Sewer Fund Six Month Finaincial
Since we've been talking about this notion of possible upcoming increases in sewage fees, we did some searching and came across something we thought was interesting.
First, we'd like to share this with you, as fellow citizens of New Albany and rate payers of New Albany City Services.
We received a bill this month for $70 from Indiana-American Cities Water Corporation.
Wondering how in the world a 2 person hoousehold could have a $70 water/sewage bill, I called the company and spoke with a service representative. You know what she told me when I asked her how much were the water charges only? She told me it was $20 out of the seventy owed.
That means the City is already getting a pretty huge chunk of money out of us every month, even if our water usage is low. It's troubling to think they may still be considering adding even more to it.
We turned back to the information we found while doing our research, and we are providing it here because we feel it's vital that every citizen is aware of the financial condition of the sewer fund without the sanitation services being taken out of the numbers.
You will note that Drainage is still included in this report from last year, and it was promised, by the Mayor, that Drainage employees salaries would not be coming out of sewers after the beginning of this year.
To our knowledge, the Drainage employees are indeed still being paid from sewage, but it is being considered another "loan".
We have no idea if, or when, this money will ever be returned to the sewer funds, as other monies have been used out of the sewers as if it were a "slush fund" to cover any extrodinary circumstances or expenses.
This is a six (6) month financial statement, and as you can see, the net income every six months is almost $1 million according to last years numbers.
The new agreement with the EPA would require the City to adhere to the $500K per year repairs to the inner city lines, and extend the EPA oversight to 3 years.
We firmly believe, and rumor has it that it's been admitted, the Georgetown deal was squandered away on purpose as it was an extra load on the lines and wasn't really turning a profit for the City.
However, the folks in Lanesville have hired an attorney, and vow to fight against the notion that Georgetown will build its own sewage treatment plant in their area.
We are also very concerned with the possible conflicts of interest inherent in our sewer utility attorney also representing developers out in the County who have been waiting to hook up to our lines.
Our inquiries and interests will follow up on this portion of the deals as we track down the trails of paperwork that will lead to the truth of what game they are playing now.
Meanwhile, give us your thoughts on the subject, and we'll keep you updated on our discoveries.
Take Care New Ablany....
Attacking you????
Seems to me you started this one all by your lonesome.
You are definitely "way beyond it", way beyond any sensibility.
You don't care about New Albany, you don't care about the people of New Albany who are trying to keep their lives and homes in tact while dishing out more money to a Mayor who CONTINUES to belly ache that he's not making enough money.
And when it comes to 'certain' City employees earning multiple salaries during the same normal work hours, and public officials working both sides of a deal, it is going to raise some ire.
If you were truly concerned with what is best for our dying little town, these things would bother you too.
Tell you what...when you get your OWN home, and make your OWN way in this town by paying all the additional fees and rates they keep piling on, then you might have a little credibility when discussing how these things affect the citizens and homeowners.
Until then, you don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to opinions.
East Ender, at 1:25 PM, April 21, 2006
That's all I can say about today. In fact, for this past week.
Information, data, and a lot of research is available in this town, thank God, from people who have always cared enough to pay attention.
And there's one silly little rule about Governmental transactions and legilation making: There's always a paper trail.
Or, at least there BETTER BE a paper trail, if everything is done correctly.
Because Government is; "...of the People, by the People, and for the People...", the people have a right to know if their best interests are being served by the agents of said Government.
That's all it was.
What's turned up, is one hell of a mess.
Turning in early for some interesting reading tonight.
Everyone have a Safe & Happy THUNDER!!!!!!
East Ender, at 10:28 PM, April 21, 2006
Very intersting read we've been having, looking at all the pieces of the puzzle that make up this "amended, amended" Conscent Decree just signed with the EPA.
You can read on the First Page of the document that this entire agreement is based on exactly what we said it would be based on, and that's the agreement to provide Sewage Service to Georgetown.
So, we're also going to take a look at what the Georgetown agreement WAS, before it was yanked so they could make this deal for sewer credits.
We get an initial 150,000 credits.
Any development that exceeds 12,500 credits " FULL BUILD-OUT." requires specific EPA approval in allotting these credits.
Are you wondering what the waiting list is?
Are you curious about how they've prioritized the list?
We all know they need money...the new agreement calls for $500K per year in line repairs to get the shit from the beginning point to the $40 million dollar collection system they just built.
Wonder where they'll get that money?
Still want to spend all that EDIT money on swimming pools?
Or, should we contribute specific Economic Development dollars into actual means of Economic Development?
We have new pictures to share with you too! We think you'll get a real kick out of these.
We even have a picture of our $40 million "water-fall".
East Ender, at 3:00 PM, April 22, 2006
I must say I find a little amusement in the predicament the R&R boys have gotten themselves into by not being careful what they ask for.
Or, is it simply a bad case of paranoia in not inderstanding what to do with CM's that actually ARE paying close attention, and dare to get involved with Citizens' groups.
Stil, like we so often heard,..."you got any better ideas?"
We indeed suggest that we do.
However, no one appears willing to listen to rational use of City funds.
However, we applaud the CM's who have showed up for these forums, directed by someone I have a lot of respect for, Dr. John Newman from IUS.
If anyone can make these people think, he can. He mentored me through my college years after 18 years away from a classroom.
I had the opportunity to work with him, as a Supplemental Instructor, and as a Research Assistance at the Applied Research and Education Center at IUS.
I am truly thankful that they have Dr. Newman guiding these recent forums.
Dan Coffey has also stepped up as a result of these forums and has advanced a possible answer to the pleas for help in resolving Ordinance and Code infractions in the inner-city.
Dan Coffey's plan would fulfill the needs of a City Court in a way that is in the best interest of the greatest number of people, and be productive in addressing a problem.
Yet, the progressives are already screaming, "conspiracy", or at least a cynical smear cast Dan's way concerning his taking the bull by the horns on this one and crafting a possible answer.
But, who is really trying to manipulate here?
Who should we really ALL be cynical and suspicious of?
East Ender, at 4:02 AM, April 23, 2006
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