Downtown Revitalization?
Well folks, I’m back from the ‘dead zone’ and ready to jump back into the troubling issues that face New Albany on a daily basis.
I want to first thank the folks that helped out in my absence, and I want to thank the folks who read the blog for keeping the ball rolling.
My illness has retreated, and I am now able to write new articles and participate in the discussions that ensue. Believe it or not, I have missed the banter that the blog instigates, and the opportunities to put forth my opinion on certain matters.
For now, I want to talk a bit about what New Albany is doing, or has done, to encourage Downtown revitalization.
What are they doing to entice businesses to locate in existing downtown buildings? Are there ways to be providing certain incentives, and/or possible funds to help with restoration efforts that will ultimately save our historic buildings?
Downtown IS a TIF District you know. All the taxes collected from that area are to be set aside for use ONLY in that area, in terms of funding for economic development projects and surrounding infrastructure improvements.
If they are obligating all the available EDIT funds, using a large portion to make Scribner Bond payments, then what about the TIF money that’s earmarked for Downtown? What kind of “projects” can be supported using those funds? Are there plans for utilizing these funds already?
More importantly, what, if anything, have they been doing with that money for the past 3 years to encourage or support Downtown Economic Development? Because, we’ve watched as major developments have taken footholds in the fringe areas of Charlestown Road, Grantline Road, State Street… and waiting in the wings are all the County developers who are chomping at the bit to build large quantities of high priced housing.
Why have there been no significant investments in the Downtown area until this YMCA/Natatorium idea? Are they really going to throw this much money at ONE project in an area that has been ‘dead’ for some 20+ years, and just HOPE that everything will change??? What a naïve way to go about things. Then again, we do have a child for an Economic Development Director, don’t we?
For New Albany, the fringe areas have been the ‘hot markets’, while Downtown has sat empty and neglected, save for the few brave souls who are eeaking out a living and keeping the doors open in a hostile environment that screams, “WE’RE CLOSED!” to anyone who dares to enter or ask after 6PM.
Meanwhile, surrounding Downtown neighborhoods have had to suck up the minor developments that turn neighborhoods into mixed, commercial/residential land use that lowers property values for homeowners, and negatively impacts the neighborhood in terms of traffic, crime, density, and aesthetic value.
Like the development at Ellen Court and Green Valley Road that completely disrupted the residential “feel”, and turned the area into a bustling business district.
Why couldn’t those who wished to open a medical facility use an existing building downtown? We’ve already built and paid for the parking garage!
What about the hell-bent plans to develop something on Daisy Lane despite the safety issues that have been presented and demonstrated?
Now, the East End, the entry to New Albany, is under siege as more and more green spaces are disappearing from the landscape, replaced with ugly modern shopping spaces that offer no hint of our historic treasures that sit silent and empty only a mile or so up the road.
I’ve watched, in utter disgust, as another concrete block building goes up on what was one of several open green spaces that dotted the entry into New Albany. What a shame it is to watch those treasures disappear.
First came the corner of Thomas and Spring. A monster office building that took up every possible square inch of developable land, coming dangerously close to a multi-unit housing structure during construction, and it still sits empty today.
This other building is going up at the corner of Spring & Best, which is right next door to the Dairy Queen. Word has it that this is going to be an auto parts store.
Just what we need!!! Especially since there is an Auto Zone and a Pep Boys store only 4 minutes from here, in Clarksville.
However, my quandary is not about how many auto parts stores the demographics of the area can support, it is about what it’s going to take to get businesses into those long neglected, very expensive, downtown buildings.
Still, can someone please explain to me how it can be less expensive to buy land, build a brand new building, and pay all the expenses associated with such, than it is to refurbish and utilize an existing Downtown building?
Why has Downtown NOT already been marketed as the place to do business? Yet it is this very objective that is being touted as the end goal and ultimately the saving grace of New Albany.
I find this situation very troubling, and somewhat curious, in so far as these buildings remain sitting empty, slowly deteriorating, until the Scribner Place development takes place.
I want to know why. I think we all deserve to know.
I brought up this subject at a council meeting a couple of months ago and still do not have an answer. Everybody wants revitalization downtown, don't they? If so, like you said why are they so anxious to build new buildings in residential areas?
I am no architect but, like you, I cannot understand why they cannot use existing buildings that are sitting empty.
Maybe someone could enlighten us on this matter.
Anonymous, at 9:35 AM, July 16, 2006
Why is no one on the Mayor's Staff
trying to locate new business in the
downtown ? We are paying an Ecomonic Development Director, what is he doing for downtown ?
You are so right--- we are pouring thousands of dollars into Scribner Place and all the businesses are more interested in locating in residential areas. Does't make sense, does it?
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM, July 16, 2006
More later because I think this has potential to be a good conversation with some common ground but, in the meantime, would you please stop reporting that the city is "...obligating all the available EDIT funds, using a large portion to make Scribner Bond payments..." ? It's simply not true.
As reported in the Courier-Journal yesterday, part of the city's challenge for 2007 is how to budget the one million dollars of annually available EDIT funds and the $3.3 million dollar one time EDIT refund from the jail bond reserve.
That's $4.3 million in EDIT funds available in 2007 and $1 million available each year thereafter. That money is available in addition to the Scribner Place commitment.
If I've misunderstood something, please explain.
I say this not to create an argument but to point out that we actually do have at least one million dollars of EDIT funds annually available from 2007 forward, with no increase to taxpayers, to help revitalize downtown. It will take cooperation and work from both the Mayor and the Council to make any incentive package a reality.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 11:32 AM, July 16, 2006
What is preventing economic redevelopment of downtown.... Well, where to begin?
Let's start with the people who are against everything... like many of those on this blog. The sense of negativism in this communtiy is a HUGE block to economic development.
The Scribner Place project has been described by outsiders as a "no brainer" when it comes to city support for a project that will promote economic development.
Yet, how much did the nay sayers in this community fight that project,,, again and again,...
That is reason #1.
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM, July 16, 2006
I have a copy of the legal which states they can use all the "edit" money they want. And sir if you read the leasee it also states that! So I would think you might consider changing your comment on that issue.
And it also states bond payment will be paid first and formost out of edit! I highly recommend you get a copy of the lease and other papers we have in our position.
And while were on the subject. Have you seen the feasibility study?
It really doesn't matter what we produce to you or show you in black and white. You and others do not and will not ever make an admitance that this is a mistake. So we have to disagree with you!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:46 PM, July 16, 2006
Sounds like this will be the starting point of our discussions:
Getting the official facts of the situation with the EDIT funds.
My understanding is that they may use up to $400K annually for the first couple of years, then that threashold goes up to $700K annually in 2009.
However, that was information that was put out several months ago, and I wouldn't bet that it hasn't changed since then.
Wasn't this the issue that led to the listening of Council tapes to find out just what dollar amount was appropriated by Council?
East Ender, at 5:08 PM, July 16, 2006
Anonymous at 2:05 seems to have it right and the "starting point" backs that up. Why "start" a discussion on downtown revitalization by starting another attack on Scribner Place.
The Starting Point should be why this community ONLY spends $137,000 of "Economic Development Taxes" on economic development when other communitites do so much more,,, and don't have to overcome such obstacles to do it.
Anonymous, at 8:45 PM, July 16, 2006
Where is Develop New Albany? What are they doing these days? Same thing they have always done! NOTHING!
They hold meetings on top of meetings, but nothing seems to come from them. Right now the board-of-directors is divided on what the future holds for the new executive director; they can not agree it's time for a change of command at DNA, even the board of directors needs a good overhaul.
A few weeks ago, the DNA office was being relocated, sad to say but only a two or three DNA members supposedly showed up to move the offices, most of it was done by volunteers, and building tenants.
With a kid for economic director sitting in the Ivory Tower on Hass Square, and a ditzy blonde (she needs to go!) heading up DNA, what do you expect, same old same, nothing ever changes in our little sleepy town.
In '07, a great wind from the West will come fore, and with it the change this city so seeks. Buildings down town will fall with the wrecking ball, just like the old bank on Spring and Bank Streets, watch it fall!
Then the green spaces will form, or will they, I think not, just more blacktop, yep, blacktop! We will have more parking for the empty buildings downtown.
Why have a historic preservation society, when there is nothing historic worth saving, empty buildings are homes for pigeons, bats and rats.
Sorry this is so long, but who really cares! Really who cares! Not the city council, not the mayor, not the civic organizations that dedicated their resources, there is no one left to care! Sad isn’t it!
City of New Albany Closed for Business, go West for Corydon, or go East for Clarksville, nothing to see here folks, move along!
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, July 16, 2006
Anonymous 8:46 P.M. How right you are. The same issues that are being brought to light today are the same complaints that have been heard for years. When most of the police officers, people in the administration, etc. do not live in the city limits, why should they care how people down town live. They hold the answers, but they do not care. If you complain more than once you are pegged a "trouble maker" not a "concerned citizen." I believe the entire thing is about "respect". Respect for each other, respect for the police officers, respect for your neighbor, and respect for your town. These things are nearly nonexistent in New Albany. Nothing will change until the majority of the citizens want the same thing. A handful of people cannot clean up New Albany, it has to be the majority of the citizens and the majority of the citizens do not care how much trash is lying around.
Anonymous, at 9:34 PM, July 16, 2006
Bluegill and others: Please talk with your County Representatives and you will find EDIT monies have fallen. In other words, the County took in a lot less than they thought they would this past year. In their eyes, and mine, that would mean unemployment is up in Floyd County. EDIT comes from employment. We may want to look at that issue, too. Maybe that is the true reason the citizens who do know these things have such a problem with their property taxes being used to prop up a "particular" project -- in other words, do exactly what the Mayor said we shouldn't do -- put all of our eggs in one basket. His words, not mine. Nothing personal, just business...your business.
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM, July 16, 2006
bluegill, that article reference ONLY the newly freed-up EDIT funds - the $3.3 million in reserve and the annual $1 million. The city gets $2.2 million in EDIT each year, and as of next summer when the parking garage is paid off, only the $137,500 for Scribner Place is committed.
Granted, there will be tremendous demands on those funds, and the legislature no longer requires them to be used for economic development, but a rational government will continue to restrict those funds to spending that drives E.D.
I still question how jail bonds ever passed muster under the old statute as economic development, but that's neither here nor there, now.
So, about 7% of EDIT funds annually are committed to Scribner Place. Once again, a no-brainer decision when you consider that it leverages a full million from the Caesars/Harrah foundation.
All4Word, at 11:02 PM, July 16, 2006
Laura, your discussion of the $700,000 comes directly from the confused mind of Mr. Coffey.
That was Regina Overton's plan and has no bearing on the current plan. The pool has been cut down to a much smaller facility after market research showed that there was no demand for competition facilities. Prudence dictated a smaller facility, and there is zero liability beyond the $400,000 committed by ordinance, and once the bonds are sold we will know precisely the annual commitment, expected to be exactly $137,500 to the city. Yes, the county could crabwalk away from its co-equal commitment, but at the risk of alienating 1/2 of the county's population.
The $700K is misinformation, if not disinformation, so don't be fooled by diversionary tactics.
All4Word, at 11:07 PM, July 16, 2006
I’ll take the blonde any day over the redhead that thinks she runs this city! Most of the turmoil at DNA is being caused by an outsider that has no business being there! She has all ready caused trouble between several factions downtown, and when she is rebuked, she runs to her little police officer friend crying!
No one downtown should trust her, and I am not talking about the Belle of Main Street either, you have to go a bit further east and to the north to for this psycho, she needs to stay in her own neighborhood and mind her own damn business!
Enough said!
Anonymous, at 12:00 AM, July 17, 2006
Hatefulnesss and disrespect .... IT IS A NEW ALBANY THING.
Anonymous, at 5:40 AM, July 17, 2006
This blog gets stranger and stranger by the minute!
Do you think they have blogs in Heaven? Lord I hope not!
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM, July 17, 2006
Ceece, I am sorry to hear that it is cheaper to build new buildings than rehab older ones. I wondered why Walgreens was rebuilding.
Can something be done about these property owners downtown who are letting these historic buildings fall down? I have heard that the prices were huge. Isn't our downtown an Enterprise Zone? Maybe the State could use eminent domain (sorry if it's misspelled) or something to shake up these landlords.
There are TV shows and news programs showing how other cities came back from the brink all of the time.
Mr. Rosenbarger, can you help us out here?
Anonymous, at 10:56 AM, July 17, 2006
ALL4WORD: Did you get to talk with your County Reps yet? Did they tell you they promised to take EDIT off of the taxpayers once the jail was paid off? Did they tell you their EDIT monies were down this past year due to unemployment being up? Did they tell you they promised the citizens of the ENTIRE COUNTY they were going to rescind EDIT once the jail was paid off? It is true the City can come back in and petition the County for EDIT to be put back on, but did you know all of this?
Worried about your lack of County knowledge and how it effects the City, and us as taxpayers.
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, July 17, 2006
Yep. What's your point?
And don't worry your head about me and what I know or don't know. You want 'em to take EDIT off? I encourage you to get started on that right away. Meantime, those of us who put our names to what we say will keep working on building a better community, with or without you.
All4Word, at 12:32 PM, July 17, 2006
Who said we wanted them to take EDIT off? Get busy, if that's what I want? That's not what was said. What was said is what was promised to County citizens by County elected officials. You're not following me and you're trying to argue a point that is written in minutes and a lot of County officials election material.
So your point is what, now? Don't worry that I'm worried about "your head". My worry isn't about you; it's about my property taxes and what things were put down in the past that will impact my future.
Nothing personal, that's for sure.
Anonymous, at 12:45 PM, July 17, 2006
We were promised that it would end when the jail was paid for. That is true. Even then I did not believe that it would end but the fact is, that was the promise.
Not sure what the argument here is about.
Iamhoosier, at 1:50 PM, July 17, 2006
"We were promised" "They promised"
Who? When?
Anonymous, at 2:58 PM, July 17, 2006
Thank you IAMHOOSIER. I'm not sure what the argument "was" about either. Simply facts being stated, whether we believed those officials or not, hey? I agree.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, July 17, 2006
Good news. So far in 2006 unemployment in Floyd County is down 1.3 percent from the average for 2005.
Of course these statistics are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and I have noticed that a lot of folks here abouts get their statistics from the Bureau of Thin Air.
Anonymous, at 5:03 PM, July 17, 2006
First of all, let me clarify that I did NOT say that there has been no new businesses come to Downtown New Albany, I am more interested in asking what the City has done to entice new businesses and/or to help subsidize the renovations that would be necessary to save some of our long empty historic buildings.
If the answer is "nothing", then how do they expect to overcome this stumbling block of affordability and fiesability when courting new businesses, post-Scribner?
Thus far, just about every "new" business has come in and occupied a building that had previously held the last failed business that was operating there.
There are certain buildings that are 'functional', but there are many more that are not.
Align this set of circumstances with the City's insistance that every building that has sat empty for more than 1 year must pay a new tap-in fee to get on the sewage system, and you're talking about a whole lot of money.
Are they planning to attract large chain store type businesses that can afford such investments? Or, are they planning to encourage lots of new small business start-ups, which have proven to be the key to unlocking economic stagnation?
They keep chattering about the latter, but I sure don't get the strategy.
Just doesn't make sense to not have a plan that is already being implemented so that kinks can be worked out and future tenants can get set up and be ready to go.
East Ender, at 1:35 AM, July 18, 2006
Somethings going on in the new old fashion shop, other wise known as the old Grants building.
Two dumpsters full of junk, either they are cleaning it out for a sale, or the law about warehousing not being allowed is being enforced.
Anyway, good to see something being done!
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM, July 18, 2006
Laura, undoubtedly you've spoken with people like Paul Wheatley (public sector) and Mike Kopp (private sector), so could you repeat what they've told you about the plans, enticements, and other activities pursued toward the end we all desire?
You have asked them these questions, right?
The New Albanian, at 9:23 AM, July 18, 2006
Glad to hear about the old "Fashion Shop". We use to drive all the way from Lexington, KY just to shop there at Mr. Benjamin's.
What a great location and well known spot already for any new business that would care to operate there! Definitely good news!
Anonymous, at 1:28 PM, July 18, 2006
Looks like FOS pist roger boy off again. Wonder if and when he will ever get it? Meaning people to march to his beat. Poor baby boy, maybe one day he will grow up and be a real man. And learn how to read a spread sheets!
Seems like FOS is getting the real scoop on things.
Anonymous, at 5:41 PM, July 18, 2006
The slumlord article was very well written. Freedom Of Speech sticks to the facts and does have alot of humor.
They sure do not back down for no one.
And that takes guts.
A great read for loads of info.
Anonymous, at 8:32 PM, July 18, 2006
Can you get a PhD on main street?
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM, July 18, 2006
dunno maybe a professor can pretend to be an InnKeeper
Anonymous, at 10:07 PM, July 18, 2006
The next big calamity is going to be these storm water fees being billed to "renters" although the Ordinance calls for Property Owners, only. This was the purpose in the Stormwater Advisory Committee recommendations and adopted by Council.
There are now 3 months that renters have been billed. Several residential owners are being billed as commercial. One gentleman got 18 bills in one day. The list goes on and on.
Folks, this is how we are now owed millions in past due sewer bills. They attached them to the renters instead of the property owners; property owners would claim ignorance of their renters owing such; and on and on...
History repeating itself again, or at least trying. Maybe there will be one renter who can sock it to them for another "illegal" billing.
Anonymous, at 12:01 AM, July 19, 2006
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, July 19, 2006
Anon 8:32,
It takes guts? They don't back down?
How does it take guts to post anonymously? How is it courageous, not mention truthful, to use a false profession to "beef" up one's profile? They allow no comments, so what are they going to back down from?
They have every right to post anonymously but it takes guts to put your own name to it. I know, because I am basically as gutless as FOS is. I do give VA credit for guts. EE too, for that matter.
I will agree with you about one thing. I too, find FOS very humorous. I usually laugh at loud.
Mark Cassidy
Iamhoosier, at 9:40 AM, July 19, 2006
Mr. Stewart,
This might be a good point to bring up at tomorrow's council meeting. It may not be on the agenda but maybe you could work it in while discussing another problem.
I mean, how hard is it to hire a bill collector?
Anonymous, at 10:26 AM, July 19, 2006
Would you put your job on the line for your opinion? Would you not sign anonymous? If you could provide evidence of fraud, Nonfeasance, and malfeasance. And other felony's would you not stand up for what is right? So when did you become and expert on Freedom of Speech? Maybe you have been listening to much to roger and others. In fact maybe all your so called sources are wrong!
I wouls like to ask you Mark how many facts has roger put on his blog? You seem to be a follower and not a free thinking person. If people on Main St., progressives and others. Can't you form your own opinions? Who do you think you are. I've read more truth on FOS than anyother blog. Like they say everyone has an opinion and you are entitled to yours. And another thing Why have you not ask your buddy Maury about the Redistricting sisution? Do you really think the tribune is going to print the truth? So you think unless you put your name on a post something is not right? I think it takes guts to fight for what you believe in. I think it takes courage to open a blog and continue to put the real facts and truth out there! How can you prove there is no Erik? How do you know supposely so much about Freedom of Speech and know absolutely nothing about our city and mayor? And all the wrong doing! Mismanagement?
Give us facts Iamhoosier! As they say in court "prove it".
A fan of FOS!
Anonymous, at 5:56 PM, July 19, 2006
Cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this city as irresonsible talk by roger.
The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of chartacter.
And FOS has real character.
Anonymous, at 6:26 PM, July 19, 2006
Anon 5:56,
Either you are absolutely new to these blogs or you have absolutely no comprehension skills at all.
I am not going through the whole anonymous thing again. Evidently you have never read my clashes with some of the people on NAC.
As for my buddy Maury, we have spoken exactly twice. Once when we first met and once after I exited the polls this springs.
I know exactly who I am. We are all followers to some extent. Your thoughts don't appear to be very original either.
To anyone with ANY sense at all, it is obvious Erik is not a college professor of political science. Erik writes as bad or worse than I do. That would simply not be allowed on a college campus. Political scientists write!!! They research and WRITE. Geez!! If you want to follow a fraud, be my guest.
Iamhoosier, at 6:29 PM, July 19, 2006
By the way, if Erik would like to sue me for libel, well, I have come out into the open!
Iamhoosier, at 6:32 PM, July 19, 2006
Do you honestly think anyone at Freedom of Speech cares what you or anyone else thinks?
Just ask them.
BTW They do answer e-mails
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM, July 19, 2006
Check out the Floyd County Fiscally Conservative Democrat site to understand how people are viewing blogs, all around this great nation of ours.
Makes sense to me, but that's just me.
Anonymous, at 8:44 PM, July 19, 2006
Have you heard what all is on the City Council's agenda Thursday night? Whew! It will be a long meeting, to say the least.
The fight over the refund of the EDIT monies from the jail and where they should be expended at should prove to be truly interesting.
The subject of how the City is going to shore up the Street Department's shortages may prove to be a very interesting subject.
We sincerely hope the Council will put the excess tax levy on the citizens for the government ordered "DROP" program. This will free our monies to FIX our infra-structure.
These are the true battles, let no one be mistaken. The one thing we are truly waiting on is the bigshot financial whiz's blowing in from Indy and making that presentation on our "financial status", in order for the City to get a sewer rate increase. This one will be a doozy.
Mr. Gahan worries us a little though. He said he didn't get any sewer financials, but the sewer board members maintain he received them personally from our "accounting" firm. Hmmmmmmm.
Yes, we're worried. Tis another fine day in New Albania.
City Council Meeting Thursday Night -- starts at 7:30, but you have to get there early and "sign" in and please make sure you know what you are going to talk about or you may be reprimanded.
Take care, New Albany.
Anonymous, at 8:53 PM, July 19, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM, July 19, 2006
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM, July 20, 2006
Dick, they just can't stick to the issues. They say whatever they want to say on NAC about whomever they want to; then try to interfere with this blog.
That is NAC's purpose in life, to stop debates on this blog.
Try and ignore all the GROUND CLUTTER and just keep fighting that good fight!
Anonymous, at 11:26 AM, July 20, 2006
It's pretty sad when low life's have nothing better to do than pretend to be someone else just to start trouble.
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM, July 20, 2006
You're right, Shirley. They should stop it here and at Freedom of Speech as well.
BTW, I noticed your Tribune letter in which you suggested that you might try to organize clean up efforts in the your neighborhood. If you do, please contact me as a lot of folks in and around my neighborhood are organizing volunteers for the very same purpose.
I'm sure we could help each other. Perhaps we could send everybody to western neighborhoods one weekend and to eastern neighborhoods the next or some other cooperative arrangement.
Jeff Gillenwater, at 2:15 PM, July 20, 2006
Important City Council Meeting Tonight.
Be there early to sign in if you wish to speak about something.
Meeting STARTS at 7:30.
Anonymous, at 4:34 PM, July 20, 2006
Yeah, we'd like to trace a bunch of a bunch of url addresses; we've had some of our own threats (inuendos).
How does it feel, Tim?
Anonymous, at 10:38 PM, July 20, 2006
Garner blew it tonight! Valla Ann laid all the facts on the City Council. Everything tabled. Can you believe James could not say where the $750.00 floor mats are? Maybe we need to call in snoop dog harle to figure out where the missing floor mats are? The line has veen drawn in the sandy between truth and justice for the citizens of New Albany.
Anonymous, at 12:02 AM, July 21, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 12:59 AM, July 21, 2006
There were comments made about certain people who were present at last night't council meeting, myself included.
Yes, I did agree with Valla Ann's comments and thought she was very well prepared and eloquent. If it sounded like we were the "Amen corner" well so be it.
Just for the record, I did not say "You go girl", I said, "Great job".
Anonymous, at 4:33 PM, July 21, 2006
Does this mean that you're Erik?
After all, Roger didn't mention you by name, did he?
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, July 21, 2006
CM Blevins has proven beyond any doubt that he is more concerned with his own status as a city employee than he is about doing what is best for the city.
He is example A of why city employees should NOT serve s Council members.
The "deal" making is too easily acomplished.
We hear he's been offered the #2 position in the Street Department as long as he votes Garner's way.
Some folks spotted Donnie and Garner sharing some warm fuzzy's together with a hug in the hallway.
They have obviously made up after the infamous lamblasting phone call.
East Ender, at 5:22 PM, July 21, 2006
Outstanding job last night Valla Ann. My husband and myself was very impressed with your presentation.
Thank you for caring about us citizens.
Anonymous, at 5:50 PM, July 21, 2006
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, July 21, 2006
Anon 5:10PM
No I am not "Erik". My name is
Shirley Baird and I do NOT post under other names.
Roger did not mention ANYONE by name did he.
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, July 21, 2006
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