Alright, enough is enough. Things are getting just a little crazy around here lately, and seeing those 20 names in the Tribune today really put the cherry on top of an ever worsening situation. How many law suits are there against the City now? I'm sure somebody knows!
Adding insult to injury, another short article gave a completely erroneous version of events regarding the cancelled "Executive Session" meeting that was scheduled for this past Tuesday evening.
Garner sure pulled hard on that string and got the 'story' spinning off and away from the actual truth of the matter. The notice was indeed posted, as we checked it out personally and have a copy. Also, there were no mis-communications of intent. Everyone knew exactly what was supposed to happen, but it was indeed something that is not allowed to happen behind closed doors. Discussions of public monies and City financial matters are off limits (see Freedom of Speech for Indiana Codes pertaining to Open Door Laws).
We have previously expressed great confidence in our new local media outlet managers, and we anticipate that Mr. Tucker's main objective is indeed to print the actual truth, rather than some politicized version thereof. Therefore, we plan to apprise Mr. Tucker of the actual facts surrounding the canceled meeting. It was planned to discuss, "...Stormwater funding, Fuel costs, and Sewer Utility project spending" according to the posted notice.
The financial shortfalls of the City's limited resources are upon us.
The bottom line is that the City of New Albany has arrived a full 360' around until it's come face to face with itself and the repercussions of a whole lot of bad fiscal decisions that have been made over the course of the last few administrations.
However, Garner's tenure has been most particularly damaging, as one bad decision has followed another, and another, and he continues his attempts to dig deeper and deeper into the pockets of the general citizenry to regenerate funds that have "gone missing" by co-mingling City Departments, Services, Boards, and Committees.
The entanglements resulted in receiving a recommendation from the State Board of Accounts that the 2004 Audit warrants a full investigation due to signs of serious problems of the (mis)management of City funds, and actual violations of budgetary rules that were revealed when the Audit was released.
We, as citizens' and taxpayer advocates, are committed to our repeated requests for just such an investigation, and we are just as committed to standing up and demanding change, not only in terms of fiscal accountability, but as well as accountability for the basic management of the City.
This means we expect an intense re-examination of the plethora of issues that are contributing factors to the dismal financial picture and public discontent that IS currently New Albany.
From tax abatements to mounds of uncollected delinquent sewage accounts, unencumbered TIF funds and previously pledged EDIT dollars earmarked for sewage repairs, it must all be re-examined.
It is time for our elected bodies to take whatever drastic measures are necessary to correct drastic mistakes and get this community back on its collective feet with a strong foundation under us from which to build on. Both metaphorically and literally speaking. Our basic infrastructure is absolutely critical to the building blocks of any real sustainable economic revitalization.
We will be posting documentation, minutes of meetings, legal agreements and various other information to support our contentions that some of this money was already supposed to be there to pay upcoming expenses.
We want answers, and there's a lot of 'splaining to do.
This city has went to hell in a handbasket "thanks to James Garner and the progressive."
This is our town Roger Baylor not yours!
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM, May 18, 2006
Why aren't these City Meetings listed
in the newspaper in advance to tell the people what is planned?
How much time do we have to run down to the 3rd floor of the City-County
Building each day to see what meetings the Mayor is planning to hold ?
Thanks, Laura, for trying to help us keep up with all this mess.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM, May 18, 2006
The article in the CJ today makes me physically ill. Democrats fighting Democrats, oh what a wonderful day for the Republicans.
As the professor at Bloomington said, this is nothing but a politically motivated issue with a "hidden agenda".
As a taxpayer advocate, I would ask each of those 20 Plaintiffs why they did not go to Council or have the Mayor introduce this "redistricting" issue. None of these Plaintiffs have been bashful about asking this Council for anything else, i.e., a code enforcement officer (how's that one working out), new historical areas, etc. So, why are you wasting OUR MONIES and why didn't you approach the Council?
And Mr. Beardsley, one of our original free-flushers on the sewers, who had to be sued in order to get our MONIES from him.
Now we are understanding where the idea for a City Court came from and the idea for a fulltime City Attorney, etc. As an insider into Floyd County politics, I recognize it now for what it is. More people wanting more of our money.
And the words the Mayor uttered in the paper that he only knows these people by passing them in the hallway is the biggest crock of **** to come down the pike in a long time. Even Council has accused the Mayor of Randy Smith being his "official Advisor". We see him coming out of the Mayor's office before EVERY MEETING, right? Or are we all visually impaired, as well as stupid -- like they keep trying to paint all citizens who do not agree with them?
Mayor, I'm here to tell you, you just shot your own foot. My husband says you have been down for a while now, you just don't have sense enough to keep your head down to keep from getting it kicked. I know of no supporters you have left, except those group of 20 people. Hope they help you out, because we are tiirreedd of your games -- and they are your games.
Have a good day NA. Remember this saying - "You can fool the people you work for all the time; you can fool the people you work with some of the time; but you CAN'T FOOL THE PEOPLE WHO WORK UNDER YOU NONE OF THE TIME because they are picking up your slack.
Anonymous, at 1:58 PM, May 18, 2006
The professor closed by saying this.
"But that doesn't change the fundamental legal issue, he said."
You complain all the time about rule of law, then someone asks for the law to be enforced -- but somehow, some way, that's different.
Hypocrite's the word, I think.
Anonymous, at 3:12 PM, May 18, 2006
Our thanks go out to the Courier Journal's Ben Hershberg for his report concerning the 20-Member lawsuit filed against the City and the the actual City Council Members.
Although very disturbing, his report managed to make several key points:
1. "Garner...denied meeting with the plantiffs, other than sometimes chatting in passing."
An outright lie since we all are painfully aware of the multitude of politicized "Forums" that have been organized and carried-out by many of the lawsuit plaintiffs under the guise of Neighborhood Assoc. concerns.
2. "Plaintiff Randy Smith refused to comment on whether there was a political motivation for the lawsuit."
"Randy Smith ran unsuccessfully..."
3. "These cases are so politically charged, they are called Trojan horse cases, ...because there ALWAYS is a hidden agenda."
What's that famous Jack Nicholson line ringing in our heads?
In this case, 20 of them can't.
We've decided we'll re-post the analysis so well-crafted by fellow blogger BLOGTASTIC just after the "PP's" first filed this waste of taxpayer funds.
"...it is unusual for such a lawsuit to be filed so long after the last census and to cite statistics for VOTERS rather than population..."
East Ender, at 3:18 PM, May 18, 2006
You're all just mad because you did not think of it first. It is the law. Hypocrite IS the correct word.
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, May 18, 2006
Council meeting was sort of postive tonight. The money which was slated toward neighborhood groups was instead amended to go into the "dilapidated housing fund", in order to benefit ALL citizens and the Council.
The Daisy Lane Project was voted down 7 - 2 ; but Gahan insists it has to come back for the second & third reading even though it failed. Gahan and Crump were the two to vote for it.
It was asked what Council was going to do about the 2004 Audit and the State recommending them to investigate the monies more thoroughly; pretty much met with dead silence until Mr. Coffey finally gave a reply, which was to say a whole lot of nothing was being done.
A lot of talk about how the stormwater fee billing system had a few errors in them. The explanation was that was to be expected with a new system while they work the "bugs" out of same. We really wanted to know if they were using new digitalized photos or old ones, but didn't receive that information. Maybe the SWAC can provide it to us.
Just a brief overview. Have a good night, New Albany. Tomorrow's another day!
Anonymous, at 11:52 PM, May 18, 2006
I certainly sensed a different "vibe" (if u will) in the room that felt like watching someone discipline their children right in front of you.
What do you do, or say, after being caught in a bit of an awkward situation as the 'elders' took issue with the audacity of the Council.
The silence was deafening as people waited for answers to questions of accountability and good, sound, judgements/decisions.
Why, when there are so many other needs in the City, are they pushing so defiantly to get this Daisy Lane high-density development to occur?
It doesn't fit the surrounding neighborhoods, the roads can't handle it, and drainage issues are already a concern in the area.
Why spend so much money widening roads, adding sidewalks, creating special Emergency lanes, and so on... when that money can be directed into projects that move the entire City forward in terms of MANDATED repairs of existing infrastructure?
Rosenbrger out and out said tonight that he plans to extend the State Street TIF District to include this Daisy Lane Development.
Sorry, but that TIF fund is needed to help pay for the Robert E. Lee Lift Station Project that the EPA is still insisting on.
The bids could come in as high as $1.2 million.
However, reeling in only 2 TIF districts out of 7 will pay for the project.
Seems simple doesn't it?
Well, you can bet your life that nothing's ever simple in politics.
Will it take a good old fashined fight? Or is it going to take another lawsuit?
Guess we'll see soon enough.
East Ender, at 12:52 AM, May 19, 2006
I doubt that it is a "high priority" of most citizens in which order the council conducts their meetings, such as what part of the meeting allows public comment. There sure was a loud outcry over here and DEMANDS that the law be followed.
For the record, I am not member of the lawsuit. I also think that at least a public request to the council was in order before filing suit. See, I do agree with you a little bit.
Iamhoosier, at 9:27 AM, May 19, 2006
Thanks for that! I have long given up on the Council putting the meeting in it's correct order as per the law. But, I don't have the money to sue them, and I know they don't have any money to pay anyone. Heck, we are borrowing monies still out of the sewers just to pay employees in other departments (loan, mind you).
But thanks for your comments. I really wasn't addressing them to you, but appreciate your response. See, I do agree with you, too, sometimes.
Anonymous, at 11:04 AM, May 19, 2006
what the hell did speak out loud talk about daisy lane for she doesnt live near them thar parts, same thing good ole dan coffey would ask when the developers were talking last night.
2 smart votes last night on the daisy lane proposal, i wouldnt blame the developers to build trailer trash homes now, maybe dan coffey could represent that part of town when his district is changed
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM, May 19, 2006
That's right; ya'll jest dont care about those kind of things, huh?
If I were them thar developers I would be looking at that ther lawyer theyz a usin.
Anonymous, at 2:11 PM, May 19, 2006
Amen on the noted identity of the attorney they are using.
This is really getting to be very blatant issues of conflict of interest problems.
anonymous 12:36 -
I believe you have just defined the difference between "Taxpayer Advocates" and "Elitist NIMBY's". I happen to think of the entire City as my "Community" and every Citizen as my Neighbor.
That's why I was up there.
What's your excuse for NOT being up there? The development is a bad idea and too expensive, not to mention outright dangerous!
East Ender, at 3:15 PM, May 19, 2006
oh, sorry...
for those who don't already know, NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard.
East Ender, at 3:16 PM, May 19, 2006
Just lov how lil Timmy is out on Baylor's blog blasting Laura Oates, and Doug England of all people. Boy, if you ever want to meet someone who knows it all, you are missing one hell of an opportunity.
Lil Timmy, believe the sewer lines mentioned run to the Country Club and Grantline, and WE ALL know what problems lie that way, or did you forget the direction of the liens by now?
Got your number, and will expose your *** every time for your stupidity and indifference to other people's quality of life.
Anonymous, at 7:13 PM, May 19, 2006
P.S. Change that misspelled word from liens to lines. Thank you kindly.
Anonymous, at 7:14 PM, May 19, 2006
The gent who was escorted from the room cracked me up in the Tribune, stating he had been "thrown out of better beer joints" than this place. Tooooo funnnnnyyyyyy.
Think people are getting the message there may be some troubles in the way they are running that thar Council, and how some are allowed to speak without signing in, some not. Guess it depends on who you know........
Too funny.
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM, May 19, 2006
The PP's need to move to a more regressive society in order to not have the rights we have, because they seem to think we have none.
BTW, Take Garner with you, will ya? Thanks.
Anonymous, at 2:41 AM, May 20, 2006
There's been a whole lot of discrepencies concerning when Gahan will allow someone to speak if they are not signed up, and when he will.
It's not in who you know so much as it is in who you ARE.
East Ender, at 12:48 AM, May 21, 2006
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