Well now, wasn’t Sunday’s Tribune just a dandy little wake-up call to for the common-thinking folks of New Albany?! At first glance it appeared to be another lawsuit on the horizon for the City and then, quite possibly, it was related to the other bold print of SEWER RATE INCREASES (after all, Sewer Board member and CM Larry Kochert’s picture was there too).
Especially after what we’ve been hearing concerning the proposed development for Daisy Lane that was tabled at last Council and the problems of keeping that project within the recently renegotiated EPA agreement guidelines for new sewer connections. I wasn’t surprised at all that there were residents prepared to sue for an intelligent decision.
Furthermore, a Sewer rate increase can’t possibly be rationalized, or supported given the poor 2004 Audit results and the impossible untangling of Sewage and Sanitation costs that have co-mingled for the last several years. Let alone the abandoned contracts with surrounding areas and the amendments of the amended agreement with the EPA.
A quick glance back to the top of the page however, revealed something completely unexpected: “districts” and “represent”ation. (?)
Oh… wait a minute…these particular residents aren’t suing about the Sewer rates. Absolutely not! They are actually suing to force redistricting of the City….right now.
Now, why on Earth would any residents really get involved in such a politically charged issue, by filing a lawsuit, and so close to time for City elections? Well, these aren’t so much residents as they are “groups”. The self-Christened “Constituency For Progress” and the “East Spring Street Neighborhood Assoc.” have taken on a completely political agenda, and there should be no mistaking that. It’s the “Why?” that gets tricky.
I think they said something about equal representation?????????? HA!
After reading Randy’s account of the situation at NAC, and then his statement that now, he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Not another word he says.
Yet, he says this has been in the works for over a year now. Hmmmmmm.
And they really don’t think it’s obvious to us where, or who, this idea sprang from?
Concerning the Sewer rate increases…
If there’s a lawsuit that needs to be filed, it would be about MIS-representation.
Yvonne Kersey says:
Thank you Freedom of Speech. We knew this had come up under the last Council, but were scrambling to find the minutes of same. Sure took a load off of us, thank you, thank you, thank you.
We sincerely hope East Spring Street aren't plaintiffs in this "abuse of the system", because WE, the taxpayers, PAID their 301C non-profit fees, right? You are not allowed to be involved politically WITHOUT losing that charter.
I would challenge Randy Smith and the others to talk with Mark Elrod residents and see how many of them that voted for Bill Schmidt live in the cemetary. How slanderous and how bad it will appear and be to those citizens of our community.
As someone said before, all you are doing is slapping the voters silly for their right to vote and for who won, fairly and squarely. At least now we know what to expect when these "group" of individuals don't get their ways.
Do you think they realize they will still have to go through the County Commissioners on this one? You got those boys in your hip pocket, too?
This article is simply a diversion to take the heat away from Garner and Shane Gibson for their delay tactics in the Broadus lawsuit.
They have delayed and delayed and delayed, and we truly feel this is nothing more than a smoke screen.
Isn't it interesting the very people they want out are the very ones who tried to follow the law and redistrict? See how much history you have to be aware of before you "STEP" in it?
We also predict this will really hurt some of these people's businesses, if it hasn't already (which based on what we see, may already be happening).
Thank you, too, EastEnder. There is no way hey can justify sewer rate hikes based on our financials. The Council has got to call for the investigation, based on what the State told them to do. We're working hard behind the scenes as taxpayer advocates to make sure everyone has the complete story of New Albany's finances, from here ALL THE WAY UP TO THE STATE level...wish us luck!
Anyone who cares, might want to be at the schoolboard meeting at 7:00 tonight at their Administrative building on Grantline. City Council tapes are on the AGENDA, yeeeaaaaa. We happen to know a few Council members that do want these tapes aired and will be there to say so. Up front, we thank you for supporting the public and those who can not attend, but who need to know what is going on at Council.
Have a good day New Albany. Now I am just going to sit back and let the barbs, namecalling, backbiting, and whatever else they can throw at me, throw it. Ya see, I am no longer a "political appointee", and can publically say how I feel now without worrying about compromising the role I had as Precinct Committeeperson. Always wanted to be fair and unbiased while working the 3rd Precinct Poll for both Dems and Republicans.
Anonymous, at 12:58 PM, May 08, 2006
A P.S. from Yvonne: I'd also like to know where they got their numbers from for registered voters in each precinct. It took me four years to clean mine up, and I certainly didn't have over 1,000 registered voters in the 3rd precinct! Think the number was close to 3 to 400. Wow -- me thinks they are looking at OLD numbers. Might want to re-check that info, guys. Just a thought, though. Maybe a suggestion. Take care.
Anonymous, at 1:03 PM, May 08, 2006
ESNA hasn't discussed such a thing. It has discussed rezoning, as Greg mentioned earlier. Not sure what the source is of that confusion.
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM, May 08, 2006 was in the paper.
However, Greg has mentioned above that the ESNA is NOT involved in this lawsuit.
Best to be careful who speaks on your behalf.
East Ender, at 3:27 PM, May 08, 2006
The contract the New Albany Potty Police have concerning the agreement reached with Georgetown last year for $2 million ought to really play into this issue.
We understand what happened and why Georgetown could possibly not be our customers any longer, trust me, we understand.
But, there are things that we do not understand. Thus, we will provide to you our copies of the contracts with Georgetown and with DSD and any of the others we can find, like Daisy Lane Developers being represented by OUR Sewer Board (gee, what a conflict of interest). Most contracts are recorded in the County Recorder's office and matter of public record.
Sorry, Umbaugh & Associates, but you all scare us. The scandal with Jack Abramhoff and how 3 of his consultants came to work for your first in Indy, and how your "lobby" business, what, tripled(?) in 1 year? We understand one of those consultants are no longer with the firm, but we are looking carefully because of the last "bond issue" for our sewers - all $44 million of it.
How will Umbaugh react to what is in the Audit? Will they tell Council they can't make recommendations because of the lack of accurate financials, or will it be a moot issue?
Stay tuned...we are so sure there is soooooooo much more to come on the above mentioned issues.
Beautiful day out there New Albany! Hope all had a good Derby! Back to buz...blah.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, May 08, 2006
These guys got there ass beat in the election.The voters spoke! And they need to accept it.
AND NOW THEY THINK THEY CAN RE-ADJUST THE DISTRICTS!!! Go for it fellows you still can't win!
But the one thing they have forgotten is many many many people read all the blogs. And people know who they are. It should have been a wake-up call for all of them to realize they are truly nothing but a bunch of Garner's yard dogs!
You all just put the final nail in your own coffin!
Anonymous, at 7:07 PM, May 08, 2006
sure looks like the trail of that last $44 million is coming back around to bite them in the ass.
Thanks Potty police for giving us the details on the financials.
all this goes way deeper than most folks ever thought.
it was a nice try at a run-around but it looks like they are gonna have to dig their way all the way through this one.
I have very little doubt the new law suit is anything other than a deterrent strategy.
ground clutter I believe you call it.
Anonymous, at 8:07 PM, May 08, 2006
In the newspaper article and on the blog articles, we see the leaders for
the lawsuit to force redistricting of the Council Districts. The leaders of the lawsuit are complaining about
precincts that they do not live in.
They are complaining other precincts.
We don't see the residents of the
precincts in other areas complaining.
Anonymous, at 11:29 PM, May 08, 2006
It is very sad to see the remarks being made about absentee voters being
described as if they were in the
The absentee ballot gives our service
men and women their right to vote.
They are fighting battles to protect
our right to vote and their right, too.
Anonymous, at 11:36 PM, May 08, 2006
Since they say nothing can happen in this town without a lawsuit or the threat of one, how about this one?
Unfair Taxation!
The Stormwater user-fee being assessed to only CERTAIN properties is unlawful taxation.
Anybody up to filing one more?
Besides, who's still counting?
Or how about Dereliction of Duty?
Failing to uphold the sworn Oath to protect and serve the citizens of the City seems a little more vital to our collective well-being than redistricting.
How about putting that Scribner pool on the ballot?
How many sewer credits does that take anyway?
We need to put that EDIT money towards the agreement with the EPA to spend $500K per year in line repairs of the inner-city infrastructure!
East Ender, at 12:53 AM, May 09, 2006
Who are the 9 people involved in this so called lawsuit? Give us all a break!
Why not sue for some real reasons:
Conflict of Interest
Over due Sewer Bills
Illegal collection of tickets
Jail over crowding
Scribner Place
Grow up fellows or just move out of New Albany!
Anonymous, at 6:24 AM, May 09, 2006
Well, we know the Mayor can't run a business; the drunk, is that BB and his brewery where you that dislike us so much lay up at? If that's all you have to add, I guess your comments will end up in the garbage, along with your mind and your mouth.
Too bad you don't know anything about running a city, either. You can't possibly, or WE WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SHAPE.
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM, May 09, 2006
Looks like some of the losers seem to be not handling this TO well? Maybe next year!
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, May 09, 2006
I always had faith in you, EE.
'Cuz I just knew you couldn't do it.
April 13, 2006 ...
Due to the propensity for angry outbursts to occur, despite repeated requests that exchanges of viewpoints and dialogue remain focused on the issues, we are forthwith allowing only registered users to utilize this blog.
The New Albanian, at 8:16 PM, May 09, 2006
Welcome back "LOSER" the big blog GURU!!
It's HerBlog....BYE...BYE...ROGER
Did someone hurt your pee....pee...feelings....
Anonymous, at 9:01 PM, May 09, 2006
Frankly, I don't give a damn what Roger thinks.
What I do care about is getting as much information out to as many people as possible.
Very interesting information concerning the last go around at re-districting, which Garner voted against under Overton, can be found at Freedom of Speech
East Ender, at 9:58 PM, May 09, 2006
The decision by the NAFC School Board that NAHS will not broadcast Public meetings of local Government is highly upsetting.
What better way to teach our children Civics and the workings of local Governmental branches?
If they would TRULY stop being "political" they WOULD air these meetings and by the times these kids are old enough to vote, they might just be interested, or concerned, enough to vote.
Shame on the School Board for letting the citizens down on this one.
East Ender, at 10:20 PM, May 09, 2006
Great job Citizenspeaks this Bud's for you!
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, May 09, 2006
Anonymous, at 11:27 AM, May 10, 2006
"...If you cannot deal with facts, just call them a few names...."
Does Neo-Stalinist qualify as name calling? Does an anon poster calling someone a drunk(look up a few posts)qualify?
I enjoy your writing. Your logic at time escapes me. On the other hand, you don't appear to have any facts in your post so maybe the name calling is logical.
By the way, did you pay your $10 for the word "pejorative"?
Iamhoosier, at 3:23 PM, May 10, 2006
1. Anxious for the news to come out about Letty Walter resigning from the Housing Authority Board.
2. Fascinated with Fifer's ruling yesterday about development in NA.
3. Committee meeting tonight for Council concerning stormwater fees, sewage fees, stormwater board (I bet), take home police cars. Could be mistaken that ALL these items on on the agenda, but I'm willing to take a bet they are. We can only attend. We are not allowed to speak. Are we allowed to hold up signs?
4. More to come, hang on to your hats.
5. Thank you Bogtastic. You are my new heroe, too.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, May 10, 2006
We can only hope that they will listen to the people when it comes to these issues.
Folks may not be allowed to participate in these "special" Council Committee meetings, which is a huge concern of ours, but we can certainly make phone calls between now and the next regular Council session on the 18th of May.
They cannot pass any resolutions except at the public Council meetings.
So folks, break out your dialing fingers and call your Council Rep. and the 3 at-large CM's and let them know what you think about paying for all these things.
P.S. blogtastic -
Your assessment of the 'control' issue is dead on.
East Ender, at 6:13 PM, May 10, 2006
blogtastic -
All I can say is, BEAUTIFUL!!!
If you're not a fellow Sociologist, you certainly ought to be.
I'm familiart with some of the studies you reference, and perhaps we'll delve a little more into that as the underlying mechanism that is driving the forces of this poor community.
You have my deepest thanks and my humble respect.
East Ender, at 7:03 PM, May 10, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 8:38 AM, May 11, 2006
Excellent. Nice, concise explanation of neo-Stalinism. Your application in this instance is a little one sided.
I have been on the blogs since August. SOLNA has went to comment moderation twice during that time. I have not seen another local blog go to this step. Comment moderation, for those that do not know, allows the moderator(s) to approve what is posted in advance--censorship. Also, one whole thread was deleted. Wiped out.
Certainly SOLNA had the right to do it. No different than NAC has the right to require registered users, FOS has the right to not allow comments, etc. No matter, it was a totally controlling step.
Accordingly, I believe your original usage was inflamatory not academic. Only you know what was in your heart at that time. If I am mistaken, my apology.
I was not expecting you to answer for the "drunk" comment. Again, my point is the one sided approach. No one called out the poster who used it.
I understand your words just fine, thank you. Perhaps you are not aware that the $10(or some like amount)words comment was first directed at Roger by some in the anti intellectual club. That club is right next door to the elitist club.
There is plenty of blame to go around.
Iamhoosier, at 10:07 AM, May 11, 2006
I have removed the 'speech' article regarding diversity because of the amount of space it was taking, and the content of the article. It is 3 typewritten pages long.
We are requesting that the author of the posting contact me via e-mail to confirm or clarify their intentions and the origin of the message.
East Ender, at 3:01 PM, May 11, 2006
We've just learned that Ky. Gov. Fletcher has been indicted on three charges including Political discrimination and Dereliction of Duties, as well as Conspiracy.
We here at SOLNA feel very encouraged by this news as it tells us, no one is above the law even if they hold political office.
East Ender, at 5:04 PM, May 11, 2006
I think you left out the part about just another politician who says one thing to get elected and then does just the opposite!
(smile, really)
Iamhoosier, at 5:17 PM, May 11, 2006
Last nights special council session got a little raucous when the Mayor apparently charged 3rd district CM Price after said CM suggested halting the take-home car policy starting from the top down.
Pointing out Garner as the one who should set the example of the change in policy by parking his city-owned vehicle after hours apparently hit a nerve with the illustrious one.
It may have been this unsettling happening that gave way to the faulty decision of scheduling what many believe to be an illegal meeting.
Currently they plan to meet the night before the next regular Council meeting to discuss financials.
Under Indiana law a special session called for the purpose of discussing public funds is not allowed.
I hope this matter comes to the attention of the proper people who can challenge the legalities of these special meetings.
Anonymous, at 9:18 PM, May 11, 2006
This comment would be my opinion and just say it is from the "Roving New Albany GOSSIP Reporter".
That having been said, yep, that last posting about whether they can have an executive session (the Council) next Wednesday would be a hot topic.
Word on the street is the Courier Journal will challenge the propriety of this meeting (thank you, press).
The Mayor did charge Councilman Price and told him not to "point his finger at him". Councilman Price was making the point the cuts need to start at the top of the Administration, by example, having the Mayor on down park their City Owned Vehicles in order to negotiate with the Police, hoping they would be more apt to want to keep theirs' vehicles in the city, based on the gasoline.
We also appreciate Dow O'Neal's efforts to tell President Gahan he needed "to get the Council back in order". Certain citizens feel this is going to become physical in nature before it is all said and done with.
There is gossip on the street, also, that would involve what happened at the sewer board meeting on Tuesday. We are glad to hear Mr. Seabrook, Mr. Utz and Mr. Solomon all asked Mr. Fifer if how he was interpreting the NEW orders with the EPA were correct. We hear through the grapevine the EPA will not let Mr. Fifer "grandfather" in all of the people who have been waiting TWO years without doing the official Engineering Study on it's effect on outlying areas, as agreed to in this latest legal agreement. Bad legal advice, bad legal advice -- but who's listening?
Maybe that's enough for one day's worth of gossip in New Albany. The brain sort of gets bogged down with all the info flowing through it, and the people you speak with, and the sources you make note of and with. Pshewie. Tomorrow is another day.......
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, May 11, 2006
Oh, I do have more. The Tribune was in attendance at this Council Committee meeting last night, but there was not word one in the paper. The Courier was not in attendance, but there will be an article about it tomorrow. Forgot that one. See?
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM, May 11, 2006
Just checked out NAC, Roger must think the people at Freedom of Speech have a crystal ball.
He said that FOS had congratulated all of the precinct committee winners, including Edward Stoess. Well, if anyone knew he was going to shoot people they would have stopped him, not just voted for someone else DUH!
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM, May 12, 2006
Yes, we saw that comment also. Mr. Stoess was a good person who seems to have snapped. Why Freedom of Speech WOULDN'T print ALL of the winners is beyond me. We believe they must believe they had a crystal ball, also.
It simply shows how crass their spirits and thoughts are.
Keep up the good work out there FOS and SOLNA. We lov ya!
Anonymous, at 11:16 AM, May 12, 2006
Your missing the point...can't he go back and edit the names now... and take the name off the list?
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM, May 12, 2006
There's that mis-spelling again. Hmmmmm. Bet I know who made that comment! I DIDN'T miss the point, and that's MY OPINION. You just can't BS everyone ALL THE TIME. And, that would be MY OPINION. Thanks for your interpretation concerning our reading comprehension.
Anonymous, at 12:52 PM, May 12, 2006
There is still a lot of buzz going around about this past Wednesday's "Special" session of the Council.
We went looking for the posting to find out what was supposed to be on the agenda and found that three issues were to be discussed:
1. Stormwater Drainage Board
2. Fuel Costs
3. Sewer Utility Project Spending
However, attendees report that John Rosenbarger and entourage took it upon themselves to address the Council in regards to the hotly contested Daisy Lane project which was NOT on the agenda.
When CM Coffey made an objection to this discussion, President Gahan responded with something to the effect of:
"We'll just call it a 'Traffic' discussion."
Well, how about we call it an illegal meeting?
If the minutes accurately reflect the topics of discussion, and those topics differ from what was posted on the agenda, it makes it an illegal meeting.
The opponents of this development had a right to know if this issue was going to again be discussed in detail before coming back to Council for another vote.
Do they think no one pays attention to these things or what?
WAKE UP!!! We're all watching.
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM, May 12, 2006
We feel the problem is they know we're all watching, they simply don't give a damn. It is tooooo blatant to the average joe from New Albany what all is going on here.
Another issue that has been left out regarding the police take home cars is the fact of some mistakes made when "whomever" down at City Hall decided to give the Police new ranks. "They" forgot about all the comp time involved, their benefits, etc., and it has become a lot more expensive than "they" thought.
We regret the group trying to run City hall as identifying us as "cop bashers". We certainly hope, after all of our and a lot of other citizens support and hard work, they will recognize this is just not true. Wonder if they belong to the FOP like other citizens, or the Firefighter's Union? Interesting question, hey?
We like Ali's comment to EastEnder about what if she needed a "SWAT" team and they couldn't make it to her house in time because their cars would be parked. All we can say to Ali, guess the "SWAT" team needs to live inside the City limits for that faster response time. Makes perfect sense to us.
And, BTW, you can park those that live outside the City starting on the top floor of the Parking Garage downtown. Now there's an idea.
Just our family's opinions.
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM, May 12, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM, May 12, 2006
Let's see who these so called ? involved in the Redistricting lawsuit!
They need to read "Lawsuits for progressive dummies"
Anonymous, at 8:23 PM, May 12, 2006
We would like for Maury Goldberg to explain why he "pulled" (not tabled) the redistricting Ordinance and why Mayor Garner voted against it.
What a sweetheart of a question! Now, if simply one of those two would respond, wouldn't it be great?
The "lawsuiters" very buddies are the ones who stopped the issue. These districts were set up even long before Mr. Schmidt became a Council member. It's a smoke screen, simply to block the public from the Broadus lawsuit.
Ought to be interesting. Really proud of Mr. Gahan & Mr. Kochert for defending Mr. Schmidt's representation of his constituents and the great job he has done. Maybe Mr. G. is the only one who can't get what "they" want, who knows? It's a game. Smoke & mirrors.
Back to the sewers and Broadus, we say. Take care New Albany.
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM, May 12, 2006
I really like the idea of parking the Police cars on the top floor of the Parking Garage that has cost the City over $600K every year since it was built.
Let's at least use the damn thing for something.
We understand that Ali has a special interest in this issue (congrats on the engagement to one of New Albany's finest), but that doesn't give her sole alliance in support of our Officers.
None of this is ABOUT the Officers, it's about the budget.
We certainly don't buy the argument by R.S. that the current policy is actually saving the City money.
As for the response time, we agree that there are enough Officers who reside within the City limits.
There is also the issue of retiring Officers for next year. In fact, the City must somehow come up with about $1 million to cover these retirement benefits.
We applaud CM Price for his tenacity in getting this issue back before the Council.
East Ender, at 9:20 PM, May 12, 2006
They need to read "Lawsuits for progressive dummies"
Is this book available at our local progressive bookstore.
I think we need 9 according to the news report.
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM, May 16, 2006
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