What Can We Say? (Plenty)
That's our best response to the happenings of this past week.
Very interesting string of events and communications.
"Uh...I didn't know..."
That's what we anticipate from the administration in the coming week.
"Hell 'yea! We've been tryin' to tell 'ya!!!!"
That's what we expect from the wee voices of the voters ('lil people)
The realities of how the Sewer Fund has been operating, yet not functioning, will all be spelled out for everyone to see, so there will be no doubts about who and why so much more money is needed to do what we have to do.
Now, we've also recently read the Monthly - end of the month (Jan. 2006) - expense report over at 'Freedom of Speech'.
Our response?
"Get the calculator and add it up."
Here's what we arrived at:
The first thing we are going to look at is our 'Good 'Ol, beat 'em up, Bad Man, CM representative of the 3rd district, Steve Price's silly little fussing about nickels & dimes expenditures like cell phones, pagers, and other "communications" devices.
His suggestion of wasteful spending in this particular category has resulted in the chastising of him by certain parties (no names here), as the "un-Councilman Price".
Well, let's take a look. What do the numbers tell us about a one month expenditure balance sheet when it comes to cell communications?
1. One Month Communications Expenses: $4900.00 for 6 Departments
I. Cell-Phones
II. Pagers
III. Radios
If we can consolidate communications and reduce costs by 30%, that saves $18K annually.
We believe $18,000 equates to another part-time position to process fines, for example, or what ever else it could be better utilized for.
It is a matter of being fiscally conservative, while embroiled in a fiscally challenging time like New Albany is facing right now.
Right now, the Street Department could use some help if that can be taken as a suggestion, so they could fix the streets of the inner-city in a manner by which they would not beat the **it out of our vehicles daily.
Of course, that has to come after getting the big stuff taken care of.
The most important issue at hand is to complete the Sewer repairs needed to comply with what the EPA - they been telling us - Rob. E. Lee Project and the Screen Bar replacement, so that true and substantial economic development can take place.
It MUST become our number one initiative to take care of this situation, get into compliance, and then get moving on what and how Downtown New Albany may come back to life as.
I'm sure the YMCA will help, to a degree, with attracting new businesses, but we still have a lot of other issues to deal with in terms of Downtown development.
Infrastructure isn't the "prettiest" or the most "positive" end of Economic development issues, but it's the foundation on which we will grow.
If we are to grow.
When the 2006 audit comes in, and the budget has been cut (as most are predicting), the Mayor will be asked to make cuts in the "fringe benefits" and the miscellaneous areas of his budget where cuts can and should be easily made.
TIF areas should be reeled back to one, maybe two. Having 5 & 6 TIF Districts in this town is ridiculous. It keeps money out of the General Fund.
You know, the fund they just borrowed $4 million for so they could make a cash flow problem go away, temporarily.
Otherwise, we're in great shape.
Take Care Tonight New Albany. You're going to need your rest.
Why do we even need a budget? 2007 can not come soon enough. One word describes Mayor Garner it's called "Incompetent".
By Anonymous, at 7:04 AM, March 05, 2006
We are putting some interesting order of events of sewer activities by this Administration JUST SINCE February 1. We will have a detailed analysis of what they are saying to us as ratepayers and how they are saying this to the ratepayers.
We simply want to get all of the facts in, which won't be available until Monday...then we'll see.
It took both the Courier Journal articles about the EPA and the Tribune's article about the EPA and a representative of the City to make the WHOLE story come together.
You are right, EastEnder, they can not complete the projects by September 1, 2006. And, they don't have the monies to fix the Robert E Lee, even though the order has been mandated by the State of Indiana since 1997.
Here is a question for you. Who's feet do you feel they will lay this issue at? Who will they blame that ALL CONSTRUCTION IN NEW ALBANY HAS TO STOP UNTIL 2008? Unbelievable.
We'll be filling in the rest of the story sometime tomorrow eve. And, our monies are involved -- definitely making it OUR business. You may disagree, which I'm sure someone out here could actually make an argument for NOT FIXING THE INNER CITY'S SEWERS.
And if someone is questioning you about the monies out of EDIT that have been pledged in '97 and '02 and their pledge within the Bonds; and they say the monies were put in there, then where in the ground did they fix the sewers? Show us where that money went if that is your argument. See, you are truly grasping at straws now.
We'll be back in touch with ya NA, sometime tomorrow. Take care NA -- got that gosh durn City Council meeting tomorrow night, too. Bring it on, right? Hmmmmm.
By Anonymous, at 5:01 PM, March 05, 2006
Hey bluegill,
Since you were outspokenly opposed to the city creating more TIF areas thereby preventing certain tax funds from benefiting the city's General Fund, how about you please tell our friends here at SOLNA how these things work?
Remember fellow boggers, it's good to learn something every day.
Sure would appreciate your help bluegill.
By Anonymous, at 11:36 PM, March 05, 2006
I've not heard anyone propose creating a new TIF so I'm not sure how I could've been outspoken about it one way or the other. Each TIF is different and would have to be gauged according to the individual situation. Is there a proposal for a new one you'd like to explain?
At any rate, here's a good guide to help understand TIFs written by Craig Johnson, PhD, of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IU Bloomington, one the best such schools in the country. Our own Economic Development Director, Paul Wheatley, did his undergraduate work there. The guide is presented as a PDF at the bottom of the body text.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 10:26 AM, March 06, 2006
If I may address that question as well, there is something...
The thing I would like to point out about TIF areas is that we now have at least 4 TIF areas whereas most small cities like ours maintain only 1 or 2.
What happens when a TIF area is created, in a nutshell, you keep money from that area's taxes from going into your City's General Fund.
The money is left in the particular area to help with things like:
"...redevelopment activities (economic development is at a standstill because of the sewer problems), ...and local public improvements such as public ways, etc., SEWERS, waterlines, etc., etc., and paying leases entered into by the Redevelopment Commission for public improvements."
There is about $3 million sitting in TIF areas right now.
There's 2 of these TIF areas, State Street and Charlestown Road, that have no bond payments (project payments) due out of them as of late last year.
These 2 TIF areas combined have almost $2 million available.
We didn't get the $2 mil from Georgetown that was supposed to help pay for the REL project the EPA is demanding be done.
Wonder how they could replace that money that was dealed away?
Let's count the number of attorneys who have sued for their fees concerning the Georgetown deal making.
By East Ender, at 4:51 PM, March 06, 2006
I am being serious with the following question. Actually trying to learn to something.
Is the tax money that is "kept" only the tax money from the improvements? Say an example area is generating $100,000 in taxes. This area is declared a TIF area, road improvement of $25,000, draws a new business that generates an additional $5,000/yr in taxes. Does the original $100K still go to the general fund and the additional 5K is "kept" to cover the road improvement for 5 years(in this example)? Or does all or part of the original 100K get "kept" also?
Thanks in advance.
By Iamhoosier, at 5:53 PM, March 06, 2006
Only new revenues go to pay off TIF debt. Pre-existing revenues still go to the same taxing authority (city, county, etc.) While the city wouldn't enjoy increased revenue until the district (TID) was ended, they also wouldn't lose money they already had. In your scenario, the city would get the $100K just like it always did and the TID would get the $5K to go towards the road improvement debt.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 6:14 PM, March 06, 2006
iamhoosier -
You've asked a very important question. Since blugill has already offered his answer, I will leave it at that until I do some more research concerning our particular situations.
One thing to consider however, is that State Street was designated as a TIF district, and now has $1,004,208 held in that district that currently has no project bonds payable from that money.
Since the ideal use of TIF funds is to: "...finance the cost of redevelopment and the construction of public improvements in the redevelopment area, or projects that DIRECTLY SERVE OR BENEFIT THAT AREA."
What I am suggesting is that the TIF money, that totals around $3 million, could be pulled back into the General Fund so that the Sewer Fund can be re-paid the money it is owed from loans made to help other departments.
I was appalled to see on tonights agenda (even tho it was tabled)that they want to take ANOTHER loan from sewers to pay for the Stormwater Engineering fees!
The sewer fund is NOT a slush fund that they can dip into whenever they need money.
Perhaps that goes a long way towards explaining why we are at the impossible juncture we're at now.
Mandated repairs that must be made, but there's not enough money to do them.
The ratepayers already put up $44 million during the Overton reign with a 49% rate increase. It isn't our fault they didn't fix things correctly or adequately.
We will NOT pay again for their mistakes.
By East Ender, at 11:11 PM, March 06, 2006
Word is that the 2006 Budget has finally arrived, and it's not quite as bad as some were expecting.
The City was told to cut $614K out of the proposed budget. That's not so much.
Maybe it's time to take another look at those nickels and dimes that can cause the budget to be pushed just over the line.
Cutting a few perks, making a few wise decisions for City contracts, and trimming misc. costs, as well as keeping Police cars in the City could go a long way towards meeting that budget.
They have until this coming Friday to respond to the State.
Call your Council Rep. as well as the At-Large members, and let them know you expect Garner can trim that much out of his budget without sacrificing projects.
It's time for Garner to sit down with CM Price who can show him exactly where the money can be saved.
Go Steve!!!
By Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, March 06, 2006
I've been asked to pass along the apologies and regrets of $$$$$$$$, our frequent commentor here at Speak Out Loud NA.
Seems someone has given $$$$$$'s 'puter the "1-2-3 you're out" blows by dabbling around in thier system until it was rendered unusable.
However, I have been assured that the "techie" friend will have our friend back on line by early tomorrow.
We have missed $$$$$$, and look forward to having them back in the mix of things.
By East Ender, at 11:48 PM, March 06, 2006
One more tidbit before the evening is over that we'd like to make sure gets mentioned.
The offer that has been extended by the EPA for New Albany to earn SOME sewer credits will be discussed, and a response for the EPA will be decided, at Tuesday's Sewer Board meeting.
The meeting takes place at 3:30 in the afternoon, which is not real convenient for a lot of folks, but we would like to encourage those who can attend to try to make this one.
This is going to be an important process that will result in some important decisions.
By Anonymous, at 12:23 AM, March 07, 2006
The first of the stormwater fees went out on sewer bills starting with the January billing period as the council mandated. The loan in question was to cover the short time until the money came in from the first round of bills. Unfortunately, the council didn't deal with it in a timely manner.
If there's fallout, it'll be interesting to see if the usual council members try to blame mismanagement on anybody but themselves since they approved both the January start and tabled the short term loan.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 12:31 AM, March 07, 2006
Wasn't this all tied up with a bow, nice and pretty when Garner proposed this new thing for stormwater to the Council?
Many people spoke out against doing it the way the Mayor wanted, saying it was too expensive, and didn't have to occur so qwickly.
They should have set it up with time to collect the fees from property taxes.
I was around, and he said he had it all figured out.
There was no mention of having to borrow money to make it work.
We tried to tell him this was a bad idea.
I am as disappointed with it as the Council Members are.
It never should have gone the way he insisted on doing it.
Let alone that it is an unfair taxation (fee) that is not being equitably applied.
Could turn out to be the new lawsuit against the City huh?
How many are there now?
By East Ender, at 4:10 AM, March 07, 2006
Looks like to us the "Gang of Four was Right" eat crow roger!
By Anonymous, at 7:09 AM, March 07, 2006
Thanks to Bluegill and EastEnder for answering my question.
By Iamhoosier, at 8:00 AM, March 07, 2006
I think you're making too big of a deal out of what is to be an interim fee only, but I think my point still stands. The council approves an idea, good or bad, and then when that decision leads to problems they point their finger elsewhere. Even amongst those who opposed the plan, none questioned where the money for the first month or two was coming from. Simply put, they didn't think of it either. If not thinking of it becomes a problem, then the responsiblity for that problem should be shared. It's also worth noting that the council ultimately voted for an interim stormwater fee that was less than what they were told would cover costs. If there's not enough money, who will they blame? By the same token, those who opposed the plan never offered an alternative method of financing the mandate. What would've happened had we just not done it?
The same thing is happening with the sewer situation. The council was told an initial rate increase of more than 60% would be necessary to fund sewer repairs. A very short time later, when the previous administration floated a lower but politically more acceptable number, the council approved it. After several years of collecting 10-15% percent less per month than what was originally deemed necessary, we don't have enough money. Seems like their might be a causal relationship in there somewhere. They can hardly claim effective watchdog status with that kind of track record.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:30 AM, March 07, 2006
Excuse me, Bluegill. Maybe you were not at the particular Council meeting when the billing option of the stormwater fee was FIRST mentioned by a citizen on the STORMWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE.
This citizen phoned the State of Indiana and talked with the person who was in charge of things just like this. To be fair, the State stated it needed to be put on the County Property Tax Bills; and had to be done by a certain period of time (of which we did have THEN), and we could start collecting this first part of the year.
The Controller stood up, after this citizen spoke, and said that WOULD NOT WORK because it would take monies from the GENERAL FUND.
Later, the Council decided that would be the way to go, but by then...it was too late. They still could have done it again this year...
We would like for you to tear the City map out of the telephone book and draw 7 quarter size circles on this City. Those taxes are held in those areas and do not go into the General Fund. If you check ALL Cities in Indiana, you would find they only have one (1) TIF area, and there might be one city with 2 - NOT WHAT WE HAVE, WHICH IS SUCKING US DRY.
You are welcome to go to AMLEGAL.COM or contact Bakers-Daniels for any other questions you may have about what is stated above.
Generally, bonds payable from TIF may be used to finance the cost of redevelopment and the construction of public improvements in the redevelopment area or projects that DIRECTLY SERVE OR BENEFIT that area (only). For example, the proceeds of TIF bonds may be used for property acquisition and redevelopment activities including the construction of "local public improvements" such as public ways, sidewalks, sewers, waterlines, parking facilities and park or recreational areas.
The specific permitted uses of property tax proceeds generated from the INCREASED Assessed Value are the following:
1. Paying the principal of and interest on obligations payable soley from the allocated tax proceeds.
2. Establishing, augmenting, or restoring the debt service for TIF bonds (we usually are in violation of the debt service in the Audits).
3. Paying the principal of and interest on TIF bonds payable from allocated tax proceeds and a special taxing district tax LEVIED by the Commission.
4. Paying the principal of and interest on bonds issued by the "unit" to pay for local public improvements IN or SERVING the ALLOCATION AREA.
5. Paying premiums on the redemption before maturity of TIF bonds.
6. Paying leases entered into by the REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION for public improvements.
Some taxpayer advocates liked what Bluegill said in the Tribune about tax abatements. Thought he was going to tackle that issue for us; we just have so many.
Thanks EastEnder, for your kind comments about me trying to recover and get back online by today. The techies are doing some intense diagnostics on my computer, seeing it was only two months old, and seeing when I signed off 3 weeks ago, there was another user logged on here; and then last week my spyware showed someone was capturing my keystrokes. It'll all come out in the wash.
I'll be back later this afternoon with the rest of that story on "sewers" and the chronological events of episodes the Council really needs to be aware of before their next meeting.
Have a good one NA!
By Anonymous, at 1:20 PM, March 07, 2006
Okay, I'm confused again. In my admittedly crude and simple example above, what is happening to the original 100K in taxes? Not arguing, just every time I think that my brain has understood this .....
By Iamhoosier, at 3:01 PM, March 07, 2006
I'll explain more later but it may help to look at the PDF I linked to. It has an explanation and a chart that shows where the revenue goes. I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one- the $100K goes where it always did and new revenue goes to payoff the TIF bond. When the TIF is ended, both old and new revenue go to the original taxing authority. The chart is particularly helpful IMO.
Before TIF:
$100K to city at large
During TIF:
$100K to city at large
$5K to bond payments (TIF district- TID)
After TIF:
$105K to city at large
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:33 PM, March 07, 2006
Thanks. That is what I thought and understood. It is probably my poor comprehension but it seemed like $$$$$$$$ was saying that was not necessarily the case.
"We would like for you to tear the City map out of the telephone book and draw 7 quarter size circles on this City. Those taxes are held in those areas and do not go into the General Fund. If you check ALL Cities in Indiana, you would find they only have one (1) TIF area, and there might be one city with 2 - NOT WHAT WE HAVE, WHICH IS SUCKING US DRY."
By Iamhoosier, at 3:52 PM, March 07, 2006
$$$$$$ signs simply quoted the law from Bakers-Daniel, and referred you to a law site where u can get legal info amlegal.com.
Question for you -- when do TIF's end? What is their expiration period?
We did point out that with ALL of our TIF areas, shouldn't be any problem finding monies TO FIX THE SEWERS.
What about that tax abatement question? Sort of dodged the bullet on that one! Take care...
By Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, March 07, 2006
A little touchy aren't we? I was sincerely asking questions. I am not trying to argue with you.
To answer your questions.
1. I do not know when TIF's end.
2. I do not know what the expiration period is.
What question on abatements did I dodge?
Can you answer my previous question about the original 100K? Is Bluegill correct? If not, will you please continue my education?
By Iamhoosier, at 4:23 PM, March 07, 2006
When a TIF district (TID) is created, a tax baseline is set for the district based on the amount of tax revenue collected at the time. The original taxing authority is entitled to collect taxes from the district up to the baseline. If current taxes equal $100K, the baseline is set at $100K and the original taxing authority continues to collect taxes in that amount. If the TIF project successfully leads to increased assessed value, meaning those taxes generated over and above the baseline, the amount over and above goes to the TID to pay for the TIF financed development. The chart in the PDF I provided clearly illustrates that concept.
I think all existing TIFs should be periodically reviewed. If they've served their purpose, they should be ended. If there's still development work to do in the area and TIF financing makes sense, they may well be continued. There’s no set limit as to when TIFs end. Some are set up for specific periods of time and some are allowed to run until the municipality is satisfied that the desired result has been achieved—essentially a judgment call. It's important to understand, though, that it really is only new revenue that goes to the TID, not all of it.
As $$$$$ said, the council didn't make a decision in time to pursue the funds via the property tax bill. Nor have they addressed possible upfront shortages that may be created by that lack of a decision via a short-term loan. All I'm asking is that they take responsibility for the decisions they made, whether they turn out well or horribly. I believe that's the same level of accountability $$$$ often asks for.
In generalized terms, I also don't think simply saying "no" without suggesting an alternative is sufficient in most cases. If any progress is going to be made, council members have to be willing to stand for something. That often means proactively bringing issues to the table rather than just casting aspersions on those brought by others.
As far as tax abatements go, I think those should be reviewed as well. I find it very unsettling that seemingly all the council members (including my own who portrays himself as fiscally conservative) both grant and renew abatements so easily. There probably are some situations in which abatements make sense. However, our mechanism for identifying those situations is almost non-existent. Even when a few simple questions are asked of an applicant, I’ve not seen any attempt to negotiate a better deal. If a company offers 50 jobs at $8 an hour in return for a ten year abatement, why not at least counter with 75 jobs at $10 an hour for a five year abatement and go from there? I find it difficult to consider anyone who gives away money so freely with no attempt at negotiation as fiscally conservative. Cell phone bills do not compare with what we give up in abatements. Choosing to focus on cell phones while continuing to ignore the abatement situation shows a decided lack of good judgment as far as I'm concerned. If SOLNA participants want my help in combating frivolous abatements, it would be encouraging to see them take certain council members to task over it instead of touting their virtues. It’s only fair.
The overarching problem that affects a lot of those situations is that we, as a community via our elected representatives, have not done the work necessary to determine how we’d like development to occur. Both TIFs and tax abatements tend to be more effective when compounded in specific areas rather than scattered like buckshot. If we don't have a target, we’re just taking blind potshots. We also don't have the baseline necessary to measure success or failure.
Currently, there isn't much of a framework for decision making in place. If no outcome is declared more desirable than any other, every judgment about methodology becomes a toss-up by deafult. We can't just say we want development to occur. We have to say where we want development and where we don't and what kind. We can't just say we want people to move to New Albany. We have to figure out which people seem interested in the urban but more comfortable lifestyle that New Albany offers and work towards making the city attractive to them, including work by private citizens outside of government. It's only then will we be able to make decisions based on the objective criteria of meeting a specific goal.
If we want to redevelop downtown and slow sprawl, which I think would appeal most to people who may take an interest in a New Albany lifestyle, it doesn't make sense to continue allowing TIFs, abatements, and zoning changes in the periphery. They should be targeted specifically at the downtown area. There may be rare exceptions but they should be just that—rare and of obvious overall benefit.
It all goes back to the theme of common goals and we’re not there yet
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 5:19 PM, March 07, 2006
bluegill -
I must say...I agree with about 90% of what you've just said. You made some very valid points, and I agree that creating any more tax abatements, TIF districts, or zoning changes that disrupt neighborhoods are bad ideas unless we have a CONTROLLED SMART GROWTH PLAN. It is vital to our long term successes...or failures.
I have personally spoken with CM Price about my, and his, concerns with tax abatements.
He asked questions at a recent Council meeting and noted that at least one abatement on the agenda that night was more than 10 years old and should be expired.
He is aware of this and other issues that are draining our General Fund.
We just need to get more CM's to ask questions and LEARN, rather than just going along with the majority vote, or voting aye because they don't have a clue what it is they're voting on.
We also need administration employees who will put the best interest of the city ahead of the financial gains of a few.
By East Ender, at 7:32 PM, March 07, 2006
Good. Let's focus on the 10%.
Just joking.
In all seriousness, there were hints at better communication from both sides at the council meeting last night. Unfortunately, one CM couldn't seem to help interjecting himself in a derogatory way only to then say what he was talking about didn't matter. That notwithstanding, I hope the overall communication trend continues.
I'm all for CMs and the public learning. If Price improves, great. Given my perception of his performance thus far and a general interest in keeping the peace, I'll just say I'll believe it when I see it. I'm sure there are some you feel that way about. I'd be more than happy to give him credit for doing something I felt was positive.
In the interest of better citizen communication, the invitation to attend any joint neighborhood association meetings still stands as does my offer to meet individually. It may, quite frankly, be a little uncomfortable at first and there's undoubtedly some trust issues to be dealt with but I think you'd actually find that some of your recent comments about the associations may not be true. It'd be nice if some of the comments aimed at you recently proved untrue as well.
I have no interest in usurping anyone's power. I'd just like to get it aimed in the same general direction. Why not give it a shot? You can choose to leave just as easily as you can choose to attend.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:32 PM, March 07, 2006
Short summary to today's sewer board meeting:
The Mayor announced they would be talking about sewer credits within the "Executive Session".
The Sewer Board was asked if Georgetown was going to build their own plant (because Fifer and Georgetown met last Thursday) but the Mayor told citizens to go ask Georgetown theirselves.
The Mayor was asked if any EDIT monies were available to fix these projects being mandated, and he said the money was already appropriated to the Estiponal Group (for Scribner, we guess).
Citizens asked if the Department of Justice was being cc'd on all legal correspondence, and the Mayor said they were.
Citizens asked why Clark-Dietz did not include the bar screen project in the initial design. The Mayor explained when the Value Engineering study was done (we just can't swear that one happened, but if it did we sure would like to see a copy) and they determined it wasn't of high priority. Nothing was said about the Robert E Lee and how the Sewer Board was suppose to fix that in 1997 under the Agreed Order with the State and were given Edit monies at that time for same.
The City believes they can make the argument against the EPA because they made them build that third oxidation ditch. We can still hear the other Sewer Board saying "the EPA didn't tell us HOW to fix it, they just said FIX IT". The City came up with the Plan, and it included 3 oxidation ditches, the EPA simply ordered them to do what the City "PLANNED" and agreed to and gee, we can't even go there!.
EMC's contract was renewed in 2003 and runs until Dec. 3, 2007 in case any one is interested.
The Linden Meadows project was not appealed. The Sewer Board can get the credits they need from AML, who ever that is that they keep using their credits.
New Albany has outstanding requests of 658,325 sewer credits. New Albany has a total of 827 Sewer Credits. Scribner Place needs 7,600 (which doesn't say whether the Y or the natatorium is included, which personally sounds like it might not be).
Courier Journal was in attendance.
Thanks for your time, more to come.
By Anonymous, at 10:08 PM, March 07, 2006
Keep up the good work, too, FOS. That audit should be in too, huh? Take care...
By Anonymous, at 11:19 PM, March 07, 2006
So, the Mayor told citizens who were asking questions to "...go ask Georgetown yourself."???
O.K. Who do we talk to?
Where's Greg Fifer? He is supposed to know the answer to this one.
At any rate, it's just plain ugly to blow off a citizen's question like that.
Of course they will deal with all this in an "Executive Session" where the public isn't allowed to hear the discussions.
I think that's a pure load of sh*t right there.
This is something that affects the whole of the City. What do they have to hide?
Wait a minute, i bet I know the answer to that...
There IS a way, the money CAN be found, and the projects SHOULD be done. Only they don't want the people to know about the details of how they could do so.
Folks, if we don't keep this issue out and on the front burner, we'll still be dealing with this problem for another 10 years, and New Albany will be a real sh*t-town.
Meanwhile, former Mayor Garner will most likely become a millionaire and go live in the County.
By East Ender, at 12:25 AM, March 08, 2006
Based on what citizens have heard a City Official say at a public gathering place, they do not have the monies and they cannot meet the deadline.
There is a new "4" tier proposal for them, but there doesn't seem to be anyone willing to swear to God, since it has been since 1997, they will fix the Robert E. Lee Station, (now project), by Sept. 1.
Georgetown did accept bids, and the Hughes Group won. Fifer supposedly met with Georgetown and this same City Official told citizens publicly, the meeting went bad.
This City Official literally wants to lay their lack of -- gee, what do you want to call it -- at the New Albany Potty Police's feet.
Now, folks, we don't have those there engineering degrees. We simply know OUR plant and OUR collection system. We told them their plan would not work, there are pages of documents explaing why. We were told by the Engineers which resigned under Overton, though we have one back on (who's a good one) and they said the NAPP asked, and asked, and asked questions THEY NEEDED to know, much less us, and NO ONE COULD EVER ANSWER ANY QUESTION.
This City Official declared the NAPP has stopped all development until 2008. Sounds to me like they already made their decisions, if this official was saying all of this publically on Friday. See, they already have their new proposal, electronically. We are waiting on the hard copy.
Sure am glad the EPA works for us, aren't you? Take care NA. Spring rains are coming...........
By Anonymous, at 2:03 AM, March 08, 2006
"Now, folks, we don't have those there engineering degrees."
Who let CM Coffey in the room?
By The New Albanian, at 8:54 AM, March 08, 2006
New Albanian, can't you find ANYTHING to add to a conversation that is useful in purpose and adds to this debate, constructively?
Useless hoping, I know.
Here to make a correction. EMC's contract doesn't expire until December 31, 2007, not December 3 -- typo, please excuse. Thank you.
By Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, March 08, 2006
I contribute what is merited given the tone.
Humorless folks hereabouts, eh?
By The New Albanian, at 2:10 PM, March 08, 2006
"I contribute what is merited given the tone."
You just don't get the "tone" do you?
Therefore, you have nothing to contribute.
We know we're way over your head here with civil discussions about TIF, tax abatements, and budget matters.
By East Ender, at 2:45 PM, March 08, 2006
That's a joke, way over our heads. No, I only recognize ignorance and arrogance speaking to me right now. There is nothing constructive you care to contribute to anything like tax abatements, TIFs, or SEWERS.
Walk a mile in our shoes, then come and tell us about it - 15 years ought to get you there.
Take care.
By Anonymous, at 2:50 PM, March 08, 2006
Just wondering, but did it ever occur to you that repeatedly hyping that you've been working on the same problem for 15 years without having much success in solving it may not actually work in your best interest? It almost comes across as if you expect self-reported failure to bring you some sort of street cred. I don't get it.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:35 PM, March 08, 2006
I may not have had anything "constructive" to add yesterday but I was (and am) trying to learn. All I got from you was attitude and no answer to my follow ups. Even though East Ender and I differ much, she evidently knew that I was asking serious questions.
By Iamhoosier, at 3:51 PM, March 08, 2006
Did it ever occur to you the sewer problems have been going on for over 15 years, and without the history some of us have...we may be staring down millions of dollars of fines without citizens being able to show WE HAVE DONE EVERYTHING to force these ***'s to fix the things?
The philosophy of failure isn't in my mantra. To come from where I came from in life, to where I am now, it's an absolutely American Success Story, and proud of it.
Sorry you feel it leads to street uncred.
By Anonymous, at 6:10 PM, March 08, 2006
IAMHOOSIER: All you got from me was attitude? $$$$$ simply stated we were happy you stated in the Tribune you were interested in tax abatements, and that we thought you were going to follow up on that "thang". You responded, but did not answer the question $$$$$ asked of you. Attitude... By the way, where are you standing with tax abatements?
$$$$$ did try to lend something to the conversation, which was the legal website to answer any questions you may have (amlegal.com, or Bakers-Daniels), and list all the ways you can spend TIF's and how we they hurt our General Fund. Attitude? Please, sir. Not the NAPP.
By Anonymous, at 6:16 PM, March 08, 2006
Well, apparently the "open to the public, but no public speaking" meeting over the budget cuts was successful without leaving too much blood on the walls.
Glad something has been accomplished without unnecessary hostilities.
We will optimistically look forward to more solutions being found to other problems the City is facing.
The Executive Session of the Sewer Board evidently didn't come up with any real answers (none they want to talk about anyway), although we suspect they will ultimately have to decline the EPA's offer of 150,000 credits. Both projects getting done by Sept. 1 is something everyone says is really next to impossible.
We suggest, however, that the City alluding to asking the EPA for more time might just push the good-will efforts of the agency right off the table.
Indeed it could put a permanent end to any more "deals" that have been generously made since the 1997 agreement.
Just accept that both projects MUST be done, and nothing will be able to happen in terms of more developments until they are.
Now, let's get down to business on reeling in the money that it's going to take.
That does NOT include an option of making the rate-payers pay AGAIN for this work to be done.
By East Ender, at 8:53 PM, March 08, 2006
"The philosophy of failure isn't in my mantra. To come from where I came from in life, to where I am now, it's an absolutely American Success Story, and proud of it."
But not proud enough to have a name.
How very, very sad.
Why not come out and join the reality-based community, potty?
Apparently accountability remains a one-way street for you. Everyone else must display it, but you're still anonymous -- and utterly lacking credibility because of it.
By The New Albanian, at 10:14 PM, March 08, 2006
new albanian -
The NAPP member you speak of has plenty of credibility as is evidenced in the information they provide and the high degree of respect this person has earned in the minds and eyes of those who know him/her.
You, sir, have not earned the privilege of knowing their identity due in most part to your propensity to engage in useless "satire", insults, and vile taunting.
The only "sad" part of this equation is your utter lack of common decency.
Since you apparently have no knowledge of the topics of discussion, thus nothing useful to contribute to the dialgue, we strongly suggest you belly back up to your brewski and stay off this blog unless you find yourself capable of at least a modicum of courtesy.
In other words, expect to be deleted if you insist on being an ass.
By East Ender, at 11:12 PM, March 08, 2006
Can't wait to see this re-posted on your blog.
Just another page in our files.
By East Ender, at 11:15 PM, March 08, 2006
new albanian
No thr real American Success Story is on Main St.
and proud of it...
By Anonymous, at 11:16 PM, March 08, 2006
As you are most likely aware, Thieneman Environmental, LLC has been trying to utilize the power of eminent domain to gain access across the properties of Anna Mae Gahlinger and Clarence Gahlinger, for the purpose of running a wastewater treatment plant discharge pipe from their proposed Heritage Springs plant to Jersey Park Creek.
The matter has been scheduled for a hearing. The hearing will be this Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 2:00PM in Floyd County Circuit Court, on the 4th floor of the City County Building in New Albany.
Even though this is a judicial proceeding, it would be advantageous to have an audience of opponents.
Please feel free to pass this along to other like-minded individuals.
It will make a difference with many property owners showing up in support and to represent our concerns with protecting our properties from being looted by developers.
By Anonymous, at 11:49 PM, March 08, 2006
Hey, I'm not lacking credibility in most eyes, only yours it seems. There are only certain citizens of the public ever attending sewer board meetings besides developers.
The Mayor EVEN KNOWS who the Potty Police are. Ask him. Anyone who knows anything about sewers knows WHO THE NEW ALBANY POTTY POLICE ARE. NEXT?
Like we said, bring something fruitful to the table, or please stay on your own "rag". Thank you kindly.
By Anonymous, at 1:59 AM, March 09, 2006
P.S. As we have said before, there is no glory in these issues before citizens. Therefore, I see no reason to "glorify" my name. I recognize the need for you to see your name constantly. Wish you had something to back it up.
By Anonymous, at 2:02 AM, March 09, 2006
New Albany Potty Police Member,
First of all, $$$$$$$ initially made the abatement comment to Bluegill, not me. Both of you have now come back to me on the abatements. Seems like both of you cannot keep the most basic of facts straight even when they are right in front of your eyes. And yes, I have an attitude about that.
Second, I appreciated $$$$$$'s adding to the TIF discussion and his reference points. I asked for help in clarification and what I got back was definitely attitude and no answer. I fail to see what I have done "wrong" in this particular discussion.
Third, what questions have I not attempted to answer?
By Iamhoosier, at 9:13 AM, March 09, 2006
Everyone notice how this string of conversation was going along pretty well until new albanian showed up with a stupid comment? It had nothing constructive to it, but only took a jab at Dan Coffey.
Some people enjoy creating conflict.
All downhill from there.
iamhoosier & bluegill-
Please try to understand there is a lot of frustration that is difficult to keep a lid on.
I think there was some confusion in who said what, but can we just return to our natural tendencies of respectful discourse?
I felt we were making progress on everyone learning something more.
Thanks for the consideration.
By East Ender, at 10:16 AM, March 09, 2006
EastEnder, There is one cut the Council made that really rubs our family the wrong way. They cut the "travel" expenses for Council to go to the legislative meetings in Indy. Of course, everyone knows we only had one that even cared enough to go, and who has always made that a priority so NA and it's citizens knew what the State was trying to do next. They always paid their own hotel rooms, just asked for gas back.
So much for keeping New Albanian's informed - thanks anyway. Now, since we can't have our legislative branch attend, can we cut off our ties to Indiana Cities and Towns? Our opinions...what a measley few dollars that is really going to impact us as citizens and not having our voices heard.
By Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, March 09, 2006
Absolutely amazing. $$$$$$ & Potty Police do the wrong things and bluegill and myself are the ones who are supposed to understand. They are not even mentioned by name. Sure seems to be a double standard around here.
I am speaking only for myself, not bluegill. Still waiting for response from $$$$$$$ and/or Potty.
By Iamhoosier, at 12:19 PM, March 09, 2006
What I was asking you to try to understand is the frustration that comes along with so many years of fighting the same battle with little success. They have slopped through the sh*t (literally) for no reason other than they CARE about the City, and then they get lamblasted for having an attitude.
You said yourself that YOU had an attitude (re:9:13AM comment) about something that frustrates you:
The apparent lack of understanding what you were asking, or what you were trying to do.
Same frustrations.
Maybe you've been hanging with Roger too long.
"Double standard" sure sounds like something that would come from him.
$$$$$ and the potty police member are only trying to educate and inform the citizens of our situation.
By East Ender, at 12:55 PM, March 09, 2006
I was trying to get educated by these experts(as you call them) yesterday. They could not even keep 2 different posters straight. I have never expressed doubt what they have done over the years or even their sincerity. My opinion may be changing.
Is it not a double standard when you call out other posters, including me, by name and then you just let your "followers" off?
I know Roger. Never hid it. So what? A good attempt to discredit me with guilt by association, I'll give you that. Excellent ground clutter. I still want to know what I did wrong.
Still waiting for $$$$$$$ and/or Potty. Since I don't know the genders let me put it this way:
Are you a big enough person(s) to answer me?
By Iamhoosier, at 2:35 PM, March 09, 2006
His comment was not printed correctly. Insp. Hartman is License.As a plumber. But not certified. He argued with the mayor and said we need qualified inspectors. Diggin in the dirt only printed what she read not what really happen. Which is an honest mistake. I wasn't there but someone who was there told me what happen. Larry was wanting more cuts and better inspectors. Larry did get the mis-quote on that one. He is also for resending the $on Scribner place.
By Anonymous, at 3:00 PM, March 09, 2006
you might be talking to ERIK and not even know it?
By Anonymous, at 3:03 PM, March 09, 2006
Anon 3:03,
The thought had crossed my mind but that was last week's topic. The quantity and quality of the answers is about the same.
By Iamhoosier, at 3:11 PM, March 09, 2006
Hartman isn't an inspector. He's on a temporary contract as building commissioner and shouldn't be doing inspections at all. That he may need to inspections to keep up just sheds more light on the fact that we need more inspectors. To argue that we need inspectors so I'm therefore asking that funding be cut for them makes no sense at all.
By Jeff Gillenwater, at 4:06 PM, March 09, 2006
Bluegill, what questions would those be? $$$$$ and NAPP have looked back to the various postings, and WE just can't put our finger on exactly what you are asking. Simple request here -- would you mind clarifying your question(s) for us, it may be a reading comprehension problem on OUR part. Thank you.
By Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, March 09, 2006
Sorry Bluegill, WE meant IAMHOOSIER. Please accept our sincere apologies. Thanks.
By Anonymous, at 4:27 PM, March 09, 2006
We know Roger, too. Frequented his establishment. Surely that won't make me guilty by association. Still wish he served that BBQ!
Some citizens in this town literally formed a group, because of sewer problems and the wasting of our monies, and officially called it the NEW ALBANY POTTY POLICE. We couldn't think of a NICER name. This Robert E. Lee Project is extremely frustrating because it was SUPPOSE TO HAVE BEEN DONE IN 1997. It's hard to track what happened when, where, and learning sewer plants and collection systems at a time in life we thought would be simple public service. Our simple public service turned into a frigging nightmare, and still is.
We do need the Building Commissioner's office beefed up, not cut.
We hear too Mr. Kochert is willing to rescind SOME of Scribner, but not all. We still feel the Y can stand alone for a couple of years while WE GET OUR HOUSE in order.
Just when you think you see that light they talk about at the end of the tunnnel, in NA it's usually an on-coming train. Wreck, at that.
Sorry we irritate you, sorry if we offended you, but our frustration levels with the deceit and lies we have encountered, along with bogus books, lack of any accountability, etc., does tend to make one extremely -- oh, let's use the word touchy, to say the least.
It took a long time talking to a lot of County and City and State Officials to figure out the financial laws, find the sewer slush fund, uncover the BS (which is still going on). We definitely are keeping our faith though, and we guess that's what keeps driving us. We hope we can ALL unite and fix our broken little City, so we can fly and be what we want to be.
Thanks. Just our thoughts, for whatever you may deem them worth.
By Anonymous, at 4:36 PM, March 09, 2006
$$$$/Potty 4:36,
I have no way of knowing if that is really you as it appears someone is having some fun. Which is OK, I like to have fun also.
If it is you, I still have not seen a response to my question and remarks of 9:13am.
If it is not the real $$$$/Potty, well, it's the same thing--still waiting.
By Iamhoosier, at 4:59 PM, March 09, 2006
I agree there should not have been cuts in what is needed to get a knowledgable and working Building Commissioner.
What they cut, to my understanding, was some salary for a third inspector which we have not had in quite some time.
I could be wrong, but that's the way it was relayed to me.
As for Mr. Hartman, I know it was heatedly discussed why he's getting the full amount of a building Commissioners salary when he is not qualified to even do inspections. So they probably cut some of that back.
This is a VITAL part of the City's attempts at safe housing, and I don't think we've seen the last of this struggle by a long shot.
This is, however, another reason why they should be reeling in misc. monies that are lingering around out there in TIF areas and Tax Abatements.
This administration just can't seem to help but getting the cart before the horse.
Could be why we're not really getting anywhere at all (and never will with their mentality).
By East Ender, at 6:00 PM, March 09, 2006
We're ready to park those Police Cars, too! Let's get them back inside the City, they are our cars... We're ready for that fight. Sacred cows!
By Anonymous, at 12:10 AM, March 10, 2006
The Police Cars belong to the City of New Albany, and should remain in the City of New Ablany.
Furthermore, if our well payed Police officers wish to pick up extra work by moonlighting for security purposes, they should be doing so with their own vehicles.
All the wear and tear adds up to these expensive cars having to be replaced and/or serviced by taxpayers money.
Also paying the subscriptions and the dues for officials should not come out of the City budget. These are things the officials are supposed to do themselves and use them as a tax deduction for reimbursement.
Finally, can anyone explain to me why Steve LaDuke was seen driving a city vehicle? Are we paying for his cell phone too?
Our next investigation?
How many upper-echelon City employees are drawing multiple salaries from multiple departments, and why?
How much is enough folks?????
By East Ender, at 3:42 AM, March 10, 2006
east ender, We have that info if you need it.
By Anonymous, at 7:01 AM, March 10, 2006
You just broke two cardinal rules.
1. You disagreed with someone here.
2. Honesty doesn't matter to many.
Welcome to the club.
By Iamhoosier, at 9:14 AM, March 10, 2006
It's admirable of Steve to harbor the belief that candor and truthfulness will matter to the sort of person who makes unfounded anonymous allegations.
But that's the New Albany Syndrome at it's most virulent, and neither Steve nor others who are sincere but on the "wrong" side of the underachievement fence will be able to convince those whose only aim is revenge against those who they perceive -- not "are" -- as better or more privileged.
It's bunk, but it's what animates the anono-spite here.
By The New Albanian, at 11:28 AM, March 10, 2006
Sorry, but I must call 'em as I see 'em. It was NOT just an anonymous allegation, I do believe it appears under eastenders byline. Evidently it did not occur to her to check this out before posting. Kind of makes you wonder what else has not been really checked out. Rumpke, anyone?
By Iamhoosier, at 11:44 AM, March 10, 2006
Glad to hear you weren't driving that city vehicle, Steve. Also, glad to hear from you since reading in the papers you had resigned from your positions inside City government. After your posting, we have since found out you did not resign; that in fact you still hold two positions within the City.
Are you sure you weren't sitting in that vehicle? Must have definitely been a case of mistaken identity. Who'd think such a thing could happen?
Back to the take home police cars, and rescinding the Edit monies in order to fix the sewers, so we can grow, grow, grow. Thanks for letting us air our opinions!
By Anonymous, at 12:53 PM, March 10, 2006
See Steve, you are not innocent until proven guilty. You are guilty until pro.....well, here, you are just guilty. Cause someone said so.
By Iamhoosier, at 1:24 PM, March 10, 2006
maybe you need a new bumper sticker for your bike? Maybe when you get your drivers license back you can borrow one of the city cars. Since your such an expert on everything! only in your dreams "boy".
By Anonymous, at 3:03 PM, March 10, 2006
Ah, more allegations not backed up by any facts. What has happened to all those boxes and file drawers full of FACTS?
I just got it. That drawer marked FACTS really stands for Fictitous ACTS. Understandable mistake.
By Iamhoosier, at 3:23 PM, March 10, 2006
Here we go, on our time, no less.
Steve, someone on here posted they could have been mistaken and just thought it was you sitting in that vehicle. Not enough for ya? Sorry. Sure did look like ya.
Let's guess -- you are still on the Building Commission and Flood Control. How are our sources doing?
We all make mistakes on here, but when someone tries to make it right by saying, okay, Steve, if you say so, we'll not say it's so. Now, if you would like for us to, we will.
How's our sources?
By Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, March 10, 2006
Figured you were a regular reader Steve. How nice to hear from you again. Oh, and to have you back on board with the City, that's just super, even tho a bit confusing after reading you had resigned all your positions.
No explinations for the public huh?
If you noticed, my comment was a question, not a statement.
Certainly not warranting your harsh final statement.
Now let's cover this one more time:
First of all, this blog is NOT a newspaper! When we decide to start one, you'll be the first to know. For now, we figured we'll leave that to the Tribune folks.
I have explained repeatedly that this blog is for the citizens, and for political activism by those of us who care about where all the money is going and WHY we're in such dire straits.
This is an electronic community bulliten board.
People can put anything up here in comments that they have a question about. ANYTHING.
Do you think the common citizen doesn't see things and hear things and wonder what's going on? It's about the public perception of our City Government. Do you care what the public perception is?
If they have heard it, suspect it, worry about it, or are curious about something, it is allowed.
You guys could help by responding with information that lets the people know what's going on, without being so nasty about it.
Do you think berating the public will help your political careers or aspirations?
The honest answer is a resounding NOOOOO.
Disagreements are fine. We are adult enough to know with all the issues swirling around, everyone is not going to agree on everything.
It even happens among our own group, but we don't get nasty about it, or let it interfere with our mission or our demeanor with one another.
Honesty & accountability are what we are begging for from the administration.
If that were happening, none of this would be necessary.
Ceece -
"the bare minimum"???????????
Now, that's funny.
By East Ender, at 5:07 PM, March 10, 2006
She may have had you confused with me, Steve. It has been known to happen. Mistakes do happen.
If that is the case, I apologize to you.
By Iamhoosier, at 5:57 PM, March 10, 2006
Apology accepted, and thank you for providing the account of where you now stand in terms of working with the City.
See, wasn't that easy?
No need for trashing a community service forum such as RAB likes to do. Accomplishes nothing but creating hostilities.
We cannot stand so divided if we have a prayer of bringing this City back to its feet again.
Still, if you read the 12:53 comment, you'll notice someone actually did note what they thought they saw.
Let's try something. Instead of reading this blog in a defensive stance and assuming everything is a lie or a unfounded accusations, why not accept the fact that people simply have questions and curiosity about what's going on in the City?
This is where we talk about those things.
By East Ender, at 6:34 PM, March 10, 2006
"Maybe when you get your drivers license back you can borrow one of the city cars."
Actually, I have it right here in my wallet, just where it's been all along. Nasty rumor, that, and one abetted by -- yes -- anonymous scalawags.
Biking's a wonderful sport. I commute to work and back, saving lots of gasoline cash in the process.
Each day, it's great cardiovascular exercise.
I don't have a sticker for the bike at present, but I'm planning on making one that reads, "These machines kill fascists," and shows brewing equipment and a bicycle.
Thanks for asking! I love sharing the joys of bicycling with people interested in learning.
By The New Albanian, at 10:05 PM, March 10, 2006
SSO Alerts: Got some manholes overflowing out there folks. Sure there are more to come with the rain coming in through Monday. If you have a hankering, grab that camera and look at the SSO's documented on this blog and take a few snapshots. Wish we had Ceece's new camera about right now! Take care, NA.
By Anonymous, at 2:21 PM, March 11, 2006
the new albanian: After reading your bull**** article on Laura and SOLNA I got a feeling your time here on SOLNA has come to an end. What a ****ing jerk. Of course we all know that anyway. Good ridding! Oh Yea, HAVE A NICE DAY.
By Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, March 11, 2006
new albanian
It is a golden rule not to judge man by their opinions, but rather by what their opinions make of them.
3 cheers for the New Albany "little people".
Tell me we have no class....
By Anonymous, at 5:41 PM, March 11, 2006
It's all ground clutter. Bluegill, your words will come back to haunt you, trust us on that one! Maybe the word we are looking for these particular individuals would be CRASS.
Some interesting photos taken today by citizens with manholes overflowing. We hope to be able to get them to EastEnder soon.
Ignore 'em, ignore 'em, ignore 'em. Thanks NA.
By Anonymous, at 9:08 PM, March 11, 2006
anonymous 4:15 -
Please refrain from engaging in ugly comments. It's not worth it, and it serves no purpose.
I would delete, but since some folks have responded, I will leave it out there.
Next time however, you will also be deleted.
When you behave like this, what makes you so different than those you so despise?
By East Ender, at 10:26 PM, March 11, 2006
anonymous 7:01 AM -
We would like to speak with you regarding the information you have.
We would like to take a closer look at who's getting paid for what, and how many City paid positions they are holding.
According to the Attorney Generals "Dual Lucrative Office Holding" rules, we believe there may be some inappropriate salaries being paid and some multiple positions held by certain people that are considered conflicts of interest.
Please contact me by phone.
Thank You.
By East Ender, at 4:04 AM, March 12, 2006
"Good ridding!"
Uh, that's "riddance."
See you on the bike path -- wait, forgot; we don't have one.
By The New Albanian, at 1:45 PM, March 12, 2006
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