Tribune Misses the Mark Again and Again
Thursday’s newspapers revealed exactly the type of "non-reporting" we have lamented over from the Tribune.
In the Courier-Journal, writer Ben Hershberger reported on a couple of very important issues that were completely ignored by the Tribune.
Unfortunately, for some reason, I am unable to make a direct link to the stories work tonight, so...for now, use the following link to the Courier, then enter keywords "scribner snag" and then "Garner spar" to read the articles mentioned here.
Only after talking to few folks did it become clear that the information I was discussing with them, never made it into the Tribune pages.
Namely, the Sewer Board meeting held on Tuesday that included discussions on the dilemma the City is facing with Georgetown: "Board Seeks Explanation for Partial Sewer Payment".
You remember. The folks James decided to “drop” off the system to get 150,000 credits pre-released from the EPA. The rate-payers that we contend the rate increase is, at least partly, designed to compensate for.
Anyway, a settlement of money has been owed from Georgetown for quite some time: A settlement that has been renegotiated by “double-duty” Sewer Board/County Developer attorney Greg Fifer.
Originally, the amount owed was $1.9 million. However, in November the renegotiation brought that figure all the way down to $800K, which is a $1.1 million discount. Now, Georgetown is only prepared to pay $300K and doesn’t want to pay the remaining $500K until October.
According to Ben’s article, “Todd Soloman and other sewer board members said they were concerned about the delay because the money is needed to pay for the installation of a new line to the Robt. E. Lee pumping station." A project that is REQUIRED by the EPA for the release of sewer credits, which is scheduled to be completed by April of next year according to the consent decree.
Now, you would think, after all we’ve been reading about this Sewer rate increase, that the happening of the sewer board meetings might be worth reporting on. However, there was not one word printed in the Tribune about this situation with Georgetown, or other things that happened at that extraordinarily long meeting. NOT ONE WORD!
The most glaring exemption from the Tribune and their crack team of investigative reporters (NOT), is the headline spread across the front of the Indiana section on the same day; "Scribner Place Hits Money Snag"
In this lengthy and informative article, Courier-Journal writer Ben Herberger reports that the YMCA is having trouble securing their $7 million line of credit with the bank. Why? Because, the agreement between the City and the “Y” is not sufficient enough to provide the proper collateral for the loan.
Thus the agreement between the City and the YMCA must be re-written.
Gee, what a great opportunity this would be to get this thing done right.
Did you read about this anywhere in the TRIBUNE? Do you wonder why?
Isn't this type of information about Scribner Place development a major interest to the people of New Albany? They sure manage to write stories that glorify the project. It appears anything negative about the project will simply not be covered.
Could it be that the Tribune is part and parcel of the “spin” machine that whirls around James Garner that sucks up and hides any hints of disappointing information?
Consider too, the story printed on Wednesday, June 21st, about the angry phone calls that spewed from the Mayor to Donnie Blevins after the past Council session. The Courier-Journal reporter covered this story very well, speaking to everyone involved, including the Mayor, and presenting all the evidence without even a hint of judgment or personal bias.
"Garner,Councilman Spar Over City Audit"
No name calling of any Council Members. No disparaging remarks about the intellect or reasoning behind CM Blevin’s action to vote for the audit investigation. Just plain old-fashioned brass tacks reporting that explains all views of the incident, the way it’s supposed to be, leaving the conclusion drawing up to the reader.
Was this story written up in the Tribune? It sure got around town pretty quick, as folks were talking about it before the night was done. Everyone heard about it, but the Tribune was silent.
Even in their report about the night’s Council session, there was no mention of the infamous calls despite the fact they spoke with Garner AFTER the meeting.
Personally, I find the omission of these happening in the local press to be an unforgivable action. It makes it very apparent that the local paper is in the Mayor’s hip pocket and you, readers, will ONLY read a selective view of your community. Nothing negative, nothing of problems with financing the “Y”, and certainly no mention of the Georgetown sewer payment being delayed.
Is that sort of coverage sufficient for you?
Damn good reporting!
Why would I want to read what Ben has written, he gets it from Larry Korchert!
It's not news, it's the councilmans rant of the week, why not call it like it is!
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM, June 24, 2006
instead of Garner firing Blevins, too bad he cant fire Coffey. Voters will fire coffey in 2007
Anonymous, at 11:19 AM, June 24, 2006
What happens if Georgetown can not build their new sewer plant?
Anonymous, at 5:22 PM, June 24, 2006
They lied to us again! Garner should be thrown out of office.
Anonymous, at 5:41 PM, June 24, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM, June 24, 2006
"instead of garner firing Blevins, to bad he cant fire Coffey."
God what idiots! If anybody should be fired, duuuhhh that would be Garner!
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM, June 24, 2006
anonymous -
You bring up a very significant point.
Currently, there is a lawsuit that has been filed against Georgetown by residents of the area. They do NOT want a sewage plant in their neighborhoods.
Also, there is a dispute over the annexation of the land they intend to build the plant on.
However, even paying the City of New Albany a 50% surcharge (as the Courier noted), residents want their waste to continue being handled by the New Albany system.
This is a precarious situation, with a lot of decisions being made on assumptions.
James told the EPA that Georgetown would no longer be on our lines in order to wrench that first 150K credits from them.
There is a reasonable theory that suggests this was a really bad decision (again!) by our illustrious (ha) Mayor.
That big sewer bond payment is due soon, and the bar screen repair is supposed to be done by August.
A repair that so coincidently has been projected to cost the same $800K that is due from Georgetown.
Only now, what possible motive can they hang over Georgetown's head to compell them to pay up?
What was that quote again that Ben reported on? Oh, yeah... YOU'VE RUINED MY POLITICAL CAREER!!!
No Jimmy, you've done that just fine all by yourself.
East Ender, at 12:16 AM, June 25, 2006
Georgetown is already approved for the loan to build a new plant. Why would anyone want to do business with New Albany? They have bought the land. They think things out instead of trying to fill their pockets unlike Fifer. And all the other crooks in New Albany. I had someone in the mayors office tell me all politicans lie.
He is the worse mayor New Albany has had,. And now Redevelopment wants to give the land free to the YMCA! I am waiting on the moving truck to move James out.
Anonymous, at 12:32 AM, June 25, 2006
Are you aware that Stan Faith is now Georgetown's attorney?
There is an entire network in place that has been operating in this town and surrounding areas for more than 30 years.
It's time the "good-old-boys" club to find a new line of work.
East Ender, at 2:13 AM, June 25, 2006
Thanks for the update on that information blogtastic.
Something tells me this new arrangement isn't going to work out quite as well as they thought it would.
Furthermore, what happens when the EPA finds Georgetown still on our lines a year from now?
How long does it take to get a plant up and running?
At any rate (literally), Jimmy has managed to mis-manage another one.
East Ender, at 9:53 AM, June 25, 2006
how about calling the mayor the mayor for a change? you are a disrespectful ________________
lose the vally speakoutstupid lingo
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM, June 25, 2006
"How long does it take to get a plant up and running?"
I guess that depends on how much the community fights the effort. It has taken right at 3 years for the plant at Hertage Springs (Thienemann) to even start construction, and I don't believe they even have the final discharge permit yet. That is being fought too. It is interesting that Mr. Fifer is their attorney too.
If the people around Georgetown fight like the people in Greenville, it could take a very long time.
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM, June 25, 2006
He's not my mayor! RESPECT-not in this lifetime...
vally lingo? Get a life.
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, June 25, 2006
to 12:06 You have to earn respect to get respect Dumb***. By the way watch who your calling a *****!
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM, June 25, 2006
Can't we let summer be summer
And be friends until the Fall elections.
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM, June 25, 2006
JIMMY is all the respect THIS mayor is getting out of me.
He's so inept, he's dangerous.
Not one good decision in almost 3 years. How does he intend to explain that away?
He is selling off New Albany, one department at a time, to the highest bidder with the shadiest practices.
Now, he wants to use OUR property taxes to guarantee bonds for those swimming pools???
Sorry, but I would rather have functioning sewers and a possible future of strong economic growth that can be supported with adequate infrastructure for my money.
East Ender, at 8:12 PM, June 25, 2006
stealing valy's lines again uh laura? ;)
Just make the comment:
respect is earned
not demanded!
Jimmy does not even earn his paycheck....
Anonymous, at 6:27 AM, June 26, 2006
Tpical BS Inc. this morning on NAC.
Looks like Freedom Of Speech is getting to ya roger?
As people are creatchers of habits. Mr. Baylors habits are gettin old. You say something he doesn't like and he attacks you. Well Mr. Baylor who put you in charge of "culture criticsm." or any type of criticsm. oh that's right...your the guru of NA.
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM, June 26, 2006
Check out the New Freedom of Speech article. The Board of Works has their own rubber stamp!
Anonymous, at 11:04 AM, June 26, 2006
Right on. Keep preachin to the choir cause were listenin. And he's reading what your blog is putting out. It's the buzz of the building.
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM, June 26, 2006
Back to the topic of the Tribune missing the mark.......
blogtastic has some interesting stats on the circulation of the local papers at his new web site NA Unrestricted - Maybe since they can't get it right people are choosing the paper that can.
Did the Tribune report that NA's population has shrunk by 3%?
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, June 26, 2006
blogtastic has some great info on his blog.
Tribune is to busy spinning Scribner place, and defending drycleanersman. Can you imagine what politics 07 will be like based on Tuckers opinion? I can read it now "look what mayor garner has done for New Albany"
Anonymous, at 4:32 PM, June 26, 2006
Speaking of my local party, why has the Floyd County Democrats website been down for two days? I tried it yesterday and today. It may have been down longer than that.
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM, June 26, 2006
Blogtastic's new blog is HERE
East Ender, at 6:16 PM, June 26, 2006
Maybe the mayor overspent the local party funds too, and they could not pay their Internet bill :)
But there is great P-P communist info at Roger's blog. He thinks he's so smart I am surprised his head can even fit through the door.
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, June 26, 2006
I along with you Laura no longer take the tribune. I can get what I need on the web-page.
By the time they raise my sewer bill. Our family will have to re-do our budget.
Just because Garner is a screw-up.
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM, June 26, 2006
Wonder where roger is hiding?
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM, June 26, 2006
Maybe roger realizes the sandbox is getting full now. And were not going to tolorate any bullies kickin sand in our faces no more?
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM, June 26, 2006
This blog basically has 3 or 4 people talking to themselves and everyone else is laughing.
Anonymous, at 9:29 PM, June 26, 2006
to 9:29 comment: Even if this blog had only 3or4 people commenting, (we all know there is a hell of alot more than that, HE HE HE HE)ITS'ALL TRUE! IT hurts doesn't it little-man?
Anonymous, at 11:11 PM, June 26, 2006
The bottom line is that MANY people are now reading the blogs because they are looking for REAL information about how their City is being managed and how their money is being spent.
The people of New Albany WILL demand accountability in the '07 elections.
Meanwhile there are fortunately enough civic minded individuals who have, and will, work hard to make sure folks are informed about City operations.
As for those who wish to silence the people and their opinions, there is only one thing to say:
East Ender, at 12:01 AM, June 27, 2006
You got that right laura. The bigger they are the harder they fall!
James Garner is the worst mayor New Albany has.
Anonymous, at 12:12 AM, June 27, 2006
"Do You Know The Way To San Jose?"
Aren't there lyrics in a song about that? Please check out page A3 in the CJ today, 4th article down on the left hand side of the page.
And I quote, "Mayor Accused of Bribery and Conspiracy"
The mayor of San Jose was arraigned yesterday on public-corruption charges stemming from a secretly negotiated garbage-contract deal. (Gee, does that sound familiar?)
The judge in the case against Mayor Ron Gonzales, 55, postponed the entering of pleas after Gonzales' attorney said he planned to ask for the case to be dismissed on the grounds that the allegations do not amount to a crime.
Lead prosecutor Julius Finkelstein said he was not surprised by the defense tactic and added, "We thik our interpretation of the law is correct."
In an indictment unsealed last week, Gonzales was charged with six felonies, including conspiracy, bribery, misappropriating public funds and falsifying records. If convicted, he could get up to eight years in prison.
Gee, sounds like San Jose went through the same "secret" garbage contract we did.
Did you notice on your handouts from our new garbage company, you don't even have to put your garbage in a "can"? You know, those "cans" we are STILL PAYING FOR? Just make sure it's in a bag; that is what the flyer says. Of course, YOU can purchase one from them (which are probably ours that you have already purchased).
They are still using our building, our electric, our phone services, our water/sewage -- what I want to know is ARE THEY PAYING FOR THEM?
Good mornining New Albany!
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM, June 27, 2006
A little bit of humor for today. There are several songs that say "there are no luggage racks on a hearse". In other words, you can't take it with you.
We heard one about athiests. When an athiest passes away, they get all dressed up, with no where to go.
A thought for the day.
Anonymous, at 8:25 AM, June 27, 2006
Let us see if we can figure this "rumor" out. We have called everyone and their brother; they have all heard the same thing.
Is it true that Mr. Tony Toran asked Jody Johnson (head of the Street Department) that he was going to quit if Tony got on him anymore? Heard Jody Johnson told Mr. Toran "that's right". Then we heard that Toran told him he had until the end of the month to get a new job and get out.
We have also heard that Ralph Heinz will be the new Street Department Head. Council members have heard, public has heard, and some "lowly" workers have verified this as being true.
Anyone know what's going on here? Thanks.
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM, June 27, 2006
I'm hiding in plain sight, just like always.
And you, anonynous?
The New Albanian, at 1:03 PM, June 27, 2006
Thank you, thank you, thank you FOS for your posting. That is absolutely what happened and what Mr. Seabrook did say, and that is the fact of that matter.
Thanks for bringing it forward, though I'm sure you don't need my thanks -- but me and mine appreciate your efforts.
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM, June 27, 2006
good riddins to jody johnson, he is an incompetent waste of tax dollars anyway
Anonymous, at 5:06 PM, June 27, 2006
Did you hear about Ann Berry secretary told redevelopment "you can't pull this shit on the taxpayers! I quit!
Another long lasting employee packs up and leaves! What the hell is Jimmy doing to all the City County employees?
3 Cheers for Ann.
Rumor is even the elected officials hate him!
Anonymous, at 5:27 PM, June 27, 2006
good riddins to her, screw em all who cant cut it, only the best need to work down there because this mayor desrves only the best and the brightest.
what do you want working down there the little people type
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM, June 27, 2006
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Anonymous, at 5:52 PM, June 27, 2006
Gee, I think honesty, integrity, competence, and real concern for the welfare of the City and its occupants would go a LONG way downtown.
This mayor has been responsible for putting the wrong people in the wrong places too many times.
The City, as well as residents, developers, and businesses have all suffered through his bad choices.
Eddie Hanacock, David White, Tony Toran, along with many others, have been detrimental to city operations. All because Jimmy has been "rewarding" jobs to political supporters.
We, the People, deserve better. Nothing but the best and the brightest.
Unfortunately, we got Garner.
However, we anticipate that's going to change soon.
East Ender, at 6:03 PM, June 27, 2006
Check out the articles on Freedom of Speech
They have several very good postings related to the city's money.
East Ender, at 6:06 PM, June 27, 2006
little timmy is loose on the playground.
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM, June 27, 2006
X-Councilman Goldberg,
You call Freedom Of Speech revealing ignorance? Well how come you never admitted you screwed up on the redistricting? Maybe you need to go back and read the sewer board minutes....Facts...facts...
You a hasbeen...Did you not use to be a councilman? Didn't you vote right along side Councilman Garner.
Anonymous, at 6:21 PM, June 27, 2006
Little Timmy isn't the only one on the playground with a screw loose!
The whole damn bunch of you are a chicken leg short of a full picnic basket!
You guys make it sound like New Albany was Pleasent Valley before James became mayor, and two short years he muffed it up!
Say it ain't so Joe! This city has had problems for the past 100 years, the only thing we didn't have the information highway to spread the rummours.
Hell, Chas Hunter held meetings in Ernie's Tavern. Doug England, now there was press hound if ever there was one, the man had his photograph in the Bune every day of the week the whole time he was mayor! Not that its against the law, but damn if your always out getting your damn photo taken who is back minden' the store! Oh that's right, it was his henchmen John Somethingly! He was the true New Albany maffia!
Tuffy! what kind of name is that! And then there was the REAL McCoy!
Bob Real, how times did he take a vacation on tax payers money!
So you see kiddies! Like ole' Bill Cliton said, "It's all good!"
Anonymous, at 6:30 PM, June 27, 2006
westender older than dirt,
FYI We have elected officials who sit over at the hitchin post cutting deals, getting shit faced drunk falling off the bar stools. They have stolen computers, padded payroll. And stooped to an all time low of stealing copymachines and falsifying legal documents. Do I need to say anymore!
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM, June 27, 2006
To the 6:30 comment - right on.
You have me laughing out loud. We knew it had been going on for over 30 years. We have heard the stories of Mr. Hunter "hiring" everyone in the bar one night and having to fire them the next morn. What stories which could be told.
We are trying to effect change. We understand the sense of "entitlement" some of these politicos have, but that don't make it right.
We will only succeed finding someone who has NO TIES and OWES NOONE any favors. Political patronage -- ought to be a law!
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, June 27, 2006
Let us count the different ways to become a crook in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 12:02 AM, June 28, 2006
Hell give me a job. Mrs. Smith will clean up little ole corrupt New Albanywashington!
Anonymous, at 7:17 AM, June 28, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:39 AM, June 28, 2006
Please check out today's Editorial page in the Tribune (or go on line).
Roger Baylor has a letter which seems to suggest that most of the citizens in New Albany are against progress, intellectualism, and just about everything. His main target is me but since I mentioned the silent majority in New Albany I guess that makes me the focus.
Do I care? What do you think?
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, June 28, 2006
Why bother replying. It is a waste of time, and a distraction from the real issues. It is not a win, win sisution with them. Move on with other important issues that we all need to deal with.
Anonymous, at 9:09 PM, June 28, 2006
His letter to the editor was simply a rant against the success of the silent majority and a shameless plug for his own blog.
If he didn't perceive the silent majority as a true threat to his own perfect worldview of how he thinks the 'state of New Albany' ought to be, he wouldn't have even taken time to have written the response. As somebody on this blog pointed out already, these quasi-socialists cannot stand freedom of speech unless it is their own speech. Sooooo, the speech on SOLNA must be working!!!!
As far as directing traffic to his blog, maybe he is trying to get the traffic up. I stopped reading when his posts got way too looooooooooooooong, and the semi-delusional book guy started to write.
Sign me,
A City Suburb Progressive
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM, June 28, 2006
He's not fooling anyone, Shirley. He HAS to do it what with he and Randy being the Mayor's mouthpieces. How bad can it be when it is so aptly called Some of us are simply easy marks, such as you, because you darst speak at the Council.
Their whole aim right now is to distract and discredit us. We do have the facts and more importantly, the truth, to stand behind ALL OF US. "Their" spin is just that -- the Mayor's "spin" on whatever the issue may be; and if they don't know what else to come back with -- that is when the personal attacks start.
Don't let 'em scare ya off, but I know you won't. A frin
Anonymous, at 3:55 AM, June 29, 2006
I see the palsied academic poseur's been digging through the archives again.
It was so long ago that Mr. Stewart even liked me then.
But, alas, no one sends me flowers anymore.
I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm off to check out a piece of property downtown, soon to be home of "Progressive Pint World."
The New Albanian, at 8:47 AM, June 29, 2006
Dear New Albanian,
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, June 29, 2006
new albanian,
cry us a river.wimp.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM, June 29, 2006
We are sorry to hear on of the pillars of our community has passed away, Katherine Hickerson.
The obituary will probably be in the papers tomorrow, but she passed yesterday. She will be sorely missed for her community activism and kindnesses.
Our sympathies to her family. She'll be sorely missed by all.
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM, June 29, 2006
New signs ordered for the city limits, should be in place by Tuesday morning, Oh! lets put one up at the Ellen Court too!
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM, June 30, 2006
Katherine Hickerson's obituary did not make the papers today. We understand Baity is handling the visitation with the funeral being at Graceland Baptist, but we still have some confirming to do.
Thanks to all of those who asked. Take care, NA
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM, June 30, 2006
visitation is sunday at bethal AME
315 E. 5th street from 3 to 9. Funeral monday at 11 a graceland
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM, June 30, 2006
anon at 3:55 am said "Their whole aim right now is to distract and discredit us. We do have the facts and more importantly, the truth, to stand behind ALL OF US."
You are so right! They call themselves progressive but are afraid of the truth getting out.
It does not matter what the Tribune does not print anymore because we can find out the truth in other places. Blogtastic said the same thoing on his blog. The newpapers are no longer in control. The so called progressives were never in control. WE THE PEOPLE are in control.
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM, June 30, 2006
You keep thinking you're in control.
Anonymous, at 3:49 PM, June 30, 2006
Thanks for that correction on Mrs. Hickerson. Visitation is 3-9 Sunday at the Bethel A&E Church on E 5th St, with the Funeral Monday at Graceland Baptist 11:00 AM.
Our condolences, also.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, June 30, 2006
What truth do you have? So far not ounce of truth has been produced by this blog. It is all lies and finger pointing.
Damn people if you can't agree to disagree who in the hell will beleive any words you have to say!
So there is some money that you don't know where it went. Big fricken deal, the mayor is not living in a mansion, nor is anyone else in this adminstration, hell his new car belongs to the city of new albany, he doesn't hold the title. Hell his wife hasn't even had a boob job! Isn't that the first thing a guy does when he has stolen lots of money, fix up his main squeez!
You people are nuts, just plain freeken nuts! What are you going to do for entertainment when all this shit is settled and there is nothing else for you to bitch about!
Yep! that is when you will turn on each other and attach like wild dogs! God! I'd pay to see that!
Sorry to hear about Mrs Hickerson, now that was a lady who had class, and got the RESPECT she deserved. Our city lost one of the best there!
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM, June 30, 2006
FYI We do have the facts. And we have proof. Ir will be exposed in the next couple weeks. As far as Tim Deatrick blaming Valla Ann. Claim this is a political move. Give me a break. No one is against The YMCA. The YMCA only has 5.5 million $ in Pledges. Pleadges does not cut it. Do you honestly think the taxpayers should pick up their part? Not in this life time. Not only this like Mr. Price says why should the citizens co-sign for this project? Don't you think that the citizens ought to vote on it? Hell NO you want to stick us with the bill. Tim Deatrick why do you continue to attack Valla Ann? Your just pist because you got caught in one lie after another!
You need serious help "boy".
Blogtastic, after reading your article concerning the little people you need to talk to a bunch of us about this issue. And BTW the story concerning Donnie Blevins and Jimmy was not put out by SOLNA!
Are you Blogtastic one of the "little people "????
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM, June 30, 2006
The story about Donnie Blevins was first put out on this blog. It was a comment by a couple of different people under the article called Re-Post of Audit Findings on Thursday, June 15, 2006. It looks like the people were writing right after the council meeting.
Anonymous, at 6:43 PM, June 30, 2006
Are you saying Gahan is a liar and didn't hear Garner call Blevins that night and what Blevins said to him? Curiouser and Curiouser.... What one will do to protect his/her job, gee, who would have thought?
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM, June 30, 2006
I am sadden by what is transpiring in New Albany. Poor, Mr. Schmidt/Mrs.Schmidt and Mr. Coffey. I fear for their well-being. I tried to call both today to express my sympathy. They are not taking calls, wonder why? Could it be they are afraid of the "wild pack of dogs" that are pursuring them?
FORGET THIS "SCRIBNER PLACE" CRAP! Take the money and repair the streets in New Albany.
I am so ashamed to say I am from this area...............
Anonymous, at 6:58 PM, July 07, 2006
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