Council Members Get It Right
Last night's Council meeting was by all accounts a contentious and emotionally charged session of City Government meeting head on with public sentiment.
Finally, last night, the Council Members listened to the people who would be effected by a new proposed development, and acted appropriately.
It was a bad idea that other City administrators were trying to force onto the community, and the community said NO!
This is the way good local government is supposed to function. For that, finally, we thank the members of the Council who are sensitive to the opinions of the people.
It's been real interesting watching the other blogs blast away at the Council and defend the development. But, what's been very troubling is the tact they are taking to basically threaten the citizens with some tacky housing development since they dared reject the desired plan as a dangerous proposition.
These are the same people who have filed a lawsuit against the Council to force a redistricting. Something that was supposed to happen in 2002.
Indeed the proposition to redistrict was brought to the table by then Council Member (CM) Maury Goldberg in 2002, but it was considered, voted down and then pulled rather than tabled.
Most interesting is that our Mayor Garner, then a lowly Council Member, voted against the redistricting. We are also very interested in the fact that said former CM and 20+ year veteren of City politics Goldberg is sited quite often hanging around the local bookstore, whose owner happens to be the apparent 'leader' of this bright idea to sue the City.
We feel the questions raised at Freedom of Speech are very valid and we would like to know those answers as well.
For your convenience, we've brought the questions here for a re-print:
Questions to Former Councilman Goldberg:
1. [Are] the above IC Codes and Council minutes correct for 2002?
2. Why did you, Mr. Goldberg, withdraw the Redistricting Ordinance in 2002?
3. Why didn't you, Mr. Goldberg, table the Ordinance and keep it alive for further discussion in 2002?
4. Is it not a fact that Councilman Schmidt, Councilman Coffey and Councilman Kochert did vote "Yes" for Redistricting?
These are only the beginning of the questions that have been raised as a result of the events that have taken place within the past week or so. However, there is one more item that I feel compeled to share with everyone.
One listed member of the group of 20 which filed the lawsuit against the City was sighted at Thursday night's Council session handing City Clerk, Marcy Wisman HER KEYS to her office while she was seated at the Council table waiting for the meeting to be called to Order.
This happened in front of a full room of citizens gathered there for the meeting.
Now, I'm not an expert on what might be the LEGAL rules governing such behavior, but I have a real problem with this. Especially since this was the same person sighted coming out of the room that is BEHIND the Council chambers just before a previous Council meeting prior to the lawsuit being filed. It was another demonstration of the true nature of the relationships between members of the lawsuit and members of the City administration.
We're guessing maybe 'James' was minding a bookstore somewhere since he couldn't make it to the meeting.
Alas, even without his smug appearance, his pet project for his political supporters...uh, I mean....the Plaintiffs, of which he says he "...doesn't know except to speak in passing"... LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!
We'll get those tapes aired.
Like the say... This isn't over. Not by a longshot.
I use to respect Maury, but since he has been sitting on answering these 4 questions I would think he would come clean and admit the truth?
But now that he controled by "The Roger" leader of New Albany's KGB I sincerely doubt he has the courage to admit fault.
Hat's off to Freedom of Speech for asking the right and the hard questions.
Looks like a group of people are doing their homework well!
Give us the answer X Councilman Goldberg!
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM, May 20, 2006
The development project that was defeated was defeated because the area they wanted to put it in was unappropriate.
This was a common sense decision for our Council reps and we would like to give a big shout out of THANKS! to all who helped say no to a another bad idea. We are being forced to deal with too many of those already.
Trust us. When election day comes, and it's time to select who really cares about this community as a whole, the ballot boxes will tell the story.
If you're not in this for the greatest public good, do us all a favor and don't even try to come back. Go do something else.
Anonymous, at 3:42 PM, May 20, 2006
The Daisy Lane Developers owe all Senior citizens an apology. Council Pres Gahan allowed the developers to speak on and on to brag about this great project for SENIOR CITIZENS.
They were using SENIOR CITIZENS as their selling tool to the Council.
This is the current theme for the
Developers. They think that if they use the term SENIOR CITIZENS they will get the council to vote for what they want.
SENIOR CITIZENS all had to sit through the LONG council meeting and hear how they were being used to sell the
proposed development.
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM, May 20, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:39 PM, May 20, 2006
The Daisy Lane Developers had someone to tell the council that there was no
traffic problem on Daisy Lane.
One lady in the neighborhood read a long list of fatal and tragic accidents
that have happened on Daisey Lane.
Does the Developers engineer ever sit in a front yard on DAisy Lane and see the traffic problems?
Does this engineer even live in New Albany?
someones yard and
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM, May 20, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM, May 20, 2006
Is it true that the Daisy Lane Developers threatened to build something cheaper with vinyl siding if
they didn't get what they want?
Well -- when did vinyl siding become such a horror? Maybe all of us
who live in homes with vinyl siding should unite and call this a
We SENIOR CITIZENS see that threat as kind of CHILDISH ACTION.
You have all heard the kids say---
If you don't let me have what I want, I will do so and so!
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, May 20, 2006
The earlier comment about senior citizens being used to sell these development projects is right.
We have heard the term, SENIOR CITIZENS being used over and over again.
It will be interesting to see the other blogs start blasting SENIOR CITIZENS as we try to stand up for our rights.
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM, May 20, 2006
More Lies from Roger Baylor
Quote: to maury by the way, and as your attorney, I'd advise not answering Erika's questions until she reveals her idenity.
When did Roger Baylor become an Attorney?
What does idenity have to do with the 4 questions?
What does Maury have to lose by telling the truth?
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM, May 20, 2006
Even Mr. Carmickle stated I also would like to hear your answers to Erik questions.
Rick why doesn't maury respond?
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM, May 20, 2006
I'd like to hear what "blogtastic" has to say on this issue?
Great job FOS
Anonymous, at 6:02 PM, May 20, 2006
It seems to some of us that the Redistricting issue was brought to the table in the specified time frame, considered, and voted down.
Isn't that what they were required to do under the "law"?
They evidently looked at the Districts and decided they would stay the same.
The lawsuit is a political move to force the views of a few onto the majority who don't agree with them, and certainly won't vote for them no matter what District they get themselves into.
Funny how it is the same 2 Neighborhoods who were expecting to get $10K each from Redevelopment for a NeighborWorks program???????
Gimme a break.
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM, May 20, 2006
Garner's involved in this political move.This is why he deny's it all. They all think it will give them an edge but it won't. The primary spoke volumes how they are not accepted with their views and attacks on fellow citizens. People are fed up.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, May 20, 2006
What are they afraid of? They're not smart enough to cover their asses. Randy better not bank on the mayor to much. When he is thru he will spit them out. They say this next mayor will be a republican....
Anonymous, at 8:36 PM, May 20, 2006
All I am VERY sure of, is that the next mayor will NOT be James Garner.
He has lost all support from the "Big" Democrats, and has not an ounce of respect left out of anyone who's paying attention.
Doesn't leave him much.
He's nursing 2 Neighborhood Assoc.'s as his political base, and they are all part & parcel of an elitist movement that's not any more popular among the masses as Garner is among the Democrats.
This new self-proclaimed "creative class" that believe most common people, within common economic earnings limits, are just too stupid to know what's good for them, and thus indeed require a good punishment,ie; ticky-tack houses, for having an opinion.
This family wants to thank the Council stopping one more bad decision.
We also want to especially thank CM Steve Price for catching and fixing the $10,000 payoffs that were about to be given to those 2 Neighborhood Associations that are Garner's Political machine...oops, I mean....the Plaintiffs.
Anonymous, at 9:48 PM, May 20, 2006
It was mentioned earlier in this article that one of the 20 participants of the lawsuit against the City and the Council was seen handing the City Clerk the keys to her office. WOW!
The City Clerks office is the vault or
security place where all of our city
legal records are stored.
Has the Mayor and the City Clerk given the 20 lawsuit people the keys to the kingdom?
The Judge should sure investigate this case and their actions.
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM, May 20, 2006
We have people who will testify to what they saw Thursday night.
Right there in front of a packed house, with Marci seated at the Council table.
Amazing isn't it?
I suppose they think we must be deaf, blind, and mute as well as mentally challenged.
They would be wrong about that. Wrong on all counts.
We have eyes and ears at work everywhere. We have intelligent and creative minds that keep us paying attention and doing our research.
And we have voices that will be heard all over this City.
East Ender, at 1:04 AM, May 21, 2006
We had the KKK in the 60's now we have a communist group in New Albany.
Throw the bastards out!
Anonymous, at 6:45 AM, May 21, 2006
I get sick of people making fun of the have-nots and the haves. I am proud to be a middle class hard working person. So I feel I qualify as one of the little people of New Albany. And I resent roger making fun of us.
Anonymous, at 3:37 PM, May 21, 2006
wear your badge for little people with honor!
Anonymous, at 3:51 PM, May 21, 2006
In today's Triune, Editor John Tucker sure got it wrong with his opinion piece regarding the NO vote against Daisy Lane Developers.
We are wondering, was Mr. Tucker present at the Council meeting Thursday night? We're curious if his opinions spring from first hand experience or second-hand mouthing off that the PP's are doing?
We wonder if Mr. Tucker has been present during any Sewer Board meetings where they've just committed New Albany to spending $500K annually on inner-city sewer line repairs?
Is Mr. Tucker aware that the bids to repair the Robt.E.Lee lift station are coming in at over a million $$$$???
Why, at this juncture, so crucial to smart growth decisions, would the City SUDDENLY declare that land as develop-able when it will cost too much money to adapt the area to fit the development.
How can ANYONE say anything is a perfect fit gone awry when the whole crux of the situation was that great modifications would have to be made to the area to accomodate the damn thing!
East Ender, at 4:24 PM, May 21, 2006
New Albany MUST have, as its top priority at this time, fulfilling the terms of the committments that have been made to the EPA and IDEM if ANY economic development is going to occur in the City.
The Sewage and Drainage systems in that area cannot handle an additional load until other things are fixed first.
To our knowledge, the State Street TIF district is currently unencumbered, and the funds held for that TIF are close to a million $$$$.
That TIF district, along with a couple of others, must be dissolved and the money turned back into the Sewer Funds to cover the $270K X 2= $540K that was to have already been spent on repairs, but has mysteriously gone missing.
East Ender, at 4:39 PM, May 21, 2006
eastender, we will never see that money! We can kiss $$$$$$$ goodbye!!!!
Anonymous, at 5:23 PM, May 21, 2006
You need to continue to be amongst the brave voices to speak out against corruption in NA.
Anonymous, at 5:35 PM, May 21, 2006
Regarding the Neighborworks: I was at one of the public hearings where it was presented. I believe the two Neighborhood Assoc's that presented it asked because it was their idea and they seem to be the most active. I also heard one of the Redevelopment Staff say that it would probably need to be opened up to others in order to gain a fair representation.
PS: It is sad to see that anyone or any idea that people disagree with are automatically called "liars" and "payoffs."
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM, May 21, 2006
incase your interested! I was told that the redistricting lawsuit was headed up by a republican woman that has a store in the White House, that she was the one asking folks to sign a petition, and that at the last minute she was told not to sign the paper, that DNA did not want to appear as if they were part of the conspiricy!
How many of our tax dollars goes to support Develop New Albany, maybe we need to pull money out from under them. After all that was where the neighborhood associations have been meeting over the past month.
How does the white house have the right to shut down the city for a bicycle race, how can they close a main highway like Main Street? Isn't that a state highway?
Theres more going on than they are telling, I want some answers!
Anonymous, at 7:07 PM, May 21, 2006
Wonder why Councilman Goldberg is not answering the questions?
Anonymous, at 10:02 PM, May 21, 2006
We all want answers, and more to the point, we want accountability.
A full investigation into the 2004 Audit is NOT going to be optional. Before they raise any rates, or cry sob stories about empty funds, we want to know why they're empty and where the money went.
Only that information will allow us to correct mistakes, re-pay loans, shore up the General Fund, replace the Rainy Day fund, etc., etc.
They can't just keep spending our money without much in the way of accountability and still come after us for more when it's not enough to cover their "overhead".
'nuff said?
East Ender, at 10:22 PM, May 21, 2006
Did someone really see one of the
20 famous progressive people who are
suing the city and the council at the
last council meeting hand the City Clerk the keys to her office. ?
What is the connection of this person
to the City Clerk ? Why would this
person be allowed to carry around the keys to the City Clerk's office?
This matter needs some real explanation.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, May 21, 2006
1. Another question would be to ask Ex-Councilman Goldberg why he sat on the issues of tax abatements for TEN (10) YEARS in a committee and NOTHING, NOTHING, was done.
2. Not everyone in New Albany is represented by a "neighborhood association", whether Redevelopment was going to share or not. I for one do not have a neighborhood association. The other "blob" has gone on and on and so has ESNA about dilapidated housing. They got their "Code Enforcement Officer", illegally first and then another way. Councilman Price did all the Council and citizenry RIGHT by putting the money back into that fund. What you don't get folks, is that fund has been negative since Regina left office. A certain amount of monies were to go into that account each year since REGINA left office - WHERE IS IT?
If that's the only way Council could get the monies in there, more power to them.
3. I don't think the City can outsource an "investigation/audit". They have to have the STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS do a full AUDIT (they only do partials now) and we have to pay for it. Simple as that.
4. Here is a link everyone needs if you feel Greg Fifer has a REAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST by representing all the Developers and OUR SEWER BOARD and all the CONTRACTS he has drawn up with them: There will be a form you will have to request and complete.
Hang in there New Albany. Any kind of development in the particular Daisy Lane and Green Valley with sewer lines running to the Country Club are going to have to do major engineering studies. The Sewer Board said Clark Dietz and Donohue because they know our sewers now since they redesigned them, not Brinkworth whom Fifer brought in to the Council chambers to speak. These Developers are also not "grandfathered in", Mr. Fifer -- and you need to let the Sewer Board and the Mayor know. We'd sure appreciate it.
We've always warned Marci that the Clerk's office HAD TO STAND CLEAR OF THE MAYOR'S OFFICE. The only way Overton remained through various Mayors was by keeping her OWN IMPARTIALITY and just DOING THE CLERK'S JOB. If she keeps playing the way the game is going, it will be too late for all of 'em. Maybe it already is. We don't see her letting us use her keys, huh! Can you imagine us having the luxury, while you have a lawsuit pending against your own party members? Gimme me a break, too.
Take care New Albany. It's really just getting started.
Anonymous, at 11:53 PM, May 21, 2006
Hey mon, just read the other blog and found my name on there about speaking at the City Council. Gee, I sure am popular!
Yes, again, as I said at the podium, I do not belong to a neighborhood association, I belong to a Preservation Association. As I said, there are a lot of people in New Albany who do not have representation of a neighborhood association and therefore, the monies should BENEFIT the ENTIRE city and be put into the DILAPIDATED BUILDING FUND.
Yes, that is exactly what I said and meant. Is there a problem with that, New Albanian?
These people really need to find a more regressive society/country where noone has any rights but them and if you don't agree with them, to hell with you. Well, as Maury said, the lines are drawn.
I'm going to take a front row seat... Thanks for the space EastEnder... I can't talk on the other blog, because I don't have a blog.
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM, May 22, 2006
Some advice to the Daisy Lane Developers who keep crying that they are building this development for the Senior Citizens.
Why don't the developers buy some land on Road 111 on the road to the boat? That would help the Seniors cause they wouldn't have to drive so far to get to the Caesars gambling boat.
Developer boys--- we have a real shocker for you about these over 55 Seniors you talk so much about.
Boys--- Senior Citizens don't just sit on the porch on rocking chairs anymore. Modern Seniors today are
either working or out on the road having fun.
Again-- stop using SENIORS as a pitch to get what you all want.
Anonymous, at 12:18 AM, May 22, 2006
To anonymous 12:18 May 21.
That's right, Grandma, tell them
that all seniors are not rolling around in wheel chairs as they think.
And-- that you do not want to be used
as an excuse for them to make their
Three cheers for Grandma!
Anonymous, at 12:24 AM, May 22, 2006
Seniors want to live close to hospitals, and they want to live in condos. Plenty of seniors are complaining that they don't want this development, but hey, they already live near the hospital.
Your city sucks. All your houses are going to fall apart in the next 75 years and there will be nothing to replace them because no developers will be willing to put up with pathetic, bordering-on-evil obstructionists like Dan Coffey. Your loss.
Anonymous, at 1:30 AM, May 22, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 1:48 AM, May 22, 2006
We all want the truth. And these 2 blogs are the only ones putting the truth out. Freedom of Speech tells it like it is. Thank You.. Mr. Mayor says it all!
Anonymous, at 1:54 AM, May 22, 2006
Anonymous, at 7:08 AM, May 22, 2006
The sewer board is running scared because there is about 4-6 million they cannot account for. They want the council to announce the shortfall.That is why they want to have an executive session rather than public hearings on the issue. The council thinks the ones responsible should do it and rightly so. The council is NOT going to take responsibility for raising rates, because they did not misspend the funds. Certain members of the sewer board probably did some line extensions out to the georgetown area that they were not supposed to do, using the money. Now georgetown does not want the line and the epa won't give any more credits until the rest of the work is done, and they have already spent the money, so they have to come back and ask for more. That is the problem when you have to close of ties with developers.
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM, May 22, 2006
Possibly the worst thing I've heard in some time, and in New Albany lately that's saying something, but I cannot get over the staements that have been made in regards to the repercussions that may occur due to the denial by Council, and public sentiment, to allow the Daisy Lane Development project to proceed.
Saying things like, "they'll wish they had taken the first 'offer'." As if there will be punishment?! Please...
Why is single family housing suddenly a bad thing? Better to have 40 units than 140 units.
Certainly, a high density Condo development is not the best use of that parcel of land, and any Comprehensive Plan that says it is should really be re-visited, with renewed vision.
When are the elected bodies of our City going to respect the citizens who hired them enough to actually act in our collective best interest?
New Albany's only "Closed for Business" signs have been hung by the Mayor himself in his capacity as President of the Sewer Board.
Right now, Council must take the responsibility to make sure New Albany is carefully guided through a difficult period of maximizing financial resources and recognizing "Smart Growth" potential.
East Ender, at 10:22 AM, May 22, 2006
To the 8:50 AM posting -- you are right. We will not name the Counci person publically who told us the following statement, because I do not wish to embarrass nor compromise their position in the current Administration, but, the statement was made when we called upon them to explain some things the following "I don't know what else to do to get the financials of the sewers except to go down and hold a gun to Garner and Kay's heads, or resign and tell everything "they" know. We would suggest the latter.
This person, who is in the position to know, stated there were over $2 million missing under Garner in the sewers.
We just hope Ben Hershberg and the CJ or the Tribune got a copy of those financials when Fifer handed them out. They are now public information, as they were released at a PUBLIC MEETING. Taxpayer Advocates need to get their hands on them also, ASAP.
Please remember the citizens who said this Sewer Plan would not work, it was simply an "expansion" project. Please remember the now Mayor spoke against this plan saying it would not work. All that has happened it is DID NOT WORK. The Administration did not follow the EPA's agreement they had with the City to do the inner-city maintenance (those monies are missing); and they simply built a bigger plant for more development rather than fixing the current infrastructure.
No, we will not pay for their mistakes anymore. We want surety bonds or Scribner's monies -- whatever or where ever you have to find the monies, find 'em. WE DON'T HAVE ANY LEFT, and we certainly don't believe a word we are being told.
Sorry, but that's just the way it is. It does no good for us to say we told you so, all we can do is try and keep up the good fight and keep watching those monies. We will not allow this issue to be laid at ratepayer's feet.
The Daisy Lane Development, once again, would have affected the sewer overflows on Daisy Lane (300 Daisy Lane to be exact), the Country Club, Grantline, Elmwood, on down to the Hampton Inn and Joe Kraft Park. There will have to be a major engineering study done before they put anything in there, and Mr. Solomon on the Sewer Board insisted it be Clark Dietz and Donohue, not Brinkworth.
It will all come out in the wash, watch and see!
And, seeing everyone in town probably knows who the New Albany Potty Police are, we sign off wishing you a good day! Take care.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, May 22, 2006
Some should get there story straight, go back and read and I bet you won't find the person who was in Marci's office in the lawsuit...
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM, May 22, 2006
There sure were a lot of businesses which lost business when they posted those Da Vinci no parking signs all over the down town area and everyone had to move their cars so everyone just left where they were.
There haven't been spectators there is the years they've had 'em. All they seem to do is shut down most businesses (what businesses I should say) in the downtown on a beautiful Saturday.
As a taxpayer, I'd like to know what they hey DNA has done with our monies in "Developing New Albany". One heck of a job, hey? Yeah, we got the Grand & the New Albany Inn restored, but at what additional cost to taxpayers?
Do businesses really need to pay DNA a fee to do their advertising? Incubator businesses was/is another venture being sought after at the White House Centre, though we did notice it was up for sale. There is so much history to this particular building, it is absolutely fascinating as a regular joe that likes old stories.
BTW, why don't they have the bikes race out at Community Park? We have never figured this one out except the Da Vinci bike races "sounds" good.
Don't forget Memorial Day at Market and also at the VFW facing Main St. It is such a wonderful thing to involve the family in; to watch, observe and pay your respects for what freedoms we have here in this New Albany place we call home.
And we agree with another poster, if ya'll don't like it, get the hey out of Dodge, ya know?
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM, May 22, 2006
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Anonymous, at 5:38 PM, May 22, 2006
maybe we should have a potato sack race instead of a bike race and it could be hosted by the wizard of westside himself right down there in that progressive west end where the neighborhood association is doing so well under the ward heeler's reign of ignorance
and all the bbq bologna u can eat
Anonymous, at 10:32 PM, May 22, 2006
Us little people love white chili. We live the good life in New Albany. We work hard and we play hard.
Anonymous, at 12:01 AM, May 23, 2006
Monday night was the last meeting of the Stormwater Advisory Committee(SWAC), so all the details are supposed to be worked out and the program should be well on its way to a smooth-working new system.
Only, that's not what we have here at all.
I was a little shocked to hear Chad McCormick, the Agency Consultant we've been paying to advise and teach us, admit at the last Council meeting that surrounding City's, some advised by his firm, are being routinely sued over the implementation of this Stormwater Rule 13 mandate roll-out.
We're guessing it might be related to the tendency to add on a bunch of other unrelated stuff to pay for out of this "necessary" fee.
In our case, they want it to pay for the Drainage Committee, and they want it to pay the costs associated with bringing Sewage billing back in-house.
Plus, Garner wants an entirely new, dedicated Board to handle ONLY Stormwater so he can earn a THIRD City salary, and we rate-payers can watch the costs quadruple.
Seriously, he has been heard at several meetings openly bemoaning his mediocre earnings.
Now, isn't that sad?
Well, that's too bad because it's not sad enough for us to let this thing stumble it's way through to approval. We intend to vigorously oppose using or increasing this fee to support any expenditures other than Rule 13 compliance.
I think our first step is to request the financial accounting records for the Drainage Committee, and ask that a report of any Drainage Projects done in the last 3 years be reported upon in an upcoming Council session, along with a financial summary from the 2004 audit.
We've already been lied to, and what we were told 4 months ago no longer holds true due to a mis-interpretation of the 'Rules' (excuse me, isn't that why we pay an outside Consultant who's supposed to know the Rules?!).
Therefore, residential interim rates that were supposed to stay in place for a minimum of 12 months, recently increased by about 57% only 4 months into the program.
Stay tuned. There's lots more to come on this issue!
East Ender, at 3:51 AM, May 23, 2006
blogtastic you surely have something to say about all of this? Talk to us citizens.....
Anonymous, at 7:06 AM, May 23, 2006
Stormwater Rule 13 mandated by the State deals with planning, digging
ditches and laying some pipe to drain off Stormwater.
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM, May 23, 2006
You are right. Why are we paying the Mayor's office to set up a billing office there?
Have you heard the mess that has happened? The Mayor's Billing Office has sent out bills to some residents
for $18.75 instead of the $2.00 fee.
Their answer is simple:
OOPS--- we thought you residents were COMMERCIAL PROPERTY.
Anonymous, at 9:51 AM, May 23, 2006
I am reading the above comments and I am completely lost.
Please explain to me what the Mayor's Office typing bills, putting on the
postage stamps to mail the bills has to do with Stormwater overflowing onto my yard when it rains hard.
I am paying that monthly fee to get the flooding out of my yard, not to
give someone another salary.
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM, May 23, 2006
Sorry--- you folks just don't understand how to run a business.
You are being billed $18.75 per month for Stormwater.
You must pay the regular $2.00 fee for
control of Stormwater.
The other $ 16.75 that you pay could be used to pay the Mayor to supervise his new
billing staff in his office.
You guys have to have a sense of humor or the City of New Albany will
not survive.
Anonymous, at 11:10 AM, May 23, 2006
Amen, Tooooo Funnnny. The shame of it all is it is true, all of it. I'd like to tell this Mayor what he can do to make more money, and it certainly would not be at my expense.
Then again, if he couldn't run his own drycleaning businesses, why would anyone think he could run this City.
Do you all realize this man wasn't ever at a meeting until he became Councilman? We had never seen him before Mayor England annointed him as his successor at the Redman's Club. We guess the learning curve is just too much for this Administration.
No to any sewer rate hikes, no to changing that 2.00 storm water fee, and no to the Mayor getting another salary from us. That would be our opinions.
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM, May 23, 2006
What a horrible picture and new low the New Albanian has stooped to in order to mock this blog site. Haven't you ever heard the saying New Albanian, you get more bees with honey than vinegar?
Seeing you are a "brewmeister", we guess you may have lost your "honey", and the yeast is definitely vinegar.
Distasteful, disgusting, despicable, disrespectful, and obnoxious. Throw in ostentatious and any other $10.00 words you may be able to come up with.
Keep up the good work, EastEnder. The truth will set us all free, and if there is one thing this City needs, it's the truth. As Mr. Baylor may not have a reason, nor the mindset, nor care about the City as a whole, nor have his faith -- as we do, you just keep on plugging away; we'll help; and we'll let him swing (so to say) in the wind.
Everytime his "blob" attacks you, members of the public, and certain Council members, we know WE ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK and we simply become more determined.
We Will Clean Up New Albany, but somehow I don't think it plays into their plans and now I'm beginning to believe that is a political slogan, not an actual movement to CLEAN UP NA. Actions always speak louder than words.
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM, May 23, 2006
Hey, I've got an idea. Paint a mustache on that picture and send it right back where it should be. Now that would be funny!
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, May 23, 2006
Do like the guys at Freedom of Speech does! Tell roger to kiss your ass! Trust me it really pisses him off.
BTW were is Maury hiding? Still not answered those questions uh?
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM, May 23, 2006
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Anonymous, at 4:23 PM, May 23, 2006
This post is in response to where is Maury and why has he not answered Freedom of Speech's questions. We have seen this kind of behavior from Maury before when he was challenged on his own blog, and at that time, he disappeared for an elongated period, then later reappeared and never did answering the questions presented to him.
Sure looks like cowardous behavior to me. Very similar to when he was the councilman for the 6?? district. When there was a problem in the district, Maury was no where to be seen. and could not be contacted.
Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior out of Maury or is it just me?
Anonymous, at 5:08 PM, May 23, 2006
It was the 3rd District that Maury represented. The one now represented very well by CM Steve Price, despite the constant insults hurled by the PP's.
CM Price has always been available to his constituents and has gone out of his way to help a lot of folks. He has also kept his campaign promises. Something most CM's, and certainly the Mayor, cannot claim.
He is also one of only a few Council Reps who regularly attends Neighborhood Forums, discussion groups, and anything else that might impact his district.
We appreciate all his hard work and his efforts to hold the Administration accountable for their fiscal decisions.
East Ender, at 6:04 PM, May 23, 2006
I agree that Councilman Steve Price does a great job to represent the people in his district. He also tries
to hold down the increases in taxes and fees that the city tries to add
on our backs.
STEVE PRICE is a down to earth person and understands that we as citizens and parents have all we can handle to
pay the costs of raising a family today.
I think that he has a child in school and he understands family
costs today.
having the courage to stand up for us.
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM, May 23, 2006
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, May 23, 2006
Yep. That would be the truth of that matter.
This guy's on a full "entitlement" ride, and has been all his life.
By the way, the lawsuit debate is being played out this afternoon over at NAC on the 3rd Posting back (I think).
Very interesting reading.
Anonymous, at 7:32 PM, May 23, 2006
That would actually be the 4th posting back.
Just to let folks know why we think this thread is important to everyone is the following statement made by Roger Baylor:
"I believe if you will examine the positions taken on various topics, you'll see that far from being "myopic," the "prog vs. trog tiff" constitutes a long-running exposition of positions and principles that lie at the very heart of the situation in New Albany."
We also think the lawsuit is a really shitty thing to do.
East Ender, at 8:08 PM, May 23, 2006
You all need to get a life. Do you have jobs or is this what you do all day? I never saw so much petty moaning and groaning in my life. Pitiful. This truly is the lowest form of communication!
Anonymous, at 8:37 PM, May 23, 2006
Maury couldn't beat Steve Price no more than Randy Smith could. He's the peoples Councilman just like Councilman Schmidt! Roger needs to keep his nose to the grind on his beer business! Can anyone imagine working for Roger? Little timmy would fit right into the dish washing dept!!! Roger must have been an only child with all the attention he demands?
Like a favorite Democrat govenor said which is so fitting to James Garner- He was born with a silver foot in his mouth? Yep our favorite women "Ann Richardson from Texas!!!!! This dumb ass mayor has no clue to what the average citizen in New Albany goes through? I get so sick of the "little people" put downs from the progressives. We live pay check to pay check. And cut every cornor we can. At least we are greatful we have a roof over our heads and a bed to sleep in. God bless you all.
Anonymous, at 10:04 PM, May 23, 2006
Did blogtastic give up on us? Sure would like to hear his point of view. Anyone know how to reach blogtastic?
Anonymous, at 10:06 PM, May 23, 2006
That's Ann Richards, not Richardson.
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM, May 23, 2006
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
Anonymous, at 7:45 AM, June 08, 2006
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, July 22, 2006
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