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Next Council Meeting - Jan. 9th, 2006
The first City Council meeting of 2006 will most likely be the most important meeting of the entire year because of the issues that will be brought to the table, and the election of a new Council President & Vice-President.
Folks, unless you want another 2 years of bad decisions and shoving things through the Council (Scribner EDIT funds) too fast and too loose, you better get vocal with all the Council members you can, and insist that Dan Coffey be given the position in order to put some checks and balances on the runaway money train that's been plowing through New Albany.
Donnie Blevins has been embroiled in too much controversy already, and is obviously the Mayors favorite Council member given the way he's been taken care of. He's already nothing more than a puppet for Garner. He has no idea what any of the issues are really about. Trust me. I tried to converse with him about a couple and it was impossible. This suggestion is just ridiculous.
So, we figure they are really going to go for Jack Messer. However, there are many concerns about him, as he is already sitting on multiple boards, and commission, which I will list later, and he is a City police officer.
Let me point what I've learned from the office of the Indiana Attorney General, Steve Carter, concerning dual office holding. Did you know they actually have a printed report addressing this very issue? It's very enlightening.
Article 3, Section 1, separation of powers doctrine.
"No person holding a lucrative office or appointment under the United States or under this State is eligible to a seat in the General Assembly; and no person may hold more than one lucrative office at the same time, except as expressly permitted in this Constitution."
Lucrative Offices: (short list) City Council member, City Judge, City Sanitary district board member, City Mayor, Deputy Mayor, County Commissioner, Assessor, etc.
"The Indiana Constitutuon prohibits dual office holding. When a person violates the constitutional and statutory provisions that govern dual office holding, the person may, in some instances, lose his/her former official position, commit the Class D felony of conflict of interest, or be removed from his/her official position."
The two articles that appeared in today's Courier Journal are shedding some much needed 'sunlight' on the issues we have been trying to discuss recently on this blog.
We have wasted too much space and too much energy exchanging perspectives, and sharing experiences about why we are all doing the things we are doing..
It's time to return to the important issues facing the City right now, and discuss these situations, offer our opinions, and look at a few facts.
The Sewer article, by Ben Hershberg, points out that word from the EPA is that they are "...in active discussions with the city", and meanwhile our ability to allow credits for sewer expansions, so new development can occur, is still compromised until the EPA is satisfied that the legal agreement, made in 2002 between then Mayor Overton and the EPA, has been fulfilled.
Our agreement was to eliminate overflows of the system, and backups of raw sewage that cause harmful, untreated waste to flow into the streets, drain into groundwater, and discharge directly into the Ohio River.
We are assembling photos of many examples of these occurances, and will post them at the earliest opportunity.
Meanwhile you can visit a website, www.in.gov/idem/water/compbr/compeval/ssoreport and find New Albany's reports of overflows, the date the overflow occurred, and the site of the overflows. A reason is also required by this sytem of reporting, and you will notice the City indeed reported a "sabatoge" at the plant, that caused the system to blow for almost 16 hours before the problem was discovered.
We still question the City's ability to aquire the EPA's approval for the Scribner Place project to hook up to the system, and we expect to get that question answered when the EPA hands down its decision about the City correcting the problems per the 2002 agreement.
We have a lot of things to talk about regarding this article and the situations that surround the entire issue, but for now, we will allow you folks to leave your impressions about the matter, and we will return with more info soon.
The other article, regarding Garbage rate increases, is another hot topic, and the article raises some interesting questions. Why is Garner asking the Council to approves a raise in the rates for 2007, in the first meeting of the 2006 session? Think he's worried about his re-eviction, ...er, re-election campaign?
Didn't they say they already agreed to rate increases every year for the next 5 years of the privatization contract? Why does he now need the Council to approve a rate increase?
They have hit us with a lot of things to talk about, but we are holding the information that will pull all this together, and we can even tie it with a bow.
Have a good discussion, and we will return tonight.
Happy Christmas!!!
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The New Albanian, at 6:28 PM, December 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM, December 22, 2005
The citizens of New Albany don't have a say in the election of the Council President. They can settle that one.
We are more concerned about the garbage rates going up now with the
heating bills going through the roof.
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM, December 22, 2005
Sorry Roger,
No FREE advertising space.
Stand on your own readership this time.
Anyone who wishes to read the New Albanian (aka Roger Baylor)'s point of view, and he's entitled to have one, concerning the Council elections should visit his blog site and read it there.
I think everyone has the site URL.
East Ender, at 7:02 PM, December 22, 2005
Has the Board of Works approved this
garbage fee increase that the Mayor wants?
Who is on the Board of Works now?
Anonymous, at 7:02 PM, December 22, 2005
(shrug) okay.
The New Albanian, at 8:01 PM, December 22, 2005
east ender,
If councilman Mark Seabrook votes like he did last year On City Council President then it will be 4 for Mr. Blevins and 4 for Dan Coffey. And what I recently read was Mr. Seabrook wanted Councilman Gayhan. But I am leaning more towards that they will go the route of Councilman Jack Messer instead of Donnie Blevins. I also understand that the sewer board has given up the 8,000 credits to a developer that was going to be used for Scribner Place. So without the EPA giving New Albany more credits. Then Scribner Place can not be built...
I think that 2006 should be a real eye-opener for all of us.
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM, December 22, 2005
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM, December 22, 2005
1. Only Council can raise garbage rates, Anon at 6:57 PM. Mr. Goldberg is maintaining, and I also hear, the New Albany Housing Authority hasn't paid their bills since Mr. Lane took over. Why should we fund the three people left down at Sanitation, evidently with union benefits, for picking up the Housing Authorities' refuse. Gimme a break.
2. The Board of Works has not approved this rate increase. The Board of Works consists of Tony Toran, Steve LaDuke, Chas Hunter, and maybe Paul Roberts, Building Commissioner. 10:00 AM every Tuesday morn.
3. Let's talk about the sewers and their credits, and their woes with the EPA. Let us simply call this our opinions on this article. Thank you.
a. We are really glad they mentioned the work "expansion of the sewer system" all over this article because that was the exact argument taxpayers and Councilman Garner, amongst others, made again this "Plan". It was not to FIX THE INNER CITY SEWERS, AS ORDERED BY THE EPA.
b. There exists a two year waiting list (supposedly the fringe area don't get credits, only the inner city until we settle with the EPA); but as we've seen, that hasn't necessarily been the case. As a taxpayer watching what is going on with the credits; which developers are waiting in line; which are getting to the "top" of the line; worried about that lawsuit.
c. We will never forget that when Greg LeMar sat on the Sewer Board, he just kept saying "the EPA didn't tell us HOW to FIX the sewers, they just told us to fix them".
d. This administration wants to go to Congress after they have spent ALL OUR MONIES, rather than FIX the problems so we can have our infrastracture and revitalize downtown. Can't do one without the other. And, whether we like it or not, this subject affects everyone in this town -- not just Democrats or Republicans or Independents or "Progressives". This is and has been an environmental disaster.
e. EMC, the Company we outsourced to when we busted the union at the plant under Overton, is suppose to assume any fines we incur. Anxious to see what happens with this one!
f. The new screen system they mention was testified to by one of the members of the NA Potty Police up in Indianapolis. The Judge of the case called the EPA, and told them because the City had been aware of it indefinitely and had not included it in their "plan", it was an immediate and imperitive order to "GET IT DONE".
g. At that same court hearing, Greg Fifer and EMC testified that the LaFollette Station line did not need any construction inside the City to hook on. Now, the Robert E. Lift has to be fixed (which was suppose to have been fixed under Doug England), Corydon Pike, Eagles Lane, etc. Just for Fifer and Ruckman.
h. Where they talk about that "five-year maintenance plan", that would be Appendix D of the Consent Decree that has blood all over it. They took more time to come up with this maintenance plan, probably than they did the sewer plan. A simple five year maintenance plan. Also, $270,000.00 of EDIT was to go to pay the Bonds each of the past few years, and $270,000.00 of EDIT was to go into tht fund of "inner City Sewer Maintenance". This was required by the Consent Decree. Council's passed the resolutions necessary to acommplish same. Unfortunately, these monies have been misapplied - hey, and they want to take it to our Congressmen, Lugar & Sodrel. Gimme me a break. Anything but fix the DAMN thing, right, after not just this $44 million, how many more have been spent the last 15 years? Hah.
This Mayor did not get control of the Sewer Department. He states he did in his Progress Report; but wasn't he in at Council this past year saying we had ALL THIS MONEY in sewers he could borrow. Really?
Oh, woe is me. In the Nov. 28, 05 report to the state, there were 6 or 7 sewer systems overflows; from Janie's Lane on in. The inner city did not get fixed, and now we are back at it again.
What doesn't seem logical to me is the only defense Garner is going to have against any of this mess is the plan was implemented; contracts were signed; and there was nothing he could do but proceed with the work as it was scheduled. Why fight with the EPA, when you testified the Plan wasn't going to work? Defies my sense of logic. And, we still maintain you are getting bad legal advice, and if they find Greg Fifer in conflict of interest over all these contracts he has cut with "certain" developers; plus representing our sewer board; plus misleading the Mayor on this BS -- he should have gone when Overton went.
And the demonstration period is for one (1) year, NOT SIX MONTHS. So, they'll tell ya anything, but you really have to get out and find it on your own (with help of course), and it will boggle your mind, the environmental damage being done to this City.
Our opinions only. Thanks for letting us voice them.
Anonymous, at 1:19 AM, December 23, 2005
Perfect explanation of the FACTS, of this issue, that has New Abany paralyzed with regards to any new economic development activity until the EPA says the sewers are "repaired" to the satisfaction of the agreement they made, that calls for $270K worth of annual "inner-city" improvements.
I would like to know why, they spent $44 million "expanding" the system, if that was not going to meet the mandates of the EPA requirements? Randy, can you get an answer for that one?
I have another question.
Since they spent, make that MIS-APPROPRIATED, the money for annual repairs to the inner-city that were mandated in the agreement, does that mean the rate increase they are talking about might have something to do with this mis-management?
Maybe about REPLACING money they unwisely spent on things other than what the money was appropriated for, or to RAISE the money necessary to pay for work needed to meet the EPA agreement?
Either way, I'd say I would have to put the handling of our sewer crisis in the LOSE column for the Mayor, as it appears we are still knee high in bulls&%t.
The EDIT money that the city Council appropriated for the Scribner project should be recinded! Put any "missing" sewer repair funds back into the sewers from those EDIT dollars, and fund the other necessary repairs needed to comply with the EPA.
No rate increase is necessary if they are held accountable for the money they have already mis-spent on other obligations.
We cannot afford to allow them to spend $400K per year, for 17 years, on a project we don't need or want.
I don't know about you guys, but if you really do care about economic development for N.A., you would rather be able to have potties that work before you buy swimming pools you can't afford.
Call your Council Reps.
Don't forget the At-Large members.
Here's a good test for you, should you really have any question about which CM may best serve as sitting President for the next year...
Call them all and ask them what they think about this issue.
East Ender, at 2:45 AM, December 23, 2005
coffey is a freakin joke, gahan for council prez
stick it up your you know what eastender
say ole mrs. smith, $$$$ and whatever else you are in your alcoholic state up yours too
just my pinyon
Anonymous, at 3:08 AM, December 23, 2005
“New Albany: No more excuses for failure.”
Borrowed from the Bailerites
Again, little people you're hung up with those infernal sewers. Find a solution.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM, December 23, 2005
Mayor Garners Press release response to:
Speak Out Loud NA
duh I don't know Laura and citizens of New Albany, Are you talking about my degree?
Laura: No Mayor Garner!
Laura: Just answer the question Mr. Mayor about the Consent Degree!
Mayor: What's a consent degree?
Laura: Holy s#iz'...
Potty police: 85 page contract Overton signed..Mr. Mayor...Geez louise.....what C.R.A.P!
Mayor: Does anyone have a copy OF This Degree? Can we use my "DEGREE" if we can't find what your talking about Laura?
Mayor: Laura I'll have to get back with you on this one!
Laura: What about the Sewer sisution Mayor?
Mayor: it's workin!
Potty Police: That's BS...We got poop shooting out the man holes, and floatin behind the Hampton Inn.
Mayor: Were just having some unexpected additional expenses on sewers right now, but like I said the Scribner Place is comin right along.
Laura: Has the EPA given the city additional credits yet?
Mayor: Atty. Fiffer has assured me anyday now they will be released.
potty police: You can't build Scribner Place without sewer credits.
Geez..louise....this is worse than dealing with dougie...and Overton
Laura: Her comes the fines we can not pay...Were all broke Mr. Mayor. And the city is broke.
Mayor: We only need to raise everything maybe a $1.00 or $2.00 a month more Laura. The folks of New Albany don't mind paying the additional fees and cost.
Here we go again!
Can the folks of New Albany continue being abused by this Mayor.
Happy Holidays
You got our support!
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM, December 23, 2005
sorry anon but your attempt at satire is what is funny on that posting, bottom line your sense of humor sucks as bad as your taste in politicians
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, December 23, 2005
Actually I thought the satire was pretty good. Perhaps not quite up to the standards of some others but it did make me chuckle.
Iamhoosier, at 1:13 PM, December 23, 2005
to 3:08 anonymous:I'ts ok (pat on head), we know how much it hurts, now come get your bone!
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM, December 23, 2005
{spraying coffee from mouth} toooo funny!
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM, December 23, 2005
Absolutely correct, Ceece. Extremely low level of maturity.
On a lighter note, we can be sure it was not Roger. Way too short, no big words and no punctuation!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays--take your pick.
Iamhoosier, at 3:20 PM, December 23, 2005
7:15 Post,
So cute
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM, December 23, 2005
Laura: Gee Potty Po'-lice....
I think we might'a made them thar Garner boys a little bit "mad as hell".?!
Potty police: Why, I think you might be right about that one.
Websters Dictionary; mad, adj.
1. Feeling anger or resentment
2. suffering from a disorder of the mind: insane.
Laura: That must mean they're CRAZY!?
Mayor: No, I have it all under control. Scribner Place is moving right along (just a little over budget, and we can almost dee China).
Laura: I don't thing'zo.
Potty police: We have pictures and overflow reports.
We think so.
Laura: That's what I thought.
We've hit another nerve center of the Garner (bowel) movement, and it is oh so obvious when they all go bezerk in unison.
(Christmas music in background, and crickets chirping from the 3rd floor) It's Christmas, and time for Families and Good Stuff!
Here's hoping EVERYONE in New Albany has a Very Merry Christmas!
East Ender, at 3:37 PM, December 23, 2005
Mr. 2:00 You must not have gotten you Christmas Bonus. Or could it been you got your water/sewage/sanitation bill? You seem to be having a bad day..Count your blessing like the rest of us hard working little people. At least were all not homeless yet!
Merry Christmas
Anonymous 2:00
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM, December 23, 2005
ceece no one her wants to hear your fowl mouth. Find another blog to complain on. The 2:00 comments sounds like the language you us. Now go suck your thumb and leave.
Anonymous, at 4:01 PM, December 23, 2005
laura: Is the mayor planning on fillin in the big pot hole on main street?
Citizens: Is that the hole in the earth call scruber place and bar!
Citizens: I hear there really diggin for oil?
Laura: The mayor has taken the NA police officers out of the different areas so maybe it's more than rumor?
Internet preacher toran told us-ooops.didn't mean to let that slip...Now I will be investigated for lett'n that out...hell don't worry they'll blame it on the council women...
Lordy bee: You folks keep preachin...cuz were startin to sea the light! I'm too olde to be bloggin. Need to take my heart pills before he raises my sewer bills. Well just have to stop flushin so much....
Laura: GOD BLESS you ALL the little people of NA. We will continue to fight for all of you.
Pottypolice: Hell fire they have no sewer lines. They black top over the man hole covers. Geez...louise..... .we can damn near see atlanta thru that deep...deep..hole....
Huckleberry: You think they will ever blacktop main street laura?
Laura: Well surely the mayr will before he runs for re-election.
Huckleberry: what they doin with the dirt? Maybe they use it to fill in all the pot holes in New Albany.
Taxpayers: Yep the mayr had his big bash yesterday downtown. HO...Ho....Ho.... He needs mo'e money. Guess he's tradin the dingo suv in?
Laura: Well he has all of our money. Think we can get a refund?
Shirley: I keep askin fuor that audit. Dan the man coffee says keep asking. They just don't want to listen.
Laura: I think CT is on to something about the mayor has somethin to hide. What do you think Councilman Price?
Councilman Price: We need to hold the mayor's feet to the floor on this one. Don't you huckleberry.
Citizen: I heard a rumor that they been hiddin all our money and that's what the reason is for the hole on main street.
pottypolice no.2..Epa will make mayr at least put porta potty's on main at scruber place...
potty police 1: Outhouses might work for less money....
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM, December 23, 2005
Don't blame ceese..Little timmy didn't get a christmas card from you know who? Can't type the name but we all know who that is? Maybe next year you'll get it from our new mayor..No rocks big enough in New Albany. But we sure got some deep holes to hide the evidence... for them slim bags to hide out in.(Sorry eastender)
Ceese ignore these bully's. We do!!!
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, December 23, 2005
Anonymous 2:00 -
We know it's difficult to be mature, but after 40 it's kind'a mandatory.
This is the "horse before the cart" kind of thing that we've been fussing about.
Stupid decisions, no accountability, bad advisement, etc., and YOU CAN'T HAVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT WORKING SEWERS!!!
How hard is that to understand?
I like the idea proposed by a certain Council member -
"He should be made to cut his budget by the amount of money that was mis-appropriated."
I think this is a wonderful idea, and a good sense approach to teaching this Mayor that he can't thumb his nose at the "nickels and dimes", because this money was available in other areas of the budget, until it was unwisely spent on perks and overpriced services for the City departments.
Where's it going to come from now that it's needed?
Oh, and the Garbage rate increase being espoused for 2007, that you want the Council to approve now, so it doesn't hurt your campaign (?) next year, that's on you.
Every Council member must stand on the principle of timing.
Those trucks and cans payments are about to become a tough one too.
Thank you (Not) Mayor Grinch!
East Ender, at 4:31 PM, December 23, 2005
Ceese -
We know you're being used as the "fall guy".
How does it feel to be part of a group that would go so low?
You might want to re-think your alliances.
We know you're smart, and young, and we play you hard sometimes, but sometimes lessons in life come at you pretty hard.
Living in New Albany, Politics is certainly one thing that will come at you hard and fast.
Like a good throw to second.
Ya' better be ready to play.
(hardhats are recommended)
East Ender, at 4:35 PM, December 23, 2005
Don't guess anybody thought the offending post may have been a "plant". I have seen nothing that would lead me to believe that it actually came from the "other" side.
Iamhoosier, at 4:43 PM, December 23, 2005
Hell we got lots to worry about now. Cause the mayor made us broke and now Seabrook is wantin to put us all in the ground!
God help us all!
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, December 23, 2005
yell when we get our new mayor. (Valla Ann) were not going to have to worry about all this c.r.a.p.
She's got answers and solutions. And she would make those hard cuts. And I bet ya they will not be driving all those city cars. And all them cell phones will be be gone.She will go line by line. And she will clean up this city. I'd sure let her be in charge of my money. She will really clean this mess up.
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM, December 23, 2005
Someone just reminded me that Justice never takes a Holiday!
I must say I agree with that one.
Not a day should go by that injustices are allowed to carry forth.
Something to think about as the Mayor put sanitation sub-committee members, CM Steve Price and Sanitation Union leader Mickey Thompson, on the spot about their recommendations.
The Mayor didn't follow their recommendations concerning the Sanitation saving plan, so why is he putting this rate increase in their back pockets?
They don't get to vote you know.
That would be Board of Works voting members, T.Toran, Steve LaDuke (thanks for calling, nice talking with you) and Chas Hunter.
If I'm not mistaken?
East Ender, at 8:02 PM, December 23, 2005
To Hoosier 4:43 post,You see nothing that would lead you to believe that It's not from the other side? How about" ----off Speak out loud."
Anonymous, at 8:16 PM, December 23, 2005
Speak Out Loud NA
Great Blog you got!
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, December 24, 2005
First of all...
Happy Happy Happy Holidays to everyone out the in blog-land.
I wish every one of you a joyous time with those who matter most in your lives and your hearts.
I wish everyone, more Tolerence for the diversity of people and ideas that make up a Community, I wish everyone will find the Key that Opens their Mind, and most of all, I wish Peace in your hearts...
Merry Everything!
East Ender, at 3:09 PM, December 24, 2005
danny boy coffey will lose ho ho ho merry christmas
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM, December 24, 2005
Twas the night before Christmas,
and all through our City,
Not a citizens was stirring not even a kitty.
The Bayloites were posting on the server with care
In hopes that St. Jimmy soon would be there.
The little people were nestled all snug in their beds.
While visions of "No Scribner Signs" dancing in their heads.
All the stockings were hung by the fireplace with care.
In the hope that Revenues soon would be there.
When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter
We ran to the door to see what was the matter.
With a bright set of handcuffs & sharp orange threats. We open the door and there was the "Feds."
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to our wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Jimmy.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now Randy! Now Tony! Now Roger and Mark!"
on, Crump! on, Messer! on, Gayhan and Blevins!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurrican fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house top the coursers they flew,
with a sleigh full of toys, and St. Jimmy too.
And then in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof,
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimmey St.Jimmy came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all stained with beer and soot;
Two cases of beer and a bag full of toys.
His eyes--they were bloodshot! his face it was hairy!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose red as a cherry!
And his right hand had an upraised
middle finger!
The pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a big fat
beer belly,
That shook, when he "swore" like a bowlful of jelly.
He had a nice ass, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had everything to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
Only God knows why he's such a jerk!
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
He flipped me off and up the chimney he rose:
He sprang to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Bud Lite!
Merry Christmas!
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, December 24, 2005
Having just rode back into town with Santa Claus this eve, and checking out the blog, WE ARE ROLLING! This may have been better than the C.R.A.P. posting (it's awful close)! Good work.
Keep up the good work speaking out loud, NA. Merry Christmas to All and to All a Goodnight!
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM, December 25, 2005
Right behind you $$$$$$$, you folks have really found the way to laugh at this mess, and I must say, it's the best gift by far!!
We must have been good boys and girls, because our Christmas wish looks like its on its way.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Ho Ho Ho
East Ender, at 3:01 AM, December 25, 2005
Happy Holidays
To all the gang at Speak Out Loud NA. (This Bud's for you)
You said it all! ;)
Anonymous, at 6:03 AM, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas to Roger and Laura for providing laughs all year long.
Happy Festivus for all the Seinfeld Fans
Happy Hannukah
Happy Kwanza
Happy Holidays for the Politically Correct
Tim, I don't know what you celebrate; maybe Happy Great Spirit or Merry Mosquito.
Anonymous, at 6:49 AM, December 25, 2005
to oldernewalbanina:
I think that people were busy with their families over the Christmas Holiday and just set aside making comments for the weekend.
Your comment of information was very helpful and we appreciate people like you taking their time to keep us informed.
I wish I could say " Happy New Year", but the forecast for New Albany sure seems dismal for 2006.
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM, December 26, 2005
to oldernewalbanian,I have personaly talked to eastender, and a few others about your stories and comments, my heart goes out to you. Rest assured that there are people who care and are checking into the info that you are looking for. People were very busy through the Holiday, but today is a new day. Hang in there.
Anonymous, at 12:43 PM, December 26, 2005
To OlderNewAlbanian:
Our family knows what happened and who was involved with the criminal harrassment and trespassing of your property. We know there is video of the "retaliation" done to you just because you cared about your neighborhood and what was going on.
Isn't the bigger issue about whom they are related to, and that may be why the City won't do anything?
We can't imagine (well, I take that back, we can) the literal hell you were put through; enough to force you to move.
Wouldn't you think, because of the politico system in town, the County Prosecutor could and would do something? Didn't you try that route (and I've forgotten why nothing happened)?
Hang in there. We are all in this together. Remember, what goes around comes around; and we say there's some coming around their way.
Our family feels we were out driving along, minding our own, and happened upon a terrible car accident. Either we do something to help, or you simply walk away. We're still all with you and we ain't walking away. It's just a terrible thing that's been going on for TOO LONG NOW.
Keep your faith; that's all any of us really have in the end. We feel, and I forget who said this but I'm sure someone will remind me, "I use to have a handle on life, but it broke".
Thanks, and these would be our humble opinions, worded as gently as possible.
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM, December 26, 2005
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM, December 26, 2005
By no means are we going to allow your nightmare experiences to go unanswered.
I know you went to every person in the administration you could possibly go to, and nothing was done.
I'm curious to know why Randy hasn't weighed in on this one. Didn't he ask for specific situations and offer to help get answers?
I'm just sure he did.
We will take this all the way to a resolution that will make sense.
I think we ought to start with CM Blevins, due to the fact that you reported his brother was one of the offenders, and CM Blevins was informed, and did nothing about it. Was he also the Sanitation supervisor you spoke with about the illegal dumpster? Or, was that someone else?
What do you think about starting there?
East Ender, at 2:13 PM, December 26, 2005
Just one more thing.......
Folks, you did GREAT over the Holiday, with the truth now coming out about the mistakes and bad judgement the Mayor has made, we now only have to follow the bouncing heads as they roll from the 3rd floor.
It's time to pay the piper.
We all tried to tell them, you can't dance this dance for free.
East Ender, at 2:23 PM, December 26, 2005
You might not know me. ButI sure heard a great deal about your problems from alot of folks in New Albany. Don't think people are not aware what was done to you....I know several Citizens who spent their Holiday putting things together for the betterment of New Albany. And believe me your right on the top of that list!
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM, December 26, 2005
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