Read the Documents
OK folks.
Let us show you here in black and white, just what the situation IS with New Albany and the EPA. It ain't good, and they ain't kiddin'. More importantly, it must be fixed. Environmentally, New Albany really is a real shit-town.
(click on images to enlarge)
The problems with the sewers, and the ripple effect of those problems to future growth, is no less urgent than the Clean-Up New Albany efforts of Code Enforcement meant to rid our City of the eyesores and dangerous conditions of dilapidated property that contributes significantly to the "perceptions" of our community. The biggest difference would be that the sewer problems actually pose a threat to our individual health and well-being, which is put in jeopardy every time it rains.
We'll grant you that there is indeed a part of us that is "mad-as-hell", and NOT going to pay for it! Why should we pay them for dragging their feet and putting us at risk, refusing to comply with the Clean Water Act and incurring more cost?
However, to use some familiar logic, the longer we put this off, the more expensive it's going to be. Still, it simply MUST be done. Especially if you want to be forward-thinking, or if you're at all concerned about the future prospects for New Albany. Under current conditions, we are optimistically estimating a minimum of 4-5 years out before we are out from under any EPA restrictions.
The first document (above) shows the City's agreement with the EPA dated Feb. 2006, and noting staged disbursement of sewer credits based on certain repairs being completed, and an oversight period of one year.
And, here's page 2 of that agreement:
Here, they explain quite well what the problems and concerns are, and make particular note of several large overflows. One as large as 98,000 gallons.
It also remarks on the two projects, the Robert E. Lee lift and the bar screen, that MUST be repaired for release of credits. We know that early bids for the bar screen project alone were over $700K, and the Robert E. Lee project is expected to be about $2 million.
We also took note of the mention of a letter sent by the EPA in 2004, Garner's first year, expressing concerns with the delays of one of these projects. So, there's no saying he didn't know this was a pressing matter. He simply chose to ignore it while he pursued more "rewarding" ventures..
However, we find the real meat of this issue in the final page, which is repeated in the "new" consent decree, verbatim.
"The City shall not permit any new industrial, commercial, or residential developments that would have the effect of adding at any particular connection point flows to or exceeding 50 houses or 15,500 gpd (gallons per day) at full buildout or in the aggregate unless the City first receives approval from EPA. The City shall submit to the EPA under Part VII of the Amended Consent Decree a report certified as true and complete by a professional engineer (NO, Chaz Hunter doesn't qualify) documenting that the development at full buildout is not expected to cause any capacity relate bypasses or overflows in the collection system."
Here's some interesting info: The hotly contested Daisy Lane development would require 48,000 credits at full buildout. Did anyone even ASK if they had sewer credits? Or, is that why our City's Sewer Board Attorney, Mr. Greg Fifer, is their attorney? How where they planning on getting around that one? It's still applicable.
Well, we have at least 3 more documents we want to get up here for you to look at, but we are going to break here for now and hope you folks will avail yourselves of the opportunity to read the EPA letters for yourself.
Our next series will show how Garner and the rest of the Sewer Board opted to drop Georgetown, as we predicted, and in return for lessening the load on the system, wrangled 150,000 sewer credits in advance out of the EPA. Oh, but there are very critical changes in the amended, amended Consent Decree in exchange.
(we also predicted they would turn right around and hike our rates to make up the dif in rate payers from G-Town)
We are now obligated to have the bar screen repairs done by September this year, or we face penalties. We must have the Robert E. Lee project finished by April of next year, or pay penalties.
We must now spend $500K annually instead of the previous $270K, and the oversight period after all repairs and telvisioning the lines will now be 2 years instead of one. Some great deal we're working on here. Thanks a lot Garner.
Think about it folks.
This City must stop getting the horse before the cart and not getting anywhere.
We must put our resources where they will serve us best in the long term, and still keep us moving in the short term.
It's far past time to make smart decisions about smart growth, as well as pure sustainability. We must postpone major expenditures until we deal with this matter and know better about where we stand financially with funds for these sewer repairs, as well as all other departments.
One question:
Would you go have a luxury in-ground heated swimming pool installed in your yard if you knew your car was about to fall apart? Or would you take care of the car situation before you made any firm decisions about that swimming pool?
After all, everything relies on you having transportation.
There is one issue that must be made very clear in this battle about the Scribner Place.
First, and most importantly, no one has suggested that the YMCA not be built.
This portion of the project could, and should, move forward. It is only the natatorium portion of the project that we are asking to be delayed until we can get our financial house in order.
We learned today that the City is more than $75 million in debt, and according to State guidelines a City our size should carry no more than about $25 million in debt.
Repairing our infrastructure is just as more important to the future success of New Albany than indoor swimming pools are.
Let the YMCA be built and let's all see if it can actually be the draw they say it will be.
The natatorium can always be added after the sewer problems are fixed.
East Ender, at 7:42 PM, June 04, 2006
Ok, if the bids for the screen came in over 700k and the Robert E. Lee lift station is going to be over 2 million, what makes you think that the 137k that is being spent on Scribner Place is going to make a difference in the sewers?
I agree the sewers need to be top priority, but the funds that have been allocated to Scribner Place are a drop in the bucket. I know your going to say, “But it’s a start!”
It ain’t shit, pardon the pun, to what the sewage department needs. Here we go again, Cm Coffey is grandstanding, trying to be Lord of the Manor! The real problem is, and you yourself have said it many times is, the rates should have been raised several years ago, but at that time, Cm Kochert and his cronies were crying “we will loose votes, and our positions on the council!” Guess what! There going to loose them anyway.
Cm Coffey’s idea that stopping Scribner Place will be the only way the city can save itself is a bunch of crap. They are using the property tax as a backup issue to scare people, is that really what we want our councilpersons doing, scaring the hell out of everyone! They want the citizens of New Albany to believe that they are not smart enough to understand how finance and the city government work, that we the citizens are stupid and should let them make the decisions on our behalf. You know what? I ain’t that stupid! The property tax back up is just that, if the city should default on the bond payment, monies from property taxes guarantee the payment. How hard do you think it is for this city to come up with $137,000.00. That’s just a small amount of the EDIT money, but there of those that want you to think that is all there is. The county council is in for it’s fair share of the project, there has been way to much money and time already spent on land acquisition, clean up of the property, and planning to let these renegade councilmen destroy our cities future. There are building being sold this very day to folks that see what New Albany can become, they are willing to put their money on the line, they believe in this city.
Dan Coffey wants to keep this city the equivalent of “Barefoot and pregnant!” and if I have to explain that one to you, then maybe he is right. I believe what we really need to do if the Cm. Coffey is successful in sinking this project, is to elect him mayor in 2007.
We suffer through the 4 years of hell, and kick his ass out in the election 2011. At that point in time, he will not be on the city council, and he can crawl back into the hole he crawled out of. If you think I am referring to the point he is a snake, well ain’t you the smart one!
We are standing on the verge of growth for downtown New Albany, we need the kick start Scribner Place will give it. The amount of money funded is not what you have been led to believe, it is not the final nail in the coffin, but this city council is!
Coffey for Mayor in 2007, then dog catcher in 2011! (Apologies to the dog catcher, he deserves better than that!)
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM, June 04, 2006
Horseshit, Laura.
The resolution put forward by Coffey, et al, explicitly KILLS Scribner Place. You can't get away with pretending that you have even the slightest measure of support for Scribner Place if you support the Coffey resolution.
The resolution doesn't delay, it assassinates. And your contention would be that Camille Wright is all this city requires?
All4Word, at 8:41 PM, June 04, 2006
My contention about Camille Wright would be that ALL OF OUR SWIMMING POOLS are in the HOLE (RED), whatever you want to call it. If that is true and we can't support what we have - duh? No one I know supports killing Scribner all together.
We would like it delayed a couple of years.
Hope you can get around those financials from Umbaugh being wrong and not reflecting that $500,000 a year that has to be spent JUST ON INNER CITY MAINTENANCE. Need some figures reworked here.
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, June 04, 2006
But ... is it not the case that CM Coffey's resolution would kill Scribner Place outright?
The New Albanian, at 11:25 PM, June 04, 2006
CM Coffey's resolution would NOT kill the Scribner Place.
The idea is to ramp up Scribner in phases. The YMCA built now, and let us see if it will be the impetus for investments that everyone claims it will be before we jump headlong into a very expensive natatorium.
I'll say it again:
There is NO Fiesability study that says this project will succeed.
The natatorium can be added on in about 2 years, once we have the sewage crisis worked out.
This is simply a matter of priorities.
We MUST comply with the EPA directives, or face complete economic development shutdown.
The Bar Screen project is supposed to be FINISHED by September of this year, or we face penalties.
The Robt. E. Lee by next April, or we face penalties.
Who's going to pay those?
East Ender, at 12:35 AM, June 05, 2006
Keep going.
How, then, does Scribner Place get built in phases if the resolution takes away the EDIT commitment?
The New Albanian, at 12:43 AM, June 05, 2006
The Bar Screen project is supposed to be FINISHED by September of this year, or we face penalties.
The Robt. E. Lee by next April, or we face penalties.
Who's going to pay those?
And killing Scribner Place would generate $274K at most by those deadlines. What does that accomplish?
What penalties do we face if we don't meet the stipulations of the sewer bond agreement?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 1:36 AM, June 05, 2006
The ROBERT E. LIFT is in an AGREED ORDER with the State of IN and we have already received credits for, dated back to 1997. Ratepayers have paid 3 to 4 times over for this work to be done and it hasn't. Does anyone understand what we are saying?
If we've spent close to 90 million on the sewers and they don't work; we spent what 4 million on a fire station that is totally out of whack; we built a parking garage noone parked in and we had to pay it off (taxpayers); give us a frigging break.
We do not feel sorry for what is about to happen to the elected officials; we only feel sorry for the taxpayers and citizens of New Albany. Hold on to your chair and your wallets.
Anonymous, at 3:55 AM, June 05, 2006
So what your trying to say Randy is the YMCA doesn't have all the monies needed for the YMCA? And you expect the taxpayers to pay for it. When we can't afford to benfit from it?
Well that is bull-shit thinking we are going to foot the bill for them and you!
It was taxpayers money that bought the land. Let New Albany start selling their properties to build this friggin place!
It's time we cut our losses...
Anonymous, at 5:53 AM, June 05, 2006
Anonymous 5:53 AM, said "So what your trying to say Randy is the YMCA doesn't have all the monies needed for the YMCA? And you expect the taxpayers to pay for it. When we can't afford to benfit from it?"
Where do I sign up for the "Reading Between the Lines Class!" because I don't see where Randy said any such thing!
I agree with the Coffey for mayor, lets get-r-done and then get rid of him! The sign in my front yard next year will read, "Another West End Family SORRY they voted for Coffey!"
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM, June 05, 2006
Under the Coffey administration will take home police cars will be replaced by officers on horseback?
Will single family dewellings will be required to install out houses in the backyards? Will Home Transit be resurected, and tokens make a comeback. Will the Hampton Inn be converted back to the West Spring Street Elementry School?
This is the world that Cm. Coffey lives in folks, does it sound like the 50's and 60's? He is the guy that thinks Birdseye is a quant little town, its a farm town. Is that what YOU want New Albany to be, a little farm town that is lost in the 50's.
If it sounds like I grew up in the West End, I did, I still live here, and I am so disgusted with my councilman Mr. Coffey. I wish the Republicans could find someone to beat the pants off of him!
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM, June 05, 2006
So what are you suggesting Randy?
Do you suggest we simply ignore the EPA directives and just "take our chances" with making the $500K annual maintenence clause?
You do realize the Downtown area is a TIF district, and no amount of development will put more money into the City coffers, right?
East Ender, at 3:34 PM, June 05, 2006
West Ender 8;50am -
You sure sound like a Politician to me. Can't mistake those things anymore, knowing what goes on in New Albany and how this sick little system works.
The taxpayers ARE getting mighty fed up with the inequities of this administration, because it's lost ALL integrity in the eyes of the public.
How many screw-ups do you think the Citizens will tolerate before they finally don't have any faith left in the "leadership" at all?
I applaud Dan Coffey for taking it on the chin on behalf of the betterment of the City.
East Ender, at 3:49 PM, June 05, 2006
The part you can't explain is how anything Dan Coffey does betters anything at all.
Whatever it is, it sure hasn't worked in his own district.
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM, June 05, 2006
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
Anonymous, at 7:45 AM, June 08, 2006
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, July 22, 2006
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