New Albany Potty Police On Patrol
Our thanks go out to the hearty Potty Police of New Albany who made it out today to check on a few of those overflow locations. This one is behind the Hamptom Inn.
If there's been any doubt in your mind as to the severity of our sewer problems, let this photo burn into your memory, and remember it is but one of many locations where sewage literally gushes out of the manholes and creates a substantial health hazard as is posted in this location, which does have the required signage (most do not).
Folks, we are talking about RAW SEWAGE that spills out into the streets, into areas where most of it eventually soaks into the ground (except for the solids that you really don't want to hear about), and you can only imagine what's left behind after these overflows.
You can find the locations of all overflow areas by logging into Look for New Albany in the list.
We have put up a link on our front page to the IDEM Web Site.
Part of what the EPA is mandating in order to receive all our sewer credits that have been requested is not only to do the 2 repairs we've talked so much about, but we must also undergo a one year oversight period to demonstrate NO overflow occurances.
As you can clearly see, we have a lot of work to do.
We will be adding onto this posting over the next couple of days, so check back and we'll have updated information and more pictures.
We'll also be talking more about the money and time it will take to get us into compliance with the EPA mandates.
We should not be trying to make deals about this situation. Who wants to live in a City that has raw sewage flowing thru the streets with every inch of rain we get? It is a serious health hazard to everyone who lives here.
In our opinion, one of the duties of a City government should be to provide a safe and clean environment for its citizens. Currently we are living with health hazards.
This sewer situation, along with the dilapidated housing, the garbage filled alley ways, and the rodent infestations are simply unacceptable. Any administration official who does not have these issues at the top of the priority list for the City and for us, has absolutely no interest in serving in the best interest of the City.
So are you willing to accept a sewer rate increase to fix it or do you just want to keep taking pictures and reporting it to the EPA?
Anonymous, at 11:33 PM, March 11, 2006
YOU want a sewer rate hike for something that was to be fixed in 1997 and given the monies to do so? Are you just out there, or trying to stir everyone up?
We've paid over and over and we just "can't get NO satisfaction".
Take it out of your salaries, or Scribner, we will really don't give a damn at this point in time. Get the drift (or the smell)?
Anonymous, at 4:10 AM, March 12, 2006
What we want is accountability from the Administration about where the money went that was supposed to pay for these repairs.
We will most certainly NOT accept another rate increase to pay for the mistakes that have been made, and the disappearance of at least $540K that was pledged by a Council resolution to go towards the necessary repairs.
We will continue taking pictures to document the instances of overflows, but reporting to the EPA is the City's job.
Think they've been accurately doing so?
Since 1997 more than $88 million dollars (some say > $100 million) has been spent on fixing our failing system, and they haven't got it right yet.
We are calling for the Council to rescind the Scribner Place EDIT money, and to do away with 2 TIF areas: State Street and Charlestown Rd.
That would bring $2 million back to the Gen. Fund, which should immediately go to repaying the sewer fund a portion of "borrowed" money that was used to support other departments and make loans to the City.
This should give them enough to get the repairs done that are being mandated by the EPA before any sewer credits are released.
They have already blown the $2 million we were supposed to get paid by Georgetown, thanks to the wheeling and dealing of the sewer board attorney.
BTW, this same attorney is also reportedly representing the County developers who need those sewer credits, and we feel this is a serious conflict of interest.
The City also currently has a lawsuit pending against them from 2 other attorneys who worked on the Georgetown deal but haven't been paid.
Nope. We have PROMISES from CM's who will not get behind another rate increase. Because they know it's not right, and they do care about the citizens bearing all the burdens of the costs.
Besides, at this juncture, it would be political suicide to even entertain the idea.
East Ender, at 4:27 AM, March 12, 2006
let it rain....let it rain...
let it rain....
HELLO EPA! Welcome to New Albany
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, March 12, 2006
Editor John Tucker is full of C.R.A.P.
You have to generate tax dollars!
You have to fix the sewers before New Albany can move forward.
We hope you finally ban roger from "Little People Kingdom" for good. He can't get nobody to respond on his blog so he wanders over here...We've had enough of roger how about the rest of you?
proud anonymous
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM, March 12, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 3:33 PM, March 12, 2006
Tucker's talking about infill.
No credits needed -- hook up already there.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, March 12, 2006
I think John Tuckers article in the Sunday Tribune was right on target.
We must provide incentives for businesses to invest in repairing downtown and getting our beautiful architecture back to its glory.
We can make New Albany a get-away destination like Madison or Brown County. We have the potential.
However, while downtown continues to deteriorate due to neglect, fringe area development is out of control.
How can it be less expensive to buy property and build a brand new buildings, than it is to re-use existing empty structures?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... we must have Controlled Smart Growth in areas where growth can occur without impeding on neighborhoods, causing residential areas to become more commercialized.
Think those home owners will stay?
Who wants to live among a heavily commercial district?
Those nice homes will eventually be bulldozed down. What a shame.
It broke my heart to see a huge brick building go up on a long vacant green space at Spring & Thomas. A mere mile or so to Downtown. What could have made such a difference?
John Tucker got this one perfectly right.
East Ender, at 4:52 PM, March 12, 2006
To anonymous 3:05PM, do you realize your anger makes you sound a lot like Roger and his pompous attitude?
Try taking the high road so your comments are not automatically dismissed as ground clutter like Roger's are.
Anonymous, at 8:28 PM, March 12, 2006
Slogging around taking pictures today, we visited the Robert E. Lee Park area, where our beautiful cascade "thang" is. At that point in time, the name "damn, our $44 million dollar waterfall" came to mind. Think we'll stick with the $44 million dollar waterfall -- but, it sure looks pretty coming from Ceasar's direction, don't it?
Bypass was going, and we were wondering if the arm had broken again.
The picture posted on the front has gotten worse, of course, as time has passed in the past 24 hours. We did go ahead and cross the creek and found something we need to discuss with the City immediately.
A steel manhole had had its' lock smashed off and the lid was raised up with, hey, I don't know - a 50 to 60 foot drop. You'd be down it before you knew it if you were aware it was there!
Not sure if we are right, but we think the picture on the front here would be a 36" main line coming in. Don't think the Robert E. Lee would be causing that overflow, but then again, we aren't Engineers. Can you imagine your guests staying in the Hampton Inn and looking at something like this, much less the citizens involved all around plus it being a PUBLIC PARK FOR THE WEST END.
We know we are preaching to the choir, but please, please, fix the sewers in the inner-City, please?
Time for some hot cocoa, hot shower and warm clothes. Tomorow is another day. Take care NA.
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, March 12, 2006
We already are, but thanks for the suggestions. You may not have had your dose yet. It may be all over your face, too. Have you looked lately? You have a nice day today, too.
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, March 13, 2006
Anon 9:09AM -
Now that's real mature. Or should I say... real manure! (ha)
You must be very frustrated.
I do believe we've accomplished something that really got to you.
Anyway, don't you have anything better to do? GET BACK TO WORK!!!
East Ender, at 3:21 PM, March 13, 2006
Ceece -
One more correction: "get them THERE" not "THEIR".
Not picking on you, but since you corrected yourself once...
Don't you write for a magazine?
Anyway, nothing dif than what Roger would do, but we won't call you all the names we get called.
As for advising us about the upcoming meeting, I appreciate your good intentions.
I know about the event, and I am perfectly aware of the agenda.
My contention lies in the fact that we pay City employees good money (believe it or not) to do these assessments for us.
They should know what's wrong. We've been screaming about the problems for years.
I have no desire to contribute to doing the City's job for them.
They need to get out in the neighborhoods and make themselves cognizant of the town needs.
We are now on our way to a fifth (5) Building Commissioner in less than 3 years.
I hold the Mayor accountable for that because that position became a political football right off the bat.
Now, since we have gone so long without anyone competent, or qualified for the job, the City is still a mess and we still have no one to call who can act on anything pertaining to housing.
Furthermore, Shane Gibson told me face to face last year, that if he had a part-time paralegal, he could resolve any legal actions pertaining to codes and ordinance violations within 90 days.
We don't need, nor can we afford, the expense of a City Court, or a full time attorney.
Anonymous, at 6:55 PM, March 13, 2006
Should we assume you've done a financial analysis with legitimate projections of costs and revenues for the court? If so, please share. If not, on what are you basing your opinion?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 7:46 PM, March 13, 2006
I'm interpreting "anonymous's" washing of his/her hands as an expression of disinterest in the possibility of unity.
The same, tired "we've been here for years, who do you think you are" refrain.
Out there in the trenches, but nameless.
That's the New Albany Syndrome.
The New Albanian, at 9:43 PM, March 13, 2006
Bluegill, our family, too, will remain anonymous and agree with the anonymous posting re the agenda of the "neighborhoods" meeting.
We simply disagree with the way "you" would run our City. Elected officials DO KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEMS ARE, there is simply no enforcements, or selective enforcement at best, as we call it.
There is no syndrome here. Simply call it the New Albany routine, and it's old hat.
We hope our Council Rep will be there, to voice some of their resident's concerns -- and that's to start cuts at the top of this Administration. TOP, and work their way down.
We do have the financials, analysis, history, print outs, audits, etc. We know we have put our names out there and spoke publically about the infrastructure and the finances at civic events, meetings, state hearings, legal proceedings, etc.
Anything you may need to help you make sense of the mess is available. We are looking for a repository for the information that has been accumulated, tracking ALL OF THE MONIES and the INFRASTRUCTURE for 15 years.
We are looking for a voluntary storage facility for just the legal documentation about our City's finances and infrastructure. 15 years of PAID FOR PUBLIC information, which doesn't include newspaper info, is a lot of information.
Hope we can keep this civil, as sometimes I truly feel we all want the same thing -- it's simply a matter of educating yourself of what is going on in this City.
Back to the sewers; even though we have been told by an EMC employee that the new Walgreens would be the last building allowed onto New Albany sewers (the Lafollette Station sewer line) until this EPA thing was resolved, DSD received their variances from the County BZA tonight to create two or three more commercial developments like where the new O'Gradys(?) restaurant is and they asked also to enlarge that area.
They had 10,000 sewer credits, and that is all that seemed to matter. We are still trying to figure out how they can dump all of this sewage on the inner-city, with no sewers for the E 3rd St, 300 block of E Main, 200 Block of E Main, some of the Ellsby building is still not on if we had to swear to it, much less with what happened over the weekend.
Go figure. We are too tired to do anymore figuring tonight.
Anonymous, at 11:48 PM, March 13, 2006
bluegill -
I'm basing my conclusion that we can't afford a City Court on a few general facts:
The City has recently had to borrow $4 million for cash flow purposes.
The City is facing significant costs to comply with EPA mandates so we can receive sewer credits to allow new economic development.
The City needs to borrow money from the sewer fund to fund the Stormwater plan (duh's to Timmy).
The City has depleated the Rainy Day fund.
The City has several Lawsuits pending against it.
The City is virtually bankrupt.
After all, they keep telling us "there's no money there".
If you support the need for a City Court, could we please see your plan for financing such?
We would also be interested in your financial analysis with legitimate projected costs and revenues.
Once again, it's the cart before the horse New Albany syndrome that plagues us and is preventing us from making any significant progress.
A City Court could be a good idea down the road a bit, but at this particular juncture, it's just not where we need to be putting our resources.
East Ender, at 1:40 AM, March 14, 2006
What I and others have suggested is that we take a look at the amount of dollars that we give up by not having a court. Because other governing bodies at the county and state level handle much of our fine processing, we lose a lot of our revenue from fines to those bodies. A city court could not only help us prioritize the enforcement process but would also allow us to recapture some of that revenue. If we could set up a court structure that had jurisdiction over some of those processes, it might be possible to actually keep enough of that revenue in house to cover court expenses and more. It's possible that the city may actually profit from such an arrangement. If that's the case, the profit generated could be targeted at specific problem areas.
Doesn't it make sense to explore that possibility before casually dismissing the whole idea? Until we know the answer to the cost vs. benefit equation, there's no basis for saying we can or cannot afford it. It's not the cart before the horse. It's refusing to rethink how the cart and the horse may be put to better use.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 8:39 AM, March 14, 2006
Bluegill, do you know the history of our old City Court and why we did away with it?
Just curious. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 10:39 AM, March 14, 2006
Strong Armed The City Council and implied political retribution in '07? Does ANYONE REMEMBER that occurring? We think you may be the one trying to disseminate false information, and we will stick to the sewers and the finances, whether you want us to or not. Thank you for your concern. What a joke.
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM, March 14, 2006
bluegill -
You didn't answer my question of how you plan to finance the set up of a City Court in the first place.
You also didn't provide any numbers of how many dollars in fines the "other" Courts are collecting for us, and how much difference in revenue we are missing.
You have no idea how many cases are brought before the Courts, thus providing a basis as to if a City Court would be adequately utilized to validate its need.
Perhaps you should investigate further into the reasons our previous City Court was done away with. It wasn't cost effective.
You use words like "might" and "if" and "possible". Too vague.
Furthermore, I absolutely did not casually dismiss the idea.
I actually said this may be a good idea at some point in the future, but with our current situation, it would not be a prudent at this time.
Until the City can demonstrate its ability to adequately enforce the codes, ordinances, and safe housing, I'm not convinced they have their act together enough to warrant a City Court.
East Ender, at 2:28 PM, March 14, 2006
'lil Timmy -
Yeah, it will fund itself once you guys get only "certain" properties (illegal taxation) to pay exorbitant fees because the Mayor decided, against advise from the advisory committee (except yours), to set up an entire new board, with salaries, to meet this mandate.
We paid a consultant to do the very same work for the City that was done for the County.
A complete waste of money.
We could have taken the County's plan and revised it for the City very easily.
BTW, what's the 'real' fee going to be? I'm guessing $10-$15.
How much is it going to cost these property owners to fund more salaries? An extra $400K?
Why was the County able to implement compliance for $200K, yet it's costing the City over $800K because of the "Board".?
I was there when he painted a very lovely picture to the Council that they had it all figured out, and his way was the best way.
Nobody ever warned they would have to borrow money right off the bat to get it rolling.
The Mayor plays politics with everything. That's what politicians do.
Meanwhile, why don't you stick to catching bugs and let the Lawyers work this one out?
East Ender, at 2:59 PM, March 14, 2006
You didn't answer my question either. You just said what I said,i.e., without the numbers, there's no basis for a decision. I'm not making a decision at this point. You seem to be.
It would be interesting to see how the previous court was set up and if the related statutes allow for any flexibility in jurisdiction over certain violations, personnel, etc. At this point, I don't think anyone posting can definitively answer whether or not we would have to set up a court the old way though there seems to be an assumption that it would function similarly.
What I do know for sure, though, is that city tax dollars are paying for the creation and enforcement of ordinances from which the city receives a small percentage, if any, of the revenue. That's not cost effective, either. What we're talking about is substantial cultural change and I fail to see how assuming we just can't do any better is helping the situation at all. As long as citizens, who are ultimately responsible for governing, maintain that government will always fail, it will.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 3:27 PM, March 14, 2006
Well, (as my Geography teacher told me once -- that's a DEEP SUBJECT), but we have hundreds of thousands of dollars we can not file liens on against property owners for past due sewer bills (free flushers); garbage bills; recycling bills; etc.
We certainly don't need a City Court for this purpose (simply walk the list downstairs to the County and they file the bill, no charge), and we can't even get this accomplished.
We agree EastEnder, there is no money left and some people can't figure that out, or else they simply won't let go of the stranglehold that has entangled our local government for years(if you can even call it that, in my opinion).
We say that because of the fact the government is suppose to be for the people and by the people, yet we see plans laid years ago going forward like there was no tomorrow, no matter WHOM is in office.
My, my what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive, right?
Timmy, all rate payers asked for was for the Controller to put this fee on the property tax rolls insofar as this would make it legal and across the board to all rate payers, not just some.
Gee, what a bad idea rate payers had, making this fee fair and equitable. And, let's get this right, you think we're crazy? Man, you just ain't paying those bills, those bills, those bills that kill.
Go ahead, New Albanian, bring up your "class" issue...we can already hear you espousing from here.
SOS, different day. Blah, Blah, Blah.
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM, March 14, 2006
Work is the curse of the drinking class.
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, March 14, 2006
Hah, that one sure is funny! I needed a laugh today. Gee whiz. You would then have to include all establishments and classes now.
Anonymous, at 5:25 PM, March 14, 2006
bluegill -
I don't appreciate it when my words are twisted into something else entirely than what I said.
I am not a believer that because the City Court failed once at being cost effective, that it will always fail.
I said I believe a City Court could possibly be a good idea in the future, but at this time, it just isn't prudent for many reasons that are looming over us.
(read 1st paragraph of anon 4PM)
Just because I believe we should be putting our resources and efforts into going a different direction than you do, doesn't mean I believe we can't do things better than they've been done in the past. Indeed, I am insisting that things must be done better.
Failures are nothing but lessons on how to do better.
Furthermore, the City didn't pay to create the ordinances that were already on the books, but we had to fight for 2 years to get any type of code enforcement passed.
Now, that enforcement is stifled because of limited authority.
I think better code & ordinance enforcement would result from putting efforts and resources towards getting the Building Commissioners office back together with a legitimate Commissioner.
Also, this City is doing a multitude of things that are not cost effective.
Riddle me this:
Our current OEO was a paid member of the Police Department,
yet the Resolution for creating the OEO position also budgeted a salary for the position.
Now, which fund is the OEO being paid from, and which salary was eliminated from the budget?
East Ender, at 8:38 PM, March 14, 2006
Simple questions...never any answers. And so on and on it goes in our current situation. We feel this Administration (and we didn't possibly think it could happen) is worse than the last two.
A lot of "stuff" seems to be percolating on various burners -- wish issues would become public, about any time now would be nice.
Anonymous, at 11:22 PM, March 14, 2006
The press must have got the quotes from the City. No special sewer board meeting today; no decision on whether EPA will change the SEPT 1 date on the new agreement.
Pray for our infrastructure; all we can say! Take care, NA.
Anonymous, at 1:54 AM, March 15, 2006
P.S. Correction--press must have got it WRONG about their being a special sewer board meeting today. Thank you kindly.
Anonymous, at 1:55 AM, March 15, 2006
guess that should be "there". Gee, I must be tired. Adios, Amigos...
Anonymous, at 1:56 AM, March 15, 2006
We most certainly did pay for those ordinances. We paid the council to attend meetings and make decisions. We paid for an attorney to advise them. We paid travel expenses for training and/or research. We paid for other city officials and contractual employees to report to them. We paid for a clerk to record them. And we paid for the building, maintenance, and utilities where the ordinances were made a reality.
It took two years to get a code enforcement position because a bunch of elected officials put their egos and personal interests ahead of city needs in their list of priorties.
You seem to think that working on one problem at a time is the most effective manner for dealing with city problems. I see no reason why we can't work on multiple problems at the same time. There's no reason why the city council can't begin exploring the viability of a court now. That exploration would only involve the costs stated above which you don't seem to place much value on. Why not explore it, figure out the details, and be ready to act as soon as money is available whether that's tomorrow or two years from now? Given the city's (including the council) inability to function as a cooperative, dynamic organization, it may take two years to reach a conclusion. If we wait to even start the process, it will only take longer.
The OEO is being paid via the funding provided for by the resolution. I honestly don't know whether she is being paid directly by a specifically set aside fund or the police department is simply being reimbursed for her time so that they can put the money towards replacing her labor in other areas. Quite frankly, as long as she's doing her job and getting paid for it and the police aren't giving up resources, I don't care. Why does it matter to you?
I haven't seen the 2006 budget but I don't think it was originally planned for either salary to be eliminated from the budget nor do I think it should be. Our police force is already shorthanded and facing many retirements. Cutting their personnel resources even further would just put us at an even greater enforcement disadvantage.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:00 AM, March 15, 2006
Glad the CJ finally printed the article about Georgetown. It was sad when the NAPP asked the sewer board about Georgetown, when we heard they had taken bids, and they told us to go ask Georgetown ourselves. Ok. We did. The article is in the CJ today.
Seeing our Sewer "Plan" was based on the growth area of Georgetown being one of the biggest reasons we expanded, and what with the loss of their customers -- gee, what does that do now for us as ratepayers... HMMMM.
Shame ratepayers knows all this stuff, but they don't want to tell Council, and we just couldn't get the word to them without verification of same. There it is. Read it and weep.
Settlement with Georgetown has been going on for X amount of years; have 3 lawyers suing us over Georgetown; I'm not going to ask what else -- always been taught not to.
Thanks for the ear.
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM, March 15, 2006
EastEnder, Agenda is out for the Stormwater Advisory Committee meeting for March 27, 2006 at 6:15 in the third floor of the City-County Building.
Besides all of the accomplishments of the Stormwater Advisory Committee, thought you may be interested in what the "Next Major Steps" are, first. 1 is a Munical Operations Inspection Report; 2 is a Long-Term Operations & Management Agremeement for Post Construction; 3 is a Website Rollout; 4 is a Compliance Report Submission to IDEM; 5 is a Stormwater Board Start-up; and 6 is a Plan review and inspection staffing decisions.
There is a description for the Stormwater User Fees, also.
Under User Fee - 1 is the Interim user fee being administered by the City (started January 2006;; and 2 is the 3-year ($3.16) and 5-year ($3.46) Breakeven User Fee Rates Estimated
Billing Development has a description, also. 1 Over 95% of commercial, industrial and institutional properties impervious surfaces digitlized; 2 is City and IDEM Sewer biling files compiled (this 1 throws us, IDEM Sewer Billing Files?????); and 3 Auditor and Assessors property data being reconcilized with impervious area data.
The Next Major Steps for the Stormwater User Fees include the following: 1 to complete data reconciliation - Creating master billing file; 2 is to prepare next public outreach bill insert; 3 is to test the billing system; and 4 is to send the first bill under long-term rate structure.
Thanks for letting us share the info in case anyone would like to come to the meeting.
At the last meeting, all 3 ordinances were okayed, and have been sent to the City Council for approval (pre-construction, post, etc.). Thanks for the space.
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM, March 15, 2006
Thanks for the info. This all sounds a bit convoluted with a lot of time and energy being spent on the billing issues, management, plans and staff, and a WEBSITE???
Can you enlighten us on how this process differs than what the County is doing to be in compliance?
I see nothing in these agendas that relate to actually doing any projects to keep stormwater out of the sanitary sewer lines.
Isn't that the entire goal of this mandate?
Also, I am curious as to how this new board and its work will affect the Drainage Committee.
Will they work in tandem, or will the Stormwater Board take over the Drainage issues?
After all, aren't they both about how non-sanitary water is moved thru the system?
One more question.
Do they have any intentions of making this a fair and equitable fee paid by all property owners with stormwater runoff, not just the ones receiving water bills?
East Ender, at 4:10 PM, March 15, 2006
I have not visited this blog nor the arrogant blog for a few months, so forgive my questions if they have been answered.
(1) I understand there is another letter coming from the EPA regarding in the NA sewers. Is this true, and what substantively is it supposed to contain?
(2) Is there any chance that the EPA may reinstate the fines the agreed to set aside as a result of the settlment agreement?
(3) Any chance that the EPA may sue NA or IDEM for failure to enforce the Clean Water Act?
(4) What financially will the Georgetown sewer system do to the NA system?
A final comment. I remember when a certain freelance cub reporter for the Trib used to be a stand-up guy. Very independent; called 'em as they were. (I even fed him some inside scoop on occasion.) But to quote Darth Vader, "The transformation is complete. [He] has joined the dark side."
I guess it's true --- follow the money!
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, March 15, 2006
'lil Timmy -
You are so dense. You failed to answer any of my questions. Didn't even come close.
All I can gather from your brown nosed banter is that we are going to be spending a hell of a lot of money, yet no infrastructure changes or improvements are planned to be done for at least 2 years.
As for Garner getting a second term...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahhhh.
East Ender, at 9:29 PM, March 15, 2006
anon 5:14PM -
Sorry in taking so long to address your questions, but let's give it a go:
1. The EPA already sent one letter that we posted on the blog that explained what "triggering" repairs that must be done before the release of sewer credits, which will be done in stages.
If you left click on the pages, they come to full size and you can read it all in its entirety.
2. The EPA is likely to do anything at this point. We've even heard that "this time" someone's going to jail. After 10 years and more than $88 million, that's probably not a bad idea.
3. A lawsuit may come from the EPA, or one may come from the citizens. You never know.
4. The decision for Georgetown to create its own sewer system could be devestating, economically, for New Albany. We will lose the revenue we now have coming from Georgetown, so things will only get worse. They were to pay NA $2 million towards the repairs for the Robert E. Lift project, but we have been assuming for some time that they already lost that.
We are calling for TIF money to be brought in from 2 areas that will allow $2 million that is owed for various loans to be repayed to the sewer fund.
Garner now wants to borrow another $500K from the sewer funds to fund his great Stormwater Plan that we contend is selective taxation.
Finally, we wholeheartedly agree with your assessment in your final comment, and we thank you for callin' 'em as they are.
East Ender, at 12:25 AM, March 16, 2006
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One voice, at 4:13 AM, March 16, 2006
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One voice, at 4:13 AM, March 16, 2006
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One voice, at 4:19 AM, March 16, 2006
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One voice, at 4:19 AM, March 16, 2006
New Albany now has a new BULLDOG. Go lil Timmy; go for the throat of these ultraconservatives. I wonder what their approval rating is now.
Anonymous, at 7:58 AM, March 16, 2006
I read the article in the Courier this morning about sewer credits and looked all over for the name of the person(s) who EastdistEnded says are going to jail -- Ben must have omitted that part. Probably getting a busy signal from the Gang of Four News Agency batphone (CM Kochert's extension).
The New Albanian, at 9:38 AM, March 16, 2006
Tim, heard you bought yourself a suit just to read your Professor's letter about the IU Students helping out, at the last City Council meeting. Didn't see the NEED to talk about "old news" again, but as long as it makes you feel better, yes, there are about 25 other things on there, too.
But, let's just talk about YOU.
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM, March 16, 2006
"and know that wasn't a suit...". New Albanian, teach him some English, please. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, March 16, 2006
We heard about the Audit being released to Council tonight, and are anxiously awaiting details. Thank you, taxpayer advocates! WE appreciate you and your efforts! Thank you.
Anonymous, at 9:48 PM, March 16, 2006
I attended the Council meeting tonight, sorry if you missed it. Ms Bolovschak really dropped a bomb on the Council, and especially the Mayor. You could have heard a pin drop.
Strap yourselves in tight folks, we are in for a roller coaster ride like none other.
Stay tuned.
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM, March 16, 2006
Guess some people learn the hard way, huh? Hard thing tracking those monies, ain't it Mayor? Don't worry -- we've got your back and all the documentation we need. It will be interesting to see the press reports, huh? Learned more from the Tribune tonight than the CJ about our sewers.
They are going to move that date from Sept. 1; and we just don't think the EPA is going to budge; are we looking at a Mexican standoff here? Probably so. We can't seem to get anything right. Let's fight them, rather than fix them. Let's spend the monies at will and not account to the rate or tax payers of this City. Let's, let's, let's.
We're done with 'em. Tired of paying for "THE CITY'S MISTAKES", over and over and over again.
Thanks to taxpayers who are helping out in making OUR PUBLIC MONIES AND INFORMATION PUBLIC, much to the chagrin of others.
They really don't want to know because they really don't care. It's the only way we can look at this situation(s). Take care New Albany, tomorrow's another day!
Anonymous, at 11:46 PM, March 16, 2006
Tonights Council Meeting was a show of who knows what, who doesn't, and who's going to tell vs. who's not going to tell.
This crazy game of mis-information and withheld information is getting to be just too much to take. It is schoolyard games.
The best part of the evening was Valla Ann giving the CM's info about the 2004 audit that none of them have even seen yet.
The Audit was not good news, yet Garner tries putting a spin on everything... "It will always be bad". Really?
"It wasn't as bad as the 2002-03 audits." Really?
Let's see, what does this tell us?
Oh yeah, it tells us the people who have been handed the reins of our City have consistently done a bad job keeping the books in order and following the rules.
This pattern MUST STOP!!!
Accountability and responsibility are 2 things the next administration better be prepared for. We will accept nothing less.
East Ender, at 2:21 AM, March 17, 2006
Sounds like to us. Valla Ann stood up with all the facts. And the mayor states in CJ: "He didn't have a copy but expects one soon."
Wonder what kind of spin they will have on this one?
Thanks Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM, March 17, 2006
It sure is strange. Ms. Bolovschak has a copy. Councilman Coffey says he does not. Mayor Garner says he does not. The Mayor is lying and Mr. Coffey is not. No one questions how Ms. Bolovschak got a copy.
While this may all be true, the logic of all this alludes me.
Iamhoosier, at 9:22 AM, March 17, 2006
Let's see....
The mayor claims that the newly proposed sewer rate increase is needed, due to errors by the prior administration [regardless of his own prior obstructionist votes on the City Council.]
The mayor claims that the deficits are due to problems carried over from earlier years [read administration] and may take years to resolve.
The only take from his comments is that he is responsible for none of the mess; a victim of circumstances [wouldn't accept this BS from my kid]. Furthermore, as it "may take years to fix," the mayor is stating that we shouldn't look to him for any foresight, leadership or solutions. In a nutshell, speaking for the mayor, "Everything bad that is happening with the sewers and the deficits is Regina's fault, and any fixes must finally be solved after I am gone!" Can you believe this bunk? What an empty suit! Such incompetence easily explains his failure in private enterprise.
What do the progressives say about this person whose prior short-sighted, non-progressive votes, and inability to fix the sewers while mayor in the manner agreed with the EPA, have in a very large part brought us to the edge of the abyss? You think they would run from him, but hell, he's their poster child!
On the progressive blog, the author laments the "ejaculatory grandstanding" by any member who would dare (in a progressive, public fashion, mind you) to speak out against the mayor. What he fails to notice is that his rabid defense of the mayor's performance in last night's meeting resulted in yet another predictable BLOGASM on his part (as he experiences any time the mayor's name is mentioned). He further comments how unfair it was the mayor was bushwhacked by an audit document from the State Board of Accounts. It wasn't the availability of the document that is important, but rather the POOR RESULTS during the mayor’s tenure. (All the malarkey about who got the document and when is nothing but a red herring). Just answer the questions, mayor!
(NOTE: As you are probably aware, under the Public Records Act any person can obtain such documents. The timing of obtaining those documents is frequently based on the diligence of the person in making the request. From personal experience, you badger the document producer-holder often enough and you'll get it hot off the press/fax, quite legally, before anyone else. Just because it is public doesn’t mean that, in this case, the city as target of the audit would get it first. Once it is published and in the public domain, it’s first-come, first-served. Perhaps the mayor and his office, knowing that the audit results would be a hot-button issue, should pestered the state likewise).
Who's going to run against this guy next time out (assuming the Dems humiliate themselves by supporting his reelection)? Just give us a competent candidate, I don't care which party... I have a nice, fat campaign donation I would like to make!
You "little people" keep up the good work! If it wasn't for you, we would have a dysfunctional sewer system, with thousands of new connections, spewing millions of gallons of untreated sewage into the mighty Ohio (now that's progressive.) The same incompetents you challenged on this issue are now beginning to feel the heat on what they are doing with OUR monies, and I expect similar positive results from your efforts.
Keep up the good fight!
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM, March 17, 2006
The logic eludes you? Try knowing he could have had a copy just as soon, if not sooner than taxpayers. He DID NOT CARE. That is the only logical thing you can come up with. But, go ahead, playing that "sympathy" card -- but it won't go far on this blog! thanks for the tax and rate payers who do give a damn and watch out as much as they can, for their fellow CITIZENS.
Thanks to all for the hard work!
Anonymous, at 10:18 AM, March 17, 2006
So the same "could've had it" logic applies to the Council then, correct?
Jeff Gillenwater, at 10:21 AM, March 17, 2006
"how did we orchestrate this last night"...blah,...blah,...blah.
This is a man that refuses to look at any type of numbers, nor does he care. This is why my husband says he has no right to charge for his beer -- his lack of concern, caring, and being completely ignorance on governmental finance.
Good job, glad someone FINALLY got a copy. And if it woke some of 'em up on the Council, yeaaaahh. We are all for education. We can tell our Mayor isn't.
Thanks for the space.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM, March 17, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM, March 17, 2006
why would Valla Ann choose to help the council and not the mayor?
Oh that's right, she wants his job.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM, March 17, 2006
east ender,
Sorry I took so long to check in, but I wanted to thank you for answering my questions about the sewers. Guess I will just have to wait to see what next steps the EPA takes. It is actually a pitiful situation, since there are many out in the county who would like the opportunity to hook up to sewers. There are a lot of people out here like me watching the situation. I would like one day for my kids to be able to build homes our farm, but not unless they can get sewer service, and for a reasonable cost.
the new albanian,
While everyone is free to speak their minds, I will take east ender's views on what may happen with the sewers and the EPA. S/he, whoever they are, has been spot on the past few years while you have not. S/he has presented facts and reasoned opinions on the issue while you just rant. S/he has obviously been involved trying to make a difference while you just sit on the sidelines and lob rocks. In looking at your blog in the past you state that you are a progressive, but obviously only if people agree with your narrow minded viewpoints. If they disagree and have an alternative idea you trash them. Perhaps this explains why your blog has so few posts. I can hear the crickets - yawn!
Thanks again east ender.
Anonymous, at 11:18 AM, March 17, 2006
Not true about my rationale in charging for beer.
As Mr. Seabrook put it last night, I'm not beholden to the state board of accounts -- I have my own accountant, too.
And I'm not the government, either. The boundaries of my social contract slightly differ from those. I can't declare war, print money or rebuild the levees.
And happy for it.
Happy ya'll are reading.
Now, I gotta go wash my shoes.
The New Albanian, at 11:31 AM, March 17, 2006
Will you tell them they can't print the money, also? Thanks. We can't get them to understand that part, New Albanian. Have a good day.
Anonymous, at 11:49 AM, March 17, 2006
Thanks for responding. Reading your post made me realize that I had misspelled a word. Thanks for not mentioning it.
Not sure what you mean about "sympathy" card but does not really make a difference.
Bluegill makes a good point.
Iamhoosier, at 11:59 AM, March 17, 2006
Being a smart a**, that is what I was doing. Personally, I feel they want sympathy, and woe is them because they didn't have a "copy". Excuse me, but the Mayor and the Controllor and the President at the time Mr. Schmidt, attended the exit interview February 14th. After two weeks, IF, and ONLY IF, you are on the mailing list/notification list can you get a copy.
Guarantee you the Mayor knew exactly what was in the Audit, and to even try and insinuate he did would be a great falsehood, in and of itself.
To us, we know this document was gotten LEGALLY by the PUBLIC, as REQUIRED BY LAW IF ASKED, and presented. Some of you may want to call it "politics"; we call it the facts of how this CITY has been RAN INTO THE GROUND.
This Mayor knew what he was getting in to when he RAN FOR OFFICE. HE IS ACCOUNTABLE TO ME AND EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS TOWN, if you so choose to hold him accountable. Daggone those software problems! We just purchased a new system recently, didn't we folks, for how much?????
Thanks for caring, Bluegill.
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM, March 17, 2006
"to try and insinuate he did NOT..." Thanks.
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM, March 17, 2006
I know that I am going to regret this but..
Were you responding to me? I was the one who professed ignorance of the sympathy card mention. Not bluegill.
Iamhoosier, at 1:09 PM, March 17, 2006
Hat's off to you Valla Ann. Truth is hard to hear in this town. The numbers don't lie.
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM, March 17, 2006
anon :AM -
Thanks for the response, and again, for calling it like it is.
We have been tryin' tryin' tryin' to explain to folks what was coming down the pike with the sewer situation long before it became the "hot topic" of the moment.
Too many missed opportunities to do the right thing by more than one administration, but if Garner thinks that fact gets him off the hook for his responsibility, he is oh so wrong.
He sat on Council for 4 years with the Overton administration making bad choices about the sewer repairs. He knew what was coming, yet chose himself to not address the problem in the correct manner.
Shame, shame, shame on you Jimmy!
We are all tired of hearing excuses, and we are even more tired of hearing the RANTINGS coming from the Baylor bunch.
This Mayor has been a dismal failure in every sense of the word.
Still, with all our problems, he wants to build his $16 million swimming pools.
Thanks go out to CM Price for trying to point out to the dimwit Mayor, that justifying such expenditures while we are facing such dire straits is purely selfish and foolish.
East Ender, at 3:14 PM, March 17, 2006
You need a copy of the audit?
You'd think your buddy randy could have gotten you a copy! The news down town today is your buddy the Mayor had a copy and was hoping no one else did. The audit has been floating around the City County Building all day. And the democrats are not happy at all with his proformance! Looks like his supporters are droppin daily..
Why blame "valla ann" for delivering the truth. Kinda pisses you off roger people to agree with you on this and other opinions.
Valla Ann sure didn't have a bag over her head. She called it the way it was. Talk about throwing your support the wrong way. Hats off to "Dick Stewert" hr confronted you and your face was blood red. I guess it's easier for you to attack some one with your wierd words than to look a realman in the face.
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, March 17, 2006
Am I not correct in remembering someone being lambasted a couple of months ago for having some documents before the council members had them? This is different how?
Iamhoosier, at 3:46 PM, March 17, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Iamhoosier, at 3:46 PM, March 17, 2006
Because they were obtained "legally", with out using the false premise of a "blog press release". That's how I see it. Anyone can make that request and a lot of us have over the years, so this is not news.
I am so thankful for the citizens that helped campaign for the freedom of information and the sunshine open door laws in the State of Indiana. They do all of us a favor, don't you think?
You just have to be willing to cough up the money...57 pages is a lot of money at the State level. You ought to see the price of photocopying at the Federal level...pshew..... Our answer as to how we feel.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM, March 17, 2006
Thanks for responding.
Since you are there, would mind answering my question from 1:09?
Iamhoosier, at 4:10 PM, March 17, 2006
I see how you are. You can respond in 16 minutes when you have a correct(your opinion) answer but when you might have to admit that you were wrong, you just ignore. At least for 3 1/2 hours in this case. Days and weeks in other instances. At least I give you the courtesy of a response when you direct a question to me. Or does courtesy count the same as honesty does here? Or maybe you were never taught any better. In that case, I understand.
Iamhoosier, at 4:50 PM, March 17, 2006
Everyone have a nice weekend. Gotta go, Steve L. is waiting in a city pickup so we can go check the job Rumpke is doing picking up the trash in NA. We are going to take good notes so we have our FACTS straight.
Iamhoosier, at 4:56 PM, March 17, 2006
My question is this. Was the facts correct? Could the real reason be that Ms. Bolovschak is such a threat to people because she has the best interest for the citizens? Isn't that what the mayor is suppose to be doing? I think it is called looking out for the citizens of New Albany. Not looking out for additional salaries by setting up another board. Or cutting another deal? Didn't the mayor take some kind of oath?
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM, March 17, 2006
Would you also like a copy of the audit? This mayor has truly went over the line this time. VAB is a property owner. She has as much right to complain or support anything or anyone. You done the right thing.
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM, March 17, 2006
iamhoosier -
Every comment you have posted here has been to prod and poke, trying to get someone to argue with you.
Nothing substantive about the issues or the current state of our City's financial mess.
If you have nothing to contribute to the conversation but insults, please refrain from butting in with asinine remarks.
However, if you would like to join the thread with respectful words, you will be welcomed and respected in return.
Got it?
East Ender, at 7:04 PM, March 17, 2006
We all need to take a moment and thank valla ann for paying attention to what is going on in our city. Believe me she has better things to do then to be treated by ungreatful citizens of New Albany.
thank you
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM, March 17, 2006
since east ender said we can talk about rumors we hear I thougt everyone will be real interested in one that been making it around to a lot.
Rumor is the award of the garbage contract just happen to coinside with a certain person named James who suddenly payed up on all the back rent owed on a certain retail store.
Isn't it wonderful how things work out for some people who in a position to capitalize on circumstances.
I guess ignorance is Bliss.
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM, March 17, 2006
8:12 PM
We totally agree
Anonymous, at 10:46 PM, March 17, 2006
extra.....extra..... read all about it. Some one finally nails the mayor with the real numbers.
Great job
Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, March 17, 2006
Bluegill, I just don't have all day to sit around typing on this damn computer. I do have a life. Check in every now and then; so sorry it doesn't fit your time frames. Had some computer problems, too. Wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
All he wants to do is complain; never ad, aid, help, and I had such high hopes. None is so blind as those who do not want to see.
Thanks for the cheap shots, though. Added a lot to what's really going on in this town!
At least you admitted they were "honesty". Thanks.
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM, March 17, 2006
Valla Ann spoke of her concerns of escalating spending that has undermined public confidence in city govt. She has that right just as much as any of us. Don't shoot the messenger.
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM, March 17, 2006
Received citizens copy of the EPA letter sent to the City.
One most excellent part states what we've been worrying about all along "In general, SSOs in New Albany, and the human health hazards that they represent, occur in closer proximity to human activity and initially reach SMALLER water bodies than do BYPASSES at the plant."
Another interesting point that went right by the NAPP, gee wonder how that happened, but we evidently went into dispute mediation with them last year in '05; and agreed to a MOU "Memorandum of Understanding". That means we haven't been checking on the Federal Register to keep up with the rest of this stuff.
More to come, but the audit does mention something funky, that we just don't understand when it comes to the sewer portions, and that would be page 45 of the '04 Audit. Here goes "BOND ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS"
Gross revenues were not being distributed to the various utility funds in accordancne with Revenue Bond Ordiance G-03-03.
Each governmental unit is repsonibly for complaying with ordinances, resolutions, and policies it adopts. We have all this missing EDIT monies; the Mayor says he doesn't have to pay it back, but the one and the only exception to rescinding the Scribner Place is to show that EDIT money is owed BACK INTO OUR pay for fixing the inner-City and it was suppose to having been put back for that bond payment. Thanks for our ear, NA.
Have a good 'un.
Anonymous, at 12:17 AM, March 18, 2006
Between Valla Ann's fortitude and her willingness to Speak Out Loud about it, and the information the NAPP have gotten from the EPA, along with the poor results from the audit, well, it's just not looking real good for the Garner administration right now is it?
I seriously doubt if things are going to get any better.
Our hope lies with citizens like the Potty Police and Valla Ann who bend over backwards to help this City, for no other reason than they care.
Garner will keep spending if we don't stop him. He seems to think the City is a bottomless pot of money for the taking.
Well, I think I heard a real loud "SPLAT" when he hit the bottom, and the bottom is most certainly where we are.
Keep up the good deeds citizens! Our thanks are so inadequate for the things you've done to keep track of everything. But, right now, that's all we've got to give.
East Ender, at 1:47 AM, March 18, 2006
P.S. $$$$$$$$$$$$
I do believe you have mixed up bluegill with iamhoosier.
The latter is the one who's been calling you out.
P.S.S. New posting tomorrow!
re: Where's The Money????
East Ender, at 1:50 AM, March 18, 2006
Thank you, EastEnder! Many apologies... Thanks!
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM, March 18, 2006
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