Please excuse my absence for the past few days as we have been working on some important issues, and there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the days. I'm sure most of you can relate.
I've also had some plumbing problems at the house (imagine that) that have just topped off a rather frenzied week.
The good news is, we have some recent information from the EPA that we are about to post, which will help frame the picture of things in New Albany right now as far as economic development and infrastructure issues.
We have also been working on another collaborative posting concerning the unsafe structures initiative, and the building commissioners position that has been standing on one leg since Jimmy took office. Who would have guessed this would be the hardest thing for him to accomplish?
Other issues will be revisited with updates and status reports.
So........ meanwhile feel free to bring up anything you would like to see addressed in the near future, or any concerns you may have.
Good news is always welcomed, if you can find some, and we'll gladly follow up with details and opinions.
Stay tuned.
What a crock, what a crock, what a crock in the Tribune today!
1. So, we have "hired" an "interim" Building Commissioner, who is a plumber, under "Contractural" services?
We know a plumber would have some knowledge of building codes. Structural loads? The things he doesn't know are what scares us! The only thing that comes to mind is we guess it's better than Garner' knowledge concerning building codes.
Will someone please tell taxpayers if the City can legally pay these new employees under "Contractural Services", and yet use the monies in the Building Commissioner's budget in order to accomplish same?
We see the Mayor's "mouthpiece" running his mouth about something HE KNOWS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT. In 15 years of meetings, we have NEVER seen the Council against the Police. It has always been a "Mayoral" issue. To our family, his letter is very misleading, and we will reply to it. The reply won't be in support of Messer or Whitlow or the Police. We will simply set the record straight with "official minutes" about the Police Department in the last 15 years.
We are looking forward to your posting about the EPA and the letter sent to the City, EastEnder. We checked with our Council Rep and they haven't seen this letter. We know you obtained the letter through the City, as did the press. Keep up the good work. This is simply another example of the Mayor keeping "most" of the Council in the dark.
We look forward to seeing all attend the City Council Meeting MONDAY night. Wouldn't you say it may start to be even more interesting? We think so.
We hope the EPA letter you post helps the NAPP keep on trying to protect the citizens; showing the City DID NOT FIX THE INNER CITY AS ORDERED BY THE EPA. All of the millions and millions of dollar spent, and the Sewer Board maintains they don't have the monies to lay pipes in the City. Our family thinks this way -- I say the pipes should be lined with gold by now and my husband feels they should at least be copper.
Thank you EastEnder, for letting us talk about anything until you post the letter that has our interest peaked!
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM, February 25, 2006
Sorry, we meant NEXT Monday night. Sorry for the typo.
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, February 25, 2006
The Louisville Stained Glass Co will be great for New Albany. Don't you love the glass they sell? New Albany use to be known as THE glass making town, what was it -- we put the first automobile glass in, or was it a storefront? Something along those lines. It's great news.
Anonymous, at 5:58 PM, February 25, 2006
How many garner democrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
It's irrelevant..he's still in the dark.
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, February 25, 2006
Why the mayor does such things as pocket veto the code enforcement officer and put lame brains into the building commissioner's office?
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM, February 25, 2006
The new La Rosita location on Market Street is getting great press, and it is deserving of it.
People from Louisville are coming to eat there.
That's good news.
The New Albanian, at 9:27 PM, February 25, 2006
New Albany is in a crisis
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM, February 25, 2006
Ceece is correct that New Albany was the first city in America to manufacture plate glass.
It was our claim to fame after the river boat building businesses dried up.
Then they moved the glass making north to Marion County (I think) and since then, our main product has been veneers.
Manufacturing however is an eroding source of jobs and stability, so it's good to see more small businesses getting started. Let's keep our fingers crossed for success.
This City has the potential to be another "Brown County" if we can get our act together and obtain good leadership.
East Ender, at 1:13 AM, February 26, 2006
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