Decisions, Decisions...
I have been working on a new posting in which I want to cover two issues very carefully. Those issues are the Stormwater Compliance plans, and the EPA & IDEM compliance problems with the sewers, which has New Albany in a stranglehold right now.
In order to address either of these issues requires that I look closely at what has transpired so far, in terms of what decisions have already been made, what's on the table now, and what will be the end results of the final decisions, once they are made.
Most importantly, what are the choices we have concerning those decisions? Who is ultimately responsible? The Council for allowing it, and the citizens for continuing to pay for it.
Folks, I cannot stress how vitally important these upcoming decisions are to the citizens, businesses, and future of New Albany.
I have often lamented the inability of our Mayor to make good decisions.
Only, this time, I am also holding the Council Members responsible for the role they play in approving, or more like acquiescing, to the well-sold, plans of the Mayor, and the decisions such plans have ultimately led to.
(you know, this guy really should have been a salesman).
After all, Council is the City's "...legislative authority (IC 36-4-4-4) [and] makes the laws that govern the City and appropriates the city's monies."
Since "the gang of four" have taken it on the chin many, many times from other blog sites who like to blame them for everything from fiscal shortfalls to the sewage fiasco, to the decisions that were made decades before they ever entered the Political sphere in New Albany.
This time, let's take a look at the Council Members we refer to as "Garner's Goons". The ones that are just doing whatever they're told because they're not really paying that much attention anyway. They have other things to do, and they don't need this aggravation.
You know, the LEFT side of the table that chastizes the public for not showing more respect to our elected leader? After all, he IS the Mayor.
Their logic? We elected him, now we must deal with it, and show some respect... even if he hasn't earned any.
But, something always tugs at my conscience as I try to absorb their logic that the title alone denotes some measure of respect.
It's something my Dad taught me a long time ago, and it has always held true, no matter what the circumstances.
"Respect can't be demanded, it must be EARNED."
Thanks Dad. You've never let me down when it comes to good advise, or anything else for that matter.
Because of the consistency of good advise from my Dad, and the Mayor's utter lack of ability to earn any respect, I simply cannot afford any genuine respect to James Garner just because he holds the title of Mayor.
Show us some good decisions, and convince us we should put our trust in you and your 'plans' of how to work things out.
Make some effort to show us a true desire to pull New Albany out of the muck it is mired in, instead of standing there with that smirk on your face, saying, "I dunno". You act as if there is absolutely nothing to be concerned about, and you have it all under control.
Sometimes we get, "I'll have to get back to you on that". And I think we've heard a few instances of, "I'll have to check on that".
I must say, on the few occassions I've heard actual data, I find it strange that you appear to be in quite some distress when you're trying so hard to remember the data they told you to say when you are actually advocating for a particular vote.
Your head throws back, eyes are squinted, and suddenly, out comes...... yeah, your first guess is true, but what actually comes out is some idiot 'Plan' of how you've already got everything all figured out.
Yeah, right.
That's how we got Privatized Sanitation*, a Mayor as Director of the Sewer Board* (violates Attorny General's dual lucrative office holding opinion), a 'interim' Building Commissioner*, more than a handful of Lawsuits/Grievances aginst the City* (at least 7 I know of), a "Bombed Out Downtown Ghetto"* (Tribune), with increasingly deteriorating, vacant, historical buildings (many thanks to the Historical Society and everyone who works so hard to protect our treasures) in desperate need of repair and sustainment, and 2 years to acquire a Code Enforcement Officer who now can't complete her duties*, an old woman fleeing her home of 30 years due to 'Selective Enforcement'*, and on and on and on and on, etc.
What IS Garner's 'Plan' that makes him think everthings OK ?
How can he expect us to buy his "everything's OK" bulls**t?
It should be:
We MUST meet the EPA mandates and earn Sewer Credits
We MUST meet the Federal mandates of Stormwater Rule 13
These are 2 things we Must do, no ifs, and's or buts about it!
Let's do whatever we must to get these things done, so New Albany can move forward without encumbrances to economic revitalization, and make real strides in bringing beauty & activity back to Downtown.
Just show us, Jimmy, show us you would do whatever was necessary to correct Governmental mistakes and non-compliance issues in good faith and with the greatest concern for the well-being and the economc opportunities of the people who live among it.
You know the drill: The greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Your administration has been offered help in various Departments, free of charge, from private citizens who are so concerned with New Albany and its future, that they will, and have, volunteer(ed) in the Clerks Office, the City Attorney's Office, the Building Commissioners Office, and a bunch of others that I can't even remember right now*.
Yet, if the Mayor, or one of the Political 'inner circle' people serve on a Board or Committee, you can bet it's a PAID position.
This City is in an Economic Revival Stranglehold, and we have people in charge, or people who know those in charge real well, who are getting 3, 4, 5 salaries/payments from the City coffers. We're buying their cars, furnishing their cell phones, paying for their gas (no IRS mandated Log-Books are being kept), buying furniture, buying the office party goodies for B-Days, engagements, etc., and even the spring water they drink.
Hear any of them offering up any of their time for free? See any of them stand up and say the citizens should't have to pay for our mistakes?
See any of them lay down their keys, their cell phone, their gas card, when they leave work in order to help get the money it's going to take to fix the sewers, and do only what we MUST do for the Stormwater mandate, and don't let it become a monster money eater.
We really have had enough!
Council, we are begging you to think about what is right for the people who elected you and gave you these opportunities in your life.
To serve the public good.
Please, do the work you signed on to do, and take a stand for the citizens.
Don't ask us for any more money to fix what they did wrong with what we already gave.
The money is spread out among 'special' projects, and paying for things out of the wrong funds. It's all there in the audit.
The number ONE, the first thing, on the agenda for us as Citizens is to insist that things be straight again, and we start right now. Any Council Member who has what it takes to take the lead on this will be highly appreciated. Either way, the buck stops here...on the Mayor's desk.
He is responsible for this mess, and he must be held responsible for fixing it. The ratepayers and taxpayers, the residents, owned or rented, of New Albany will NOT pay again for political screw-ups.
As a previous commentor mentioned, we've already lost Georgetown along with Greenville, so the Sewer situation is only getting worse.
See what happens when you ignore the nitty-gritty going for the bling-bling?
Reel in the EDIT dollars, and put them back where they go. Stop the TIF madness, and the tax abatements, and start collecting those delinquent bills Valla Ann, a private citizen, managed to get copies of (thanks for citizens with a sense of civic advocacy).
Start doing your jobs we payyou for. Protect the best interests of the Citizens you serve. Hold the Mayor to task for the decisions he's made, the promises he's made, and the plans he's made, and ask him why we are in our present condition.
We also think everyone should take a good long look over at another blog that is working diligently to provide documents and information that helps folks see all the dots that go into making our "Connect the Dot" game we promised not long ago.
*More information on these subjects will be forthcoming.
Our family has seen all the evidence they now need to see.
How low will this Administration and its' followers go? Remember, desperate people do desperate things (and say desperate things).
There is no excuse for what is published on the other blog, EastEnder. There is simply a solution.
Remember all of the documentation the taxpayer advocates have in hand. Do you not think a special sight set up with the history and these documents archived would serve a wonderful purpose? Us, too.
Are you ready to knock them out of their chairs by proving we were right and how this is simply another ploy for this Administration to take taxpayer's hard earned monies?
Let's go. United we stand. Divided we fall. The PP's and their pathetic attack.
Time to scan the Audit in, along with financials, along with the pertinent laws. Don't you hope they can read? Our guess is they will simply refuse to entertain the legal history and continue to insist you are unleashing "murderous" mayhem in this City.
Personally, it was humorous where "they said they don't equate it with local politics", then they use that word "but", which would negate anything said thereafter.
"They" have a real harsh view of this little town, don't they? Sounds like desperation to us, from "Desperado's".
Yeah, we'll see where the politicos come down with 'em. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. It's only THEIR losing "politicos" they're worried about. Makes us smile. It is election season.
The song comes to mind "You Can't Always Get What You Want"...forgive us; I'd have to holler and ask who sang that 1.
Let it rip SOLNA.
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM, April 02, 2006
Here's another interesting insight to ponder.
By Indiana Code there are 3 possible ways allowed to set up this 'Department of Stormwater Management'.
The first, the one Mayor Garner wishes to adopt, is IC36-9-23 which states the Mayor MUST sit as Head of this Board, there MUST be a Certified Engineer on the Board, and one other person to be named as by the Mayor.
Under this Indiana Code, all positions on the Board are Paid positions.
One other option is IC36-9-25, which puts the mandate of compliance under the Sanitation Department.
We need more info on this one, because, technically, we still have a Sanitation Department.
The other is IC8-1.5.5 which allows the 3 member Board, comprised of non-paid Citizens who are appointed to maintain compliance.
With all the volunteers the City has had its pick of, and with the IUS students who are involved, we're just sure this could be done with non-paid volunteers. Either by concerned citizens who are willing and able, or by students who could do it for possible college credits.
There is simply no valid reason this Rule 13 compliance should be costing us upwards of $800K.
It is all about rational choices and good decision making.
We are calling on our Council Members to make good decisions for us. Please.
East Ender, at 11:55 PM, April 02, 2006
Thank you for the information. This goes to the heart of our monies and this Administration simply wanting more of 'em.
Obviously, they think and feel taxpayers/ratepayers are fools.
Hope these laws are circulated to each Council member -- and no, we can't help it if we can't distribute it BEFORE the Council meeting.
We do not have the run of the City-County Building as the PP's do, nor the Mayor's ear, as the PP's do.
Thank you again for the info. FYI to all Council members. We said this is nothing more than politics being played with our monies; the Mayor is broke and there is obviously some of the staff that just can not get enough of our monies.
These are our opinions and others. Let them think what they will...each day and each $ will unfortunately cost us and them.
It's toooo simple.
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM, April 03, 2006
Thanks for the note about the link. It's fixed now.
East Ender, at 12:41 AM, April 03, 2006
I'm a little confused. Which "other blog" were you referring to?
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM, April 03, 2006
My dad would agree with your dad about respect needing to be earned. He would also add that there has to be a certain amount of respect for an office regardless of who occupies it.
Iamhoosier, at 9:04 AM, April 03, 2006
I am an avid reader of Freedom of Speech. I have learned more from reading that blog than I have in the last 10 years from other sources.
My family and I are totally outraged by the attitude of this Administration. Who ever heard of a mayor who refused to take responsibility?
We agree with Laura also, the council members should not be a "rubber stamp" for the mayor. They are the guardians of the taxpayers' money and should listen to the citizens and vote as they are asked to vote. We are tired of our money being wasted on the mayor's "pet projects".
Since this Administration refuses to listen now, I guess we will let our votes speak for us in 2007. A lot of people will not be happy with what our votes say.
Like someone said earlier we all need to thank Ms. Blolvschak for having the courage to draw back the curtain and show the everyone the real situation in our local economy.
And as far as the information on Freedom of Speech, I have family members who work downtown who can verify these facts.
Finally, I want to thank Laura for giving everyone the opportunity to express ourselves without worrying about losing their jobs or other negative reactions.
I remain
Anonymous for a good reason
Anonymous, at 9:48 AM, April 03, 2006
The Rolling Stones recorded "You can't always get what you want!"
But you also can't believe what you read as the gospel too!
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM, April 03, 2006
Nah, we aren't going to believe the Audit from the State; the financials for the Sewer Board; nor the Councilmembers we have spoken to later.
Ya know, I thought the Stones did that song, but wasn't sure (should have been, seen 'em in concert).
City Council meeting -- tonight. 7:15 a public hearing over an alley. Be there before 7:30 to sign up if you are a citizen. If not, the PP's will try and run the show.
Do not worry. Anyone who dares to speak tonight will be bastardized on the internet tomorrow. We know that, and just don't really care. Good job in giving taxpayers the info about the 3 member voluntary board. Citizens volunteered to do this; just as they volunteered to work under Mr. Hancock when he was building commissioners; just as they did the other day at the Board of Works.
Same old thing...some people can't seem to catch on to the ritualistic way "thangs" have been going on for years. My, my.
We believe there is going to be more information released. Let's just say a "little birdie" told us so.
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM, April 03, 2006
WOW!!!!! In the budget there is a position with in the sewer department, combined with drainage, etc., for what, let's see, was it $137,000 for ONE year?
Gee, I must be getting paranoid. There are so many tricks being performed. Pretty cool. Hopefully one day you will realize the "truth WILL set you free". Dangerous game you are playing, in my books, because you do not know "really" know the very people you are in "bed" with. Have fun.
Another day in New Albany. Ho Hum.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM, April 03, 2006
The gigs up Ms. Richardson, smile youre on candid camera
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM, April 03, 2006
Valla Ann is owed more than a thank you, because of all the so called verbal abuse by various blogs. We know whose side she is on and that is the citizens. It is a shame there are not more citizens like her.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM, April 03, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM, April 03, 2006
Yep, we are on our way to an updated version of SOLNA, which will be filled with all sorts of interesting documentation, codes, laws, ordinances, and public rights.
We cannot disclose all the details of our collaborative partners at this time, but stay tuned for new and exciting additions to our blog.
East Ender, at 6:29 PM, April 03, 2006
VAB fights for the people.
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM, April 03, 2006
Concern Taxpayer for Mayor
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM, April 03, 2006
Insults, no suggestions, just mean insinuations. Useless waste of space. Rude awakening coming, for the other side of the fence anyways. Go on with your threats. There is no gig up. We all know who is who on this blog, well, most of 'em.
You have a good time playing your games trying to distract with your "intimidation factors".
They will not work. We feel you can not read. So...carry on with your Candid Camera.
What's the matter? Is this "lil Tim upset because he may not get that paid position on the "new" stormwater board, where citizens actually volunteer their time?
Aw, cry us a river. Cos we can't imagine anyone else crying about taxpayers finding a way to accomplish the "unfunded" Federal mandate without costing residents ANY MORE MONIES. Without giving the Mayor ANY MORE MONIES. Without giving the Controller ANY MORE MONIES. Without giving the City Clerk ANY MORE MONIES.
Yeah, we understand why you are yelling, but you have to know, we just don't care. Carry on with your bad selves.
Anonymous, at 7:06 PM, April 03, 2006
yeah, $$$$$$ we agree with u.
The post about Eastender was slander. We have this to ask:
Who has been murdered?
Where is the mayhem?
Or, is it just the paranoia striking deep for those who ARE paranoid?
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 7:35 PM, April 03, 2006
To all Council Members who read this blog, and to those who have it read "to them", or however you get this information....
One thing you should be most aware of and most concerned about.
Immediately after the first reading and passage of the PAID Stormwater Board set-up, Greg Fifer, James Garner & Mark Seabrook couldn't get out of the room qwick enough to go hide around the corner and huddle up to talk. Garner was ALL smiles.
What does that tell you?
Too bad we can't join in the discussions that take place just before the vote.
So much information we could have added, but we aren't ALLOWED to participate.
Which, by the way, is bullsh*t.
You CM's were given a lot of crap.
So much so, that Garner could hardly contain his giggles after the vote.
Has he made one good decision yet?
Has he ever given you the actual truth when it comes to what he wants?
Think about it people!
By the way, many thanks to CM Price. You were the only one to question tax abatements, and the one with good infor re: Stormwater.
East Ender, at 10:20 PM, April 03, 2006
Greg Fifer cleaned clock tonight, the Coffey and Schmidt show again provided comic relief and a warning to future generations: Friends dont let functional illiterates make decisions about sewers, it could be harmful to your public health.
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM, April 03, 2006
An accounting I received concerned a Councilman asking Greg Fifer why people are asking him why he represents the City and the Developers. Spitting, stammering, redfaced, and then left the room? Hmmmmm. Thank you whom ever had the awareness to show some reality.
Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, April 03, 2006
Fifer blundered out some rhetoric that was as 'canned' as they come.
I know I heard a familiar sputter in there that speaks volumes about other issues.
Back to tonight.
Fifer lost his cool and came off completele unprofessional in his casual wear attire for the night. He was also hit point blank with his conflict of interest, advising the sewer board and also representing the developers out in the county.
Didn't quite hear his response to that one.
Oh yeah, he didn't give one, he just hung his head in frustration.
We give kudos to CM's Coffey, Schmidt and especially Price for bringing a little 'reality' to our Council sessions.
East Ender, at 11:33 PM, April 03, 2006
The WRONG! was for the 10:48PM commentor.
East Ender, at 11:35 PM, April 03, 2006
Citizens won't let lame duck Mayors make decisions about anything.
Given his track record, there's just no wiggle room here.
I know the majority of the Council agreed with us that there will not be another PAID Board, with Garner sitting at the helm.
Too much, too much, too much greed.
Anonymous, at 11:43 PM, April 03, 2006
Fifer proved why city councilmen should not be on Boards that require intelligence occassionally you wind up with a Coffey, Schmidt and Price on a Board, you cant always guarentee you will get a Seabrook and Kochert to serve.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, April 03, 2006
Valla Ann ask the tough questions tonight. And President Gayhan would not answer. She will not be intimidated by him or any other Council member.
Anonymous, at 11:50 PM, April 03, 2006
Fifer was hit with conflict of interest and had "No Comment". Mark Seabrook is an ass kissin Republican. He needs to resign!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM, April 03, 2006
There is over 3 million dollars in TIF!
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM, April 04, 2006
Ahhhhhh, come on out of the shadows "anonymous" of 11:47PM.
Are you embarrassed of your cohorts? Or are you leaving the door open to jump to the other side when the bottom drops out from under Garner & the PP's?
Anyway, it was you guys who suggested anonymous=nobody, so I guess we'll take that tact with you.
Since there's nobody there, we won't waste our time or our keystrokes on your silly hype.
Take it somewhere else.
East Ender, at 12:07 AM, April 04, 2006
Regarding TIF;
$1.2 million of that should go back into the sewer fund.
The rest of it should go towards funding this Stormwater mandate.
Thanks to CM Schmidt for bringing that option back to the table.
You have our greatest appreciation and respect Mr.& Mrs. Schmidt.
Anonymous, at 12:15 AM, April 04, 2006
Why do they always make excuses and claim computer problems? How about the dummies at the keyboard?
Can you honestly believe we elected these people?
Anonymous, at 12:25 AM, April 04, 2006
James Garner nowhere to run, nowhere to hid.
Anonymous, at 1:02 AM, April 04, 2006
No, you can not believe most any of 'em. Sad, ain't it?
Start scanning those documents in there. Let'em scream. Any threats tonight, or do we get to read about it tomorrow?
Do you think every public speaker will be bastardized (some already) tomorrow on the Mayor's PPS' blog? Hell, it's probably already out there. Spin City.
As Mark Seabrook chose to respond that way to citizens, let me tell citizens what was relayed to me the other day. While talking w/ him about Stormwater, he said he was mad because the Mayor "stole" 2 Million out of Sewers, and he was tempted to resign and tell everything he knew. Another Council member said it was OVER $2 Million. What do ya think? We were so shocked, we couldn't even get the words out, what $2 Million. We don't think he meant the Mayor actually "stole" it; we felt it was meant in the matter the monies were either misused or misappropriated. How do we get them to admit what they were talking about?
Interesting, huh?
Anonymous, at 2:35 AM, April 04, 2006
And tomorrow is another day, gee Louise...
Anonymous, at 2:37 AM, April 04, 2006
This is the most irresponsible Administration we have observed over the years. Taxpayers are going to need to come forward, with might and dignity and those strength in number in order to clean this house. We truly feel this is all dereliction of their sworn duties, to protect us, the taxpayer from the executive branch, HEAR US COUNCIL. I know some of you do...but some seem hell bent the other way.
Mr. Seabrook certainly is not going to win his election with such humility. Bet he has buried someone free, but it probably depended on WHO IT WAS.
How you like this bumper sticker -- Don't let Seabrook bury NA?
Now, that's funny.
Anonymous, at 2:41 AM, April 04, 2006
Sure would like the vote breakdowns; maybe the newspapers will provide them tomorrow.
Sorry, Seabrook, just our humble opinions of the situation at hand, ya know what we mean......
Anonymous, at 2:43 AM, April 04, 2006
James Garner and Mark Seabrook are fine upstanding men that give to their community and are subject to name calling by people on this blog. What a shame. Keep up the four letter name calling, it show your true colors.
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM, April 04, 2006
The board passed 7-2?!?! I didn't think it had that much support.
Anonymous, at 9:55 AM, April 04, 2006
Do you all see anyone calling Seabrook or Garner names? Four letter words at that? Nah. We don't play that game...that's your bag.
You may not like it if we publically have an opinion, but hey -- we're use that THAT.
Anonymous, at 10:05 AM, April 04, 2006
Sewer Board Meeting Today 3:30, Third Floor City-County Building. FYI
Anonymous, at 12:35 PM, April 04, 2006
Legals were published in Sunday's Tribune for Construction bids for Scribner, the Y, and the Natatorium.
We thought WE (the City) was not going to pay anything more than the land we donated to the Y. Why is the Y included in the bid? Why aren't they doing their own bids?
We don't understand. And don't try telling us it is because it would be cheaper to do it that way. It won't wash. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM, April 04, 2006
Eastender, here goes the name calling again. Private citizens getting all the credit for doing the work for this Administration.
Attending the meetings, asking pertinent questions, researching the laws, being taxpayer activists, being slandered? Do you really think this will get you re-elected?
Ya got the WRONG BLOG... Didn't you read the Legal in the Tribune Sunday? Got to admit I didn't see it either, until another citizen called concerned.
Still didn't answer any questions, right Informed? Tell me, do you have to make a telephone call upstairs so you will be fed the spin (information), or are you on the same floor? Truth hurts, don't it?
Have a good day, New Albany.
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM, April 04, 2006
Where is that ditty again "Tiptoe Through the Sewage". That was most excellent. Some how the PP's remind me how smelly it truly is.
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM, April 04, 2006
laura you are actually criticizing Mr. Fifer on what he wore?
Did you see the picture of you in the paper?
hmmm talk about pot's and kettle's...
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM, April 04, 2006
Still the defensive posture...Okay, back to the issues. WHERE IS OUR MONEY, AND WHY DOES THIS ADMINISTRATION KEEP WANTING MORE?
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, April 04, 2006
And the other questions about the slander printed about Eastender stating she is causing "murderous mayhem".
Who has been murdered?
Where is the mayhem?
Or is it just the paranoia striking deep for those who are paranoid?
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM, April 04, 2006
The truth gets murdered here quite often!
Anonymous, at 5:06 PM, April 04, 2006
Mr. Goldberg if you attended Council Meetings you would be able to eliminate a call to the clerks office. Besides she needs to stay off the blog and do what the taxpayers are paying her to do!
And that is not bloggin....
Anonymous, at 5:12 PM, April 04, 2006
Valla Ann is looking out for the citizens of New Albany. Regardless of the so call attacks on her and her business. Just a bunch of jealous people trying to start shit!
We only wish some of you worked as hard as she does. Maybe your business would be as successful as her's.....
Thanks Valla Ann
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, April 04, 2006
We have found Indiana Codes that allow for this Stormwater Board to be set up WITHOUT paid members.
There doesn't HAVE to be a board at all. It's all about the way they WANT to deal with it.
The County put their Stormwater Management under Planning and Zoning, no new Board was created.
This is what we will advocate for.
There is no need to set up another Board, with more bureaucracy, as CM Price said, that could create another avenue of mismanagement.
They are trying to drag in enough money with this Stormwater thing to also pay the Drainage Committee.
That is not in the requirements for meeting Rule 13 mandates.
There is also Audit info we think is pertinent to this situation that we will put up shortly.
East Ender, at 6:34 PM, April 04, 2006
See what we mean? Informed can't talk about the issues, because "they" don't know the issues. Simply talk about photos, how Laura may have a life and doesn't have time to get gussied up for the Council meetings.
If we are going to start an list for "Informed" of the best and worse dressers in town -- looking forward to that one. There is this woman who works on the third floor who wears her skirts and dresses up so far you can see the cheeks of her buttocks. That's is called "dressed for success" on the third floor, during WORKING HOURS.
Too bad you can't keep with the issues. We personally are going to ask EastEnder to ban you from this blog because you bring NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, to the table.
You have a good day, and if you have any hair (which may be doubtful), watch out for the practical joke! Don't dish it out if you can't take it.
We will scan in here the 3 laws the Mayor COULD have used, but chose the most expensive one so he can MAKE MORE MONIES at OUR expense. (Hair or no Hair). Ha.
Anonymous, at 11:04 AM, April 05, 2006
Important pieces of information? How long you been at this blog, Informed?
Wallow in our self-made "piddy"? Shouldn't that word by "pity"?
We have yet to see YOU produce any TRUTH or rational that fits taxpayers' shoes, only your boy's.
If it was hair you were looking at, shows how shallow you are in your beliefs, at least in our books. Some get off work (hey, what's that you ask) and don't have the time to "beautify" theirselves in order to make a meeting. It's just another attempt to detract from the issues.
But not to worry, the Tribune has asked citizens to respond to this outrageous request of the Mayor to make ANOTHER salary; for the CLERK to make another salary; for the CONTROLLER to make another salary. Holler there why don't 'cha? We are...
Have a good day, and no, we don't agree with what ever TRUTHS and RATIONALE you have given us. If anyone out there can find anything this person brings to the table, please let the rest of blog land know. Thanks, and have a good day New Albany.
Anonymous, at 1:05 PM, April 05, 2006
P.S. We really like your the times you log in. It's real easy to trace you down to the City-County building. It is oh so obvious. Guess you will have to disagree with us, now, huh?
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM, April 05, 2006
We heard some comments about it. The big issue seemed to be we need a City Court in order to enforce ordinances.
We still feel we don't have the monies, and it is an unncessary tool. We had a City Court in the '70's, and it bombed due to lack of monies. History repeating itself.
After 15 years, this is just the latest excuse for an Administration to not do their jobs we are paying them good monies for. Also heard there were about 40 people there.
If we hear anything else, we'll let ya know. Take care.
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM, April 05, 2006
I think I've got this one figured out, and I think I agree with the other poster about just banning this idiot off the blog.
It sure sounds to me like the same pipsqeak who has no life of his own, and was the geek of the crowd back in high school, and now he can't even seem to be capable of following a conversation with a bunch of actual adults.
All he does is come around to take a poke at somebody, a personal attack, like some juvenile expression of, "ha-ha, hee-hoo, I got you" bullshit.
Perfect illustration of 'Blogtastic's' Definition of a Pro-Progressive.
You know, a PP:
"Seems that the pro-progressive bloggers in this town are a bunch of political hacks, of which they accuse the 'little' people, and are devoid of any truly progressive ideas."
I think we ought to ban him too.
He's a 'gen-u-eyed' PP.
But, we're gonna leave this up a while so we make sure everone gets a look at why.
East Ender, at 3:00 PM, April 05, 2006
It makes a hell of a lot of difference if you are "blogging" on TAXPAYERS' DIME! Talk about frigging idiots.
We can't figure out how Steve LaDuke and Brandon Smith are allowed to do same and wonder if they are on our dime? The least we can say is they use their own identity, which allows public to ask some questions.
How about you?
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM, April 05, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:25 PM, April 05, 2006
I think to get qualifed, educated people to sit on some of these boards, we have to pay something for their time and expertise.
As for as the mayor, council members, etc getting paid(other than normal and reasonable expenses)--no.
Not for sure what a "Baylorite" is but I don't think that I am one. At least I looked through my wallet and never saw a card saying such. Hope it was OK that I answered the question anyway!
Iamhoosier, at 5:14 PM, April 05, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, April 05, 2006
Sorry Dick,
We've removed "informed" from the classroom, he was being too disruptive and causing trouble.
We know what you are referring to.
A new article is coming sonn, I promise.
There is just so much going on that I began to write a book.
Have to scale it back so we can read it and talk about it in smaller chunks of the information and dilemmas we are facing.
Thanks for your patience.
East Ender, at 6:17 PM, April 05, 2006
Great job Mr. Stewert! What really makes me chuckle is many people have no clue to what is really going on in New Albany. Either they are in denial or whatever? Or:
1. They must think we are all lying about the audit?
2. They have not looked at any reports?
3. They refuse to see the reality of the mess in New Albany.
How many paychecks do these people need? I am still waiting for someone to tell us on SOLA Just 1-"COMPETANT THING" this Mayor has done? Would anyone want to step up to the plate and enlighten us all on one right decision he has made?
Would you not be pisted off if the mayor's mother called your mother for lunch. And then the discussion was over what her son believes and has said at a Council Meeting? He ought to be glad it wasn't my dad sitting there having lunch.
So every politicians has lied to everyone of us to get elected. Well I know alot of them and they are all in disbelief over James Garner. And they are not just Republicans. Alot of democrats will not give him a dime.
Then we have Marcy sitting in her clerks office blogging during the day while she bitches and gripes and blames everything on the computer. Give us a break. What about all the parking tickets she is forgiving. Some pay some get forgiven.
Then if you throw some criticism at James Garner the the baylorites try to degrade you. Then "kojak" can walk up without signing in and open his mouth because someone hurt the mayor feelings with an attack. Maybe to many of these ass holes were born with silver spoons in their mouth. But they have no idea of the truth or reality.
Did anyone but a few of us catch the comment by Fifer when he said "EVERY DEPARTMENT IS IN A SHAMBLE"
I do believe Tony Toran is no more qualified to be City Operation Manager than my dog. And trust me my dog is pretty damn smart.
You have people on the 3rd floor like Adam Dickey who worked in child support, and Tom Cannon's office who is no more qualified for his job than the Easter Bunny.
Then you have Wheatley who got his job as a political favor for Mr. Hill. He should be filling up those empty buildings instead of flying around about Sewer credits!
Does anyone really believe Donnie Blevins will go against the Mayor with his vote? Yell right, James is his boss.
Then we have the cop fighters Bev and Jack. Who is Jacks Boss?
James has no problem threatening other employees if there parents don't stop badmouthing the Mayor he just might have to do something. I think it is called the EEOC!(Harrassment)
Jack Messer opens his mouth and the only thing that comes out is "Your all wanting to hold up PROGRESS!" DAMN Jack if you read even a couple reports you might realize how stupid you look to the citizens of New Albany.
Oh by the way Mr. Messer did give up his Security job at Arnie's. But they now have 2 more police officers working there. They continue to use our police cars and our gas to make extra pay!
Mr. Seabrook don't give up your day job. And I truly think it was funny what you said at Tommy Lancasters last fri. QUOTE: If the Republicans ask me to run for Mayor I will accept! I hear your phone hasn't been ringin over that issue! Do I need to go any further.
Oh lord I can not leave without my final comments on Jeff Gayhan. You are worse than rude! When a taxpayer walks up and ask questions and you gavel them down because you won't answer a question. What the hell do you have to hide. You are not a good example of leadership! You jeffrey should be ashamed of yourself!
Don't think for one minute that you Council Members will not be held accountable.
Because 07 Re-elections is right around the corner.
Concern Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:29 PM, April 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:53 PM, April 05, 2006
Language and remarks such as the ones I just deleated will NOT be tolerated here.
If you don't like it, don't click it!
Conversation and differing opinions will be gladly heard, and probably responded to. But outright hostility and ugly remarks about 'personal issues' has no place in this forum.
Behave like a respectable adult, or don't participate.
East Ender, at 9:15 PM, April 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:48 PM, April 05, 2006
This post has been removed by the blog Hitler.
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM, April 06, 2006
"Fifer lost his cool and came off completele unprofessional in his casual wear attire for the night."
By East Ender near the top of this thread.
Not that it makes anyone else's comments about "looks" proper either. I don't care if it is Informed, EE, NA, all4word, or me. There is a lot of "pot calling the kettle" going on with EVERYONE.
Iamhoosier, at 9:57 AM, April 06, 2006
Ms. Baird, you are flat out lying by saying you do not talk about people's appearances at the council meetings.
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM, April 06, 2006
ah good way to change the subject, Ms. Baird.
Anonymous, at 11:23 AM, April 06, 2006
Do you understand the meaning of CONFLICT OF INTEREST?
Anonymous, at 10:41 PM, April 06, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:43 PM, April 06, 2006
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