The Way Back
Dear Readers,
Due to the propensity for angry outbursts to occur, despite repeated requests that exchanges of viewpoints and dialogue remain focused on the issues, we are forthwith allowing only registered users to utilize this blog.
I can't begin to tell you folks how disappointed I am with the nasty mud slinging that has gone on in the previous postings, and I am disappointed in myself that I have given in to exchanges that degenerate qwickly into name calling and comments that have nothing to do with the issue(s) at hand, resulting in words that escalate to the point of "crossing the line".
I would have never guessed that the citizens of New Albany, a small, close knit town, would stoop to the levels of personal assaults and ugly language that we've been seeing. It has been a rude awakening to the worst of our personalities that
we all have been guilty of, myself included, when we go too far in our impassioned defensive stance of our personal beliefs.
I originally allowed anonymity so that anyone and everyone could give their input in regards to the condition of our City and the decisions of our leadership without fear of reprisals. I felt these issues could be discussed, even from differing viewpoints, with some modicum of responsible behavior. I've always said that everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just try to put them across with some intelligence and some degree of a reasonable exchange of ideas, and STICK TO THE ISSUES.
However, due to the inability of some to refrain from malicious insults and a general lack of respect for the viewpoints of other citizens, we are instituting a new rule of only Registed Users having access to comments on this blog.
Because there are folks who disagree, but are unable to disagree in an adult manner with intelligent discussions and interpretation of facts, we invite you now to do so "face-to-face" by putting your name to it. Registered Users Only, is the policy on this blog from this point forward.
To those who use foul language, who assail private citizens' integrity, and who continually digress into insults, prodding folks into arguments and defensive rebuttals, you can now come out from under the shadows of that oh so 'awful anonymity' you've been abusing.
We will now know the identity of every commentor, but you may still use a screen-name, but we are going to regain control of the direction and nature of our blog. Participate in discussions about issues, but leave the attitude and personal remarks out of it.
This blog's original intent, to provide a forum for citizens to air their concerns and beliefs about the issues that affect our community, is going to be restored. We are all capable of civil discussions. You will recieve one warning of inappropriate discourse, after which a subsequent incident will result in either suspension, exposure and/or banishment, at our discretion.
Now, back to the business of SOLNA and citizens' advocacy.
The blog will guide you through the steps of Registration.
The changes we've made require you to create a blog of your own, takes about 4 minutes, before you can continue to make comments on SOLNA.
The purpose is to establish a safety net that will capture and prevent derogatory or insulting remarks that are not related to the issue(s) in the current or recent posting.
You may e-mail me personally if you would like your true identity to be kept confidential from others, but it is mandatory that I have your true name and screen name before your comments will be allowed on the blog.
Thanks in advance to everyone that will take the time, and concern, to stay with us.
Let's get back to looking at more reently received documents.
East Ender, at 4:33 AM, April 14, 2006
You people were told that the reason we couldn't get ordinance enforcement was because we didn't have a code enforcement officer. And who told you that? And who did you have to fight with for two years to get one? And then suddenly, Chief Harle assigns a code enforcement officer at the snap of his fingers. That simply..
Now the same individual is telling you that it's because we don't have a full time attorney. And he hasn't come to your meetings. But, JUST LIKE WITH THE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, he says he's all for it in his newspaper. And your buying into it again?
We don't need anything else, other than somebody in charge who isn't owned by the slu.n lords qho need their sewer bills forgiven, lower property taxes and most of all, do not want the expense of having to bring those hundreds of buildings up to code.
They own him... THAT is the problem.
One voice, at 6:44 AM, April 14, 2006
I personally like your move. I have always felt a screen name offered the best of both worlds. It offered a user protection from real and/or imagined injuries but also developed a personality on line.
The biggest problem for some is letting the blog administrator know your identity. There has to be confindence that real names will not be revealed. I voluntarily revealed my name to Laura quite some time ago. I thought it was only fair since the other blog that requires it(NAC) knew who I was. My identity was given in confidence.
Now, exposure is at the adm. discretion. I know, after a warning, just don't do anything wrong, etc. With the ability to suspend and ban a user, I am not sure why the threat of exposure is needed.
Iamhoosier, at 9:41 AM, April 14, 2006
Allow me to assure everyone that it would only be in the case of extreme hostility, or threatening words that I would ever expose anyones identity.
That is not the objective of this change. This has been done to prevent the nasty remarks, and personal attacks on private citizens.
The most likely course of any action would be to simply boot someone off the blog for unruly behavior.
Thanks for cooperating everyone.
East Ender, at 11:11 AM, April 14, 2006
By the way... if anyone is having difficulties setting up a screen name in a blogger format so they can comment, just e-mail me and I will help you.
It can be a bit confusing if you've never fooled with it before.
Just let me know what screen name you want and what your name is and I'll e-mail you back with a working ID.
East Ender, at 12:02 PM, April 14, 2006
Fair enough. In my case, all you have to do is ask me not to post again and I will comply.
Iamhoosier, at 12:07 PM, April 14, 2006
Thanks iamhoosier,
Hopefully this will bring things back around to civil discourse and nobody will have to be banned.
East Ender, at 12:16 PM, April 14, 2006
Happy Easter.
Iamhoosier, at 6:41 PM, April 14, 2006
So what is everyones take on the Tribune article yesterday that blames the EPA for being "too harsh" on New Albany, and says the EPA created "...a long drawn out bureaucratic nightmare" according to developer Dave Ruckman?
Personally, I think they have it all backwards.
I blame the City leaders who have failed for 10 years to comply with the Clean Water Act, and who have spent well over $80 million and still failed to fix the problems.
I have a gut feeling that the Greorgetown deal was purposely arranged to fail in order to diminish our capacity needs to a point that existing lines should be able to carry the load of 150,000 more credits.
Why would they do such a thing you ask? Because surely the sewer utility cannot afford to lose all those Georgetown rate-payers.
Yes they can, they'll just raise our rates to compensate for the lost revenue.
I, for one, will NOT remain silent if the City, the Mayor, or the Council even entertains the notion of a sewer rate increase.
NO No No No No No Nooooooo.
I will not pay for their little shuffle the money games. I suggest we demand a full investigation into at least the Sewage and Sanitation Utilities from 1994 and 1995 when the data becomes available.
East Ender, at 8:27 PM, April 14, 2006
Oh yeah, I forgot...
Happy Easter Everyone!!!
Nice weather we're having isn't it?
Welcome Springtime :)
East Ender, at 10:23 PM, April 14, 2006
How is it that if I don't pay my Sewage/Water bill for 2 months, I would surely get disconnected, but we have thousands in delinquent status awaiting collection activity?
Someone please explain to me at what point the billing leaves the authority of IAWC, and becomes 'negotiable' with the City?
Also, could you please explain the exact steps it would take for the City to begin the collection action?
East Ender, at 11:36 PM, April 14, 2006
Good move! Thanks for your effort to keep some sense of civility about these discussions.
Satire and questioning one's view is one thing, but outright personal attacks is another.
Happy Easter!
Highwayman, at 6:30 PM, April 15, 2006
Brandon -
That's great, but we could use a little more help.
The Loop Island Wetlands is a walk in the woods right here in the City and it is indeed a prized treasure. We give so many thanks to Al Goodman and his heroic efforts to preserve this natural beauty.
The Greenway recently recieved, I think, about $3 mil to move forward.
While Garner wants the Greenway to skip over its natural entry point into Floyd County, which is down at the Wetlands, and instead leap frog to BEGIN its New Albany presence Downtown.
Help us bring this back to the natural Riverfront access at the county line, and forget cutting holes into the Flood Wall downtown!
East Ender, at 11:08 PM, April 15, 2006
Yeah, I've recieved that piece of information as well, from several folks.
Actually, I suspected it because while looking over the 2004 Audit findings I found we (City) paid for some type of training and a test for the one that just resigned.
Paul Roberts was it?
Hell, we're going on our 4th Building Commissioner, and count James' 2 turns at the helm and we're into 6 different staff changes in less than 3 years. Make it 7 when you count Broadus.
As for the EPA coming down on the "new" sanitation company, it couldn't have happened soon enough.
That whole deal, using our facilities and equipment without compensating the City for City owned property is a real great deal for us rate-payers I'm sure.
They have to get something right at some point don't they?
I mean, just for the sheer odds?!?!
East Ender, at 12:21 AM, April 16, 2006
I found the Building Commissioner's information in the Sewage Utility's financial statements I'm reviewing, not the 2004 audit as I stated previously.
(up to my ankles in paperwork)
Sorry for the mis-statement of where that info was/is.
East Ender, at 12:24 AM, April 16, 2006
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