The 2004 Audit Findings
The City Audit for 2004 is nothing short of a horror story. The inaccuracies and the ineptitude it points out are only the tip of a vary large iceberg. The City of New Albany is, quite unfortunately, symbolicly the 'Titanic' that has crashed into this mountain of mismanagment, misappropriations, and mishandling of City finances and functionality.
We are now left 'dead in the water', with damages that are so devestating it will indeed take years to correct. That is about the only true statement made by Mayor Garner at the last Council Meeting. The rest of his blubbering "it's not my fault", and "it's because of the past administrations", just doesn't cut it with us, the people of the inner-city who are taking the hit for every bad decision and mis-step this Administration has taken.
Economic development is at a standstill due to the unwillingness to adhere to a Federal and State agreements to make critical repairs to the sanitary sewage system, and every day that passes bring us closer to the moment our ship will slip beneath the cold, dark waters of the abyss. Who knows how many will survive?
How many souls have disappeared from our City? Just look around at all the "For Sale" and "For Rent" signs that are littering the landscape. It's all that's left of a once proud little City that chugged along with residents who lived their entire lives in homes that now house renters, or have been left to rot from neglect.
Now, we are presented with a City Audit that clearly shows the dismal failures of the leadership of the our City.
We have multiple issues we intend to address over the course of the next few days, but for now we are going to leave things here and allow folks to start commenting on the issues they feel are most important.
The lack of ordinance enforcement ties to the monies, also. EDIT monies connected with the BONDS, where Council passed unanimously, $270,000 per year into the inner-city sewer maintenance fund. We have asked how this Mayor intends to restore that money and he did not know.
We feel the EDIT monies must be paid back into the sewers, legally, because it supports Appendix D of the Consent Decree, which is again under modifications.
It's simply another matter of the administration not following nor enforcing (well, some selective enforcement) the laws, whatever they may be -- financial, building, you name it.
That would be our frustration, also.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, March 23, 2006
To us, the point would be ACCOUNTABILITY, and we are going to keep on insisting on it.
If you do not like what is on this blog, why read it? Why comment? Simply to distract? Nice try...but it won't work.
We have serious monies "missing in action", which are desperately needed. This City is not allowed to have under 0 balances, nor misappropriations. Period. The End. We did not pick who is working for the Mayor downtown. He picked his crew chiefs; simply look at how many Building Commissioners we went through.
This is America, and we are allowed to voice our opinions. You may choose to disagree, but then you wouldn't really care about the monies, would you?
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM, March 23, 2006
That's why we need Valla Ann for Mayor. To come in and straighten this town out. Now that's courage taken this City on. Talk about:
Cleaning up New Albany.
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM, March 23, 2006
Snoop Dog Goldberg is on the prowl in the City County Building! Do you think he will uncover any dirt on the Mayor?
Guess we will have to wait and see.
Rumor is "Snoop Dog might have a few bones in his closet? Or video tapes?
Anonymous, at 5:33 PM, March 23, 2006
someone needs to stand up for the little people of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, March 23, 2006
Ceece -
If your real purpose is to call out rude and unnecessary behavior, you're on the wrong blog.
They play those games over at NAC.
However, since you seem to be following the thread here...
Why were you not around calling out the rudeness of comments in the last posting?
Why did you not call out the unnecessary behavior of trotting out people's VERY PERSONAL business?
Why Ceece, if you are so equal minded were you completely silent?
Do you find that the behavior displayed here in the previous posting from the anonymous people who question our "agenda" and who so pity the "lesser class", was appropriate?
East Ender, at 9:17 PM, March 23, 2006
GO LSU!!!!
In case you weren't watching, LSU just beat Duke by 8 points!
After all they've been through in New Orleans, we can't think of a more deserving team that would play with as much heart as we saw tonight.
We're pulling for them to win it all!!!
Anonymous, at 9:41 PM, March 23, 2006
East Ender,
Herein lies the inheirent difficulty with discussing anything with "Anonomous."
You have no way of knowing, other than speculation on your part,if the comment is from one person pulling your chain or a hundred people just entertaining themselves.
As for Ceece, she is genuinly trying to take the high road, but like me, she sometimes jumps in just for a REALITY CHECK! For her effort she gets lambasted.
Dealing in facts may someday result in unity and positive change.
Dealing in rumors and speculation serves only to insure that nothing ever will change for the better.
Highwayman, at 9:46 PM, March 23, 2006
See what happens when I get excited? I still can't spell! ANONYMOUS!!!
Highwayman, at 9:48 PM, March 23, 2006
GO LSU! Yeaa, Duke got beat! Yeaaa.
There are no rumours, nor is there speculation. The Audit from the State states there should be an investigation of our monies, by the City Council. It's all about educating yourself; which so many can not seem to do.
Don't worry about those chains being yanked, EastEnder. They already are, huh?
Anonymous, at 10:12 PM, March 23, 2006
Boy, do you remember all those cuss words on her blog sight? about the pot calling the kettle black! Rude and inappropriate behavior, my a**. After looking at your blog, it is truly "my" gut feeling you are barking without a bite to back you up. In other words, no credibility. Remember like yesterday reading all of that and mentioning Church in the same article, right? Right.
What do you think about the $3 million missing, Ceece? Can you answer that question? Maybe you know someone who can? Or, is that not your problem? Which one? We want to KNOW FROM YOU!
Anonymous, at 11:04 PM, March 23, 2006
Where the 3mil. go maybe we need to check for a swiss bank acount in Garnder name and the gang of four Thank we find it somebody got it shure isn,t the taxs payers Good work Ladys keep it up
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, March 23, 2006
What never ceases to amaze me is the deflection of every point we make by pointing wobbling fingers in another direction.
Taking us off point is apparently their official mission.
Highwayman -
I did not "lambast" Ceece. I asked relevent questions in response to her assertions.
She proclaims that her involvement includes calling out rudeness and unnecessary behavior.
I am honestly curious about her silence during the recent rampage of exactly such things that went on, with a vengence, without a peep out of her to try to quell the senseless attacks or even to disassociate herself with such tactics.
Yeah, yank my chain.
Otherwise, answer my questions.
It seems no matter how many FACTS we put out there, or how many Resolutions we reference, we cannot get the pro-progressives (PP's) to admit there are flys in the ointment.
As for unity and positive change for New Albany, you must first acknowledge the facts of our situation.
How much clearer do the facts have to get than the State Board of Accounts telling us their findings are " indicator of serious financial problems which should be investigated by the governmental unit." ????
*Overdrawn accounts
*Spending in excess of budget appropriations
*Transfers of funds (loans from one fund to another) without following proper procedures
Etc., etc., etc.
When you can support the ideals of accountability and honesty in our elected officials. When you can refuse to accept from them nothing less than the greatest good for the greatest number of citizens, perhaps we'll have the beginnings of a meeting of the minds.
That will go a long way towards facilitating a united effort to mend the damages that have occurred to our City.
Remember: The mind is like a parachute. It only functions when it's open. (origins of this perfect analogy are unknown to me)
East Ender, at 1:24 AM, March 24, 2006
If the State Board of Accounts can't find the three million, what in hell makes you thinks the rest of you can?
Could be the three million was spent in overtime for police, instead of taking them off the streets. Could be the three million was spent on over time for the street department for limb removal after storms, or snow removal. These folks like you do not work overtime for free!
The three mill is not missing from one account, but spread over many different accounts.
You guys that calling for Valla Ann to run for mayor, do you think the day she puts her hand on a bible and takes oath that everything will be peachy at that moment? Sorry it doesn't work that way, she will inherit the same shit Garner inherited from Overton who inherited the same shit from England, who inherited the same shit from Real or Nash or who ever it was back then!
Your pie in the sky dreams are just that dreams. Maybe it would be nice for Valla Ann to run for mayor and win, and then you guys would have nothing to bitch about! This rag could be wiped from the face of the earth, and we would all be happy little Harper Valley hypocrites. Oh! Yes, the shit would flow to the newly perfect operating sewer system, so the next mayor inherits nothing!
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM, March 24, 2006
anon at 7:41 said
"... will inherit the same shit Garner inherited from Overton who inherited the same shit from England, who inherited the same shit from Real or Nash or who ever it was back then!
Your pie in the sky dreams are just that dreams"
What an optimistic progressive outlook! Same old excuses for Jimmy's poor performance.
When I came home from work this morning, I did see the oracle at New Albany speaking near the old columns on the Spring St end of the City-County bldg. The progressives were kneeling at Jimmy's feet, offering up their ritual sacrifice of the TRUTH!
Anonymous, at 8:33 AM, March 24, 2006
I went back up top and read your original post. It is hard to say that blogtastic took your words out of context when he used your own words exactly as it looks like you intended them.
You say now your point was that the slumlords are taking advantage of the poor people but you never even hinted at that in the original post. Instead you said that ordinace enforcement was the real issue. If you want to make the point that poor people had no pride in a crummy rental house or were afraid to report it because they might be evicted then why did you say they had no pride in ANYTHING?
Sorry, but I think that you pretty much dogged the poor renters in New Albany.
Anonymous, at 10:54 AM, March 24, 2006
Typical lib progressive response.
You took me out of context! I don't mean what I said! Now that I have been caught let me restate that! Your putting words in my mouth even though I typed them! It's your fault! I am a victim! Libel! Slander!
blah, blah, whine, whine, piss and moan
A famous person once said that WORDS MEAN SOMETHING.
Anonymous, at 11:04 AM, March 24, 2006
eastender isn't this where you normally step in and say hey hey let's focus on the issue here?
Or does that only go for your supporters?
Anonymous, at 11:41 AM, March 24, 2006
I did not see him asking for clarification. He called you out for unacceptable coments and said you owe an apology to the poor people in town.
Your impression is wrong again.
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM, March 24, 2006
I have a question and I'm sorry if it's off topic but it will be discussed at the next council meeting.
If the council is supposed to sit as an un-biased body to review the Daisy Ln. development plan passed to them by the Plan Commission with a favorable vote then should Councilman Schmidt recuse himself from the vote since he spoke against this development at the Plan Commission meeting.
Doesn't really sound un-biased to me?
confused taxpayer
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM, March 24, 2006
Do you really want to open that can of worms? Okay. Keep that opinion when Jack Messer and Bev Crump vote on "police" related issues, please. Apply this rationale to each and everyone of the Council members; or is this simply a slam against one?
Where were you when Crump & Messer voted on "police" issues? Please, let's be fair. How about a set of ethics laws to be passed by the Council? Ever thought of that one? Indy did it. Another town, either Jeff or Clark, did it. What an idea.
Anonymous, at 1:51 PM, March 24, 2006
CM's are entitled to have opinions, and even to express those opinions.
If you guys want to start comparing conflicts of interest, I think we can toss out about a half dozen people who sit on multiple Boards that conflict with each other.
Or, what about the Lawyers who represent the City and also represent the developers who are fighting with the City for sewer credits?
How about the conflicts of interest the Mayor himself has?
How about breaking the rules of the Attorney General's office concerning Dual Lucrative Office Holding?
Do you really want to go there?
We would love the opportunity to dig out how many girlfriends and family members have been given jobs with the City out of pure nepitism and political favortism.
I do believe the scales would tip heavily to the side of inproprieties on the part of the Mayor and his associates hiring practices.
East Ender, at 1:57 PM, March 24, 2006
informed -
You are completely mis-informed.
What I mean is you can't call out one and not call out all the others.
We have spoken about this issue before on this blog.
There are serious situations of conflicts of interest which must be resolved.
How in the hell did you manage to think I was saying "since everyone does it it's OK for everyone to continue doing it"?
East Ender, at 2:48 PM, March 24, 2006
Eastender, I guess I agree with you to a certain point. I too believe and understand every council person has an opinion on a vote before it happens. I also agree that council persons Messer and Crump may not be un-bias when it comes to a police issue but Councilman Schmidt did publically speak against this project which I think changes the issue. I don't know anything about people holding more than one office other than to say I don't really think it's fair but I'm not really sure how the law reads.
I also don't think it's fair for a group of people to plan a phone committee calling people who are running for future office saying if the vote for this project they will not wote for them in the next election. That sounds like blackmail to me?
confused taxpayer
Anonymous, at 2:56 PM, March 24, 2006
How about we call the Attorney Generals office and ask them about that?
They may be interested in a few more issues around town as well.
So, might as well make that call now, huh?
I'd like to hear their "opinion" on a couple of contracts the City has made.
East Ender, at 3:27 PM, March 24, 2006
I would assume Eastender is talking about the sanitation contract with SIWM which either the mayor or a very close relative is one of the owners. But I may be confused about that one!
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM, March 24, 2006
Why so shocked and confused "informed"?
I simply said let's give the Attorney General and ask how they might respond to the Dual Lucrative Office Holding, as well as some other things we have questions about.
re: Confused taxpayer 2:56PM
re: Sanitation contract
re: Conflicts of interests
re: Building Commissioners
re: Selective Enforcement
I could go on, but I think these might be a pretty good start on what we feel should be more closely examined regarding the best interests of the consumers/citizens/ratepayers.
East Ender, at 4:32 PM, March 24, 2006
Indiana Constitution
Article 2, Section 9. No person holding a lucrative office or appointment under the United States or under this State is eligible to a seat in the General Assembly; and no person may hold more than one lucrative office at the same time, except as expressly permitted in this Constitution. Offices in the militia to which there is attached no annual salary shall not be deemed lucrative.
(History: As Amended November 6, 1984).
If the council member in question is indeed a member of the plan commission as well it would not violate the above constitutional prohibition. Whether a plan commission member speaks out against a project, or simply votes against it, it is part of the job.
Plan commission offices are not lucrative offices under Indiana code. Any questions would best be directed to the Indiana Election Commision, in the Secretary of State's office. There was an attorney named Bradley King who used to be there and answer all calls quickly. It has been three years since I spoke with him. I do not know if he is still there or not. The AG really has nothing to do with it.
Like it or not that's the way it is.
No different in the county, where a commissioner was a member of the plan commission and when a project came up for approval on a farm he was trying to sell, he voted for it. Then the SOB voted as a commssioner to rescind a specific portion of the zoning law to make it easier and more profitable for the project to proceed. Once the project became more profitable to the developer the commisioner's farmland likwise increased in value.
Stinks but legal.
Unethical you bet.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, March 24, 2006
Councilman Schmidt is not a member of the Plan Commission I don't believe. If I understand correctly, he spoke against the project during the comments from the public portion of the meeting.
Just for the record I believe this development will creat a major traffic headache on Daisy Ln. just like Trinity Run did that's why I'm not infavor of this development. I'm just glad I don't have to drive through that are very much. I'm sure all the rich members of the country club are not happy about this either since the traffic may make them late for a tee time or a drink after work.
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 4:55 PM, March 24, 2006
I want to throw my nickle and dimes into this conversation.I did not vote either for James Garner nor Overton. And the reason why is I felt neither one was qualified. I did write in a name. But that's not the point I want to make.
As "Concerned Taxpayer" I try to look at the full picture. I believe in voting for the person that can do the job. I fully agree this mess goes way back. I will continue to attack James Garner. Because I truly feel he is unfit to be Mayor. Several of us discuss the happening in New Albany alot. And yes everyone has an opinion and regardless of what is said to me I will never support him "EVER"! I can not think of one thing he has even done right/or a decision that is in my best interest! He continues to find and angle in everything he does. He has also violated everything a real Democrat stands for. Unions, working men and women and the middle class citizens.
I totally feel it is Bull-Shit that we have citizens in New Albany that knows more of what is going on in this city then some of the Council Members. And I feel several are strickly looking out for themself! As they say nothing gained nothing lost?
Jack and Bev are looking out for the police Dept. Donnie has sold his fellow workers out. And then you have Seabrook? Oh lord we won't even go there. I have been in places where he is talking outside of council and he totally sings a different song. I pray he wins in Nov. that is one guy who bitches and screams the loudest. I am totally sick and tired of Jack saying"Your trying to hold up progress?!%+* Progress B/S...THIS CITY IS FLAT BROKE! "WE ARE ROBBING" peter to pay Paul. No one can convience me that Kay Garry and James Garner does not know this. Jimmy has made one big mistake after another. And continues as I type making the same ole "I don't know statement!"
So I ask you what does he know?
We have places on pearl street that is not even hooked up to a sewer lines! Until the sewers are fixed there should be nothing built. I am not against Scribner Place. What I am against is the pool! And my property taxes to be used to back up this project. We have been lied to about the deal with Georgetown. And I am glad they are building their own plant.
Greg Fifer has been promising them the moon the sun and the sky. And has been lining his pockets from the developers and the citizens of New Albany. I personally ask him to his face with a witness did he not feel what he was doing was a conflict of interested. He spit and sputtered and could not even answer for a few minutes. His basic answer to me was I am a taxpayer too!
I ask you bloggers who in the "Hell is looking out" for us? Who as an elected offical is looking out for my interest, my money, and my investment? My neighbor and my family? Who has are best interest at heart? I've read several other blogs: You need to spend money to make money! But Sir, we have none! NO-$$$$$$$..
Mayor Real tried! Doug tried! Regina tried! Garner tried?
Can our next Mayor clean this town up and fix it? With the right person I believe it can happen!
They say you can judge a person or a leader by their actions. And I SAY TO You New Albany: James Garner has not only broken almost every promise he made/ and is not qualified himself. He does not have qualified people doing the people of New Albany's business!
Now tell me how Adam Dickey who came from working in the Child Support Div. is qualified to be making decisions on Redevelopement?
Look at Wheatley he came right out of B. Hills office as a political favor and got his job!
You have attack Dan Coffey when he does have some reasonable ideas. Bill Schmidt, Steve Price, Larry Kochert. Several of you attack their wives and family's. My personal opinion is any one who recieves one "friggin dollar" that I pay on their salary is going to hear from me!
I want a Mayor who has the guts to stand up and tell the truth! Were broke-we got to cut back. Why ahould us citizens have to pay for their mistakes and bad choices!
I want a Mayor who will cut every perf that can be cut.
I want a Mayor who will lead by example.
I want a mayor who has nothing to gain by any decision they make!
I want a council that is not afraid to say "Just wait one damn minute this is not what is best for the citizens of New Albany.
I want a mayor who will not make back room deals. And hold peoples jobs over there head.
I want a mayor who will freeze all spending in New Albany.
I want a Mayor who will call for an audit and hold the elected officals accountiable.
I want a mayor who is going to work for me and look out for the citizens. Regardless if you make $400,000.00 a year or if you make $17,000.00 a year.
I want a mayor who is not afraid to make the hard decisions.
I want a mayor who will drive there own car to work!
I want a mayor who will have the guts to pull all the cell phones and make the cuts. And have the guts to stand up to the citizens in New Albany and say "WE ARE IN A CRISIS! Park them police cars until things are better. Make the employees pay more on the Insurance.
This city is divided. I am one of the little people of New Albany. And I have had nothing handed to me. I know wealthy little people, educated little people who love New Albany.I might not have a big savings account but I am rich in so many other ways. Many of you do not realize what being the little people is all about. Someone who helps their neighbors, there friends and family. Some one who does not consider themself better but equal. We all put our pants on the same way one leg at a time.
New Albany again could be the "All American City" like it once was. I will continue to defend the "Little People of New Albany."
I will continue to stand what I believe in. You have your opinion and I just gave you a small touch of my opinion.
So get them fingers ready cause I know you will have alot to say. And attack me. But that's ok. I'm one of the "proud little people" of New Albany!
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM, March 24, 2006
welcome back CT
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM, March 24, 2006
It's about time the curtain gets drawn back in this town. We need more fiscal responsibility. Stop with the skimming-maybe credibility & taxpayer confidence can begin to be restored.
My question: Why did James run for office if he isn't going to work for all the people.
It's absolutely ridiculous
This is why we support VAB.
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM, March 24, 2006
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, March 24, 2006
Bill Schmidt is holier than thou isnt he just like he went around the sewer board for a private drainage project and how he doesnt have any idea how VAB had a full copy of the audit but he was at the exit interview with the state a few days before the staged auditgate at the council meeting. Yeh Schmidt is above suspicion
Anonymous, at 9:20 PM, March 24, 2006
9:20 pm. You again have you facts wrong. The exit meeting was Feb. 14 and the Council meeting was March 16. So again you have yur facts wrong.....
Anonymous, at 9:52 PM, March 24, 2006
loved your post concern taxpayer. Glad to see you back and in rare form.
Thanks for speaking up for us.
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM, March 24, 2006
So, Brandon, are you helping Shane out, or just working on here full time? Curiouser and curiouser...
What do we pay you to do downtown? More curious.
Sorry, that's just the law geek in me, too. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 10:42 PM, March 24, 2006
Every Council Member is supposed to receive an end of month vendors report, or what they call a "green-bar" report.
As all the CM's have been so heavily assailed by the PP's for not obtaining information by their own volition rather than expecting information to be provided to them, this is exactly what CM's Schmidt and Price do on a regular basis.
Go ask if they regularly come in to ask for that monthly green-bar report and you will find they do.
There is/was no conspiracy to "set up" any "auditgate".
Geez, talk about paranoia.
As for the Audit knowledge, CM Schmidt followed proper protocol by not speaking of it until the Mayor fessed up that the audit was indeed available (which he didn't).
The availability of the audit was pursued by a private citizen by going thru the proper channels and requesting a copy upon its release.
Just because the Mayor chose to deny the audit was available, or worse yet, being unaware it was available, doesn't mean anyone was sneaking around to get a copy before him.
Most likely, he was in no hurry and just didn't want anyone to see it, knowing the results would be as dismal as his tenure.
As for CM Schmidt, he is one of the most honorable gentleman I have ever known.
He and wife Anna are the greatest assets the citizens of New Albany have in terms of truly protecting the best interests of the people.
They are both upstanding citizens, whose honesty and genuine care for the community are unparalleled.
I find it deplorable that Garner has stooped so low as to point a finger in their direction concerning any inappropriate actions.
Shame on you Jimmy!!!!
Thanks to Bill and Anna Schmidt for their unimpeachable integrity.
East Ender, at 11:53 PM, March 24, 2006
The bottom line is that there are only about 5-7 people that post on this stupid blog.
Anonymous, at 10:08 AM, March 25, 2006
Anonymous 8:00 PM, March 24, 2006,
I may be confused again but I don't believe anyone said anything about Councilman Schmidt being a member of the Plan Commission. I believe you are correct about Council woman Crump being both a member of the Plan Commission and the City Council but I believe she is the Council appointed member of the Plan Commission and someone from the Council has to sit on the Plan Commission.
I also agree that Councilman Schmidt was I'm sure there to support the people in his area but I don't believe he should get up and speak against something that he is going to vote either for or against at the Council if the Council is really supposed to listen to both sides and then make a decision. That would be kinda like giving an opinion in the media about a person on trial and then going on the jury and saying you can listen to both sides and give an un-biased opinion.
Again, I'm new to all of this but you people here and on the other blogs are helping me to learn.
Tnak you.
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 12:26 PM, March 25, 2006
We are speculating here. Why not wait until the meeting, or call 'em up and see how they feel. We have every confidence the Schmidts will do the right thing, because they have been doing so for years. (Against all odds, I might add!)
A lot of elected officials think citizen or taxpayer advocates are a pain in the buttocks; to me, it's our duty as citizens.
We feel we came across a terrible "accident" on the highway and keep trying to help, because we CAN'T JUST WALK AWAY. This is OUR TOWN.
Have a good day, New Albany. It's kind of windy(:)) today, so hold on to your hats!
Anonymous, at 12:57 PM, March 25, 2006
How about this one:
What do you think of the "administration" tabling resolutions that are on the agenda just prior to the meeting commencing because they have already polled the CM's and know they do not have enough votes for the resolution to pass/fail.
I and many others have heard this going on in the hallways repeatedly.
They will pull the proposed resolution in order to have more time to "convince" CM's that they should vote the way the Administration wants them to vote on it.
I'm not saying this happens ALL the time, but it's happened enough to warrant concern.
Is this not the same thing as "stacking" the votes?
Does this practice not take away the essence of the process that CM's are to consider the arguments for both sides of the proposed resolution and vote on it by their own will and/or opinion?
Too much of what goes on in this town goes on behind the scenes.
The Council meetings seem like they are becomming nothing more than a formality.
Often, minds and votes are made up before the actual process takes place.
East Ender, at 1:01 PM, March 25, 2006
Good point EastEnder, but it's been going on so long we don't know if they can stop.
Our first Council meeting we ever attended, there was one lone Councilperson in the room; most others were in the City Clerk's office (Overton); and you could hear what all they said. We looked at each other funny, and we finally asked the lone Councilperson if we were in the right room. We stated it sounded like the meeting was going on behind us. This Councilperson said, it does -- doesn't it?
This has been years ago, and do you know who the lone Councilperson was that did not and does not play these shenanigans? Should I give you 3 guesses or one? Let us know.
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM, March 25, 2006
Is it the administration pulling the resolution or is it the person behind the resolution pulling it? If I had something up for a vote and didn't think I had enough votes for it to pass, then I would pull it and hope to bring it back later after I had made changes. I don't really think I see anything wrong with doing that and I would think I would have a rite to do that since it would be my resolution. If I had spent alot of time on it and didn't want it to die. Remeber I said I don't think it's a problem for a Council Member to have an opion before a vote but I don't think it right for them to publically speak against something before a vote.
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 1:43 PM, March 25, 2006
Mr. Mayor just didn't want the audit out yet! In fact I was told he already had his copy? Of cource I am waiting now to hear Regina gave it to Valla Ann. I think she is the only person left to blame.I did not like Overton but I thought I would never say this. At least she was smarter than Garner?
Anonymous, at 3:57 PM, March 25, 2006
If they want to think we're doing nothing to change our misfortunes, then let them think that.
There certainly aren't any "lazy ass[es]" among the folks we've been working with. In fact, it's a lot of work to keep up with every mess this Mayor has made.
But, it's worth the effort to get this community back on track and expose the corruption that permeates the political processes.
The Audit is only another tool by which we can gather information to support what we already know.
Accountability and responsibility are no longer optional for politicians in this City.
We intend to make that a well understood and nonnegotiable FACT!
New Albany deserves better.
East Ender, at 7:54 PM, March 25, 2006
To -
our first council meeting 1:PM Sat.
That lone, up front and honest CM was Mr. Bill Schmidt.
He was not engaged in the pre-meeting negotiations.
East Ender, at 12:16 AM, March 26, 2006
Yep, you nailed it EastEnder! Evidently, though, it will take SOME people in this town a long time to figure that little ditty out. It spoke volumes then; and it always has since then. Must be why some of the Council JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND when Councilman Schmidt brings something in and puts it on the table...the words are spoken -- how come we didn't see this BEFORE the meeting?!?
We're working on the Sunshine Laws and Open Records Access...worked too hard on helping get these laws passed!
Of course, those laws were wrote for CITIZENS for protection of our rights -- see all, you know the drill. Thanks for answering. Do you know that might be one of the first times we've seen a question answered! Thanks.
Anonymous, at 4:00 AM, March 26, 2006
Can anyone tell me just how you would do a better job a bein mayor???
What would you actually do that he hasn't???
Anonymous, at 6:35 AM, March 26, 2006
Gee, I think honesty and accountability would go a long way in earning the respect and trust of the citizens who elected me.
I would hire truly competent Department leaders, and I would never utter the words:
"It's not my fault"
If I were in the 'position' he is in now... I would first freeze all discretionary spending and launch a full out investigation of what went wrong in the Audit.
And, I would apologize.
Then, I would do whatever it takes to get the "borrowed" and mis-spent funds back into the Sewage Works fund, including postphoning the Scribner pools, and calling in a couple of TIF District dollars.
I would vow to fix the sewers without any more costs, or health risks to the ratepayers.
Thus, economic development could resume before they all head off to other locations.
I would then find, and use, every available resource to re-populate the Downtown district utilizing a Smart Growth development model.
New Albany would soon be back on its collective feet, and the funds used to fix the sewers would be earned back 10-fold.
Then, and only then, I would consider a run at a second term.
East Ender, at 10:27 AM, March 26, 2006
Read the Tribune today chicken littles, the sky isnt falling New Albany is in line with other cities audit comments. Can we say oops guess we listen to the wrong sources?
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM, March 26, 2006
We respectfully would disagree with the Tribune's "analysis" of the Audit findings, comparing those findings to other cities in Indiana.
As a taxpayer who watched citizens bring before the Council the fact the City had "two" sets of books -- let's see that year was what (01)? The next year citizens brought to the Council the "data" was "lost" -- let's see that year was what (02)? '03 and '04 Audits, the State couldn't make "heads nor tails" out of.
Our analysis of the '05 Audit would be based on what has happened in the past few years, rather than what is happening in other cities comparable to our "size".
The Citizens of this town have been waiting for the financials (true financials) for too long. The Citizens of this town have worked too hard trying to restore the financials, if even possible, huh?
Under the heading New Albany:
1. You are "legally" not allowed to do this as a public official(insufficient records and overdrawn accounts).
2. Problems with contracted bill collectors? The only "bill collectors" contract the advocates know of would be connected with sewers, and the City threw that one up in the air, because THEY COULDN'T COLLECT. If there is another contract collecting something or anything, Citizens would like to see same; and I will use that word "if" for a good reason.
3. We bought new (we assume state prescribed) financial software in, let's see, '02 to '03, alongwith new computers, right? What gives with coming up with a corrective action plan NOW at the midpoint almost of '06?
The Citizens, that's who gives.
We are tired of giving, tired of trying to find the monies, and were eagerly awaiting a more accurate analysis than this article contains.
City to City comparisons? Nah, that would be like comparing apples and oranges. Tooooo easy....tooooooo smooth...tooooo much.....tooooooo late!
Then again, those would be our opinions.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, March 26, 2006
OK, Mr. Mayor, Here's your re-election list
1. Apologize and quit saying, "It's not my fault."
2. Freeze discretionary funds.
3. Make every effort to move funds back into the Sewer Works Fund.
4. Fix the sewers
5. Use a Smart Growth Model to revitalize and repopulate downtown.
6. Slow some of the Scribner Place Development
7. Address the inadequacies in the audit.
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM, March 26, 2006
Great job Laura and Yvonne!
Glad I'm not Mayor they'd all be in Jail. I'd start on the 3rd floor and go all the way to the basement!
It will happen yet?
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, March 26, 2006
New Albany couple await Hill’s election
Seymour Tribune
Readers Forum
We are anxiously awaiting Baron Hill’s return as our representative. He can count on our support and volunteerism. As we told him before, we truly appreciate him and his efforts. We just love Baron Hill, literally. So proud that he was a Bluedog Democrat; so proud of all the work he did with seniors; and mostly proud of his integrity and reputation. We hope New Albany politics leave him alone this election. It’s bad here in town.
Frank Lucchese and Yvonne Kersey
New Albany
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM, March 26, 2006
Let's see now...the $300,000.00 we are being told was to "collect" medical monies of some type.
We put "collect" in parenthesis because of the lack of "collecting" the free-flushers monies in New Albany, the lack of "collecting" past due garbage & recycling, the lack of "collecting" any type of building code fines,...
Did the Mayor truly say, in the last City Council meeting, this Audit wasn't as bad as '02's? Seeing he was on the Council then and participated in the events that unfolded, gotta admit we're having a tough time swallowing that line about right now. The implication of his knowledge of the events which did transpire with our financials then should make a lot of people sit up and take notice. Now, that's only if he made that statement. We'll check our records, geeee.
Comparing us to Carmel, IN. Wishful thinking...
And we are trying to figure out the logic being tossed around where we "should be used to", or this isn't "as bad as it could be", or whatever?
Gimme a break.
Anonymous, at 4:37 PM, March 26, 2006
And that thar $300,000.00 don't quite = $3,000,000.00, does it? That's rite, itz only zeroesssssssssss. Hah.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM, March 26, 2006
At least they got the names right this time on their letter they keep posting. We will make sure they are notified.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, March 26, 2006
Yeah right, comparing our audit findings to other City's audits is like comparing one guy who's 6'4" and 250lbs. to another guy who's 6'4", 250lbs.
What's the logic?
How different do you think their life experiences might be?
How much of their 'history' could be comparable?
If one was a criminal, would it make it acceptable if the other became a criminal as well?
They are grabbing at straws trying to make the audit "acceptable".
Here's the real news:
East Ender, at 7:26 PM, March 26, 2006
Velocity, Courier-Journal Week of
March 22 - 28
Informal Democratic Club mixing politics and socializing.
7:00 pm Rich-o's Public House, 3312 Plaza Drive
Drinking Liberally Theme
Okay, you got us Roger. We belong to the Democrat Party and would know nothing about this. Could you, would you, be more specific? Is this a "new" Democrat party, one who factions with Garner? Is this the Pro-Progressives calling theirselves the "new Democrat Party"?
Thank you, simply interested as a Democrat.
Anonymous, at 8:20 PM, March 26, 2006
A new establishment in town it's The Less than Admiral B&B. A place to stay on your next witchhunt,character assasination and political skulduggery.
yes come stay at The Less than Admiral B&B where you can relax in overpriced comfort while planning your next political smear campaign. Better hurry before next years auditors' convention.
Anonymous, at 10:13 PM, March 26, 2006
FCDS at 8:26PM
For inquiring minds, here is the link to their national website. Go there and click on the Indiana map and you'll find a wealth of information. Happy reading!
Highwayman, at 10:51 PM, March 26, 2006
This, "Informal Democratic Club mixing politics and socializing."
Apparently meets every Wednesday evening at 7:00pm @ Rich-o's.
(you know, the PP club)
I can't help but wonder which "Selected Democrats" are invited to this weekly function, since more than a few that I know had no idea what it was when asked.
Just another thinly veiled cover for the 'supremacists' in the community to devise their plans to annihilate the "lesser class" as they like to call us.
Sound familiar?
East Ender, at 2:21 AM, March 27, 2006
FYI..The Democrats also meet at "WHITE CASTLE" in the am..MAYBE ROGER NEEDS TO TALK TO THE REAL DEMOCRATS! Cause believe me they sure know who he is. In fact many of them call him that "Nut guy who writes crap on his blog, and letters to the editor.
Anonymous, at 5:18 AM, March 27, 2006
Good Morning NA Bloggers
It's time for the mayor to wake up and start spending some of our hardworking tax dollars.
Anonymous, at 7:05 AM, March 27, 2006
Good Morning from The Less Than Admiral Inn B&B. For today's brunch menu we have sour grapes, auditgate salad, Little People's stew and of course our main entree Grandstanding "where's the beef" oh wellington!
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM, March 27, 2006
Wake up, Democrats, you are being used to bring in more beer business for Baylor.
Anonymous, at 8:44 AM, March 27, 2006
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM, March 27, 2006
Is the town joke in New Albany going to be.... ?????
If you are driving down the street and see a Democrat bumper sticker on a car, then you better watch out cause..
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM, March 27, 2006
Is there a Council Meeting tonight I think I want to atend my first meeting. They sounds like fun?
confused taxpayer?
Anonymous, at 11:12 AM, March 27, 2006
And there you have it in a nutshell. If any CITIZEN speaks, after signing in of course, YOU will be BASTARDIZED, NAME CALLED, and accused of GRANDSTANDING, no matter what your issue may be with the City, or if you asked questions as to where OUR money is, etc.
Some would rather take a beating than go to these meetings, but feel it is the public's responsiblity. THEY don't like it, but please, I beg of you, don't let that stop anyone. WE, the CITIZENS, need HELP, and are not ashamed to ask.
Is CHDO meeting at the bars because the subject is SOOO tedious for them, or is it simply because they need to relax? Too funny. Can you imagine the OTHER boards meeting at bars? What fun, right?
Sure am glad R&R are telling us which Dems are in bed with the PP's. It will help our family when it comes to whom we will allow to clutter our yard using their signage, right, right?
Take care, New Albany & God bless us all!
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM, March 27, 2006
We are certainly grateful for you explaining how Mr. Gahan works these Council meetings. Also glad you are explaining how some get to speak without the mandatory "signing" of the "sheet". Oh, that's right. Only the PP's get to interrupt and speak without signing that "official" piece of paper.
Yeah, right. Keep on preaching; coz we just aren't buying it. All we can say to citizens, attend, watch and see what really happens at these meetings. Ha. Ha. Ha.
Anonymous, at 12:11 PM, March 27, 2006
You know, that all sounds gooooooodddd, Informed. Maybe you should take a walk in our shoes, because we have a life, too.
We, as citizens, are allowed to asked the Council about our monies, etc. We talk to various Council ALL THE TIME, and still have questions from the main body as to how they could allow this mis-management of what "Council" controls to continue. And, trust us, we will.
Everyone downtown has a job to do the citizens are paying good monies for. The Council needs to clamp down and hard, and a lot of citizens are going to be looking at them for relief. We can already tell you may have a problemo with that, huh?
Don't worry. It is still going to happen. THE COUNCIL is ultimately responsible for OUR MONIES -- unfortunately for some of them that have tried to rein in the spending.
Too many promises by this Mayor while he ran for office. Does that not matter to you? Does it not matter to you these Council reps are on the hot seat over this Audit? Nah. It sure does to us, though. That would be our conscience speaking. Not sure what angle you are speaking from. There is no hidden agendas here, except ACCOUNTABILITY.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, March 27, 2006
YEAH, & guess what else? public has a right to speak during THEIR time at Council about ANYTHING THEY WANT TO. does that make you mad? aw, too bad, so sad. make us cry, why don't cha?
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM, March 27, 2006
Hey, New Albany! Do you feel the City has heard from the EPA yet? We have heard that response should have been in, let's see, this past Monday.
By the way, Informed, I talked to a Council member about this subject. Guess I can't ask Council members that report to the Council from the Sewer Board? Which is it Informed. What issues are allowed? We've gone to our reps, building commissioners, Mayor, Planning, Zoning, the State (various departments there), concerning major problems with housing/zoning/building code laws and still have got NO WHERE.
Glad you've walked in ALL OF OUR FOOTSTEPS, because by gosh, maybe you should HAVE TO.
Yeah, Give Us All A Break. You can't BS a BS'er.
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM, March 27, 2006
do u mean it's after Ron McKulich's business hours, and he needs to relax during the meeting and that is why it is held at bars? Yeah, we have heard that rumored out there...only had a hard time grasping the idea.
As some 1 else said little while earlier, can u imagine ALL the boards meeting at the bars? Got to admit, that was funny!
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM, March 27, 2006
Anonymous, at 2:03 PM, March 27, 2006
Someone said that the CHDO Public Board has moved their meeting from the
Richo BAr to Passtimes Bar.
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, March 27, 2006
Informed, are you saying we DON'T have the information. Sorry. We, a taxpayer advocacy group, have 30 years of information we HAVE ALREADY COMPILED. Matter of fact, one of those trusty souls is relocating and we are looking for a place to archive their 15 years of COMPILING INFORMATION, which cost a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Excuse us while we go gargle.
History has never been as important in New Albany as it IS RIGHT NOW. We feel some of you simly choose to not look at the information available (notice I put available in there).
Keep on putting it out there, though. Fool us once, ah, shame on you. Fool us twice (a lot more in this case), SHAME ON US.
We are taking this personally, as maybe you can tell. Good luck with your gargling. Bittersweet, isn't it?
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, March 27, 2006
To Anon at 2:03 -- we don't know and we are trying to find out. One of the R's is talking about Stumler on his blog.
We're looking and checking. We are as curious as you are. Thanks for asking!
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM, March 27, 2006
I am new at this public political discussion. Could someone please tell me who the Democrat P-P's are ?
I have been a lifelong Democrat. The
beer bars, P-P's and all those boards meeting at the bars sure make me take a long look at the Democrat Party.
This is not the Democrat Party that I have known and, and respected for many years.
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM, March 27, 2006
On the search question about Stumler being elected Democrat Chairman.
Look at NA Confidential.. March 27, 2006
About middle of article,it says,
" admit to freely rejoicing".
I guesss taht means they rejoiced when Stumler was made Democrat Chair.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, March 27, 2006
The so-called "Democrat" PP's, would be the Pro-Progressive party members, as they like to refer to theirselves.
The bashing of all of us, including this also lifelong Democrat, is very real and very NOT one-sided. Thanks for noticing.
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM, March 27, 2006
I must step in here and make a statement regarding some CHDO Executive Board meetings that took place at Rich O's a couple of years ago.
At the time, I was the Vice President of that board.
It was decided (without my input)to meet there a couple of times out of convenience for one or more of the Executive Board members who works in the vicinity.
No one was drinking alcohol, but the bad lighting made it rather impossible to conduct business there, and frankly, it was a bad idea and I made my objections clear.
You must remember however that the CHDO is a private, non-partisan, non-profit entity and has nothing to do with City operations or tax dollar spending.
They do meet after normal working hours and all Board members are unpaid volunteers who like to unwind after work.
They have never held a full Board meeting there, or at any bar, to my knowledge.
Carry On.
East Ender, at 3:03 PM, March 27, 2006
To East Ender: Thank you for the information. It is so sad that some information is getting criss-crossed on the blogs. The CHDO has helped many people be able to afford homes.
It is unfortunate that the CHDO had to be drug into the Democrat meetings at the bars. I have never heard the CHDO to be a support for either the Democrat or Republican Party.
Anonymous, at 3:16 PM, March 27, 2006
If you ride around this town with a Democratic bumper sticker what you really need to watch out for are roofing nails! Lions and Tigers and Bears.....OH MY!
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, March 27, 2006
I'm a democrat and I have Republican and Democrat stickers on my car! So Lions,tigers,and bears....what they going to do blow up my car?
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, March 27, 2006
Seems like roger is all talk. Stars and stripes? Randy Stumler does not even know Roger Baylor. Like many of the other democrats think the R&R is the joke of New Albany. Everyone knows what liars they are.If they don't like what you say they come after you. Thanks Freedom of Speech all of you got it all together. Keep up the great work.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, March 27, 2006
Take your blinders off, please. Thank you.
Life Long Democrat.
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, March 27, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, March 27, 2006
Don't be discouraged by the muck & mire around you. God has made Freedom of Speech for great things.
1st Amendment Supporter
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM, March 27, 2006
Be sure and wear that media cap, Baylor. And, don't forget the rules, all tape recorders are asked to be turned off and any press has to identify theirselves. Will you be exempt from these rules, or will you be working with Mr. Stumler and Mr. Toran for a change in same?
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, March 27, 2006
Shore do wish "BB" would tell all he stands to benefit if the Council passes this law entitling a bunch of bars to go in downtown with only having to pay that $1,000 fee/not unlike everyone else in the city paying $25,000.
You all sure know how to screw up any businesses we have that do make monies, don't ya? That's just not fair, and BB, you need to come clean about your gain in this arrangement you are so vehemently pushing down this Council's and Citizens' throats. We're here to talk about it.
Take care of yourself, you and yours.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, March 27, 2006
Guess that would depend on how the writer wanted to express that thar word "shore". Ya'll take care now, you hear?
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM, March 28, 2006
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