Let's Start at the Beginning...
We thought folks might be interested in looking at the Financial Statement of the Sewage Utility Fund before Mayor Overton, or Mayor Garner, got their hands on it.
This is the Financial Statement of Sewage and Sanitation for 1994 and 1995.
The England Administration years. If you click on the page, it will enlarge well enough to read that Sanitation Operations were included with the Sewage Operation Financials more than 10 years ago.
It shows that in 1994, Sewage and Sanitation together netted $2,569,533 in revenues.
In 1995, that number dropped a little, to $1,747,650 in revenues.
We invite you to examine this document closely, and we will be posting more information in the next few days.
We are also posting a one (1) month Income Statement for the Sewage Department from September of 2005.
Notice the costs associated with the Drainage committee, and the "New Drainage Fees" under the heading of REVENUES.
What New Drainage fees were collected last year?
Also note that in 2005, Sanitation was not included in the Sewage Financials.
Our question is, when did the changes occur, and under whose direction?
Would this be Council duties?
If so, could someone please provide the Resolution numbers and the dates?
I'm sure with all the knowledge out there, someone can easily answer our questions and provide the relevant information.
We also noted that "Contractual Services" are listed twice on this monthly statement. Once in the amount of $2,333, and another for $116,145, which totals $118,478 for one month.
What was happening in, September of last year?
How do we find out where these payments went? Should they be part of the month end Green-Bar reports of budgetary expenses?
However, the most interesting finding when we looked closely at the one month Financial from last year (2005), and compared it to the 1995 one year Financial.
In 1995, Sewage collections were $5,767,215 for the entire year.
That breaks down to about $480,600 per month .
In 2005, ten years later, the Sewage Fees are reported to be $928,925 for one month.
That means a full year of collected fees would likely come in around $11 million.
Hmmmmmm. Q. What's that increase work out to be? (A=90-95%)
Great research. Good statistics. We love watching how the number of sewer customers and sanitation customers have fluctuated soooo much throughout the years.
Thank you for the info.
Anonymous, at 2:36 AM, April 08, 2006
Eastender, Don't forget all of the past due sewer bills. We have 3 lists -- the biggest one is known as the "Helvig" list, over $600,000.00 uncollected. If the total was truly known, it'd be close to $1 million for the free-flushers in NA.
Lists upon lists have been provided to the sewer board Attorney. All they have to do is walk them down to the first floor and ask the County Auditor to file the liens on the properties, at no charge to the City. We collect as the tax bills come in. We still can not figure out WHY THEY ABSOLUTELY, WILL NOT DO THIS and CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY WE ARE PAYING when they aren't! WHY DO WE HAVE TO PAY A RAISE when you can't collect anyone else's. Of course, it just might have something to do with all of those rental properties and who knows who!
Talk with any sewer board member, except the Mayor and the Attorney, and any member of Council about this issue. Unforgivable, unthinkable, and flat out WRONG. Our family decided a long time ago we MUST BE IN THE WRONG BUSINESS. Running those slum properties are worth a lot of $$$$$$$$$$, in more ways than one!
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM, April 08, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, April 08, 2006
Tell them Shirley. As said earlier, how low can they go just because the information is now being revealed?
This person posting must have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth. There is no room for hard knocks, disabilities, loss of job income due to politics, etc., etc.
Speaking from experience because of the hand I was dealt when born (over which no one has control of), I feel I could climb out of that barrell greased because I've had so much practice with it.
Accidents and medical bills will make you file bankruptcy everytime -- especially when uninsured motorists run over you when you are crossing the street.
You don't have a clue, and we feel this is about the level this Administration would stoop to in order to shut taxpayers up.
As said earlier, it's a new day that has dawned; and even government recognizes how "blogs" will change the horizon, now and in the future.
As Eastender is only putting documents and photos online and allowing other taxpayers to comment, your tirade proves how right she is.
You assume a lot. Did no one teach you the meaning of the word?
Anonymous, at 1:27 PM, April 08, 2006
Dear Laura,
I am sorry about what anonymous, 12:04 pm 4/8/2006, posted. The post was uncalled for and hurtful. This type of post has no place on any blog or discussion. I am sorry this has happened.
maury k goldberg, at 2:01 PM, April 08, 2006
anonymous postings like the one that showed up here today shows just how desperate some people are to keep the truth hidden by trying to shut people up.
They want to discredit me, thus discredit the blog, thus shut us all up. That's the whole game plan.
Guess what?
I just got MORE determined to make sure these idiots are held accountable for what they are, and what they've done.
Thanks to everyone for recognizing this stunt for what it was. I appreciate your words.
As for the anonymous poster, they won't remain anoymous for long.
I've already got someone on it.
East Ender, at 2:26 PM, April 08, 2006
Maury K Goldberg: It appears that the people who are regular contributors on this blogspot can dish it out, but want to go crying when they are called out. From the very beginning, the people on this blog have been rude, slanderous,unfair and disrespectful to the mayor, people who work in the city-county building not to mention the progressive group who are attempting to make changes in town. I did not read the what was deleted, but I can only imagine, and it probably was not any worse then what is thrown at other citizens in New Albany on a consistent basis. It is an embarrassment to have to admit that you live in New Albany. Do you Mr. Goldberg condone the behavior on this blog? If there are questions and concerns why not go to the people who know the answers?
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, April 08, 2006
These are hateful people, Maury. Will you please tell them the info posted on the front of this blog is legal and available to all citizens?
We know how to gather the information available to taxpayers, and appreciate the opportunity to share it with others less fortunate, who just can't pay the monies to copy all those pages.
Thank you Maury. You are a gentleman. And please, Maury, while you're at it, will you tell them it's NOT PERSONAL, JUST BUSINESS?
Take care Eastender. Maybe we should change the title to SHOUTOUTLOUDNA.
Anonymous, at 3:07 PM, April 08, 2006
Why is it that when east ender and others print the truth on this blog, there is always some nasty person that has to come back with someones past or remarks that have nothing to do with what has been printed? I can probably guess, because the truth hurts! The mayor and the mayors people (PP's) can't stand it when they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar. There has always been the truth printed on this blog from day one! Frustration builds up inside of them because they know what is coming down the pike in 2007. Honest people running this town for a change and all the criminals will be history!
P.S. Mr. Goldberg, thank you for being a gentleman and a true friend!
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM, April 08, 2006
Keep it up PP's. The more you make such nasty remarks and so blatently try to trash a private concerned citizen who is only trying to help, the more the troops will rally behind her. The more you PP's get ugly, the more your true colors will come out and anyone with an ounce of civility will know better than to hook up with you and your kind.
We appreciate EE's work in getting the documentation out to the public so the truth, not the spin, can be known to more voters.
Do you really think your personal attacks on people are going to make people think your group has any morals at all, or that your boy Garner deserves any consideration if this is a reflection of the type of people he surrounds himself with?
This is all about the numbers and the condition of the City. I guess when you can't refute the evidence you just resort to slamming the messenger.
Soooooo telling.
Anonymous, at 4:08 PM, April 08, 2006
Bring it on boys! Were ready...
Anonymous, at 4:16 PM, April 08, 2006
OK. Enough of the distractions. Let's get back to these documents and what they show.
The 2nd document, from September of 2005, also show 2 Health Insurance claims were paid from the sewer fund.
One was in the amount of $10,000, and the other was $1,000 dollars.
Nice round figures for Health Care.
Also, Telephone costs are listed twice.
Once in the amount of $1,190.88 and again for $474.96. We are curious as to what telephone bills are being paid from the sewer fund. Or could this be for Cell phones and regular phone service?
Either way, phone costs in the amount of $1500+ for one month certainly makes me think more of CM Price's suggestion that we take a good hard look at all cell phone costs the City is paying.
East Ender, at 7:29 PM, April 08, 2006
What is done may very well be done. The sewer board spent the 44 mil and still has 6mil. woth of work to do. The screen--800,000 and a five stage project at the lift station which is one million for each stage. This is why the rate increase comes. They underestimated or stole too much. Expenditures by the board over a certain amount should be subject to council approval, because they have shown they can not be trusted
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM, April 08, 2006
If you notice sometime in the nineties. Right around the time england lost and overton came in there was a huge swing in the margin taken in. All of the old cronies said a certain former male mayor got about two mil.
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM, April 08, 2006
It's only nickels and dimes remember...Rogers famous words!
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM, April 08, 2006
WOW! Alls quiet in blog land today. It must be because all the PPS were put in their place yesterday and have nothing else to argue about. The "little people" in NA have stated all facts, how can you argue with that? Have a nice day NA.
Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, April 09, 2006
NABULLDOG- WELCOME Mr. Tim Deatrick....Can't you be orginal. Seems like your trying to steal Atty. Fifers line? Who are you kidding. We went to your IUS Blog!!!!Go play with randy.....
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM, April 09, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM, April 09, 2006
To little timmy and his new blog: he he he he he he he he he ha ha ha ha ha ha...... sorry gotta stop laughing now, my stomach hurts!
Anonymous, at 6:16 PM, April 09, 2006
What does "his" statement even mean? "You are entitled to your opinions, but not your facts"?
Another distraction, I guess. Our sympathies towards IUS would be in order, we feel (and that is our opinion along with the known facts).
Anonymous, at 8:01 PM, April 09, 2006
That thar statement would be what we call "the proof is in the pudding".
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM, April 09, 2006
Tomorrow night's chili supper at 6:30 at Knights of Columbus ought to be one of the better ones our family has attended. The School Board candidates are non partisan, and we have good people running. Hope to see you all there!
Thanks for the space, EastEnder.
Anonymous, at 11:19 PM, April 09, 2006
Anonymous, at 6:28 AM, April 10, 2006
What is the address of this new blog? This one insists on bringing things down to the lowest common
denominator. "Suck city".... COMMON is the operative word here.....this is the type of dialoge that negates your facts. If you are educated please learn how to communicate like it or don't expect to be taken seriously.
Anonymous, at 9:11 AM, April 10, 2006
Go away Timmy. Quit trying to distract us. Thank you, kindly.
Anonymous, at 9:38 AM, April 10, 2006
Tim, if this blog is for ignorant and illiterate people why are you posting here? Are you just trying to advertise that you have a new blog?
If this is the case, then you are on the wrong blog since you don't want our ignorant comments to pollute your academic blog. Please advertise elsewhere.
Anonymous, at 11:50 AM, April 10, 2006
Welcome back Blogtastic!
This is the New Albany Potty Police speaking with you. We do not have an answer for you as to where we are with the EPA.
The Tribune reported the EPA was waiting on Fifer to submit info; Fifer reported at Council he was waiting on the EPA.
We have checked the State website for the sewer system overflows (SS0's) and have found the following info:
On March 30, an 8" line was stopped up by someone dropping a bowling ball into manhole 35-24, causing an SSO. It is reported they replaced the lid and welded it shut.
On April 1, manhole 009, behind Hampton Inn another SSO; the reason stated is because of the bar screen project.
On April 2, manhole 35-18, by Meiers and Schulers (in creek) out by Onion Tea Restaurant across from the SSO that occurs across the street at Meiers.
Also on April 2, manholes 9-47 and 9-48 (Cherry Valley Golfcourse) had overflows and they are blaming those on 1.21 inches of rain. The only problem with this argument was the new line they put in mini-basin 8, 9, and 10 was suppose to stop these specific problems.
The cartoon in yesterday's paper about the sewer board left us scratching our heads.
As soon as we know more, we'll report in. We have a link to the State website through Eastender to make it easier for citizens to follow the activity. Thank you for asking.
Anonymous, at 3:09 PM, April 10, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, April 10, 2006
Welcome Back Blogtastic!
Nice to hear some more sensible dialogue, which is what most of us here try to have. The problem is, those PP's (pro-progressives) just can't accept that there are citizens who are questioning the abilities of our Mayor, and we are allowed to do this without reprisal.
The documents that we have posted are only the beginning of what we have to look at & question.
Your questions have hit the mark, and if you want to e-mail me personally, I can give you more information.
As for 'lil timmy, you just keep getting smaller & smaller in the eyes of the people who matter.
You ought to think twice before you blow off about something you know very little about.
Take this as a little 'friendly' advise. It won't be so friendly the next time.
East Ender, at 5:50 PM, April 10, 2006
not trying to rag on you(seriously!) but don't you think it's a bit unfair to group all progressives in with a select loud-mouth few?
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, April 10, 2006
Depressing news about the sewers this evening. Heard we should be getting the EDIT monies from the County around July 1; someone said good, it can go into the sewers; and then we were told, well, that monies may need to be used for the police officers retiring through the state "buy out?" program.
Also heard the Sanitation Contract is available. There seems to be a rub with a statement in there stating all customers who the City charges, Eco-Tech must pick up their trash. Well, that would involve the Housing Authority. ?????
We witnessed one of our big red garbage trucks getting on I-64 at 9th st. For the life of us, we couldn't figure out if they went to the landfill out off of 65, why were they getting on at the 9th st exit? Something we just happened upon.
Do these drivers of our trucks have their CDL's? We are wondering about that issue. Could be viscious rumours from unhappy employees, guess we'll find out. Hear there are 3 of 'em.
Take care, New Albany. Tomorrow is another day. Unfortunately, we were asked to start taking our newspapers down to Earthfirst for recycling and the monies would go to the party, I guess. The only problem with that is the City is already paying a recycling charge and we still don't know if that is really happening. We've heard it's not, but we really don't know.
We'll work on trying to figure out the answers to our own questions! At least the contract is now available, and we are anxious to see how much they reimbursed US for the use of our equipment, properties, utilities, etc. And, we still want to know the identities who operate this fair company. Seeing it is an LLC, it's going to be a tough one.
One active partner; one passive.
Anonymous, at 2:43 AM, April 11, 2006
Isn't the sanitation monies or lack of monies, the contract with an independent company and all of the details an old story. Why do you continue to beat a dead cat? Wouldn't your energy be better spent in a different direction? Just wondering! At this point in the game, who cares?
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM, April 11, 2006
Taxpayers have not seen a copy of the sanitation contract yet. Why would you care what we are talking about on here, especially the sanitation contract, but especially if you are a taxpayer!
Sort of tells me all I need to know.
We wish you wouldn't worry yourself about what we talk about on here. We are adults; don't need a censor; I could come up with a few more. Have a good day.
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM, April 11, 2006
11:25 PM Anonymous
What event were you attending? I saw plenty of people talking with the mayor, and sitting with him.
I find your lack of respect for the office, and the term great white leader offensive.
You ask for others to respect the posters on this blog, when in fact you show no respect for others here!
Talk about double standards!
I am a progressive, and I do not post here because of the double standards you have set. Nor am I one that posts anonymous just to stir the pot. Your blog could provide a value to this city and its citizens if it weren't for the lack of credibility.
At least on Rogers’s blog, he has the common sense to ask that posters identify themselves to him so that he may vouch for the credibility of the posters. Maybe EE should or could at least do that, NAH! What the hell I am thinking, this is your idea of entertainment, doesn’t matter who it offends! NEVERMIND!
Anonymous, at 10:06 AM, April 11, 2006
Funny how the hypocrites approve the personal attacks on Tim, but cry and whine when someone attacks your loudmouth blog host....talk about a double standard....typical of all the mindless banter on this site.....we want improvements, but we want them for free....we want the best and brightest city personnel, but we want them for free.....we want more government, but we want less government.....how laughable....and you wonder why no one in this city takes any of you little people serious.....you're just comic relief.....
Anonymous, at 10:15 AM, April 11, 2006
Most of the people on this blog are not worthy to polish the mayor's shoes. At the very least, he is getting up every morning, cleaning himself up, driving to work and taking care of business, and dealing with the problems in New ALbany. Not a small job to be sure. If you have suggestions how to make New Albany a better place to work and live, why don't you share these with the mayor himself? Whether he is going to satisfy the bloggers at SOLNA is not here nor there and I am sure not his major concerns. It must be very difficult for the mayor to be judged by people who are not contributing in any way except to complain. Personally, I admire the mayor if the only thing that he does is keep his cool when people constantly complain when they do not know what they are talking about. I also find it very disrespectful to call the mayor "Jimmy" which is an absolutely put down. He is known as James or Mayor Garner.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM, April 11, 2006
Good posting Anon 10:15 A.M. How true, they want the best, but want to complain about the cost. I was thinking, there is a lot of complaining on this blog about THEIR tax money. Gee, for a medium priced home in New Albany we can assume the taxes are approximately $80.00 a month sometime more, sometimes less. How far do you think you YOUR tax money goes? When you go Wal Mart what to you get for $80.00 a month? Stop complaining and be grateful that there are people who are willing to work for what they get paid by the city of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM, April 11, 2006
If anyone was sitting by himself last night, it should have been Jim Hollis. He smelled of urine, and just plain ole body odor!
And what was that rambling about on the stage, this man is not fit to be a candidate for any office. He may have been once upon a time but not today. Someone needs to reintroduce Mr. Hollis to water and soap.
There were also a few others there that have no business running for an office, but hey it’s a free country!
We don’t want any new faces or ideas in New Albany, it has been a sleepy little town for years, and most of us want it to stay that way. If you want progress you need to move to Clarksville or Corydon. Progress will mean more taxes, I live of a fixed income and can not afford more taxes or higher sewer bills. Why can’t you people just leave us alone, we are very happy stuck in the 50’s.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM, April 11, 2006
Being a good ole UofL fan hear where your coming from. Next year will be better.
You don't run fr office and promise the world to the voters. And turn around and say "tough shit" I'm the mayor it's my way or the highway...
Then turn around and litterally screw the city in the ground. New Albany can be a better city. And we can and do deserve better service. There use to be a saying "you get what you pay for?", but I feel we pay for it and don't get it. This man is deserate for $$$$$. All the money in the world will not get him re-elected...It's the individual citizens that finally say enough is enough and were mad as hell and were getting him outta here! Laugh all you want. We are going to have a repeat. Watch and see....
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM, April 11, 2006
2:37 Give us a break! He is not fit to be called Mayor. And I also witnessed him being ignored by the party. So you folks need to continue your so called spin on last night! Not one time did they call the Mayor up! Respect is earned not demanded. He has lied and put his friggin pockets first. He is so out of touch with the citizens of New Albany. Wonder why Randy Stumler spoke about "Resolving difference between one another?" The party needs to be united. That tells you something!
And as they say the bigger they are the harder they fall!
Get your respect from another family because this family doesn't respect what he has done and is doing!
He has no one to blame but poor ole "JIMMY"...
Anonymous, at 8:29 PM, April 11, 2006
Friggin...isn't that special. If anyone wonders what it would be like to have VA mayor, listen to her possey. Good grief, have you people no class?
Anonymous, at 9:28 PM, April 11, 2006
You know, the folks who utilize this blog for its intended purpose may critisize the Mayor, because he is doing a really poor job at managing the City, and at choosing the people he has to work with him.
We may complain, we may beat him up about the choices he has made, but we don't stoop to the levels that his "groupies" do.
The language, the personal hostility, the insults and the put-downs are all coming from the mayor's supporters.
What does this tell us about the Mayor? What kind of people are behind this guy?
Nasty, mean, insulting gestures and slanderous comments are not very becomming as a way to lift your boy up as the guy for re-election.
Indeed, the antics displayed by these "goons" tells us quite the opposite.
Why would we want to elect a Mayor who has not only done a poor job, but also surrounds himself with the worst of the worst when it comes to who's standing up for him.
If what you fools are trying to accomplish is to put this blog down so no bad mouthing goes on about your "boy", you are sure having the opposite effect.
I, for one, am even more resolved to making sure that everyone knows how his supporters behave and talk, and thus another reason we should not allow this fool to take control of our city for another 4 years.
East Ender, at 11:52 PM, April 11, 2006
To Bogtastic: :)
We are looking towards the Council, with extreme pressure from all taxpayers, to start the ball rolling on the investigation. The audit states the "governing body" really needs to do that invesigation, because it is indicative of serious wrong doing or problems.
We at one time had a Councilman make a motion for an investigation, it was properly seconded -- but the Councilman President REFUSED to let the Council vote; thereby violating Roerts Rules of Order. I have always felt that meeting became ILLEGAL instantaneously at the point in time.
Hope that helps.
Anonymous, at 3:19 AM, April 12, 2006
While I agree that there is some truth to what EE is saying about the "other side", to continually ignore what is written by supporters of "her side" (and occasionally herself) shows a total lack objectivity and reason.
Iamhoosier, at 9:28 AM, April 12, 2006
Couldn't help yourself could you East Ender? Had to call the Mayor a name in your last sentence.
Anonymous, at 10:51 AM, April 12, 2006
I, too, believe Randy Hubbard could win the Mayoral race hands down. But, I also know this great man, and know he has respect for the citizens -- he talks with them, not down to them.
As Mayor, Sheriff Hubbard would not CONTROL the Council, unfortunately for whomever made that comment.
I don't agree with the name calling either, but please don't lump US ALL into one category.
BTW, we have been to the current Mayor over the same problem for the last 2 years; he has not done what he promised and we doubt he ever will. He has had his change, along with his administration to do the right thing with code enforcements, and the sewer monies. We have been to him solidly for two years; and to no avail. Thus, frustration sets in, just like on E Spring St, just like it does every four years with another group of people who TRY to make the laws work for ALL of US, and not just a few.
thanks for listening.
Anonymous, at 11:03 AM, April 12, 2006
P.S. Make that "chance", not "change". Thanks.
Anonymous, at 11:04 AM, April 12, 2006
Under Randy Hubbard's watch the inmates at the Floyd County Jail are served moldy bologna sandwiches
and overcharged for commisary items, including asparin & Tylenol.
If the sheriff keeps the expenses under budget he gets to pocket the difference.
I know these people are in jail for a reason but they are not animals. The dogs & cats at the animal shelter get better treatment.
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, April 12, 2006
"true progressives" are not interested in tearing down old buildings in New Albany.
Where are you even getting this stuff?
what is it you guys always say? Ground clutter, ground clutter...
Anonymous, at 11:29 AM, April 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM, April 12, 2006
The Tribune states the EPA and the City of New Albany are getting ready to sign -- not a Consent Decree (got 1 of those), not an Amended Consent Decree (got 1 of those, too), but the Amended Amended Consent Decree.
We are watching the Federal Register to allow us to see if the public will have time to respond to the new deals now being worked out. That determination is made by the Department of Justice.
Thanks for the space, EastEnder.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM, April 12, 2006
no little people at the neighborhood meeting last night.
easier to sit and whine isn't it?
Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, April 12, 2006
The story states there are "documents or papers" -- don't remember the wording correctly...had to buy one out of a newstand when I saw the headlines and left it where twas having coffee.
Those either documents or papers would be those things we identified.
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM, April 12, 2006
Sounds like you are the whining about people not attending "your" forum. Haven't heard one about it, either than NAC reporting on it. Had some interesting comments, we believe.
Ya know, taxpayers and these politicals could have the "world" in NA, as each of us vision it in our own "eyes", if only:
1. Council does their work and follows the State's recommendations about looking into the monies. THEY DO control the pursestrings; ultimately, it's their responsibility -- and our family for one is going to fight for that right.
2. Tax Abatements need brought to the Council's table and brought immediately. Almost $20 million of tax abatements -- a lot of loss revenue to the General Fund. One of those tax abatements is a trust. Based upon documents I read, only REAL PROPERTY can have a tax abatement. This was in Council's Committee for over ten years; and something needs to happen.
3. Rein in those TIF areas. Put seven (7) quarters on our little City and see how money out of the General Fund is missing and being kept in those areas for THE CITY'S designated projects, not ours. Share that money. Even the State said tax abatements were killing the General Fund. We keep being told, as taxpayers -- "oh, you let us build this development (and I don't care what it is) and we'll get new tax base. Next thing you know, it's TIF'd. Check on cities in Indiana. See how many thay have. There should only be 1, 2 at the max; but we have fought their logic vs. our logic of the monies lost from the General Fund and just keep coming up empty"headed" for some. Must be a good thang in them thar tax abatements. and the county has only 1. Something wrong. Think what we can do. By the way, no enforcement efforts here, either.
First thing that has to happen here folks is we HAVE TO GET THESE FINANCIALS IN ORDER. Our House is a mess, and we are trying to print and share with everyone we know the HISTORY that goes with this town, and what happened when and where and WHY IT MAY JUST HAPPEN TO BE IMPORTANT TO TAXPAYER Advocates.
The history would be over the financials (from EDIT, to SEWERS, to the POLICE/FIRE, to SANITATION/DRAINAGE/FLOOD CONTROL, to Redevelopment, to the missing monies in the Building Commissioner's dilapidated housing fund, which is supposedly still in the negative by -70,000 (or is it -60,000 dollars).
We MAY (it isn't a done deal yet) lose Georgetown.
Even though the curtains have been drawn open through this audit being publicized, we tried and tried to unstick those windows we were speaking of and just maybe, they glued 'em shut with "crazy glue" (which may be appropriate, chuckle).
Publish some more documents, SOLNA. Truth will set us all free. And what would bother a taxpayer advocate as much as someone thinking this is a DEMOCRAT issue, or a REPUBLICAN issue, or a LIBERTARIAN issue, or a whatever. It doesn't matter. IT IS ALL OF OUR'S MONIES AND WE NEED ACCOUNTABILITY AND THOSE BOOKS LOOKED AT, immediately. Sorry for the diatribe...but I'm smelling fresh air. Thanks
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, April 12, 2006
yeah we'll see what group actually get's something done.
most the anonymous posters here are either too lazy, or too scared to show their faces in public.
No worries, I don't think you were missed.
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, April 12, 2006
don't forget the write up that The Tribune did. it's in the paper, not sure if it's up on their website yet.
Anonymous, at 4:12 PM, April 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:46 PM, April 12, 2006
informed-Mr.Laduke you do rather well in trying to protect your boss the mayor and your buddy Tony Brown Toran. If the shoe fits wear it..I really hate to bust your bubble but informed is really not-informed.
Anonymous: You need to be concerned about the skeltons that will come out on Randy Hubbard. It is well know his womanizing downtown. Names and I even understand the women will come out. Don't worry his list is longer than Bill Clintons...
Progressives you all are so threaten by a women it is sad...You all have put your money on a dead horse "Garners gag gang of 4...Then you have the "rubberstamp gang of 5. Where has the mayor and the rubber stamp gang 5 been at your progressive meetings downtown...
You Mr. Greg Roberts thinks everyone has to have there house look like yours. Well sir I really don't think you realize who you are dealing with..Many of you refuse to realize that you will never see a full time atty.
Are you willing to take "Tony Brown's job and 2 others to pay for a full time atty? You have the idea you can walk in and demand this and that. When if the people were doing there job we would not be in the mess were in... And we would not have a need of a full-time atty...
What will it take to wake you folks up?
Your pie in the sky theory is very laughable... If many of you loved New Albany as many of us do you would focus on the real problems..
And the big point is $$$$$$$$$...Does any of you have a printing press?
Why are you Anonymous so threaten by Valla Ann? She would be the peoples Mayor.
Get ready the house of cards are in for a big surprise....
A City Employee who is not willing to lose my job over James!
Anonymous, at 6:36 PM, April 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM, April 12, 2006
At some point, in your own best interest, you need to stop yourself. It is clear the "box" of wine has been out for sometime. You are not serving your cause. Go back and read some of your postings. Please do not embarrass yourself anymore. Wait until the morning when you head is clear. You are really not making any sense.
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM, April 12, 2006
To whatever at 3:55PM -
I couldn't agree more. Council is ultimately in charge of allocating money. It's the rubber stampers that have gotten us this deep into a bad idea. re: Scribner Place
The YMCA could, and I mean COULD, bring additional investments into the Downtown district. However, with the look of things down there right now, and the prices on those buildings along with their deteriorating conditions, are forbidding to a lot of wanna be investors.
I still say they don't have enough info to know for sure what the Y and the natatorium may do for us in economic development terms. Putting $400K of EDIT dollars into those pools for the next 17 YEARS is NOT a good investment.
However, helping to subsidize the restoration of the empty buildings with some of that EDIT money would go a lot further towards revitalization.
Those pools can wait while the Y moves forward, and let's just see what the effect will be before we put all our eggs into one basket.
Especially when those eggs are tied to our property taxes.
Everything should be frozen until a full investigation is done on the findings in the audit.
Blogtastic had some very good info re: Madison and Downtown Louisville.
East Ender, at 9:42 PM, April 12, 2006
Residents of our community lost another round concerning the Housing Authority Meeting Monday night.
The Housing Authority has to grant a piece of land in order for a project & a cut through road.
Elderly residents of the Mark Elrod Towers & residents of Wolfe Trace all filed petitions against this item. The Housing Authority SWORE to the residents who reside in a cul de sac, they WOULD NEVER build a cut through road in that cul de sac and pass Mark Elrod.
Unfortunately, even though the President, Letty Walter preached and told the history of the area and how wrong and disastrous this would be, the Board seemed to be stacked against Miss Walter. God bless her for trying.
We wonder if HUD would be interested in Mr. Fifer's conflicts of interest, too. We think a lot of people are.
GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! How do you plan your life in little ole New Albany? Who do you believe in little ole New Albany? GIMME A BREAK!
Anonymous, at 11:56 PM, April 12, 2006
P.S. He assured the Housing Authority Board the DEVELOPER would install the sewer lines; WE will MAINTAIN them. We haven't really done a good job at that particular issue, have we? UHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Anonymous, at 11:58 PM, April 12, 2006
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Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, April 13, 2006
And, why don't you stick to the issues, city employee or not? Why are you so worried about the very subject you KEEP BRING UP.
We know, if you work for Flood Control, officially that's not part of the City; we know, if you work for Redevelopment, you don't consider yourself working for the City; we know, if you work for the Building Commission, you don't work for the City. Then we would have to ask you, who is your Boss?
Back to the issues of taxpayers, and not your personal one's. Gee, how does that sound? Thanks!
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM, April 13, 2006
Informed: To me, in my humble opinion, you are being too selective in your carrying ons about people bad mouthing Garner.
Gee, there are a million blogs out there bad mouthing Bush, all the way down the pike.
Some of us on here do not do that thing you do not like, and are simply trying to examine OUR monies. We know some do have "their own personal thang" going on...but ain't it America?
We don't like listening to it anymore than you. We simply want to talk about the monies and how to get this Council to do their job, as stated by the Audit submitted by State of Indiana.
No more, No less. Can sure understand it can be frustrating. Remember, a lot of us here want to keep this AWAY from politics.
At the same time, you're entitled to say what you feel. Appreciate your views, hope you can see "some" of ours. Gracias.
Anonymous, at 3:17 PM, April 13, 2006
All this blog was ever meant to be was a means for everyone in New Albany to Speak Out Loud about the decisions and actions being made by the current leaders of our City, and to get important information out to a larger portion of the community.
What have we learned about our community through this blog?
We found that eventually, an organized citizens advocacy group will beget the ugly side of politics.
Despite attempts to keep this blog focused on issues and events that affect the citizens of of N.A., it has become increasingly vulenerable to nasty outbursts and personal insults.
I am ashamedly quilty myself for succumbing to the madness and firing off a few rounds of off-issue insults at times. We all have done it.
And that's not what this blog is about, nor will we allow it to be hijaked by people who manipulate the tone and purpose of SOLNA.
Would we behave this way, speak this way, if we were face to face?
Those who use the nastiest tactics, who drag out other private citizens' personal affairs and those who tack on vulger 1 liners every so often, have left the functionality of this blog in necessity of change.
I am asking, one more time, for the insults and assults to stop.
This blog will not degenerate into a mud-slinging contest.
We are re-taking control.
East Ender, at 7:20 PM, April 13, 2006
A gentleman is known for keeping his "word" and or his handshake; not his "grace". Our opinions.
Another one of our opinions is we know his word is no good to our family, nor his agreements, nor his handshake. Has nothing to do with his "grace". But, that's just our opinions.
Anonymous, at 7:25 PM, April 13, 2006
Ok, so let's all now play nice nice because this has gotten out of control? Things are getting too close? People who live in glass houses should not throw stones? The truth is this blog has angered so many people because it has been one sided and out of control way too long which has put your credibility in question. You are just now getting this? When things really start coming out? Now you want to play nice nice. You have allowed all the negative about the people you do not like and censured the truth/things said about those you do like when the the statements were not vulgar at all. They were just the facts. You must understand that many have different opinions about the problems that exist, the cause and the people who present (ambush) themselves as ones who claim they can fix it. Let me break this down for you. Making accusations on rumor about someone being unfaithful or stealing, unless it can be proven, should be off base. What..? you need to ruin a marriage and or life on rummor? Things that should run up red flags on someone are things that are on public record if people just know to look, is quite another story. Everyone will agree things are not what they should be in NA but this did not happen overnight. But should we just give the new saviour on the scene a pass with the hope she/he can fix it when there is soooooooooooooo much smoke and question about character? There is never any place for vulgarity and this blog as been very vulgar at times and it has been allowed to stand. But things that have not been vulgar have been deleted because it crossed your agenda. Which way do you want it? Is your Mea Copa real?
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM, April 13, 2006
A City Employee who is not willing to lose my job over James!
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, April 13, 2006
I agree!!!!!!!!!!! Frankenstien.....
meet your monster!
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, April 13, 2006
anonymous 8:38PM -
I can only say that I have administered this blog thus far to the best of my ability, with the best of intentions (honestly), trying to stick with the original rules of "be nice or be gone" and "No personal attacks", and "stick to the issues".
I've also admitted my own outbursts of indiscretions, and my disappointment with myself in return.
We know everyone has an innate tendency to convince others to believe as we do. re: Religion and Politics (the unmentionables).
But, some people out there are purposfully and repeatedly being way too rude and obnoxious only because they don't like what somebody else is saying.
It deteriorates the dialogue and the purpose of the blog way too often, way too easy.
The issues are getting lost in the 'soap-opera' drama that runs deep in this town.
"Different opinions about the problems that exist", as you put it, sould be fine! GREAT!!!
But, people can't seem to discuss the ISSUES like intelligent adults. Instead it seems to almost immediately degrade into attacks on one another, as we've just done, again.
So yeah, maybe my "had enough" point differs a little from where your "had enough" point is, but look how nasty you had to be to tell me that.?! WHY??!?!?!
All I know to do, even if you think it should have been done sooner, is to make changes.
One thing I can change, is the ability for ill-mannered people to hide behind the anonymity that was originally intended to protect people's jobs, and start tossing around personal attacks on private citizens like they were pennies.
Now, simply holding people personally responsible for their words by threatening to let people know who said those words is a ridiculous predicament!
But, that's where we are, and where we are is where it stops.
Own up, or opt out. It's that simple.
East Ender, at 4:05 AM, April 14, 2006
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