Speak Out Loud NA

Friday, June 30, 2006

WHEREAS, the New Albany City Council is in support of the Scribner Place Project

We've seen reading comprehension problems; we've seen selective interpretation of the facts presented (obtained from GOV); but we have to admit, selective disregard of the VERY FIRST SENTENCE IN THE RESOLUTION? Give us a break, why don't you?

Very tangible issues behind the scenes are driving this resolution; and I for one hope the City Council gets this project OFF of MY property taxes. Our blessings for Scribner and the Y can proceed without such financing regarding OUR PROPERTY TAXES.

The State adopted something called a "circuit breaker" law last year. Our City has a constitutional (City and State) debt limit of 20% of our assessed value. If I am wrong about this, surely someone will call me out and set me straight, no doubts there. The way the Cities were able to circumvent this debt limit (which is in our City constitution and State mandated) is by having the municipal City sewage bonds/works separate from our debt limit.

This new "circuit-breaker" law is meant to correct this issue. After speaking with the State of IN and telling them of the debt we, as New Albany, are in -- I felt he was stunned.

Here is the new "circuit-breaker" law, and other corresponding info you may find interesting. Enjoy.

(P.S. BTW, is it legal for the Clerks' office to release the Council's packets to the PRESS and the Mayor's blog before the Council even received their packets from the police? Just a question.)

SECTIONS 8-13 of HEA 1001-2006 expand the 2% circuit breaker beyond pay 2007 in two phases: (1) the circuit breaker becomes mandatory in all counties for qualified residential property for 2007 pay 2008 and 2008 pay 2009; (footnote 1) (2) the circuit breaker becomes MANDATORY for all types of property in all counties beginning in 2009 pay 2010. (footnote 2)

The "circuit breaker" works by giving a property owner a credit against the person's property tax liability exceeding two percent of the gross assessed value for the qualifying property.(footnote 3) The application of the credit results in a reduction of property tax collections of each political subdivision in which the credit is applied.(footnote 4) A political subdivision may not increase its property tax levy to make up for the reduction. (footnote 5) A political subdivision may not borrow money to compensate the political subdivision or any other political subdivision for the reduction of property tax collections due to the credit. (footnote 6)


Taxpayer has a qualifying property with an assessed value of $100,000 before deductions. Taxpayer's property tax liability is calculated at $2,100. Two percent of the gross assessed value of taxpayer's qualifying property would be $2,000. Thus, taxpayer receives a credit for $100, and his tax liability is reduced to the maximum of $2,000. This results in a reduction of property tax collections by the taxing units in an amount of $100.

$100,000 gross assessed value $2,100 calculated taxes due
X .02 cap -$2,000 maximum tax liability

$ 2,000 maximum tax liability $ 100 amount of credit

1 IND CODE 6-1.1-20.6-6.5(b).
2 IND CODE 6-1.1-20.6-6.5(c).
3 IND CODE 6-1.1-20.6-7
4 IND CODE 6-1.1-20.6-9.5(b).
5 Id
6 IND CODE 6-1.1-20.6-9.5(d).


Potential Tax Credits for Property Assessed over 2% of Net Assessed Value:

UNIT 2006-2007 2008-2009 2010
FLOYD COUNTY $ 108. $ 108,526. $ 276,062.
NEW ALBANY TWP $ 3. $ 3,143. $ 7,995.
NEW ALBANY CITY $ 325. $ 324,803. $ 826,313.
NA-FC SCHOOLS $ 587. $ 587,059. $1,493,322.
NA-FC LIBRARY $ 23. $ 23,125. $ 58,825.
NA FLOOD CONTROL $ 8. $ 7,605. $ 19,345.

NOTE: The estimate impact on these budgets were based on 2003 assessed values. The impact on the budgets could be much greater when the estimates are based on current assessed values.

In other words, Cities will not longer be able to get around OUR Constitutional debt limits; but the State maintains there will have to be "new income taxes" to cover the shortfalls. Hmmmmmmmmm. Our income taxes seem to be going other ways.

Read the first sentence to Mr. Schmidt's resolution one more time, then the info posted here -- you'll find no malice; simply people who are up on those numbers and trying to protect your property tax and mine. That's the SPEAKOUTLOUDNA view, anyways.


  • Now, if you thought they couldn't read the first sentence of that resolution, what makes you think they can even begin to wrap their heads around property taxes and assessed values and the budget impacts? You have more faith in them than I do.

    Thank for the info. We understand, and knew...just wasn't sure when they were going to admit it. And, if we lose our homestead credits, OUCH.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:04 PM, June 30, 2006  




    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Thank you, for providing us with the
    info in this article. Where can we find out more about this CIRCUIT BREAKER that is going to change the City Budget money ?

    As I understand, this Circuit Breaker will help property owners who are over-assessed, but, will take money away from the City Budget or cause our
    tax rates to be higher. Questions?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:55 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Gary Malone of Umbaugh swears we have enough revenues coming in to support this project. When the Council finds out where in the hey these revenues are going to come from, will they please let the taxpayers know? Thank you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:56 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Sounds like it will definitely make not our property tax rates higher, but the "income tax rates" -- which we all know are being used for various other purposes.

    This WILL drastically impact the General Fund. Thanks for asking.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:57 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • As I was saying at a council meeting recently…I don’t understand how folks can get so fired up over a quarter million dollars for TRUE economic development (Scribner Place) when just this year the city council gave out $30 million in “economic incentives” to the weathliest people and companies in town?! I have the list from the Auditor if anyone’s interested.

    By Blogger G Coyle, at 9:43 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Ms. Coyle,

    You do not have all the information. And if you had spread sheets and all the info we have you might just reconsider. It is very hard for someone who does not have all the fact and crunch bunches of numbers for weeks and months. No one is against the YMCA. What we have been against is tacking our property taxes to this project. We feel the city should stay out of this project. Without the sewers being fixed we have nothing. No growth. The YMCA is sitting with pledges. They need 8 million dollars for their share. Let them pay it and not us taxpayers. Again we say unless you have all the facts and really look at the whole picture you have no clue to what is going on.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:46 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Mayor Garner has stated in the papers
    and on TV interviews that New Albany will pledge the $137,500 of EDIT to the Scribner Place Project.

    Why is the Mayor so upset? As I have read the proposed resolution listed on the blog, the resolution says the
    $137,500 of EDIT to be pledged to the
    Scribner Place. Has he not read the
    resolution because it states the same
    figure of $137,500 EDIT funds that
    he quoted on TV.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, June 30, 2006  




    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, June 30, 2006  

  • Oh you bet'cha!
    Property taxes is all they have left to bargain with. tHE RATES on the bonds, if they are sellable without property tax backing, will be higher.
    Jimmy is upset about the resolution because he has once again told something less than the truth.
    Although he says it will only require the $137k, the resolution allows him to use up to $400K, and that's what he's counting on.
    When, oh when, are folks going to realize they are feeding us a bunch of BULL!!!

    By Blogger East Ender, at 12:51 AM, July 01, 2006  

  • This weekend, let's be grateful that there is a country where people come together for the common good. Where people take on important projects and their concern isn't based on whether it's too expensive or not, but on whether it's good for the community as a whole. Where people have no problem using the good faith and credit of our governments to borrow money and provide innovative public services for one and all to use. Where people would be ashamed of shouting that they have the lowest taxes when the projects and basic services that need to be funded are left on the drawing board, or completely out of sight. A place where people care about the future, and not just about last week's news. Where the streets are clean, people live years longer, and children are better educated than nearly everywhere else in the world. A place where committing a pittance to a massive project would be seen as an afterthought, not as an ulcer inducing boil of the butt of the community.

    Indeed, a happy Canada Day weekend to one and all.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:00 AM, July 01, 2006  



    This is the second article in the series about Indiana’s new circuit breaker tax credit.

    The circuit breaker tax credit enacted in the Indiana General Assembly 2006 session puts a 2 percent (2%) cap on property taxes for certain taxpayers beginning with taxes payable in 2008.

    The state is not making up the difference in revenue. The reduction will be deducted proportionally from the revenue flowing to each entity in the taxing district.

    For more information, click on Full Article below.

    Full Article Save Article Email Umbaugh


    In a previous issue of Footnotes, we provided an overview of performance measurement and its usefulness in improving accountability and creating efficiency. In this article, we discuss the steps necessary to achieve performance management—the point at which a local government can utilize data collected in making managerial decisions. These four steps include mission statements, goals, objectives and performance goals.

    FYI- A Citizen

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:00 AM, July 01, 2006  

  • If you follow, as I do, with Jack Abramhoff's association with Umbaugh & Associates; you may have a lot of questions of your own.

    Personally, I'd like to hear them; if you are educated on this subject with Abramhoff and his 3 Consultants which ended up with Umbaugh; one has since resigned. Comments, ANYONE?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:07 AM, July 01, 2006  

  • Mr Schmidt's resolution seems to express no concern for the "circuit breaker," so that could not be the reason for presenting it. For this Blog, where any sign of intelligence is regarded with fear and loathing, to suddenly become more expert at the topic than attorneys in Indy who do this stuff for a living, is frankly impossible to believe.

    If this was the concern, then it should have been stated clearly and it should have been brought up long ago. Not within days of the bonds being sold and the bids let.

    But no, this was done at this time to kill Scribner Place and the YMCA and the last best hope that this city will ever see propsperity again.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:25 AM, July 01, 2006  

  • whereas Laura Oates and her lap dog councilmen Schmidt and Coffey have poltical agendas

    Whereas their collective IQ's dont amount to any signs of intelligence

    Whereas, once again this blog is spreading lies

    Therefore be it resolved that the intelligent voices on the council will once again prevail

    youre right the council meeting will be a rocker and your faction will roll over like a whipped dog

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:12 AM, July 01, 2006  

  • We shouldn't have any concerns; to hell with our monies -- yeah, you ar right -- go live in Canada (they lost their village idiot).

    If they don't need my property taxes to do this financing, then they shouldn't do it.

    Here's what we can do:

    All those who want to pledge your property taxes, sign up down at the County Treasurers' office.

    Those who don't -- Hey, you can sign up on here.

    The other blog was able to take that resolution so out of whack...again, read the first sentence.

    Anything "you" can do to bastardize the Council members you don't like, you will. We can't stop you. But, we will ask the Council how they liked seeing THEIR business on the NAC and in the paper before the police officers brought the Council their packets. There ought to be a law.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:19 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • I pledge my property taxes (It saves us taxpayers in the long run because you get lower interest on the bonds. But if you want to pay more now... I guess there must be logic there.)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:50 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • Blogtastic said, "Before I am labeled as a cold, heartless bastard"

    A day late and dollar short Mr. Fender!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:52 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • There is definitely a law on our DEBT LIMIT for the amount of population of NA; that must bother those who live beyond their means and have that "new" credit card where they just can't stop spending.

    Are you saying they can't do the financing without our property taxes? What ARE YOU SAYING?

    Could it be because we can pay the SEWER BONDS, therefore you need my property taxes to pay THIS BOND?

    As one poster said, if we even thought you could wrap your heads around the issues -- we might listen. For those who just want to call names -- have fun.

    Take care NA -- don't let 'em scare you. I, too, am sure Council will be upset about this resolution being on NAC's blog before it hit their houses (delivered by police officers, I might add). We need to ask the City Clerk for their press credentials that the Tribune and CJ have to present and keep on file with her office. Yeah, that would be what we need a copy of. I want to see "blog" press credentials!

    No to my property taxes being used.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:13 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • P.S. Make that we "CAN'T" PAY OUR SEWER BOND.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:14 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • Why should we, city dwellers, have to guarantee the EDIT monies with our property taxes? The people living outside the city limits do not have this threat if the money is not there!! If the $137,000 of boat money is not available, for whatever reason, from the County for the Next 17 years, who takes up the slack,DUH!!! As McAllister asked in their meeting of County Attorney, do they have to make it up, and the answer was NO, PP's I'll give you one guess, no your to damn stupid to come up with the legitimate answer without adding your spin cycle, the answer is me and all other residential property tax payers in the City.

    For this reason I hope all the Council will ratify the resolution Mr. Schmidt will introduce Monday.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:37 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • g. coyle -
    Just so you know, there are plenty of folks who are just as outraged by the depth of funds that have been given away on tax abatements with no real accountability due from those who benefit.
    Just send in a warm body to raise their hand when they call out the name, and BOOM, you got it!!!
    IT's CRAZY!
    I will have to say that since this topic has come up a few times, it has been ONLY CM Price who has raised ANY questions during Council sessions on ANY tax abatement beneficiaries.
    I totally agree that, next to the amount of money that has been poured into sewers, the tax abatement issue is costing the City of New Albany dearly.
    This practice, and extreme cost, MUST be an issue that is examined during the financial/audit investigations.
    Thanks for keeping it on the front burners!

    By Blogger East Ender, at 4:49 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • We are ready to stand before that council and let them all know that this idea about funding swimming pools with guarantees from OUR property taxes is NOT OK with us.
    Any smart development plan for that downtown area would be phased in development.
    Any smart council members will understand that and will work to steer this project onto a track that will actually lead somewhere.
    Of course, this would require that they be diligent in their duties to be good stewards of the citizen's best interests.
    The sooner they realize this mayor's plans have nothing to do with the best interests of the citizens, the better off they will be.
    One piece of advise:

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:36 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • If the Mayor is saying that the amount of EDIT pledged to the Scribner Project is $137,500, then, why hasn't someone told him that it was not $137,500?

    Why won't they listen to the taxpayers who are saying that we DO NOT want our
    property taxes to be the back-up on those bonds ?

    There are a lot of questions to be answered before the bonds are sold.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:35 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • Rumor has it Bill Schmitt will withdraw his resolution now that its out there and the surprise element is gone.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:57 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • EE - glad to hear the tax abatement issue is upsetting to more people than just me. Why just the other day I got to witness one of the 2005 "corporate welfare cheats" showing off his new Lambroghini with flame throwing exhaust on Main St! Ahhh...the things you can afford when the city let's you off the hook. Wonder what my rich uncle will do with his 1/2 million "economic incentive" from 2005...probably join another country club, the 4 they already belong to must be getting old? I'm not saying that once in a while some opportunity comes along that makes an economic incentive sensible, but by the time I'm finished totalling the pages of abatements I asked for from the county auditor, would anyone be outraged to admit that the city council has literally given away hundreds of millions of dollars that we must make up for with increased taxes on everything. Where is the outrage indeed?! So it's not that I don't applaud any and all efforts to present facts relating to the financial health of our town...every bit helps, but keeping things in perspective...I just can't get whooped up over, maybe $500,000 for a genuine community revitalization effort (scribner), when millions on the table are just tossed out like candy.

    By Blogger G Coyle, at 8:04 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • Is that right?

    Blostastic's Bill Fender?


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • Without propert0y tax back-up the cost of the bonds goes to over 300k per year, thus killing the entire project, so NA will stay the same. The res. will not pass. The vote will be four to four ( all will not be there) so it will fail.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:07 PM, July 01, 2006  

  • no Kochert will vote no to schmidts stupid resoultion, but you are right not all will be there, only 8. so the res will fail 5-3

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:51 AM, July 02, 2006  

  • My understanding is Donnie Blevins will get a promotion to Jody's job for his vote to stop the resolution. Keep screwing up James.
    Can someone tell me one positive thing James has done on his own for us taxpayers? Surely the progressives can think of something?

    BTW,loved the bumper sticker on rogers blog. Wonder where we can get some? We'll be more than happy to buy them.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 AM, July 02, 2006  

  • Hey, Denhart's pushing civil disobedience over at her college daze blog. Check it out.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:23 AM, July 02, 2006  

  • Hey, also on Rogers blog "little pervert Timmy is calling Valla Ann out AGAIN! What's this about meetings under the gazebo Timmy? Me thinks that follows under STALKING! Just my HUGE opinion.

    p.s. also love the bumper sticker.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 AM, July 02, 2006  

  • I want a couple bumper stickers. Where can I pick them up. Besides I like what that women says.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:47 PM, July 02, 2006  

  • Roger,

    It's great therphy to come out of the closet like you have. Maybe there is hope for you after all.

    Roger you describe yourself very well to a T to the rest of New Albany darlin.


    It should take a lot less time for you to peel it off that sign than it did the car bumper you took it from in the first place. You, Sir, are a nincopoop for posting a picture of a sticker on a sign that obviously been transferred.
    You people are so funny. Thanks for the chuckle, Roger.

    Roger would you like a new bumper sticker for yourself? All you had to do was ask? We have plenty!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, July 02, 2006  

  • The post you are referring to was not written by Roger, but by bluegill. Reading comprehension?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:21 PM, July 02, 2006  

  • We still predict some of the Council (ones the PP's aren't expecting) are going to have a real problem the Clerk's office leaked this to cityofnewalbany.blogspot.com.

    You really need to look at this resolution with out your "filters" on.

    Does Little Timmy know any other words rather than the ones he keeps spitting and sputtering on here under "anonymous"? Did they shut his IUS blog down? Did he not make the "new stormwater board" that none of Council knows has been formed? What's your problem, Tim? Maybe you're afraid?

    Yeah, I got a case against you for "stalking", also. We have some other material also that you have so conveniently hassled private citizens with.

    Thanks for letting me use the space. Anxious to read the Tribune article about the sewers.

    Please save our property taxes, Council.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, July 02, 2006  

  • The Council is ready to start on the
    2007 City Budget. Where are they going to find the money to bail out the 2007 Budget if they use all the
    EDIT and other money to fund Scribner?

    No salary increase for city staff?

    Maybe some will lose jobs?

    No new Cars for staff?

    Cut the cell phone bills?

    Take home cars and gas cards?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:26 AM, July 03, 2006  

  • That's true. My understanding is if they can not make the Scribner bonds, they WILL HAVE TO LAY OFF DOWNTOWN.

    More info has been released about the circuit breaker info -- try to get it up soon.

    We owe the Police $1 million next year. This will probably be taken care of by an "excess tax levy" put on your property taxes.

    But, if all this goes up to the State and they say "no-no", they wlll have to lay off downtown.

    Howcome some of us see it, and some don't? They just don't want to see, right? That's the only logic making any sense to me.
    All we can keep do is try and tell 'em; now they will probably scream louder.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:43 AM, July 03, 2006  

  • The Indiana Code on borrowing is IC 36-1-15-6:

    IC 36-1-15-6

    Restrictions on Indebtedness

    Sec. 6. Subject to section 7 of this chapter, a political subdivision may not become indebted in any manner or for any purpose in an amount in the aggregate that exceeds two percent (2%) of the latest adjusted value of taxable property determined for the political subdivision immediately preceding the incurring of the indebtedness.

    However, if a statute limits the debt of a political subdivision to a percentage other than two percent (2%) of the value of taxable property in the political subdivision, the political subdivision may not become indebted in an amount that exceeds the percentage set by statute multiplied by the latest adjusted value of taxable property determined for the political subdivision immediately preceding the incurring of the indebtedness.
    As added by P.L.6-1997, SEC.203.

    IC 36-1-15-7

    Permitted excess of debt limitation

    Sec. 7. A political subdivision may incur debt that exceeds the maximum amount allowed under section 6 of this chapter as necessary for the public protection and defense only:
    (1) in time of war, foreign invasion, or other great public calamity; and
    (2) upon petition of a majority of the property owners in number and value within the limits of the political subdivision.
    The amount of the excess may not be greater than the amount specified in the petition.
    As added by P.L.6-1997, SEC.203.

    IC 36-1-15-8
    Debt in excess of maximum amount void

    Sec. 8. Debt in excess of the maximum amount specified in sections 6 and 7 of this chapter is void.

    As added by P.L.6-1997, SEC.203.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:52 AM, July 03, 2006  

  • Roger seems to think he knows, ask him.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:16 PM, July 03, 2006  

  • How do you spell defeat: answer Bill Schmidt resolutions. read em and weep liitle ones

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:35 PM, July 03, 2006  

  • Happy 4th of July, Blogtastic. Don't have Bill's number, but I bet he'll hear ALL about it and get in touch w/ you. TOOO funny. Happy Holidays, NA.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:17 AM, July 04, 2006  


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:16 AM, July 04, 2006  

  • Scribner Place is a go! Come on in the water's fine!

    Now lets get past this and get on with the business of the people!

    Sewers, streets and proper accounting proceedures. Then let the city grow!

    While were in the process of getting rid of politicians, lets get rid of DNA, and it's board of loosers. How in the hell did they let that woman Jane get in charge of it, she will screw it up just like everything else she touches!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:29 AM, July 04, 2006  

  • Second that DNA motion, all in favor, say AYE!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • What have you got against Develop New Albany?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:06 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • That it doesn't!

    DNA hasn't done a damn thing since the old Red Cross building. The White Elephant Center isn't making money, they can't sell the damn thing. And now they put in charge a woman who has the biggest loosing streak in the History of NA.

    They hired her an assistant, some guy from out of town, maybe they ought to give him a chance at the helm, he can't do any worse. The Davinci thing lost money, it wasn't advertised enough, DNA chased the farmer market out to Sams, Some one really ought to cut the purse strings to it, it's DOA!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • Speaking of big losers, perhaps "sore," "bad," or "tasteless" losers would be better -- in the sense of the ones inhabiting this barren SOLNA wasteland. Now DNA and its head are the enemies. No day passes here without a witchhunt, does it?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:02 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • This blog is open range on anyone or any organization. Kind of makes you go Hmmmm!

    Now that Scribner Place is a done deal, wonder what the next project to be shit upon will be?

    I am sure we will not have to wait very long for it to surface.

    May be the fact that Cm Schmidt walked out after loosing his vote?

    There you go, things that make you go Hmmmmm!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:43 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • To Anon at 4:13... What should such an organization be doing?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • Scmidt needs to be challenged in the primary next year, any takers?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:24 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • We will talk about what we want to talk about, when we want to talk about it and how we want to talk about it -- HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • 8:46 PM

    They should be doing something, even if it's wrong!

    So far, they haven't done a damn thing! But pat each other on the back and say fine job!

    Do you think they are doing anything worth while? Tell us all about it! Enlighten us!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:57 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • Mayor garner spoke tonight athe 4th of July festival and did an outstanding job and recieved a very strong round of applause.

    Didnt see your people there though, '07 garner is looking strong!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:04 PM, July 04, 2006  

  • "It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong."


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, July 05, 2006  

  • Yeah, we know. That's why certain government officials know all about this blog. It is.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:22 PM, July 05, 2006  

  • We just got back from Vegas, and I see that my councilman was ill on Monday. Can anyone tell me how Bill's doing?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:08 PM, July 05, 2006  

  • still licking his wounds from losing on his resolution

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, July 05, 2006  

  • Whats your next loser bill or resolution boys

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:19 PM, July 05, 2006  

  • Violet, We spoke with the Schmidts today. He is feeling somewhat better. He had been sick two days prior to the Council. We were unsure if he would even be able to attend.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:50 PM, July 05, 2006  

  • Where is laura? And how come we are not discussing the council meeting! Sounds like she has turned into a real slacker

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:51 AM, July 07, 2006  

  • Talk about sinister thoughts, gee. She's sick, physically -- not slacking. Even if she was -- what do you care? Get your own blog. Duh.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:31 PM, July 07, 2006  

  • I'll bet schmidt is really sick about the tribune headline. Which showed that not only was the cost 263,000 BUT THAT HE IS THE ONE THAT PROPOSED THE AMENDMENT AND IT PASSED 8-0. NOW THAT SHOULD MAKE HIM SICK AND EMBARRASSED. I guess he had a senior moment.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:48 PM, July 07, 2006  

  • Good job Yvonne!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:31 PM, July 07, 2006  

  • The Tribune was WRONG again!!!
    Don't you get it yet?
    They are caught up in the PP spin and what they print clearly reflects that.
    Here's hoping they can hang in there with the handfull of subscribers they have left.
    May as well be reading the Enquirer since the Tribune stories are so twisted they fail to reveal the truth.

    By Blogger East Ender, at 10:56 PM, July 10, 2006  

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