Important Findings of 2004 Audit
The previous posting, which spoke briefly of the finding in the 2004 audit of the City of New Albany, was left open for citizens to discuss what they felt were pertinent issues that merited further discussions.
As we all know, there was little mention of the actual audit findings, but rather a plethora of various perceptions of the Administration and their competence, or lack thereof, as well as a lot of unnecessary personal and political bickering.
Before we delve further into the 2004 Audit, we would like to reiterate our stance that this blog is for the Citizens of New Albany, and will not be used as a platform for any political campaigning.
That said, let's move forward with the 2004 Audit written report, which is a public document produced by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.
On page 4, 4th paragraph, of the Independent Auditor's report on financial statements, they note:
"We were unable to audit the note disclosure relating to capital assests of the City, because capital asset records were not properly maintatined and updated; and we were unable to satisfy ourselves as to the value of the capital assets by other auditing procedures. In addition, we were unable to verify the accuracy of cash and investment balances because monthly cash reconcilements were never compared to the funds ledger so that variances could be identified and corrected in a timely manner."
They further note; "The Wastewater Utility did not maintain sufficient capital asset records. Due to lack of supporting documentation, capital asset valuation cannot be verified." Nahhhhhhhh, not the Sewer Utility!
Surely, with all the other departments that were being supported by Sewer Funds, and all the "loans" that were made out of Sewer Funds, surely they were keeping accurate and detailed records of all such expenditures.
"In addition, we were unable to verify the accuracy of cash and investment balances because monthly cash reconcilements were never compared to the funds ledger so that variances could be identified and corrected in a timely manner."
Well now, doesn't that just take the cake, so to speak? Only in this instance, the cake is made of the hard earned money of the rate payers.
What does all this mean?
"As capital assets and cash equivalents constitute a major portion of the Statement of Net Assets, any uncertainty concerning assets and cash and cash equilvalents similarly affects the Statement of Net Assets."
In other words, because no one managed to do the monthly balancing of the City's books, and reconcile the funds ledger, they really can't tell what the City has in terms of the bottom line.
One other statement early in the report that raises concerns is as follows:
"The City has not presented Management's Discussion and Analysis or Budgetary Comparison Schedules that the Governmental Accounting Standards Board has determined is necessary to supplement, although not required to be part of, the basic financial statements."
Folks, we are only up to page 5 of 55 pages of the 2004 Audit.
There is so much more to look at, but we are going to stop here for today.
When we resume we will be looking at the problems associated with drawing Department funds down below a zero balance, or "Disbursements in Excess of Appropriations".
As we mentioned in a previous posting, the State guidelines say no departments may make expenditures in excess of their appropriated budget. However, New Albany has several departments that show spending indeed exceeded the budgeted amounts for those departments. Namely, the General Fund (duh), Motor Vehicle Highway, Local Road and Street (no, we're not kidding), Park Nonreverting, Ambulance Runs, and Park Cummulative Building.
The total excess spending for these funds was just over $1.7 million dollars.
The Audit notes: "These disbursements were funded by inappropriate available cash balances."
Perhaps you will recall our earlier expressed frustrations with what we termed "mis-appropriated funds".
Only 50 pages left to go!
Hang in there New Albany, things will get better. We will accept nothing less.
Well, we have some more information we would like to share with folks before we turn out the lights tonight.
After perusing through the pages of numbers, looking at balances and debt, disbursements and income, assets and liabilities, we turned our attention to the Audit results and comments concerning the condition of records (pg.38).
There we discovered the profound cumulative effects of the propensity of City Departments to repeatedly fail to reconcile cash accounts monthly with the City funds ledgers.
Such instances are more fully described later in this posting; However, our purpose here is to explore the consequences of such oversights, or simple non-compliance with proper accounting procedures.
As revealed in the documents of Findings and Questioned Costs (pg. 52), the Audit found problems with the condition of City records (2004-1).
The Audit notes: “…reconciled amounts were not totaled and compared to actual cash transactions recorded in the City’s records. As a result of undetected errors as of Dec. 31, 2004, the City [had] $88,947 more in unidentified cash recorded in its records than [was] being held in its bank accounts.”
Folks, that’s almost $90,000 in cash that is unaccounted for. Money that should be among one or more of the City’s seventeen (yes, 17) bank accounts.
In “Notes To Financial Statements”, on pg. 17, item I-C notes: "The government –wide, governmental fund , internal service fund and fiduciary fund financial statements are reported using the basis of accounting that demonstrates compliance with the cash basis and budget laws of the State of Indiana…. Receipts are recorded when received and disbursements are recorded when paid.” Doesn’t sound too terribly difficult to us. How about you?
Back to page 38, concerning the Condition of Records, Indiana Code 5-13-6-1(e) states: “All local investment officers shall reconcile at least monthly the balance of public funds, as disclosed by the records of the local officers, with the balance statements provided by the respective depositories.”
These comments go on to explain: “At all times, the manual and/or computerized records, subsidiary ledgers, control ledgers, and reconciled bank balance should agree. If the reconciled bank balance is less than the subsidiary or control ledgers, then the responsible official or employee may be held personally responsible for the amount needed to balance the fund. (Accounting and Uniform Compliance Guidelines Manual for Cities and Towns, Chapter 7)”.
How ‘bout them apples?
Don’t worry, there’s lots more to come.
So what you are saying is that proper records were not kept--I could have told you that before you started----BTW---if there is wrong doing the state auditors can notlegally use this audit as probable cause to file charges or an investigation either--so don't get your hopes up.
Also--if we did an audit (independent of course) of this past year what would it turn up???? That the city is broke---that the sewer utility is the biggest culprit----and you would be out about 45,000 more dollars for the audit-----cell phones and the like are such a small piece of the pie---and that is exactly where the sewer board would like you to focus. They run about 12 million dollars through that dept. every year--hell, the total ciy budget is about 18 million----solve the problem with the sewer utility and you will solve the cities problems--------if you want to see something very interesting -go back two administrations and look where the 3 million disappeared from the sewers--Guess who got rich!!---Either dissolve the sewer board or put every expediture over 100,000 up for council approval. And NEVER allow councilmen to serve on boards--because when they vote you just do not know who they are representing.
Anonymous, at 6:41 PM, March 27, 2006
Go back to 1998 and start diggin like we have. And pandoras box will open! Were shocked at what we have.
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, March 27, 2006
So now you are municipal fiscal experts, get a job
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM, March 27, 2006
That's not what the Administration said in the Tribune. More to come. Thanks, EastEnder.
Anonymous, at 2:13 AM, March 28, 2006
Another day is dawning, and soon we will be right back into the fray of discussing the "spin" on things that were found in the Audit.
Then the PP's will weigh in and begin their ritual bashings of the messengers, all the while ignoring the facts of the matters that have our little town in a full chokehold.
Get ready for things to get even more interesting as we intend to weigh in on some new information that resulted from the latest Stormwater meeting.
The truth will set you free!
Or, lock you up, depending on what side of the truth you come down on.
The "wrong" side would be chosing to slip something past the citizens of New Albany under false impressions of what is being done.
We'll leave it that cryptic for now, so a few hardy souls can chew on the possibilities of our reveal.
East Ender, at 4:20 AM, March 28, 2006
In life, there are sayers and there are doers. You guys are the sayers. The doers are now in town and on the job. We're going to make your head spin. Look out!!!
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM, March 28, 2006
Sure, our household includes an Accountant, with the degree from Bellarmine, and the wife has retired as a business/finanacial computer analyst. Give us a holler. He does them pretty cheaply, too, compared to the other services in town.
Hope that helps you out in your dilemna. Though, you may wish to direct your efforts towards the Mayor. He may have a harder time doing his taxes this year due to his business misfortunes.
Reading through your posting makes it clear to us you have no clue as to how Budgets or Audits work (governmental). The budget and audit of a governmental entity is MORE, MORE, MORE, stringent than it would be for say, you and I.
Hope we can help you out! Have a good day New Albany.
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM, March 28, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:11 AM, March 28, 2006
Attack, attack, attack. Ya really think we don't know who u are? 3 guessses, and first 2 don't count. Go somewhere they care what you have that does not contribute to anyone's conversation. PLEASE.
Now, back to the Audit and Stormwater. We're hearing the RUMBLINGS, too.
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, March 28, 2006
No one is expecting to find a "perfect" human being to run our City. However, we are looking for honesty, accountability, responsibility, flexibility, and the ability to admit when mistakes are made.
Watching the jovial demeanor and seeing that smirk on his face while everyone knows full well what a crisis this community is in, is difficult to stomach.
We deserve a Mayor who has the best interests of the citizens at the forefront of his daily work.
Not someone who is repeatedly putting our town in jeapordy with political favortism appointments, and breaking the "piggy-bank" (rainy day fund) to make sure he can draw multiple salaries.
There have been too many mistakes made already, and we are detecting more coming at us like a Mack truck with no brakes.
Enough is enough.
East Ender, at 1:14 PM, March 28, 2006
Hey Blog Land:
Got that first paragraph? "Not all his fault."; and the City being in a "ridiculous financial situation". You're saying it, not me, simply comprehending your words.
Yep, we agree he is a human being and none of us is perfect. So far, so good.
From whom is he encountering opposition from? He has gotten what he wanted from Council, one way or the other. It doesn't matter some Council disagree, doesn't he always have the votes; where is the opposition? Citizens? Open-ended, there.
The City is hard-pressed to bring in money because of the sewer fiasco, which was not his fault.
Very telling statement. Especially since ratepayers have been paying him to oversee our sewers, along with being Mayor, for let's long?
How do we know he is not corrupt? Because you say so? We are missing $3 million dollars; his business has gone bankrupt; the 2004 year end does not match the 2004 Audit; we hear rumours the debts have been paid for Spring St; maybe you and I should call it simply "skepticism" over everything. Maybe he hasn't lied to you, but he's lied to my face, pesonally.
For our family, his morals and ethics went by the wayside when he did not do what he promised he would do on several PERSONAL fronts. Sometimes, it's between the Mayor and the citizen you are corresponding with here on this blog. We may just have a few more issues than you do. Whatever.
Let's get back to the monies. Don't wanna hear no more excuses about computers, software, people not knowing, blah, blah, blah... Can't you tell we are tired?
Hope you can civilly beg to disagree, if you so choose, of course.
Anonymous, at 2:04 PM, March 28, 2006
Garner most certainly has his portion of blame in-so-far-as the Sewer fiasco is concerned.
He is head of the Board after all.
He sat on Council for 4 years before becoming Mayor, so he absolutely knew what the situation was.
His road to glory, or even a second term, would have been to do everything possible to FIX that sewer problem he "inherited".
Don't be dellusional.
Come back and join us here in the real world.
Call your favorite local retailer or business owner and ask how much they have been paying for the new Stormwater Fee.
We'll be posting more info soon.
East Ender, at 2:14 PM, March 28, 2006
Anyone that would want to be Mayor of this two bit town should have their head examined. Garner is a good, hard working family man with a solid education that the people of this blog love to bring down. I used to be proud to tell people I was from New Albany, IN, but after reading the hate on this blog, I'll just respond that I am from Indiana.
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM, March 28, 2006
Then why don't you go to the other blogs that hate all the others, and don't bother to hide it. Point that mouse clicker somewhere else please. Righteous, Pious...actions speak a whole lot louder than words. Your words are empty, just like the Mayor's campaign promises. Truth hurts, don't it. Back to the issues and our monies. Take the personalities to another place. Thank you so very much, and you have a good day, too. (Is this mommy standing up for him?)
Anonymous, at 2:40 PM, March 28, 2006
Will the five people that write on this blog please stand up!
Oh! You are standing!
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM, March 28, 2006
2:50pm informed
You ought to be ashamed of your comments. But then we all have faults and weakness!Only kidding you to have an opinion and you must speak your thoughts? Are you a homeowner? How many council meetings have you been to? Have you read the 2004 audit? Or even the 2003 audit? Do you not have a problem with someone stealing over $2,100.00 and meets with garner, Mrs Karry. And pays for the extra audit. Which from what I understand it was over $4,000.00. No Council members were notified. The lady wasn't charged? Where is the agreement and why wasn't the proscutor brought into it. Now my point is this. Lets me and you both steal $2,000.00 from Walmart,gas station, McDonalds. White Castle. Mind as well plug for Richo's and rob them for 2 Grand? What do you think would happen? Your ass and my ass would be wearing orange!!!Look at it another way.$1,000.00 here $5,000.00 there $ure add up? Get my point?
Anonymous, at 3:49 PM, March 28, 2006
According to the Gospel of John, the Pharisees, in an attempt to discredit Jesus, brought a woman charged with adultery before him. Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.” The people crowded around him were so touched by their own consciences that they departed. When Jesus found himself alone with the woman, he asked her who were her accusers. She replied, “No man, lord.” Jesus then said, “Neither do I condemn thee: go and sin no more.”
Anonymous, at 3:53 PM, March 28, 2006
Go back and read the posting. Then come back and tell us that Garner is managing this City in the best way he can.
Tell us the financials are not being 'manipulated' in such ways that almost $90,000 of cash that is supposed to be in the bank accounts is not there.
Tell us the Audit doesn't reveal the incompetence of the management of this City, and tell us why ordinary bookkeeping procedures, such as monthly balancing, is not being done.
It's all right there in black and white.
We are not out to bash the Mayor just for shits and giggles. We would love to have a Mayor we could support and be proud of, but alas......
The bottom line is Garner has made too many bad mistakes and done too little to try to take responsibility for them.
His credibility is gone.
East Ender, at 4:48 PM, March 28, 2006
I do work for the City and I know a hell of alot that is going on! And alot of employee's should go to jail!
That's why I post Anonymous.
So get off your high horse on how Great Garner is! Cuz you have no clue to what is really going on.
Anonymous, at 5:25 PM, March 28, 2006
Would even a citizen who has worked in a FEDERAL BANK, who has Budget and Accounting and Financial experiences with the law have ANY Creditibility with you.
Nope, just anything to distract, distract, distract. Well, some of us are educated, and this ain't got nothing to do with the Mayor personally. Maybe with the people he picked to run his offices; maybe because he can't have meetings with them with the budget variance report and say 'HEY GUYS, YOU'RE OVER BUDGET", like most places to, except in NA. See, we do know a "little" bit about what we're talking about. NEXT!
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, March 28, 2006
Rats always scurry. The more rope this woman has the more she hangs herself. It is like watching a train wreck. You don't want to look. You just can't help yourself. Better to know now than later. Good to know she is educated and "this ain't got nothing to do with the Mayor". God help us all.
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM, March 28, 2006
Perhaps jealousy? Greed? Who knows, and who cares? Better watch City Hall for that train wreck.
We've talked with five Councilmembers within the past two days. How many have you spoken with about the issues we are trying to discuss on here.
Scuttlebut...Answer the Questions...answer why all of a sudden there are rumblings of a "stolen" 2 million out of our sewers? Got any answers, gee, why not? Just rocks. Keep 'em coming...coz that's how we know we are on the RIGHT track. Thanks for your concerns about other people in this town.
Anonymous, at 11:09 PM, March 28, 2006
EastEnder, they keep 'ferring to a "she". Keep it up girlfriend! Your friend.
Anonymous, at 11:42 PM, March 28, 2006
Looks like we're gonna have to put it in real simple words for them to understand what's really going on here. They just have that reading comprehension thing bothering them again.
Don't worry, the details are all laid out nice and pretty, and there will be no way to schmooze out of this one.
The FACTS speak for themselves.
The philosophy is true. When they are throwing around personal insults and trying to incite argumentative dialogue, you know you're on the right track.
We'll keep right on chugging along, while the PP's are speeding headlong into a certain train wreck.
East Ender, at 5:51 AM, March 29, 2006
Informed, I'm with you. This group is nothing more than an misinformed, neurotic political action group with one purpose--BRING DOWN MAYOR GARNER--using any means possible.
Anonymous, at 8:04 AM, March 29, 2006
You can blame the Mayor all you want but lets get to the meat of the problem. What has been constant with the City over the years? Hmmm, certain tenured councilmen that do nothing but complain about everything and obstruct the flow of government. (3) Mayors in the last 12 years, same councilmen screwing everything up and getting re-elected by their cronies.
Anonymous, at 8:06 AM, March 29, 2006
Our tax dollars at work:
I hear that people in the City County Bldg. sit at their computers and blog (office holders included) instead of looking out for the taxpayers' best interest.
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM, March 29, 2006
The city council controls the purse strings not the mayor.
Anonymous, at 12:49 PM, March 29, 2006
Informed, nothing personal, because I can agree with a lot of what you are saying, but not all.
We can't keep defending our type, or brand, or kind of education that may or may not qualify in your eyes for a debate about some of this stuff.
But, we think that paving bill may have been close to or over a million dollars owed to the Gorman's(? not sure of spelling, apologies).
Even if Overton left the "unsafe building fund" in the red; Council has a resolution they passed for this particular fund to have more monies put into it each year, even after Overton. Where does that leaves us, the taxpayers?
Demanding, "SHOW US THE MONEY".
The "money tree" is the sewer "slush" fund. Why just yesterday a Councilmember spoke the words they felt "the Mayor had stolen $2 Million Dollars From The Sewer", whatever the hey that meant, but we're checking.
Boy oh boy, things are hopping in New Albany today. Unlike anything we have ever seen. It's not like it's ABOUT TIME.
There always seems to be someone higher than those in power locally that REALLY LIKE their jobs and want to keep them, be whatever party they may be.
Also, Informed, we aren't sure by whom you consider educated on the City Council, and I would question your knowledge of same. How come you're not up there?
Take care, New Albany. It's all about money and you know what that means...........
Anonymous, at 3:07 PM, March 29, 2006
P.S. And the EDIT monies would be another "money tree". FYI -- OUR OPINION of the situation in hand.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM, March 29, 2006
Informed -
You seem to have an answer for everything don't you?
Do you not have a real job? Or do you work for the administration and this is your "assignment"?
I suggest you take a good long look at who you are aligning yourself with, because it is the people who have only their own interests at heart, and the rest of the City be damned.
We're here to tell you that what's been going on for the past 2 and 1/2 years with the Garner administration is going to come to a screeching halt.
As far as not liking the man... I don't "dislike" Garner in the typre of terms you profess for me, I dislike the way he has managed (mis-managed) our City, and the way he manages to always look out for his own bank accounts and ignores the City's.
THAT, "informed", is a poor excuse for a Mayor.
Sit back in that nice comfy chair they bought for you to sit in all day and fight this blog, and watch as they all go down.
One by one, they will be held accountable for the things they have done and the mistakes they have made.
This town is just way too small, and your man is just way too inept, to ever get away with the things they are trying to do with the people's money, and the people's property.
We want to see documentation on the sanitation contract, and we want to see where they have compensated us for the use of publically owned property.
Better get your ducks in a row, the time for answering has come.
East Ender, at 3:12 PM, March 29, 2006
Speaking of Cheaters
"It seems that IU wants to win so badly that they will even hire a aledged rule breaker to do it. Kelvin Sampson, whose current University (Oklahoma) is under investigation from NCAA rules violations, is now the new head coach of IU. Just what we need! If Mike wasn't bad enough, now we have another mediocre coach. Mike doesn't seem so bad now. Look out for coming soon."
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, March 29, 2006
I <3 Informed!
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM, March 29, 2006
Hello, is anbody going to see Lynn Cheney tomorrow at the Calumet Club? I think that is exciting that the Vice Presidents Wife is going to be here in New Albany.
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, March 29, 2006
Did ya catch that thar phrase "could you dumb things down to "his" level". OUCH.
Anonymous, at 4:23 PM, March 29, 2006
wow calm down, it was a compliment. <3=heart in internet speak.
Anonymous, at 4:29 PM, March 29, 2006
I'm a democrat and I do like Mrs. Chaney. Bet the republicans will be out in force tomorrow.
Anonymous, at 8:47 PM, March 29, 2006
See what happens when you come in with an insolent attitude that prevents you from being able to have a rational and respectful conversation.
You simply ASSUME that everyone here is wrong, hateful, and not capable of providing accurate, factual information.
You know what they say about that word ASSUME...
Try not to be so automatically defensive, and perhaps you won't be so easily aggravated.
East Ender, at 9:55 PM, March 29, 2006
Laura: Many taxpayers in New Albany think that you are doing a great job of getting out the facts about the way our city is now being operated. Don't
let the anonymous remarks discourage you. It appears that some of them just want to throw stones at you to distract you, and keep you from getting the facts out to us.
Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM, March 29, 2006
Thanks anon.,
I know we are doing the right thing, we are doing what we are supposed to be doing.
My philosophy:
When you find your way to what you're supposed to be doing, the Universe will take care of you.
We have the information, we have the people, and we have the purpose.
That's all we need.
It is unfortunate that some people out there want to make all this out to be about 'personal' issues.
Liking or not liking the Mayor, or anyone else for that matter, is not the crux of our work.
What we are doing is trying to save this City from repeated bad decisions and ultimately utter destruction in terms of economic revival.
We can't just sit back and watch as they take our community apart and literally piece it out for sale to the highest bidder, and the lowest morality.
We are making great strides. Just sit back and watch as it all unfolds.
East Ender, at 12:43 AM, March 30, 2006
Informed: There are several blogs in town, why are you singling the SPEAK OUT LOUD NEW ALBANY "thang"?
You take care, and be sure and click that mouse another direction, which would agree with your philosophies and your antidotes.
We WILL TAKE CARE OF OURS. Sorry you can't add ANYTHING to the discourse. Thanks for trying, though. Hope we don't upset you, but I gotta tell ya, well, nevermind. Thanks for whatever you brought to the table for conversation and debate -- but I'm still figuring out your purpose in life. You take care now, you hear?
Anonymous, at 2:51 AM, March 30, 2006
How dare you provoke mayhem in this City! We didn't realize you had that much power.
How dare you look at that Audit? How dare you post overflowing sewers that weren't fixed with OUR $44 million dollars?
Name calling. We've already been through all of that, haven't we?
Please answer us this question, which seems to have been ignored -- if the Council has passed a resolution and Redevelopment has one too, where each fund that dilapidated building fund each year -- why is it still in the negative? Where are those monies?
It is exactly the same case with EDIT and the sewer inner City maintenance fund. Each year that is to be funded with monies from EDIT. Where are those monies?
This is not necessarily more important than the missing monies out of the dilapidated building fund, but ARE legally because they are tied to the amended Consent Decree, Appendix D.
Thanks for any answers you can provide. Appreciation for you EastEnder. Hang in there.
Anonymous, at 12:27 PM, March 30, 2006
We need some imput from blogtastic on these issues?
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM, March 30, 2006
Randy Smith spotted going into NAPD today. Guess he's now suckin up to the Chief? Glad your shutting down VH glad to see you go!
Mayor's Boy
Anonymous, at 8:48 PM, March 30, 2006
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Anonymous, at 10:09 PM, March 30, 2006
Dear Informed,
The Mayor has already admitted publicly he knows this money is missing and he doesn't know how he is going to pay it back. Please don't try and tell us whom to talk to. She was involved with him in telling taxpayers the answer to our question that it WAS MISSING. They couldn't figure out how to pay it back.
We guess you weren't at that meeting, maybe. We can understand that. It's hard to attend all of them.
We have already availed ourselves of this information and confronted the situation; with no luck. Maybe you'll have more advice for us. Thanks for the input.
Anonymous, at 11:22 PM, March 30, 2006
What's with ugly statements like the one I just removed?
What does this accomplish?
Does it make you feel better to make nasty remarks like that?
That's real mature while at the same time your heros are working towards unification between orgs. to accomplish positive changes for the City.
East Ender, at 3:00 PM, March 31, 2006
informed -
I think what you are mixed up about is the difference between denial, and "mis-information".
You would be amazed at the volumes of data and documentation I have acquired in the past few years.
You would be even more amazed at the stacks of documents others have been sitting on for more than a decade.
We'll try real hard not to name names either. At least not yet.
I wish we could get you to understand that this has nothing to do with personal likes or dislikes, this has to do with ability or ineptitude.
uUUnfortunately, the latter is what we've had for the past 2 and 1/2 yrs.
Where's the money?
East Ender, at 3:51 PM, March 31, 2006
If I knew the answer, then we wouldn't be having this discussion now would we?
East Ender, at 5:10 PM, March 31, 2006
Which leads to another instance of ineptitude...
The Mayor SHOULD have the answers to our questions.
That's his JOB!
Did you know that as part of the Mayors job description, it is the Mayor's duty to be the responsible person for enforcing the ordinances of the City?
We've got hundreds of these little tidbits of information on many isses.
HE should be held ACCOUNTABLE.
Since we seem to be having some significant problems with this issue of code enforcement, I am not willing to support another run at a City Court, with the taxpayers money, until he takes on the responsibilities of his job duties.
East Ender, at 5:28 PM, March 31, 2006
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