What Will They Try Next?
The following post is a compilation of ideas and conversations that occurred after the last Council Meeting which left a lot of us feeling as though the more they try to flex their power over the people, the more ridiculous they become.
Walking into last Thursday's Council Session was a bit disorienting for those of us who have attended with any regularity over time. The seating arrangements were completely askew, all for the purpose of controlling the public, and making sure that everyone knows who's in charge, and who's rules the public must abide by. Gahan has thrown down the gauntlet.
However, we beg to differ on this point of controlling order at the meetings, as the rules are not at the discretion of the sitting Council President. The rules are all spelled out in a little book known as Robert's Rules of Order.
There is a reason for these Robert’s Rules of Order and it has to do with carts and horses and prioritizing the people’s rights, not the administrations whims. It’s an arrangement that best protects the taxpayer, who should be able to control the city, not the other way around. Other systems and tools are in place for order during the meetings, but it takes a person who not only demands civility but practices it himself. Otherwise, he will never be respected and never have any power over any part of the room no matter what he does. The president can continue to be a little juvenile bully or learn how successful people manage by attending other council meetings, reading books, and learning. I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to hold my breath for this guy. I think the future looks bleak.
Separating the public comments into two different agenda items is an oncoming train because there will be too much gray area. We will waste more time arguing about what is relevant to an agenda item to one person that may not be relevant to another person. And there will be all sorts of new interesting spins placed on how people get around to what they really want to talk about by tying it to the agenda items in some obscure and creative fashion. It is completely and utterly stupid. We are the citizens and what they are doing is denying us our rights, insulting our intelligence and making us more resolute in voting against them. We are the tax-payers. We represent our neighborhoods. We spread the word.
Take the example of the people on Martin Drive two council meetings ago. Who knew? Had they not shown up and spoken about this mess they unfairly have to deal with, find their councilman, be directed to the board of works, etc., where would they be? We all listened to those tax payers for the first time, explaining how their basement was now flooding and their property was being eroded away by the new hospital expansion, a hospital that is causing these people pain and suffering. The council served and directed these people in this new matter that faced them and that was good. And it wasn’t on the agenda.
May I ask, What about what we want? What about what is taking place all across America? Why does New Albany have to reinvent the wheel? Why do they have to “form a committee” for discovery into what sort of agenda we should follow? The key word in “Robert’s Rules of Order” is ORDER. Order means many things, but in the context of our situation, the definitions that apply would be “functioning,” “instruction,” “neatness,” “arrangement,” and “absence of crime.” Any deviation from these rules of order, by our council, can only be construed to be some antic to suppress our rights and a stand against the words in quotations listed. You heard the uproar and laughter when Gahan made the comment that he wants to make sure the citizens are heard and embraced or whatever poppycock he was spewing. This, on the night when they move the camera that has been watching them for a year and a half, from the front of the room to the back. Hello. We are not blind.
It really is astonishing how clearly we can see them and yet they do not seem to see us. They are sort of like a fish tank, I suppose, only entertaining in a very different way.
Many thanks go out to those who contributed so much to this posting. It couldn't have happened without you.
Committees equal activity. Activity often does not equal accomplishment. There is a whole processional catepillar routine.
Notes from the Psych Ward.
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM, February 19, 2006
For what it is worth, my understanding of the change in seating was to move the video cameras to the rear of the room so those in the audience could have a full view of the council table.
I do not see a conspiracy here. The cameras have zoom technology and the public can better see who is talking. So what is the problem??
Highwayman, at 10:31 AM, February 19, 2006
Do u think he threw out the free copy of Roberts' Rules of Order he was provided?
Tax abatements were kept in committee for "ten" (10) years by an ex-council member. Each year the Council must bring forward onto their first agenda ALL business not finished the last year, or the year before that, etc. Do you think the "new" Clerk and the "new" Council did that when they came in to office, and each year since then?
If the Sewer Board changed from being a "hybrid" between IC-23 and IC-25, so they could extend ten miles out, does that not have to come before Council for approval, or did it?
Ironically, to us, some are completely ignorant of the laws and the process of a city / government, much less government financing -- which is a lot different than regular "business" financing.
Our family is grateful to some of the Council members who do know what is going on and keep trying to make a stand for the people. "Those" Council members know who "they" are. Thank you.
We also feel some of the new Council have tried everything to get "along" with the current Mayor. We are wondering how long they can take the heat from the public who think they are acting like buffoons.
These would be simply our feelings about the whole durn thing; and yes, OLDERNEWALBANIAN, this has been going on for TOOOOOO long. 30+ years is just tooooooo long. This mess didn't happen over night. We are simply, hopefully, part of the process to help "clean" New Albany up -- just like the signs say.
Anonymous, at 10:37 AM, February 19, 2006
What is wrong? The acoustics in the room are absolutely horrible! The issue of the "sound" problem was brought up to the Council President.
Also wrong is the overwhelming desire to squelch public participation in the public's meetings about the public's monies. We are allowed to bring problems into the Council, if they aren't being resolved on another level, or if we need advice on "where" to go. I swear I thought the purpose of the Council was the CITIZENS they represent; what are you thinking?
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM, February 19, 2006
as far as the sound quality of the paid videographer for valla ann, there are higher quality mikes available, so go get one. Gahan can run the protocol of the meeting, also in the city code of ordinances. as to your laughing at Gahan and calling him an idiot thats we have come to expect from your gallery of buffoons
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, February 19, 2006
We have Mark Seabrook to thank for the lame brain idea of splitting the public speaking into two parts. What are they going to do, put us at the end and inconvenience the public? Some of these people are older and the council meetings on occasion go on for hours. How completely thoughtless.
let's give credit where credit is due for this excellent article! keep...em...comin!
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, February 19, 2006
The ACOUSTICS in that room are so bad CITIZENS can't even hear, much less a new mike...can't stand the heat -- get out of the kitchen.
Yes, what is Seabrook thinking? They will all run out of the room before the public starts to speak? Ha Ha!!! The whole situation can "almost" make you laugh hysterically.
Our sentiments also.
Anonymous, at 3:49 PM, February 19, 2006
If public comments are delayed until the end of the meeting, does it mean that EE, Erikas, et al, will stay until the end of the meeting?
Just curious, stand the heat, kitchen talk, opinion, etc.
The New Albanian, at 4:07 PM, February 19, 2006
About the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;or abridging the freedom of speech,or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
For your information the First Amendment was written because at america's inception, citizens demanded a guarantee of their basic freedoms.
Our blueprint for personal freedom and the hallmark of an open society, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech!
Without the First Amendment, protesters could be silenced,the press/citizens could not criticize this "Idiot Mayor" and Council President Jeff Gayhan, and the worthless Councilman Mark Seabrook.
Also without the First Amendment the citizens of New Albany could not mobilize for social change.
The first Amendment provides that "debate on public issues...(should be)...uninhibited, robust,and wide-open."
Contact Council President Jeff Gayhan by phone (812) 949-9314 or email him at: gan2020@aol.com
Let him read this article and these comments!
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, February 19, 2006
You don't have to look at them. The only thing the citizens of New Albany need to do is hear what they say!
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, February 19, 2006
A great friend of mine contacted ACLU in Indy over this sisution. ACLU says all they need is the tapes and they will happy to pay NA a VISIT!
Besides the fact NA is not broke?RIGHT.. The city can afford to fight the ACLU!
Let's bring them down and file a few lawsuits and just see who is right about all this. "Violating citizens rights" is a NO...no...3 identical cases that they have and won are representing other citizens over this same crap! And guess what? The citizens "WON" so someone contact valla ann. All we needs are the tapes! Or she can contact ACLU on behalf of all of us citizens in NA..
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, February 19, 2006
As for the sound quality in the room, I agree which is why I THINK moving the cameras to the rear opens up seats closer to the front for the hearing impaired!
It would also be helpful if the magpies in the rear would A) listen to what is being said around the table or B) learn to whisper do that others can!
As for me I still like to see WHO is speaking!
Thanks for your time!
Highwayman, at 7:12 PM, February 19, 2006
4:45 Anonymous,
I totally agree it is an excellent article. In fact one of the best I have ever read on SOLNA
My question is why the power struggle on the city council? Seabrook is too much to stand. He is very quick to defend the sewer board!
He seems like an angry person. We all pray he gets off the council.
We need new blood and citizens with guts.. not excuses. And a blame other attitude.
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM, February 19, 2006
spelling error! That "do" should have been a "so"
I addition, in my short tenure of attending public meetings, I have not seen anyone turned away from the public speaking podium that was talking about that evenings agenda.
The only ones I have seen cut short were way out in emotional left field with a personal axe to grind.
Those folks have the option of #1
showing up early to speak with the council persons, #2 staying late to speak with the council persons, or #3 calling the coucil persons individually. All of them have phone numbers listed on the cities website @ http://www.newalbany.in.gov/
Thanks again for your time!
Highwayman, at 7:23 PM, February 19, 2006
The camera is not the real issue. It's to me the Mayor having control over Gayhan. As well as selective memory and selective people speaking. I feel my rights being violated every time I walk in the council meetings. New RULES, NEW GAME...We have very serious problems in our city. Thank you for a honest point of few. Just love your last 2 articles.
Anonymous, at 7:33 PM, February 19, 2006
Really? I thought Dan Coffey had control over Gahan.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 7:44 PM, February 19, 2006
What is Robert's rules of order?
Anonymous, at 7:55 PM, February 19, 2006
You're kidding right?
If not, look it up on the Net.
Robert's Rules are a standard of "rules" accepted as the defining guidelines for conducting any official meeting.
Most all non-profits, committees, Boards, etc. accept these guidelines as the foundation for keeping the process orderly.
East Ender, at 9:35 PM, February 19, 2006
My point of view:
1. Violation of my First Amendment Rights
2. Violation of my Civil Rights
Once upon a time, we knew who was accountable to whom and for what. The deal was usually unjust, leaving us citizens with little or no recource to the impact on them of the abuse of power by our elected officials. But to most of us, the citizens feels anything but accountability. Things seem seriously out of control in New Albany.
A citizen feels strongly about certain issues in our community. He or she attend a city council meeting to voice those concerns. Now unfortunately, the Mayor, Council president Jeff Gayhan prohibits the citizens of NA from addressing the controversial topics like Scribner Place, mismanagement and the Mayor's(BORROW NOW PAY LATER PLAN) etc.
How,other times the Mayor, Jeff Gayhan, Mark Seabrook, and others may be squelching our citizens speech because they want to supress the message. Our only interest is in directing problems about public issues to those who we elected. And to those who govern our city.
It's all very confusing to all of us. And were mad as "Hell". We sense the need for justice, we rightly demand accountability from those who impact on the lives of others without voice or power.
Yet it is a curious truth that there is an absense of any conscious from our Mayor Garner and City Council President Jeff Gayhan.
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM, February 19, 2006
All I can think of to say is will you please allow me to add an "amen" to the choir; what perfect words. How refreshing to be able to talk in the open about what is really going on in little ole New Albany.
And, just because it's been going on 30+ years, DOES NOT MAKE IT RIGHT.
Read a quote on TV, didn't catch whom they attributed it to, and it helped me out - "When all others are telling you no, hope is the one which whispers "try it one more time"".
Good threads of info here; anyone get to check the City year-end financials yet? We haven't had time this weekend.
Sharing our thoughts...
Anonymous, at 12:24 AM, February 20, 2006
Some of us citizens have witnessed inequitable and contradictory actions by council president Gahan that were deplorable.
He has allowed certain people to speak, yet denied others under the same circumstances.
For example speaking without being signed up.
During one particular meeting Laura was denied an opportunity to address the council after arriving too late to sign up. However when Randy Smith asked to speak and had not been signed up he was allowed to proceed.
At another meeting, Randy Smith simply approached the podium and spoke without being signed up, called up, or asking permission. He wasn't gaveled down or asked to stop.
Seems a bit unfair if not outright prejudicial.
The council should immediately rectify the order of the agenda as it's specified under IC 30.22.
All city officials should speak before the public.
CM Seabrook has only muddied the waters even more with his suggestion of 2 public speaking times.
Everyone is already aware that they may stay until the conclusion of the meeting should they have something else they would like to discuss with coucil members.
Why must they continually make things harder than they have to be? Is following the set rules too much to ask of our elected officials?
These meetings are for the public, not for grandstanding by council members.
Anonymous, at 3:37 AM, February 20, 2006
Many situations arise in which citizens are silenced because of the content of their coments or because they had disagreed previously with city officials. What Mr. Gayhan is doing is called: "censorship" or protecting his buddy the "mayor!" City officials may not silence comments because it criticizes them. They can not open for "public comment" then carefully pick and choose who and what they want to hear.
Great posting "What Will They Try Next?"
Anonymous, at 7:03 AM, February 20, 2006
Do u think it may be becos they have no other "claim" to fame?
How can they not understand the meeting is for the public, not them? They are simply suppose to be good stewards of OUR MONIES, pass some legislation to help US out. It's a joke.
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM, February 20, 2006
I can't believe that you guys are actually giving thought to the fact that the chairs were rearranged. Did that affect your personal experience with the meeting?
and unfortunately the reason, it appears, they have to be so watchful when it comes to comments from the public is because a select few can't handle themselves properly and like adults.
The outburst of laughter? How old are you people? Don't forget that this is what the future of our city see's(the high schoolers).
Why would they want to become involved when you have people who can't act right.
You have the right to be disgusted, but when you gossip and cackle through the intire meeting, you are misrepresenting the city of New Albnay, and not doing much for yourself's either.
Like Shirley said in her comments last meeting, you have to treat everyone like children. if one does it, then they all will. That's why the tighter reins on the public's speaking time.
Your own little people's words, and noone elses.
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM, February 20, 2006
i "really" like "when" you put "random" words "in" quotes.
"it" really "helps" what you are "saying" "!"
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, February 20, 2006
Hey, "if" the "shoe fits", wear it.
Anonymous, at 1:27 PM, February 20, 2006
THE SHOE DOESN'T FIT! We have a right to stand up for what we believe. They work for us or does Gayhan have selective memory. And believe me we will not have selective memory when 2007 rolls around. We have as much right to speak and grip and "Bitch" about how things are done. And how my tax dollars are spent! So what some of you all seem to be saying is the "Taxpayers" should shut up? Trust this adminstration? Next thing I figure President Gayhan will do is assign seats? Since he might recieve this let's give him something to think about? ok.....
1. Democrats VS Republicans
2. Women VS Men
3. Rich vs Poor
4. Little People VS Progressives
5. For Mayor VS Against Mayor
6. Honest Taxpayers VS The Crooks
7. Paying Taxpayers VS Non-Paying Taxpayers.
Do I need to list more? You know I can!
So Councilman Gayhan be warned your stepping on the wrong toes here.."We got Rights".. Don't you realize you really screwed up on this one big time!
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM, February 20, 2006
no, people are saying that the taxpayers need to act like the adults that they are, or they lose all credibility.
OH CT, so what if they mayor gained a little weight, you're not looking to svelt yourself sweetie!
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, February 20, 2006
We found the minutes from February '04 where Council DID approve the sewer board changes. The reasoning was for the bonds. We always questioned if it didn't have something to do with being able to extend 10 miles outside the fringe? FYI
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM, February 20, 2006
3:20 anonymous
Thank you your so kind! It's ashame cause you don't even know me.
Concerned Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 4:42 PM, February 20, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:20 PM, February 20, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM, February 20, 2006
If you're going to insist on remaining in the same barrel, could you at least swim around a little to make it more interesting for the rest of us?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 5:52 PM, February 20, 2006
EAST ENDER---FIRST--You should attend a county council meeting, county commissioners meeting or school board meeting---The people that speak must speak to an agenda item----if not they must show quickly that they have exhausted all other avenues before bringing it to that forum---If it is not on the agenda they do not allow you to speak to it.
SECOND-In almost all of the public meetins I attend --the cameras are in the back---or on the sides---not in the front so they can put on their own show----in fact--I have never been to a public meeting where the cameras were in the back----and yes---I have sat on the second row and it was in my way.
THIRD--if you think the law is being violated---go to the council attorney or get your own!! But remember---as far as the order of speakers==the current president is following the same order as your beloved mr schmidt followed----since this seems to really have you upset then get a lawyer, write letters to the editor and get organized---or-----find an agenda item you wish to speak to---and grab your five minutes of fame!
Anonymous, at 6:12 PM, February 20, 2006
One of the problems is that you get people coming to the full council with problems when they have not contacted their councilperson----or made a few phone calls on how to handle a situation. And you are right--people will say they are going to speak to an agenda item and then change---I say GO AHEAD AND GIVE THEM THEIR FIVE MINUTES AND LET THEM TALK---ABOUT ANYTHING---IF THEY SOUND LIKE IDIOTS--SO BE IT---THEN NOTHING WILL HAVE CHANGED AND EVERYONE WILL BE HAPPY.
Anonymous, at 6:20 PM, February 20, 2006
DUH!!!----The "free speech and debate clause" in the Constitution applies to the members of the congress.---NOT THE AUDIENCE---
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM, February 20, 2006
Sorta gotta disagree w/ u on some of that stuff.
Been to a school board meeting lately? We went in with the GED students, we weren't on the agenda, and they let these people speak. It was in the newspapers. Where do you get off saying that?
As far as the City Council Attorney, Mr. Ulrich, he has already informed citizens he can not answer OUR ?'s, on the Council's questions.
Doesn't matter. It's going into Committee and we feel good about how it just may come out of that thar committee.
Now what do you have to say? Can't tell u how much we are eagerly awaiting!
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM, February 20, 2006
Dear Anon 9:40AM
What I said in the last meeting was that the high school students (who do not like to be referred to as children) must be treated as parents treat their children.
Parents must strive to be fair to their children. If one is given a toy or cash, then all of their children should receive the same amount.
I used this analogy when referring to the Studio 2000 students. I said that other groups or clubs should also receive $5,000 if that amount is given to the Studio 2000 students.
If the Latin Club, the Chess Club, etc. find out that the City donated $5,000 to Studio 2000 they would feel that their group deserves the same amount, and rightfully so.
I WAS NOT advocating treating the adult taxpayers as children.
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM, February 20, 2006
Studio2000SI isn't a school group. It's an indepedendent non-profit that happens to serve high school age students. If you want to continue with your analogy, it would be more accurate to compare the group to other non-profits, many of whom receive tax dollars.
Besides that, our tax dollars already support the high school clubs.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:51 PM, February 20, 2006
Shirley, we disagree on many things, but I concede your integrity with respect to your using your name.
Maybe you can tell us a bit about "Erik," and explain why it's necessary to invent academic credibility rather than simple be oneself.
Is "Erik" that self-conscious? Or does she/he just have something to hide? Just your opinion, obviously.
I'd e-mail you privately with this question, but I can't find your e-mail address.
The New Albanian, at 9:27 PM, February 20, 2006
don'tyouhavebeertobrew? thereyougoagaintryingtogetusoffthesubject.allthe trashtalkinyoudoonyourblogandoverhere. seemslikeerikandfreedomofspeechhasreallybroughtouttheworseinyou. butiguesswhenyouhavepeopleignoreyouitgetstoyouuh newalbanian? sogetalifeandstoptryingtocontroleverythingandeverybody.
go brew some beer
Anonymous, at 1:51 AM, February 21, 2006
I think attending a County Commissioners meeting is just exactly what I need to do.
Indeed, I think a bunch of us should do just that tomorrow night, Tues. Feb. 21st, at 6:00PM, 2nd floor of the City County Building.
We need to speak with them concerning some particular money that was pledged for a project that is just an unwise expense at this time.
After all, they have to pay for a couple of very expensive trials, as well as other upcoming major expenses the County is facing.
I'd also like to see how a well managed public meeting is administered.
Still, it's not fair to compare the Commissioner's meeting to the City Council. That should be compared to the County Council.
Perhaps we should go talk to them as well.
If you are concerned about New Albany's immediate future, please try to attend Tuesday's meeting.
East Ender, at 2:19 AM, February 21, 2006
I suppose.
The New Albanian, at 8:47 AM, February 21, 2006
There was an earlier comment about R. Smith becoming the Assistant Mayor.
Where does that put Tony Toran?
Just curious.
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM, February 21, 2006
Anon 1:51
That long bar by your thumbs (providing you have them) is a space bar, try tapping sometimes, like at the end of a word!
Anonymous, at 9:59 AM, February 21, 2006
Thanks, EastEnder. It is an important meeting, and this would be where we hook up with the rest of our neighbors, throughout the county! We realize we are all in this here life together, and try and do what's best for the entire County and the entire City, NOT JUST THE CITY. It cuts both ways.
The Commissioners' meetings are usually short & sweet (AND PROFESSIONALLY RAN, I MIGHT ADD, IF I MAY). Hope to see a lot of people attend. Thank you for your space.
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM, February 21, 2006
We already have the Souther Indiana Arts located on E Market next to Interfaith. Can you tell the taxpayers WHY WE NEED ANOTHER ONE just for the White House Center? Andreah Grossman is the Director of the one we already have; what is their opinions?
Help us understand the dynamics of why -- when we already have one we ARE FUNDING. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM, February 21, 2006
Echoing and addding to Ceece:
The missions of the two arts organizations are completely different. The Arts Council of Southern Indiana exists mostly as an umbrella organization to coordinate and help fund artistic efforts in the region. While they do provide some limited arts programming directly, they mostly act as a foundation-type conduit to help other organizations achieve their goals. They are in no way New Albany specific nor do they provide opportunities for local students to spend an extended period of time working with a professional artist in a studio atmosphere.
Studio2000SI is an entirely different animal. It's their intention to provide talented students with a hands-on opportunity to spend a summer working as paid artists in a studio under the supervision of a professional artist to create works for the benefit of the community and for sale. It's a tradition of apprenticeship that's as old as human history and one that we make readily available to students in other vocations via Prosser and other agencies.
In order to understand why Studio2000SI matters, it's good to first consider why the arts are important to a community and its youth. Rather than recreate the wheel, I'll point you here for a probably oversimplified but well-stated explanation:
Why Are the Arts Important?
As someone who works with collegiate art students everyday, I can tell you that most of those students, and the community in general, would benefit a great deal if more of them had opportunities for local experience and validation early on. Each of these talented people has been taught from an early age that their community doesn't value their skills. Math is more important. Auto mechanics is more important. Basketball is more important. And when comparing the amount of money spent by local high schools on theatre to that spent on visual arts, even other arts are more important. It's difficult for any of these students, no matter how hard they work, to feel as though their community accepts and supports them. The end result is that most of them skip town, creativity in tow, first chance they get.
That loss of creativity, unfortunately, bears much more on a city's future than just the sacrifice of some pretty pictures. These are the young minds that not only claim there's a better way but create it, constantly challenging us to look deep within ourselves for the threads that bind us together, daring us to think differently about those we view as others, and to value the ability to form and communicate the relationships that define us as humans. What we’re talking about is the very essence of ingenuity and resolve and how best to foster it in our community.
As I stated in the very first comment I ever typed onto a blog, even a casual perusal of past community revitalization efforts across the world point to artists as the most common catalyst for positive change, bringing their talents and work ethic to areas that appear blighted to others but as just a problem of vision to young creatives. For proof, one needs to look no further than East Market Street in Louisville. Businesses are popping up all over the district to serve the art community that was there first. A DIY, trailblazing attitude is simply a function of everyday life for those who choose to define themselves by their own ability to create.
As a region, we're beginning to come to our collective senses regarding the value the arts bring to an area. The Indianapolis Museum of Art recently completed a multi-million dollar expansion of its contemporary art space. Cincinnati also recently spent millions to bring in a world-renowned architect to create an architectural gem to house its contemporary collections. Visitors are pouring in to both cities purely in pursuit of art. Louisville, too, is in the beginning stages of adding to its skyline the city’s most significant architectural achievement in nearly a hundred years, a building whose main purpose is to retain and attract arts related activity.
You'll notice in this Courier Journal article about the Louisville project that several of the participants mention the opportunity for synergy and mutual benefit that Museum Plaza will create. Speed Museum Director Peter Morrin even goes so far as to call creativity and imagination the survival skills of the 21st Century, a sentiment echoed by economists and other scholars throughout the developed world.
If you care to root for the underdog as SOLNA readers seem prone to do, you'll have a difficult time finding a more fitting underdog that cuts across all economic, racial, and gender groups than local visual arts students, who’ve been ignored for decades. If we hope to participate in the regional uplifting taking shape all around us, we need them. If we hope to keep them here, they need to know we support them so that our hope becomes theirs. A one-time effort of a little over ten cents a citizen doesn't seem an unreasonable way to begin that process.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 4:33 PM, February 21, 2006
you people are worried about a scratch on your arm while the city is cutting off your legs!!!!!!!
Gahan has done a service the past two meetings by putting the sewer board on the agenda to give a financial report.you will notice that seabrook-kochert and the mayor have all refused.He will put them on the agenda the next meeting again. WATCH FOR IT.He is doing the right thing. HE IS TRYING TO MAKE THEM TELL YOU THAT THERE IS NO MONEY TO MAKE THE SEPTEMBER BOND PAYMENT AND FEES NEED TO GO UP RIGHT NOW BETWEEN 15-20%.THAT WILL HAVE THEM BREAK EVEN FOR NOW.BUT ANOTHER 10% IS NECESSARY.SO YOU GET YOUR CHAIRS AND CAMERAS ARRANGED,AND GET ON THE SPEAKERS LIST AND DECLARE VICTORY,WHILE THE SEWER UTILITY SCREWS YOU. YOU BETTER START PAYING ATTENTION TO WHAT IS GOING THE *&^%^% ON!!!
Anonymous, at 6:51 PM, February 21, 2006
Kochert says always threatened 30 to 40%, now it's 50% rate increase...cos THEY ARE MAD.
Can we help it they did not do the work on the Robert E. Lee as MANDATED IN 1997? AND WE HAVE ALREADY SPENT THE MONIES??????? At least twenty times over.
Hate to say it, but watch out for what the NA Potty Police said...50% rate hike for work TO BE DONE IN 1997 -- got it folks?
Hate to be brutal here, but it is not like we WERE NOT TOLD, by whom? Taxpayer Activists; whether we remain anonymous or not, rite? If there is one thing we know -- "S H I T FLOWS DOWNHILL", rite?
Luv ya NA!
Anonymous, at 2:05 AM, February 22, 2006
I still stand behind what I said at the last City Council meeting. Studio 2000 is a great organization but the city cannot afford to support it and others like it.
What about private funding?
Anonymous, at 8:26 AM, February 22, 2006
This is a quick reference to Robert's Rules
Anonymous, at 9:24 AM, February 22, 2006
Where were the anti-exurb sprawl people last night? Perfect opportunity to hear what is going on in the City and the County at the Commissioners' meeting last night.
Well, maybe you were at the County Planning Commission meeting, or maybe you attended the City's Planning Commission meeting, all happening at the same time.
So much for exurb sprawl.
Thanks for attending EastEnder. Thanks for the space.
Anonymous, at 11:59 AM, February 22, 2006
Anonymous, how about a report if you were at one of the meetings you describe?
Or is it more fun criticizing people for not going than it is to let everyone know what happened?
Perhaps you're saving it for a future "see, I was right" post.
The New Albanian, at 9:12 AM, February 23, 2006
The meeting was covered by two (2) reporters from different newspapers. You certainly do not need my "take" of the meeting.
Exactly what kind of "see, I told you so" could you possibly mean? Yep, didn't think so.
Speaking to the cover page accompanying these comments, it was an orderly meeting.
BTW, YOUR County Commissioner Representative would be happy to fill in any blanks you may have; they are responsive in nature to the citizens they represent. Always good to hear from the other side!
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM, February 23, 2006
How about this for "What Are They Going To Try Next?". It is my understanding the City hired Ron Hartman as the "new" (5th) Building Commissioner (the inspector from the Hospital that we had under contract replacing Broadus) and Gary House as the Assistant Building Commissioner.
We are looking to see if Mr. Hartman is qualified for this position, as the Mayor has decided to bypass the Council on this appointment by making it "Contractural" in nature.
We have worked with Mr. House before, and he was employed as the City's Building Commissioner, and then the County's. He then resigned; we thought he was taking the City position; instead they hired Roberts.
Mr. House has had a problem with not enough monies in his budget to do his job while he was with the City. We begged him to appear before Council explaining that particular issue, but the Mayor at the time would not let the Department Heads come to Council to explain their need for the monies. Therefore, he turned to taxpayers.
Interesting turn of events for anyone involved in our situation, I guess, is all I can think to call this mess. Kind of feel like "fine mess you got us into this time, Ollie". Know what I mean.
What do you think -- what else can "they" do? Maybe we just shouldn't even try to guess at this point in time. This is our opinion, and we know there will be disagreement about how we feel. "Contractural" "DON'T HAVE TO TELL COUNCIL" As we said, this Mayor inspires such LEADERSHIP qualities from his employees they simly keep resigning. How many does this make, anyway? Never mind. Thanks for the space East Ender.
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM, February 24, 2006
I see over on Freedom that James spent $600 on Messengers of Crhist. Has he never heard of speration of church and state. that is my money James is spending!
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, February 24, 2006
ceece, Gary House worked for the City; and when he couldn't get monies to do his job, he worked with the taxpayer advocates in town. Guess u could say both.
And, he worked for the County.
He worked for us before, let's see, Hancock I think, but I'm not sure... I get lost in the succession of them all. Please forgive. Thank you for asking.
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM, February 24, 2006
Why is Garner always sidestepping proper protocol when hiring or assigning someone to a position?
He has done this several times.
Most recently with his efforts to "excuse" accepted standards for hiring Firefighters so that the process becomes discretionary rather than regimented.
Now, instead of the approved route of submitting a name to the City Council for consideration and approval/rejection of the Building Commissioners position, then leaving the final hiring decision to the Board of Works, he has decided to make this position contractural.
Therefore, no body of governance that is in place to protect the best interests of the citizens has any input in this decision.
Considering the dismal failure of Garner's last couple of choices, I'm not real comfortable just leaving this up to him.
The Code Enforcement Officer position was filled by backtracking through the procedures necessary for official approval after telling Chief Harl to simply assign someone.
Anyone have a guess as to why he does such things?
East Ender, at 3:13 AM, February 25, 2006
Think he can't stand the heat; or he inspires such "leadership", or he can't find anyone that will work WITH him and FOR him. It sure is sad! That's for sure!
Anonymous, at 10:39 AM, February 25, 2006
never doubt that a small,group of thoughtful,committed citizens can change the world Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
Anonymous, at 5:44 PM, February 25, 2006
Bravo, Bravo Powerful words.
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM, February 25, 2006
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