Especially our friends and neighbors of New Albany, who have endured a difficult 2005. We welcome 2006, and the chance to make positive changes.
Let's all resolve to make our community a better place to live, work, play, and most importantly...to raise our families and leave the future with a better way of life than we have known.
Just Remember....
"Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk"
--- Dalai Lama
Happy New Years!
It should be an exciting Year..
Keep preaching to the choir cause people are reading SPOLNA.
You are making a difference.
Anonymous, at 4:53 AM, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year everyone, cute as hell posting eastender. Also, "Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it."
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM, January 01, 2006
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year, Laura from ours to yours...! Keep your faith, and hang in there. We luv ya!
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, January 01, 2006
Thank you everyone!
We still have questions regarding the Sanitation contract, and the "new" company that was formed to take the contract.
We will be putting up a new posting tomorrow about the details that are still unknown.
How are they going to use the City's office's so folks can still call the same number?
Will our "skeleton" crew, that was kept to service the largest losing account of sanitation, the Housing Authority, be working along side the private company in the same offices?
Will the private company pay rent?
Who's going to pay the receptionist taking the calls?
What about the utilities?
What about OUR trucks?
Yes, many questions have been left unanswered. We intend to get them answered.
Finally, why, and how, does Randy have a copy of the contract on his blog site when no Council Person I've talked with has a copy?
East Ender, at 7:22 PM, January 01, 2006
Maybe just maybe Randy approachs people with a little less angst in his heart.
Or better still, maybe the councilmen find some people so abrasive that they would rather not share with them.
Just a thought.
Happy 2006 All!
Highwayman, at 7:59 PM, January 01, 2006
Highwayman -
"...a little less angst in his heart." ?! Give me a break!
This has NOTHING to do with what's in his "heart".
Maybe, just maybe, the Council Members should have recieved this contract before ANY member of the public did.
Then again, maybe Randy isn't just a member of the public.
Why is it Randy gets a call from the Clerks office every time the Council Members do?
Maybe, Randy is our new Assistant Mayor, since we haven't seen, nor heard, ANYTHING out of T. Toran lately.
Let me guess...
Randy was in on the negotiations?
Maybe he's one of the partners?
Who knows?
Garner knows.
East Ender, at 9:31 PM, January 01, 2006
Garner's got to have at least one person who can be quoted as saying how great he is for Tribune articles.
So far, they've only been able to dig up Randy, who's trotted out for a comment each time.
His last one was a hoot. Didn't Randy say it was Garner's character that impresses him? Wonder if Garner's landlords are as impressed?
Anonymous, at 6:41 AM, January 02, 2006
Why don't u call and ask a Council member? Curious.
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM, January 02, 2006
Sorry, I forgot Council still has to vote on this issue, and there is no communication between this Mayor and the City Council.
I seem to have also forgotten Mr. Smith is now our Assistant Mayor, with Mr. Toran fading more and more into the background. Wait a minute, that's the rumour mill working.
We are anxiously awaiting Council's response to the Mayor's blog sight showing a contract they still have to vote for on the 9th. Seems I remember some of them "hating" blogs. This ought to be interesting, to say the least. Talk about "Rumpkegate". Okay....
Hang in there Council. You'll find out what's going on one way or another, right?
And these are my opinions.
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM, January 02, 2006
Hey ceece, why don't you make an effort to get a copy. You seem to like challenges.
Anonymous, at 2:06 PM, January 02, 2006
ceece, I'd like to know what they have offered you to be one of there "good ole boys"(OOPPS,girl)
Anonymous, at 2:10 PM, January 02, 2006
Ceece -
Just to clear up some things, let me make a couple of points.
First of all, the Mayor professes to NEVER read the blogs, much less provide a copy of a City contract to one that, oh yes, happens to be run by his new "advisor"(?), and constant media supporter.
Another tall tale told by Garner. He not only reads the blogs, but he is now utilizing Randy's to put out information before Council Members even get it.
In fact, this blog has been copied, taken into committee meetings, and used to confront Council members.
Don't you think there's something not quite right about that?
If you don't, then I would have to say that indeed, you are too young and naive to really understand what's going on around you politically.
Finally, to say you began as a huge supporter of this site is just outright misleading to our readers.
In fact, in your personal e-mail to me, you noted that you have NEVER aligned yourself with one particular blog or another, but rather insisted that to do so would be foolish. Based of course on your assertion that no one is ever right 100% of the time, and taking into account different points of view is always the most intelligent course.
I agree.
Finally, the "good 'ol boy" system is exactly what we have in place in New Albany right now, and it is obvious that the R&R boys (progressives if you like), are enthusiastic supporters.
So, how can you assert that an oxymoron exists in this instance?
I suggest you do more quality research, and if you are indeed a "neutral" reader of all blogs, you may want to change your tone a bit.
You just come off as very confrontational, and always in defense of the "other" blogs, even though you admit that Roger often takes his "satire" too far.
Which way is it Ceece?
I must admit, I just can't figure you out.
Actually, I don't think you've figured it out yet.
Keep reading, and try attending a few Council meetings. You just might learn a thing or three.
No hard feelings, just simple advise.
Best wishes for the New Year.
East Ender, at 4:54 PM, January 02, 2006
I don't remember you ever asking to MEET with me.
You are not "scary" (although the picture was a bit disconcerting), but we all have many demands on our time, as you yourself have noted.
Let's see if I can handle this quickly.
1.Proof is inherent in the problems
2.I never said Council Meetings
3.The Mayor said it
4.Not a call, he was there in person
5.Welcome to Council. Hope you learn
6.Comment wherever you like
7.Our purpose and process is different than Roger's. OK?
That's all.
East Ender, at 12:53 AM, January 03, 2006
Isn't it interesting O cut out the Waste Transfer Station, but we are getting one on Monon? Remember how citizens spoke at the podium and said if you could cut those out, blah, blah, blah (I'm know that's what some heard).
For Historical Data, here goes:
For a transfer station, these are the numbers frm 98 thru projections from 01 to 04:
(Historical data) 98 - $108,471; 99 - $204,147; 00 - $210,037; (Projected): 01 - $210,000; 02 - $0; 03 - $0; 04 - $0.
Now, wasn't some of that exhorbitant amount of debt based, what I saw, on the waste transfer station? If we cut that amount out, that alone could have floated Sanitation for awhile to see if their plan succeeded?
How could we have spent those kinds of monies, though, if they were budgeted, Mayor, when you came in? What a can of worms.
Questions and more questions.
Anonymous, at 1:27 AM, January 03, 2006
P.S. Correction there, IF THEY WERE NOT BUDGETED. Sorry for the confusion.
Anonymous, at 1:29 AM, January 03, 2006
Interesting historical data.
Thanks for pulling out the data and letting us know where this whole thing started from.
That's a lot of money, huh?
So many things in that contract, posted on Randy's blog, that just jump out at first reading.
How could they have missed them?
What last minute editing was done that did not turn up the "typo" of the contractor getting paid twice monthly?
Why are business pick ups not addressed? Only 12,000 residential?
Too many questions for now.
Let's see him talk his way out of this one. ha ha ha ha!
He can talk all he wants, this contract, and the way it was done, just isn't right in so many ways.
Guess we'll see soon.
East Ender, at 2:26 AM, January 03, 2006
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