to its knees.
Financially, and emotionally, New Albany has a long road back to wellness. But, we have the proper prescription in hand, and we will follow the regimine until all the "infected" bugs are out of our system.
What's that other "old" saying...?
When it burns, that's how you know it's working.
East Ender, at 2:38 AM, December 16, 2005
Anonymous, at 6:46 AM, December 16, 2005
"There's simply no way of knowing how many different people posted the 366 comments to SOLNA." "My guess, two dozen tops." He he he, he, boy if that's not talking out of both sides of your mouth.
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM, December 16, 2005
Actually, two dozen is rather far-fetched, but I'm trying to be charitable.
There's only one way to know.
The New Albanian, at 11:29 AM, December 16, 2005
to funny! LMAO
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM, December 16, 2005
HOW is ok for you boys to dog other people for posting anonymous when you all do it on a daily basis? "SISSY BOYS" Its just to easy for you to hide behind words that doesn't bother a SOUL. It must make you all feel soooo good to know you can blah, blah, blah, all day long on this blog and don't have to be a man!
Anonymous, at 11:44 AM, December 16, 2005
eh what the hell was anon at 11:44 am even talking about?
Anonymous, at 12:15 PM, December 16, 2005
You'll figure it out, duh...
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM, December 16, 2005
Go play with each other on each of your own blogs!!!!
Roger didn't you get most of your money from your divorce?
Randy your so far up the Mayor's ass you could wiggle your ears!!!!!
Hey gang of Speak out Loud NA----
Let's start investigating them!
Let's get Jimmy on ETHICS CHARGES.
But that might be hard caz he has no ethics!!!!
2006 will be you guys down fall! Cause we got enough dirt on alot of them. So sit back and watch!!!!
bye...bye...Mayor's boy!
Anonymous, at 3:46 PM, December 16, 2005
Money from a divorce?
Darn, I knew I forgot something -- you mean she was supposed to pay me?
Took a lot of "little people" courage for such a topic to come up, though. Is this the sort of thing that Laura continues to defend as proper?
Laughing (but not all the way to the bank).
The New Albanian, at 3:54 PM, December 16, 2005
anonymous 3:46PM-
Even though R&R can't be civil, it doesn't mean we should stoop to their level.
We don't need to. We have the facts, and the majority, on our side, so let's just stick with the issues. That's the real battle.
Their nasty attacks stay up so everyone can get a good look at their true character, and their derogatory views of the population of New Albany.
I don't think folks appreciate their obvious elitist attitudes.
They are their own worst enemies.
Leave it at that.
East Ender, at 6:29 PM, December 16, 2005
east ender,
My big concerns is the fact still that a city employee is sitting on the Council. That was once a Sanitation Supv. and has been moved to the Street Dept. Now it appears to us that Mr. Blevins seems to be right in the middle of all the conflict. How can this happen? And how long has he been a City employee? What will happen to the other 29 employees?
Anonymous, at 7:26 PM, December 16, 2005
Let see to run our city like a buisness and not a social service orginazation. Let see the mayor is a government job and the running of the city is a government duty. If they are going to keep this idiot idea going garbage being privatized then the residents of new albany shouldnt be charged if they dont put garbage out. some people may only put it out every other week. The sanitation workers should be government jobs to think other wise is stupidity. To run the town like a social service orginazation is stupidity. The social service orginazation of new albany like our lawyers and judges are a bunch of fools. There is a grave need for housing for the homeless where's social services then. We got departments like cps taking children from homes because they think they know how to raise children.
If they wanna privatize something use cps instead its a worthless department of the government. They run themselves like a buisness. People dont realize that in a way kids are like a stock to them. The state pays them back on expenses and in some ways they end up makin money on kids they steal away from families. some cases its justified but half the time they only make it appear that way.
Anonymous, at 8:29 AM, February 13, 2006
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