Missing in Action!!!
Hello, I wanted to give folks an update since I've been AWOL all-day.
Today was my birthday, and I've not been allowed within 6 ft. of the computer under any circumstances (well there was 1).
However, I am now back home and the day is done (finally).
I have also been given this brief opportunity to explain my disappearance, on the condition that I would admit, I have indeed incurred the wrath of another B-Day, and, that's all I have to say on the matter.
There was no deal that required me to give my age (hee hee).
- - Gotta watch those details, we keep tryin' to tell 'em.- -
We will be back on-line with a new posting by lunch time tomorrow.
Has anyone seen the complete & 'Final' Sanitation Contract?!
Fascinating Stuff.
We'll take a closer look at the Sewer Fund details, and also the pending unfair, inequitable, Stormwater "user-fee" (???) we'll all be paying after the inerim period.
Then we'll delve thru a little more of the Audit findings.
After all that, we'll play connect the dots... a simple childs game that eventually portrays the WHOLE PICTURE.
Hope everyone had a great summer day, I think I actually saw a few sunburns out there. GO FOR IT!!!
What a gorgeous gift from the Universe!
Yep, just reassurance that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Nobody's going to make me feel bad about that, and nobody's gonna get a "do-over". The facts are what they are.
Some people have been following all this thru many, many administrations. Others, just recently jumped in.
But we are all here to stay.
Deal With It.
Nighty, night.
Happiest of Birthdays!
Anonymous, at 12:22 AM, March 31, 2006
Even though we do have our run ins, hope your birthday was a happy one.
Thursday was my wife's big 50. My dad also turned 85 on Thursday which he spent in a cardiac unit in Evansville. Which explains my absence over the last week or so.
Again, Happy belated birthday.
Iamhoosier, at 9:04 AM, March 31, 2006
The larger print type is much easier to read. Really looks good!
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, March 31, 2006
Dear Laura,
I wish you a very happy birthday!
I hope you had a very wonderful day!
maury k goldberg, at 12:23 PM, March 31, 2006
Thanks to everyone. I appreciate the sentiments.
Seems there are a million B-days in March. I know at least 7 myself.
Must be related to that social qwirk; the "June Bride".
That's what makes Anniversary's important occassions.
It's really about celebrating the greastest night of your life.
See how simple it is to play connect the dots?
Everything is related to something else.
Actually, a lot of something else's if you really think about it.
But the point is, connecting the dots will give you the full picture of what's been going on around this little City for decades, and how we got to where we are.
Only when you know the causes, can one effect a cure (I think there is probably a credit to give here but I don't know who it's contributed to).
Anyway, thaks again, all tell all your loved ones I said "Happy Birthday" to all the June Bride babies out there!
See, if we were all just nice to each other ALL the time?
East Ender, at 1:36 PM, March 31, 2006
That sentence should read:
"...thanks again, and tell all..."
I also picked up a nasty cold in the swing of temperatures last night, and I'm on sinus meds.
Leaves me a little dopey.
East Ender, at 1:39 PM, March 31, 2006
Laura: Is it true that the Mayor wants to setup a new Stormwater Board and make himself the chairman and get
extra pay for himself? Have you heard this? Who else would get extra pay for this board?
Can they legally give him more money in the middle of the year? Where would this money come from? Will the council members get extra pay too?
Anonymous, at 11:10 PM, March 31, 2006
To 11:10 PM-----------------
Are you kidding? The Mayor give himself another raise for sitting on
some board?
Come on now---- Is this an April Fool
Of course---- This whole town is a joke! Ha!Ha!
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM, March 31, 2006
To Anonymous:
Yes, it is on the agenda. 3 member board, and we will pay the Mayor, Kaye Garry for keeping the "books", and Marcey for keeping the records.
But, if it is true, they are lowering those storm water fees to $2, no matter what or who you are; and it won't be based on square footage -- something like an ERU -- Earned Residential Unit.
Welcome to how many Boards can they serve on and how FAIR is this "thang" to the taxpayers/ratepayers for the fair city of NA. Your call. Only our opinions.
Happy Birthday, EastEnder. Thanks for taking it on the chin, and giving advocates for a more responsible government a forum.
Anonymous, at 3:35 AM, April 01, 2006
Tim Deatrick for Mayor 07
April fool!
Can you imagine how much more we would suffer with him at the helm?
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM, April 01, 2006
Here's the real TRUTH of the matter:
We were told, regarding Stormwater compliance, "you can make this thing as big, or as little as you want."
It would actually take less than $200K to meet the complinace required by Rule 13, but James' version of compliance is going to cost us $800K+ (doesn't include actual PROJECTS).
Yes, Garner will earn another (third?) salary as head of this Board.
We are assuming 'lil timmy will be a paid Board member as well, because, well, everyone knows how excited he's been lately, and anyone who was at Council to see his "speech", all dressed up, would know that his "wannabe" dreams have almost been fulfilled.
There will also be a paid Engineer on the Board also, as required by the rules, IF it is determined necessary to form a new Board for meeting this mandate.
This is still under the Council's determination for approval.
What folks need to understand is that this Stormwater Board idea, and the costs associated with it, are EXTRORDINARILY inflated, and James' plan is all wrong.
East Ender, at 3:15 PM, April 01, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:23 PM, April 01, 2006
We have to put up with Garner for 20 more month's. That's truly 20 month's to long! Send his ass and wallet packin. He's taken from all of us.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, April 01, 2006
SOS...different day...
There were actually members of the public which volunteered to sit on an "unpaid" board.
This happened before, when citizens volunteered to help and give their time to the Building Commissioners' Office.
This happened the other day at the Board of Works, private citizens volunteering to do the work, just to get it DONE.
So, if the City Attorney sits on the Board of Works and is paid; sits on the Flood Control Board and is paid; has his own budget and what, part-time paralegal and is paid; and this new board and is paid...gee, we may now understand. Let's not forgot those bonds he wants to sell for Scribner and the cut that he will get from those.
That's just to start with... I only have one question. Has this person ever helped you, as a citizen, in pursuing "cleaning" up New Albany? Maybe one house? Do you think this person has "earned" all of these monies? We don't.
The City Clerk will get more monies for taking minutes. The Controller will get more monies for keeping the books.
The Mayor will get more monies for picking IC23 for Stormwater Board formation.
Tim - we were told it's all politics from here on out. The SWAC has "done" their job. Now, after that statement and the statement that these new ERU's aren't going to bring in the monies they need...why bother?
You know what else? I spoke with the two politically active members of the Sewer Board...you may wanna check your facts. We are simply waiting on the other shoe to fall, so to speak, with the two non-political members. We know they will do the right thing and speak out -- not about stormwater, but about the financials of the sewer board and what they have uncovered. Stay tuned. Like stated at the beginning, same ****, simply a different day.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM, April 01, 2006
We hope the public caught the notice in yesterday's Tribune re the situation with the EPA.
We hope the public caught the notice in today's Tribune about the "new" sewer plant in Georgetown public hearing Monday night.
We are extremely worried about the impact of losing Georgetown with their customers. There are financial documents which reflect Georgetown and their growth; one of the reasons for the "expansion" of our sewers, not the fixing of the Inner-City' sewers. Maybe I can word it another way. A State Official personally told us that if Georgetown builds their own plant, "New Albany is screwed". Their words, not ours.
As the previous poster wrote, SOS.
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM, April 01, 2006
'lil timmy 1:55PM
Your information (or should I say illusion) is wrong. You don't have full consensus that a seperate Board is the way to go about this.
No you haven't answered all our questions:
Have businesses and Industry been billed, as households have been, since January? Or have only household fees been collected for this "interim" period of time?
Also, is this new Stormwater entity going to pay for Drainage employees and projects?
Drainage employee payroll was supposed to be removed from the Sewer Utility books by Jan. 2006.
Were they? Or are those employees still being paid from Sewers?
Why does the Mayor need to borrow $500K from Sewer Funds to support the Stormwater Board?
re: ERU's.
Equivalent Residential Unit = 2500 sqare footage.
Wal-Mart = 2500 X (y) = Fee
(y is unknow Sq. Ft.)
Households = 1 ERU = Fee
Avg. HH Sq. Ft. in NA = ? (<1500?)
East Ender, at 4:52 PM, April 01, 2006
y is the square footage divides by 2500. How many 2500 Sq. Ft. Units.
Example: 25,000 sq. ft. = 10 units
y = 10
East Ender, at 4:59 PM, April 01, 2006
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......
Now THAT's funny!
Now, for the Real story once again, I asked 6 questions and received NO answers. Not one.
I have no need, or desire, to take any course work in water conditions.
My questions and concerns are strictly related to the financials of this Stormwater Plan.
Was it all too much for you to understand timmy? So sorry.
I thought I made things quite clear in the questions I posed about the ultimate outcomes of the proposal for meeting the Stormwater Mandate.
I believe we are going WAY above and beyond meeting the mandate.
I believe the Board set-up, and the fees, are about much more than Rule 13.
Since you can't seem to get past talking about your own credentials, Ill get my answers from someone who understands the entire program.
East Ender, at 5:58 PM, April 01, 2006
WHERE'S BLOGTASTIC? We want your thoughts on this issue.
Anonymous, at 8:54 PM, April 01, 2006
vallaann can clean up this mess in new albany
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, April 01, 2006
Tim, as usual you smoked this bunch. Keep fighting you lil bulldog.
Anonymous, at 9:53 PM, April 01, 2006
Weren't you told at the last Stormwater meeting the SWAC was finished with their work for now and the rest is strictly politics?
As Laura said, FMSM said we could do this as BIG or LITTLE as we wanted. The original estimate was $180,000.00. At public meetings, the figure was moved to $800,000.00 (and the Mayor admitted this did not include any administrative costs).
Floyd County HAD to pass the same ordinances we do. With all of the water that descends upon New Albany from Floyd Knobs, would you think the City's cost would be even cheaper?
And, Floyd County Citizens aren't paying any rates, fees, whatever.
Wonder how much monies we have now collected on the stormwater fees? Do you feel only homeowners got the bill, or ALL businesses, too?
We were told this new method of calculating the fee may not bring in enough monies. If it doesn't, why do it within the structure the Mayor is proceeding?
Politics...Hell yeah, it's Politics. We are mad at this Administration, and we feel (in our humble opinion) they are not doing the work they are suppose to do. Rather than criminal intent of any type, we feel it is more dereliction of office. Remember the oaths taken, by all.
In the governmental financial worlds WE know, Garner should be having a meeting going over the "Monthly Budget Variance Report" (alias the greenbar), every month. His secretary should be preparing him a document showing the variances, and those department heads should be SWEATING IF THEY ARE OVER BUDGET.
BUDGET HEARINGS were always 3 to 4 day affairs, late into the night, along with a pizza or two. Loud voices, everyone trying to get their piece of the pie.
But, if they can't do Bank Reconciliation (you know, balance OUR checkbook), we can't figure out what they're doing except WRITING THE CHECKS at random. How many people DO WORK IN THAT OFFICE? Bank Reconciliation has to be one of the easiest programs to run on a computer. With the new computers and software purchased recently, we don't understand.
There is extreme skepticism amongst a lot of citizens about ability, accountability, and funds being misued and misappropriated. Last time we checked, we are allowed to have our opinions. Appreciate the opportunity.
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM, April 01, 2006
Thanks to the last commentor.
Indeed, he did originally say the $800K would not include administrative costs, now he's saying it doesn't include PROJECT costs.
Which is it???
Either way, it's way too much.
We're still trying to figure out how he's gotten away with the illegal taxation, since only properties receiving water bills are paying a fee as of Jan. 2006, when it is supposed to apply to ALL properties!
Criminal intent? Probably not, but greedy nature and not taking care of the citizens he vowed to serve, that is absolutely deriliction of duty.
The bottom line is clearer eery day.
We have an inept person at the helm of the ship of New Albany.
The more decisions of his that we allow, the greater the risk of our ship sinking.
C'mon folks, wake up and smell the stench in New Albany, and demand better. Hold people accountable, and insist on better leadership.
East Ender, at 11:35 PM, April 01, 2006
Blogtastic is in Indy for the Final Four, a stop off on the way home from NYC and the NIT. Guess you could say the person's a bit of a basketball nut!
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM, April 02, 2006
We were really cheering on the guys from LSU.
After 'Katrina' and all they have been through down there, coming home with a National Championship would have gone a long way in the efforts to keep up good spirits.
Alas... UCLA had their way with them and sent them packing in the semi-finals yesterday.
East Ender, at 4:59 PM, April 02, 2006
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