Re-Post of Audit Findings
Given the attitude of our Mayor concerning tonight's resolution to have a full investigative audit done, we felt compelled to re-post some information that was contained in the 2004 annual partial audit performed by the State.
As a reminder, the State Board of Accounts Report said:
"...we noted certain matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control over financial reporting that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the City's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements."
This information, along with now having a Federal Investigator in Town from the EPA who is looking into the financials of $44+ million of sewer fund money, should result in nothing less than a full investigative audit.
If there is nothing to hide, then there is nothing to be angry about and no reason to balk at a full audit. If anything, Garner should be anxious to be vindicated by having a full audit reveal no improprieties.
OK. Let's give it a go here on the blog as to why the Stormwater Compliance should NOT include another bureaucratic Board (thank you CM Price), with more money getting sucked into pockets rather than projects. Do we really want to create another way for our City expenses to bulge?
I thought the whole idea was to reduce our spending levels, so at least the often-used & abused excuse of "there's no money" would still hold a little water, while money accumulates and become "unavailable" or "restricted in use" to the tune of about $5 million sitting in 'special funds', to be used for restricted, and 'special' purposes in restricted and special places.
TIF, CDBG, UEZ , EDIT, PERF, IHFA, etc., etc., etc.
There's no money - "IN THAT FUND"... is what they should be saying.
So, where is it, how much is it, and why are they not doing regular monthly reconciliations?
Page 38 of the City of New Albany Audit: Indiana Code 5-13-6-1(e) states "All local investment officers shall reconcile at least monthly the balance of the public funds, as disclosed by the records of the local officers, with the balancesstatements provided by the respective depositories."
"As a result of of undetected errors as of Dec. 31, 2004, the City has $88,947 more in unidentified cash recorded in its records than that being held inits bank accounts." In other words, we're missing almost $90,000 that should be in the bank, but is not.
We've begged them to park the City owned vehicles IN THE CITY. Or at least keep the log books that are required by this pesky little agency called the Internal Revenue Service that keeps personal use separated from work use.
We really can't afford to pay for so much gasoline. We can hardly keep our own tanks full. Make that more like half full.
Another small but important show of trying to help save money would be to please, turn off the cell phone and leave it with the car keys (unless you live in the City), and go home.
We can do better to save the City of New Albany from complete financial ruin. If we don't put a stop to the wasteful spending, and the loose accounting, that's exactly what's going to wind up happening to New Albany.
In the State Board of Accounts' Financial Report to The Officials of New Albany, we found the following as related to compliance for financial reporting:
"The opinion to the financial statements was qualified due to the lack of sufficient documentation of capital assets and inadequate cash reconciliations."
The report also says, "The results of our tests disclosed instances of noncompliance that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards and which are described in the accompanying Scedule of Findings and Questioned Costs."
All of this means that the City officials responsible for keeping track of funds and expenses in all the separate departments, boards, and commissions, are not doing their job the way the State says they should be doing it.
It's all been slip-shod management of the public funds, and ultimately, the Citizens trust. The bad decisions need to stop, and we need to get a lid on it real quick.
CM's, you must understand that no plan he has come up with, no approval that you have allowed to go his way, none of it has come out to be a good decision for the City of New Albany. A big part of what he says he'll do, or he'll get back to you with, never happens. Why continue to put our fate in Garner's greedy hands?
So, let's just start with the fact that there is already enough 'bad blood', so to speak, in the Political realm of New Albany about who gets paid on which board, and which Boards pay, and which don't. Hell, they are all different. Furthermore, who's paychecks get paid out of which funds?
That's another one that will confuse most folks around here if you ask them.
Just exactly who IS getting paid with City money, and how much are we paying them? After all, this City money is actually the people's money.
So, isn't this a reasonable thing to be able to ask, and expect an answer from, the people who we elected to spend our money for us? I think so.
Unfortunately, I think there are other people in our City who would rather keep that information solidly under a rock (don't worry, we'll dig it up).
That same State Board of Accounts Report we referred to earlier also states:
"...we noted certain matters involving the internal control over financial reporting and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control over financial reporting that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the City's ability to record, process, summarize and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the financial statements."
This is a huge statement that is pretty clear about what s going on.
Still, there are considerations to be made about the Mayor sitting on X# of Boards, and getting X# of salaries in return.
We want to know how much is enough for this guy? How much money does he think he can suck out of the citizens of New Albany before somebody crys: "FOUL"
We just can't keep taking the hit, paying the penalties, for the 'fouls' that have been made by the heads of New Albany's past and current administrations.
However, we find it's a weak and spineless person who, when caught with a hand in the cookie jar, would point and say "they did it too" as though that makes it alright. One thing that's real important here to all future New Albany Mayors out there: IT NEVER MAKES IT RIGHT!
Now, what would we start thinking, knowing that more hits are coming... raising Sewer rates, climbing Sanitation costs, along with the "Brand New" Stormwater 'user Fees'???? These are all but guaranteed.
We've been told that all of this is probably going to happen, and we know that when they say probably, that's the warning shot....DUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Well, there are other considerations that should be taken into account when assessing our Mayors performance. How he is performing in his duties and responsibilities on the Boards he currently sits on (we don't care about his style, we care about his substance)?
We all know that the first order of business upon his election as Mayor was to immediately appoint himself as Chair of the Wastewater Utility (Sewer Board), and to draw another salary from that.
What did the State Audit have to say about the Sewer fund records?
"The City's capital asset records for wastewater Utility owned capital assets are $18,442,759 less than capital assets reported in these financial statements."
That's about $18.5 million in capital assets that were reported in financial statements to the State, but there are no records to back that up.
Now, we all know that the Sewer Board, which he has been leading for over 2 years now, has done a dismal job of being able to comply with State and Federal EPA and IDEM mandates of the Clean Water Act and the agreed orders of the Courts that were signed by Overton. A situation Garner knew about from the four years he sat on Council prior to his run for Mayor.
(we will be loading copies of financial documents concerning the Sewer Fund)
There should have been no surprises there. He should have been ready to roll up his sleeves and get to work, getting things done to comply, and securing the needed blessings from the EPA for future growth, probably along with a hearty pat on the back from the citizens for a job well done.
Instead, Garner has been advancing a very expensive agenda, including an overpriced and underfinished Firehouse, a $16 million natatorium, a soccer complex, an Assistant Mayor (a broken campaign promise), privatizing Sanitation services (another broken campaign promise), ignoring the sewer issues, and handing out political favors like they were lollypops.
He's been using the Sewer Fund as the City's "slush fund", borrowing huge amounts of money to shore up an assorted number of Departments, programs, and projects, including the General Fund which was depleted below zero.
State Board of Accounts Comments concerning Overdrawn Cash Balances:
"The cash balance of any fund may not be reduced below zero. Routinely overdrawn funds could be an indicator of serious financial problems which should be investigated by the governmental unit." Think they'll do that?
New Albany had 9 funds overdrawn in 2004:
General Fund, Motor Vehicle Highway, Local Road & Street, Law Enforcement Continuing Education, Unsafe Building, Indiana Housing Board Rental Rehabilitation, reserve Liability, TIF Park East Industrial, and the Medical/Drug Fund.
We've only scratched the surface of the findings in the Audit, and there is more to come on the Sewer fiasco, and why we are saying NO to another sewer rate increase.
The only reason the last posting is missing right now is because we wanted the Audit Findings at the top of the page.
It was publishing BENEATH the blogtastic post.
Therefore, we took that post down, temporarily, to get the Audit post up first.
We will re-post the blogtastic post tonight after the Council meeting.
East Ender, at 5:55 PM, June 15, 2006
Now what has happened to the 5 or 6 comments that were there before your explanation?
Iamhoosier, at 6:01 PM, June 15, 2006
I guess that whole freedom of speech thing EE is always blathering on about is just for satire's sake.
I finally get it.
Anonymous, at 6:14 PM, June 15, 2006
Breaking News!
I just came home from the City Council Meeting. Mr. Coffey introduced a resolution to request an audit of the city finances and it passed the first reading.
The votes were cast as follows:
Mr. Coffey - aye
Mr. Schmidt - aye
Mr. Price - aye
Mr. Kochert - aye
Mrs. Crump - was absent
Mr. Blevins - aye (after passing at first)
Mr. Messer - no
Mr. Seabrook - no
Mr. Gahan - no
The vote came after much debate with most of the council members participating. Mr. Seabrook thought the resolution was too vague and was afraid to expend a large sum of tax dollars without a clear idea of what was to be investigated. Mr. Coffey read page 40 of the 2004 audit and stated that an investigation was indicated.
Mr. Price also made excellent points about the monthly reports showing that the money was being spent but not how or why. He also argued the need for an audit.
Aa few citizens spoke in favor of the audit. Valla Ann made an excellent case. She also read from the 2004 audit and her talk was straightforward and to the point.
All in all it was an interesting meeting.
Anonymous, at 9:45 PM, June 15, 2006
Another witch hunt engineered by Valla Annie get your facts straight oakley.
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, June 15, 2006
Wow! What a meeting.
Steve Price thanking Baylor and Smith. The room was still and I believe I saw smoke coming from Baylor's ears.
Finally an audit. Maybe someone can tell the citizens where all the money went.
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM, June 15, 2006
Smoke was indeed coming from Baylor's ears and Randy's too. I love it when a bad plan backfires and the good guys win one.
For those who were not present at the meeting:
Steve Price thanked Mr.Baylor, Mr. Smith, Mr. Tucker and Mr. Whitlow for their comments. He has received many phone calls with people telling him they are on his side.
Way to go Steve!
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM, June 15, 2006
There is indeed intelligent life on that City Council, and there are obviously enough of them who truly care about the well-being of the community.
CM Donnie Blevins cast his swing vote in favor of accountability and funds analysis.
With the demise of the Street Dept. looming nearby, we are guessing that an inate 'need to know' has oversome CM Blevins.
Why, and how, has the Street Dept. gone more then $700K into the red since Garner took office?
Where did that money go?
It's the same with many other Departments of the City.
Even month to month reports often reflect differences of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
With the Sewer fund, we are talking about millions.
It's time the elected officials charged with overseeing the finances of the City got a clear picture of where we really stand.
Furthermore, we support a proposal that no 'elective' major expenditures should proceed until a complete independent investigative audit report has been recieved and reviewed by Council.
East Ender, at 12:24 AM, June 16, 2006
Anonymous, at 12:32 AM, June 16, 2006
P.S. Many thanks to CM Dan Coffey for bringing the resolutions to the table in spite of every attempt that's been made to stifle you.
As CM Price can attest, the majority of the people of New Albany are behind you and appreciate your tenacity.
East Ender, at 12:37 AM, June 16, 2006
If any of you paid attention, you’d notice that both Price and Baylor are saying the same thing.
A non-reader, the former has received numerous phone calls of support, while the latter, who seldom phones, has picked up numerous readers. Is that surprising? After all, both "sides" have worked hard to polarize the issues.
The unfortunate fact for all of us is that the true majority in New Albany is made up primarily of renters and other short-termers who are far less likely to vote or to participate in any way. It should be obvious – we’re all in the minority in the sense of those who care enough to participate.
The majority is apathetic, don't you think?
Anonymous, at 8:31 AM, June 16, 2006
So, what are they going to audit? All funds? WHen does it start? How much will it cost? For what years or time period will the audit be? Talk about a generic resolution, it should have been a little more specific.
Anonymous, at 9:16 AM, June 16, 2006
The majority is apathetic, don't you think?
The majority is always apathetic, until it strikes close to home.
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM, June 16, 2006
Danny boys resolution, probably written for him by a wanna be mayor somewhere down in lil stevies district was political grandstanding and meaningless.
Now put it in ordinance form danny boy, ask your ghost writer to help you on that one, maybe the resident poly sci professor erik/erika can pull that one off for you after all a prof. of political science should be able to do that in her sleep.
And wearing designer clothes isnt going to get the ordinance passed.
Anonymous, at 10:02 AM, June 16, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:18 AM, June 16, 2006
I just cannot understand why some people are against an audit.
The thought of Garner calling Donnie Blevins and threatening him with the loss of his job is disgusting. If the street dept. gets priviatized he will probably be looking for another job anyway.
Money is being wasted here folks, doesn't that matter?
I don't care if this was prompted by Valla Ann or Minnie Mouse this is something that MUST be done. I commend Mr. Coffey and Mr. Price for pushing this issue.
I guess some people would have a different reaction if this was presented by Gahan or Messer.
As far as how are we going to pay for this audit? Come on now, this is peanuts compared to other projects and certainly peanuts compared to the loss of revenue we are experiencing.
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM, June 16, 2006
One day I read about saving nickles and dimes, now it appears $100,000 is peanuts.
Iamhoosier, at 11:03 AM, June 16, 2006
The last bit of common sense has finally been drained from this discussion.
Rest in peace, my dear logic, rest in peace.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM, June 16, 2006
you lost me with the audit blogtastic. i had hopes that you could be somewhat apolitical...i'm done with you and this blog. good luck swaying these folks. it won't take much - just a good turn of the phrase and a put down of the current evil city government. they'll turn on you when you get your person in office.
Anonymous, at 12:02 PM, June 16, 2006
There was another post by you that has been deleted along with 5 or 6 comments from this thread. Among those comments was my thanking EE for her explanation which seemed fairly reasonable.
I should have known better.
Iamhoosier, at 12:16 PM, June 16, 2006
"More importantly it is our money that will fund any audit, and if the people, through their elected representatives, wish to spend it in that manner, so be it."
Are saying that the non-supporters should shut up about it?
Iamhoosier, at 12:22 PM, June 16, 2006
I wish to thank Valla Ann for having the courage to insist on an audit. You have taken a lot of heat and will take more. Hang tough, my friend. Better days are yet to come.
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, June 16, 2006
to Iamhoosier,
$100,000 is peanuts compared to the millions of dollars unaccounted for.
What are they tryng to hide by attempting to block the audit?
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, June 16, 2006
No one here makes sense....this blog is full of people who are simply making fools of themselves.
Valla for Mayor...that is too funny.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, June 16, 2006
The only place there are millions of dollars unaccounted for are in the sewer utility. ALL ONE HAS TO DO IS GO BACK AND LOOK AT PREVIOUS YEARS TO SEE THAT THE 2005 BUDGET WAS NOT THAT MUCH DIFFERENT THAN PREVIOUS YEARS. That is the year I am assuming they are auditing. 2004 has been done by the state and if the council audits that year again they run the risk of the state saying that they are duplicating services and the cost would be borne by the councilperson. They cannot audit 2006 because the year is not over and that audit would tell you nothing. Has there been some shifting of funds? Sure, probably has. Is it a big deal? Probably not. BTW this will probably not come up at the next meeting. It will take some time to get their act together. Anyone who actually read the resolution knows they need to get someone with more knowhow to write the ordinance. I will be surprised if they find anything outside of the ordinary for a budget our size. NOW THE SEWER INVESTIGATION, THAT IS A DIFFERENT MATTER!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM, June 16, 2006
If I were a Democrat running against Valla Ann Bolovschak in 2007, I would insist on 10, 20, 30 televised debates. Get that psycho on television as much as possible.
I don't care if you think you're receiving Homeland Security transmissions in your dental bridgework, I still like your chances to come off saner than VAB. Take away the whisper-in-the-councilman's-ear maneuver (shudder) and she's got no playbook.
Garner's no juggernaut, but c'mon Republicans... someone not from outer space might be a better choice to run against him.
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM, June 16, 2006
I'd like to see Valla and Coffey in an old fashioned Chicago brick fight. The winner is mayor.
Two people who think they're god slugging it out for the world to see. Fab-U-Lous.
And for the sake of continuity, let me say that people on this blog have no idea what they are talking about.
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM, June 16, 2006
According to our sources, CM Blevins received a call from Mayor Garner just after the Council meeting last night.
Reportedly, the Mayor loudly admonished CM Blevins as causing the demise of his political career.
He went even further in his heated state of mind and declared that the Street Department would indeed now be privatized, thus costing CM Blevins his job.
We interpret this conversation to be nothing less than an intimidation tactic and a threat.
It could be easily interpreted that the Mayors assertion of "ruining his political career" is a confession of sorts that an independent audit will indeed turn up mis-deeds and mis-appropriated monies.
We wholeheartedly agree with blogtastic that Garner could have turned this situation into a positive note for his political career by calling for the audit after the State Board of Accounts had recommended such.
Of course that would require that he had nothing to hide from the public.
Instead, he has made it clear that an investigation into the City's financial mess will indeed reveal inappropriate procedures and missing funds.
Mr. Mayor, you cannot blame someone else for your own mis-deeds. More importantly, you cannot threaten or attempt to intimidate a Council Member.
East Ender, at 5:04 PM, June 16, 2006
More importantly, too, is the advice he was given (while I was present) before he took office. The advice was that based upon the 2 sets of books and the deletion of the financial data; alongwith bad Audits; each Department needed to be shut down -- except for emergency and sanitation departments; books cleared; competent people hired and that office then re-opened.
He was told he would only be as successful as the people he surrounded himself with.....
I can attest to these statements as fact, and just don't understand, with his knowledge of the compromising of our financials, how he can oh so boldly fight so strongly against same. Personally, I'd want my name cleared -- and would be assured it would help my future political career. Wonder why he doesn't?
P.S. To the person who asked about the orangeberg pipe vs terra cotta. I was wrong. Orangeberg is compressed cardboard, and the terra cotta would be the clay pipes. Sorry. Too much on the plate sometmes.
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, June 16, 2006
More community support for an in-depth audit of City financials:
Diggin in the Dirt blog
Freedom of Speech
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM, June 16, 2006
stenson -
I sleep very well at night thank you. I slept better last night than I have in months knowing that FINALLY the truth will be told.
FINALLY an accurate accounting of where all the money is going/has gone will be conducted so that our City can move forward with sound financial data.
It is the Mayors own words and actions that have destroyed his character. We only printed it.
If his hands are clean, then there is no reason he should be saying his political career is ruined.
The audit is the only thing that will either save or destroy his reputation.
Either way, we WILL have the truth.
If the truth scares him so, then I suggest he hasn't been truthful.
Yes, we have gone 'round the bend. We've moved past the 'roadblocks' that were thrown up in an attempt to keep us from seeing what lies around the bend for the City of New Albany.
Getting a grip on the financial condition of our city is exactly what we intend to accomplish.
Thanks for your concern.
East Ender, at 5:43 PM, June 16, 2006
We support Valla Ann with her bringing the real taxpayers issues to the forefront. "The gap in our NA is between what we have and what we think we ought to have and that is a moral problem.
And now we just realize we are being ripped off.
Valla Ann we need your help.
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM, June 16, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, June 16, 2006
Thanks for answering my question.
I don't think you messed anything up. Either they just have not got around to reposting it or they have deleted it for good because of the content of the comments.
Mark Cassidy
Iamhoosier, at 6:10 PM, June 16, 2006
We need to give Valla Ann a shot at fixing things. Regardless to the attacks from NAC. Now randy this is what you don't know. She can read a green bar.
Why don't we all wake up!
Anonymous, at 6:10 PM, June 16, 2006
Freedom of Speech at least stands for something. what do you have on your blog?
Give it a rest..
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM, June 16, 2006
I ask blogtastic several questions and he never answered?
I do support Valla Ann and her efforts to help the citizens. And I am also a big fan of FOS.
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM, June 16, 2006
4:53 PM
Bring it on.
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, June 16, 2006
The tribune missed the best quote:
Valla Ann said: Where's the money?
Highlight of the evening!
One voice, at 6:47 PM, June 16, 2006
What blogs do you read? Is blogs really affective? Can a women make it in the good ole boy world of NA as mayor? What can the citizens of New Albany do to take back our city?
I need my job
Anonymous, at 6:53 PM, June 16, 2006
The 2nd blogtastic article has been re-posted under the previous posting along with all relevant comments.
We apologize for the confusion we caused by having to take down the original (which we had put up as a posting, due to length, rather than a comment as it was sent) to get the re-post of the audit finding at the top of the page.
No, it never occurred to us to change the clock.
That's the best we can do.
East Ender, at 7:20 PM, June 16, 2006
what's youropinion of the so called little people of New Albany? Does anyone even know what that means.. Little people? Who came up with that name? It seems like a rich vs poor division of citizens in NA?
Would enjoy your response!
Anonymous, at 8:55 PM, June 16, 2006
I'd pay to see that debate! How about the rest of you?
Anonymous, at 9:01 PM, June 16, 2006
Thank you for answering my questions.
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM, June 16, 2006
I think valla ann is getting a bum rap on these attacks. I haven't seen any other private citizen step forward.
She simply seems strickly all business.
And that is what NA Needs.
Anonymous, at 9:05 PM, June 16, 2006
It sounds good, it looks good, but VA will not be the next Mayor of New Albany. We consider this GROUND CLUTTER and getting away from the issues.
Keep it until election time, please. We're tired of the distractions.
If you have a blog, please devote your time to that issue. Thank you for your consideration in advance.
Anonymous, at 2:47 AM, June 17, 2006
Anonymous, at 3:07 AM, June 17, 2006
So what is your point? You can support Mayor Garner and attack Valla Ann?
And you call an attack on valla ann ground clutter? At least she is trying to help the citizens of New Albany. While your sitting at a key board "bitching" about her!
Who is better qualified to be mayor than Valla Ann.
She has a vision and a purpose to make our town a better place for all of us.
Anonymous, at 6:21 AM, June 17, 2006
I agree with anon 2:47
Valla Ann has done a lot for the people of New Albany without any reward. She truly cares about this city and that is the type of person we need in the Mayor's office.
As to the question about little people. As many people have explained before, being a little person just means being a regular citizen,not someone in a high place politically. Little people can be educated or not, rich or poor, tall or short. We are the majority in this town and we need to wake up!
Anonymous, at 9:58 AM, June 17, 2006
Sure is nice to see One Voice(Erik) taking advantage of the opportunity to make comments since he/she does not allow them on FOS or answer emails.
Freedom of speech is wonderful thing isn't it professor? Especially when it flows only one way.
Iamhoosier, at 11:12 AM, June 17, 2006
Thanks for clearing up the posting issue.
Mark(remember me?)
Iamhoosier, at 11:13 AM, June 17, 2006
To iamhoosier: What exactly is your major malfuntion w/EE? God, what an ass!
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM, June 17, 2006
When I told my husband there was 18 million in fixed assets missing from the Waste Water Plant, he wanted to know if they had stolen the plant. I told him we would have to go down there and see. That was so funny (in a way), but how do you lose 18 million in fixed assets?
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM, June 17, 2006
Awww, leave Mark alone. He's trying to be nice. Lord knows I know him well enough to know he's sincere (???).
Anyway, let us reiterate that this is NOT a political campaign blog.
Although we all appreciate what Valla Ann has done for the citizens of N.A., she has not announced any plans for a Mayoral run. So please, leave that issue alone.
Let's deal with the mayor we have right now and the precarious position he has put our city in.
East Ender, at 2:26 PM, June 17, 2006
For someone that is not running for mayor, I see alot of her bumper stickers around town. The only problem is they are never on bumpers. To me that is just as bad as taking a can of spray paint to deface a building.
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM, June 17, 2006
Please stop attacking my nephew ERIK. He Is a very nice young man. It's ashame all of you do not work as hard as the group at Freedom Of Speech.
This is only my opinion and as far as I know Mayor James Garner can not stop that yet! You need to have all your facts before you spout off about people you do not even know. FYI Erik has read your email. This group of citizens are to busy to deal with personal attacks.
And have a great day Mark
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, June 17, 2006
How can you try to take the credit away from Valla Ann? She has tried for over a year to get an audit. Do you not agree if they had listen to her maybe we would not be in the mess were in? If you like her or not which is your business. But at least let her get the credit for making it get to this point.
As far as if she runs for mayor that is her choice. Do several citizens defend you when others attack you? Why is it any different about valla ann?
Who defends her?
Appreciate all your postings on SOLNA.
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, June 17, 2006
I was sincere in my thanks. The "remember me" was both a little jab and a little humor to be perfectly honest.
Iamhoosier, at 5:43 PM, June 17, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Iamhoosier, at 5:51 PM, June 17, 2006
Anon 12:11,
My "malfunction" with EE has to do with the truth. If you read the blogs on regular basis you already should know that.
I don't really care what she says about me personally but when it is proven that what she said is not true, does it not make you wonder about the other thing she says?
Iamhoosier, at 6:16 PM, June 17, 2006
So tell us, then, which college does Erik teach at?
Anonymous, at 8:31 PM, June 17, 2006
I think if Mayor Garner has nothing to hide why does he care if there's an audit! Now all of a sudden he's concerned about us spending taxpayer's money. Isn't that scary.
Damn glad valla ann stood up for all of us.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM, June 17, 2006
When the audit finally takes place we have figured out what the mayors response will be upon completion of audit:
"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."
Does anyone agree?
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM, June 17, 2006
anonymous 5:16 -
I absolutely am not trying to take any credit away from V.A.
In fact I said she is appreciated.
I happen to think she's done a wonderful job of trying to educate the Council and protect citizens.
I also believe she knows that.
I simply said she has not announced an intention to run in the mayor's race, so let's leave that issue alone.
This blog really isn't the place where politics are going to be discussed. I believe there is a new blog coming along for that.
We have enough political crap on our plates right now to deal with before we start trying to predict the future.
Let's worry about the issues we are facing in trying to determine our REAL financial condition. Hopefully before they decide to mortgage all our properties for swimming pools.
There are, and will be, plenty of opportunities to discuss politics on the other blogs.
Thanks for understanding.
East Ender, at 9:49 PM, June 17, 2006
graffito police,
Since you ride your bike. Maybe you haven't seen the cars with bumper stickers on them?
I've seen several the last few months.
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM, June 17, 2006
To Audit Results at 9:43 on 6/17 -- we think he will say exactly what he said in the paper "we didn't KNOWINGLY do anything wrong". Sort of the same sort of thing we have come to expect.
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM, June 17, 2006
wiggle, wiggle, wiggle...
So should we ask the same insulting question asked of Council Members?
"Why hasn't [he] bothered to learn how to do his job?"
Furthermore, shouldn't he know the rights and wrongs of public funds use? After sitting on Council for 4 years, he can't claim ignorance of the rules on too much.
Or, wasn't he paying attention?
Is ignorance an acceptable defense?
So many questions, so few answers.
Anonymous, at 12:27 AM, June 18, 2006
Why is it only political when Valla Ann's name is mentioned. We discuss politics all of the time.
Maybe some people are jealous of Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, June 18, 2006
OK....I'm new to this...just passing through, but I need to ask...WHO on top of Mt. Baldy is Valla Ann???
Anonymous, at 3:09 PM, June 18, 2006
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