FINALLY!!! The Man Is Here
Q: Who is that man with the big gun and a badge that says "Federal Investigator"?
A: Why, that's the man from the Fraud and Corruption Division of the EPA.
Q: What's HE doing here???
A: Well, he's here to fix the little problem we're having with our Sewage System.
Q: Why?
A: Because he says for the money we've spent, we could have dug holes and laid all new lines throughout the City, yet the sewers still aren't fixed.
Furthermore, the $44 million that WAS spent, was used to expand capacity rather than "FIX" the system, and it was Federal money.
Q: Where's he going?
To Mr. Federal Agent Man:
Welcome to New Albany. Welcome to our nightmare.
We extend our deepest appreciation for your arrival.
Please understand our gratitude for the diligence of our local citizen's advocates, otherwise known unofficially, as the "New Albany Potty Police".
We wait with great anticipation to see this matter is taken before the right authorities and dealt with in the manner that's appropriate.
More soon.......
We are going to follow up on the issues that the investigation is likely to include.
Our local New Albany Potty Police are to be commended for their tenacity and hard work in bringing the problems of the Sewer utility to light.
New Albany Potty Police Member said...
"Where do you even start? Before you read about it everywhere else, because we have heard the information was leaked (which is kind of unfortunate, sure hope it doesn't jeopardize any investigations).
The EPA is in town, looking at missing monies and the "sabotage". Yes, the New Albany Potty Police were interviewed. No, we don't work at the plant, nor have anything to do with the Controller's office.
We are hoping that now, after ten years after "playing" in raw sewage in New Albany (jeopardizing one member's health and forcing their relocation), the New Albany Potty Police may retire.
Some Council members will maintain the average joe on the street had no rights to follow the "Consent Decree(s)", the "Plan(s)", or the millions of dollars. We maintain we had every right and duty to do what we felt needed to be done in order to make sure our sewers were fixed -- and offer no apology to anyone.
As we said since the "Plan" was "supposedly" picked, this was simply an "expansion of the Plant" in order to accomodate more customers from the Fringe and County, who pay 1 1/2 times vs us in the inner-City paying the 1; this "Plan" was never meant to fix the inner-City. Sure enough, the monies were diverted from the Bond payments and from the Inner-City Maintenance Fund (EDIT monies) and we still aren't sure which year we are $5 million short on again (which Fifer talked about Monday night). We feel it may be this year alone, but we will see.
There is also talk the fringe area of New Albany are upset their monies were diverted from the proper usage of sewage to other diversions (of which we have no clue to) and other city services, rather than what it was suppose to be for. Boy, that one will be a whammy, hey? We hadn't even realized the thought of that.
We're tired of looking at the sewage, playing in the sewage, and getting physically ill over this ENTIRE MESS. We'll miss ya (NOT), and believe us -- wasn't done for any kind of glory.
Sleep well, tonight, New Albany. We will now find out what happened to our monies (we think). That "Audit" by Council just may not be necessary after all. Gee...."
East Ender, at 2:37 PM, June 09, 2006
It was a local citizen who made the trips to Indianapolis that had the guts to say enough is enough! That the citizens of New Albany are being raped and robbed. So lets see what happens! Believe me there is more in store for the good ole boys of New Albany! Wait til they meet the employees at the plant that tells them it is a cover-up because raw sewage was flowing in the Ohio and they claimed "Sabotage" to get sewer credits and not have to pay a heafty fine to EPA!!!!!!! We have it on tape!
It's called protection under "THE WHISTLE BLOWERS ACT!" Good job potty police No.1...(you had a phone conversation and nothing more)..But Laura you need to give the right person the full credit..the only thing this person want is our sewers fixed. And all taxpayers to be treated equal!
Hats off to Susan Johnson for all the years of hangin in there for the citizens. She needs to be hired to protect us citizens.
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM, June 09, 2006
garner is in deep do-do this time?
Anonymous, at 7:11 AM, June 10, 2006
I must agree with Blogtastic. It is about time someone looked into our situation with the sewer funds.
Thank you whoever went to Indianapolis and "blew the whistle" to the EPA. Maybe some of this corruption will be uncovered and the guilty will pay.
Anonymous, at 10:22 AM, June 10, 2006
Good job getting the BIG BOYS from the EPA in New Albany. I wonder what, if anything, is going to be done about the properties that are NOT hooked up to the sewer system and instead are flushing their toilets into the storm system. Does the storm system go directly into the river? I believe this is a major problem in New Albany and has never been investigated. How would a homeowner even know if their home is hooked up to the sewer system or the storm sewer. We found out our home was connected to the Storm system quite by accident. One would have to assume when the sewer system was originally installed, it was not well supervised or someone looked the other way because it was quite expensive to hook up to the sewer system. We already know there are businesses and/or homes not hooked to the sewer system in the downtown area, we also know that Main Street homes were not hooked to the sewer system, and homes along East 15th Street are not hooked to the sewer system, and we can be sure there are many others. I would think this is a very important part of the investigaton of the sewer system. Without all the homes and businesses hooked to the sewer system, New Albany will never be in compliance with the Clean Water Act. Perhaps the Potty Police can answer this question: How would a homeowner in New Albany know if they are or are not hooked to the sewer system? I am sure I am not the only one with this information. Scary isn't it? Comments?
Anonymous, at 10:35 AM, June 10, 2006
I do not know the answer to 10:35 A.M. Are these properties paying a sewer bill every month? Whose responsibility would this be to make certain all properties are connected correctly? What year were the sewers installed?. I believe it was in the 50's, but not certain. Surely there is a paper trail regarding the installation and connect of properties. Can anyone answer these questions as many seem to quite knowledgable regarding the sewer system. If it is discovered that some, if not many, properties are not connected to the sewer system, and instead corrected to the storm water system, what would it take to correct this situation, if Anon 10:35 A.M. is correct?
Anonymous, at 12:47 PM, June 10, 2006
Above all that I would like to know where the money went.The main thing I think that other work, outside the EPA guidlines was done with the money (such as expansion of the sewers into he county) thinking sewer tap-ins would come from that area and when GTown decided to build their own plant, they were screwed. The money had been spent and there was none left to finish the EPA requirements. Just a theory, but I bet it is close in some way. The quote from the EPA man is that all of the work should have been done for the 44 million.
Anonymous, at 12:58 PM, June 10, 2006
I do not have the answers to the questions asked by Anon 12:47 P.M, but I can certainly see the potential of bankrupting the city if indeed these accusations are correct. I would have thought this would have been the first step when problems with the sewer system began years ago. I know absolutely the city was very vigilant regarding the run off from roofs and sump pump water not going into the sewers, but they never check whether the sewers were going into the storm sewer. To my knowledge every home was checked for run off - some did not pass, and I never knew what happened in that situation. I believe the contractors were being blamed, but I have no idea how that was resolved. So, that being said, we know the city could have checked to see if all properties were connected to the sewers and did not. I would think it more important to check about the routing of the sewers versus the routing of run off water. Wonder how much that cost the ciizens? This inspectation was done throughout the city, I would presume, cica 1994 (+/-).
It was not done correct then, and it needs to be correctly now. I would think you could probably have dug up the entire sewer system for NA and replace it for 44 ml, and perhaps even have rebuilt the entire town.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM, June 10, 2006
If the sewers are "fixed" -- why if you are caught with a red light at Charlestown Road and Blackiston Mill Road, does it smell as if you are in the middle of a sewer. I would think this would certainly affect those eating at Sam's Restaurant especially when it rains and at other certain times. I cannot stomach eating food and smelling sewers at the same time.
Anonymous, at 3:05 PM, June 10, 2006
I guess the real question is, if you knew or were to discover your property was not hooked to the sewer and instead connected to the storm drain, would you report it, or would you just "play dumb" knowing if you reported it, it could end up costing several thousand dollar to correct the problem and whose problem would it be as when you purchased your home, you certainly did not ask the all important question, Is this home hooked to city sewers?
Can someone shed light on this difficult situation? How was this handled several years ago when it was discovered Main Street was not hooked to the sewer system. Did the residents foot the bill or did the city foot the bill?
New Albany may have much bigger problems than discussing the Y or a swimming pool or revitalization of the downtown. Certainly, this problem would need to be corrected quickly. Wonder what the EPA officals would thinks of the situation?
This is not the first time this situation has been discussed on this blog.
Anonymous, at 3:40 PM, June 10, 2006
when the EPA is finished you will all see egg on your face for spreading false accusations, sorry potty police but again you will be made to look like fools
Anonymous, at 7:43 PM, June 10, 2006
what a bogus poll on Scribner! Everyone I know who was called said no. If they are so sure the citizens of New Albany want this deal.
1. Let the citizens vote in Nov. and put it on the ballot.
2. The poll question should have beenL
a. Do you want your sewers fixed or scribner place?
b. Do you want to pay higher property taxes when the city can not make the bond payment?
c. Will scribner place and YMCA revitilize downtown?
This was a bogus poll and tucker knows it!
Wonder if the taxpayers of New Albany can sue when it does not deliver what the progressives and the rich folks of New Albany says?
Here we go again folks..another parking garage deal... A save all for NA!
Anonymous, at 6:52 AM, June 11, 2006
Anonymous, at 6:57 AM, June 11, 2006
ALERT!!! It appears New Albany does not want to be saved or have things change for the better or worse. They only want to talk about problems that are out of their hands. When real issues are addressed, they simply ignore. Crumbs are good enough, but not for the surrounding communities- they are growing and thriving. If there is a problem, it is best to address it, handle it, and move on, instead of blaming. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Perhaps someone who are long time resident of New Albany can explain this phenomenon. Being newer to New Albany, I just don't understand - fix the sewers.
Anonymous, at 7:13 AM, June 11, 2006
Oh if it were just that simple. We would love to have our sewers fixed but the problem is this money has been mismanaged and now there is nothing left to fix the sewers with!!!!
If you have an idea to solve this dilema please share with us.
Anonymous, at 12:01 PM, June 11, 2006
I think it is great dandy "randy" is going to purchase 100 free day passes for all the kids in New Albany project? Or did he say he will hand them out to whom ever purchases books from his store?
Believe me there is always a catch when he is involved!
He might need to use them free day passes to help bubba garner get re-elected.
We think if our money goes to the YMCA then why do we have to pay? We contacted the other YMCA and New Albany is the only local to be built with property taxes back up?
Question gang...What happens if Riche doesn't come up with their part the so called 8 million dollars? Will they have it in the bank by the time One term Mayor throws the toxic waste with his sholve?
Anonymous, at 5:30 PM, June 11, 2006
If N.J. can ban Ann Coulter. Why can't N.A. ban Roger Baylor. He never tells the truth. Maybe he writing a "garner tell all book."
Anonymous, at 5:47 PM, June 11, 2006
Elementary math......
The New Albany population is about
37,000 residents.
The Tribune is bragging that 359 people answered YES that they
support the Scribner Project.
WOW ! Tribune, you can shout that
a BIG 1 percent of the people said
they support Scribner.
OK-- Tribune-- are you going to ignore the other 99 per cent of the
residents in New Albany?
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM, June 11, 2006
To Anonymous-
Elementary Math? Have you ever heard of a "sample?"
Three people support Scribner for every one that opposes it.
By the way, did you see in Saturday's CJ that Louisville is going to have to spend $800 million fixing their sewers.... Are they going to stop the arena project? Are they going to stop the waterfront project?
No, because they know you have to fix the infrastructure AND promote economic develpoment at the same time. Otherwise you will never catch up.....
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM, June 11, 2006
actually, if you look at national polls (like cnn), they usually ask less people than the Tribune did.
heres another thing, less people voted for Price than for Scribner place (Coffee barely had more) - sounds like Coffee and Price are out in 07! Maybe we can finally get Daisy Lane and the sewers fixed then.
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM, June 11, 2006
It just amazes me after knowing that $80+ million dollars has been spent on our "sewage" system, and hearing it said at Council that $5 million of it has been "lost", that some people can still say they are "O.K." with rates being hiked more than 90% in less than 5 years, with no accountability for the first $44 million.
How can anyone be O.K. with this?!
All the while stomping their feet that the natatorium is the be all end all of the Scribner Place Development (bogus Tribune poll), and quoting $137K for 17 years when it is actually $400K annually for 17 years that was written into the adopted language.
We will find it and post it for you folks.
Furthermore, the Caesars money is being distributed by the Floyd County Riverboat Fund Board. That money will stay in the County no matter if it is used on Scribner or another project. However, we have yet to hear one good reason why the YMCA cannot move forward while the natatorium waits 2 years.
The Tribune Poll question was phrased so as to illicit a response in the affirmative for the entire YMCA Scribner project.
An "all or nothing" proposal.
When it is truly a matter of priorities.
Q. Do you believe New Albany should invest it's resources in repairing the inner-city sewage works and complying with the EPA directives, thus allowing for economic development to occur, or do you think they should build swiming pools and assess costs to the ratepayers to pay for another $30 million dollar in repairs?
A. Press 4 for Swimming Pools
Press 5 for Federal Compliance
East Ender, at 7:31 PM, June 11, 2006
cesaers pretty mcuh said the deal is dead if the city backs down. you can't delay it two years. ceasers will give the money some else. it is a yes or no question. you can't put it off. what part of this dont you understand. worse why can't coffe get it through his head.
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM, June 11, 2006
EE, the Coffey/Price capitulation plan does not distinguish between the two. The authors propose to kill the project outright. It is disingenuous of you and yours to continue insisting that the YMCA would still be built if the glimmer twins succeed in reneging.
On the other hand, disingenuousness is about the only argument you have left, so I can't say I blame you for using it.
From the beginning, Scribner Place supporters have not used words like "panacea" or "end all." Rather, supporters have sought to place the project within the context of an overall commitment to revitalization downtown.
Generally speaking, the cross-section of the public that bothers to have an opinion at all understands the veracity of the case for Scribner Place.
The case against, at least here, comes down to the usual fear-mongering, loathing and anonymous taunts -- all of which you enable and support in the name of free speech.
Reasonable people anywhere on the planet are free to compare the differing styles. It's all there in black and white, for posterity.
And posterity is not going to be kind to the likes of the Siamese Councilmen.
The New Albanian, at 8:09 PM, June 11, 2006
Oh, I beg to differ with you new albanian -
Reasonable people can recognize bad faith when they see it.
You, and those of your like mindset, are NOT reasonable people.
No one that I know is O.K. with people running off with their money. Lots of their money.
Accountability is what folks will be betting their futures on come next November. Thus, casting their ballots.
It is YOU who wields the "fear mongering" tactics, calling out politicians who have no intent of attaching themselves to the corrupted, sputtering machine that is New Albany politics.
The truth is what is needed here, and it's the truth we intend to get.
Demands for change and 'progress' from 'good 'ol boy' practices will translate into votes that will lead us to public officials who are truly concerned with the public good.
Garner's administration, rife with political favors, has failed in so many ways.
Most importantly, he has failed to earn the public trust.
East Ender, at 9:08 PM, June 11, 2006
Lots of interesting questions we missed out on this weekend. Maybe we can try and address some of them. This ought to be interesting, but we'll try...
Blogtastic -- glad to hear things are going well with Habitat and the Katrina victims. Yes, you would think the City of NA could learn "something" (if they wanted to) about all that kind of stuff, hey?
To Whomever - yes, it is scary. Yes, there are still a lot of homes and businesses not tied to the sewers yet. To live in New Albany, you actually need an "insured" deed, to back up you are on City sewers.
When Main Street found they weren't on sewers (and some of Main still isn't), some homeowners settled via attorneys. Two homeowners stood (one had receipts for 30 years of paying for a service they never received) and any monies rendered went towards Attorneys, not this City.
Homeowners legally couldn't sue the City because they were preempted under the Clean Water Act by the EPA (though we still feel Fraud statutes should have applied). The City kept telling us they had no sewer maps; we found them and how they fixed the maps were to simply leave those particular houses off of the sewer maps. Homes built 1900 or before simply didn't exist on these maps.
All houses were supposedly "smoked" or "dyed" in 1999. The results are in the SSES study (numerous, numerous volumes) located at the Waste Water Treatment Plant, available to the Public. You can tell a lot by examining those documents. Say, over on Cottom (can't remember if it was E or W where they were building Habitat houses), we discovered "orangeberg sewer pipes". "Orangeberg" was put in by the WPA, after the war, and is a compressed type of cardboard material. When we checked the SSES study, they only smoked a couple of houses and we laughed. We assumed they ran when they saw the smoke coming up everywhere.
The City was asked to identify all of those locations, but we do not know if the City ever answered to the EPA those localities.
You will smell sewers around Sam's and other areas, because there are known overflows. There are monthly books available at the Library, made available legally by the EPA for taxpayers, to look at your particular area and where those SSO's are located.
The City was declared NOT a COMBINED sewer system, with the stormwater system (even though we suspect there still are), under England's Administration.
The monies used for this last project may have came from the State of Indiana, but it was really Federal monies from the EPA; simply administered by the State. Even I wasn't aware of that fact.
The monies are missing that was for this Bond payment and the monies are missing that were to be used from EDIT for the INNER-CITY. The sewers were not fixed, the plant was simply expanded.
They do have new technologies out instead of "sewers". There are things called "flashpots", etc., which would save the entire nation billions. Hmmmmmmm. Who would have though "crap" could be interesting? Hah.
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, June 11, 2006
Laura FYI..The council will meet in a work session at 6pm monday in the Mayors conference room-no votes or public comment will take place. sewer-line upgrade to be discussed. Fifer is wanting $800,000 pipe replacement. But dumb ass fifer thinks he is going to get the $$$$$ from Council. The council says get it from sewers. Seperate enity! Won't these crooks ever quit!!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM, June 11, 2006
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM, June 11, 2006
well in 2007 that $400,000.00 goes up to $700,000.00 year. Would you likea print out of this information? And it came from Umbaugh!
Anonymous, at 11:43 PM, June 11, 2006
When you going to weigh in on the scribner poll and the sewer mess and investigation? We'd sure like to hear what you got to say?
Guess your watching the NBA Play-offs.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, June 11, 2006
Thanks to you guys the story about the sewer investigation was picked up by the AP. I saw it in Ohio over the weekend. Great going!!!!
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM, June 12, 2006
Yeah, the Tribune did a good job on that one.
Anonymous, at 8:39 AM, June 12, 2006
Just so there will be no more "forgetting"(how convenient)my name is Mark Cassidy and I live in the under represented 2nd district.
Iamhoosier, at 8:50 AM, June 12, 2006
Welcome, Mark -- now the little people can smear you to your face.
Of course, they'll still be wearing masks and crowing about free speech.
The New Albanian, at 10:09 AM, June 12, 2006
I would advise all of u potty police, speakoutlouts, degenerative republicans to read Roger Baylor's hilarious satire. Toooooooo Goooooooood.
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM, June 12, 2006
Thank you concerned citizen for explaining all of this to us. It is good to hear from someone who has your knowledge about our sewer situation.
This is serious business and there is nothing funny about it. What would be really funny is Roger finding out that he has to pay thousands of dollars to bring his property up to code with his sewer line.
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM, June 12, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:15 PM, June 12, 2006
Do you have proof?
Didn't think so. Really grasping at straws now.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM, June 12, 2006
As they say the bigger they are the harder they fall! Has anyone of you seen the big 'king' chair in front of the used furniture store on main strreet? I think we all need to pitchin and buy that chair For "king roger" you know he is suppose to be the done all, know it all of New Albany!
What gets me about educated king roger is he has not looked at one green bar, or any type of reports. And he says he and them are right and us "other citizens, know as the little people" can't be right!
And he says we have a bag over our heads! And claims this is a culture war? I'd like to hear what blogtastic and other citizens of New Albany feels about that issue?
Oh by the way roger have you ever admitted you were wrong?
Anonymous, at 3:15 PM, June 12, 2006
concern citizen
We think roger has a thang for ERIK.
I bet he listens to ACDC..
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, June 12, 2006
nudge nudge
Sure have. I admitted that I was wrong to think the mayor was incompetent, when in fact it was the Gang of Four all the while.
Gee, thanks for asking, 'nonymous.
The New Albanian, at 4:52 PM, June 12, 2006
To Concerned Citizen: You appear to understand and have a lot information concerning our sewer system. I am shocked that you were not surprised that many of the businesses and homes are NOT hooked to the sewer system. How in the world did that happen??
By Orangeberg do you mean Terra Cotta pipe? Please explain to me what you mean by "not a combined sewer system".
You mentioned that around 1999, the city was SUPPOSED to use smoke or dye to check the sewer connect -- the only time the city ever checked my home was when they were concerned where the run off water was directed, I showed them how that was routed and they left. I still have the paperwork - I think.
If the city is aware that there are businesses and homes not on the sewer system, how do they plan to correct this?
What did you say, there are still homes on Mansion Row not connected to the sewers? Why don't they fix that problem?
One last question: What is a "flashpot"?
Thank you for your time in answering my questions.
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM, June 12, 2006
To Anon at 5:13 (last posting): Okay, I'll try my best. Here goes.
Let's take 'em 1 by 1, shall we -- maybe we can both keep it ALL straight.
1. Yes, there are still a lot of homes and business not attached. The 400 block of E Main is a perfect example. EMC went into the mobile home shop down there (we know the owner, elderly, a widower); and the City know the Underground Railroad is down there. They found this area was not on sewers in 1999 when they smoked, supposedly, every house and business in New Albany. As we said, it's all in the SSES study down at the WWTP. They found this in 1999, they marked it when they found it, they knew it was connected to a giant septic connected with the Church. We can not tell you why they didn't fix it; but we can tell you they are now harrassing this poor woman. It's embarrassing. There are houses where "really indigent people" live, who rent from former "politicians" and can't afford to "rat" 'em out, so they call whomever will listen because there is no sewer for this particular area.
Yes, by orangeberg, I would mean that terra cotta stuff. Sorry.
We don't know how they "plan" to actually fix these things. It seems to happen on a case by case basis, lately. We think some of it the City plans to fix under the new "stormwater" fee, because a study was done which showed points of pollution for the stormwater runoff being raw sewage.
When the City Council/Mayor gave "Big" Sam Lahanis an award for his outstanding work on these sewers -- I asked someone sitting beside me at the Council if we could have that plaque back if the plan failed. The Mayor hit me on the back of the head with some papers, because he overheard me. I questioned, before they gave Big Sam that award -- what about Watco? What about the Country Club? What about those siphons down at Joe Kraft? He responded, rather strongly, he didn't know and blew us all off and got the hey out to Minnesota or somewhere, but one of the Council/Sewer Board members keeps his number hand, trust me.
One of the New Albany Potty Police found this "thang" called a "flashpot". New technology where there are no plants, lines, lifts, or laterals. Everything is incinerated/taken care of right outside of your house. There was actually a big article on the front page of the Courier Journal the very day James Garner won the Primary and how it would save this entire country BILLIONS of dollars.
There are other new "thangs"/technology floating around and being tested. The flashpot "thang" is available for remote cabins, etc., and last we checked was being tested on schools and institutions in England.
Hope this isn't too lengthy and answered SOME of your questions (:)). Thanks for caring yourself.
They recently came in and jackhammer up where you go down into a fullsize basement and then up into a cellar and drained several trucks of raw sewage out. See, these hou
Anonymous, at 11:37 PM, June 12, 2006
During the England administration the City of New Albany went to court over the issue of "combined" sewer/stormwater system.
The City tried to say it did indeed operate under this system, but the finding was that in fact New Albany was NOT on a "combined" system.
That would have been about 1997 I think.
Could this have anything to do with how the Drainage Board salaries and operations got put into the Sewer fund?
Although Garner argued for his Stormwater fee in order to pay for Drainage, nobody questioned such use of those funds.
Anyway, hope i helped answer a question.
Anonymous, at 1:43 AM, June 13, 2006
To Concerned Citizen 11:37 PM and Anonymous 1:43 AM. Thank you so much for explaining things to me. Just like many other citizens of New Albany, I am not very knowledgable of the sewer system. One would have to wonder what percentage of the homes and businesses are NOT connected to the sewer system! Sure would make a difference in the ability to sell your home if that information were to leak out. I feel sad for the good, honest, hard working people who live in New Albany -it appears they have been very short changed. I will make it my business to go to the library and check out those documents.
Thank you so much for your time and knowledge.
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM, June 13, 2006
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