Q & A's About the Budget
Now is the time for all good boys and girls of New Albany to ask for their fondest wishes. Because now is the time to get answers to questions about the budget for our fair city.
This is the time to speak with your Council representative, and all three At-Large Council Members, and find out what they know about the budget and the issues that matter most to you. Ask what Jimmy is planning to do about the things that are foremost on the minds of our Neighborhoods and property owners. Ask anything you want, but...ASK QUESTIONS!!!
This is the time of year that our officials should regularly hold "Town Hall" meetings, with the specific intent of addressing the city's financial condition, and to talk with citizens about budget decisions. After all, it is OUR money.
Truth be known...if our elected officials gave any real consideration to the overwhelming public sentiment that there is a serious lack of accountability from the city administration, 'Town Hall' meetings would be happening already.
So, while we won't be holding our collective breath's waiting for that to happen, we will continue to advocate for better, more accessable, avenues for communication between Council Representatives and their respective constituency.
As for these most recent Budget Hearings, the main points that have been brought to the forefront seem to concern the rising costs of our Police and Fire protection, the question of purchasing 5 or 6 new Police cars, and the Controller's and Council's jobs of cutting the total budget back to $16 million.
Then there's Jimmy...one hand out for a salary increase, the other behind his back to hide his crossed fingers as he tells stories regarding the need for more sewer rate increases. With one foot out the door already, one has to wonder just how he's holding up! LITERALLY!!!
Especially when you consider that he doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to blaming private citizens for the amount of money that it will take to comply with the EPA Agreed Order and the amended, amended Consent Decree. Does he really think private citizens can control what is required to comply with the Federal Clean Water Act that New albany is in violation of?
Anyway, it's time we got some straight answers to some straight questions about the financial condition of our City.
Get your questions together and get your Council phone numbers (city website) and call them up! Bring your stories here and share them, and let folks know what you learned. Perhaps between all of us, we can get a pretty good picture of what's going on with our money.
Finally, the poll totals:
Q.) Would you vote for Garner again?
1. Yes = 9 = 19%
2. No = 34 = 71%
3. Maybe = 0 = 0%
4. Never = 5 = 10%
real scientific poll there since this is a hate garner blog, real statistically robust and sound, did they teach you that in your course work, how to fool the ignorant with dummy polls?
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM, July 30, 2006
OK, by the numbers;
1. A synopsis of the budget hearings from last week are posted on my blog "View From the Highway"
2.Similar information can be found in both the Courier Journal & The Tribune (Both are online if you prefer)
3.If you want serious answers to serious questions, go downtown to the 3rd floor and ask them directly. So far I've had no problem getting the information I've asked for once I asked the correct question of the correct person. It just involves a little leg work on the part of the individual wanting to know.
4.PLEASE by all means call your councilman, then turn around and call all the rest of them. See who responds and how.
Then and only then can any of us make an intelligent informed judgement as to what is going on in our government.
That is, of course, assuming that we realy want to make an intelligent, informed judgement.
Highwayman, at 9:39 PM, July 30, 2006
My question to James Garner is why is his only solution but to raise our sewer bills, when he can use the jail bond money Tif's, Edit, Major cuts in the budget and other monies and not raise our sewer bills?
What is the rush to redo the bonds?
Anonymous, at 9:46 PM, July 30, 2006
Mr. Wimp so please tell us your spin on what you think the solution is for the sewer problem? I seriously do not think you have made any more trips to the 3rd floor as many of us have done? Not being a smart-ass about the issue. But why do you support raising our sewer bills when there are other options? You seem to agree with James plan? Will you admit the city is in a $$$$$$ crisis?
Anonymous, at 9:52 PM, July 30, 2006
There is no spin. The $$$ problem with the sewer utility is that when it was self sustaining the monies were siphoned off to other departments instead of going back into sewer maintenance!
This practice has by all accounts been par for the course for several administrations. this one was just unlucky enough to be caught holding the empty bag when the piper came calling.
My point is that if $7.00 a month added to my sewer bill will keep my toilet flushing, so be it. You will be hard pressed to convince me that that much of an increase spread over three years will put anyone in this city on the soup line. Furthermore, if it does, I'm confident of the non profits and churches ability to see that no one starves to death because of it.
At this point, it is the lesser of the evils!
Highwayman, at 10:14 PM, July 30, 2006
the word is utility and how are utilities financed? By user rates, so the options of EDIT, TIF and any other magic trick wont get the job done, RATES thats what insures utility solvency, basic municipal finance, what do you say professor erik?
Anonymous, at 11:27 PM, July 30, 2006
Highwayman -
Thanks for the response of sound advise for getting answers to questions.
Now is the time to ask, and this is an opportunity to discover just what the Council Members have on their minds.
East Ender, at 11:40 PM, July 30, 2006
seems to me you like to demand rather than ask councilmen there EE, like calling Donnie Blevins corrupt and demanding that he vote your way and all the other councilmen who happen to agree with the mayor but praise be to coffey schmidt and price because they vote your way.
You arent interested in asking anything its your way or the highway
Anonymous, at 12:04 AM, July 31, 2006
Well, somebody's got a bad case of the mean and nasties today!
Tell you what...when you get your facts straight you can come over here and yell at me for whatever issues(s) that we might disagree about.
However, your statements here today are inaccurate and thus are being dismissed as more ground clutter.
Have a nice day.
East Ender, at 2:42 AM, July 31, 2006
$ 7.00 PER MONTH.
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, July 31, 2006
Yep, it's based on the water amount. People have been lining up at the Sewer Board because all of a sudden citizens with swimming pools didn't read the legals and didn't realize what was going to happen to their sewer/water bill.
Definitely. Hope that helps.
Anonymous, at 9:52 AM, July 31, 2006
If we have some of the highest rates in the State of Indiana, how did they lose "sewer revenue" for the past two years? Just answer me that question, I gotta know. All the new construction with tap-ins (which are suppose to be in a non-reverting fund - Council's orders), what gives?
How does your revenue GO DOWN FOR TWO YEARS? You aren't collecting? More buds not having to pay? Our family, for one, is so tired of the free-flushers.
We feel if they can not walk those list of delinquents down to the Auditor and Treasurer's office (for free of charge), and the list handed to these County officials to be put on their tax bills as a lien, is the lamest excuse they have.
There's an idea. Ask the County Treasurer which Council members worked with the Treasurer on delinquents in the past when they did get some of 'em down there. Good question -- let's see who finds out. We know who works for us as citizens and who tries to do the right thing. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 9:57 AM, July 31, 2006
Yes-- your Sewer Bill is based on usage. Go to the City Code on the
internet and see the Sewer Rate info that shows your bill is based on usage.
The fellow who said that the Mayor's
requested Sewer Rate Increase may be just the minimum of $6.00 or $7.00 per month, and not that bad. Perhaps, he does not take too many showers.
But--- what about of a family with 3 or 4 children ? The new rate increase could be a real jump for them.
Anonymous, at 1:20 PM, July 31, 2006
My outrage comes from the fact they SHOULD NOT get a sewer hike. They did not do what they agreed to with the Federal and State governments and now want to lay it back at rate payers feet.
Let us get this right -- spending $80,000,000 on this little town and now this Administration needs more to "really" fix the problems is okay with you. It certainly is not with our family.
New Albany Potty Police, hold your heads high. After attending all of those meets all of these years and getting out and learning how this City operates, try and have a sense of humour this Administration truly feels they can lay this at both of your feets. So, Garner, two broads off the street can get it right, but you can't? What a joke.
Should have stuck with your original story which was "I don't think this "Plan" will work. Well, guess what? It didn't.
Where are the Surety Bonds from the BIG Engineers involved with this so-called "Plan", Mayor? That would be another way you can secure more funding for the sewer department, especially seeing your seem to be losing revenue after ALL THAT DEVELOPMENT.
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM, July 31, 2006
highwayman you have the IQ of an ashtray! Because you do not have your facts right. How can you buy all this misinformation you are getting.
Anonymous, at 4:51 PM, July 31, 2006
and who has all the facts professor, i mean innkeeper erik?
Anonymous, at 5:09 PM, July 31, 2006
I really don't want to open up the anonymous can of worms again, but hide behind the sheets comments like the anon @4:51 makes me wonder to myself why you or I even try withsome of these folks.
Nevertheless, I will continue to do so only because I trust that with some, on some level, reason will triumph over displaced emotion. It must for us to have a snowballs chance in hell of affecting any change for the better at all in our city's current condition.
Having said that, yes children, our sewer rate is based on how much water we use from one meter reading to the next. The more water used, the higher the bill for that month. For my family that is around $37 per month.
This means my bill would increase to around $39 in year one, $41 in year two and $44 in year three.
Understand that these figures are based on my current usage. Should I elect to run my yard sprinkler for two hours a day for 15 days, my bill will increase proportionate to the extra water I used.
Now as to why the sewer utility's income is not up to snuff for the past few years should be obvious. The cost of operating the system has gone up and everything costs more today than it did three years ago. Fuel, electricity, chemicals to treat the water, and the list goes on. However, neither the rate per customer, nor the number of customers has increased enough to keep up with the costs of operation.
We were all paying around $1.60 per gal. for gasoline a year ago. Now we're paying $3 for that same gallon. Do we like it? NO! Do we have a choice? NO, not if we want to continue to go to work and feed our families. Finding a way to buy the gas is the lesser of the evils.
The same goes for this 19% rate increase proposal. It is the lesser of the evils. I'd rather not have the State of Indiana nor the fools in Washington DC decide for me what it's going to cost me to flush my toilet!
And finally, to the matter of using TIF, EDIT, Riverboat funds, and budget cuts to offset the increase.
If we rape these funds like we have the sewer utility all these years, someone please tell me where we are going to get the monies for any other debacle that may befall us! Talk about the lack of a rainy day fund. This is insanity!
On the other hand, if we institute this rate increase and LEAVE THE MONEY IN THE SEWER UTILITY where it belongs, the level of income should be enough to satisfy the current needs of the system as well as the EPA.
Having said that, I realize that someone is going to go off on the word SHOULD. To these folks I say there are no guarantees in life only calculated risks based on factual information.
If anyone has a better mouse trap, based on facts and reality, now's the time to bring it forward 'cause the clock is ticking. But PLEASE, for the sake of all, have the courage, integrity, and strength of character to own it!
Highwayman, at 7:07 PM, July 31, 2006
Please know there is a Sewer Board meeting at 3:30. At 5:30, 3rd Floor, City-County Building, there is a Council Workshop discussing SEWER PROJECTS and the RATE HIKES.
We urge all citizens that are able to attend. At the last sewer board meeting we were told there six or seven overflows. There is now a new "overflow" link we will be providing, and instead of those six or seven overflows we had 12 on the 14th of July.
300 E Daisy was slammed again. The City is responsible for coming out and cleaning up the messes and putting lime down. Didn't happen.
We'll get back to you with the new link for the State showing the overflows; the only problem now is they aren't showing locations (which they did before). Hmmmmmmmmm.
Anonymous, at 12:37 AM, August 01, 2006
Highwayman -
Indeed it becomes very frustrating at times when some folks just seem to want to argue no matter what.
There will always be that element, but for the rest of the folks, we press on.
Your arguments are good ones, and it's obvious that you have put a lot of thought into your position.
However, if we keep swallowing rate increases as the necessary costs that ratepayers must bear, without asking questions, we will be the ones getting "raped".
Too many administrations have diverted monies out of sewers and into other areas of various city departments leaving the public to pick up the tab for bad management.
I must agree with the NAPP comment that we the public, have paid again and again for repairs that were supposed to have been done long ago.
Still, you have hit the bullseye when you say, "LEAVE THE MONEY IN THE SEWER UTILITY", and this is one of the MAJOR reasons we are in the spot we are in now.
The sewer fund has been the favorite slush fund for far too long.
Finally, when Garner was told last year to cut the budget by $1.2 million, he instead borrowed and shifted funds to make up the difference, and I feel this was the beginning of our final demise.
East Ender, at 1:59 AM, August 01, 2006
There is an EXCELLENT article over at Freedom of Speech
There is also interesting info over at Floyd County Democrat
Check them out!
East Ender, at 2:08 AM, August 01, 2006
The NEW link, EastEnder, to check for New Albany's SSO's, from the State (which has mysteriously disappeared from your links) is:
City on record just recently we only had six or seven SSOs. This web site says we had 12. Guess that's why SOMEONE has to go the **** meetings. They lie, they simply lie. Yet we are required by law to answer the telephone downtown (which we are paying EMC GOOD MONIES to do same), and yet, when citizens called in that July 18th, they got a private call service that stopped taking names and simply said EMC couldn't do anything. Of course, EMC denies this; but there are residents whom know better -- coz they tried to call.
Can you tell me why EMC even needs an Answering Service to take our calls; as much monies as we pay them they should be on call 24-7. Do you think they don't know when it's going to rain? Or do they simply ignore citizens and keep thinking we are going to go away?
Hope you can link us to this website, EastEnder. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 4:22 AM, August 01, 2006
Well, that link just didn't come through at all. To get it, I will leave the first part http://www off - let's see
Anonymous, at 4:24 AM, August 01, 2006
Sounds like the Citizens4Accountability have real issues with the Mayor and Redevelopement.
Class Action Suit?
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM, August 01, 2006
Congratulations to Lloyd Wimp for being appointed to the CHODO Board.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM, August 01, 2006
Looks like the Mayor has a new puppet, Dan Coffey. Democrats beware. What's in it for Dan?
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM, August 01, 2006
I can't believe what I am reading this morning. Do you really mean that Coffey is now working for that Mayor?
What kind of a deal is this?
I can't remember the exact quote, but, there is a saying about
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM, August 01, 2006
Go for it, Coffey.
I am sure that the Mayor and the rest of the Progressives will welcome you with open arms.
The West Enders have always trusted and supported you, but, this sure is
disappointing news that we now hear.
Anonymous, at 10:14 AM, August 01, 2006
I believe the quote is, "Politics makes for strange bedfellows"
how true, how sad
Anonymous, at 12:05 PM, August 01, 2006
What's the update? The "strange bedfellows" thing is going over my head. Did Garner appoint Coffey to something?
Anonymous, at 12:38 PM, August 01, 2006
Maybe Dan's response would be "whichever way the wind is blowing today". Looks bad, Dan. Sounds bad, too. Trust me, I'd be careful. Politics do make for strange bedfellows. If I felt like it, I'd Google it and find out the origin.
Anonymous, at 1:56 PM, August 01, 2006
Who raised the amount for Scribner higher than the amount Council was volunteering? Didn't the resolution have to be amended because of Dan's actions? And you are just now figuring out where Dan's loyalties lie? Speaking of "strange bedfellows", you may also need to know who you are in bed with. We know. We've been trying to tell you for a long, long time. If I wasn't so tired, maybe I could manage a chuckle.
Today - 3:30 Sewer Bd Meeting, 3rd Fl City County Bldg
Today - 5:30 Special City Council meeting; Agenda including projects still needing to be done; sewer rate hikes; financials; etc. Be there or be square. (Just a little attempt at humour there!)
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM, August 01, 2006
Can you believe Garner cut monies from the Crimes against children? That says alot about a family man who was little ones. Talk about "Shame on You!"
Yell I hear dan's going to get parks equipment for 7th Street Park? Bet he sold his vote for that stuff!
Message to Dan Coffey have you forgotten your up for re-election next year. And believe me you don't continue to kiss the Mayor's ass. Because your both paid for!
Anonymous, at 5:13 PM, August 01, 2006
Anyone interested in being involved in a lawsuit against the City over Scribner Place?
Anonymous, at 7:27 PM, August 01, 2006
oh sure all plaintiffs listed as anonymous and professor erik, what a bunch of buffons
Anonymous, at 7:31 PM, August 01, 2006
7,9,11 Million Dollars? Sounds like fuzzy math to me? Hey, Jimmy I hear you need to rent out part of your Office?
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM, August 01, 2006
Not exactly on topic but it has something to do with the city's financial mess. There is a good update on Scribner Place over at NA Unrestricted
Anonymous, at 9:19 PM, August 01, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, August 01, 2006
The CJ didn't attend tonight's meeting nor todays sewer board.
The Tribune reporter did.
We are therefore offering our take of what happened, with our sources verified 3 different ways.
Mr. Seabrook, rather than resign, made a motion for the Sewer Board to be re-organized in September; the Mayor will get his raise; the City Council members will no longer be on board, free of charge. In our opinion, this is one hell of a political move. Why didn't you just resign and spill your guts? Why do you feel this will help your campaign for County Commissioner? It won't. At least, that's our opinion.
Do you know why? The County doesn't want sewers and guess what? We can't handle our own and they know it and we know it. The County knows about the missing EDIT monies -- we told them.
Thank you for giving Garner his raise; which isn't deserved. Thank you for defending his mismanagement of the sewer funds. Thank you Mr. Seabrook.
The next topic would involve the million(s) in delinquent sewer bills (the free-flushers); which Fifer claims is only 1% of our revenue. Unfortunately for this City, we were told we were losing $2 million a year in revenue and you can't tell me why. Remeber all of the "talk" about if you want the information, all you have to do is go to the Controller's office? Well, Price stated he and Kaye went through the sewer figures; he watched her do the calculations and twice M.,A.,&Tucker said Kaye was WRONG BY TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Ya know, I still think it is illegal to outsource our City's financials.
A new game up now is that Tina Haley (who works with Chas Hunter over in the Drainge Department with Buddy Norton at the Street Dept Building on 4th St and handles sewer credits and drainage issues) is going to be used to handle delinquents -- except there is no space for her in the building. Therefore someone's comment arose from the fact the Mayor was asked to share his office space and he didn't appreciate it, no sir.
Let's use our heads here, collectively, and answer this question. Do you not feel a report created by either the City, or more likely Indiana American, showing the delinquents and Kelly WALKING THEM DOWN TO THE AUDITOR'S OFFICE FOR FILING (WHICH IS FREE) might be a litle bit cheaper than hiring Tina to do it at her current $34,000.00 per year? Honestly. No malice here, only a need to understand...We like her.
The news will probably also break about the EPA investigation, seeing Garner brought up his meeting with "them" today at tonight's meeting. He maintained this investigator is only interested in the SRF monies, but other Council members told him they were asked about various sundry items. He didn't appear to be surprised. We feel he already knew.
Call us roving reporters, admitting we are going on hearsay. We'll see how much of it is true, won't we? Ya'll take care now.
Anonymous, at 12:16 AM, August 02, 2006
Seems to me that it's CM Seabrook who has made some kind of deal.
Making the motion to reorganize the sewer board, thus allowing Jimmy an increase in pay (ugh), plays right into the hands of an administration that is trying desperately to get a tighter grip on sewer department happenings.
Isn't this kind of like abandoning a sinking ship?
Or, was it torpedoed?
Anyway, Seabrook is apparently ready to run for hills like everyone else, only it remains to be seen what kind of reception he will be getting.
Meanwhile, CM Price is digging in and asking for info from the controller about Budget matters, then he's being told by an outside accounting firm that she's got it all wrong!
Who are those people, and why do they have the City's financials?
I also wonder why CM Donnie isn't asking for info about the Street Departments sudden tumble from grace?
How does a little 'ole department suddenly start losing an extra $300K a year for the last 2 years?
Do you think if Jimmy had told us that privatizing the Sanitation Dept. would lead to staggering losses in the Street Dept. for picking up the slack, that folks would have still thought it was a good idea?
And he now wants to buy another truck!!!
Hasn't this worked out as just shifting about half the annual losses from sanitation to the street dept.?
And because the Sewer monies have been helping to support the Street Dept., those losses have trickled down to what they are now calling, "lost revenue".
Are we to think that enough people have fled New Albany to offset the massive new developments that have been occurring in the fringe areas?
How on earth do they come up with "lost revenues"?
It just gets stranger and stranger.
Just my take on things....
East Ender, at 4:58 AM, August 02, 2006
east ender,
Are they cooking our books again?
Our tax dollars are paying for everytime one of those idiots stands up and speaks. They have been hired by... yep you guessed it... JIMMY!
Kay Garry has the nerve to attack Valla Ann Bolovschak with her figures.
Shame on you Kay.
And now Kay and this adminstration is wondering where the 4 Million dollars is?
I will put my last nickle on Valla Ann's numbers how about you?
And now they are questioning her figures? As they say "Paybacks are hell." Talk about a creditability problem with this Adminstration.
Could it be the disease to please the Boss? Or is it just covering the mayor's ass?
Just try to get some information out of the 3rd floor and see what happens?
You have to fill out a form. Every form is checked by guess who?
They will tell you they are to busy to do it now. Put your phone number on the form and they will get back to you.
True story: A certain Council Member was required to fill out a form. Can you believe that? A week had passed and the Councilman recieved a letter from the City telling our Councilman the person is going on vacation and they will have to wait til they get back!
Again what do they have to hide?
Since Marcy reads the blogs every morning. And then reports to her boss the Mayor. (Which her and others have forgotten they work for us, we sign her paycheck) They all need to understand this:
Always remember our so called elected-officials when you piss off taxpayers they will go and seek the truth.
And believe me they will get the information!
Jimmy share his office? He would put a secuity system in to keep everyone from getting in there.
If he was smart he would start packing boxes now!
Concerned Taxpayer
Anonymous, at 7:20 AM, August 02, 2006
At least he doesnt report stolen furniture etc and then store it conveniently somewhere else, gotcha
Anonymous, at 8:31 AM, August 02, 2006
Welcome back Concerned Taxpayer!
Yes, I was there at the Council meeting when Kay questioned Valla Ann's numbers.
I was also there last night when someone questioned Kay's figures. Mr. Price and Kay had calculated the sewer receipts at 11MIL for this year. The Umbaugh representative said that those numbers are impossible. He calculated the receips at 9.9MIL.
Guess it just depends on who you choose to listen to. Time will tell.
Loved the comment a Councilman made about the Mayor's office. I have never had the honor of seeing his office but it must be impressive. For those not present the comment was concerning an employee who will be in charge of delinquent sewer bills. It was suggested that she could work out of the Mayor's office since he did not need all of that space. Mr. Garner turned 10 shades of red and responded that Mrs. Overton had remodeled the office, not him.
The laughter was a pleasant respite from such a serious meeting.
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM, August 02, 2006
wrong again, Bill SCHMIDT Suggested he share office space and said so with a smirk on his face knowing full well that no mayor has ever had to share office space with anyone. The Mayor stated that it was Regina who remodeled at the cost of $16,000 and that if the council wanted to allocate funds to accomodate another person he would but that he did not intend to spend the taxpayers money remodeling his office. Maybe Councilman Schmidt as a gesture of his frugal ways could offer the bill collector space in his house or maybe at Holy Family
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM, August 02, 2006
Bill Schmidt's wasting his chair. If he wants to snipe at someone for the size of their office and not say anything else the rest of the meeting, he can do that pro bono as a resident instead of taking a councilman's salary. Coffey and Price are disingenuous grandstanders, but at least they do some stuff.
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM, August 02, 2006
Hey Ali (alias John Stossell -- gimme me a break), Umbaugh was the one saying Kaye's numbers were wrong. Sorry you didn't catch that in your reading earlier.
The fact they need to hire someone (who already works for us and is paid out of SEWERS) to simply walk a report downstairs to the Auditor's office and file the liens against the freeflushers frustrated several Council members and definitely some taxpayers (what a joke). It was said because the idea is ludicrous and simply another bunch of monies being thrown out the window. They've decided she'll work now four hours for the sewer delinquents and four hours on "stormwater".
Please, get your sense of humor back...then again, respect is earned -- not given.
Personally, I'd like to see some out of this Mayor, towards ANYTHING (he's only lied to a bunch of people). That would be our opinion for the day.
Anonymous, at 12:59 PM, August 02, 2006
Please leave Bill Schmidt alone. The comment to the Mayor about his office space was not his only comment. He asked Mr. Umbaugh several times about the delinquent sewer bills and commented that no liens had been filed since 11/05.
I agree the idea of "hiring" someone who already works for the sewer dept is ludicrous. Why does she need additional office space anyway? What is she going to do run from one office to another?
Mr. Schmidt was just trying to break up the tension in the room. Give HIM a break already.
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, August 02, 2006
how come bill S should be "left alone" when EE devoted an entire post to slamming Blevins?
Seriously I'd really be interested to know the reasoning.
The double-standards here are fabulous.
Anonymous, at 1:50 PM, August 02, 2006
Ali must not watch the Daly show at 8 pm nor the Colbert Report at 8:30 on the Comedy Channel. The segment on John Stossell was sooooo funny. After watching some of his actions from "their" perspective, I kind of lost a little respect for John and his "gimme me a break".
Great shows! Toooo funny. Different perspective on life. Our opinions, only.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM, August 02, 2006
What did you mean by "Trustworthiness" "Please"
Are you trying to say Mr. Schmidt is not trustworthy?
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM, August 02, 2006
well schmidts information is usually wrong, where does he get it from professor erik
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, August 02, 2006
Some one said that the Clerk, Marcey,
reads the blogs and reports blog info to the Mayor.
Well-- you just watch the budget talks, and I'll bet that the Mayor will request a new employee to read the blogs and to respond for him. We sure all want to pay for his political campaign.
Anonymous, at 2:39 PM, August 02, 2006
I know I'm going to regret this but I gotta ask.
How does reorganizing the sewer board equate a raise for the mayor.
I sat thru both meetings last evening from beginning to end and unless I dozed off at some point, I'm damned if I heard anything either by outright declaration or by implication to that effect.
PLEASE explain!
Highwayman, at 2:53 PM, August 02, 2006
At which funeral home will you be laid out? (smile)
Iamhoosier, at 3:15 PM, August 02, 2006
Take a good long look at the new "proposed budget" for the "new sewer board".
P.S. Do any of you realize everytime you call people on here names, you are tearing at the very fabric of New Albany; which you claim you despise that very thing being done (because it hurts the progression of New Albany)? Bunch of hypocrites.
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM, August 02, 2006
eeehhh where did highwayman call anyone a name?
Anonymous, at 4:00 PM, August 02, 2006
Little progress on New Albany sewer finances
New Albany sewer manager proposed
from the New Albany Tribune
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, August 02, 2006
Were you a reporter for the Tribune when Doug England was Mayor?
Anonymous, at 5:15 PM, August 02, 2006
You democrats better be more concerned about deals Dan Coffey cuts more than trying to trash Councilman Schmidt!
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, August 02, 2006
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM, August 02, 2006
G. Coyle
Bankrupt? Where have you been. It is very easy to sit at a computer key board and spout off. Talk is cheap little newcomer.Maybe you need to put a spell on the Mayor.
Roger Baylor
Your worried about rats? Is that the pot calling the kettle black? Since you enjoy certain people throwing you crumbs.
Sewer Fee Increase & Budget
What part did you play as Councilman Mr. Goldberg in regards to all these problems?
Your voting record shows you voted against a sewer raise.
Your voting record should be looked at!
You are sounding more like Garner when he was on Council.
(It's different now that your a private citizen)
Wow you defending Kay. From my memory you threw several cheap shots at her when you worked for the paper?
Hasn't "The Gary" taught you nothing yet?
I remember when Mayor Overton tried to get you fired off the newspaper.
You need to re-read some of your old articles where you knocked James Garners voting record and etc. I guess you like Baylor have seen the real "King James" you love and support.
Freedom of Speech (Erik) keep dodging them bullets, and keep that positive attitude. Keep giving the facts. Keep these people wondering what is coming next. (unlike these other blogs)
Your a real walking book of information on the goings on in New Albany.
My only question for you is how you sway from each side of an issue. And not make a real stand.
Are you one of the little people you seem to try to defend? And would you give us your definition of the "little people" of New Albany?
Anonymous, at 6:17 PM, August 02, 2006
Now Garner wants a Sewer Manager? How pry tell are we going to make these bond payments?
Anonymous, at 9:10 PM, August 02, 2006
"Tell It Like It Is...." -- just love that song! Hang in there Blogtastic! Anxiously awaiting the definition of "little people", also.
Ha. Ha. Ha. Extremely enlightening and now we can get back to the issues where they made "hay" all day long from downtown.
"The clock is about to stop ticking". That clock stopped ticking back in August of '05.
There is a lot of information getting ready to come out, and I for one am ready.
Don't worry about what "they" said about those tax abatements, Gina. They simply do not want you to know or see how tax abatements are in this fair City. Keep up the good work. Tax abatements bother a lot of taxpayers; you; me; the County; and the State says the impact on the General Fund is what is actually killing us.
As long as we know and have the facts and laws supporting us and we know we are right; this is simply smoke and mirrors and what I like to call "ground clutter".
Take care, New Albany. Better days are a coming.
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, August 02, 2006
Maybe we need to go back and check what SOLNA wrote about little people. Deal?
Anonymous, at 11:20 PM, August 02, 2006
After a full day and night of computer problems, I am finally back on line.
The discussions here have been quite lively and somewhat confrontational on several issues.
I have lots of things I want to comment on and I have a message for all from CM Dan Coffey.
I will elaborate later, but suffice it to say that he denies all charges of any deal making or bargining with Garner, and adamantly states that his position on budget matters has not been compromised.
More later, after some much needed sleep!
Anonymous, at 4:44 AM, August 03, 2006
Sounds like Councilman Coffey is going to try and justify the deals he's cutting with the mayor. Let's watch a real spin-mister at work.
Anonymous, at 7:19 AM, August 03, 2006
To Professor Erik, the water lines are not part of the sanitary sewer system, the line that collapsed on 15th street you refer to. That would be the resposibility of Indiana American Water not the sewer utility.
Anonymous, at 7:20 AM, August 03, 2006
and dear professor do you back a sewer rate increase to fix the sewer problems?
Anonymous, at 7:23 AM, August 03, 2006
bogtastic & others questioning the definition of little people:
Little people are not judged by their height or income level.
Some little people are college educated and choose to remain in our sleepy little hamlet and contribute to the community.
Other little people are hard working wealthy people who were either born here or moved from other areas and decided to stay and maybe start a business. They help the less fortunate and also work for the community.
There are also the working class little people who maybe live paycheck to paycheck. They pay their taxes and are proud of their homes and their accomplishments. They also help the community and join neighborhood associations and other civic organizations.
Finally there are the retired little people. They may be wealthy or not but they also volunteer in the community and continue to contribute.
All of these people want a voice in our community. They work hard and most have been here all of their lives.
Our Mayor is also a lifelong New Albanian whose family has been contributing to this community for generations. Sometimes it seems that he forgets this fact. Ditto for some of our other elected officials.
So, blogtastic I don't know if you consider yourself a little person or not but it does not matter. You always seen to have a handle on the direction this city is going.
I am not really a label person. I think people should all be equal and treated as such. Someone coined the term little people after others called themselves progressives. This may have been done to prevent being called regressives or something stupid like that.
I hope this was helpful.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM, August 03, 2006
The article on FOS did make the distinction between the water and sewer lines.
The problem remains that all of the water & sewer lines under our streets are still in disrepair.
As to the Indiana Water Co. we just contract to them. I don't think they actually own the lines.
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM, August 03, 2006
Check the Monthly Sewer Reports from EMC, located in the Library downtown, and see how many times and how much monies we have spent trying to fix the very area they are at 15th. Everyone wants to leave out the fact about a giant sink hole there. Let's put it this way -- if I had to look back at ALL THE MONIES EMC has spent there through Stumler and other contractors -- you may find we could have replaced the entire main and street. Nothing new going on in this area. It's all in black and white.
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM, August 03, 2006
better check Indiana American Water company web site, they are regulated by Indiana Regulatory commission and they (Indiana American Water) have full legal liability for any water lines where they provide service, sorry but you cant pin a water main collapse on Mayor Garner Professor.
Do us a favor Prof, dont try to talk about something you know nothing about.
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, August 03, 2006
There are problems in that area, there have always been problems in that area -- with temporary fixes; and we assume there will always be problems in this area.
Did you know NAHS was built on a giant sink hole? Did you know they were ordered to put so much "cason?" (not sure of the spelling) in order to fill this hole and only used 1/2 of what they were ordered to? Did you know we found the back side of NAHS wasn't even on sewers and there was all kinds of waste UNDERNEATH THE SCHOOL while students were attending?
Nah, I bet ya didn't -- most of ya. But don't worry; NAHS is completely on the sewers now; can't tell you any updates about that sinkhole. Sorry.
Anonymous, at 4:27 PM, August 03, 2006
anon at 4:27, I bet that was mayor garners idea too!
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, August 03, 2006
2005 Indiana Water- aTa council meeting it was brought out about the hydrant fee. And we as taxpayers were informed that until the fire dept. was called and their hose attached to the fire hydrant they would not know if it worked or not! Meaning if your friggin home was on fire you better hope there is water going to come out.
This is also a contract deal with the city. So you better think long and hired when you judge FOS. It is Indiana Water who should have there contract jerked out from under them. For 88 million dollars we ahould have all new pipes running all over this city. Water and sewage and everything else!
Anonymous, at 4:53 PM, August 03, 2006
There was nothing mentioned about that being "Mayor Garner's idea", too. Reading comprehension a problem for you? We just asked if people knew what was going on around them in town. You have a problem with that?
Anonymous, at 9:13 PM, August 03, 2006
again the water lines have nothing to do with the sewer lines, for one thing most water mains are less than 5 feet deep and most saintary sewer lines are 8 feet and deeper so explain to me how a water main burst has anything to do with the mayors responsibilty or the sewer boards?
Is that particular section of 15th street unstable yes primarily due to soils and karst, but is the professor willing to endorse a sewer rate hike to take care of this and other infrastructure issues? hell no he/she just wants to call the mayor corrupt, inept and to blame for the crumbling infrastructure, meanwhile touting the schmidt/price plan of band aiding it with TIF and EDIT.
Pure politics professor and you know it, of course as a political science professor that is your forte.
Anonymous, at 10:43 PM, August 03, 2006
Glad to see we have a so called "expert" on this blog telling us all about infrastructure of New Albany. Maybe you can meet with the Mayor and fix this mess.
Anonymous, at 11:08 PM, August 03, 2006
nah you got your potty police troublemakers
Anonymous, at 11:10 PM, August 03, 2006
To whomever is putting up the links to the Tribune articles:
(perhaps should be called "Fibune")
Come out, come out, whoever you are.......
It's obvious you're trying to save face for the local "paper", so we have a pretty good idea of who you are (so sad).
Here's the rule:
If you want to put up links in this blog you must do so under your own name, or with my permission.
Or, of course, you could always purchase advertising space if that's what you're looking for.
East Ender, at 9:40 AM, August 04, 2006
Don't you just hate that anonymity thing?
The New Albanian, at 10:35 AM, August 04, 2006
Hate that abuse of the use.
East Ender, at 11:22 AM, August 04, 2006
Fibune. You're a stone cold riot, Laura.
And don't bother posting a message "from Dan Coffey"; we want to hear it from the horse's mouth.
Anonymous, at 11:25 AM, August 04, 2006
rob sartel kicked valla ann's ass in the tribune today what you have to say about that erik?
Anonymous, at 4:59 PM, August 04, 2006
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