The City's Dilemma
As we have been discussing recently, we feel strongly that the natatorium, planned for the Scribner Place development, should be postponed for a minimum of 2 years while all efforts and possible resources are directed towards meeting EPA directives, including the part that says we MUST spend at least $500K per year, every year, on inner-city repairs and upgrades.
New Albany is currently under a Federal mandate to comply with Federal laws, and we are concerned about the devestating economic impact of the restricted sewer credits that resulted from not meeting those mandates in a timely manner.
These impacts not only affect New albany, but are reaching beyond our City limits and impacting Georgetown and their neighbors, Lanesville as was reported here in today's Courier Journal.
Owing to the fact that we are under NO Federal mandate to build swimming pools, we feel the $400K in EDIT dollars that would be stripped from the City by a natatorium would be better utilized, at this point in time, to pay for these Federal directives.
It is looking more and more like our pleas for common sense to prevail have been heard, and Monday's Council Meeting will hopefully tell for sure.
We recieved copies of the "financials" concerning Stormwater, Drainage, and Sewage that were handed out at the last Council meeting, by Sewer Board attorney Greg Fifer, and we have to say they are pretty difficult to take seriously.
I mean, if the State recommends a full investigation into the financials because they can't make heads nor tails of them, then perhaps we should pay attention.
Obviously, there are Council Members who are having a hard time swallowing these numbers as well. We congratulate, and thank them, for their resolve to get to the bottom of these matters.
The Sewer rate increase that has been recently proposed, along with new rates for Stormwater "use", and the need for money to pay Drainage, along with all the "loans" that are due back to the sewer fund, are being wrongly assessed to the citizens.
We are looking to our Council Representatives to set right this unfair burden on the ratepayers due to failures to adequately and efficiently represent the best interests of the City, and all its residents.
The City must indeed move forward. However, it must be able to do so on solid footing with the proper infrastructure in place before we start pouring vital funds into "luxury" amenities.
Anonymous, at 6:42 AM, June 03, 2006
Scribner Place, Linden Meadows, and other programs like them ARE PART OF THE VITAL INFRASTRUCE we need to draw in more tax revenue to the city coffiures!
Without them, those of us who are now shouldering the burden can rest assured that our load is going to get heavier while services and other infrastrutures continue to decline!
What is it going to take to get you folks to understand that?
Highwayman, at 8:13 AM, June 03, 2006
It would seem to certainly cost significantly more to re-engineer this project into two separate projects at this late date as well as the escalation in costs from the delay of both parts as even the Y piece would probably have to be pushed back months if not a year to redesign and rebid the whole thing.
Anonymous, at 10:07 AM, June 03, 2006
Folks, we are under a Federal ORDER to make repairs and invest $500K annually into the inner-city sewer infrastructure.
There are no if's, and's or but's about it. This is where we are due to long neglect of EPA directives to comply with the Clean Water Act.
How many of you people think it's OK for raw sewage to be running our streets, seeping into our groundwater, and flowing directly into the Ohio River?
We are facing significant increases in rates in order to fund these repairs even though the EDIT funds were pledged and appropriated by Council to be spent on these repairs but it has been spent on other things.
Now they want to spend another $400K of EDIT every year for 17 YEARS backed with our propoerty taxes, and they didn't even bother to do a feisability study.
How much sense does that make?
East Ender, at 5:00 PM, June 03, 2006
The city's portion is much less than $400,000 per year. And is only a very small part of the EDIT and other tax dollars coming into the city.
Anonymous, at 5:36 PM, June 03, 2006
Like FOS said: Do we want our sewers fixed or a swimming pool and brewery. Makes a hell of alot of sense. Seems like a no-brainer to us taxpayers. Garner can not blame this on Overton now.....
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, June 03, 2006
Could one of you tell me who's doing the brewery I keep reading about?
I'd like to meet him. Perhaps we could work together for the general betterment of beer. Does anyone know where it's going to be located.
Gee, I hope this isn't another one of those stupid Internet rumors disseminated by that transgendered academic wannabe over at Freedom to Lie.
Have fun guys. Laura, do I get paid this time for boosting your hit count?
The New Albanian, at 10:11 PM, June 03, 2006
Need to check with your County Representatives. They will tell you less "EDIT" came in this past year than was expected. What would that mean? Unemployment in the entire City and County is UP.
Get the figures.
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, June 03, 2006
I do not like what I am hearing as to Council members getting calls from a Denise Farmer, identifying herself as the VP of DNA.
I do kind of like what she said, as it was related to me (something like) -- "either you let this Scribner thing go through or I'll do everything I can to make sure you don't get elected again. And, by the way, we need to fix the sewers, the bills are too high".
It's all I can do to sit here and key these words. Stand strong Council. Please make sure you have these monies. The pursestrings belong to you.
This town may just get stood on it's head by the time it's all said and done with. Sure wish we could have a referendum on this issue!
Anonymous, at 2:31 AM, June 04, 2006
If there is so much money lying around that we can afford to spend what we MUST on the sewer infrastructure, AND build a $16 mil swimming pool, I would love to have someone show me.
Please, someone show us that we are in fine shape financially. That the tax rolls are going strong and the
Did they do that investigative audit and not tell us???
Nah, didn't think so.
Where did that missing $540K go?
No answers for that one either???
That's too bad.
How much money is owned back to the Sewer Fund for bailing out other Departments and STILL paying drainage???
Oh, that's right. Nobody knows.
How much is that sewer rate hike going to be when it's all said and done?
How much more do they want for Stormwater & Drainage?
How much is that Sanitation rate going to raise next year?
Yeah, let's just go ahead and let James have whatever he wants, do whatever he wants.
After all, he's made so many good decisions for us so far!
What a joke.
This portion of the project MUST be delayed until we get a full investigative audit that shows where the money has gone, and where it needs to go.
New Albany will never thrive, despite the best of intentions, until we have satisfied the mandates set down by the EPA.
We are stalled in terms of economic revitalization for the Downtown district until the EPA lifts it's restrictions on our sewer credits.
It's that simple.
East Ender, at 3:47 AM, June 04, 2006
Make that, "...the tax rolls are going strong and the future looks bright."
East Ender, at 3:50 AM, June 04, 2006
Let's not forget the new "stormwater board" he wants to create and be President of. If my memory serves me correct, and it may not, he and the other board members will either get 625.00 or 725.00 per meeting or month.
Tack that on to alllll ttthhheeee other money he wants from us - and for what?
Anonymous, at 4:12 AM, June 04, 2006
P.S. And based on the Mayor's Assistant Randy, someone better look at those bond documents they are bandying around on their blog. TIF and EDIT monies and the BOND payment should be there. Do you actually believe we were going to have to cough up that $5 million with no notice? It's in the bond documents, read 'em and weep.
Anonymous, at 4:18 AM, June 04, 2006
So you are saying Mr. Baylor you want a culture war? Bring it on! Let's just settle this Scribner Place deal right now. Let's put it on the ballot in Nov. and let the people decide? no I didn't think you would agree to it. Because it is a real issue that affects all property tax payers. You really think your some "KGB" and Mr. Baylor... YOU DO NOT OWN THIS TOWN! Who in the hell would ever be jealous of you? The little people are ready to go to the streets over your bull-shit lies! YMCA Can move right along. We don't need a pool when we need are sewers fixed. We know about your property deal. We all know a hell of alot more about you than you know about us. Your way of threatening people do not cut it in this town. You talk about other blogs like you really got something over on NAC..What a joke you all are. God save us from evil people like you and yours! We will compare facts with you,but that's right you got all the answers and a "Know it all"...
The little people are ready. We will take your group on anyday. Didn't the primary tell you idiots something!?
Looks like Freedom of Speech is gettin to ya and proving what liars you all are. newalbaian....
If ignorance is wonder your progressive group is happy! Cause you do not deal with real facts or real numbers your just lookin out for good ole Roger..
Anonymous, at 7:03 AM, June 04, 2006
Happy Birthday
Valla Ann
This is your day..
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM, June 04, 2006
Anonymous lover, you know nothing about a property deal because there isn't one.
Neither that, nor any plan to build a brewery, or in fact, to own or operate anything that I already don't own and operate.
I understand that you're angry, but when it comes to the "bullshit," it's yours, not mine.
If you have anything that shows evidence of my owning property downtown, or intending to, or of a brewery plan ... post it. Send it to me, and I'll post it.
Trouble is, it doesn't exist.
And, it logically follows that because neither exist, both you and Freedom to Screech are lying.
Simple as that. So simple even the Siamese Councilmen can understand it.
The New Albanian, at 9:59 AM, June 04, 2006
Culture War? This is not a war of cultures it is a war of common sense vs. the absurd.
How in any alternate universe can someone believe that a 17Million dollar swimming pool is going to bring in the money to fix our sewers? We have two pools now which are losing money.
I get sooooooo tired of hearing of how Scribner Place is going to be New Albany's saviour. The only people who are going to be "saved" are the ones who will line their pockets from this deal then head for the high country. People of New Albany PLEASE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
Scribner Place must be on the ballot for the voters (who are the ones footing this bill) can decide how to spend their tax dollars.
The last time I checked the sign read New Albany, not "Garnerland".
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM, June 04, 2006
For the record, the funding in question is $137,500 per year. That is approximately $3.70 per person per year.
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, June 04, 2006
Happy Birthday Ms. Bolovschak. Keep fighting for all of us citizens.
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM, June 04, 2006
Why in hell does Randy Smith think the democrat central committee is going to make a comment? They are listening to the taxpayers. In fact I have talk to several of them this weekend. They say the progressives are no going to try to say they said something they have not said. That could be why alot of them are not answering their phones.
Culture war? So what are you trying to say? The little people won't stand up and fight? guys have called citizens fools, and your callers are threatening folks. What's this crap about lover? In your dreams...Why don't you stick to the real issues. Talk about a typical personality! You really think your some handsome dude?
Looking forward to your great speech tomorrow night. Please dress better you look rather tacky in your shorts.
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM, June 04, 2006
See you all at the "prayer meeting" tomorrow night! It's time to RUMBLE!
Anonymous, at 6:24 PM, June 04, 2006
DAN DON'T DO IT. Ann S. Hard to tell what side your on anymore.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, June 04, 2006
Scribner Place, while hardly a panacea, is precisely the sort of cost-effective partnership between government and the private sector that stands to bring people – including non-residents -- downtown. In conjunction with the Ohio River Greenway, the Cannon sports park, Main Street and Spring Street area plans, Al Goodman’s plans for the Moser Tannery, existing downtown businesses and new ones that are coming soon (trust me, I know), Scribner Place is a major step in the right direction.
I know it doesn’t seem this way to those for whom envy and spite are the dominant personal and political modes of expression, and it’s a genuine pity that they’ll be missing out on the good times ahead out of sheer stubbornness, but as they say so often, it’s just their opinions – which aren’t necessarily facts, and which definitely aren’t valid reasons to dismiss progress in New Albany.
The New Albanian, at 7:01 PM, June 04, 2006
Trust you? You have got to be kidding!
Not with my tax dollars.
Anonymous, at 11:15 PM, June 04, 2006
Fine. I don't want your tax dollars, because contrary to FOS's bald-faced lying, I'm not building anything.
Ask around. Talk to people in real estate like Mike Kopp. Talk to the people snooping around downtown. See what they say.
Of course, you must be willing to listen.
The New Albanian, at 12:45 AM, June 05, 2006
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, July 22, 2006
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