We have finally been able to 100% verify that the contented ILLEGAL meeting that the Mayor had scheduled for Tuesday evening with the full Council and Melheiser-Edris-Tucker to discuss financial matters has indeed been cancelled.
Thanks to everyone who worked on this matter.
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM, May 15, 2006
Thanks to Laura and others who had the courage and knowledge to bring out the truth on what the Mayor and Attorney
Fifer were trying to do on that meeting.
Anonymous, at 8:59 PM, May 15, 2006
Laura: The size and color of the print on this article are very good and real easy to read.
Compliments to you.
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM, May 15, 2006
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:06 PM, May 15, 2006
Gipper! Gipper! damn it. If your going to quote someone at least get it right!
and it was a great win!
Anonymous, at 8:05 AM, May 16, 2006
A "contented" illegal meeting?
But you're discontented, right?
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM, May 16, 2006
It's not illegal. Government bodies can meet together in executive session, according to Indiana ordinance. If it pisses you off, that's one thing. But please show proof that the meeting would have been illegal. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 11:46 AM, May 16, 2006
makes no difference, many council members were not going to attend because the mayor was going to give them the bad news and he wants them to tell the public instead of--he mayor, seabrook or kochert--who are on the sewer board.
also there were goiong to be some things discussed, unrelated to the issue which could have made it illegal, according to a council member
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, May 16, 2006
To Anon at 11:46:
You need to contact the Courier-Journal, who legally challenged this meeting.
The Council is not allowed to meet behind closed doors about our monies.
You may also verify it through the Indiana Public Access Counselor.
You need to do this, because WE ALREADY HAVE.
The monies for this Bond payment were to come out of TIF funds, EDIT funds and our prior rate increase. We have every right to know WHY these monies are not available and WHERE these monies are. If the State can't find them, we still expect the CITY COUNCIL to figure it out.
Sorry if that disturbs you, but it's OUR MONIES, TOO.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM, May 16, 2006
not available because this year we have spent 60 million on the sewers and the project miony only gave us 44 million
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM, May 16, 2006
What's not available? You leave a lot to the imagination! The Bond Payment, the missing Edit monies for the Inner-City fund? What are you, exactly, referring to? Thanks.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, May 16, 2006
Kippers are smoked herrings.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM, May 16, 2006
Why not deal with the other issues?
Progressives, Police & Fire buyout,Georgetown and other fees?
Anonymous, at 7:49 PM, May 16, 2006
It is truly bizarre and illogical the buffoons on NAC are spitting out about the "4" Councilmembers, especially Schmidt & Coffey.
We are glad you are still writing this trash, because evidently you still don't have the records straight that Kochert and Schmidt voted FOR IT, your boy GARNER voted NO, and your boy GOLDBERG pulled it, not tabled it.
Please do not try and mislead the citizens and voters of this town who are aware redistricting did come up and you will really have to get the answers from your very OWN PEOPLE, won't you?
This is going to be great to watch more of our taxpayer dollars go to diddly squat. Good work fellers', you're right about any way at all YOU CAN CREATE THE SMOKE & MIRRORS, aren't ya?
You boyz take carez of yourselfz now, ya hear?
Anonymous, at 1:59 AM, May 17, 2006
P.S. You have to have 'CLEAN' hands to come into Court, remember that!
Anonymous, at 2:02 AM, May 17, 2006
don't matter who voted for it or against it, or who pulled it!
It needs to be done, this city is in shambles, and for the most part the gang of 4 have been on the city council a lot longer than Garner has been mayor, so when you look back over the past twenty years of non progress, same o' same o' way of doing government its time for the gang of 4 to be removed from office! Set term limits (Korchert & Schmidt), minimum IQ requirements (Coffey & Price), or just make them responsible for their actions, just like you want from the mayor’s office!
The operation of the city is just like a marriage, in this case the mayor and city council are in bed together, looks like its time for a divorce, cause there is no amount of counseling that will fix this cluster #&*%.
Anonymous, at 7:46 AM, May 17, 2006
And Garner was annointed by England, and on and on the story goes. When will you learn your history? Gee! We will not tolerate your 1 year and a half of living in this city telling the rest of the voters how it's going to be or else.
It's tough losing an election -- hey, we've even had people have heart attacks (really), but do not want to see Democrats fighting Democrats, unless of course, Garner isn't a Democrat.
The first night Garner served as Council person, Don Gibbons (a big REPUBLICAN) hugged him and told him "I promised your Daddy I'd take care of you". Something a lot of Democrats shouldn't have witnessed and wish they hadn't have witnessed. But, you go ahead and figure out who you are in bed with, just watch your back!
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, May 17, 2006
Don't have one! Never did.
Lived here a lot longer than a year and a half.
And, know the difference between Gipper and kippers!
AND, my freedom of screech? That big blad eagle soaring over the rockies! Not that spitwad blog authored by a transvestite!
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM, May 17, 2006
If only they hadn't used the guise of gathering all of the neighborhood associations together and having a forum because of the building code violations, wanting a fulltime City Court (believing this is going to solve everything), and then getting PO'd at not getting elected.
To infer the City Council is using the "take-home police car issue" as a way of avoiding re-districting is a load of manure in and of itself. We have not heard one word mentioned in those Chambers from any of these 20 litigants where redistricting stands and if Council will put it on their agenda. Don't you have to try and mitigate your damages before YOU SUE?
To infer the Council does not have the right to set their agenda is a load of crock. This Council CONTROLS THE PURSE STRINGS, not the Mayor. We are in a financial crisis, on several fronts (I think they're listed on the front of this posting), but somehow these same people who want so called progress ignore what we need to do to get where they want to be.
The belt tightening has got to happen; it's got to start at the top; and ain't nothing sacred at this point in time -- not with all the rate hikes this Administration is asking from taxpayers.
In a way, though, it's kind of a relief knowing these very people are getting ready for their "baptism by fire", as most of us have already taken same.
BTW, what is the status on the Broadus lawsuit? BTW, has the City and the EPA worked out Appendix D, again? BTW, what is the Council going to do to follow the State Board of Accounts advice in the Audit? BTW............
Anonymous, at 1:41 PM, May 17, 2006
Garner is inept, incompetent, greedy, and really not very bright.
Just like all of us here!
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM, May 17, 2006
There is a lot of information that is relevant to these discussions on the Freedom of Speech blog.
We appreciate the work on posting the Indiana Codes and rules regarding Executive Sessions of the Council and the information provided regarding the redistricting issue that Mayor Garner voted AGAINST when he was on the Council.
East Ender, at 2:45 PM, May 17, 2006
Thank God someone finally had the guts to tell randy off! Great reading Freedom of Speech! You tell it like uit is. Thanks Laura for linking Freedom of Speech for all to see.
Taxpayer and Republican
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM, May 17, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM, May 17, 2006
I was surprised tonight while reading the Tribune, that nearly half of the people named in the law suit against the city regarding redistricting I believe are members of the East Spring Street Neighborhood Association, and several others are bed fellows. So, I wonder why Greg stated on 5/8-06 that East Spring Neighborhood Association had never discuss re-districting. Perhaps it is not being done in the Associations name, but it is the members of the same who are suing just the same. I wonder why Greg found it necessary to comment at all. If that is not a lie, it sure is bordering on it.
Could the answer be that the blogger who mentioned that the Neighborhood Assocation are not supposed to be political and that the city did pay for the start up fee. Therefore, it was necessary for Greg to make it clear it was not East Spring Street Neighborhood Association who was suing the city. A rose by any other name is still a ... rose. You can put lipstick on the pig to pretty it up, but it is still a PIG!!!
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM, May 17, 2006
Absolutely,also as they say you need to look before you leap because your going to come down awful hard!
Hats off to Freedom of Speech and SOLNA.
Great job!
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, May 17, 2006
Go to article of May 8, 2006 called
Pull up the comments and see the first comment there by " greg ".
He says that his association never talked about redistricting suit.
Then---in the Tribune article, his name appears on the list of persons filing the suit.
Why can't they keep their facts straight?
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM, May 17, 2006
The ESNA has not discussed it.
But obviously you understand that an individual can pursue something that an association can't.
Of course,it's easier for you to bbitch, isn't it?
Anonymous, at 12:14 AM, May 18, 2006
Not when those individuals are "officers" of the Boards in questions. Silver Grove, ESNA and S Ellen Jones all have officers that filed. This would be the nut in the nutshell.
Hope you understand 5013c's now. Good luck to 'em is all I can say.
Anonymous, at 2:25 AM, May 18, 2006
The article in the CJ today makes me physically ill. Democrats fighting Democrats, oh what a wonderful day for the Republicans.
As the professor at Bloomington said, this is nothing but a politically motivated issue with a "hidden agenda".
As a taxpayer advocate, I would ask each of those 20 Plaintiffs why they did not go to Council or have the Mayor introduce this "redistricting" issue. None of these Plaintiffs have been bashful about asking this Council for anything else, i.e., a code enforcement officer (how's that one working out), new historical areas, etc. So, why are you wasting OUR MONIES and why didn't you approach the Council?
And Mr. Beardsley, one of our original free-flushers on the sewers, who had to be sued in order to get our MONIES from him.
Now we are understanding where the idea for a City Court came from and the idea for a fulltime City Attorney, etc. As an insider into Floyd County politics, I recognize it now for what it is. More people wanting more of our money.
And the words the Mayor uttered in the paper that he only knows these people by passing them in the hallway is the biggest crock of **** to come down the pike in a long time. Even Council has accused the Mayor of Randy Smith being his "official Advisor". We see him coming out of the Mayor's office before EVERY MEETING, right? Or are we all visually impaired, as well as stupid -- like they keep trying to paint all citizens who do not agree with them?
Mayor, I'm here to tell you, you just shot your own foot. My husband says you have been down for a while now, you just don't have sense enough to keep your head down to keep from getting it kicked. I know of no supporters you have left, except those group of 20 people. Hope they help you out, because we are tiirreedd of your games -- and they are your games.
Have a good day NA. Remember this saying - "You can fool the people you work for all the time; you can fool the people you work with some of the time; but you CAN'T FOOL THE PEOPLE WHO WORK UNDER YOU NONE OF THE TIME because they are picking up your slack.
Anonymous, at 1:21 PM, May 18, 2006
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