Problems With Housing Enforcement
In the interest of acknowledging that the housing problems exist all over the city, and have become so numerous that it is going to take a major effort to deal with them, and a lot of money to deal with them correctly, I am sharing some examples from the East side of the City.
I recently received a letter from a Main St. friend of mine who gave permission to post the following interpretation of the problems we are facing in our efforts to have sub-standard, unsafe, housing in the inner-city addressed.
There are certain issues raised that must be considered in the scope of the problem. Therefore, we submit the following:
"The reason the city doesn’t want rental inspections is because the houses will not pass inspection. You may recall when this was brought up at a council meeting and a certain person held up a stack of about 100 rental properties that are all owned by a hand full of slum lord’s that ALL show up on the mayor’s campaign finance report. This is why they are keeping a tight rein on Pam Badger who I really feel has the best intentions, I’ve heard nothing but good things about her, but hey, you do what you’re told or be fired for insubordination. Don’t we Steve?
You do NOT screw around with the money trees.
Were the slum lord’s forced to bring their properties up to code???? It would cost HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars. You know it. They’d have to increase their rent fees and probably then lose the current low rent renter. But no. They are content to charge what they charge and just let the buildings fall down around these people of questionable background who are just glad to have a place they can afford. And we get to live amongst low rent people who are trouble makers, thus the term, “Low rent,” a term used to describe scummy people, as in “You are a low rent son of a gun.”
And it’s not just the rent revenue they get that is the big money maker for them. It’s what they can get for the property on a loan. They buy the house for $5000 and maybe/maybe not fix it up a little, then have it appraised for $80,000 and cash out that money and invest it. Boom, they now have $75,000 cash. Invest that or use it buy 15 more $5000 houses and do the same thing and turn around and cash that out 15 X $75,000. Now we’re up to over a million dollars. So what if you have mortgages to pay on 15 houses, its chump change compared to what you are borrowing, investing and playing with. The interest off the money could pay the mortgages or the rent. However you want to work it, you still have a million dollars. And if you have 100 of said properties, which some do, you can do the math. I think the number will explode my calculator. Do you now understand why 49% of our cities in town properties are rentals? Because other cities won’t allow this. They have code enforcement. So, they are all here, in New Albany, because that’s where they can get away with it. That’s where they can grease palms like the greasy people they are known to be. Okay, not all of them, but enough to feed the kitty.
And even if you don’t get the appraisal that high (but you probably do because he’s your brother and you’re paying him to do what you tell him to do), it all adds up. You probably ship a couple of cases of Maker’s Mark to the bank president every Christmas and he’s looking the other way too. But then he might be your brother as well and actually know what you’re up to. But hey, who cares, the loans are always paid, so who cares if they got more for it than it was really worth? Who cares if the houses fall to disrepair? Put a little duct tape on it and keep on going.
See how this works? We should all be in the slum lord business. It’s the biggest business going in New Albany and by golly, we don’t want to upset the slum lords because we need to get re-elected, and when it comes down to it, you can’t count on your party, but you sure can count on people who owe you big time. People who have brought you garbage bags full of cash and have continued to every time you pocket veto the code enforcement officer or hire an idiot to be the building commissioner (current gentleman excluded as I don’t know him) or fire the building inspectors or what have you. This is ALL about money. Think of these houses as you drive by them as little money trees. Who knew?! It’s certainly a better vision than what you have to look at.
One of these slum lords could and probably will give Jimmy all the money he wants, but it’s too bad because there isn’t enough money in the world to save his rear after the stunts he has pulled. The voters know and they’re going to know even more thanks to you, thanks to Freedom of Speech, thanks to those who stand up at the council meetings and thanks be to God.
Think about it. Look around. It’s obvious if you think about it. ANYBODY can look at some of these houses and know it’s not right. You can see it and you can even sometimes smell it."
My opinion AND the facts.
Yes you have my permission to post this on your blog.
Well, I'll chance it, because we're in perfect agreement on every point with the sole exception of the one that pins the blame on the current administration.
Face it: It's gone on from one administration to the next, unceasing.
Nothing better illustrates the lack of vision in New Albany than the housing problem and the prevalence of rental slums.
We all know that deferring to slumlords goes back many generations in political terms, and reflects a lack of leadership that was manifested for decades.
It didn't start yesterday.
Furthermore, we all recognize that people have been trying to fight this for a long time.
To repeat, we ALL agree on the points made in this posting.
The question is, what do we do about it? May we phrase the answer as something that can make the situation better, rather than recriminations about the past?
How to break the cycle of shabbiness and tolerance for squalor that has defined New Albany for too long?
One part of the answer has to be unity.
The New Albanian, at 8:46 PM, February 15, 2006
Try taking a look at Garner's campaign contributions report to start with.
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM, February 15, 2006
Anonymous, do you really think there's been a Mayor for 40 years -- perhaps forever -- who has not accepted campaign contributions from a slumlord?
I ask again -- what is the way forward?
The New Albanian, at 9:21 PM, February 15, 2006
Don't you pay any attention at all to what's being said over here?
That goes for the politicians in this town, current administration most definately INCLUDED, as well as it does for the sewers and future economic development you keep spouting about.
It never fails to amaze me that people with all kinds of booksmarts, have no common sense what-so-ever.
Let me use your own words, since you like hearing them so much...
The selective enforcement that's been going on in this town for way too long has got to come to a stop.
I don't care if 100 administrations did it historically, it doesn't make it right to keep on doing it and then point and sy, "...they started it." (whaaaaa)
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM, February 15, 2006
I don't recall saying it was right.
You'll have to get past the vendetta portion of your argument if you hope to be part of the solution.
The New Albanian, at 11:56 PM, February 15, 2006
What we need to do is all come together on this issues and collectively demand accountability.
Why did the Mayor pocket veto the first resolution drafted to hire a code enforcement officer?
Why did it take 2 years for him to simply tell the Police Chief to "appoint someone"?
If it was going to be that easy, it should not have taken 2 years.
Then, those of us who were fighting on the front lines about this issue tried to tell them that the version he finally passed had no teeth in it, and they would have trouble with enforcement.
Still, I have to agree with Ann when she says we don't need a full time attorney and a new City court to start writing citations.
We DO have a building commissioner correct?
The last administration had 3 pages of addresses that were to be repaired, or demolished. When asked for a list from our current Building Commissioner, we were told there is no list.
We must complain, we must insist, we must prod and provoke until someone comes out of that office and does something.
The codes are on the books, the ordinances have been passed, the laws are in place. PLEASE, enforce them.
Not only because they are eyesores, but because we have low income families living in fire traps and unhealthy conditions that are intolerable. Where do they turn for help?
When we start to make progress on these properties we must, we MUST, have a safety net in place to catch these folks and these families from becomming homeless.
This is a HUGE issue that will require a cohesive effort.
East Ender, at 2:41 AM, February 16, 2006
OK, we all agree on this. Can we draw a line? And move forward rather than bashing the mayors all the way back to when I moved here over 30 years ago.
Anonymous, at 7:23 AM, February 16, 2006
This is the best article I have seen on SOLNA for a long time.
We all agree that there is a problem but we must agree on a solution. Certainly our current mayor did not cause this mess but he has continued to let it go on and so he is responsible. He can't just keep blaming his predecessors. Why was he elected in the first place if he refuses to take responsibility?
What happened to that 3 page list of properties in disrepair? We all know the problem was not solved. Did Fawn Hall make a trip to New Albany with her shredder?
There is a City Council meeting tonight. Maybe we need to get the ball rolling on this important issue.
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM, February 16, 2006
It is nice to see the "beginning" of some unity. I hope.
Those that "hate" the current Mayor do need to remember that not everything is his fault. Those that "like" the current Mayor need to realize that his administration in charge and the only one that can act NOW. The former Mayors are exactly that--FORMER.
Iamhoosier, at 8:40 AM, February 16, 2006
Love or hate for the current Mayor aside, he is the chief executive, and he is the Building Commissioner's boss.
Mayor Garner, will you direct the Building Commissioner to inspect and cite these properties in violation of city building code, to the full extent of that code, with no exceptions or excuses?
Ann, at 12:45 PM, February 16, 2006
Good question Ann. I wonder if he's listening?
If he's listening, don't you think he owes us an explination of why this hasn't been occurring already?
What about T. Toran? He's supposed to be the Director of City Operations.
In my opinion, he should work in tandem with the Building Commissioner until we get caught up and develop a list for demolition.
East Ender, at 1:00 PM, February 16, 2006
Me heard there was a "list" compiled and that the Building Commissioner now can't find the list of properties needing torn down.
Me also hears "they" raided the Building Commissioner's budget and took his demolition monies. This was made public at Redevelopment. A suggestion was made to the effect Redevelopment was selling 3 houses and they could give that money back to the Building Commissioner's fund; but alas, disagreement occurred in the room and the suggestion was made the monies be given out to neighborhood associations.
Well, we just have to disagree with that. We don't have a neighborhood association, so our area wouldn't get any. How is that fair? GIVE IT BACK TO THE BUILDING COMMISSIONER, Pretty Please? Thank you. Our two cents worth...
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM, February 16, 2006
The monies expended to Pittman on Freedom of Speech blog; is that to the car dealership over in Louisville? Are we purchasing vehicles out of state now?
Those are some kind of numbers. Some we can justify; others we can't. A former Mayor took a trip to FL each year for a Major Golf Event; tell me we didn't pay for that trip again under this Mayor?
We heard the City Attorney had refurbished an office but we can't remember the exact figures we heard it cost, but it was expensive.
Tonight's City Council will certainly be another interesting meeting.
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM, February 16, 2006
Everyone should take a look at the Freedom of Speech blog today to get a look at some of the mysterious spending that they have uncovered, and the differences in account balances from the last administration.
Nickels and dimes? I don't think so. More like thousands and thousands.
Maybe a Mayor who never had to worry about where his next dollar was coming from just can't understand the concept of a budget and responsible spending.
It's time to demand accountability and to insist that some luxury expenses be reeled in.
The previous administration did not leave the economic condition of this city in bad shape. It has gotten that way through bad decisions and greed.
Meanwhile, the condition of the city has progressively deteriorated to the point of unsightly properties popping up everywhere you turn.
Garner should be ashamed of himself and his lack of competency in managing our city.
East Ender, at 4:02 PM, February 16, 2006
The listings at FOS are entirely without explanation and context.
Until context is provided -- something apparently falling outside the non-existent fake blogger Erik's domain -- then there's really no point in discussing it, unless of course you have no intention of discussin it and merely want more ammo for the bashing.
Like every thread here, the unity in enforcing building code theme starts wonderfully, then gradually gives way to sustained sliming of the current administration.
EE, you like deals, right? That's the way compromises work. People compromise to work together. It is a matter of record that I disagree with Steve Price on most topics, but if he were to join the struggle for code enforcement, then I'd lay off.
Can you do the same when it comes to your bogey man?
Or do you really not want to see the goal accomplished?
The New Albanian, at 4:13 PM, February 16, 2006
Steve Price may have been at that thar Redevelopment meeting I was talking about, trying to recover the Building Commissioner's lost monies. Is that enough? Thanks!
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM, February 16, 2006
Professor Erik, I see that you fixed "are" and "our" from this morning. You might want to check Cherry Valley Golf ......
Just trying to help out.
Iamhoosier, at 4:25 PM, February 16, 2006
I'm actually not leaning on CM Price in particular here.
It's important that each of our current council representatives take a stand -- the ones you like, as well as the ones you don't like.
There must be a statement of principle, procedural techniques, and clearly defined goals.
Obviously, it would be nice if all this could be tracked not just on-line, but in the Tribune.
Perhaps, then, one thing that should happen from the start is a campaign to contact the Tribune and see if they can be brought on board.
The New Albanian, at 5:55 PM, February 16, 2006
The bottom line is there is no money for tearing properties down! And it is also a fact people are not doing the job they are paid to do downtown. If the different departments have no extra funds to do all the request, several of you seem to be demanding how can they pay to have these extra services done? As far as freedom of Speech several of you just don't get it. The figures came from the Controllers office. Past on the article. And it speaks volumes for what is going on. I personally feel Freedom of Speech is laying alot of actual numbers out that none of you seem to have to back up what you say! But then alot of you only want to turn a blind eye to what is really ging on. Let's just see when the 2005 figures come out. You must not be very educated on the numbers game of this City! So why not put the blame where it belongs.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, February 16, 2006
Someone could not only come in and clean up this City. But will be one hell of a "BULLDOZER" To clean up more than just property in this town! Who ever the person was that wrote this topic article has very excellent points and use a real common sense approach on doing things right in NA.
Anonymous, at 6:34 PM, February 16, 2006
Yep, New Albany, Gaveling Gahan has, to quote the NEWALBANIAN, "largely succeeded in softening the lynch mob mentality that pervades the mad-as-hell Luddite's view of public communications as a soapbox for contempt, malice, self-aggrandizement and outright character assassination, while STILL ALLOWING CITIZENS who'll PLAY BY THE RULES to have their say".
As a citizen of this town, and as a poster on this blog, and being one of the people being singled out to be what NEWALBANIAN calls a "Luddite", true offense has been taken on my end of the spectrum of things.
Many, many, too many, times have I addressed our illustrious Council, and never, never, ever have I DISREPECTED any of THEM while I spoke. Then again, I've also have never been stalked in public as a private citizen and my activities reported on your blog, referring to me as a Luddite.
As far as you are concerned NEWALBANIAN, I personally believe you may not be the one to preach about the word RESPECT, especially to me. You also (in my books) may not be the one, alas, to judge who may speak and censor what they may say at a PUBLIC MEETING about PUBLIC'S MONIES. That, in and of itself, is disrespectful of you, sir.
But, then again, like I said earlier, what would you know about that word R E S P E C T????
Get lost and get a life -- where's Granny when you need her?
Anonymous, at 7:42 PM, February 16, 2006
Well, sounds like we have something to discuss, don't we?
The New Albanian, at 10:21 PM, February 16, 2006
Oops, forgot:
How'd you know I was talking about you?
The New Albanian, at 10:25 PM, February 16, 2006
Being you don't know me too well, you'd be surprised what I know and found out. Loved seeing the word "Luddite" at your favorite business you love to spit at in your own "spit yard blog". The set up was set, and ya stepped in it. That's how we know; a lot of people witnessed it -- give us a break. And as we said before, if you don't like this blog, stay off and spout off on your own.
There are actually good people in this town, but you can't seem to find any.
I really would follow grandma's advice and MYOB. And, if you don't know what I'm talking about, then how do you know who you are talking to? Yeah...
Anonymous, at 11:31 PM, February 16, 2006
Did they mention at the meeting why Paul Roberts resigned? Was it because his budget was raided, and he wasn't able to do the job he wanted to do? Did anyone explain tonight?
Anonymous, at 12:40 AM, February 17, 2006
If you're going to try to say that Paul Roberts is a victim in all this, you're going to have to disprove the fact that he refused to acknowledge building code violations even when private citizens drove him to the front door of properties and pointed them out.
How much of a budget does it take exactly to go to a neighborhood within walking distance of your office, look up at a house, jot down some notes and write a report? Unless he was refused paper and pencil, you don't really have much of a case.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 1:04 AM, February 17, 2006
Hell NO!!!
Paul Roberts got the hell out of Dodge because he saw the train lights coming at him.
He was actually going to have to leave the office and do some work, write some citations, perform his duties as Building Commissioner.
Another misplaced candidate in the wrong job.
How many does that make now Jimmy?
Just can't seem to get the right folks in the right places.
It's no wonder the City is floundering so, and flirting with complete bankruptcy.
Speaking of which, anybody heard about that budget coming back yet?
Going to be something to watch when that comes down the pike.
East Ender, at 1:06 AM, February 17, 2006
The mayor can certainly be held accountable for part of the problem and should be. The same is true, though, of several council members who've sat on their hands during numerous administrations and never used the tools at their disposal to seriously address the issue. There's plenty of blame to go around.
The point now is to move forward and that's going to take everybody. There seems to have been a hint of improvement tonight. If that remains true, all credit. If not, then those who choose to obstruct the process should be further held accountable, regardless of name or title.
I'd like to hear more about your ideas concerning a safety net for any families who may be displaced. I thought it was a good point.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 1:46 AM, February 17, 2006
"The set up was set, and ya stepped in it."
Jimmy Cagney, right?
The New Albanian, at 7:55 AM, February 17, 2006
Bluegill, ssshhhhhh!
They hadn't thought of the "no pencil and paper" excuse yet.
Ya know, the budget's tight, and supplies cost money . . .
Ann, at 8:16 AM, February 17, 2006
I think the paper and pencil defense won't work. The "Professor" has posted that the city spent $1,700 @ Office Depot. I don't know why the city can't write with a piece of charcoal on a wooden shovel. Waste, waste, waste.
Iamhoosier, at 8:36 AM, February 17, 2006
The real truth of the matter is that it is going to take quite a bit of money to fix the situation we are in.
I do hold this Mayor accountable for making things worse than they have ever been before, and I believe some council members got duped into believing he had some competence in dealing with our problems.
None-the-less, we are where we are. The issue facing us now is, how do we get back to some semblance of a City that functions?
We have no business building a $16 million swimming pool when the sewers don't work and a good portion of the housing is in dangerous condition.
Aggressive rehabs, rather than bulldozing is imperative for adequate housing to remain for low-income families. Even if the City takes possession of the property to do so.
That's where the CHDO project comes into play as well.
the project at Linden Meadows will generate millions in Federal dollars that can be used for housing rehabilitations throughout the City.
The best part? It doesn't go into the hands of the City. The CHDO will administer the program.
East Ender, at 1:07 PM, February 17, 2006
Then we all need to get on board the Linden Meadows project, right?
So what's the unity hold-up there?
The New Albanian, at 2:08 PM, February 17, 2006
I totally "Support" the Linden Meadows residence! Them appealing was great news! It appears some of your bloggers have never worked downtown? Regardless of your ideas. It all sounds so great but your missing 3 big points:
3.James has raided all accounts...
It is called Busted,broke,bankrupt...
Do you really think some company will come in and tear down these homes for nothing? Money talks and B/S walks in this town.
Why do several of you continue to complain and ask question that the bottom line is this city is Broke!NO $$$$$$. Several of you are in denial. And try to blow the real issues-problems off!
I suggest you are either "a part of the problem or a part of the solution." So several of you need to continue making your demands and blowing smoke! Until James is out. And an audit is done we have no clue what is in the "Bank".
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, February 17, 2006
Anon 4:07,
Do you realize that you just went AGAINST East Ender on the Linden Meadows question?
Iamhoosier, at 4:19 PM, February 17, 2006
And yet the generation that made it through the Depression had no money, but worked hard and accomplished much.
This incessant "we're broke" refrain is code for "we can't," and that's why I disagree with it.
In short, it's an excuse, nothing more.
EE, when you read this, do I detect that we're in agreement about Linden Meadows?
The New Albanian, at 5:06 PM, February 17, 2006
What you wrote and what you say is a whole different story! Talk about double standard.
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM, February 17, 2006
Maybe if someone explains it in another fashion, the "uneducated", may understand what has happened in this fair City, and how we are TRYING TO RECOVER FROM THEIR mistakes with OUR monies ($$$$$$$$$).
1. The last Mayor's Controller ADMITTED PUBLICALLY IN A CITY COUNCIL MEETING there were 2 (two) sets of books. TAXPAYERS caught this mistake.
2. The data later was compromised, with the same Controller. TAXPAYERS caught this issue when the firefighters' and police officers' hire dates rolled back on the computers to the same date.
3. There is a claim there was no way to "restore" the books. A lot of "computer savvy" people may disagree with the analogy.
4. The STATE OF INDIANA can't even get an audit performed, and you may wish to check State law to see if an OUTSIDE agency is EVEN allowed to do an audit.
5. We CANNOT get back the 2006 budget, approved for spending by the STATE OF INDIANA, because of shortfalls (evidently) from the previous year, which WILL BE CUT OUT OF THEIR BUDGET FOR 2006 (as soon as the STATE can make heads or tails on what is going on down here). There really are no games being played by the State, no matter what may be insinuated by certain people.
6. Please draw 7 to 8 quarter size circles on your City map in the phone books This represents how much tax monies are being withheld from the General Fund and being used only in THOSE AREAS, upon the Mayor's discretion. Other City's may have 1, at the most 2, New Albany has 7 to 8. The Building Commissioner, Enforcement Issues, etc., the money could go a long way towards our goals.
7. Please subtract the number of tax abatements, some definitely over the time limits, and the number may stagger you that may be available to the General Fund, without raiding the citizens of New Albany's pocket books anymore.
8. The EDIT monies for the inner-city sewer MAINTENANCE fund WILL HAVE TO BE PAID BACK. When the Mayor (at the Sewer Board) was asked how HE planned to put the EDIT money PLEDGED BY COUNCIL back, he shrugged. Please.
As I've told SEVERAL COUNCIL MEMBERS, w e, the citizens/tax payers know where to get the monies, at least for a couple of years. Rescind Scribner's pool and the Edit money, because you can't REpledge what you have already PLEDGED in another BOND. Isn't that illegal? Let the Y stand for a couple of years on its own and get our **** in order. How hard is it, folks?
9. How, legally, would you be able to sell bonds, or raise rates, without any kind of financials available? No Audits back from the State. No Budget back from the State. The Year-End Financials for the City haven't been printed, not due until the end of February. No formal rate study. Even after stating divesting thyself of the sanitation department and the "drainage" people was necessary to recover in the sewer department, even that doesn't seem to be the case. What is the Case?
It's hard to be quiet about things you took the time to study and learn and sit in meetings for over 10 years. It's hard to not publish these facts and maybe help someone see we KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, WE SIMPLY WANT THEM FIXED.
Last time we checked, taxpayers did not do the "OBSTRUCTING", we simply uncovered it.
We, for one, are TIRED OF HEARING ABOUT COMPUTER PROBLEMS. It's ridiculous.
And, for any of you who may care, the Sewer Board is set up as a "hybrid", using part Indiana Code 23 and part Indiana Code 25. Taxpayer advocates have always questioned the legality of same Board, because how do the lawyers fight any liens (if they ever file any)? Do they fight the City under IC 23 or IC 25? It is hard for us to imagine that was forgotten in such a short period of time by a certain person, publicly, no less.
These are simply some of our opinions on how the City truly can be helped without hurting ALL of US. Now, if we could only get someone to do it.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, February 17, 2006
We have someone for "07" let's watch and see what happens!
more $$$$$$$$$ you only left out one more statement:
NO $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!
And we both know it.......
Anonymous, at 9:58 PM, February 17, 2006
Yep, and got a correction there for you, too. The Tribune Legals contain the YEAR END FINANCIALS for the City of New Albany today.
Very important numbers. Thanks to who tipped us off. We appreciate it.
Anonymous, at 10:27 PM, February 17, 2006
What you wrote and what you say is a whole different story! Talk about double standard.
No, not at all.
But you're entitled to your opinion.
Looks to me like irrespective of the finances, we might all agree to use the Linden Meadows project to attract some of the bucks that it would take to refurbish.
The New Albanian, at 11:33 PM, February 17, 2006
Looks like to me a few people need to eat "crow" about Freedom Of Speech. This is a great article.
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM, February 18, 2006
First of all new albanian, I do not agree that the "we're broke" exclimation = "we can't".
You are making a huge leap in the wrong direction there.
The fact that the City is broke, and that Garner has managed to do a good portion of it all by his little bitty self, is nothing short of the truth. That is the exclimation being made.
There is no "we can't", there is only "HE can't" (do anything right).
Why do you think we do this? Because we think nothing will ever change?
Because we insist that things change. No more excuses accepted.
Furthermore, we are prepared to take about any course of action necessary to insure changes occur.
We would like to know where the money has gone, and where it's going to come from to pull our community back from the edge.
Other than that, yes. I agree that the Linden Meadows project would be a major step in the right direction concerning housing.
It will actually raise property values on Linden Ave., and bring much needed funds into the City for re-habs of existing housing.
With everyone who will be displaced with the unsafe housing that currently exists, all of the project is important.
I am sorry that some folks feel differently, but it's what's best for the City as a whole, and that's the way we should be thinking.
East Ender, at 1:58 AM, February 18, 2006
Now that it has been established that SOLNA and NAC are in agreement with regard to Linden Meadows, I would like to ask a question of "Erik" (if he actually existed), but since he doesn't, I'll ask it here, and perhaps someone can answer it:
Judging from a previous posting at the comment-less Freedom to Speech, "LINDEN MEADOWS WILL APPEAL DECISION," is it then safe for me to assume that FTS is opposed to the Linden Meadows idea?
Sorry for asking it here, but since the writers of FTS are anonymous, and Erik doesn't answer "his" e-mail, there's no way for me to find out.
Also, EE, can I quote your support in my upcoming article on the topic? If we agree that Linden Meadows is right, then doesn't this fall within the boundary of things that can be pressed now, without waiting?
The New Albanian, at 10:26 AM, February 18, 2006
Didn't realize the Sewer Board reverted back from the "hybrid" to we think IC-23 in order to run 10 miles out. We stand corrected. Sorry about that.
As mentioned on here before, citizens from the County and the City have been trying to network. Meetings were held betweens citizens and taxpayer advocates to decide HOW.
Greenville Concerned Citizens, Inc. is already incorporated and has asked that anyone interested in joining this already incorporated taxpayer advocacy group, especially City residents against what has been described on this blog as "exurb-sprawl". They aren't against development; just not GOOD development.
There will be a COUNTY COMMISSIONERS meeting this next Tuesday night at 6:00 and it would be beneficial to those interested in this specific issue to attend this meeting to let the County Commissioners know how YOU FEEL. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 4:23 PM, February 18, 2006
new albanian,
This is not the place to ask questions about the positions of the people who run the FOS blog.
You'll have to take that up with them in an e-mail, which is their mode of communication as I understand it.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and reasonable people can agree to disagree at times over certain issues.
It's not a perfect world (by any stretch of the imagination), and different issues will invoke different positions.
I'm not convinced, due to the tone you're using about making it perfectly clear that some people disagree on this issue, that you have the best intentions in mind.
Are you out to pit one against the other? If so, why?
East Ender, at 5:26 PM, February 18, 2006
EE, not at all.
It probably won't surprise you to learn that we're not always in perfect agreement over here, either.
It's far simpler than baiting or turning one on the other -- namely, "Erik" won't answer "his" mail.
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the fictitious freedom of speech doesn't include comments?
At any rate, no, nothing tricky planned. We agree on Linden Meadows, and I'd like to quote you to that effect. If I can't quote you directly, I could paraphrase your sentiments, but since it's an issue of unity and agreement ...
The New Albanian, at 6:54 PM, February 18, 2006
Freedom of Speech makes a great deal of sense when you look at all the various articles. They seem to have numbers and facts to back up what they say. FOS is not the only blog who does not allow comments. What about the other blogs? Sounds like you have a personal problem with FOS. Bottom line you don't like it. Don't read it. We enjoy FOS and Speak Out Loud NA. Everyone has a choice and opinions.
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM, February 18, 2006
A news special aired today on FOX, national channel, about absolutely NOT USING YOUR NAME, NOR YOUR ADDRESS on a blog, nor even a picture. If it has to be a picture, they advised it be one about 15 to 20 years old.
The computer security analyst related you should remain anonymous, or come up with a screen name. The analyst said to "act like your computer is your second front door". Don't leave it open.
As a computer person, this is very much the case, because of cyber crime, etc. If hackers can backdoor Microsoft and steal "source code", you can backdoor anyone. Microsoft is preparing a fix, and that will only cover something called "metadata".
There is other software, which I have personally used, and have recently found someone attached to our computer lately and had to remove. That software was always used by the Security within Corporate to attach to someone's computer and "capture their keystrokes".
A person employed using this software used it illegally on someone working at our firm. They were immediately fired; it is that type of powerful software you just are not allowed to abuse, because of privacy and security issues. This software is meant for companies to be able to attach to another computer they own in another office in another state or city that is having problems. You can either observe them in their entirety, capture their keystrokes, even intervene and take over their computer if they are set up in a certain mode. This enables computer software people to observe what the user is doing and his problem. This was only done IF corporate could not RECREATE the problem in-house and so we would not have to travel on a moment's notice to another state, or city, thus saving a lot of money in travel costs.
Thought some of you might like to be aware of this.
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, February 18, 2006
Housing enforcement is a joke in this town. On east culbertson and east fifth there is a two story apartment building the tenants of the second floor have one exit from the first floor. rite up the street a few years ago there was a fire and several houses were damaged one house sits to this day untouched. the city's fire safety and inspection department needs to start doing there job. citations mean nothing. if a building is condemmed then buldoze it so it dont turn into another crack or methlab
Anonymous, at 5:19 AM, March 13, 2006
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